Amendment 3

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jftLVªh laö Mhö ,yö&33004@99 REGD. NO. D. L.


Hkkx III—[k.M 4
PART III—Section 4
izkf/dkj ls izdkf'kr
la- 201] ubZ fnYyh] lkseokj] ebZ 16] 2016@oS'kk[k 26] 1938
No. 201] NEW DELHI, MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016/ VAISAKHA 26, 1938

dsUæh; fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx

ubZ fnYyh] 06 ebZ] 2016
ofovk-&dsUæh; fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx] fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 dh /kkjk 178 ds v/khu
çnÙk 'kfDr;ksa rFkk bl fufeÙk lkeF;Zdkjh lHkh vU; 'kfDr;ksa dk ç;ksx djrs gq, rFkk iwoZ çdk'ku ds i'pkr~] dsUnzh; fo|qr
fofu;ked vk;ksx ¼fopyu O;oLFkkiu ra= ,oa lac) ekeys½ fofu;e] 2014 ¼ftls blds i“pkr~ ^ewy fofu;e* dgk x;k gS½dk
la'kks/ku djus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr fofu;e cukrk gS] vFkkZr~%&
1- laf{kIr uke rFkk
rFkk çkjaHk%
¼1½ bu fofu;e dk laf{kIr uke dsUnzh; fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx ¼fopyu O;oLFkkiu ra= ,oa lac) ekeys½ ¼r`rh;
la'kks/ku½ fofu;e] 2015 gSA
¼2½ ;s fofu;e 30-5-2016 lss ço`Ùk gksaxsA
2- ewyfofu;e ds fofu;e 2 dk la'kks/ku%
¼1½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 2 ¼1½ ¼t½ ds uhps fuEufyf[kr ijUrqd tksMk+ tk,xk%
ÞijUrq ;g fd fopyu]lacf/kr vkj,yMhlh@vkjihlh }kjk çknsf'kd bdkb;ksa ds fy, fd;k tk,xk ftls
,l,yMhlh }kjk jkT; ds vUnj lfUufgr fofHkUu bdkb;ksa dks çnku fd;k tk,xkAß
¼2½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 2¼1½ ds [k.M ¼M½ ds cknfuEufyf[kr [k.M tksMk+ tk,xk%
Þ¼M& ½^; le`) jkT;*ls
jkT;* s ,sls jkT; vfHkçsr gS ftldh iou rFkk lkSj ÅtkZ dh U;wure lfEefyr laLFkkfir
{kerk 1000 esxkokV ;k mlls vf/kd gSA
fVIi.k% vkxkeh ekl dh laLFkkfir {kerk dks fofuf“pr djus ds ç;kstu ds fy, ekl ds vafre fnu dks laLFkkfir
{kerk ds vk/kkj ij ekuh tk,xhAß
3- ewyfofu;e ds fofu;e 5 dk la'kks/ku%
¼1½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 5 ¼1½ ds ijUrqd ds [k.M (iii) ds LFkku ij] fuEufyf[kr j[kk tk,xk%
Þvuqlwph ds 12% ds vkf/kD; esa ;k 150 esxkokV] buesa tks Hkh de gS] fdlh le;&CykWd esa Øsrk }kjk de fudklh
ds fy, fopyu ds fy, çHkkj ¼; le`) jkT;ksa dks NksM+dj½ 'kwU; gksaxs%
2466 GI/2016 (1)

ijUrq ;g fd ;fn fdlh le; CykWd esa Øsrk dh vuqlwph ¼; le`) jkT;ksa dks NksM+dj½ 400 esxkokV ls de
;k cjkcj gS rks 48 esxkokV ds vkf/kD; esa de fudklh ds fy, fopyu gsrq çHkkj 'kwU; gksaxs%
ijUrq ;g fd vuqca/k&III esa fofufnZ"V lhekvksa ds vkf/kD; esa; le`) jkT; }kjk de fudklh ds fy,
fopyu 'kwU; gksxkAß
¼2½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 5¼1½ ds ijUrqd ds [k.M (iv) ds LFkku ij fuEufyf[kr j[kk tk,xk%
Þfdlh le; Cykd esa vuqlwph ds 12% ds vkf/kD; esa ;k 150 esxkokV] buesa tks Hkh de gks] foØsrk ¼;
le`) jkT;ksa dks NksM+dj½ }kjk vf/kd vUr%{ksi.k ds fy, fopyu gsrq çHkkj buQeZ ÅtkZ ds vUr%{ksi.k ds ekeys dks
NksM+dj] ftlsbl fofu;e ds [k.M ¼5½ }kjk 'kkflr fd;k tk,xk] 'kwU; gksxk%
ijUrq ;g fd ;fn fdlh le; CykWd esa foØsrk ¼; le`) jkT;ksa dks NksM+dj½ dh vuqlwph 400 esxkokV ls
de ;k cjkcj gS] rks 48 esxkokVds vkf/kD; esa vf/kd vUr%{ksi.k ds fy, fopyu gsrq çHkkj 'kwU; gksxk%
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd vuqca/k&III esa ;FkkfofuZfn"V lhekvksa ds vkf/kD; esa fdlh le; Cykd esa; le`) jkT;ksa
}kjk vf/kd vUr%{ksi.k ds fy, fopyu gsrq çHkkj 'kwU; gksxkA
ijUrq ;g Hkh fd iou ,oa lkSj mRikndksa tks çknsf'kd bdkb;ka gSa] ds fy, fopyu gsrq çHkkjksadks bl fofu;e ds
mi[k.M ¼V½ ls ¼VII) }kjk 'kkflr fd;k tk,xkA
4- ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7 dk la'kks/ku%
¼1½ ¼; le`) jkT;ksa dks NksM+dj½ 'kCn] ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7¼1½ ds ijUrqdksa dks NksM+dj fofu;e
7¼1½ esa 'kCn ^Øsrk* ds ckn tksM+s tk,axsA
¼2½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7 ¼1½ ds çFke ijUrqd ds iwoZ fuEufyf[kr ijUrqd tksMk+ tk,xkA
ÞijUrq ;g fd le; CykWd ds nkSjku fdlh; le`) jkT; }kjk fo|qr dh vf/kd fudklh@de
fudklh vuqca/k&III esa ;FkkfofufnZ"V lhekvksa ls vf/kd ugha gksxh] tc fxzM ckjackjrkÞ 49-70 ,p tsM vkSj
vf/kd rFkk 50-10 ,p tsM ls de gSß
¼3½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7¼1½ ds v/khu fuEufyf[kr ijUrqd dk yksi fd;k tk,xk%
ÞijUrq ;g fd fofu;e 7 ds v/khu ;Fkk fu/kkZfjr fopyu ek=k dh lhekvksa rFkk bu lhekvksa dks ikj djus
ds ifj.kkeksa ¼fopyu ds fy, vfrfjDr çHkkj lfgr½ iou ,oa ÅtkZ mRikndksa ds fy, ykxw ugha gksaxs tks
çknsf'kd bdkb;ka gSaßA
¼4½ Þ@de fudklhß 'kCnksa dks ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7¼1½ds v/khu ÞLi"Vhdj.kß esa 'kCnksa Þvf/kd fudklhß ds
ckn tksM+k tk,xkA
¼5½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7 ds [k.M ¼2½ ds LFkku ij] fuEufyf[kr j[kk tk,xk%
Þ¼2½ fo|qr dh de vUr%{ksi.k@vf/kd vUr%{ksi.k fuEufyf[kr ls vf/kd ugha gksxk tc fxzM ckjackjrk
Þ49-70 ,p tsM ;k vf/kd rFkk 50-10 ,p tsM ls de gSß%&
d½ Øsrk ¼; le`) jkT;ksa dks NksM+dj½ ds fy, vuqlwfpr vUr%{ksi.k dk 12% ;k 150
esxkokV] buesa tks Hkh de gSA
[k½; le`) jkT;ksa ds fy, vuqca/k&III esa ;FkkfofufnZ"V lhek,a%
ijUrq ;g fd
i½ ;fn fdlh le; CykWd esa foØsrk dh vuqlwph 400 esxkokV ls de ;k cjkcj gS rks fdlh le;
CykWd esa de de vUr%{ksi.k@vf/kd vUr%{ksi.k 48 esxkokV ls vf/kd ugha gksxk tc fxzM ckjackjrk Þ49-70
,p- tsM- ;k vf/kd rFkk 50-10 ,p- tsM- ls de gSß
ii½ ijUrq ;g fd fofu;e 7 ds v/khu ;Fkkfu/kkZfjr fopyu ek=k dh lhekvksa rFkk bu lhekvkssa dks ikj
djus ds ifj.kke ¼fopyu ds fy, vfrfjDr çHkkjksa dks 'kkfey djrs gq,½ iou ,oa ÅtkZ mRikndksa dks ykxw
ugha gksaxs] tks çknsf'kd bdkb;ka gSaA
iii½ ÞfoØsrk }kjk fo|qr dk dksbZ de vUr%{ksi.k vuqKs; ugha gksxk tc fxzM ckjackjrk Þ49-70 ,p-tsM
ls deß gS vkSj foØsrk }kjk fo|qr dkvf/kd vUr%{ksi.k vuqKs; ugha gksxk tc fxzM ckjackjrk Þ50-10 ,p-
tsM- vkSj vf/kd gSAÞ
iv½ ijh{k.k vkSj vkjaHk dh xbZ xfrfof/k;ksa ds nkSjku ;wfuV ds okf.kfT;d çpkyu dh rkjh[k ds iwoZ
mRiknu dsUæ }kjk fo|qr ;k fdlh bUQeZ vUr%{ksi.k dks N% eghus ls vuf/kd vof/k ds fy, mDr
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 3
fofufnZ’V ek=k lhek ls ;k la;kstdrk fofu;eksa ds vuqlkj vk;ksx }kjk vuqer foLrkfjr le; ls NwV
v½ LVkVZvi xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, ;wfuV ds okf.kfT;d çpkyu dh rkjh[k ls iwoZ mRiknu dsUæ }kjk
fo|qr dh dksbZ fudklh dks mDr fofufnZ’V ek=k lhek ls NwV gksxh tc fxzM ckjackjrk Þ49-70 ,p-tsM ls
vkSj vf/kdß gSA
¼6½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7¼3½ esa Þß 'kCnksa ds ckn ÞvkSj tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gksß 'kCnksa dks
tksM+k tk,xkA
¼7½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7 ¼3½ ds v/khu ds 'kh"kZd ds LFkku ij]ÞfoØsrk@Øsrk ¼; le`)
jkT; dks NksM+dj½ ds fy,ß j[kk tk,xkA
¼8½ ewy fofu;e ds fofue; 7 ¼3½ ds v/khu ds ckn fuEufyf[kr tksMh+ tk,xh% %; le`) jkT; ds fy,%
(i) fdlh le; Cykd esa ,y esxkokV ls vf/kd vkSj ,y+50 le; Cykd dh vkSlr fxzM ckjackjrk ds rRLFkkuh
esxkokV rd fo|qr dh vf/kd fudklh@de vUr%{ksi.k ds fopyu ds fy, çHkkj ds 20% ds lerqY;
(ii) fdlh le; Cykd esa ,y esxkokV ls vf/kd vkSj ,y+100 le; Cykd dh vkSlr fxzM ckjackjrk ds rRLFkkuh
esxkokV rd fo|qr dh vf/kd fudklh@de vUr%{ksi.k ds fopyu ds fy, çHkkj ds 40% ds lerqY;
(iii) fdlh le; Cykd esa ,y+100 esxkokV ls vf/kd fo|qr le; Cykd dh vkSlr fxzM ckjackjrk ds rRLFkkuh
dh vf/kd fudklh@de vUr%{ksi.k ds fy,A fopyu ds fy, çHkkj ds 100% ds lerqY; Þ,yÞ bufofu;eksa ds vuqca/k&III esa ;FkkfofufnZ"V gksxkA

¼9½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7 ¼3½ ds v/khu II ds uhps ijUrqd ds LFkku ij fuEufyf[kr j[kk tk,xk%
ÞijUrq ;g fd tc vuqlwph 400 esxkokV ls de ;k cjkcj gS rks fopyu ds fy, vfrfjDr çHkkj mijksDr
vkSj ds vuqlkj 400 esxkokV dh vuqlwph ds lanHkZ esa fudkyh xbZ fopyu dh çfr'krrk ij vk/kkfjr
¼10½ ewy fofu;e ds fofu;e 7¼5½ esa] Þvuqca/k&I vkSj vuqca/k&IIß 'kCnkas ds LFkku ij Þvuqca/k&I] vuqca/k&I&d vkSj
vuqca/k&II, vuqca/k&II&dß 'kCn j[ks tk,axsA
5- ewy fofue; ds vuqca/k&I k dk la'kks/ku%
¼1½ ewy fofu;e ds vuqca/k&I ds 'kh"kZd esa ÞØsrk@foØsrkÞ 'kCnksa ds ckn Þ¼; le`) jkT; dks NksM+dj½ß 'kCn
tksM+s tk,axsA
¼2½Þn`"Vkar Þdß 'kh"kZd okyh ds uhps fuEufyf[kr ijUrqd tksMk+ tk,xkA
ÞijUrq ;g fd tc vuqlwph 400 esxkokV ls de ;k cjkcj gS rks fopyu ds fy, vfrfjDr çHkkj 400 esxkokV dh
vuqlwph ds lanHkZ esa fudkyh xbZ fopyu dh çfr'krrk ij vk/kkfjr gksxkAß
¼3½ ewy fofu;e ds vuqca/k&I ds ckn ,d u;k vuqca/k vFkkZr~ vuqca/k&I&d tksMk+ tk,xkA
6- ewy fofue; ds vuqca/k& k&II dk la'kks/ku%
¼1½ ewy fofu;e ds vuqca/k&II ds 'kh"kZd esa ÞØsrk@foØsrkß 'kCnksa ds ckn]Þ¼; le`) jkT; dks NksM+dj½ß
'kCn tksM+sa tk,axsA
¼2½ ewy fofu;e ds vuqca/k&II ds iSjk d vkSj iSjk [k ds uhps]fuEufyf[kr ijUrqd tksMk+ tk,xk%
ÞijUrq ;g fd tc vuqlwph 400 esxkokV ls de ;k cjkcj gS rks vuqlwph ds 12%ij bl [k.M ds ç;kstu ds fy,
48 essxkokV ds :Ik esa fopkj fd;k tk,xkAß
¼3½ ewy fofu;e ds vuqca/k&II ds ckn] u;s vuqca/k] vFkkZr~ vuqca/k&II&d vkSj vuqca/k&III tksMsa+ tk,axsA
'kqHkk 'kekZ] lfpo
[foKkiu III@4@vlk-@82]

fVIi.k% ewy fofu;e] Hkkjr ds jkti=] vlk/kkj.k Hkkx III] [kaM 4] Øe la[;k 06] rkjh[k 07-01-2014 dks izdkf'kr fd, x,
Fks( mldk “kqf)i= Hkkjr ds jkti=] vlk/kkj.k] Hkkx III] [kaM 4] Øe la[;k 52 esa] rkjh[k 17-02-2014 dks çdkf“kr fd;k
x;k( ewy fofu;e ds çFke la'kks/ku dks Hkkjr ds jkti=] vlk/kkj.k] Hkkx III] [kaM 4] Øe la[;k 381] rkjh[k 31-12-2014 dks
çdkf“kr fd;k x;k vkSj f}rh; la“kks/ku Hkkjr ds jkti=] vlk/kkj.k] Hkkx III] [kaM 4] Øe la[;k 272] rkjh[k 10-08-2015 dks
çdkf'kr fd;k x;k FkkA
vuqca/k& Id
vf/kd fudklh@de vUr%{ksi.k ds fy, fofufnZ"V ek=k lhekvksa dks ikj djus ds fy,; le`) jkT;ksa gsrq ykxw
fopyu ds çHkkjksa vkSj fopyu ds vfrfjDr çHkkjksa dh lax.kuk ds fy, i)fr;ka
d- tc MhVhch vFkkZr~ esxkokV esa fdlh le; Cykd esa vuqlwph ls fopyu vuqca/k&III eas fofufnZ"V lhekvksa ls de gS
rksçR;sd le; Cykd easfopyu ds fy, lkekU; çHkkjksa ij çknsf'kd bdkb;ksa }kjk MhVhch lans; gksxk(
[k- tc MhVhch vFkkZr~ esxkokV esa fdlh le; Cykd esa vuqlwph ls fopyu vuqca/k&III esa fofufnZ"V lhekvksa ls vf/kd gS]
rks çR;sd le; Cykd esa
(i) Mh,y= MhVhch& ,y
,y = vuqca/k&III esa ;FkkfofufnZ"V lhek
Mh,y = çR;sd le; Cykd esa vuqca/k&III esa fofufnZ"V lhekvksa ds vkf/kD; esa fopyuA
(iii) MhVhch ds fy, rRLFkkuh fopyu ds fy, çHkkj fopyu ds lkekU; çHkkjksa ij çknsf'kd bdkb;ksa }kjklans; gksaxs( blds
vfrfjDr Mh,y ds fy, fopyu gsrq Js.khc) vfrfjDr çHkkj çR;sd LySc esa o`f)'khy fopyu ds fy, fopyu ds
çHkkj ds 20%] 40%] 100% dh nj ij] tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks] çfr'krrk dh n`f"V ;k esxkokV dh n`f"V ds vk/kkj ij
ek=k lhek dks ikj djus ds fy, vf/kd fudklh gsrq çknsf'kd bdkb;ksa }kjk lans; gksxkA bls fuEukuqlkj fn;k x;k
n`"Vkar fopyu ds fy, vfrfjDr çHkkj
MhVhch ,y esxkokV ls vf/kd vkSj ,y+50 esxkokV le; Cykd dh vkSlr fxzM ckjackjrk ds rRLFkkuh fopyu ds fy, 50x
rd gSA ¼MhVhch&,y½
MhVhch ,y+50 esxkokV ls vf/kd vkSj ,y+100 le; Cykd dh vkSlr fxzM ckjackjrk dsrRLFkkuh fopyu ds fy, 100x
esxkokV rd gSA ¼MhVhch&¼,y+50 ½½+2500½xçHkkj
MhVhch ,y+100 esxkokV ls vf/kd gSA le; Cykd dh vkSlr fxzM ckjackjrk dsrRLFkkuh fopyu ds fy, 250x
¼MhVhch&¼,y+100 ½½+7500½ xçHkkj
2- tgka fxzM ckjackjrk 49-7 ,ptsM ls de gS
MhVhch ds rRLFkkuh fopyu ds fy, çHkkj 824-04 iSls@fdyksokV ?k.Vs ij çknsf'kd bdkb;ksa }kjk lans; gkasxsA blds
vfrfjDr] MhVhch ds fy, fopyu gsrq vfrfjDr fopyu çHkkj 824-04 iSls@fdyksokV ?k.Vs ij çknsf“kd bdkb;ksa }kjk
lans; gksaxsA
k& &d
de fudklh@vf/kd vUr%{ksi.k ds fy, fofufnZ"V ek=k lhekvksa dks ikj djus ds fy,; le`) jkT;ksa gsrw
ykxwfopyu çHkkjksa vkSj fopyu
fopyu ds vfrfjDr çHkkjksa dh lax.kuk ds fy, i)fr;ka
d- tc MhVhch vFkkZr~ esxkokV esa fdlh le; Cykd esa vuqlwph ls fopyu vuqca/k&III es fofufnZ"V lhekvksa ls de gS rks
çR;sd le; Cykd esa MhVhchfopyu ds fy, lkekU; çHkkjksa ij çknsf'kd bdkbZ }kjk çkI; gksxkA
[k- tc MhVhch vFkkZr~ esxkokV esa fdlh le; Cykd esa vuqlwph ls vuqca/k&III esa ;FkkfofufnZ"V lhek ls vf/kd gS
(i) Mh,y = MhVhch& ,y
,y = vuqca/k&III esa ;FkkfofufnZ"V lhek
Mh,y = çR;sd le; Cykd esa vuqca/k&III esa fofufnZ"V lhekvksa ds vkf/kD; esa fopyuA
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 5
(iii) ,y ds fy, rRLFkkuh fopyu gsrq çHkkj fopyu ds lkekU; çHkkjksa ;k mPpre nj ij]buesa tks Hkh de
gks]çknsf'kd lÙkk }kjk çkI; gksaxs( çknsf'kd lÙkkMh,y ds fy, fdlh çkI; dh ik= ugha gksxhA
x- fopyu Mh,y ds fy, vfrfjDr çHkkj de fudklh@vf/kd vUr%{ksi.k ds fy, çknsf'kd bdkbZ }kjk lans; gkasxs tc
fxzM ckjackjrk bl fofu;e ds [k.M 7 ¼4½ ds vuqlkj 50-10 ,ptsM ;k vf/kd gSA
k&; le`) jkT;ksa ds fy, fopyu lhek,a
Ø-la- iou ,oa lkSj ifj;kstukvksa dh lfEefyr laLFkkfir {kerk okys fopyu lhek,a
1 1000&3000 esxkokV 200
2 >3000 esxkokV 250


New Delhi, the 6th May, 2016
No.–L-1/(3)/2009-CERC.—In exercise of powers conferred by section 178 of the Electricity Act,
2003 and all other powers enabling it in this behalf and after previous publication, the Central Electricity
Regulatory Commission, hereby makes the following regulations, to amend the Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters) Regulations, 2014 (hereinafter “Principal
1. Short Title and Commencement
(1) These regulations may be called the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement
Mechanism and related matters) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2016
(2) These regulations shall come into force with effect from 30.05.2016.
2. Amendment of Regulation 2 of the Principal Regulations:
(1) The following proviso shall be added below Regulation 2 (1) (h) of the Principal Regulations:
“Provided that deviation shall be calculated for the Regional Entities by the concerned RLDC/RPC which
shall be attributed to various entities embedded within the State by SLDC.”
(2) The following clause shall be added after clause (m) of Regulation 2(1) of the Principal Regulations:
“(m-i) Renewable Rich State means a State whose minimum combined installed capacity of wind and
solar power is 1000 MW or more.
Note: Combined installed capacity shall be reckoned on the basis of the capacity installed as on the last
day of the month for the purpose of deciding the installed capacity for the next month.
3. Amendment of Regulation 5 of the Principal Regulations:
(1) Clause (iii) of Proviso to Regulation 5(1) of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under:
"The charges for the deviation for under-drawals by the buyer (except Renewable Rich State) in a time
block in excess of 12% of the schedule or 150 MW, whichever is less, shall be zero.
Provided that in case schedule of a buyer (except Renewable Rich State) in a time block is less than or
equal to 400 MW, the charges for the deviation for the under-drawal in excess of 48 MW shall be zero
Provided further that Deviation for the under-drawal by the Renewable Rich State in excess of the limits
specified in Annexure-III shall be zero."
(2) Clause (iv) of Proviso to Regulation 5(1) of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under:

“The charges for the deviation for the over-injection by the seller (except Renewable Rich State) in a
time block in excess of 12% of the schedule or 150 MW, whichever is less, shall be zero, except in case
of injection of infirm power, which shall be governed by clause (5) of this regulation:
Provided that in case schedule of a seller (except Renewable Rich State) in a time block is less than or
equal to 400 MW, the charges for the deviation for the over-injection in excess of 48 MW shall be zero:
Provided further that charges for deviation for over-injection by a Renewable Rich State in a time block
in excess of limits as specified in Annexure-III shall be zero.
Provided also that charges for deviation for wind and solar generators which are regional entities, shall be
governed by sub-clauses (v) to (vii) of this regulation.
4. Amendment of Regulation 7 of the Principal Regulations:
(1) The words “(except Renewable Rich States)” shall be added after word "buyer" in Regulation
7(1), except in the provisos to Regulation 7(1) of the Principal Regulation.
(2) The following proviso shall be added before first proviso to regulation 7(1) of the Principal
"Provided that over-drawal/under-drawal of electricity by any Renewable Rich State during the
time block shall not exceed limits as specified in Annexure-III, when grid frequency is “49.70
Hz and above and below 50.10 Hz”
(3) The following proviso under Regulation 7 (1) of the Principal Regulations shall be deleted:
“Provided that the limits on deviation volume and consequences for crossing these limits
(including the additional charges for deviation) as stipulated under Regulation 7 shall not apply
to wind and solar generators which are regional entities.”
(4) The words "/under-drawal" shall be added after words "over-drawal" in "Explanation" under
Regulation 7(1) of the Principal Regulations.
(5) Clause (2) of Regulation 7 of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as under:
“(2) The under-injection / over-injection of electricity shall not exceed following when grid frequency
is “49.70 Hz or above and below 50.10 Hz”:
(a) 12% of the scheduled injection or 150 MW, whichever is lower for a seller (except Renewable
Rich State).
(b) Limits as specified in Annexure-III for Renewable Rich State.
Provided that:
(i) In case schedule of a seller, in a time block, is less than or equal to 400 MW, under-
injection / over-injection in a time-block shall not exceed 48 MW, when grid frequency is
“49.70 Hz or above and below 50.10 Hz".
(ii) Provided that the limits on deviation volume and consequences for crossing these limits
(including the additional charges for deviation) as stipulated under Regulation 7 shall not
apply to wind and solar generators which are regional entities.
(iii) No under injection of electricity by a seller shall be permissible when grid frequency is
“below 49.70 Hz” and no over injection of electricity by a seller shall be permissible when
grid frequency is “50.10 Hz and above.
(iv) Any infirm injection of power by a generating station prior to COD of a unit during testing
and commissioning activities shall be exempted from the volume limit specified above for
a period not exceeding 6 months or the extended time allowed by the Commission in
accordance with Connectivity Regulations.
(v) Any drawal of power by a generating station prior to COD of a unit for the start up
activities shall be exempted from the volume limit specified above when grid frequency is
“49.70 Hz and above”.
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 7
(6) The words "and Table III as the case may be" shall be added after words "Table I" in Regulation
7(3) of the Principal Regulations.
(7) The title of Table-I under Regulation 7(3) of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as
"Table-I - for seller/buyer (except Renewable Rich State)".
(8) Following table shall be added after Table (II) under Regulation 7(3) of the Principal Regulations:
Table III: For a Renewable Rich State
(i) For over-drawal/under-injection of electricity Equivalent to 20% of the Charge for Deviation
above L MW and up to L+50 MW in a time corresponding to average grid frequency of the
block time block.
(ii) For over-drawal /under-injection of electricity Equivalent to 40% of the Charge for Deviation
above L+50 MW and up to L+100 MW in a corresponding to average grid frequency of the
time block time block.
(iii) For over-drawal /under-injection of electricity Equivalent to 100% of the Charge for Deviation
above L+100 MW in a time block corresponding to average grid frequency of the
time block.
Note: "L" shall be as specified in Annexure-III of the these Regulations.
(9) Proviso below Table-II under Regulation 7(3) of the Principal Regulations shall be substituted as
“Provided that when the schedule is less than or equal to 400 MW, the additional charges for
deviation shall be based on percentage of deviation worked out with reference to schedule of 400
MW as per Table-I and Table-II above.”
(10) In Regulation 7(5) of the Principal Regulations, the words "Annexure-I and Annexure-II" shall be
replaced with the words “Annexure I, Annexure I-A and Annexure-II, Annexure-II-A".
5. Amendment of Annexure-I of the Principal Regulations:
(1) In the heading of Annexure I of the Principal Regulations, the words "(except Renewable Rich State)"
shall be added after words "Buyer/Seller".
(2) The following proviso shall be added below the Table titled "Illustration "A":
“Provided that when the schedule is less than or equal to 400 MW, the additional charges for
deviation shall be based on percentage of deviation worked out with reference to schedule of 400
(3) A new Annexure namely, Annexure-I-A shall be added after Annexure-I of the Principal Regulations.
6. Amendment of Annexure-II of the Principal Regulations:
(1) In the heading of Annexure II of the Principal Regulations, the words "(except Renewable Rich State)"
shall be added after words "Buyer/Seller".
(2) Following proviso shall be added below Para A and Para B of Annexure-II of the Principal Regulations:
“Provided that when the schedule is less than or equal to 400 MW, 12% of schedule will be
considered as 48 MW for the purpose of this clause."
(3) New Annexures namely, Annexure-II-A & Annexure-III shall be added after Annexure-II of the Principal
[ADVT. III/4/Exty./82]
Note: The Principal Regulations were published on 7.1.2014 in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III,
Section 4, Serial No. 06; corrigendum thereof was published on 17.2.2014 in the Gazette of India,
Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4 at Serial No. 52; the first amendment to the Principal Regulations was
published on 31st December, 2014 in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-III, Section 4 at Ser No. 381
and the second amendment was published on 10.8.2015 in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-III,
Section 4 at Ser No. 272.

Methodologies for the computation of Charges for Deviation and Additional Charges for Deviation
applicable to Renewable Rich States for crossing the volume limits specified for the over-drawal/under-
A. When Dtb i.e. Deviation from schedule in a time block in MW is less than limits specified in
Annexure-III, in each time block, Dtb to be payable by the regional entity at normal Charges for
B. When Dtb i.e. Deviation from schedule in a time block in MW is more than limits specified in
Annexure-III , in each time block
(i) DL = Dtb – L
L = Limit as specified in Annexure-III
DL = Deviation in excess of limits specified in Annexure-III , in each time block
(iii) The Charges for Deviation corresponding to Dtb shall be payable by the regional entity at normal
Charges of Deviation; In addition, graded Additional Charges for the Deviation for DL shall be
payable by the regional entity for over-drawal for crossing the volume limit on the basis of
percentage term or MW term, as the case may be @ 20%, 40%, 100% of Charge of Deviation for
the incremental deviation in each slab. The same is illustrated as under:
Category Additional Charges for Deviation
Dtb is above L MW and up to L+50 50 x (Dtb- L) x Charge for Deviation corresponding to average grid
MW frequency of the time block
Dtb is above L+50 MW and up to (100 x (Dtb-(L+50)) + 2500) x Charge for Deviation corresponding
L+100 MW to average grid frequency of the time block
Dtb is above L+100 MW (250 x (Dtb- (L+100)) + 7500) x Charge for Deviation corresponding
to average grid frequency of the time block

2. When the grid frequency is below 49.7 Hz:

The charges for deviation corresponding to Dtb shall be payable by the regional entity at 824.04 Paisa/kWh. In
addition, additional deviation charges for deviation for Dtb shall be payable by the regional entity at 824.04
Methodologies for computation of Charges for Deviation and Additional Charges for Deviation
applicable to Renewable Rich State for crossing the volume limits specified for the under-drawal/over-
A. When Dtb i.e. Deviation from schedule in a time block in MW is less than limits specified in
Annexure-III in each time block, Dtb to be receivable by the regional entity at normal Charges for
B. When Dtb i.e. Deviation from schedule in a time block in MW is more than Limit as specified in
(i) DL = Dtb – L
L = Limit as specified in Annexure-III
DL = Deviation in excess of limits specified in Annexure-III, in each time block
¹Hkkx IIIµ[k.M 4º Hkkjr dk jkti=k % vlk/kj.k 9
(ii) The Charges for Deviation corresponding to L shall be receivable by the regional entity at normal
Charges of Deviation or the ceiling rate whichever is lower; the regional entity shall not be entitled
to any receivable for DL
C. Additional Charges for the Deviation DL shall be payable by the regional entity for under-
drawal/over-injection when grid frequency is 50.10 Hz or above in accordance with clause 7 (4) of this
Deviation Limits for Renewable Rich States

States having combined installed capacity of Wind and

S.No. Deviation Limits (MW)-"L"
Solar projects

1 1000 – 3000 MW 200

2 > 3000 MW 250

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and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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