5 Anglais Professionnel
5 Anglais Professionnel
5 Anglais Professionnel
Example : la lettre a est prononcée différemment dans chacun des mots suivants :
Cat ] kӕt [, cart ] k:t[, wash wo, talk ] tɔ:k :
Came ] keim [, chocolate [tɔkɔl:t, an ]ən[
Les lettres en gras dans les mots qui suivent ne sont pas prononcées :
Cupboard ]kbəd[, raspberry ] ra:zbri[, knife ] naif [ ,climb] klaim [,
listen ] lisn [, daughter ]dɔ:tə[
Important Notes:
Ne pas écrire la phonétique liée comme l'écriture cursive ordinaire, mais en séparant les
Example: green] gr:n [ , believe ] bili:v[
Example : see ] si: [, green ] gri:n [, feet ] fi:t [, tree ] tri: [,knee ] ni: [, be ] bi: [, cedar
]si:d[, eve ] i:v [,fourteen ] fɔ:ti:n [
Mais il s'écrit aussi ] ea [,] ie [,] ei [, et ] i [
Example : tea ] ti: [, dream] dri:m [, eat ] i:t [ , meat ] mi:t[ field ] fi:ld [ , believe ] b'ili:v [ ,
celling ]si.liϦ[, machine ] ma'i:n[
Reading exercise: Lisez la liste des mots suivants en prononçant le son ] i [ correctement,
n'oubliez pas que c'est une voyelle longue.
Ce son peut être aussi representé par ] ea [ comme dans les exemples suivants : head ] hed],
bread ] bred[ ,breakfast ]brekfast [; threat ] θret [, meadow ]medou [ ... etc.
Reading exercise:
Reading exercise: glad ]glæd [, fact ] fækt[ , map ] mæp [cab ]kæb [, van ] væn [, lad ] læd [
, sat ] sæt [, mad ] mæd[
Examples: arm ] a:m [ , dark ] da:k [ , farm ] fa:m [ , heart ] ha:t,[ large ] la:dz [ , yard ] ja:d
[, car ] ka: [ , cigar ] siga:[ Caif ] ka:f [, classe ] kla:s [, sharp ]a:p[, glas ] gla:s [ ,
guard ] ga:d [, mast ] ma:st [ , art ] a:t[
]ɔ [ not ] nɔt[
Spelling :
souvent ɔ
Reading exercise:
Examples : saw ]sɔ: [, draw ] drɔ: [, canght ] kɔ:t [autumn ]ɔ:təm[, August] o:gəst [, saucer
]s'ɔ:sə[ etc…for ] f ɔ: [, born ] bɔ:n [, morning ]mɔ:niϦ[all]ɔ:l [, corner ]kɔ:nə[, always
]ɔ:lwəz[also] 'ɔ:lsou[ , chalk ] tɔ:k [, george ] dzɔ:dz [
Examples: put] put[ , full ] ful [, bull ] bul [, book ] buk [,hook]luk [, foot ]fut [,good ] gud [
Reading of exercise:
good ] gud [, cook ] kuk [, shook ]uk [wood ] wud[ , look ] luk [, bush ] bu[
U :comme dans le mot arabe [ ]روما
Exemples : rule ] ru:l[,prune ] pru:n[, june ]dჳu:n [true ] tru:[, due ] dju:[ , mute ] mju:t [,
huge ]hju.dჳ[
Reading of exercise:
food ] fu:d[; zoo ] zu: [, : flu ]flu: [, soup ]su:p [moon ] mu:n [ , soon ] su:n[ , shoot ]u:t[,
too ] tu: [
Examples : come ] kΛm[ , son ] sΛn[, love ] lΛv[, one ]wΛn[,one]wΛn[, glove ]glΛv [, confort
] kΛmf ət [,mother ] mΛðə[.
Exercice de lecture :
Les lettres a , e , o et u se prononcent fréquemment ]ə[ dans une syllabe non accentuée
et tout particulièrement dans les préfixes et suffixes.
Examples : about ]əbaut [, answer ]a:nsə[, forgive]f əgiv [, circus ]sə: kas [
Les lettres i; et y peuvent aussi se prononcer ]ə[ dans les mêmes conditions.
Reading exercise:
Reading exercise:
Le son de voyelle ] a [ ne s'emploie pas seul en anglais et ne sert qu'à former les deux
diphtongues ] ai [et ]au [
Il en est de même pour le son de voyelle ] o [ qui entre seulement dans la composition de la
diphtongue ] ou [, et du son ] ε [dans la diphtongue ] ε∂[
Ce son est très souvent représenté par les lettres ] ou [ et aussi ] ow[
Example : house ]haus [, sound ]saund [, south] sau[Brown]braun [ , crown ]kraun [ , town]
Ce sont de diphtongue est ordinairement représenté par la lettre] a [ et quelques fois aussi par
] ei [ et ]ey [ et ] ai [ ou ] ay[
Examples : bake ] beik[, shape ]eip [ , slate ]sleit [ , aid ] eid [ ,wait ] weit [ , stay ] stei [ ,
way ] wei [ , eigh ] eit [ ,neighbour ]neibə [ , grey] grei[
Reading exercise:
Reading exercise:
Example: join ] dჳɔin [ , boil ] bɔil [ , joy ] dჳɔi [ , oil ]ɔil[,toy ]tɔi[, choice] tɔis[, voice
]vɔis [
Reading exercise:
Examples : hear ] hiə [ , tear ] tiə [, beer ] biə [ , cheer ] tiə [ ,hero]hiərou[, here ]hiə[, zero
Ce sont s'écrit le plus souvent en orthographe ordinaire ]air[ et ] are [ et aussi ]ear [ , dans
certains mots.
Examples : chair ]tεə[ , dairy ] 'dεəri [ , hair ]hεə[,pair ]pεə[ ,rare ]rεə [, dare ]dεə [, hare
] hεə [ , spare ]spεə[swear]swεə [ , tear ] tεa [, pear ] pεə [ ,wear ] wεə[
Reading exercise:
Cette diphtongue, pas fréquente en anglais, s'écrit le plus souvent ] oor[ et ] ure[
Cette diphtongue n'est pas indispensable car elle peut être remplacée par le son de voyelle
]ɔ: [ : elle est souvent représentée par les lettres ] oar [ ou ] ore[
Example : board ] bɔəd [ , roar ]rɔə [ , store] sɔə [ , car ] kɔo [ ,Shore ]ɔə [ , snore ]snɔə [ ,
more ]mɔə [ , soar]sɔə[
Exercice on]ɔ: [ et ]ɔə[ :
Les mots du bas peuvent se prononcer comme ceux du haut (source ] sɔ: [ par exemple). Mais
la réciproque n'est pas vraie et les mots du haut ne peuvent pas se prononcer avec ]ɔə [.
Les principal triphtongues sont ]aiə [ et ]auə[. Il existe également les triphtongues ] eiə [ ,
]ɔiə[, et ]ouə[, mais elles se rencontrent beaucoup moins fréquemment que les deux
] aiə [ comme dans tire ] raiə[
Elle s'écrit de nombreuses manière mais le plus souvent ]ia
[ou]ire [.
Cette triphtongue est représentée le plus souvent par ] owe [ ou] ou]
Reading exercise:
Examples : paper ] 'peipə [ , pipe ]paip [ , puppy]pΛpi [ .Mais ] p [ est généralement muet
dans les mots commençant par] pt [, ]pn [ et ]ps [.
Reading exercise:
Le son ]t [ est exceptionnellement représenté par ] th [, dans certains mots et aussi par ] ed[
après certains consonnes sourdes. Thames ]temz[, thomas ]tɔməs [ , anthony]ætani[La lettre
]t[ est muette dans les finales en ] stle [ et ] sten[
Reading exercise: tip ] tip [ , tea ] ti: [ , time ] taim [ , tie ] tai[twing ]twig [, top ] tɔp [ , too
] tu: [ , tyre ]taiə[,tide ]taid[, tub ] tΛb [ ,
Examples :brushed] brΛt [, picked ]pikt [ , pressed ] prest[phoned ] pound [ , loved ] lΛvd [ ,
hanged ]hæϦgd [
La lettre ]k [ se prononce] k [ .
Examples : quick ] kwik [ , quite ]kwait [ , enquire ]inkwaiə[quay ]ki: ] [ x [ se prononce ]ks
[en syllabe accentuée ou devant une consonne.
Exemples : fox ]fɔks [, tax ]tæks [, excellent ]eksələnt [,exercice ]eksəsaiz [, exploit ]eksploit[
La lettre k est muette dans les mots commençant par kn :
Reading exercise:
La lettre g , suivie de a, o, u ,ou d'une consonne, ainsi qu'en position finale se prononce
ordinairement g.
Examples:goat ] gout[, grass]gra:s [, pig ]pig [ , good ]gud [Aussi devant e, et i dans
certains mots
Examples: gertrude g ə:tru:d , geese ] gi:s [ , hungerhuϦgəgift ] gift [ , girl ] gə:l [ , begin
Reading exercise:
Examples : velvet ] [ , vase ]va:z [ , five ] faiv [,save ]seiv [ ,valve ] vælv [ , vivid
] 'vivid [ .
][ est l'un des deux sons du "th" anglais ]th[ se prononce ] [ au début et à la fin d'un mot et
à l'intérieur des mots qui ne sont pas d'origine germanique(exception faite des pronoms
commençant par]th [ et quelques autres mots).
Examples: thik ]ik [, thank ]ænk[, thumb]Λm [, month ] mΛn[ path]pa:[ ,south ]sau [ ,
mathematics ] mæmætiks[ ,method]mead[
Reading exercise:
Exemples: they ] ðei [ , that ] ðæt [ , then ] ðen[father ] fa: ə ðə[, weather ]'weðə[
Au milieu ou, à la fin d'un mot, ]s [ se prononce parfois ] s [, parfois ]Z [On l'apprendra à l'usage
car il n'existe pas de règle simple à ce sujet.
La lettre ] z [ se prononce ] z [ .
Examples: bees ]bi:z [ , (he) sees ]si:z [ , brushes ] brΛiz[ does ]dΛz[
- Le ]x [ en début de mots.
Reading exercise:
] sh [ se prononce ][
Examples : shape ]eip [, dish ]di [ , fish ]fi [ , si ] ci][ sci [ , ] ti[ ,se prononcent souvent ][
Reading exercise:Treasure]'tereჳə [, jam] dჳæm[, john] dჳɔn[ james ]dჳeimz [, judge ]dჳndჳ[,
george ]dჳɔidჳ[,jean ] dჳi:m [ , gentle ]'dჳentl [
Elle ne se prononce pas en fin de mot, sauf lorsque le mot suivant commence par un son de
voyelle et qu'il y a liaison avec ce dernier.
Exemples : poor ]puə[, fire ] faiə [ , far ]fa: [, letter ]letə [, … etcDo it for me ]du it
fəmi: [,Do it for us ] du it fərΛs [,
Reading exercise:
Bien que la lettre] r [ non suivie de voyelle ne se prononce pas, elle exercice cependant une
influence sur la prononciation elle indique souvent un allongement de la voyelle précédente ou
un ] ∂ [final.
Reading exercise:
La lettre h se prononce ] h[
Examples : hive ] haiv[ , hole ]houl [, house] haus][h [ peut disparaître dans une syllabe
inaccentuée :
Reading exercise:
La lettre] m [ se prononce ] m [.
Reading exercise:
Reading exercise:
bill ]bil[ ball ] bɔ:l [ full ]ful [ Mail]meil ]milk ]
mill ]mil [ call]ɔ:ll] file ]fail [ milk]
luck ]lΛk[ tool]tu:l [ silk ] silk[ belt ]belt[
Examples: humour ]hju:mə [ , future ]fju:tə [ , statue ]stætju:[ ,suit ]sju:t [ , neuter
]nju:tə[, tutor ]tjuitə[
Examples: write rait , wrong rɔϦ, wretch ret , stew stju: , flower flouə , tower
Reading exercise: wishwi whale weil twin twin grew gru:
Swan swɔn sweaswet swoo swu:p power pouə
As you know the current rise in manufaturing costs are cansing a reduction in our profit margins.
Normally, we employ fifty staff in the personnel department, but we are planning to reduce
the number of office staff. For these reasons the managing, Director is asking for names of staff
who would like to take early retirement.
Many people complain that we are presently understaffed, but at the moment we are trying
to resolve the problems. On January 1 st, we will computerise the department, and I think
you all know the probable consequences.
At the moment, I am trying to improve working conditions in the department, and at this
difficult time, I need your help in achieving these objectives.
1. Exercises :
Read the text then answer the questions:
Find the statements that are true according to the text:
Keys of exercises :
Exercise 01:
Exercise 02:
Exercise 03:
1.1.Interrogative form: It is formed with does + infinitive of the verb in the 3 rd person
(He / she/ It) and do + infinitive of the verb for the rest.
1.2.Negative form :
It is formed with does not + infinitive of the verb in the 3 rd person singular.
Use:This tense is used to talk about what people are doing now.
Example: The current rises in manufacturing costs are causing a reduction in our profit
Am I saying it clearly?
Are you listening to me?
Is he paying attention?
Is she typing a letter?
Is it sleeping?
Are we working or playing?
Are you doing your home work?
Are they eating their breakfast?
2.2.Negative form:
It is formed with: Subject + to be + not + verb + ing
- Ann sees Paul putting on his coat and says : where you (go), Paul?
- Paul: I (go) to buy some cigarettes. You (want) an evening paper?
- Ann: No, thanks. You are always buying cigarettes.
Paul, how many you (smoke) a day?
- Paul: I (not smoke) very many – perhaps 20. Jack (smoke) for more than I do. He (spend) series
10 week on cigarettes.
Key to the exercise:
Are you going / am going / do you want / do you smoke / don’t smoke / smoke / spends.
Peter : Yes, but the car (belong) to my mother and she sometimes (want) it .She (use) it today
to take tom to the dentist.
May : I usually (go) by car too. Jack (take) me because he (pass) my office on his way to the
factory. But this week he (work) in a factory in the opposite direction. So I (queue) like you.
Mary : I (think) I’Il take the 9. If I (wait) for a 14, I may be late, and if you (be) late my office
everyone (look) at you.
It is Friday evening an the Brown family are at home. Mrs Brown (listen) to a concert on the
radio ; Mr Brown (read) a newspaper ; George Brown (do) his homework and Ann Brown
(write) a letter.
Keys to the exercise:
Is listening / is reading / is doing / is writing.
Lucy: Tom (get) up very early but he (wash) and (shave) and (eat) his breakfast so quietly that
I (not hear) a thing. But I (hear) him driving away from the house because his car (make) a lot
of noise.
Alice : My brother (get) up very early too. But he (make) such a lot of noise that he (wake)
everybody up. He (sing) in his bath and (bang) doors and (drop) thing in the kitchen and (play)
the radio very loudly.
Uses: This tense is used to express opinions about the future, for future habitual action and
for formal announcements of future plans……
3.1.Interrogative form: It is formed by inverting the subject and shall or will + infinitive.
Examples :
4.Other forms of future: The verb form to indicate the future depends on whether
the speaker is talking about an intention, a fixed plan arrangement, or a fixed schedule.
4.1.Intention :
Form: « to be going to » + infinitive
Meaning: What time is our fixed arrangement for the test on January 20 th?
4.3.Fixed Schedule :
Form : Present simple
Meaning: It is the fixed schedule (of the plane) that it arrives at 9.30.
1- The present continuous and the future simple :
Exercise : Put the verbs into the correct tense.
1 – Tom : Where your (go) for your next holiday ? (Arranged plan)
Ann : I don’t know yet but we probably (go) to Spain.
2- Mrs Black: Mrs Jones (go) to hospital. She (have) her appendix out.
Tom: What you (do) with the car? You (sell) it?
Ann: No, I (learn) to drive. I (have) my first lesson next monday.
3-Are you going to do / are you going to sell / am going to learn / am having.
5-Are meeting / are they just going to repeat / are they going to climb / are going to offer.
1- George : He said he (write) a book about charming people who are happily married.
2-Mr Jones: No, I’m not going away for the week-end.
I’m staying at home. I (start) building my garage. The bricks have come at last.
Mr Smith: You (do) it all by yourself?
Mr Jones: No, my nephew (help) me. I suggested in to him yesterday and he was quite
4-Ann : Why are you taking fishing rods ? You (not climb) the mountain after all.
Tom : We (climb) and fish. There is a lake on top and we (try) to get some fish out of it.
Ann: Well, if you catch any I (cook) them; but I think I (buy) some all the same.
Key to the exercise:
1.Is going to write / will buy / will buy.
2.Am going to start / are you going to do / is going to help.
3.Am going to wash / will come.
4.You are not going to climb / are going to climb / are going to try / will cook / will buy
Compact Systems
Personal Assistant Secretary
Required to assist departemental manager in our southtown office. The applicants must
have experience of working in a computer company and mustn't have less than ten years'
job experience. Typing and shorthand prefferred. Age: 30 + salary : 8,500 p. a. The job
does not involved any travel.
Condidates must provide a C.V the names of two referees, and a statement of what makes
a good PA/Secretary. Applications should be sent to.
Compact systems
96 Resewall drive Southtown 5034 ST.
We are looking for a suitably qualified person with a minimum of 5 years experience
of working in a business environment, but not necessarily in the computer industry, to take
up a post as a Personal Assistant to the Managing Director. Applicants must have typing and
shorthand skills, be well-dressed and willing to travel. Manimum age : 18 full e.v, and the
name of previons employer to.
Invontor plus
60 chiswinck avenue
South town, 5036 q2
As you read through that again, indicate the requirements, in the appropriate column in
the table below. (the first one has been done for you).
There is some of the language you have must read notice of the some ways to express
what is:
Must :
Affirmative Interrogative
You You
He He
She She
It Must see a doctor Must It see a doctor
We We
You You
They They
Negative obligation :
It Must not smoke. It is dangerous for health
Contraction : mustn't.
To have to :
"To have" + infinitive with "to" also expresses obligation. It provides an alternative form
for "must" and also supplies its deficiencies.
Have I
I have
He Has She
She has to work hard to succeed It to work Hard?
We We
You have Have You
They They
Have I Do I
You You
He He
has She go to work hard? Does She have to work
It It
We We
Have You Do You
They They
She has She Does
It not to work hard It not have to work
You Have We
They You Do
You Have
She Has
It not to work hard
You Have
Contractions : Négative
Need :
When this verb is used as an auxiliary, the same form, "need", is use for, all persons in the
present and future tenses.
You You Do You
He He He
She need not + V She need+ V Does She need to +V
It It It
We We We
You You Do You
They They They
You need not go now Need you do it now? Does she need to work so late?
I do
She does
You do
Contractions : Négative
1- Need’t/needn’t
2- Don’t need to/doesn’t need to
Exercice N°03 :
To apply for the job at compact systems condidates must provide a statement of what
makes a good PA/Secretary. As you read through the following conversation between
Erica and hilary, make a list of five things that think make a good PA/secretary (the first
one has been done for you).
Erica : Here's another one. Inventor plus. Have you heard of them ?
Hilary : No, but I have heard of compact systems. They're supposed to be very good to
work for, and computer companies are my line exactly.
Erica : Are you going to apply for it?
Hilary : I will, I think. Look at this. It says "must provide two referees and a statement of
what makes a good PA or Secretary".
Erica: Well, you could say something about receiving "An effective personal assistant must
be good at receiving visitors» something like that.
Hilary : I agree, you mustn't create a bad impression.
Hilary : I know ! A good PA must also distribute work fairly to other typists.
Erica : And what about phone manner?
Hilary : Yes, of course, you have got to have a good phone manner.
Erica : And there's appearance. In the last place I worked, we had to dress very neatly.
Hilary : Ok. That is the filth one a good PA must also have a neat appearance. Can you
think of any more?
Exercice N°04:
Look at the requirements for condidates wishing to apply for personnal assistant jobs at
the two companies below has. Use the table below to make sentences about their
requirements. (The first one been done for you).
Impo :
1. Condidates ………………..need to………………
2. Condidates have…………………………………..
3. Condidates must………………………………….
4. Condidates…………………………..got……….
5. Condidates…………………………………speak German.
I will be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing
from you".
Exercice N°05:
Hilary has decided to write a letter to Compact Systems to apply for the job as Personal
Assistant/ Secretary. Write a letter of application for her. Your letter should include a
statement of what makes, a good PA/Secretary based on exercise (2).
I am enclosing ……………………………………………………
………………….of my qualifications and experience. As you will see. I have had 12
year's ………including two in…………….I also have an RSA stage in Typing and RSA
100 w.p.m shorthand.
I will be …………………………….………………………………
Hilary Beacham
Filing (system) [ failin ] = Method of organising and storing papers, letters and other
To create a bad impression = To act in such a way that semeone else thinks Badly of you.
To distribute = [di stribjut ] = To divide among several or many people.
Neat [ nit ] = Showing care in appearance.
1- Outgoing-calls :
1.1.Identifying yourself :
1.5.Showing understanding :
I see
I understand
1.6.Leaving a message :
1.7.Thanking :
2- Incoming calls :
2.1.Identifying your company :
Compact Systems. Good morning /afternoon.
2.7.Alternative actions :
Could you ring/phone/call back/later?
Would you like to leave a message?
Can I take a message?
2.8.Responding to thanks :
Not at all.
Don't mention it.
You're welcome.
The following list of telex abbreviations is divided into two sections:
1- Standard telex abbreviations that you can use or may receive in the text of telexes.
2-Standard telex abbreviations used internationally by swithboard operators that you may
Exercise N° 02 :
Applicants mustn't have less than ten (10) year's job experience.
Candidates must provide a C.V. The names of two referees, and a statement of what makes a
good PA /Secretary.
Exercise N° 03 :
Have a good filling system.
1- Be good at receiving visitors.
2- Distribute work fairly to other typists.
3- Have a good phone manner.
4- Have a neat appearance.
Impo :
1- Condidates don't need to be able to work at week-ends.
2- Candidates have to be prepared to travel overseas.
3- Condidates must know how to use a computer.
4- Condidates have got to be over 30 years.
5- Condidates needn't / don't need to / don't have to / haven't got to speak German.
Exercice N° 05 :
Exercice 01:
Read the conversation between Hilary Beacham and Paul Crown.
Exercise 02 :
To: …………………………………………………………..
Visited : phaned :
Complaints :
2- ………………………………………….
1.2.Complaining: Sometimes later Mr. Crown has another complaint about compact
However on this occasion he decides to put in writing.
Read Mr. Crown's letter, then list the complaints on the form below.
Mrs A Everett
Compact Systems
96 Rosewall drive
S 03 4 BT
13 Th july, 1999
Further to our telephone conversation, I would like to point sever at thing on to you.
Firstly, although we can accept that production difficulties at your factory have led to slight
delays, we still have not received delivery of the goods due two months ago.
Secondly, your letter expla ining that the consignment would be delayed arrived too late to
be of any use to us.
Lastly, and most importantly, not all the units from our march order were delivered, out of
60, we only received 58.
Yours sincerely
P .Grow
Purchasing manager
Exercise 1:
Complaints :
2.1.Routine apologies : I'm afraid Mrs. Everett is away on business until next week.
2.3.Practice : On the left, there are a number of statements (spoken or written): on the
right are apologies Match each statement with its appropriate apology. The first one has been
done for you.
Exercise 01 :
4- The Délivre Was Latte d- I'm Afraid She’s Not Available At The Moment
You are Hilary Beacham. When Paul Crown's letter of complaint arrived on your desk you
decided to take immediate action in Alice Everett's absence. Below are your notes on Crown's
complaints, your findings and your propose action.
Now write a letter of apology to Mr. Croun based on your notes above.
Mr P Crow,
192 School lane
17 th July, 19.....
Further to your letter of complaint, I should like to apologies for the unfortunate events and tell you about my findings and proposed action As Mrs. Everett is
abroad I investigated complaints.
Firstly, we are.....................................
I can assure you that ......................and will reach you very soon. Be cause of the inconvenance……………….............discount.
Page 8
Lastly, I..............................................................................................
I should like to assure you that this will not happen again.
J.B : My name John Brown I have an appointment with Alice Everett At 11 o'clock
H.B : Yes, Mr. Brown Mrs. Everett is expecting you She'll be with you
in a few minutes
J.B : Fine
J.B : No thanks I've been sitting for the last three hours and I'd like to Stretch my legs.
H.B : Can I get your something to drink coffee tea or a cold drink ?
J.B : Yes, that would be very nice could I have a cup of coffee, please?
H.B : Yes certainly, Mr. Brown How do you take it?
H.B : Fine sally could you get Mr. brown a cup of coffee please white with one sugar
S: Yes, certainly
J.B : While I'm waiting perhaps we could sort a couple of things out
H.B : Yes
H.B : Shall I call a taxi to take you round there after your meeting with Mrs. Everett?
J.B: Thank you, but it's not necessary I can easily walk
J.B : Thanks
H.B: Well, if there's anything else I can do for you just ask me
2.1.Offers :
-Can I take your coat?
-Shall I call a taxi?
-Would you like to take a seat?
-Would you like me to call them for you?
-Can I get something to drink?
Yes please.
2.3.Declining :
No thanks/no thank you
Thank you, but it's not necessary
Thank you, but no
Offer the following to a visitor. The first one has been done for you.
1- Drink something :
Exercise 06 :
Now complete the following sentences with appropriate words to accept or decline the offer.
Read the telex, then indicate in the table below the five requirements, which the hotel must
Ref visit to London for Mr. CRAMER Find suitable Hotel for 5,6 and 7 may , phone essential
+ Near + Lancaster Road Must have meeting room + restaurant Arrange and conf with me.
Exercise 7 :
L : Lancaster Hotel
H.B : Hello, my name is Hilary Beacham from Compact Systems I'd like some information please.
L : Yes, certainly
H.B : Can you tell me if you have any single rooms available on the 5 th, 6 the and 7 th may?
L : oh, yes.
H.B : 16 thank you and the next question is : do you have any meeting rooms?
L : We do I'll just check that we have one available for those dates yes, we do
H.B : Good
L : Goodbye
2.1.Checking information : There are several ways to check that you have heard or
understood information correctly.
2.2.Correcting information :
Practice :
Exercise 8:
Here are four statements, which are wrong. After each statement the correct information is
given in brackets. Correct each wrong statement starting your answer with the word (5) given.
The first one has been done for you.
Visited: phoned
Exercise 2 :
Complaints :
Exercice 3 :
1. (c) 4. (h) 7. (f)
2. (e) 5. (a) 8. (b)
3. (g) 6. (d)
Compact systems
Mr. P. Crown
192 school lane
Birmangham 17 Th July, 19……
Dear Mr Crown
Further to your letter of complaint, I should like to apologise for the unfortunate
events and tell about my findings and proposed action. As Mrs. Everett is abroad I
investigated your complaints.
Firstly, we are extremely sorry for the late delivery of your may order, I ca, assure
you that it was dispatched last week and will reach you very soon. Because of the in
convenience we are happy to offer you a 30% discount.
Secondly, I apologise that our letter exclaiming that the delivery would be delayed
arrived late. This was unfortunately due to the postal strike.
Lastly, I regret that two of the items from your march order were missing
unfortunately our warehouseman was careless and 58 instead of 60. the two
remaining Items be sent to day.
I should like to assure you that this will not happen again sincerely.
Exercise 5 :
1. Shall/can I take your coat?
2. Would you like me to reserve a table for you?
3. Would you like to take earlier flight?
4. Can I do anything else for you?
Yes please.
Exercise 7 :
Exercise 8 :
1- The telephone number Is (01-650-2037)
That's not quite right. The number is (01-650-2037)
1- Reading
2- Presentation of new language forms
PM (Personnel Manager)
OM (Office Manager)
SEC: (Secretary)
PM: I’m fine. First of all, I think that we should go round and meet some of the staff that
you’ll be working with. Let’s start with your boss, Alice Everett, I’m sure that you’ll remember
her from the interview. Now, you’ll be working with her for the first two months.
PM: Good morning, Alice, I’m just showing Hilary round… doing the Introductions, before she
starts working with you.
PM: Now, you’ll start working with Alice from next week. In the second part of this week,
George will be showing you how everything’s done, so that you know way around.
MM: Fine, so, I’ll look forward to seeing you next week Hilary.
PM: Good morning, every one. Can I have a few moments of your time? I’d like to introduce a
PM: George is Mr Everett’s Personal Assistant. He’ll be showing you how everything work
before he leaves us at the end of the week and you take his place. Let’s move on, shall we?
Hilary, this is Helen Wright.
PM: Any way, as you probably know Helen is one of the secretaries. And Miss Hobday….
PM: Hilary, this is Karen Williams, Alice Everett has two secretaries working for her and Karen
is one of them.
PM: I think that’s enough for the moment. Now then, let’s have a look at the office equipment.
Christine, could you tell Hilary a bit about the equipment we
Some greetings are formal (We use them with unfamiliar people) and others are informal (We
use them with familiar people).
Read again though the introductions and greetings and indicate in the left hand column whether
the greeting in formal (F) or informal (I). The first one been done for you.
Person B:
Informal:…This is…
Now here is some of the language you have read in the text.
Read again the introductions (Pages 3 to 5) and make a list of the differents greetings, enquiries
and replies used. State if they are formal or informal.
Controlled Practice:
« Mine’s Gordon »
«…Brown Micheal….»
1.1.A word processor:A word processor displays the text you are typing on the screen.
Manufacturers often refer to it as a «Screen typewriter».
Recently, word processors have become increasingly important and in many companies have
almost to folly replaced traditional typewriters.
The advantages are clear: A typist can see the whole text on the screen. So the format can be
changed and mistakes corrected before the document is printed. It is also easy and quick to
correct mistakes.
2.1.A telex machine: The function of a telex machine is very simple, it is used for sending
and receiving messages on the telephone system. The advantages of this are that it is available
day and night and it is also inexpensive.
Now that you read about the different items of office equipment. Complete the chart below.
- «It is for…ing» describes the function of a piece of equipment (E.g it is for sending copies).
- «It is used for…ing» also describes the function of a piece of equipment (E.g it is used recording
letters into tape).
We also use the present simple to describe the function of a piece of equipment (E.g it displayed
text on the screen).
Things can have more than one function, if we want to explain that something has two
functions, we say :
In the table below you have a number of items of office equipment on the left and their function
on the right.
First, identify the function of each item of office equipment by writing the appropriate number
by the expression which describes its function.
Then complete the sentences below using the information from the table. The first sentence
identifies the equipment; the second sentence describes its function.
The first one in each case has been done for you.
Equipment Function
4- This…is for….
5- These…hold….
6- …Are…used….
7- …Is…is for….
8- This…It….
9- This…used….
4.2.Identifying equipment:
Manual (mænjual) = A book giving information or instructions.
Screen (skri: n) = Front of a display unit (or TV) on which you can see information
Facility (fa'siliti) = Piece of equipment which gives you the ability to do something
Transcription (traen'skripsan) = The action of writing a copy
Personnel Manager (Pairsa'nel) = Person in charge of the employees in a company and their
conditions of work.
Alice Everett: I think I’d better take this opportunity to explain to you exactly who’s who in
the company. You’ll need to know who to go to if you want to contact a particular manager.
Let’s start right at the top: David Burton is the Managing Director and his Personal Assistant is
Mary Wilkins. The company is divided into four departments: Production, Personnel. Marketing
and finance ok?
Alice Everett: Right. Let’s deal with each one in turn. Michael Stott looks after production,
and his title is Production Manager, and Daniel Harking works as personal Assistant in the
Production Department. Then there are two secretaries. Is that clear?
Alice Everett: Moving on to Personnel we’ve got Sheila Polson, and her title is Personnel
Director, Jean Hargreaves, works for Sheila Polison as Personal Assistant. And then there are
two secretaries in the department. Ok?
Alice Everett: As you know, I’m the Marketing Manager and for the next two months.
You are going to work as my Personal Assistant. Helen Wright and Karen William’s, the two
secretaries in the department will report to you. Is that clear?
Alice Everett: And finally, Paul Cummins is responsible for the Finance Department. His PA is
Judith Walker. And then there are three secretaries in the department you’ve met one already,
I think. So that’s brief overview of the structure of the company. Do you have any questions?
As you read through the explanations about who is who in the company, complete the
organisation flowchart below by filling in the missing job tiles and names.
Name :
: Managingn
PA : Mary
-Their responsibility,
-Their position in the hierarchy;
-Their location.
Here is some of the language you have just read for each of the four areas.
2.1.Responsibility :
-Paul Cummins is responsible for the Finance Department,
-Michael Stott looks after production.
2.3.Job specification :
-David Burton is the Managing Director ,
-Daniel Harking works as Personal Assistant.
2.4.Location :
-Anna Barlett works in the Personal Department,
-Frank Tovey and Dorothy White are in the Finance Department.
Refer to the company structure in the reading passage and complete the following sentences.
The first one has been done for you.
Call 1:
S:CTM gûten Tag
HB:Good morning, Mr Harz. This is Hilary Beacham from Compact Systems hers.
GH : Harz
HB:Good morning, Mr Harz. This is Hilary Beacham from Compact Systems here.
HB:Mr Harz. I’m ringing to check your travel details for your visit to Compact next week. I need
to find out when you intend to arrive so we can make the necessary arrangements for your
stay. Now, the meeting will be on the 28th February.
HG : I’m planning to arrive on the 27th . The flight number is LF 129 and it arrives at 14:30
HG : Goodbye.
Call 2:
S:Studio Centro
RG :Garniga
HB:Good morning MrGarniga. Hilary Beacham from Compact Systems here, I’m calling to find
out your travel arrangements for the meeting on the 28 th .
RG : At 10.00
RG : No. Heartrow. And the flight number is BA 322. A British Airways flight?
HB : Fine, well that’s all for now. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
RG : Goodbye.
2.1.Introductory procedures :
a.Requesting correspondent :
b.Identifying yourself :My name is Hilary Beacham from Compact System (First introduction)
(This is) Hilary Beacham from Compact here (Subsequent introductions).
2.2.Final procedures :
a.Indicating that you’ve got all the relevant information :
2.3.Final greeting :
Now put the following sentences from a phone call into the right order.The speakers are :
Alice Everett Office Manager
F Alice Everett Office Manager
1- Good morning Hilary (F) 1- How are you ? (F) 1- Very well, thank you (F)
2- Nice to see you again (I) 2- And you ? (F) 2- I’m fine (F)
3- Pleased to meet you, my 3- How do you do? My 3- How do you do? I’m HB
name’s Christine Adams (F) name’s is Beacham (F) (F)
4- Hello, Hilary (I) 4- How are you doing? (I) 4- Fine, thanks, Helen (I)
1- «Good evening Mr Simmons. How are you? »
1- Word processor Display text on a screen 1- You can see the whole texts
2- Easy and quick to correct
Equipment Fonction
1- Judith Walker works as Personal Assistant.
2- Paul Cummins is the Financial Director.
3- Jean Hargreaves works for the Personnel Director.
4- Two secretaries work under Daniel Harking in the Production Department.
5- Alice Everett reports to the Manager Director.
6- Michel Stott is responsible for the Production Department
7- Hilary Beacham works in the Marketing Department.
8- Paul Cummins looks after the Finance Department.
S :MIB.Good morning
AP : Could I speak to Sally Jones,please?
S : Who’s calling, please?
AP : My name’s Ann Pilkington
S : One moment, please.
SJ : Sally Jones.
AP : Hello. Sally, this is Ann Pilkington here.
SJ : Oh, hello Ann, how are you ?
AP : Fine thanks, and you ?
SJ : Yes, fine too.
AP : Sally, I’m ringing to ask if you can ……….
AP : Well, thank you very much for the information.
SJ : Not at all
AP : Bye.
SJ: Bye.