ECoG of BCI Thesis
ECoG of BCI Thesis
ECoG of BCI Thesis
Présentée par
Marie-Caroline SCHAEFFER
Thèse dirigée par Tetiana AKSENOVA (EDISCE), CEA
I feel very grateful to the members of my committee, Prof. Alim-Louis BENABID,
Dr. Laurent BOUGRAIN, Dr. Marco CONGEDO and Prof. Laura SACERDOTE.
My special thanks go to Prof. François CABESTAING and Prof. Saïd MOUSSAOUI
for having accepted to act as reporters of this doctoral work.
My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Tetiana AKSENOVA who has supervised this
doctoral work. I wouldn’t have been able to complete this work without her constant
guidance, insight, availability, patience and kindness. It has been a great privilege
to work and progress under her supervision.
I would also like to thank Guillaume CHARVET who co-supervised this doctoral
work, and Prof. Alim-Louis BENABID and Corinne MESTAIS who head CLI-
NATEC’s BCI project. Their suggestions have always been helpful and illuminating.
It is a great pleasure to me to extend my thanks to all the associates of CLINATEC
with whom I worked, had insightful discussions with or with whom I simply enjoyed
meals or coffee breaks. Their presence has helped me along more than once.
Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends for their unwavering support
throughout these last three years.
The present doctoral work, which has been supervised by Dr. T. AKSENOVA and
co-supervised by G. CHARVET, has been prepared at CLINATEC, an Edmond J.
SAFRA Biomedical research centre located on the MINATEC Campus at CEA/LETI
in Grenoble. CLINATEC associates medical research and technological innovation to
translate new solutions to patients, with the purpose of accelerating the development
and clinical validation of innovative medical devices. This doctoral work has been
completed within the framework of CLINATEC’s motor Brain-Computer-Interface
project, which is supervised by Prof. A.-L. BENABID, C. MESTAIS and G.
CHARVET. The goal of this project is to bring the proof of concept that it is feasible
for a tetraplegic subject to control complex effectors, for example a 4-limb exoskeleton,
thanks to the monitoring and decoding of his brain activity. CLINATEC’s "BCI
and Tetraplegia" 5-year clinical trial has recently been authorized by the French
regulatory agencies. Signal processing challenges specific to the clinical deployment
of CLINATEC’s Brain-Computer-Interface system, namely asynchronous mono-
limb decoding, asynchronous sequential multi-limb decoding and decoding accuracy
during active states, have been addressed in the present doctoral thesis.
Parts of the presented work have been published in journals or conference
proceedings, or exposed during oral presentations:
Schaeffer, M. C., & Aksenova, T. (2017). Switching Markov Decoders for Asyn-
chronous Trajectory Reconstruction from ECoG signals in Monkeys for BCI Applica-
tions. Journal of Physiology-Paris. doi: 10.1016/j.jphysparis.2017.03.002; Published
online: 10 March 2017.
Patent pending
Schaeffer, M. C., & Aksenova, T. (June 2016). Interface neuronale directe à décodage
continu utilisant un mélange markovien d’experts.
Oral communications
M.C. Schaeffer, T. Aksenova. Markovian Mixture of Experts for 3D wrist movement
decoding from ECoG recordings. GDR 2904 Multielectrode systems for Neuroscience:
6th annual meeting, 5-8 Jan 2016, Grenoble-Autrans. (speaker)
Introduction Les Interfaces Cerveau-Machine (ICM) sont des systèmes qui per-
mettent à des patients souffrant d’un handicap moteur sévère d’interagir avec leur
environnement en utilisant leur activité cérébrale pour contrôler des effecteurs ex-
térieurs. Plusieurs étapes sont généralement nécessaires pour convertir l’activité
cérébrale du patient en commandes permettant de contrôler un effecteur extérieur.
Des caractéristiques spécifiques aux intentions de l’utilisateur sont tout d’abord
extraites de son activité cérébrale, préalablement acquise et digitalisée. Un décodeur
est appliqué sur ces caractéristiques cérébrales, et permet de les convertir en esti-
mations des intentions du sujet. Après une étape optionnelle de post-traitement
susceptible d’améliorer la qualité des estimations, les intentions décodées du sujet
sont converties en commandes utilisées pour contrôler le ou les effecteur(s) de l’ICM,
par exemple des orthèses ou des prothèses de membres inférieurs ou supérieurs dans
le cas d’ICM motrices.
L’objectif de l’ICM motrice de CLINATEC est de permettre à des patients
tétraplégiques de recouvrer de façon chronique une indépendance motrice en mod-
ulant leur activité électrocorticographique (ECoG) pour contrôler des effecteurs
complexes tels qu’un exosquelette 4 membres. Des challenges spécifiques au dé-
ploiement clinique d’ICMs multi-effecteurs ont été étudiés dans la présente thèse de
Un problème majeur des ICMs cliniques est la capacité à proposer aux utilisateurs
un contrôle asynchrone sur l’effecteur. Contrairement aux ICMs synchrones qui sont
périodiquement contrôlables par les utilisateurs et requièrent donc la présence d’un
opérateur pour activer et désactiver le système, les ICMs asynchrones sont disponibles
en continu. Lorsqu’une ICM fonctionne en mode asynchrone, il est particulièrement
souhaitable de limiter des activations erronées de l’effecteur pendant les périodes dites
de Non-Contrôle (NC). Un deuxième challenge résulte de la possible présence d’un
effecteur multi-membres, qui rend nécessaire la généralisation du contrôle asynchrone
mono-membre au cas multi-membres. Une stratégie d’activation séquentielle a été
considérée dans la présente thèse, avec le but d’améliorer la robustesse du système
et de faciliter le contrôle cérébral. Au-delà de la limitation des activations erronées
du système, il est nécessaire d’éviter des mouvements parallèles résiduels d’effecteurs
momentanément non-contrôlés. Finalement, la capacité des utilisateurs à exécuter
des mouvements contrôlés par leur activité cérébrale est compromise quand les
estimations de leurs intentions de mouvements ne sont pas suffisamment proches de
leurs véritables intentions. La précision du décodage pendant les périodes dites de
Contrôle Intentionnel (Intentional Control, IC) est donc essentielle.
exemple été observées quand des sujets se trouvaient en états NC ou IC, lorsqu’ils ef-
fectuaient des movements unimanuels ou bimanuels, ou encore au cours de différentes
phases d’un mouvement du bras vers des cibles. Il a par conséquent été proposé dans
la présente thèse d’utiliser un modèle par morceaux, plus précisemment un modèle
markovien linéaire par morceaux (Markov Switching Linear Model, MSLM), pour
répondre au challenge d’un contrôle asynchrone mono- and multi-membre précis.
Ce modèle présente trois points clefs.
Le MSLM commute entre plusieurs modèles, à savoir un modèle NC et un ou
plusieurs modèles ICs. Contrairement aux approches basées sur le post-traitement qui
exploitent un unique modèle continu, le MSLM prend donc en compte de potentielles
modifications d’une dépendance linéaire entre signaux cérébraux et paramètres
cinématiques. Les études de la littérature mentionnées plus haut suggèrent que
la commutation entre modèles est susceptible d’être utile à la fois pour intégrer
la gestion des états NC (un modèle NC, un modèle IC) et de mouvements multi-
membres séquentiels (un modèle NC, un modèle IC par membre) et pour améliorer
la précision des estimations des paramètres cinématiques pendant les états IC (un
modèle NC, un modèle IC par phase de mouvement). La pertinence de chaque
modèle continu du MSLM, i.e. la valeur d’une variable latente discrète indiquant quel
modèle continu est approprié, est déduite à chaque instant des données cérébrales.
Elle permet de déduire une règle probabilistique utilisée pour pondérer les modèles
continus du MSLM.
Le MSLM a été développé dans le cadre des modèles de régression statiques, et
plus précisément comme une extension des Mélanges d’Experts (ME). Un modèle
linéaire discriminant entre les caractéristiques cérébrales et les paramètres cinéma-
tiques est conditionné par l’état courant d’une variable latente discrète. La valeur
de cette variable latente est directement déduite des signaux cérébraux et de leur
distribution durant chaque état possible. Cette propriété distingue le MSLM des
mixtures de filtres bayésiens dont l’utilisation a également été considérée dans la
littérature. Ces filtres sont basés sur des modèles génératifs, et la valeur de la variable
latente est déduite de l’adéquation entre chaque filtre et l’historique des signaux
cérébraux. De surcroît, le MSLM est capable de traiter des données de grande
dimension sans qu’il soit nécessaire de réaliser une étape préliminaire de réduction
de dimension, laquelle est généralement nécessaire pour des modèles génératifs.
A l’opposé des mixtures de modèles de régression précédemment utilisées dans
des études ICM, le MSLM réalise une détection d’état dynamique pour limiter les
fausses activations de l’effecteur. Plus précisément, il est supposé que la séquence
d’états latents (par exemple, NC et IC) est générée par une chaîne de Markov
d’ordre 1. Cette hypothèse est susceptible de réduire le nombre d’états mal détectés,
mais surtout d’améliorer les caractéristiques temporelles des fausses activations,
c’est-à-dire de privilégier des fausses activations plus longues mais également plus
rares. Un Modèle de Markov Caché (Hidden Markov Model, HMM) est utilisé pour
estimer la valeur de l’état discret. Le modèle des Mixtures d’Experts a été modifié
de façon à gérer des détections d’états dynamiques plutôt que statiques.
Des procédures d’apprentissage supervisé et non supervisé ont été présentées
Validation Deux jeux de données ont été utilisés pour explorer la capacité du
MSLM à réaliser du décodage ECoG asynchrone mono- et multi-membres précis. Ces
deux jeux de données sont libres d’accès. Le premier jeu de données est composé de
données précliniques acquises pendant que des Primates Non-Humains réalisaient des
mouvements asynchrones avec un bras (mono-membre) pour atteindre des cibles. Le
second jeu de données rassemble des données cliniques enregistrées pendant que des
patients exécutaient des mouvements de doigts séquentiels (flexions et extensions).
Deux décodeurs correspondant à des stratégies précédemment proposées pour
intégrer la gestion des états NC dans des décodeurs cinématiques ont été choisis
pour évaluer la performance comparative du MSLM. Le premier décodeur alternatif
a été proposé pour mesurer l’intérêt d’utiliser une mixture de modèles. Il s’agit d’un
modèle linéaire générique (filtre de Wiener avec post-processing markovien, MpWF)
dont les estimations sont post-traitées pour limiter des activations erronées durant
les périodes NC. Le second modèle a été choisi pour vérifier que le cadre discriminant
choisi pour développer le MSLM est plus performant que le cadre génératif. Un
filtre de Kalman commutatif (Switching Kalman Filter, SKF) a été choisi pour
mener cette comparaison entre modélisations discriminante et générative. Les SKFs
commutent entre plusieurs filtres de Kalman dont la pertinence est estimée à partir
de leur adéquation avec l’historique des signaux cérébraux.
Un ensemble d’indicateurs de performance a été formé pour évaluer la capacité
du MSLM, du MpWF et du SKF à réaliser du décodage asynchrone précis. La
qualité de la gestion des états NC est généralement mesurée au moyen d’indicateurs
basés sur la matrice de confusion. Il a ici été proposé d’additionellement considérer
des indicateurs de performance dits "par blocs", à savoir le nombre de blocs de fausses
activations et leur durée moyenne. Ces indicateurs par blocs prennent en compte
la dynamique des fausses activations, et sont susceptibles de davantage refléter la
qualité de la gestion des états de NC telle que perçue par l’utilisateur pendant
des sessions de contrôle neuronal asynchrone en boucle fermée. Les indicateurs de
performance associés à la reconstruction de paramètres cinématiques pendant les
périodes IC portent généralement sur leur précision spatiale et temporelle (Coefficient
de Corrélation de Pearson, distance euclidienne ou de Manhattan). De légères
désynchronisations entre les trajectoires observées et estimées, c’est-à-dire de petites
erreurs temporelles, sont susceptibles d’avoir un impact important sur ces indicateurs
de performance. De ce fait, il est ici proposé de calculer ces indicateurs à la fois
entre les trajectoires mesurées et estimées originales (désynchronisées) et entre les
trajectoires synchronisées. Les indicateurs calculés sur les trajectoires synchronisées
se concentrent sur l’erreur spatiale de l’estimation de trajectoire. Une approche a
été mise au point pour calculer des trajectoires synchronisées dans l’échelle de temps
originelle de la trajectoire mesurée. Finalement, une procédure d’analyse statistique
a été choisie pour mesurer la significativité des différences de performance constatées
entre les trois décodeurs considérés.
Implémentation et résultats Des décodeurs MSLM, MpWF et SKF ont été im-
plémentés pour réaliser des reconstructions de trajectoires asynchrones mono-membre
et multi-membres sur les jeux de données précliniques et cliniques, respectivement.
Des représentations temps-fréquence-espace de grande dimension ont tout d’abord
été extraites des signaux cérébraux. Les paramètres de décodeurs avec 2 états (un
état NC et un état IC) ont été identifiés au moyen de procédures d’entraînement
supervisé pour les données mono-membre précliniques. Dans le cas de sessions
associées à des mouvements complexes, un MSLM avec deux états IC a également
été entraîné via l’algorithme d’apprentissage non-supervisé proposé dans la présente
thèse. Des décodeurs avec 6 états (un état NC et cinq états IC) ont été calibrés en
utilisant la procédure d’apprentissage supervisé pour les données multi-membres
(multi-doigts) cliniques. Des études préliminaires ont été réalisées pour optimiser les
composants du MSLM, c’est-à-dire ses modèles continus et le décodeur discret chargé
d’estimer la valeur de la variable latente permettant de combiner les estimations des
modèles continus. La méthode de réduction de dimension utilisée pour rendre le
SKF compatible avec du décodage temps réel a également été optimisée.
Le décodeur MSLM a permis d’obtenir une gestion des états NC de meilleure
qualité que le MpWF et SKF à la fois pour le décodage asynchrone mono-membre
et multi-membres. Une amélioration de la précision des estimations des paramètres
cinématiques a été constatée pour les données cliniques multi-membres (multi-doigts).
La précision de la reconstruction des mouvements complexes observés dans certaines
sessions d’acquisition pré-cliniques a été améliorée quand plusieurs modèles IC ont
été identifiés.
Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) are systems that allow severely motor-impaired
patients to use their brain activity to control external devices, and thereby to interact
with their environment. Several processing procedures are usually carried out to
translate the user’s neuronal activity into commands for effector control. Features
specifically related to the user’s intentions are first extracted from measures of the
user’s brain activity. A decoder is then applied to estimate the user’s intention from
these brain features. After being optionally enhanced by post-processing algorithms,
this estimate of the user’s intention is converted into commands used to drive the
BCI effector(s), e.g. upper- or lower-limb orthoses or prostheses in the particular
case of motor BCIs.
The goal of CLINATEC’s motor BCI project is to bring the proof of concept that
it is feasible for a tetraplegic subject to control complex effectors, for example a 4-
limb exoskeleton, thanks to the monitoring and decoding of his electrocorticographic
(ECoG) brain activity. Challenges specific to the clinical deployment of CLINATEC’s
BCI system are addressed in the present doctoral thesis. A major issue for BCI
clinical applications is the ability to provide users with accurate asynchronous con-
trol over the effector. Unlike synchronous BCIs which are periodically controllable
by users, asynchronous BCI decoders are continuously available. In asynchronous
settings, the limitation of spurious effector activations during No-Control (NC)
periods is particularly desirable. A second challenge arises from the multi-limb
effector embedded into CLINATEC’s BCI system, namely the extension of accu-
rate asynchronous decoding to multi-limb control. A sequential upper-/lower-limb
activation strategy has been chosen for CLINATEC’s BCI system with the aim of
improving the system’s stability and of facilitating neural control. The corresponding
decoding objective lies in avoiding parallel, residual movements of the momentarily
non-controlled limbs. Finally, the ability of users to execute brain-controlled move-
ments is compromised when the estimates of the user’s intention are not sufficiently
correlated with his true intentions. Decoding accuracy during Intentional Control
(IC) periods is thus crucial.
Kinematic decoders, i.e. decoders which extract continuously-valued kinematic
parameters from the neural signals, are generally expected to be precise and intuitive
for motor BCIs. Recent studies have suggested they may be applicable for ECoG
decoding. In the present doctoral thesis, a switching decoder, namely a Markov
Switching Linear Model (MSLM), has been proposed for the task of accurate,
asynchronous sequential multi-limb kinematic ECoG decoding. The MSLM strategy
to support both NC/IC periods and multi-limb control consists of switching between
NC and (possibly multiple) IC linear models to take into account the specific
behaviours expected during NC and IC states. The relevance of each model, i.e. of
each state, is estimated from the neural data and is used to combine the available
continuous models. Switches between IC models are considered to address the
issue of sequential multi-limb effector control (one IC model per limb) as well as to
improve decoding accuracy during IC periods (one IC model per movement phase).
The MSLM has been developed in the frame of static regression models, and
more precisely as an extension of Mixture of Experts (ME) models. A linear model
between neural features and kinematic parameters is conditioned on the current state.
A probabilistic rule is deduced from the likelihood of each possible state, and is used
to weight the available regression models. In contrast with the previously reported
BCI switching regression models, the MSLM performs dynamic state detection
to limit spurious effector activations. More specifically, the sequence of NC and
(possibly multiple) IC states is assumed to be generated by a first-order Markov
chain. A Hidden Markov Model-based (HMM) discrete decoder is used for state
estimation. Both supervised and unsupervised training procedures are presented in
the present dissertation. The proposed unsupervised training procedure is based
on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, and extends both HMM- and
ME- well known EM training algorithms. Unsupervised training permits to exploit
internal states without precise a priori knowledge on their value in the training data
set. In particular, it can be used to associate different IC models with different
phases of complex movements.
The performance of the MSLM decoder was assessed for two decoding tasks,
namely asynchronous wrist trajectory reconstruction (publicly available preclinical
data set) and multi-limb (multi-finger) trajectory reconstruction (publicly available
clinical data set). The MSLM was compared to a Wiener Filter with Markovian
post-processing (MpWF) decoder and to a Switching Kalman Filter (SKF). These
two decoders were chosen so as to represent two alternative strategies previously
exploited for the considered tasks. The supervised MSLM decoder was found to
outperform both the SKF and the post-processed MpWF decoder in terms of state
detection accuracy and/or continuous decoding during IC states, thus reducing the
number of spurious activations during asynchronous mono- and multi-limb decoding
and/or improving decoding accuracy during IC periods. Evaluation of the MSLM
decoder will be performed in CLINATEC’s coming clinical trial.
ACC Accuracy
ANN Artificial Neural Network
AP Action Potential
AR Auto-Regressive
AUC Area Under the Curve
CCWT Complex-Continuous Wavelet Transform
CV Cross-Validation
BCI Brain Computer Interface
CRF Conditional Random Field
CSP Common Spatial Pattern
CTPR Correct True Positive Rate
DBN Dynamic Bayesian Network
DoF Degree of Freedom
DTW Dynamic Time Warping
ECG Electrocardiographic, Electrocardiography, Electrocardiogram
ECoG Electrocorticographic, Electrocorticography
EEG Electroencephalographic, Electroencephalography
EM Expectation-Maximization
EOG Electrooculographic, Electrooculography, Electrooculogram
ERP Event-Related Potential
FN False Negative
FP False Positive
FPR False Positive Rate
FES Functional Electrical Stimulation
fMRI Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
fNIRS Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
GAM Generalized Additive Model
GLM Generalized Linear Model
HMM Hidden Markov Model
IC Intentional Control
ICA Independent Component Analysis
IOHMM Input-Output Hidden Markov Model
KF Kalman Filter
kNN k-Nearest Neighbours
LASSO Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
LFP Local Field Potential
LGF Laplace-Gaussian Filtering
LMP Local Motor Potential
LR Logistic Regression
Mathematical Notations
Matrices are denoted by bold upper-case romans (e.g., X), vectors by bold lower-case
romans (e.g., x) and scalar by lower-cases italics (e.g., x). xij and xi refer to the
(i, j)th entry of matrix X and to the ith element of vector x, respectively.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Brain-Computer Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 BCI overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Brain pattern elicitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.3 BCI components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Motor BCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Towards clinical motor BCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 Signal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.3 Transducers for motor BCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.2.4 Effectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.2.5 Feedback for prosthesis or orthosis control . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.2.6 Summary on current progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.3 CLINATEC’s motor BCI project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.3.1 Signal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.3.2 Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.3.3 Effector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.3.4 Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.4 PhD objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.4.1 Asynchronous control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.4.2 Multi-limb control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.4.3 Accurate control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6 Implementation 115
6.1 Feature extraction and pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.1.1 Kinematic parameter extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.1.2 Neural signal feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.2 Decoder implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.2.1 Preclinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.2.2 Clinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
7 Results 127
7.1 Preclinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
7.1.1 Integration of NC support into kinematic decoders . . . . . . 127
7.1.2 Multiple IC experts for kinematic reconstruction of complex
movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
7.2 Clinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
7.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.3.1 Mono-limb decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
7.3.2 Multi-limb decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
7.3.3 Absolute decoding performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
7.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Bibliography 211
Chapter 1
1.1 Brain-Computer Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 BCI overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Brain pattern elicitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.3 BCI components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Motor BCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Towards clinical motor BCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 Signal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.3 Transducers for motor BCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.2.4 Effectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.2.5 Feedback for prosthesis or orthosis control . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.2.6 Summary on current progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.3 CLINATEC’s motor BCI project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.3.1 Signal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.3.2 Transducer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
1.3.3 Effector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.3.4 Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.4 PhD objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.4.1 Asynchronous control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.4.2 Multi-limb control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.4.3 Accurate control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury (paraplegia,
tetraplegia) and stroke [Lebedev and Nicolelis, 2006]. The independence and well-
being of severely motor-impaired patients are threatened by their inability to control
muscles required for the execution of critical motor tasks, for example bowel control,
respiration, limb movements or verbal communication. BCIs aim at overcoming
some of these disabilities by establishing a new communication pathway between the
patient’s brain and an effector (e.g., a robotic arm, a speller or a wheelchair). Brain
effector control [Mak and Wolpaw, 2009] is expected to help patients recovering the
ability to interact with their environment. It is also anticipated that neurorehabili-
tation programs will benefit from the introduction of BCI-based approaches [Lew,
column or row containing the letter of interest is highlighted [Amiri et al., 2013].
By contrast, internally-paced BCIs rely on brain patterns voluntarily elicited
by users, e.g. Slow-Cortical Potentials (SCP) and Sensorimotor Rhythms (SMR)
[Waldert et al., 2009]. SCPs are slow potentials centred on the upper surface of the
brain, while SMRs are rhythms generated in the motor cortex, i.e. in brain areas
particularly devoted to motor control. Voluntarily modulation of SCPs and SMRs
is possible after training [Waldert et al., 2009], thus enabling users to control, for
example, prosthetic devices [Pfurtscheller et al., 2000] [Wang et al., 2013c], cursors
[Wolpaw and McFarland, 2004] or robots [Chae et al., 2012].
Figure 1.1: BCI main components: acquisition system, transducer, effector and
Signal acquisition The acquisition system is used to sample, amplify and digitize
a measure of the user’s cerebral activity [Homer and Nurmikko, 2013] as reflected
by electrophysiological, magnetic or metabolic signals [Mak and Wolpaw, 2009].
Electrophysiological signals originate from the electrical currents generated by
neurons. They are acquired by means of microelectrodes arrays (MEA), electrocor-
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
Effector control The effector’s controller converts intention estimates into com-
mands which are sent to the effector. The type of effector integrated into a BCI
system depends on the objective of the BCI. BCIs mostly aim at providing patients
with the ability to communicate, exert control over their environment, displace
themselves, or recover some motor control over their limbs [Mak and Wolpaw, 2009].
Beside the traditional spellers, BCIs for communication often give users control over
a cursor displayed on a computer screen, so that they can write texts, select icons,
surf the Internet etc. BCIs for environmental control also rely on cursor control for
the adjustment of environmental variables [Mak and Wolpaw, 2009], e.g. light or
position of a motorized bed [Cincotti et al., 2008]. Navigation (locomotion) BCIs
provide users with control over wheelchairs [Mak and Wolpaw, 2009]. Finally, motor
BCIs aim at restoring limb mobility. They generally embed upper- or lower-limb
orthoses [Yuan and He, 2014] or prostheses. Considerable efforts are put into the
restoration of upper-limb mobility, in particular for the execution of reaching move-
ment with a brain-controlled robotic arm (e.g., [Wodlinger et al., 2015] [Aflalo et al.,
are associated with the control of physical orthoses or prostheses. The present section
gathers a presentation of these challenges and of the technical solutions which have
been proposed to address them.
Safety The safety of the signal acquisition system is critical for BCI applications
[Leuthardt et al., 2006b]. Moreover, in contrast with communication BCIs and their
virtual effectors, motor BCIs generally involve interactions between the user and a
physical effector. Specific risks result from this physical interaction, for examples
falls or the execution of anatomically impossible movements. As they jeopardize the
safety of the BCI users, it is crucial to avert them.
Decoding accuracy BCI systems benefit patients if the decoded actions reflect
the user’s intentions with an accuracy enabling him to interact with his environment
[Lebedev and Nicolelis, 2006] [Leuthardt et al., 2006b] [Marathe and Taylor, 2011]
[Marathe and Taylor, 2015] (see examples in Figure 1.2).
Feedback It is crucial for BCI users to be regularly provided with feedback on the
effector state. Specific feedback characteristics have been shown to have a dramatic
impact on neural control performances. It has for example been demonstrated
that using several feedback modalities, e.g. visual and proprioceptive feedback,
can improve the quality of neural control [Suminski et al., 2010]. The ability to
1.2. Motor BCIs 7
exert control over a motor BCI has also been found to be affected by unnatural,
important latencies between the user’s intention and the corresponding effector
reaction [Willett et al., 2013][Marathe and Taylor, 2015]. The duration required for
the execution of reaching tasks has been found to be increased by around 180ms for
every 100ms-long pure delay introduced into the transducer [Willett et al., 2013].
Similar results were reported in [Marathe and Taylor, 2015], where the introduction
of a 300ms-long delay into the transducer increased the duration required to execute
reaching movements by more than 300ms. An important latency also limits brain
plasticity, i.e. the ability of the user to adapt to the BCI transducer [Leuthardt
et al., 2006b]. BCI developers therefore endeavour to limit the latency between
movement intention and execution of this movement by the effector.
Real-time decoding update The effector controller is regularly fed with updated
estimates of the user’s intention. The suitability of update frequencies depends on
the effector [Leuthardt et al., 2006b]. In contrast with communication BCIs which
can be highly beneficial to patients even when they exhibit comparatively low update
rates, motor BCIs require a high update rate to profit users. Most BCI systems
rely on a frequency rate of 10 to 20Hz [Kim et al., 2006a] for cursor or prosthetic
control in interaction-free environments. Lower frequency updates, e.g. 5Hz for arm
prosthesis control [Yanagisawa et al., 2012a], were nevertheless reported. It has been
suggested that an update rate of 20Hz is necessary for object manipulation [Kim
et al., 2006a]. The update frequency defines the maximal duration the transducer
can use to translate brain signals into user intention’s estimates. The computational
complexity of the transducer’s processing blocks is consequently constrained by the
update frequency and the hardware processing power.
Mental load It is desirable for neural control to be associated with a light mental
load [Yuan and He, 2014] [Mak and Wolpaw, 2009].
These challenges drive the technical choices made when designing the components
of motor BCIs.
often used to describe neural population activity [Kandel et al., 2000] [Morshed and
Khan, 2014]:
Figure 1.4: A. Brain’s lobes [Kandel et al., 2000]). B. Cortical areas involved in
motor control (red lines) [Kandel et al., 2000]. C. Somatotopic organization of the
primary motor cortex (reproduced from [Kandel et al., 2000]).
using their speech network in [Leuthardt et al., 2011]. Users were provided with
neural control over a robotic arm by means of visual evoked potentials measured
over the occipital lobe in [Ortner et al., 2011]. A robotic device and a cursor were
controlled by subjects’ occipital activity in [Ferreira et al., 2008] and [Trejo et al.,
2006], respectively. Finally, the majority of reported motor BCIs made use of activity
elicited in the frontal and parietal lobes, and more specifically in the motor cortex
[Collinger et al., 2013] [Wodlinger et al., 2015] [Kellis et al., 2012] [Wolpaw and
McFarland, 2004] [Baxter et al., 2013] [Wang et al., 2013c].
The motor cortex is devoted to the organization of movements, and in particular
of voluntary movements [Kandel et al., 2000]. It is composed of the primary motor
area (M1) and of premotor areas, in particular the premotor cortex (PM), the
supplementary motor area (SMA) and the Posterior Parietal Cortex (PPC) [Kandel
et al., 2000] (Figure 1.4.B). Present knowledge about neuronal management of
motor control remains limited [Lebedev and Nicolelis, 2006]. Some features of
neural control have nevertheless been characterized. M1 neurons encode both low-
level (e.g., muscle force) and high-level information about desired movements (e.g.,
direction of arm movements [Kandel et al., 2000]). The amount of neurons devoted
to one limb or organ is not proportional to the organ size, but to the complexity
of its control (somatotopic organization, illustrated in Figure 1.4.C). This spatial
organization is exploited by numerous BCIs. Additionally, motor control is mainly
contralateral, i.e. cortical neurons from left hemisphere are connected to motor
neurons managing the right size of the body [Kandel et al., 2000]. Premotor areas
are involved, e.g., in motor planning and limb coordination [Kandel et al., 2000].
Although the functions managed by the SMA have not yet been clearly identified, it
has been suggested that it is involved in the control of voluntary movements and
of sequences of movements [Kandel et al., 2000]. The Posterior Parietal Cortex
manages in particular sensory information for motor planning [Kandel et al., 2000].
Whereas most BCIs indistinguishably exploit activity generated in various areas of
the motor cortex, the specific use of M1 activity has been reported in motor BCIs
12 Chapter 1. Introduction
[Velliste et al., 2008] [Bouton et al., 2016] [Hochberg et al., 2012]. The feasibility of
PPC-based neural control was additionally investigated in a recent study [Aflalo
et al., 2015], and bimanual movements were controlled using M1, SMA, PPC and
primary somatosensory activity in [Ifft et al., 2013].
Sensorimotor rhythms Most semi- and non-invasive motor BCIs are based
on the exploitation of sensorimotor rhythms [Pfurtscheller et al., 2000] [Wolpaw and
McFarland, 2004] [McFarland et al., 2010] [LaFleur et al., 2013] [Baxter et al., 2013]
[Milekovic et al., 2012] [Kapeller et al., 2015] [Hotson et al., 2016]. Sensorimotor
rhythms (SMR) are patterns generated by neural populations of the sensorimotor
cortex [Leuthardt et al., 2006b]. Although SMRs are not well understood [Yuan and
He, 2014], some properties of these rhythms have been characterized.
Modulations synchronized with motor tasks have been observed in µ, β and γ
frequency bands (Figure 1.5). Two seconds before the onset of a movement, an
amplitude decrease is observed in µ and β bands (Event-Related Desynchronization).
This phenomenon is mostly contralateral to the movement, and is spatially consistent
with the somatotopic organization of the motor cortex. Simultaneously, an amplitude
increase is observed in the γ band. This rhythm is more spatially focused than µ
and β modulation [Schalk and Leuthardt, 2011]. After the movement, an amplitude
increase occurs in µ and β frequency bands (Event-Related Synchronization). These
rhythms can be observed in the contralateral sensorimotor area, with a peak 600ms
after the movement offset. Although they have been initially observed during
planning and execution of real movements, it has been shown that they also occur
during motor imagery but with a smaller amplitude. Volitional control of SMRs
1.2. Motor BCIs 13
is thus possible after training, and the simplest way to elicit it is to use motor
imagination [Leuthardt et al., 2006b] [Waldert et al., 2009].
Similarly, Movement-Related Potentials (MRPs) are synchronized with move-
ments. These low-frequency potentials appear 1 to 1.5s before a movement [Waldert
et al., 2009] [Bashashati et al., 2007a]. Their distribution is bilateral at the beginning
of the movement, and becomes contralateral when close to the movement [Bashashati
et al., 2007a]. Readiness Potential and Lateralized Readiness Potential are examples
of MRPs. Volitional control of MRPs can be achieved, e.g. via motor imagination
[Nazarpour et al., 2009].
Figure 1.5: SMRs (reproduced and modified from [Waldert et al., 2009])
SMRs are widely exploited in motor BCIs, e.g. for prosthesis [Pfurtscheller et al.,
2000] [Yanagisawa et al., 2012a] [Baxter et al., 2013] [Wang et al., 2013c] or virtual
effector control [Wolpaw and McFarland, 2004] [McFarland et al., 2010] [Doud et al.,
2011] [Kellis et al., 2012].
SCP Slow Cortical Potentials (SCPs) are slow potentials centered on the upper
surface of the brain [Leuthardt et al., 2006b] [Bashashati et al., 2007a]. SCP are
not necessarily related to motor control or to a mental specific task, but volitional
modulation of SCPs is possible after training [Leuthardt et al., 2006b] [Waldert et al.,
2009]. SCP-based neural control has been used for spelling systems [Birbaumer
et al., 1999] and can be used for motor BCIs.
Response to mental tasks Brain pattern elicitation via mental tasks has
been performed in a few cursor-control studies [Penny et al., 2000] [Vansteensel et al.,
2010]. Discrimination between responses to mental tasks has also been investigated
in feasibility studies, e.g. in [Anderson and Sijercic, 1996] [Ramsey et al., 2006], or
in [Chiappa and Bengio, 2003] where both mental and motor tasks were classified
14 Chapter 1. Introduction
during offline analyses. Reported mental tasks consisted in solving equations [Ramsey
et al., 2006], multiplying [Anderson and Sijercic, 1996] or substracting [Penny et al.,
2000] [Vansteensel et al., 2010] numbers, writing a letter [Anderson and Sijercic,
1996], finding words beginning with a specific letter [Chiappa and Bengio, 2003],
etc. The corresponding brain patterns were for example observed in the prefrontal
cortex [Ramsey et al., 2006] [Vansteensel et al., 2010], or in the parietal, frontal and
occipital cortex [Anderson and Sijercic, 1996].
Evoked Potentials While evoked potentials have rarely been exploited for
motor BCIs, SSVEP-based hand orthosis control has for example been achieved in
[Ortner et al., 2011].
Other strategies Several motor BCIs have made use of several sources of
control [Horki et al., 2011] [Pfurtscheller et al., 2010], e.g. hybrid SSVEP- and
SMR-based hand prosthesis control in [Pfurtscheller et al., 2010] and [Horki et al.,
Figure 1.6: Location of MEA, ECoG and EEG sensors (reproduced from [Schalk
and Leuthardt, 2011])
MEA-based motor BCIs have been deployed both in humans [Hochberg et al., 2006]
[Kim et al., 2008] [Simeral et al., 2011] [Kim et al., 2011] [Hochberg et al., 2012]
[Jarosiewicz et al., 2013] [Collinger et al., 2013] [Wodlinger et al., 2015] [Bouton
et al., 2016] and primate subjects [Taylor et al., 2002] [Carmena et al., 2003] [Velliste
et al., 2008] [Orsborn et al., 2011] [Orsborn et al., 2012] [Ifft et al., 2013] [Sadtler
et al., 2014]. MEA, also referred to as "Intracortical Electrode Array", e.g. [Maynard
et al., 1997] [Wodlinger et al., 2015], are grids of needle microelectrodes which are
implanted into the cortex [Homer and Nurmikko, 2013].
Most reported MEA-based motor BCIs relied on the Utah array [Blackrock, 2016]
(Figure 1.7) to acquire neural signals in human subjects [Simeral et al., 2011] [Kim
et al., 2011] [Hochberg et al., 2012] [Jarosiewicz et al., 2013] [Collinger et al., 2013]
[Wodlinger et al., 2015]. This commercialized array gathers 10 × 10 1.5mm-long
electrodes on a 4 × 4mm2 surface. The inter-electrode distance is 0.4mm. The size
of the electrode tips is approximately 4 µm [Simeral et al., 2011], while the diameter
of a neuron body is 50µm or more [Kandel et al., 2000]. Signal acquisition has
nevertheless been performed with other MEAs in a few motor BCIs, e.g. [Orsborn
et al., 2012] [Ifft et al., 2013]. The MEAs used in [Orsborn et al., 2012] and [Gowda
et al., 2014] for example gathered 128 electrodes, with a 35µm diameter and a 0.5mm
inter-electrode distance. Another team has reported bimodal control over virtual
upper-limb prostheses by monkeys [Ifft et al., 2013] using volumetric arrays [Schwarz
et al., 2014], i.e. arrays embedding electrodes of different lengths.
The spectral content of MEA signals stretches as far as 40kHz [Buzsáki et al.,
2012]. Preprocessing permits to extract three signals from the raw signal acquired by
an intracortical electrode, namely Single-Unit Activity (SUA), Multi-Unit Activity
(MUA) and Local Field Potentials (LFP) [Waldert et al., 2009]. MUA and SUA
signals reflect the spiking activity of the few neurons located in the immediate
16 Chapter 1. Introduction
signal acquisition after several months [Yuan and He, 2014], and is thus thought
to limit the life expectancy of the MEA-driven BCIs [Leuthardt et al., 2006a]. In
[Simeral et al., 2011] for example, neurons with a firing rate superior to 1Hz were
associated with only 41 out of the array’s 96 electrodes 1000 days after implantation.
These observations suggest that further improvements may be necessary before
MEAs fully support safe and chronic BCIs [Murphy et al., 2015].
ECoG-based motor BCIs have been investigated for both human [Leuthardt et al.,
2004] [Leuthardt et al., 2006a] [Wilson et al., 2006] [Schalk et al., 2008] [Blakely
et al., 2009] [Vansteensel et al., 2010] [Milekovic et al., 2012] [Kellis et al., 2012]
[Yanagisawa et al., 2012a] [Wang et al., 2013c] [Fifer et al., 2014] [Kapeller et al.,
2015] and primate subjects [Ashmore et al., 2012] [Sanchez et al., 2008] [Rouse and
Moran, 2009] [Rouse et al., 2013] [Williams et al., 2013] [Marathe and Taylor, 2013]
[Rouse et al., 2016]. Also referred to as "intracranial EEG" [Morshed and Khan,
2014], ECoG grids gather flat electrodes and are implanted onto the cortical surface,
more precisely under or over the dura mater (respectively, subdural and epidural
implantation) [Schalk and Leuthardt, 2011].
To date, most ECoG-based motor BCI clinical studies have been completed with
subjects who had not been not fitted with an ECoG array because they participated
in a BCI study [Vansteensel et al., 2010] [Milekovic et al., 2012] [Kellis et al., 2012]
[Yanagisawa et al., 2012a] [Kapeller et al., 2015]. They were generally enrolled
because they were undergoing a short-term ECoG implantation for the localization
of an epileptic focus before a resection surgery. They were therefore implanted with
clinical ECoG arrays which materials, configuration and size were optimized for the
requirements of this monitoring objective [Schalk and Leuthardt, 2011]. The utilized
clinical ECoG arrays generally consist in titanium, ball-shaped macro-electrodes
placed on a grid (8 electrodes) or a strip (4 or 6 electrodes) [Schalk and Leuthardt,
2011] (Figure 1.8). They are mostly implanted under the dura mater (subdural
implantation). Electrode diameters are typically of 4mm, for an inter-electrode of
1cm [Leuthardt et al., 2004] [Leuthardt et al., 2006a] [Wilson et al., 2006] [Schalk
et al., 2008] [Blakely et al., 2009] [Vansteensel et al., 2010] [Milekovic et al., 2012]
[Fifer et al., 2014]. The number of channels ranged from 15 [Yanagisawa et al.,
2012a] to 128 electrodes [Hotson et al., 2016], possibly via the joint implantation of
several arrays [Fifer et al., 2014]. Similar electrodes have been used for preliminary
studies in human subjects [Schalk et al., 2007] [Chin et al., 2007]. A few teams have
used high-density arrays, e.g. with a 0.5cm [Wilson et al., 2006] [Kapeller et al.,
2015] or 3mm inter-electrode distance in [Hotson et al., 2016] for neural control
over a cursor [Wilson et al., 2006], an humanoid robot [Kapeller et al., 2015] or a
prosthetic hand [Hotson et al., 2016]. The ECoG arrays used to develop and test
motor BCIs on primate models are generally less standardized. Custom arrays with
an inter-electrode distance of 3.5mm have been used to measure signals analyzed in
preclinical feasibility studies [Chao et al., 2010] [Shimoda et al., 2012].
18 Chapter 1. Introduction
Finally, the use of micro-ECoG (µECoG) arrays, i.e. arrays with an inter-
electrode distance inferior to 4mm and an electrode diameter generally inferior to
100µm [Kellis et al., 2015], has recently been investigated with both human [Kellis
et al., 2012] and primate subjects [Williams et al., 2013] [Rouse et al., 2013] [Rouse
et al., 2016]. The inter-electrode distance of the tested µECoG arrays ranged from
1 to 3mm, with electrode diameters of 30-40 µm [Kellis et al., 2012] or between
300 µm [Williams et al., 2013] [Rouse et al., 2013] [Rouse et al., 2016] and 600µm
[Williams et al., 2013]. The optimal inter-electrode distance is still an active field of
research [Wang et al., 2009b] [Slutzky et al., 2010] [Bundy et al., 2014] [Kellis et al.,
2015] [Wang et al., 2016]. Several studies have suggested that decoding performance
is higher when dense arrays rather than generic arrays with 1cm-large inter-electrode
distance are used [Bundy et al., 2014] [Wang et al., 2016].
ECoG spatial resolution is 1.25mm for subdural ECoG and 1.4mm for epidural
recordings [Schalk and Leuthardt, 2011]. The synaptic currents generated by
pyramidal neurons aligned in the superficial layers of cortex are thought to be the
main sources of ECoG signals [Waldert et al., 2009]. ECoG bandwidth ranges from 0
to 500Hz [Schalk and Leuthardt, 2011]. The exploitation of high frequency patterns,
which have been found useful in several motor studies [Anderson et al., 2012] [Nurse
et al., 2015], is thus possible. Additionally, ECoG signals are significantly less
sensitive to artifacts, in particular ocular ones [Ball et al., 2009a], than non-invasive
acquisition methods like EEG.
Clinical and preclinical attempts at ECoG-based neural control have yielded
encouraging results. Able-bodied epileptic patients have been reported to be able to
control 1D or 2D cursors in several studies [Leuthardt et al., 2004] [Leuthardt et al.,
2006a] [Wilson et al., 2006] [Schalk et al., 2008] [Blakely et al., 2009] [Vansteensel
et al., 2010] [Kellis et al., 2012] [Milekovic et al., 2012]. Epileptic patients controlled
a prosthetic arm, a humanoid robot and a prosthetic hand in [Fifer et al., 2014],
[Kapeller et al., 2015] and [Hotson et al., 2016] respectively. Motor-impaired and
able-bodied patients were able to manipulate a prosthetic hand in [Yanagisawa et al.,
2012a], and 3D arm prosthesis control was achieved by a patient with tetraplegia
in [Wang et al., 2013c]. 1D [Rouse et al., 2013] [Rouse et al., 2016] and 2D cursor
control [Rouse and Moran, 2009] [Ashmore et al., 2012] [Williams et al., 2013]
[Marathe and Taylor, 2013] [Rouse et al., 2016] has additionally been achieved by
1.2. Motor BCIs 19
additionally five times lower than ECoGs’ amplitude [Leuthardt et al., 2006a]. EEG
spectral content approximately ranges from 0 to 40Hz [Schalk and Leuthardt, 2011].
The absence of high frequencies is due to signal low-pass filtering when crossing
the skull and skin [Lebedev and Nicolelis, 2006], and to the reduced power of high
frequency components observed from a large distance to their source [Waldert et al.,
2009] (see section EEGs are very sensitive to artefacts, in particular
ocular [Fatourechi et al., 2007a], muscular [Muthukumaraswamy, 2013] [Fatourechi
et al., 2007a], cardiac [Lebedev and Nicolelis, 2006] and mechanical ones. Artefacts
are liable to perturb neural control [Fatourechi et al., 2007a]. Strategies have been
proposed to discard them, but at the risk of losing informative content if the spectral
content of the artefacts is included in the frequency band of interest [Fatourechi
et al., 2007a].
The feasibility of EEG-driven motor BCIs has been explored by several teams.
Binary EEG-based control over a prosthetic and orthesis arm was achieved in [Onose
et al., 2012] and [Webb et al., 2012], respectively. The aperture of a robotic arm
was controlled by a tetraplegic patient in [Pfurtscheller et al., 2000]; 2D control of a
prosthetic and robotic arm was reported in [Baxter et al., 2013] and [Hortal et al.,
2015], respectively. Finally, 1D, 2D and 3D control over virtual effectors has been
accomplished by several able-bodied subjects [Yuan et al., 2007] [Trejo et al., 2006]
[McFarland et al., 2010] [Royer et al., 2010] [Doud et al., 2011] [LaFleur et al., 2013].
While these results are promising, the limited spatial resolution [Leuthardt
et al., 2006a] and high-frequency content of EEG signals [Waldert et al., 2009] may
complicate multi-DoF and multi-limb effector control. In particular, the adaptation
of users to EEG-based decoders often requires extensive training [Leuthardt et al.,
2006a], and, in the case of "BCI illiterates", may not permit users to satisfyingly
control the effector [Milan and Carmena, 2010]. EEG-based BCI studies nevertheless
constitute a significant part of motor BCI studies [Leuthardt et al., 2006a] because
of their non-invasiveness [Teplan, 2002], of their attractive cost and of the relatively
simple procedure which is required to put EEG caps into place [Milan and Carmena,
1.2. Motor BCIs 21
output of the BCI transducer. The future BCI user is generally cued to repeatedly
generate action-specific patterns, and his brain activity is recorded throughout this
process [Homer and Nurmikko, 2013]. In the case of externally-paced motor BCIs,
the user is simply exposed to the stimuli of interest. In both cases, decoders are
optimized according to their performance for open-loop data decoding.
Decoder identification on open-loop data generally suffers from two limitations.
As the acquired neural signals are noisy and only partially reflect the user brain
activity, open-loop decoders rarely reach perfect decoding performance on the open-
loop data set. Moreover, high open-loop decoding accuracy does not systematically
result in optimal intention estimation in closed-loop settings [Jackson and Fetz,
2011] [Jarosiewicz et al., 2013]. Because of a change of context between open-loop
and closed-loop neural signals, open-loop neural patterns differ from closed-loop
patterns [Leuthardt et al., 2006a] [Jackson and Fetz, 2011] [Jarosiewicz et al., 2013].
Performance drops are regularly observed when an open-loop decoder is applied dur-
ing closed-loop experiments [Tillery et al., 2003]. While it has been found that these
shortcomings of decoder identification may not impact externally-paced systems
[Duprès et al., 2014], they make user training indispensable for internally-paced
motor BCIs.
User training (or adaptation) consists of leading the user to adapt to an imperfect
decoder, i.e. to modify his brain patterns so as to compensate for the transducer’s
erroneous outputs. Thanks to the feedback, the BCI user can assess the difference
between his true intention and the transducer’s estimation of this intention, and
progressively learn how to reduce it by modifying his neural activity. User adaptation
exploits brain plasticity [McFarland and Wolpaw, 2011], i.e. the brain ability to
reorganize to learn new tasks when it is provided with neuro-feedback. While user
training is not required for externally-paced motor BCIs, it is a crucial phase of the
deployment of internally-paced motor BCIs. It is most of the time completed after
the identification of an open-loop decoder [Simeral et al., 2011].
1.2. Motor BCIs 23
Iterative decoder and user adaptation has been reported in preclinical and clinical
motor BCIs [Shenoy and Carmena, 2014] (e.g., [Wang et al., 2013c] [Wodlinger et al.,
2015]). After identification of an initial decoder on open-loop data, the user attempts
to perform tasks during closed-loop experiments. The decoder is then re-identified
so as to take into account modifications in the user’s strategy. In most studies,
several iterations of user-decoder adaptation are performed ("turn-taking" strategy)
[Hochberg et al., 2012] [Wang et al., 2013c], for example 4 to 8 recalibrations for
MEA-based prosthesis control [Hochberg et al., 2012].
Two main approaches are used to provide users with control over orthoses or
prostheses. They are thought to impact the user’s ability to control multiple DoF
and multi-limb effectors as well as the mental load associated with neural control.
in ECoG signals [Gunduz, 2008] [Ball et al., 2009b] [Anderson et al., 2012] [Nurse
et al., 2015] [Bundy et al., 2016] and in low-pass filtered EEG [Waldert et al., 2008]
[Bradberry et al., 2010] [Jerbi et al., 2011] signals in humans.
Figure 1.11: Directional tuning of 5 motor cortex neurons (reproduced from [Geor-
gopoulos et al., 1982]).
mimic natural motor control, in particular because MEAs only permit to acquire the
activity of a very reduced subset of the neurons involved in motor control. The limits
of brain plasticity, i.e. the extent to which a new, unnatural, initially non-intuitive
map can be learned by users, have been investigated in a few studies [Ganguly and
Carmena, 2009] [Sadtler et al., 2014]. While a monkey was able to learn how to
proficiently control a 2D cursor using a decoder tuned with random parameters in
[Ganguly and Carmena, 2009], a second closed-loop study suggests that learning
cannot be achieved if the initial decoder is too far from the user’s natural map
[Sadtler et al., 2014]. The respective relevance of biomimetic and biofeeback decoders,
in particular in terms of training duration, is still unclear, and is sometimes referred
to as the "biomimetic vs. biofeedback" or "decoding vs. learning" dilemma [Carmena,
2013] [Jackson and Fetz, 2011]. To date, most MEA-based motor BCIs nevertheless
relied on biomimetic kinematic decoders [Hochberg et al., 2012] [Wodlinger et al.,
Figure 1.12: Right and left hand motor imagery (EEG) (reproduced from [LaFleur
et al., 2013])
et al., 2015], to involve a lesser mental load [Yuan and He, 2014] and to require
less user training [Waldert et al., 2009]. Although further studies are required to
assess the limits of kinematic approaches, kinematic control is often presented as a
feature generally desirable for BCI systems, including EEG- [Yuan and He, 2014] or
ECoG-based [Chin et al., 2007] BCI systems. The feasibility of kinematic ECoG-
and EEG-driven control is still unclear. In particular, it has been shown that the
ability of users to execute reaching movements is degraded when estimated positions
or velocities are not sufficiently correlated with the user’s intentions, e.g. correlation
is equal or inferior to 0.75 or 0.5 in the case of position and velocity decoding,
respectively [Marathe and Taylor, 2011]. This finding suggests that an accurate
extraction of kinematic parameters from the neural signals is required for kinematic
decoding to benefit patients. Feasability studies for EEG- [Waldert et al., 2008]
[Bradberry et al., 2010] [Jerbi et al., 2011] and ECoG-based kinematic decoders
[Gunduz, 2008] [Ball et al., 2009b] [Anderson et al., 2012] [Nurse et al., 2015] [Bundy
et al., 2016] have recently been completed. The interest of ECoG-driven kinematic
decoders is of particular interest because of the ECoG potential for chronic and
complex neural control.
accuracy between 0.3 and 0.4 for x-axis, and 0.45 and 0.55 for the y-axis (3 subjects
with non-compromised motor recordings). In [Hotson et al., 2014], the first Principal
Component of subjects’ wrist trajectory was decoded with a correlation coefficient
around 0.7 for each one out of 3 subjects. Depending on the subjects, various
frequency bands between 0 and 200Hz were found informative to predict the wrist
Velocity encoding has been reported in several studies, often in similar features as
the position. Velocity encoding found in the LMP and in the 5-42Hz and 140-190Hz
frequency bands permitted to reconstruct 2D trajectories with a correlation of 0.43
and 0.55 for the x- and y-axis, respectively (average over 5 subjects)[Schalk et al.,
2007]. In [Anderson et al., 2012], neural features extracted from several channels were
found to be significantly tuned to velocity during the execution of 2D movements.
Average PCC of 0.45, 0.35 and 0.42 for the x-, y- and z-axis respectively were
reported between 3D velocity profiles and their ECoG-based reconstructions. In
[Hammer et al., 2013], 1D velocity encoding of LMP and various frequency features
permitted to reconstruct subjects’ wrist velocity with an accuracy comparable to
the one obtained for position decoding. It was nevertheless reported in a later study
that speed encoding was significantly more encoded than velocity [Hammer et al.,
2016], again in LMP-related features. A similar phenomenon was observed in [Bundy
et al., 2016] (average Pearson Correlation Coefficient between true and decoded
speed of 0.82). Finally, a Kalman filter yielded velocity accuracies between 0.4 and
0.5 for x-axis, and 0.48 and 0.6 for the y-axis (3 subjects with non-compromised
motor recordings) [Pistohl et al., 2008].
In [Bundy et al., 2016], speed encoding, where speed refers to the norm of the
velocity, yielded reconstructions with PCC of 0.82, thus surpassing both position and
velocity encoding (average over 5 subjects). While similar results were obtained in
[Hammer et al., 2016], where speed was found to be more encoded than velocity and
position, it was suggested in the tuning study completed by Anderson and colleagues
[Anderson et al., 2012] that speed tuning is less prominent than 2D position and
Poor acceleration encoding has been reported in [Hammer et al., 2013] (PCC of
0.3 at the peak of decoding accuracy, average over 3 subjects) and [Hammer et al.,
Finally, 2D directional encoding has been disclosed in high-gamma signals (85-
250Hz) in 10% of the channels of arrays partly located over the motor cortex [Nurse
et al., 2015] (distinction between 8 targets, i.e. angles of 45◦ ). ECoG 2D directional
tuning has also been reported in [Schalk et al., 2007] and [Anderson et al., 2012].
These findings suggest that kinematic decoders may be utilized to interpret
ECoG signals during arm movements.
control the effector, is generally poor (see, e.g. [Chao et al., 2010][Williams et al.,
2013] [Velliste et al., 2014]). Similarly, mental-task decoders are regularly designed
for synchronous decoding only [Doud et al., 2011] [Onose et al., 2012] [LaFleur
et al., 2013]. Several studies have therefore been devoted to the development of
efficient transducers for asynchronous control. The majority of these studies were
completed with simplified frameworks, namely the discrimination between intentional
control and idle states [Mason and Birch, 2000] [King et al., 2015] or the distinction
of a limited number of mental tasks from idle states [Millán and Mouriño, 2003]
[Bashashati et al., 2007b] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2015]. While a few asynchronous
kinematic decoders have been proposed by the BCI community [Srinivasan et al.,
2007] [Williams et al., 2013], their respective relevance and limits are still unclear. A
detailed presentation of the technical solutions considered for asynchronous control
is given in Chapter 2.
1.2.4 Effectors
The effectors embedded in motor BCI systems exhibit multiple degrees of freedom
and/or multiple effectors.
Several prosthetic or orthotic devices have been considered for the restoration
of upper-limb mobility. The use of Robotnik’s 6-Degrees of Freedom (DoF) JACO
robotic arm [Robotnik, 2016] has been reported in several motor BCI studies
[Bougrain et al., 2012] [Baxter et al., 2013] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2015]. The
Modular Prosthetic Limb, which has been developped at Johns Hopkins University
and includes a hand and up to 16 controllable DoF, has been controlled by tetraplegic
patients in several clinical trials [Collinger et al., 2013] [Wang et al., 2013c] [Wodlinger
et al., 2015]. The DLR (respectively, the DEKA) robotic device utilized in [Hochberg
et al., 2012] combines a 7-DoF (6-DoF, respectively) arm with a 15-DoF (4-DoF,
respectively) hand. 6-DoF and 5-DoF robotic arms were controlled by a monkey
in [Carmena et al., 2003] and [Velliste et al., 2008], respectively. Finally, a custom
upper-limb orthosis has been developed within the framework of an EEG-based BCI
project [Webb et al., 2012].
Both custom and commercialized hand orthoses and prostheses have been neurally
manipulated by BCI users [Pfurtscheller et al., 2000] [Murguialday et al., 2007]
[Chen et al., 2009] [Ortner et al., 2011].
Several teams also endeavor to restore lower-limb mobility via neural control
over a lower-limb orthesis, e.g. the MINDWALKER, the RoGO, the Rex, the H2
and the Walk Again Project’s exoskeleton in [Gancet et al., 2012], [Do et al., 2013],
[Kwak et al., 2015], [López-Larraz et al., 2016] and [Nicolelis, 2014], respectively.
Finally, early results on the utilization of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
have been presented in a few studies [King et al., 2015] [Bouton et al., 2016] [Vidaurre
et al., 2016]. FES-based BCIs aim at enabling users to regain control over their own
limbs rather than over an external device. FES consists of stimulating the user’s
muscles so that they contract according to the user’s movement intentions.
The control of physical effectors (e.g., orthoses or robotic arms) is necessary
30 Chapter 1. Introduction
to restore limb mobility. The utilization of virtual effectors has nevertheless been
proposed in several studies, in particular because it permits to facilitate early training
phases in clinical trials [Wodlinger et al., 2015]. Users have been provided with
control over virtual effectors in many preclinical or clinical motor studies, e.g. cursors
[Taylor et al., 2002] [Leuthardt et al., 2006a] [Kim et al., 2008] [Simeral et al., 2011]
or simulated robotic arms in virtual reality environments [Wang et al., 2013c] [Ifft
et al., 2013] [Wodlinger et al., 2015].
1.3.2 Transducer
The transducers developed in CLINATEC were mainly devoted to two signal pro-
cessing challenges, namely accurate mono-limb and asynchronous control.
may be sufficient for kinematic decoding (see section, CLINATEC’s signal
processing team has developed a kinematic decoding approach for the restoration of
upper-limb mobility. The transducer first extracts high-dimensional time-frequency-
space features from the neural signals. A preliminary pre-processing approach
is used to discard artefacts where necessary [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014]. The
kinematic parameters of interest are then regressed against the neural features
using the efficient decoder training approaches designed in CLINATEC [Eliseyev
and Aksenova, 2013] [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014]. Offline validation of the
corresponding transducers has been completed by using ECoG signals to reconstruct
the 3D kinematic parameters of monkeys’ wrist and/or shoulder and elbow [Eliseyev
and Aksenova, 2013] [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014].
1.3.3 Effector
Clinatec BCI system aims at providing users with multiple DoF control over the
4-limb exoskeleton EMY (for Enhancing MobilitY) [Morinière et al., 2015] [Eliseyev
et al., 2014]. Developed at CEA-LIST, EMY (shown in Figure 1.13) presents up
to 14 controllable degrees of freedom (4 for each arm [Morinière et al., 2015], 3 for
each leg). The projected operating protocol consists in offering 7 degrees of freedom
(DoF) asynchronous control to patients (3 DoF for each arm, a switch to activate or
deactivate walking).
1.3.4 Feedback
Although the integration of alternative feedback types is envisaged for a future
version of Clinatec’s BCI system, neural control will initially rely on visual feedback
2.1 Notations and processing blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2 Pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.3 Feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.3.1 Neural feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.3.2 Features for effector control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.3.3 Dimensionality reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.4 Decoders for motor BCIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.1 Generalities on decoder training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.2 Discrete decoding - classifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.4.3 Continuous decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.5 Post-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.5.1 Discrete output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.5.2 Continuous output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.6 Transducers for accurate asynchronous kinematic decoding 64
2.6.1 Asynchronous mono-limb decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.6.2 Asynchronous sequential multi-limb decoding . . . . . . . . . 66
2.6.3 Accurate decoding during IC states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.2 Pre-processing
Decoders are liable to issue erroneous intention estimates when they are trained
and/or applied on neural signals which are noisy or corrupted by artefacts. Pre-
processing filters aim at discarding artefacts and/or increasing the Signal-to-Noise-
Ratio (SNR). They are profitably used for various decoding tasks, e.g. kinematic or
asynchronous binary decoding.
Artefact management Artefacts are signals which are irrelevant for neural
control, e.g. signals with non-cerebral sources like ocular movements or heartbeats
[Fatourechi et al., 2007a]. The EEG sensitivity to artefacts, in particular artefacts
with ocular, cardiac or muscular origins, has been demonstrated in several studies
[Fatourechi et al., 2007a] [Whitham et al., 2007] [Muthukumaraswamy, 2013]. Albeit
to a lesser extent, ECoG signals are also liable to be corrupted by artefacts, e.g.
blink artefacts in subdural ECoG signals [Ball et al., 2009a] or chewing artefacts in
epidural ECoG signals [Shimoda et al., 2012]. Finally, the presence of common-noise
artefacts has been reported in intracortical recordings [Paralikar, 2010].
Artefact rejection and artefact removal methods have been developed to limit
artefact-induced perturbations during decoder training and/or execution. Manual
or automatic artefact rejection consists of discarding corrupted samples [Fatourechi
et al., 2007a] and is mainly performed for offline cleaning of training data before
model identification (e.g., [Kubánek et al., 2009] [López-Larraz et al., 2016]). Visual
inspection [Kubánek et al., 2009] or outlier detection [López-Larraz et al., 2016] are
example of strategies which were used to reject artefacts before decoder training.
By contrast, artefact removal methods aim at correcting neural signals corrupted by
artefacts and are suited for online application.
Main artefact removal methods are temporal filtering, linear regression and
spatial filtering [Fatourechi et al., 2007a].
Temporal filtering is used to reject frequency bands containing artefacts [Fa-
tourechi et al., 2007a], e.g. low-pass filtering to discard muscular artefacts which
are mainly observed between 20 and 300Hz [Muthukumaraswamy, 2013]. Low-pass
filtering below 30Hz has for example been reported in several EEG-based motor
BCI systems [Sadeghian and Moradi, 2007] [Herman et al., 2008]. Band-stop Notch
filters are regularly applied to remove power line artefacts at 50 or 60Hz, e.g. in
ECoG signals [Anderson et al., 2012] [Nurse et al., 2015] [Spüler et al., 2016]. The
potential rejection of frequency bands of interest is a shortcoming of temporal
filtering [Fatourechi et al., 2007a]. In EEG-based BCIs, temporal filtering-based
rejection of muscular activity results in the elimination of gamma activity, which has
been found relevant for limb kinematic reconstruction from ECoG signals [Leuthardt
et al., 2004] [Anderson et al., 2012] [Nurse et al., 2015] [Bundy et al., 2016].
40 Chapter 2. Data-driven transducers for motor BCIs
[Milekovic et al., 2012] [Lew, 2012] have also been reported in motor EEG- and
ECoG-based BCIs.
Spike counts in short time bins (i.e., neuron instantaneous firing rate) are often
used to characterize SUA/MUA signals in intracortical motor BCIs (e.g., [Collinger
et al., 2013] [Wodlinger et al., 2015]). Spike detection is generally performed by
thresholding the neural signal. In the case of MUA signals, an additional spike
sorting step is sometimes carried out to decouple the activity of each observed unit.
Although spike-based features have been found to encode information relevant for
trajectory decoding, their extraction cannot be performed from ECoG signals.
Neural signals are often characterized by their spectral content in short time windows,
especially in the case of field potentials-based motor BCIs (i.e. LFP [Aggarwal et al.,
2013] [Flint et al., 2013], ECoG [Wang et al., 2013a] [Chin et al., 2007] [Yanagisawa
et al., 2012b] and EEG [Pfurtscheller et al., 2000] [Trejo et al., 2006] [LaFleur et al.,
2013] [Hortal et al., 2015]). A sine wave is fully described by its frequency, its
amplitude and its phase. Both amplitude- and phase-based features have been used
in motor BCIs. Their temporal evolution within specific frequency bands is usually
2.3. Feature extraction 43
then computed in temporal windows and used as a neural feature [Ball et al., 2009b].
As power features are extracted from some specific frequency bands, they are often
referred to as "band-power" features. Different strategies have been used to extract
amplitude information in motor BCIs.
Bank filter is one of the approaches which use has been reported for the extraction
of amplitude-based time-frequency features from EEG [Bashashati et al., 2015] and
ECoG [Wang et al., 2013b] [Wang et al., 2013a]. It consists of using a set of
real-valued band-pass filters, e.g. Butterworth filters [Shin et al., 2012], to extract
signal components included in specific frequency bands [Brodu et al., 2011]. The
instantaneous or average power or magnitude within a particular frequency band
is then estimated from the amplitude of the filtered signals. In some studies, the
amplitude of the filtered signal was post-processed [Pistohl et al., 2008].
The application of the Short-Time-Fourier-Transform (STFT) has also been
reported for feature extraction from ECoG [Chin et al., 2007] [Yanagisawa et al.,
2012b] signals. The STFT is obtained by applying a temporal window w (e.g., a
Hamming [Chin et al., 2007], Hann, Bartlett or Gaussian window) on neural signals
before computing their Fourier transform. The squared amplitude of the Fourier
descriptors |ST F T (t, w, f )|2 , where f is the frequency of interest and t characterizes
the considered instant, is used to compute the signal spectrogram.
Another approach reported in several EEG-, MEA- ECoG-based BCI studies
consists of applying a wavelet transform to compute a time-frequency representation
of neural signals [Chao et al., 2010] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011] [Shimoda et al.,
2012] [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014] [Bashashati et al., 2015] [Bouton et al., 2016].
The use of different wavelets has been investigated, e.g. Daubechies [Bhattacharyya
et al., 2011] [Bouton et al., 2016], Meyer [Eliseyev et al., 2012], Haar [Kousarrizi
et al., 2009] or Morlet wavelets [Lemm et al., 2004] [Chao et al., 2010] [Eliseyev
and Aksenova, 2014] [Bashashati et al., 2015]. Wavelets are real- or complex-valued.
Both real [Chao et al., 2010] and complex Morlet [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014]
wavelets have for example been used for 3D wrist trajectory decoding from ECoG
signals. Complex-valued wavelets can be used to extract phase information from the
analysed signals [Fernandes et al., 2003] (see next paragraph). In contrast with the
STFT, the temporal resolution of the wavelet transform depends on the considered
frequency. Temporal resolution is lower for low-frequency bands, but is compensated
44 Chapter 2. Data-driven transducers for motor BCIs
Phase Most motor BCI systems don’t exploit the phase information of the neural
signals, which can for example be extracted using Fourier Analysis [Krusienski et al.,
2012], Hilbert transforms [Hamner et al., 2011] and complex Wavelet transforms
[Le Van Quyen et al., 2001] [Bruns, 2004]. Two classes of phase-based features have
nevertheless been explored in offline and online studies.
The first class of features is formed by the phase information associated with
each channel [Hammer et al., 2013], e.g. the instantaneous phase value of each
channel. While the use of such features has seldom been reported, they have been
shown to contain useful information for 1D kinematic offline recontruction from
ECoG signals [Hammer et al., 2013].
A second approach consists in considering the phase difference between signals
rather than the absolute phase of each signal. This phase difference is used to
2.3. Feature extraction 45
characterize the coupling between two channels [Bruns, 2004]. The extraction of the
Phase-Locking-Value (PLV), which measures the degreee of phase locking between
channel k and channel l, has been reported for the classification of mental tasks
in several BCI studies, e.g. [Wang et al., 2006] [Wei et al., 2007] [Pourbakhtiar
et al., 2013] [Gysels and Celka, 2004] [Loboda et al., 2014]. The PLV of channels
k and l is defined as the average of -the instantaneous - phase difference in a T -long
- 1 qT (t)
temporal windows, i.e. P LV (f ) = - T t=1 e j∆φ kl -, where f is the frequency of
interest and ∆φkl (t) is the instantaneous phase difference between the two channels.
The relevance of alternative phase-based features, e.g. the instantaneous or mean
phase difference between two channels, has also been investigated [Hamner et al.,
Although phase features permitted to control a 3-class virtual effector in [Brunner
et al., 2006], they have mainly been utilized in offline studies. Coherence-, Fourier-
based and phase features were compared in [Krusienski et al., 2012] for motor
imagery offline classification from EEG signals (acquired during 1D cursor control).
Phase and coherence features did not lead to an improved classification accuracy
when compared to Fourier features. By contrast, phase features have been shown to
outperform magnitude features for 1D kinematic offline recontruction from ECoG
signals [Hammer et al., 2013]. The relevance of phase-related features thus remains
The integration of spatial information into time-frequency features has been reported
for both EEG- [Onose et al., 2012] [Vidaurre et al., 2016] and ECoG-based [Marathe
and Taylor, 2013] [Kapeller et al., 2015] motor BCI transducers, for example via the
application of Common Spatial Pattern filters to neural signals filtered in specific
frequency bands [Wu et al., 2008].
The use of alternative features like fractal dimension, Horjth parameters or temporal
sequence modelling has been proposed in EEG-based studies [Boostani and Moradi,
2004] [Boostani et al., 2007] [Vidaurre et al., 2009] [Coyle et al., 2005].
Amplitude coupling between a pair of channels has also been used in BCI studies
[Wei et al., 2006] [Wei et al., 2007] [Krusienski et al., 2012]. The Magnitude-Squared
Coherence features between channels k and l used in [Krusienski et al., 2012] were
|Pkl (f )|
defined as Pkk (f )Pll (f ) , where Pkk (f ) is the power spectral density and Pkl (f ) is the
cross power spectral density between channels k and l. When compared to classic
band-power features for the task of motor imagery classification, they did not permit
to improve classification accuracy.
46 Chapter 2. Data-driven transducers for motor BCIs
Both discrete and continuous dependent variables can be extracted from neural
signals to control prosthesis and orthosis movements.
attempt to correct the optimism of the training error [Friedman et al., 2001]. The
model which minimizes the considered information criterion is selected. By contrast,
Cross-Validation (CV) is based on a direct estimation of the test error. The training
data set is typically divided into k folds. Models are trained on (k-1) folds, and
tested on the remaining fold [Friedman et al., 2001]. The procedure is repeated
with all possible combinations of (k-1) folds. The model with the best average
test performance is selected, and re-trained on the full training data set. Whereas
model selection criteria are applicable to models which are linear in their parameters
[Friedman et al., 2001], CV approaches can be used for all classes of models. Their
main shortcoming is that they involve repeated model identification procedures, and
are therefore computationally expensive.
Both generative and discriminative classifiers have been used in EEG- [Chae et al.,
2012] [Hortal et al., 2015] and ECoG-based [Yanagisawa et al., 2012b] [Fifer et al.,
2014] [Kapeller et al., 2015] motor BCIs.
Generative classifiers The use of generative classifiers has been reported in both
EEG- [Sing et al., 2007] [Pfurtscheller et al., 2000] [Chae et al., 2012] [Vidaurre et al.,
2016] and ECoG-based motor BCIs [Fifer et al., 2014] [Kapeller et al., 2015] [Hotson
et al., 2016]. The relevance of generative classifiers has additionally been investigated
in offline EEG- [Chiappa and Bengio, 2003] [Hasan and Gan, 2009] [Bhattacharyya
et al., 2011], ECoG- [Wang et al., 2016] and MUA/SUA-based [Hatsopoulos et al.,
2004] preliminary studies, e.g. for the classification of real movements [Hatsopoulos
et al., 2004] [Wang et al., 2016] or of mentals tasks [Chiappa and Bengio, 2003]
[Hasan and Gan, 2009] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011].
Generative classifiers model the way independent variables are generated within
a class i, i.e. they model the joint probability P (xt , y t = i) [Ng and Jordan, 2002].
Once the joint probability has been fitted for each class, the classification of a
new observation sample xt is performed by computing the posterior probability
P (y t = i|xt ) with respect to each class [Ng and Jordan, 2002]. Using Bayes rule, this
posterior probability is proportional to P (xt , y t = i) for class i [Ng and Jordan, 2002].
2.4. Decoders for motor BCIs 51
The most likely class label is assigned to the considered observation sample [Ng and
Jordan, 2002]. The characteristics of the decision boundary (i.e., the equiprobable
hypersurface defined by P (y t = i|xt ) = P (y t = j|xt )) are not explicitly chosen, but
result from the distribution used to model data generation within each class. The
majority of generative classifiers reported in motor BCIs or preliminary studies
relied on multivariate Gaussian distributions (e.g., [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011]
[Lemm et al., 2004] [Wang et al., 2016]) or Gaussian Mixtures Models [Chiappa and
Bengio, 2003] [Hasan and Gan, 2009], i.e. P (xt |y t = i) = N (µi , Σi ) or P (xt |y t =
i) = k N (µk,i , Σk,i ). By contrast, the MUA/SUA firing rates of two NHPs were
bility P (xt |y t = i) is not modelled [Ng and Jordan, 2002]. This makes the use of
discriminative classifiers advantageous when this distribution cannot be approxi-
mated with classical distributions. Discriminative classifiers are particularly relevant
when xt is high-dimensional or includes redundant (correlated) neural features
[Sutton and Mccallum, 2012], because non-discriminant features are not considered
during model training. Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) classifiers [Lal et al., 2005]
[Hill et al., 2006] [Yanagisawa et al., 2012a][Schlögl et al., 2005] [Sadeghian and
52 Chapter 2. Data-driven transducers for motor BCIs
Moradi, 2007] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011] [Hortal et al., 2015], Logistic Regression
(LR) [Tomioka et al., 2007] [Bashashati et al., 2015] [Chen et al., 2014b] [Bundy et al.,
2016], k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) [Chin et al., 2007] [Kayikcioglu and Aydemir,
2010] and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) [Haselsteiner and Pfurtscheller, 2000]
[Navarro et al., 2005] [Nakayama and Inagaki, 2006] [Hatsopoulos et al., 2004] are
some of the discriminative classifiers which use has been reported in motor BCIs
and/or considered in preliminary studies.
The comparative relevance of linear and non-linear classifiers has been frequently
investigated in preliminary studies focusing on the recognition of mental tasks from
neural signals (e.g., [Müller et al., 2003] [Garrett et al., 2003]).
Linear classifiers Different linear classifiers have been applied and tested for
online and offline mental states recognition, for example multiple Intentional Control
and No-Control states.
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classifiers are generative classifiers based on
multivariate Gaussian distributions. Their linear decision boundary [Bishop, 2006]
is obtained by using the same covariance matrix for all classes. LDA classifiers have
been embedded in several motor BCIs, e.g. in BCIs providing users with control over
hand prostheses or orthoses [Pfurtscheller et al., 2000] [Fifer et al., 2014] [Hotson
et al., 2016], lower-limb orthoses [Vidaurre et al., 2016] or humanoid robots [Kapeller
et al., 2015]. LDA has also been used for offline motor imagery classification in EEG
[Bhattacharyya et al., 2011], and for cognitive state estimation in LFP [Aggarwal
et al., 2013] and MUA/SUA [Velliste et al., 2014] signals.
Another linear classifier, namely the Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) classifier,
has frequently been applied in motor BCI studies [Schlögl et al., 2005] [Yanagisawa
et al., 2012b] [Hortal et al., 2015] The SVM’s linear decision boundary is chosen
so as to maximize its margin with the nearest training samples ("support-vectors")
[Bishop, 2006]. SVM-based classification has for example enabled users to control a
prosthetic hand [Yanagisawa et al., 2012b] and a robotic arm [Hortal et al., 2015].
2.4. Decoders for motor BCIs 53
SVMs are also regularly used for offline motor imagery classification in ECoG [Lal
et al., 2005] [Hill et al., 2006] [Demirer et al., 2009] [Yanagisawa et al., 2012a] and
EEG [Schlögl et al., 2005] [Sadeghian and Moradi, 2007] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011]
signals. SVMs are attractive for neural signal decoding [Lotte et al., 2007] because
of their good generalization abilities [Schlögl et al., 2005] and of their robustness in
high-dimensional settings [Friedman et al., 2001].
The application of a threshold on the output of a linear regression model has
been reported in motor BCI studies, e.g. for ECoG-driven asynchronous 2D cursor
control [Williams et al., 2013]. This classification approach has also been considered
in offline asynchronous studies [Eliseyev et al., 2011] [Eliseyev et al., 2012].
Logistic Regression (LR) is a discriminant classifier based on Generalized Linear
Models, which extend linear models in that a non-linear link function g is applied on a
linear combination of features [Bishop, 2006]. In contrast with linear regression-based
classifiers, LR considers a discrete dependent variable and assumes that P (y t |xt )
follows a Bernoulli distribution. Although LR has rarely been used in closed-loop
studies [Penny et al., 2000], several teams have investigated its relevance for the
distinction betwen mental tasks from EEG [Tomioka et al., 2007] [Gouy-Pailler
et al., 2009] [Bashashati et al., 2015] and ECoG signals [Chen et al., 2014b] [Bundy
et al., 2016].
The previously mentioned classifiers are based on Euclidian distances, i.e. on
the ℓ2 -norm. Classifiers based on the Mahalanobis distance have been applied in
several offline BCI studies, e.g. in [Cincotti et al., 2003] [Sadeghian and Moradi,
2007] [Bai et al., 2011] [Schlögl et al., 2005]. Efficient classification of EEG patterns
has additionally been achieved by exploiting Riemannian distance [Barachant et al.,
2010] [Barachant et al., 2012].
LDA has been regularly used to provide users with neural control over prostheses,
orthoses and robotic devices, and it is particularly popular for EEG offline linear
classification [Bashashati et al., 2015]. No clear superiority of LDA decoding
performance has, however, been reported in offline comparative studies [Schlögl
et al., 2005] [Wang et al., 2009b] [Bashashati et al., 2015]. In [Bashashati et al., 2015],
a LDA classifier was slightly but not significantly surpassed by a LR-based classifier
for asynchronous and synchronous EEG decoding . In [Wang et al., 2009a], LDA and
SVM performed similarly for both motor imagery and finger movement classification
from EEG signals. In another comparative study [Schlögl et al., 2005], LDA was
significantly outperformed by a SVM for 4-class motor imagery classification in
EEG signals. By contrast, it performed better than a SVM when applied on low-
dimensional EEG features in [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011]. Its comparatively low
robustness in high dimensions was also illustrated in the same study [Bhattacharyya
et al., 2011], as LDA performance diminished when the dimension of the EEG
features had not been reduced beforehand [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011].
delay in the system. Mixed results have been reported in the comparative studies
completed on non-linear classifiers [Wang et al., 2009a] [Kayikcioglu and Aydemir,
2010]. In [Wang et al., 2009a], a kNN performed similarly to a SVM with a RBF
kernel for the discrimination between EEG motor imageries, and was only slightly
surpassed by the same SVM-based classifier for finger movement decoding from
EEG signals. This satisfying performance was obtained with low-dimensional input
features (respectively of 2 and 14). In [Kayikcioglu and Aydemir, 2010], a similar
comparison was drawn between a kNN, a RBF-based SVM and an ANN for 2-class
classification in the context of EEG-based up-down neural control of a cursor. The
kNN outperformed both the MLP and SVM for this specific classification task, and
its performance was best maintained when the researchers attempted to reduce
the training data set size. The comparison was nevertheless performed in a setting
particularly favourable to the kNN, as the input features were only of dimension
two. By contrast, in [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011], the kNN was outperformed by
a RBF-based SVM for two sizes of independent variable (namely, 871 and 91 features).
The respective advantages and limits of the above mentioned classifiers are
unclear. First, most of them have not been used for online pattern classification.
Additionally, offline comparisons have generally been completed for two or three
classifiers only, and the statistical significance of the results has seldom been estab-
lished. A few studies have nevertheless endeavoured to assess the relative interest of
linear and non-linear classifiers for offline discrimination between neural patterns
[Wang et al., 2009a] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011] [Bashashati et al., 2015].
Linear models exhibit a lesser modelling ability. In [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011],
a RBF-based SVM was found to outperform a linear SVM as well as the other linear
classifiers implemented in this study. The same result were obtained in [Wang et al.,
2009a], where a linear SVM was bettered by a RBF-based SVM for both motor
imageries and finger movement classification.
The superiority of non-linear classifiers has not systematically been reported
in BCI preliminary studies. For example, QDA did not outperform LDA in two
comparative studies [Wang et al., 2009a] [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011]. In [Garrett
et al., 2003], a LDA classifier was compared to non-linear SVMs and to an ANN for
the classification of 5 mental tasks. The performance of the non-linear classifiers
was found to be only slightly better than the LDA’s one for this EEG classification
task. Training pitfalls were illustrated in [Schlögl et al., 2005], where a kNN was
significantly outperformed by a linear SVM and by LDA for 4-class motor imagery
discrimination from EEG signals. For this reason, it has been advocated in [Müller
et al., 2003] to use linear methods except for some specific cases with "complex,
large" data sets. Correspondingly, linear classifiers like LDA [Bashashati et al., 2015]
are regularly chosen over non-linear models despite their lesser modelling ability.
In particular, most recent clinical motor BCIs have relied on linear classifiers, e.g.
LDA [Sing et al., 2007] [Fifer et al., 2014] [Kapeller et al., 2015] [Hotson et al., 2016]
[Vidaurre et al., 2016] or SVM [Hortal et al., 2015].
Despite some trends, the relevance of a linear or non-linear classifier ultimately
56 Chapter 2. Data-driven transducers for motor BCIs
depends on the problem at hand. In [Bashashati et al., 2015] for example, the two top
classifiers for self-paced data decoding were a linear and a non-linear classifier, namely
a LR classifier and an ANN. Classifier performance is in particular related to the
characteristics of the extracted neural features, for example to their type [Bashashati
et al., 2015] or dimension [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011]. In [Bashashati et al., 2015],
classifiers’ performance for synchronous data decoding was not similar when classifiers
were fed with band-pass- or with wavelet-based features. In [Bhattacharyya et al.,
2011], differences in performance ranking were observed if classifiers were applied
on a high-dimensional input variable or on the same variable after PCA-based
dimensionality reduction. Similarly, a RBF SVM and a kNN were identified as the
best classifiers for a task of motor imagery decoding in [Wang et al., 2009a], but
LDA reportedly equalled a RBF-based SVM for finger decoding in the same paper.
Finally, to the best of our knowledge, only limited comparative studies have
been completed on ECoG data [Shenoy et al., 2008]. The respective relevance of the
above-mentioned classifiers thus remains to be ascertained for ECoG data.
The previously mentioned classifiers are static, i.e. they don’t take into account pos-
sible dependencies between successive independent or dependent variables. Formally,
they assume that pairs (xt , y t ) are temporally independent and identically drawn
from the distribution P (xt , y t ) [Dietterich, 2009].
This assumption is typically violated in motor BCI studies. A few teams have
therefore investigated the interest of taking into account the sequential nature of the
independent or dependent variable [Obermaier et al., 2001] [Chiappa and Bengio,
2003] [Argunşah and Çetin, 2010]. One strategy regularly utilized in BCI studies, e.g.
[Kim et al., 2011] [Flamary and Rakotomamonjy, 2012] [Eliseyev et al., 2012], con-
sists in extracting features from several time segments to build a temporal sequence
of feature vectors. This sequence is then fed to a static classifier [Lotte et al., 2007]
[Dietterich, 2009]. Another approach, namely the application of dynamic classifiers,
has been reported for neural pattern classification in SUA/MUA [Darmanjian et al.,
2003], EEG [Obermaier et al., 2001] [Argunşah and Çetin, 2010] and ECoG-based
[Onaran et al., 2011] [Saa et al., 2016] BCI studies. Dynamic classifiers directly
exploit time series temporal behaviour [Lotte et al., 2007].
algorithms permit to infer the most likely state label ẑ t by combining prior knowledge
about the previous hidden state z t−1 with the likelihood of the current observed
features xt [Rabiner, 1989].
One reported approach to HMM-based classification consists in associating one
hidden state value z t = i to each class label y t = i [Kemere et al., 2008] [Fifer et al.,
2014] [Hotson et al., 2016]. The Markovian hypothesis thus models the class label
succession. This strategy has for example been used for offline target estimation
from SUA/MUA signals in [Kemere et al., 2008]. HMM-based classifiers have also
been applied for robust online state detection in several closed-loop motor BCIs
[Fifer et al., 2014] [Hotson et al., 2016] [Kao et al., 2017]. States were for example
associated with NC and IC classes [Fifer et al., 2014] [Hotson et al., 2016].
An alternative approach has been investigated in offline preliminary studies [Ober-
maier et al., 2001] [Darmanjian et al., 2003] [Argunşah and Çetin, 2010] [Onaran
et al., 2011] [Wissel et al., 2013]. One HMM was associated with each considered
class, and several states were thus used to model feature dynamic within each class.
Classification was performed by feeding each HMM with a sequence of N consecutive
observations, and by computing the associated probability P (xt−N +1:t |y t = i). The
sequence was assigned the class i which maximized P (xt−N +1:t |y t = i). HMMs have
been used for offline modelling of the variations of neural features within NC and
IC states in SUA/MUA [Darmanjian et al., 2003] and ECoG [Onaran et al., 2011],
within finger movements in ECoG signals [Wissel et al., 2013], or within motor
imageries in EEG signals [Obermaier et al., 2001] [Argunşah and Çetin, 2010].
The use of several HMM’s variants has been proposed for the classification of
EEG and ECoG mental tasks [Chiappa and Bengio, 2003] [Hasan and Gan, 2010]
[Hasan and Gan, 2011] [Delgado Saa and Cetin, 2012] [Saa and Çetin, 2013].
Input-Output Hidden Markov Models (IOHMM) were applied on EEG signals to
discriminate between 3 mental tasks in [Chiappa and Bengio, 2003]. In contrast with
HMMs, IOHMMs are trained to distinguish between classes composed of several
hidden states, and directly map input features to the non-stationary classes [Bengio
and Frasconi, 1996].
Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) are discriminative undirected graphical
models [Sutton and Mccallum, 2012], and linear-chain CRFs are more particularly
the discriminative counterpart of HMMs [Sutton and Mccallum, 2012]. CRFs have
been used for EEG offline modelling and decoding [Hasan and Gan, 2010] [Hasan
and Gan, 2011] [Delgado Saa and Cetin, 2012] [Saa and Çetin, 2013], and for
finger movement detection in ECoG signals [Saa et al., 2016]. If they have a better
ability to model long-term time dependencies [Lafferty et al., 2001], their training is
computationally expensive [Dietterich, 2009].
Dynamic Bayesian Models (DBN) are probabilistic graphical models which permit
to take into account the dependence between several random variables [Murphy,
2002]. HMMs are a specific case of DBNs, and are therefore less flexible than DBNs.
The dynamic of EEG [Shenoy, 2005] and ECoG [Wang et al., 2012] signals has been
exploited by means of DBN [Murphy, 2002] in offline studies.
58 Chapter 2. Data-driven transducers for motor BCIs
Finally, the use of a time-dependent ANN was reported for EEG dynamical
classification in [Haselsteiner and Pfurtscheller, 2000].
Most dynamic classifiers which were embedded in motor BCIs were generic
HMMs with state-class correspondence [Fifer et al., 2014] [Hotson et al., 2016]
[Kao et al., 2017]. While the respective performances of more complex dynamical
classifiers has been investigated and compared in offline studies [Chiappa and
Bengio, 2003] [Delgado Saa and Cetin, 2012] [Saa and Çetin, 2013], they have not
been assessed in closed-loop settings. In [Delgado Saa and Cetin, 2012], HMM
surpassed CRFs for the classification of EEG signals, but were outperformed by
a CRF variant, namely a hierarchical CRF. On the contrary, in [Saa and Çetin,
2013], HMM-based EEG classification accuracy was inferior to the CRF-based one.
In [Chiappa and Bengio, 2003], IOHMMs were found to outperform HMMs for
EEG dynamic classification. As both dynamic classifiers performed similarly to
their static counterparts (namely, a Gaussian Mixture Model-based Bayes classifier
and an ANN), the authors concluded on the superiority of ANN over Gaussian
Mixture Model-based generative classification for the considered EEG data set. It
has correspondingly been suggested that multi-state dynamic classifiers could be
suboptimal for asynchronous decoding [Lotte et al., 2007].
A few additional papers have investigated the respective relevance of static and
dynamic classifiers when applied to offline data, e.g. [Cincotti et al., 2003] [Saa
et al., 2016]. In [Cincotti et al., 2003], HMMs were significantly outperformed by
ANNs (and Mahalanobis Distance) for the classification of right and left hand motor
imageries in EEG signals. In [Saa et al., 2016], an extension of CRFs improved the
discrimination between finger movements from ECoG signals when compared to
LR and sparse linear regression. The interpretability of this result is nevertheless
limited, because the considered static and dynamic classifiers did not belong to
the same class of models, in contrast with the static-dynamic pairs compared in
[Chiappa and Bengio, 2003].
Both linear and non-linear regression models have been applied for kinematic
parameter reconstruction from neural signals.
2.4. Decoders for motor BCIs 59
Linear regression models Neural control over prostheses or cursors has been
achieved by means of linear models in several motor BCIs, both with human
[Hochberg et al., 2006] [Collinger et al., 2013] [Wodlinger et al., 2015] and primate
subjects [Taylor et al., 2002] [Carmena et al., 2003] [Velliste et al., 2008] [Sum-
inski et al., 2010] [Williams et al., 2013] [Willett et al., 2013]. Offline trajectory
reconstruction has also been performed by means of linear models in several EEG-,
ECoG- and MUA/SUA-based preliminary studies [Bradberry et al., 2010] [Liang
and Bougrain, 2012] [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014] [Bundy et al., 2016] [Koyama
et al., 2010b]. Linear models rely on the assumption that the dependent variable
is a (noisy) linear combination of the independent variable components, i.e. of the
neural features:
yt = Bxt + ǫt
where B ∈ Rn×m and ǫt ∈ Rn is the observation noise, and where the neural features
xt can embed a history of instantaneous neural features x̃t , i.e. xt = x̃(t+1−τ2 ):t .
Neural feature temporal concatenation is one of the approaches which permit to
exploit neural signal temporal characteristics [Dietterich, 2009] [Lotte et al., 2007].
A particular linear model, namely the Population Vector Algorithm (PVA), has
more specifically been used for kinematic decoding in several MEA-driven motor BCI
systems [Taylor et al., 2002] [Velliste et al., 2008] [Collinger et al., 2013] [Wodlinger
et al., 2015]. The PVA is based on the cosine directional tuning model [Georgopoulos
et al., 1986], which states that neurons of the motor cortex fire preferentially in one
specific direction. The instantaneous firing rate of each neuron is used to weight the
corresponding preferred direction.
The use of different identification algorithms has been reported in motor BCIs
and offline reconstruction studies. Linear regression models have frequently been
trained using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) in BCI studies [Li et al., 2009]. While
OLS corresponds to the Maximum Likelihood estimator when the measurement
noise is Gaussian, the OLS estimator is unstable when the input variable xt is high
dimensional or composed of correlated explanatory features [Friedman et al., 2001].
The use of penalized approaches such as pace regression [Kubánek et al., 2009], ridge
regression [Willett et al., 2013] [Li et al., 2009] [Suminski et al., 2010] [Shanechi
et al., 2013] and sparse linear regression [Williams et al., 2013] has therefore been
proposed for model identification. Performant decoding from ECoG high dimensional
feature representations has additionally been reported using Partial Least Squares
and variants [Shimoda et al., 2012] [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014] [Eliseyev and
Aksenova, 2016] [Bundy et al., 2016] [van Gerven et al., 2012].
offline trajectory reconstructions [Kim et al., 2006b] [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014]
[Spüler et al., 2016].
Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) constitute one class of non-linear models
which interest for offline trajectory reconstruction has been explored in BCI studies,
e.g. from ECoG signals in [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014]. GLMs extend linear
models by applying a non-linear function g −1 on the output of a linear filter β,
i.e. yt = g −1 (βxt ). The non-linear function g −1 , referred to as "link" function, is
chosen among standard functions (e.g., the logarithm) or fitted on training data
[Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014]. A similar approach, namely a cascaded Wiener filter,
has been applied on SUA/MUA offline data sets in [Flint et al., 2012] and [Scheid
et al., 2013]. Generalized Additive Models (GAM) were alternatively utilized for
trajectory reconstruction from primate ECoG signals in [Eliseyev and Aksenova,
2014]. Generalized Additive Modelling consists in applying a non-linear function gi
on each component xit of the independent variable. A linear model β subsequently
combines the outputs of the non-linear functions gi (xit ). The application of non-linear
regression models such as Support Vector Machine Regression (SVR) [Kim et al.,
2006b] [Mehring et al., 2003] or ANN models [Sanchez et al., 2002] [Kim et al.,
2006c] [Kim et al., 2006b] [Hatsopoulos et al., 2004] has been additionally proposed
for SUA/MUA decoding, and tested in offline preliminary studies. SVR-based offline
trajectory reconstruction has also been reported in an ECoG-driven preliminary
BCI study [Spüler et al., 2016].
The findings of several offline preliminary studies are consistent with the idea
that non-linear regression models are likely to be more realistic than linear ones
for kinematic decoding: linear decoders were outperformed by both GLM and
GAM approaches for ECoG signal decoding in monkeys [Eliseyev and Aksenova,
2014] signals, and by SVR in simulated primate SUA/MUA signals [Kim et al.,
2006b]. Because non-linear models are more flexible than linear ones, and therefore
more prone to overfit, fine identification procedures were often required for non-
linear models proper training. The training of the GAM proposed in [Eliseyev and
Aksenova, 2014] relied on algorithms from the PLS family. Difficulties were reported
for the training of the ANN used in [Kim et al., 2006b] for trajectory decoding.
They were presented as a possible cause for the superior decoding performance
of the SVR, which is yet less flexible than ANNs [Kim et al., 2006b]. A specific
early-stopping procedure was utilized to prevent overfit during ANN training in
[Hatsopoulos et al., 2004]. The complexity of ANNs’ possible structures (e.g., number
of layers and number of neurons per layer) additionally makes their optimization
time-consuming, which is the reason why proper optimization of the ANN structure
was not performed in [Hatsopoulos et al., 2004]. Under these conditions, linear-
and ANN-based trajectory reconstructions from MUA/SUA signals yielded similar
results in this study [Hatsopoulos et al., 2004].
Thus, linear models are sometimes chosen over their non-linear counterparts
in spite of their simplistic assumptions, in particular in the case of MUA/SUA-
[Taylor et al., 2002] [Velliste et al., 2008] [Collinger et al., 2013] [Wodlinger et al.,
2015] and ECoG-driven [Schalk et al., 2008] [Wang et al., 2013c] motor clinical
2.4. Decoders for motor BCIs 61
BCIs. Up to 10D- and 3D-control has been achieved by means of linear filtering of
MUA/SUA and ECoG signals, respectively [Wodlinger et al., 2015] [Wang et al.,
2013c]. Linear models have additionally been shown to be reasonably efficient for
position, velocity, acceleration, speed etc. offline decoding [Wang et al., 2007] [Bundy
et al., 2016] [Hammer et al., 2016], and generally involve simpler training procedures
than non-linear models.
Since the last decade, another class of decoders, namely dynamic models, has
gained popularity in motor BCIs.
The noise processes wt and vt are generally independent and identically distributed
sequences of random variables [Krishnamurthy, 2016]. The continuous response
variable yt ∈ Rn is here composed by the trajectory coordinates and derivatives
(velocity, acceleration etc.). The transition equation (2.1) explicitly describes the
dynamic of the hidden sequence yt ∈ Rn ("movement model" [Li, 2014]). As expressed
in (2.1), movement models traditionally rely on first-order Markovian temporal
dependencies. Free or typical upper-limb movements like reaching movements
cannot be precisely characterized by a first-order model [Kim et al., 2006c]. For
this reason, movement models are generally limited to random-walk models which
permit to constrain the trajectory smoothness [Koyama et al., 2010b] [Brockwell
et al., 2004].
The dependence between measurements xt ∈ Rm and hidden state value yt ∈ Rn
is described by the emission equation (2.2), where vt is the observation noise. As
the emission equation models how neural features are generated conditionally to a
given trajectory point, state-space models are sometimes referred to as "generative
model" [Wu et al., 2002] [Gao et al., 2003] [Kim et al., 2006c].
Recursive Bayesian estimation procedures are generally used to infer the hidden
trajectory yt ∈ Rn from the sequence of noisy measurements xt ∈ Rm [Bishop, 2006].
where it was found to surpass linear filtering [Wu et al., 2003a]. It has since then
permitted to provide users with MUA/SUA-based control over prostheses [Hochberg
et al., 2012]. It has additionally been applied for trajectory decoding from ECoG
signals in online and offline studies [Pistohl et al., 2008] [Kellis et al., 2012] [Marathe
and Taylor, 2013] [Wang et al., 2013b]. KF applies to linear Gaussian state-space
models [Bishop, 2006]:
Here, the emission and transition models are linear, and the corresponding noises
are Gaussian: P (wt ) ∼ N (0, Γ), Γ ∈ Rn×n , P (vt ) ∼ N (0, Σ), Σ ∈ Rm×m .
After training, typically performed using Ordinary Least Squares [Wu et al.,
2002], the KF issues the estimate ŷt = E(yt |x1:t ).
These last few years, dynamical models have emerged as a promising and efficient
alternative to static (typically linear) models [Li, 2014] [Srinivasan et al., 2007]. Since
its first application in 2002, the Kalman filter and its variants have been increasingly
applied for both online and offline SUA/MUA decoding [Wu et al., 2002] [Hochberg
et al., 2012] [Aggarwal et al., 2013]. Because of the deterrent computational burden
of its variants, recursive estimation during closed-loop experiments has mainly been
2.5. Post-processing 63
achieved via Kalman Filtering [Li et al., 2009]. While the respective performance
of Wiener and Kalman filters appeared to depend on the decoding task at hand in
[Kim et al., 2006c], a few systematic comparisons of static and dynamic models have
given a steady ground to the popularity of the Kalman filter: static linear models
were outperformed by dynamical ones for open-loop [Aggarwal et al., 2009] and/or
closed-loop SUA/MUA decoding [Koyama et al., 2010b]. KF embedded approach for
smoothing has been identified as particularly efficient in both open- and closed-loop
studies [Koyama et al., 2010b].
By contrast, the respective suitability of static and dynamic continuous models
for ECoG decoding is still unclear. ECoG-based neural control has been achieved
by means of a linear decoder both in Non-Human Primates [Williams et al., 2013]
and human subjects [Wang et al., 2013c] (2D and 3D effector control, respectively).
The use of linear decoding has also been reported for ECoG offline trajectory
reconstruction [Schalk et al., 2007] [Chao et al., 2010] [Shimoda et al., 2012] [Liang
and Bougrain, 2012] [Nakanishi et al., 2013] [Williams et al., 2013] [Hammer et al.,
2013] [Wang et al., 2013c] [Hotson et al., 2014] [Bundy et al., 2016]. Up to 7DoF
have been reconstructed in offline feasibility studies led on Monkeys [Chao et al.,
2010] [Shimoda et al., 2012] and human subjects [Nakanishi et al., 2013] [Schalk
et al., 2007]. On the other hand, Kalman filtering has permitted to reconstruct 2D
kinematic parameters from ECoG signals [Pistohl et al., 2008] [Kellis et al., 2012]
[Wang et al., 2013b] [Marathe and Taylor, 2013]. In a comparative study performed
on ECoG data [Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2016], static models outperformed Kalman
Filtering for the reconstruction of kinematic parameters from high-dimensional
time-space-frequency feature representations. One reason for these findings could
be a lesser relevance of generative approaches for high-dimensional ECoG data. In
another study led on ECoG data [Marathe and Taylor, 2013], however, Kalman-based
cursor control was more precise than linear-decoder-based control.
2.5 Post-processing
Post-processing techniques rely on a priori knowledge about specific characteristics
of yt to improve the estimates ŷt . They can be used to improve the quality of both
discrete-valued and continuously-valued intention estimates, and their application
has for example been reported for asynchronous binary [King et al., 2015] and/or
kinematic decoding [Wang et al., 2011].
strategies has been reported. While most of them were validated with offline
analyses, the integration of NC support into a kinematic decoder was nevertheless
utilized for asynchronous control of a robotic arm in monkeys in [Suway et al., 2013].
et al., 2013]. The use of static switching models has in particular been explored
for accurate trajectory decoding during active states [Kim et al., 2003]. In [Kim
et al., 2003] for example, a discrete latent variable permitted to switch between 10
linear models dedicated to different phases of a reaching movement, and led to an
increase of the decoding accuracy for a task of MEA-based trajectory reconstruc-
tion. Trajectory decoding from MEA signals was improved by combining reaching
movement models in [Kemere et al., 2004b] [Kemere et al., 2004a] [Yu et al., 2007].
Finally, the use of a switching state-space filter has been reported in [Wu et al.,
2004]. The objective lied in improving MEA decoding accuracy by using emission
models conditioned on an unspecified latent cognitive state.
2.7 Conclusion
In this chapter, algorithmic tools utilized by the BCI community to build transducers
for motor BCIs have been presented. The decoders used to extract discrete or
continuous variables from neural signals have in particular been introduced.
Asynchronous mono-limb kinematic decoding is one of the objectives of the
present doctoral work. Kinematic transducers rely on continuous decoders, e.g. static
linear models or dynamical models like the Kalman Filter. As generic continuous
decoders generally fail to issue zero-velocity estimates during No-Control (NC) states,
specific decoding and/or post-processing strategies have been proposed to integrate
NC support into kinematic decoders, i.e. to limit spurious system activations during
NC states. Two main approaches to mono-limb asynchronous decoding have emerged,
namely decoder-based and post-processing-based strategies. The introduction of NC
support within the decoder is generally performed by means of non-linear continuous
decoders. The use of switching models has particularly been reported. Switching
models rely on the estimation of a latent discrete variable to introduce state-specific
non-linearities into a generic continuous decoder. Discrete decoders are possibly
exploited to infer the value of this latent discrete variable. By contrast, a single
continuous model is trained and/or applied on both NC/IC (Intentional Control)
states when NC support is introduced at the post-processing stage. The estimation
of the value of a latent discrete variable is again used to select the post-processing
operator applied on NC and IC states.
Asynchronous sequential multi-limb decoding has rarely been considered in BCI
studies. The use of switching models has nevertheless been reported for accurate
multi-finger control. Parallel limb activations are avoided because one limb only is
detected as active at each instant.
68 Chapter 2. Data-driven transducers for motor BCIs
3.1 Switching models for BCI control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.1.1 Context-related modifications of kinematic encoding in neural
features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.1.2 Switching models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.1.3 Mixture of Experts structure for discriminative switching models 72
3.2 Markov Switching Linear Models (MSLM) . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.2.1 Dynamic gating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.2.2 Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.3 MSLM training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3.1 Supervised training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
3.3.2 Unsupervised training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
observed in a few BCI studies [Williams et al., 2013] [Velliste et al., 2014] [Ifft
et al., 2013]. Ifft and colleagues reported in [Ifft et al., 2013] that modifications of
the tuning properties of individual neurons were induced when NHPs performed
unimanual or bimanual reaching movements. In [Williams et al., 2013] [Velliste
et al., 2014], they were triggered when NHPs switched between NC and IC states.
It was reported in [Velliste et al., 2014] that NC samples did not fit the emission
model of a Kalman filter trained on IC samples. In [Williams et al., 2013], it was
observed that the baseline around which NHPs BCI users modulated their neural
features was different during NC and IC periods. These differences resulted in a
poor state discrimination when NC states were inferred for the estimated velocity
of the considered effector. Improvement of kinematic decoding accuracy during IC
periods has been reported when mixtures of models were applied to MUA/SUA
signals [Kim et al., 2003] [Wu et al., 2004].
These reports suggest that the framework of switching models may be relevant
to perform accurate asynchronous, multi-limb ECoG decoding for motor BCIs.
Figure 3.1: Data flow during the application of a switching state space filter, here
a Switching Kalman Filter (e.g., [Wu et al., 2003b] [Wu et al., 2004] [Srinivasan
et al., 2007]). The probability associated with each possible switching state depends
on the extent to which the corresponding couple emission/transition models can
explain neural features observed at time t.
The MSLM has been developed in the framework of switching regression models.
This framework permits to introduce the key hypothesis that switching (cognitive,
internal) states are associated with different distributions of the neural features.
Such modifications are regularly observed, and are exploited in the majority of BCI
classification studies. Moreover, regression models are suitable for the decoding
Chapter 3. Switching models for accurate asynchronous trajectory
72 decoding
Figure 3.2: Data flow during the application of switching regression models (e.g.,
[Kim et al., 2003] [Bundy et al., 2016]). The gate directly exploits the distribution
of the current neural features to estimate the value of the latent switching state.
First introduced by [Jacobs et al., 1991], MEs combine several functions ("experts")
to model the dependence between input and output variables space [Jacobs et al.,
1991] [Waterhouse, 1997]. Experts are weighted according to the input variable
[Bishop, 2006]. Optimal weights are computed for each sample according to a given
Let xt ∈ X ⊂ Rm be the explanatory (input, independent) variable, and
yt ∈ Y ⊂ Rn be the continuous response (output, dependent) variable. Samples
are indexed by t ∈ N. MEs assume that the input space X is partitioned into
K (possibly overlapped) regions: X = K k=1 Xk , and that a different sub-process
generates the output vector from the input vector in each region [Waterhouse, 1997].
Thus, Mixtures of Experts model the dependence between xt and yt by means of a
set of K local functions {fk }K
1 , fk : X → Y , referred to as "experts". Expert k is
3.1. Switching models for BCI control 73
yt = δz t ,k fk (xt ) + ǫt
E(yt |xt ) = E(yt , z t = k|xt )
P (z t = k|xt ) E(yt |xt , z t = k)
= (3.3)
gkt ŷkt
= (3.4)
The mixing coefficients gkt = P (z t = k|xt ) combine ("gate") the experts’ estimates
ŷkt .
In contrast with generic mixtures of regression models which rely on fixed prior
probabilities to combine the regression models’ outputs [Bishop, 2006], mixing
coefficients are here input-dependent. They can be interpreted as the conditional
probability of expert fk having generated the output value yt , given the value of xt
[Waterhouse, 1997]. Mixing coefficients satisfy the constraints gkt ∈ [0, 1], gkt = 1
[Bishop, 2006]. The structure which computes the mixing coefficients is often referred
to as "gating network". Linear or nonlinear experts and gating networks can be
integrated into the ME flexible structure [Yuksel et al., 2012].
ME-based approaches have been used in several BCI studies which didn’t support
NC periods or multilimb decoding, e.g. for multi-model wrist movement decoding
from monkeys’ SUA/MUA signals [Kim et al., 2003]. The switching regression
models previously implemented in asynchronous and/or multi-finger BCI studies,
e.g. [Williams et al., 2013] [Flamary and Rakotomamonjy, 2012] [Bundy et al., 2016],
can also be formulated as static mixtures of regression models. In the majority of
these ECoG-based BCI studies, the estimate yielded by a continuous decoder was
overwritten by neutral values when a classifier dedicated to state detection indicated
that the current state was most likely a NC state [Williams et al., 2013] [Flamary
and Rakotomamonjy, 2012] [Bundy et al., 2016]. More precisely, one or several
Wiener filters were weighted by the outputs of a logistic regression [Bundy et al.,
2016] or of a linear regression of state labels on neural signals [Flamary and Rako-
tomamonjy, 2012] [Williams et al., 2013]. These Wiener filters can be interpreted
as linear experts, and the classifiers used to combine them can be interpreted as
Chapter 3. Switching models for accurate asynchronous trajectory
74 decoding
gates making use of soft [Chen et al., 2014b] or hard (Winner-takes-All) [Flamary
and Rakotomamonjy, 2012] [Williams et al., 2013] [Bundy et al., 2016] probabilistic
strategies to mix the experts’ outputs, where the application of hard combination
rules consists of associating a weight of 1 to the most likely current state, and a null
weight to all other possible states.
Although recurrent gates were embedded into the previously mentioned switching
state-space filters [Wu et al., 2004] [Srinivasan et al., 2007], the switching regression
models which application has been reported for BCI kinematic decoding relied on
static gates [Flamary and Rakotomamonjy, 2012] [Bundy et al., 2016]. Such static
gates are based on the assumption that pairs (xt , z t ) are temporally independent
and identically drawn from the distribution P (xt , z t ) [Dietterich, 2009]. As the
classes associated with internal states are likely to be overlapped in BCI studies, this
discrimination process is liable to issue erroneous estimates of the internal states.
More realistic hypotheses about temporal dependencies in the state sequences have
been exploited in BCI studies (see section, and in particular in a few
classification-based motor BCIs [Fifer et al., 2014] [King et al., 2015] [Hotson et al.,
2016]. When compared to static gates, dynamic (recurrent) gates are expected to
be less liable to output spurius detections (e.g., [Saa et al., 2016]). The MSLM
was thus designed as a switching regression model with recurrent gating for robust
estimation of the user’s latent switching state (Figure 3.3).
Figure 3.4: Hidden Markov Model. The sequence (z t )t∈Z is hidden. The sequence
(xt )t∈Z is observed and permits to infer an estimate (ẑ t )t∈Z of the hidden sequence.
[Bourlard and Morgan, 1998] [Valstar and Pantic, 2007] [Ordóñez et al., 2013]. Thus,
the MSLM can embed both discriminative and generative state detection into its
HMM-based gate.
Let {b1 , . . . , bK } gather the parameters necessary to characterize the distributions
P (xtî|z t = j), j = 1, . .ï. , K. Then the HMM is fully described by the parameter set
λ = A, {bj }K j=1 , π . HMM training is performed using supervised or unsupervised
approaches, and typically relies on Maximum-Likelihood estimation [Ghahramani,
P (z t = k, x1:t )
P (z t = k|x1:t ) = . (3.5)
P (x1:t )
The Viterbi algorithm or the forward-backward algorithm are often used to
infer the hidden state sequence z = (z t )Tt=1 associated with an observation sequence
X = (xt )Tt=1 . Both Viterbi and forward-backward algorithms cannot be applied
for online processing because they rely on a back-tracking procedure from the last
estimated state ẑ T = argmax P (z t = k | x1:T ) [Rabiner, 1989]. By contrast, the
forward algorithm [Rabiner, 1989] permits to compute estimates P (z t = k|x1:t )
which are only conditioned on past and current observations. The denominator
P (x1:t ) and numerator P (z t = k, x1:t ) of (3.5) are thus computed using the HMM’s
forward algorithm for online application of the MSLM.
in the switching regression models previously implemented for neural signal decoding.
When the mixing coefficients are discrete-valued, i.e. gkt ∈ {0, 1} ∀t, k = 1, . . . , K,
the model which is associated with the most likely class at time t is applied on the
neural features xt ("hard" combination). This Winner-Takes-All strategy (or "hard"
switching) has been used in the majority of switching kinematic decoders [Flamary
and Rakotomamonjy, 2012] [Suway et al., 2013] [Bundy et al., 2016]. By contrast,
the utilization of continuously-valued mixing coefficients, i.e. gkt ∈ [0, 1], has rarely
been reported in BCI studies. It was for example used in [Chen et al., 2014b] to
weight IC models for asynchronous finger trajectory reconstruction. In contrast
with hard model combination which results in abrupt transitions between decoding
regimes, this probabilistic, "soft" combination results in smooth transitions between
Although abrupt transitions may not be absolutely deterrent because users may,
to a certain extent, learn to correct high-frequency errors [Stavisky et al., 2015]
[Marathe and Taylor, 2015], we expect them to be disturbing to BCI users and
therefore undesirable. Without loss of generality, the MSLM thus makes use of a
soft, probabilistic strategy to combine models.
3.2.2 Experts
yt = δz t ,k Bk xt + ǫt
k = 1, . . . , K, (3.6)
K −1
Lc (Θ, X, Y, z) = δz 1 ,i ln(πi ) + ωi,j ln(aij )
i=1 i=1 j=1 t=1
δz t ,i ln(P (yt |xt , Bi )) + δz t ,i ln P (xt |bi ), (3.7)
i=1 t=1 i=1 t=1
δz t ,i ln P (yt |xt , Bi ) (3.8)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K
maximize δz 1 ,j ln πj
subject to πj = 1
maximize ωij ln aij
i=1 j=1 t=1
subject to aij = 1 ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K} .
δz t ,i ln P (xt |bi ) (3.11)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K.
The maximization problems (3.8), (3.9), (3.10), and (3.11) correspond to ML esti-
mation of the expert, initial state, transition and emission parameters, respectively.
(ii) Initial probabilities The initial probability associated with the constrained
optimization problem (3.9) is π̂i = δz 1 ,i ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K}.
(iii) Emission probabilities The MSLM gate either relies on generic emission
models, or it exploits discriminative classifiers and Bayes rule for indirect emission
modelling (see section 3.2.1). The solution to (3.11) depends on the distribution
chosen to model P (xt |z t = i). In the case of Gaussian distributions for example,
analytical solutions to (3.11) are obtained by applying well-known ML estimators on
1 qT
each data set Xk , e.g. µk = card(t s.t.z t =i) t=1,s.t.z t =i x for the mean of a Gaussian
distribution. Details on the resolution of (3.11) for the distributions which were here
considered for the MSLM implementation are given in Chapter 6.
Let Θ gather the unknown MSLM parameters. Let {X, Y} be the incomplete
training data set available for Maximum-Likelihood identification of the parameters
Θ. After initialization of the MSLM parameters, the Expectation-step (E-step) and
the Maximization-step (M-step) are performed iteratively. Successive iterations
of the E- and M-step lead to the convergence of the data set log-likelihood to a
local optimum [Dempster et al., 1977]. Let us consider the ith iteration of the EM
E-step The unknown latent variable vector z depends on the parameter Θ. During
the ith E-step, the value of Θ is fixed and is assumed to be equal to its current
estimate Θ̂i . The expectation of the data log likelihood with respect to the unknown
î variable vector ïz is computed for this estimate Θ̂i . Let first define the function
Θ Θ̂
Q : D , D , R , R → R as follows:
m n
è é
Q(Θ+ , Θ̂, X, Y) = E Lc (Θ+ , X, Y, z)|Θ = Θ̂, X, Y . (3.13)
è é
Θ+ Ô→ Q(Θ+ , Θ̂i , X, Y) = E Lc (Θ+ , X, Y, z)|Θ = Θ̂i , X, Y , (3.14)
i.e. the expectation of Lc (Θ, X, Y, z) with respect to z, given the current parameter
estimate Θ̂i :
è é
E Lc (Θ+ , X, Y, z)|Θ = Θ̂i , X, Y = Lc (Θ+ , X, Y, z) P (z|Θ = Θ̂i , X, Y)
3.3. MSLM training 83
The E- and M-steps were here derived for MSLM unsupervised training.
è é K K TØ
K Ø −1
E Lc (Θ+ , X, Y, z)|Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = γi1 ln(πi+ ) + t
ξi,j ij )
i=1 i=1 j=1 t=1
γit ln P (yt |xt , B+ γit ln P (xt |b+
+ i )+ i ), (3.17)
i=1 t=1 i=1 t=1
è é
γi1 = E δz 1 ,i |Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = P (z 1 = i|Θ = Θ̂, x1:T , y1:T ), (3.18)
è é
γit = E δz t ,i |Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = P (z t = i|Θ = Θ̂, x1:T , y1:T ), (3.19)
è é
ξi,j t
= E ωi,j |Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = P (z t = i, z t+1 = j|Θ = Θ̂, x1:T , y1:T ). (3.20)
Estimation of the state and transition probabilities The state γit and tran-
sition probabilities ξi,j
t can be expressed as follows (see derivation of the formula in
Appendix A):
ξi,j = P (z t = i, z t+1 = j|x1:T , y1:T , Θ)
P (xt+2:T , yt+2:T |z t+1 = j, Θ)P (xt+1 , yt+1 |z t+1 = j, Θ)
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
× P (z t+1 = j|z t = i, Θ)P (z t = i, x1:t , y1:t |Θ),
P (z t+1 = j, x1:t+1 , y1:t+1 |Θ) = P (z t+1 = j, x1:t , y1:t , xt+1 , yt+1 |Θ)
= P (xt+1 , yt+1 |z t+1 = j, Θ)
P (z t+1 = j|z t = i, Θ)P (z t = i, x1:t , y1:t |Θ),
where P (xt , yt |z t = j, Θ) = P (yt |xt , Bj )P (xt |bj ). Finally, a termination step yields
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ) = P (z T = i, x1:T , y1:T |Θ).
Again, the likelihood of each continuous expert is taken into account during state
γit ln P (yt |xt , Bi ) (3.21)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K
γj1 ln πj
subject to πj = 1
K Ø −1
maximize ξi,j ln aij
i=1 j=1 t=1
subject to aij = 1 ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K} .
γit ln P (xt |bi ) (3.24)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K.
where (3.21), (3.22), (3.23), and (3.24) correspond to ML estimation of the expert,
initial state, transition and emission parameters, respectively. In contrast with
the MSLM supervised maximization problems, the impact of observation t on
a parameter set associated with state i is weighted by the corresponding state
probability γjt = P (z t = i|x1:T , y1:T , Θ).
Gate Similarly, weighted training is required to identify the transition, initial state
and emission probabilities.
πz 1 = γi1 i = 1, . . . , K.
3.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, a decoder has been introduced for the task of accurate, asynchronous
mono- and multi-limb ECoG kinematic decoding. This decoder, referred to as
Markov Switching Linear Model (MSLM), presents three key features expected to
be associated with efficient asynchronous kinematic decoding. First, it has been
developed as a switching model. Thus, as opposed to post-processed models, the
MSLM combines several models. It is therefore able to adjust to task-dependent
changes in the model between ECoG signals and limb kinematics. This property is
expected to be useful to both introduce No-Control (NC) support into kinematic
decoders and to improve Intentional Control (IC) decoding accuracy during complex
movements. If one active limb only is associated with each model, the MSLM
intrinsically limits parallel limb activations. Second, it has been designed as a
discriminative rather than generative switching model. The discriminative framework
is expected to facilitate state and kinematic extraction from high-dimensional neural
features. The Mixture of Experts (ME) framework has been used to describe the
discriminative switching models reportedly applied for the integration of NC support
into synchronous ECoG decoders. Finally, in contrast with the discriminative
switching models proposed in the literature, the MSLM performs dynamic state
estimation. Dynamic state detection is liable to improve state detection, and thus to
further reduce spurious activations during NC periods. It relies on an extension of
3.4. Conclusion 87
4.1 Asynchronous preclinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.1.1 Behavioural task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.1.2 Signal acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.1.3 Data set characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.2 Asynchronous multi-limb (multi-finger) clinical data set . . 95
4.2.1 Behavioural task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.2.2 Data acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.2.3 Data set characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Figure 4.1: Behavioral task (reproduced from [Chao et al., 2010]). The NHPs
performed reaching movements to grab food presented at random intervals.
Figure 4.2: Reaching movement example. After having grabbed the food presented
by the experimenter and put it in its mouth, the NHP brought its arm back to an
idle position.
Table 4.1: State sequence characteristics, preclinical data set. The intra-session
mean number of movements and mean duration of NC and IC periods was averaged
over 5, 3, 6 and 10 sessions for Monkeys A, K, B and C, respectively.
ECoG signals were acquired at a sampling rate of 1kHz. A motion tracking system
tracked the subjects’ wrist coordinates at a sampling frequency of 120Hz. Body-
centred 3D wrist trajectories downsampled at 20Hz were extracted from the outputs
of the motion tracking system.
y 1 (m)
y 2 (m)
y 3 (m)
y 1 (m)
y 2 (m)
y 3 (m)
y 1 (m)
y 2 (m)
y 3 (m)
200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400
time (s)
Figure 4.4: Trajectory examples. Trajectories along each axis were centred around
0. An identical scale was used for all NHPs and all axes. A. Monkey A, session 1.
B. Monkey K, session 2. C. Monkey C, session 6.
94 Chapter 4. Data set presentation
y 3 (mm)
700 720 740 760 780 800 820 840 860 880
time (s)
Figure 4.5: Measuring the movement complexity, example (subdural data set,
Monkey K). Red dots indicate detected zero-crossings of the trajectory’s smoothed
4.2. Asynchronous multi-limb (multi-finger) clinical data set 95
The preclinical data set was analysed session per session (24 sessions, 4 monkeys).
Each recording was split into training and test set: the first 70% of each session
were used for model training and validation, and the last 30% were used for testing.
Figure 4.6: Behavioral task (reproduced from [Miller and Schalk, 2008]).
the BCI competition IV data set [Miller and Schalk, 2008]. The arrays of Stanford’s
data base covered various brain areas, namely frontal, parietal, occipital and/or
temporal areas (see details in the data base description file), i.e. both motor and
non-motor activity was measured by the electrodes. ECoG signals were acquired at
a sampling rate of 1kHz, and band-pass filtered between 0.15 and 200Hz.
Subjects were asked to move the fingers contralateral to the array location. A
data glove tracked the finger coordinates at a 25Hz sampling frequency. The tracked
coordinates were normalized and centred so that each finger trajectory exhibited
similar spatial amplitudes within an acquisition session. A trajectory example is
presented in Figure 4.7. Fingers are ordered as follows: thumb, index finger, middle
finger, ring finger and little finger.
(i) Duration of NC and ICi periods Both IC and NC states were theoretically
2s-long, as IC cues were displayed for 2 seconds and were followed by 2s-long blank
screens. Manual segmentation of the finger trajectories was used to measure the
empirical duration of NC and IC states (Table 4.4). NC and IC classes, where the
IC class is composed of the ICi class, i = 1, . . . , 5, were relatively well balanced.
(ii) Neutral position variability The stability of the NC positions was measured
for each finger i by averaging finger positions during NC periods and during ICj , j =
i, j ∈ {1, . . . , 5} periods (Table 4.5).
Similarly to the preclinical data set, the clinical data set was analysed session
4.2. Asynchronous multi-limb (multi-finger) clinical data set 97
finger 1 (a.u.)
finger 2 (a.u.)
finger 3 (a.u.)
finger 4 (a.u.)
finger 5 (a.u.)
140 150 160 170 180 190 200
time (s)
Figure 4.7: Finger trajectories example (subject 1). The trajectory of each finger was
centred and normalized. Movement amplitudes are thus indicated with an arbitrary
unit (a.u.). Finger 1: thumb, Finger 2: index finger, Finger 3: middle finger, Finger
4: ring finger, Finger 5: little finger.
Table 4.4: State sequence characteristics, clinical data set. The number of movements
and the intra-session average duration of NC and IC periods was measured for each
session of the clinical data set.
Data set Subject NC period duration (s) IC period duration (s) Movement number
1 1.10 ± 0.66 2.95 ± 0.94 148
BCI IV 2 1.85 ± 0.62 2.22 ± 0.73 147
3 1.12 ± 0.50 3.26 ± 2.42 137
bp 1.93 ± 0.78 2.21 ± 0.64 147
cc 1.32 ± 0.82 2.79 ± 1.05 148
ht 1.60 ± 0.79 2.62 ± 0.86 144
Stanford jc 1.74 ± 0.67 2.27 ± 0.31 132
wc 1.29 ± 0.94 2.85 ± 1.40 147
zt 1.21 ± 0.87 2.93 ± 0.81 147
per session (9 subjects, one session per subject). Likewise, each recording was split
into training and test set (70% and 30% of each session, respectively).
4.3 Conclusion
The data sets used to assess the ability of the Markov Switching Linear Model
(MSLM) to perform accurate asynchronous multi-DoF or multi-limb ECoG decoding
were presented in the present chapter. Both data sets are publicly available. The
first data set is composed by preclinical ECoG data acquired while monkeys were
executing asynchronous unimanual reaching movements. The second data set gathers
clinical ECoG data collected while human subjects were performing sequential multi-
fingers flexions and extensions. Next chapter consists of a presentation of the
methodology used to measure the MSLM performance when applied on the two
considered data sets.
Chapter 5
5.1 Comparative approaches for supervised MSLMs . . . . . . . 101
5.1.1 Markovian post-processed Wiener Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
5.1.2 Switching Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.1.3 Static decoders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
5.2 Performance indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.2.1 NC support for asynchronous mono- and multi-limb decoding . 107
5.2.2 Multiple IC state discrimination for sequential multi-limb asyn-
chronous decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.2.3 Performance indicators for continuous dependent variable . . 108
5.2.4 Trajectory synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.3 Statistical tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Figure 5.1: Post-processed kinematic decoder, general data flow. A regression model
or a state-space filter (additional orange arrows (i)) is fed with the neural features,
and, in the case of state-space filters, with statistical characteristics of the previous
estimate. A post-processing operator is applied on the output of this decoder.
Figure 5.2: Markovian post-processed Wiener Filter decoder, data flow. The post-
processed operator performs dynamic state detection from the kinematic estimates
yielded by a single Wiener filter.
Figure 5.3: SKF (A) and MSLM (B) data flow. A. The weights used to combine the
KF experts depend on the adequacy of each KF with the current and past observed
neural signals. B. The weights used to combine the linear experts directly depend
on the value of current and past observed neural signals.
106 Chapter 5. Evaluation and comparison
Figure 5.4: Post-processed Wiener Filter decoder, data flow. The post-processed
operator performs static state detection from the kinematic estimates yielded by a
single Wiener filter.
Figure 5.5: Switching Linear Model decoder, data flow. The gate performs static
state detection. The SLM thus corresponds to a generic Mixture of Experts model.
5.2. Performance indicators 107
The Normalized Mean Absolute Error NMAE = ëy−ȳë1 , where ë.ë1 is the ℓ1 -
norm (ëyë1 = t=1 y ), was additionally computed. It issues a measure of the
- t-
- -
ℓ1 -error between y and ŷ and is less sensitive to outliers than the NRMSE [Hyndman
and Koehler, 2006].
[Cassisi et al., 2012] [Wang et al., 2013d]. Slight positive and negative delays between
estimated and target time series, for example, substantially degrade distance-based
performance indicators, especially the ℓ2 -distance between both time series. Such
performance indicators have consistently be shown to be suboptimal when they are
used to estimate the similarity between time series, and when the resulting similarity
measures are utilized to train a time series classifier [Wang et al., 2013d]. Although
large delays between intended and estimated trajectories, e.g. 300ms pure delay
[Willett et al., 2013], are known to significantly degrade BCI control performances
[Willett et al., 2013] [Marathe and Taylor, 2015], it is unclear whether slight temporal
uncertainties are more or less disturbing to users than spatial errors, which have
been shown to degrade control quality [Marathe and Taylor, 2015]. Performance
indicators insensitive to temporal uncertainties were thus added to the set of generic
indicators presented in section 5.2.3.
Various indicators have been proposed to measure the similarity between time
series [Wang et al., 2013d], e.g. the Dynamic-Time-Warping or the Longest Common
Subsequence similarity measures [Cassisi et al., 2012]. In particular, Dynamic-Time-
Warping (DTW) criteria have been used alonside traditional ("lock-step" [Wang
et al., 2013d]) indicators to assess the performance of several BCI decoders in
[Eliseyev and Aksenova, 2014]. Let us consider two times series x ∈ RT and y ∈ RT
of similar length T . Dynamic Time Warping finds the T̃ -long path P̃ ∈ NT̃ ×2
which minimizes the cumulative distance T̃k=1 d(xp̃k,1 , yp̃k,2 ), where d is a "local cost
measure" [Muller, 2007], e.g. the ℓ2 - or ℓ1 -distance. The admissible paths can be
limited by constraining the maximum delay between two paired samples, e.g. using
the Sakoe-Chiba band [Cassisi et al., 2012]. An illustration of the errors reflected by
lock-step and DTW-based indicators is shown in Figure 5.6.
tional performance indicators, e.g. the PCC, NRMSE or NMAE. A method is here
proposed for desynchronization-robust direct computation of generic performance
indicators between two trajectories x ∈ RT and y ∈ RT . The indicators of interest
are computed after having obtained signals synchronized in the original time scale
of one of the trajectories, taken as the reference signal. This approach makes direct
comparisons of performance indicators between raw and synchronized trajectories
First, synchronized signals x̃ ∈ RT̃ and ỹ ∈ RT̃ are obtained along the DTW-
distorted time scaled defined by the DTW-optimal path P̃ = argminP̃ T̃k=1 d(xp̃k,1 , yp̃k,2 ).
Figure 5.7: A. Example of a DTW path, clinical data set. DTW was applied
on a true and estimated finger trajectory. The initial part of the DTW path
(corresponding to the first 18 samples of the reference (true) trajectory) is here
displayed. Signals are synchronized when they are evaluated on the distorted time
scales represented by the DTW path. B. Correspondence between instants of the
time scale 1 and 2. Most instants defined on the first (reference) time scale are
associated with a single instant of the second time scale (yellow, blue and green
arrows). In some cases, however, several instants of the second time scale correspond
to the same original instant (red circles). C. Approximation of the DTW path by a
function-like path.
y 3 (mm)
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
time (s)
Figure 5.8: Synchronization example, MSLM decoder, subdural data set. The
proposed synchronization method was used to synchronize the MSLM trajectory
estimate (blue line) with the observed trajectory (black line). The ℓ1 -distance and a
maximum lag of 300ms (3 samples) were used to compute the synchronized MSLM
estimate (red line).
112 Chapter 5. Evaluation and comparison
5.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, it is proposed to compare the Markov Switching Linear Model
(MSLM) with a Wiener Filter with Markovian post-processing (MpWF) and with
a Switching Kalman Filter (SKF), which combines K Kalman filters. The MpWF
and SKF permit to investigate the relevance of key features of the MSLM, namely
switching and discriminative modelling. It is finally proposed to specifically evaluate
the impact on state detection of the third MSLM’s key feature, i.e. dynamic gating,
by considering a Switching Linear Model (SLM) and a post-processed Wiener Filter
(pWF). The SLM and pWF are variants of the MpWF and the MSLM with static
state detection.
A set of performance indicators has been chosen to assess the ability of the
decoders to perform asynchronous mono-limb and sequential multi-limb trajectory
decoding and to accurately reconstruct kinematic parameters during IC periods. The
quality of NC support is traditionally measured by means of confusion-matrix-based
performance indicators. It is here proposed to complement these indicators by block-
wise performance indicators. Block-wise indicators take into account the dynamic
of false activations. They are therefore expected to reflect the users’ evaluation of
5.4. Conclusion 113
6.1 Feature extraction and pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.1.1 Kinematic parameter extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
6.1.2 Neural signal feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
6.2 Decoder implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.2.1 Preclinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
6.2.2 Clinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
6.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
et al., 2012] and clinical data sets [Liang and Bougrain, 2009] [Chen et al., 2014b]
[Flamary and Rakotomamonjy, 2012] considered in the present dissertation focused
on position reconstruction with Wiener filtering or variants. Position decoding was
therefore utilized to assess the performance of the MSLM.
A state variable composed of both position and velocity was used to implement
the SKF, as it had been reported as optimal for Kalman filtering of ECoG signals
in an earlier study [Pistohl et al., 2008].
Preclinical data set The NHPs’ wrist position yt ∈ R3 was issued by the motion
tracking system. Velocity was derived from position using a forward-difference
approximation [Eberly, 2014]. NC and IC states were manually labelled.
Clinical data set Finger positions yt ∈ R5 were acquired by the data glove worn
by the subjects. Similarly to the preclinical data set, velocity was derived from
position using a forward-difference approximation. NC and ICi , i = 1, . . . , IC5 states
were manually labelled.
used to detect potential artefacts in the neural data (e.g., chewing artefacts in the
epidural data set), and to replace them with neutral values.
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8
Experts The NC expert yielded the NC neutral position value ȳN C , which was
estimated as the average value of yt computed over NC states. The IC expert was
dedicated to wrist position decoding during IC periods. ML training of the IC expert
118 Chapter 6. Implementation
parametrized by BIC consisted in maximizing δz t ,IC ln P (yt |xt , BIC ), where T
refers to the number of training samples, δz t ,IC = 1 if the observation t corresponds
to an IC period, and δz t ,IC = 0 otherwise. A Gaussian noise was associated with
the IC expert. The corresponding Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) solution to this
maximization problem is unstable because of the high dimension of the input variable
xt . Several approximate solutions have been proposed to identify high-dimensional
linear models, in particular Principal Component Regression, Partial Least Squares
and LASSO training. A pilot study was therefore performed to select a relevant
approximate ML estimator of the IC expert (see Appendix B). Partial Least
Squares (PLS) [Höskuldsson, 1988] regression was found to provide accurate IC
experts, and was therefore chosen to identify the IC experts. The optimization
of the subspace dimension relied on a 6-fold cross-validation procedure completed
on the training data set, namely on the application of Wold’s R criterion on the
cross-validated PRESS statistic [Li et al., 2002].
Gate Fully supervised training of the MSLM involves the identification of HMM-
based dynamic state decoder (gate) (see section 3.3.1). In the considered case of
mono-limb asynchronous decoding, the gate has to distinguish between 2 states,
namely NC and IC states.
The state-specific emission distributions associated with the HMM-based gate
of the MSLM can be modelled by means of generic distributions or by using an
t t)
alternative approach based on discriminative modelling: P (xt |z t = j) ∝ PP(z(z=j|x
t =j) ,
counterparts of the LDA and of the SVM, namely Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
(QDA) and a nonlinear SVM. Although it has been comparatively unfrequently
applied in BCI studies, high performance of Logistic Regression-based (LR) state
classification has been reported in recent EEG- and ECoG-based studies [Bashashati
et al., 2015] [Bundy et al., 2016]. The relevance of LR was therefore additionally
assessed for the considered binary classification task. LDA and QDA are generative
classifiers relying on Gaussian distributions (see Chapter 2). They are thus static
analogues of generic HMMs with Gaussian emission distribution. By contrast,
LR and SVMs are discriminative classifiers (see Chapter 2). They can be seen
as static analogues of HMMs exploiting a discriminative approach to model the
emission probabilities. Both linear (LDA, SVM and LR) and nonlinear (QDA and
nonlinear SVM) classifiers were considered because linear state detection is liable to
be suboptimal if neural signals are not linearly separable.
The neural input feature variable was here high dimensional. As classifier per-
formances have been shown to depend on the characteristics of the input variable
[Bashashati et al., 2015], in particular on its dimensionality [Bhattacharyya et al.,
2011], the classifiers were tested after reduction of the feature dimension. Different
projection-based dimensionality reduction procedures were compared. Both unsu-
pervised and supervised projections were considered, namely PCA- and PLS-based
dimensionality reduction. Computation of the PLS-based projector was found by
fitting a PLS model between the high-dimensional input variable xt and the state
variable z t ∈ {0, 1}. A detailed presentation of the preliminary study can be found
in Appendix B.
PLS-based dimensionality reduction followed by the application of a logistic
model was found to be efficient for NC/IC detection (see Tables B.6 and B.7).
It was consequently integrated into the HMM-based gating network for dynamic
state detection. 6-fold cross-validation was used to find the optimal dimension of
the latent subspace yielded by a PLS regression between xt and z t . Optimization
was completed by applying Wold’s R criterion on the 6-fold cross-validated PRESS
statistic [Li et al., 2002]. The logit model parameters were fitted using the Iteratively
Reweighted Least Squares algorithm [Bishop, 2006].
A Switching Linear Model with static state detection was additionally inferred
from the MSLM gate and experts. It was obtained by discarding the Markovian
hypothesis used by the MSLM’s gate, i.e. by exploiting the static LR embedded into
the MSLM’s HMM-based gate to combine the experts identified during the training
of the MSLM.
A Markovian post-processed Wiener Filter was fitted via PLS regression on the
training data set {X, Y}. The optimal number of PLS factors was estimated by
applying Wold’s R criterion on the 6-fold cross-validated PRESS statistic. Trajectory
post-processing was used to integrate NC support into the decoder. A logistic
120 Chapter 6. Implementation
regression was trained to infer NC and IC states from the kinematic estimates
ŷt . Similarly to the MSLM, a Markovian hypothesis was used to limit spurious
detections during both NC and IC states. The corresponding transition matrix was
found using the procedure presented in Chapter 3 in the case of the MSLM. The
state probabilities P (z t |ŷ1:t ) yielded by the dynamic LR state decoder were used to
weight the Wiener estimates and the neutral values associated withîNC states.ï The
dynamic logistic regression was identified on the training data set Ŷ, z .
The parameters of a Wiener Filter with static post-processing (pWF) were
additionally inferred from the parameters of the MpWF. The pWF combined the
LR and Wiener models identified during the training of the MpWF, i.e. the outputs
of the LR embedded into the dynamic post-processing operator of the MpWF were
directly used to weight the Wiener estimates and the neutral values associated with
NC states. SKF
Some reaching movements of the preclinical data set exhibit complex behaviours,
where complexity is measured by the number of zero-crossing of the trajectory
first derivative (see Chapter 4). Subdural sessions with an average complexity
superior to 2 were selected for an additional analysis (three sessions of the Monkey
A), namely for the training of a MSLM with 2 IC experts. Unsupervised Maximum
Likelihood training of the MSLM decoders was performed using the incomplete
training data sets {X, Y}. Both NC and ICi , i = 1, 2 states were considered as
hidden during training. The decision of using unconstrained NC/IC state labels was
taken because of labelling uncertainties, for example around transitions or for very
short null-velocity periods during manually identified movements.
Axis 1 (mm)
Axis 2 (mm)
Axis 3 (mm)
3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800
Time (s)
Figure 6.2: Initialization of the EM algorithm, example (subdural data set). Each
color refers to a different state.
6.2. Decoder implementation 123
E-step and M-step The E-step and M-step presented in Chapter 3 were itera-
tively performed to train the MSLM. Specific optimization methods are generally
necessary to solve the M-step maximization problems because the impact of the ob-
servations t on a parameter associated with state i is weighted by the corresponding
state probability γit = P (z t = i|x1:T , y1:T , Θ) (see section
Weighted expert training While the Weighted Linear Least Squares (WLLS)
estimator B̂k = (X′ Γk X)−1 X′ Γk Y, where the weight matrix Γk ∈ RT ×T is a
diagonal matrix with the diagonal elements γkt , t = 1, . . . , T [Moerland, 1997], is
regularly used to train Mixtures of Experts, it is not defined when m ≤ T . For
this reason, a weighted variant of the PLS-based approximate solution presented in
Appendix B was here utilized, namely weighted PLS. A PLS-based approximate
1 1
ML estimator of expert k was found by fitting a PLSR between Γk2 X and Γk2 Y
[Souza and Araújo, 2014]. Similarly to the supervised training case, the NC expert
yielded the NC neutral position value ȳN C . MSLM
Experts Similarly to the preclinical data set, the NC expert yielded the NC neutral
position value ȳN C , estimated as the average value of yt computed over NC states.
The ith IC state referred to periods during which movements were executed by the ith
finger. A linear expert was trained for each IC state, IC1 , . . . , IC5 . LASSO training
was found optimal to identify the parameters of the experts in the preliminary study
presented in Appendix B. 6-fold cross-validation was used to choose the amount λ
of ℓ1 -penalization. Similarly to the preclinical data set, the parameters of the SLM
were inferred from the MSLM parameters.
Gate A preliminary study was again completed to select the best state decoder
for the considered gating task. Multi-class decoders were considered, as opposed to
the binary decoders considered for the preclinical data set. LR fitted on the whole
feature set using a LASSO procedure was found to surpass the other multi-class de-
coders (see Appendix B). It was therefore integrated into the MSLM recurrent gate.
Supervised training of the MSLM decoders was performed using complete training
data sets {X, Y, z}. As a prior was set on the gate and expert parameters, it
corresponded to Maximum A Posteriori rather to Maximum Likelihood training.
Similarly to the preclinical data set, the parameters of the SLM decoders were
inferred from the MSLM parameters. Post-processed WF
A Wiener filter was fitted via PLS regression on the training data set {X, Y}. Wold’s
R criterion was applied on the 6-fold cross-validated PRESS statistic to estimate
the optimal number of PLS factors.
Trajectory post-processing was used to integrate NC support into the decoder.
A logistic regression was trained to infer NC and IC states from the kinematic
estimates ŷt . Similarly to the MSLM, a Markovian hypothesis was used to limit
erroneous state detections. The corresponding transition matrix was found by
using the procedure presented in the case of the MSLM. The state probabilities
P (z t = i|ŷ1:t ), i = 1, . . . , 6 yielded by the dynamic LR state decoder were used
to weight the Wiener estimates associated with each finger and the neural values
corresponding to NC î states.
ï The dynamic logistic regression was identified on the
training data set Ŷ, z . Similarly to the preclinical data set, the parameters of
the pWF decoders were inferred from the MpWF parameters.
6.3. Conclusion 125 SKF
A SKF was implemented for dynamic combination of K = 6 Kalman filters, one
specialized in NC periods and the 5 other ones in IC periods. Similarly to the
preclinical data set, the SKF state variable ySKF
t (i.e., response variable) was chosen
as the finger position and velocity. The dimension of the neural features xSKF t
corresponding to the last 100ms before the instant t was reduced before application
of the SKF (see preliminary study in Appendix C). PLS regression between xSKF t
and the ySKF was used to identify an informative low-dimensional subspace. The
6.3 Conclusion
This chapter includes a description of the procedure used to extract features from
both ECoG signals and limb trajectories. Details on the implementation of the
Markov Switching Linear Model (MSLM) have been exposed for the two evaluation
data sets, namely the publicly available preclinical and clinical data sets. Precisions
on the unsupervised procedure used to identify several IC experts have been given for
the considered expert and gate structures. The procedure completed to implement
Markovian post-processed Wiener Filter (MpWF) and Switching Kalman Filter
(SKF) decoders on the preclinical and clinical data set has been detailed. An insight
on the approaches used to optimize the MSLM’s gate and experts as well as to perform
efficient dimensionality reduction before applying the SKF has additionally been
presented. In particular, the respective relevance of generative and discriminative
strategies for the modelling of the MSLM’s gate emission distribution has been
investigated. Next chapter consists in the presentation of the decoding performance
of the MSLM for the considered pre-clinical and clinical data sets, along with of a
comparison of its decoding efficiency with the ones obtained with the alternative
Chapter 7
7.1 Preclinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
7.1.1 Integration of NC support into kinematic decoders . . . . . . . 127
7.1.2 Multiple IC experts for kinematic reconstruction of complex
movements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
7.2 Clinical data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
7.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
7.3.1 Mono-limb decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
7.3.2 Multi-limb decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
7.3.3 Absolute decoding performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
7.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
The performance of the Markov Switching Linear Model (MSLM) was assessed for
two tasks, namely asynchronous mono-limb and asynchronous multi-limb decoding
of preclinical and clinical ECoG data, respectively.
MpWF with static state detection (referred to as SLM and pWF, respectively) were
additionally considered to assess the interest of the Markovian hypothesis to limit
spurious activations. Post-hoc pairwise decoder comparisons [Benavoli et al., 2015]
associated with the Friedman test with the significance level 0.05 [Demšar, 2006]
were performed using the sign test with Bonferroni correction (see section 5.3).
Table 7.1 shows the respective performances of the MSLM, SLM, MpWF, pWF and
SKF decoders in terms of NC/IC classification accuracy. Both raw and synchronized
state estimates were considered (maximum delay between synchronized samples
τmax = 200 ms, ℓ1 -based synchronization). τmax = 200 ms was chosen because it
had been used in an earlier study completed on the epidural data set [Eliseyev and
Aksenova, 2014]. The corresponding p-values are gathered in Table 7.2 for the
decoders with dynamic state detection (MSLM, MpWF and SKF) and in Table
7.3 for the MSLM and the alternative decoders with static state detection (SLM
and pWF).
The AUCs corresponding to the MSLM were found to be significantly better
than the AUCs obtained with all alternative dynamic decoders (i.e., the MpWF
and the SKF) (see Table 7.2). The MSLM additionally permitted to significantly
improve the ACC when compared to the SKF on the subdural and epidural data
sets. The small number of sessions composing the subdural and epidural data sets
may have limited the power of the statistical test used to assess the significance
of performance differences. While the observed differences were not found to be
significant, the MSLM was additionally associated with generally better TPR, FPR
and ACC than the MpWF (median improvements of 1.2%, 26.6% and 1.8% for the
subdural data set, respectively, and of 3.1%, 14.4%, 2.5% for the epidural data set,
respectively). A significant improvement of the ACC by the MSLM when compared
to the MpWF was also observed on synchronized state sequences of the subdural
data set. When compared to the SKF, the MSLM improved the TPR, FPR and
ACC by 1.3%, 43.2% and 3.4% on the subdural data set (median value over 8
sessions), respectively, and by 19.8%, 29.8% and 17.0% on the epidural data set
(median value over 16 sessions), respectively.
No difference in the confusion-matrix-based performance indicators was observed
between the MSLM and the SLM, i.e. its variant with static state detection (see
Table 7.3).
Table 7.1: Preclinical data set, state classification performance, raw and synchronized
state estimates (τmax = 200 ms, ℓ1 -based synchronization). Median False Positive
Rate (FPR), True Positive Rate (TPR), accuracy (ACC) and the Area Under the
Curve (AUC) are displayed for the MSLM, SLM, MpWF, pWF and SKF decoders.
They were computed over 8 and 16 acquisition sessions for the subdural and epidural
ECoG data sets, respectively.
130 Chapter 7. Results
Table 7.2: Preclinical data set, p-values for state classification performance, MSLM,
MpWF and SKF decoders, raw and synchronized state estimates (τmax = 200 ms,
ℓ1 -based synchronization). The significance of the differences between the decoders’
respective performances was assessed using the Friedman test with the significance
level α = 0.05. Post-hoc comparisons were performed where appropriate using the
sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e. αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences
are indicated by a star (*).
Table 7.3: Preclinical data set, p-values for state classification performance, MSLM,
SLM and pWF decoders, raw and synchronized state estimates (τmax = 200 ms,
ℓ1 -based synchronization). The significance of the differences between the decoders’
respective performances was assessed using the Friedman test with the significance
level α = 0.05. Post-hoc comparisons were performed where appropriate using the
sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e. αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences
are indicated by a star (*).
7.1. Preclinical data set 131
with the MSLM by a median of 26.3% and 6.9% (62.3% and 32.4%), respectively,
on the subdural data set, and by a median of 12.1% and 5.3% (43.8% and 16.5%),
respectively, on the epidural data set. The improvement of the false activation
frequencies was found to be significant for both data sets when the MSLM and the
SKF were considered (Table 7.5).
The decoders with static gating were generally associated with more frequent
false activations and deactivations than the MSLM. In particular, the MSLM’s
dynamic gate resulted in significantly fewer false activations/deactivations than the
SLM on the epidural data set (median improvement of the false activations and
deactivations of 32.7% and 16.7%, respectively, on the subdural data set, and of
31.9% and 26.0%, respectively, on the epidural data set). It additionally significantly
surpassed the pWF in terms of false activation frequencies on both the subdural and
epidural data sets (median improvement of the false activations and deactivations of
50.0% and 21.8%, respectively, on the subdural data set, and of 40.0% and 26.6%,
respectively, on the epidural data set). The duration of the false activations and
deactivations were, on the other hand, higher for the MSLM than for the SLM
(median increase: 30.1% and 19.2% respectively, on the subdural data set, and 26.3%
and 28.9% respectively, on the epidural data set).
Table 7.4: Preclinical data set, false activation/deactivation median frequency and
duration for MSLM, SLM, MpWF, pWF and SKF. False activations (respectively,
false deactivations) are blocks of consecutive NC samples misclassified as IC samples
(respectively, a block of IC samples mistaken for NC samples).
132 Chapter 7. Results
Table 7.5: Preclinical data set, p-values for the false activation/deactivation frequency
and duration associated with the MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders. The significance
of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was assessed using
the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc comparisons were
performed where appropriate using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
Table 7.6: Preclinical data set, p-values for the false activation/deactivation frequency
and duration associated with the MSLM, SLM and pWF decoders. The significance
of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was assessed using
the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc comparisons were
performed where appropriate using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
7.1. Preclinical data set 133
Table 7.7: Preclinical data set, known state sequence. Decoding performance during
IC states, with and without synchronization. The PCC, RMSE and NMAE associated
with the MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders were averaged over the 3 available axes
within each session. Their median values were then computed over 8 and 16 sessions
for the subdural and epidural data sets, respectively. Synchronization was completed
with τmax = 200ms (ℓ2 -based synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based
synchronization for the NMAE).
134 Chapter 7. Results
y 2 (mm)
y 3 (mm)
0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40
time (s) time (s) time (s)
observed estimated
Figure 7.1: Preclinical data set, known state sequence. Example of observed and
estimated trajectories (epidural data set, Monkey C). The projections of the monkey’s
wrist trajectory onto the horizontal axes (y1 and y2 ) and the vertical axis (y3 ) are
indicated in solid black lines. Red trajectories represent the estimates yielded by
the MSLM, SKF and MpWF decoders.
7.1. Preclinical data set 135
Table 7.8: Preclinical data set, known state sequence. P-values for IC decoding
performance, raw and synchronized signals (τmax = 200ms, ℓ2 -based synchronization
for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based synchronization for the NMAE). The significance
of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was assessed using
the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc comparisons were
performed using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e. αBonf erroni = 0.0167.
Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
The performance of the three decoders was then assessed over IC periods when
state labels were hidden in the test data set. Results are gathered in Table 7.9,
and corresponding p-values are displayed in Table 7.10. An example of decoded
trajectories is presented in Figure 7.2.
The MSLM, MpWF and SKF generally presented similar decoding performances
on the subdural data set. The MSLM nevertheless corresponded to PCC, NRMSE
and NMAE higher by a median of 10%, 7% and 10% than the SKF’s PCC, NMRSE
and NMAE, respectively. This trend was confirmed by the significant difference
between the MSLM’s and SKF’s NRMSE and NMAE when temporal errors were
partly discarded, i.e. when synchronized trajectories were compared.
On the epidural data set, however, the MSLM significantly surpassed the MpWF
in terms of NRMSE and NMAE. Synchronized performance indicators addition-
ally permitted to disclose a significant improvement of the PCC when the MSLM
rather than the MpWF was applied on the epidural data set. While the MSLM
corresponded to NRMSE and NMAE higher by a median of 4% and 5% than the
SKF, these differences were not found to be significant.
Table 7.9: Preclinical data set, hidden state sequence. Decoding performance
during IC states, with and without synchronization. The PCC, RMSE and NMAE
associated with the MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders were averaged over the 3
available axes for each session. Their median values were then computed over 8 and
16 sessions for the subdural and epidural data sets, respectively. Synchronization was
completed with τmax = 200ms (ℓ2 -based synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE,
ℓ1 -based synchronization for the NMAE).
Table 7.10: Preclinical data set, hidden state sequence. P-values for IC decoding
performance, raw and synchronized trajectories (τmax = 100ms, ℓ2 -based synchro-
nization for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based synchronization for the NMAE). The
significance of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was
assessed using the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc
comparisons were performed using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
7.1. Preclinical data set
Figure 7.2: Preclinical data set, hidden state sequence. Example of observed and estimated trajectories for the epidural data set
(Monkey C). The projections of the monkey’s wrist trajectory onto the horizontal axes (y1 and y2 ) and the vertical axis (y3 ) are
indicated in solid black lines. Red trajectories represent the estimates yielded by the MSLM, SLM, Wiener Filter (WF), MpWF and
SKF decoders.
138 Chapter 7. Results
In contrast with the indicators computed on IC samples when state sequences were
known (see Table 7.7 above), differences between IC experts and single models of
the MpWF trained on both NC and IC samples were thus monitored on IC samples
correctly classified by the MSLM gate. As a result, the single kinematic decoder
associated with the MpWF was not penalized if its TPR was lower than the MSLM’s
Consistently with the previously reported results, no difference was observed
on the subdural data set between the MSLM’s IC experts exclusively fitted on IC
samples and the models trained on both NC and IC samples (i.e., the single models
utilized by the MpWFs). On the epidural data set, however, the NRMSE and NMAE
associated with models trained on both NC and IC samples were significantly higher
than the ones corresponding to the MSLM’ IC experts, i.e. on models exclusively
trained on IC samples. A non significant median improvement of 6% was additionally
found for the PCC, which was significantly improved when synchronized trajectories
were considered.
Table 7.11: Preclinical data set, hidden state sequence. Decoding performance of
MSLMs over IC states with either a IC- or a NC/IC- trained IC expert, hidden
state sequence, with and without synchronization. The PCC, RMSE and NMAE
associated with both variants of the MSLM were averaged over the 3 available axes
for each session. Their median values were then computed over 8 and 16 sessions for
the subdural and epidural data sets, respectively. Synchronization was completed
with τmax = 200ms (ℓ2 -based synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based
synchronization for the NMAE).
7.1. Preclinical data set 139
Table 7.12: Preclinical data set, hidden state sequence. P-values for the decoding
performance of MSLMs over IC states with either a IC- or a NC/IC- trained IC
expert, hidden state sequence, raw and synchronized trajectories (τmax = 200ms,
ℓ2 -based synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based synchronization for
the NMAE). The significance of the differences between the decoders’ respective
performances was assessed using the sign test with the significance level α = 0.05.
Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
y1 y2 y3 w gate
Spectral influence
0.06 0.04
0.04 0.04
0.02 0.02 0.02
Figure 7.3: Preclinical data set, example of the average contribution of frequency,
temporal and spatial modalities to the MSLM’s IC expert and to the MSLM’s
gate (subdural data set, Monkey A, session 1). The vector wgate parametrizes the
PLS-based followed by the logistic regression such that P (z t = 1|xt ) = −w′ xt
1+e gate
Contributions were assessed as the normalized summation of absolute values of
models’ coefficients along each modality. "a.u." refers to the utilization of arbitrary
7.1. Preclinical data set 141
y1 y2 y3
Spectral influence
50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Temporal influence
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
Spatial influence
0.02 0.02
Figure 7.4: Preclinical data set, example of the average contribution of frequency,
temporal and spatial modalities to the MpWF continuous decoder (subdural data
set, Monkey A, session 1). Contributions were assessed as the normalized summation
of absolute values of models’ coefficients along each modality. "a.u." refers to the
utilization of arbitrary units.
142 Chapter 7. Results
Table 7.13: Preclinical data set, sessions exhibiting complex movements. Cross-
validated state classification performance, raw and synchronized state estimates
(τmax = 200 ms, ℓ1 -based synchronization). 10-fold cross-validated median False
Positive Rate (FPR), True Positive Rate (TPR) and the accuracy (ACC) are
displayed for the MSLM with one and two IC states.
Table 7.14: Preclinical data set, hidden state sequence, sessions exhibiting complex
movements. The IC cross-validated decoding performance of MSLMs with 1 or 2 IC
states was measured on the three subdural data sets composed of complex movements.
The PCC, NRMSE and NMAE were averaged over the 3 considered axes. Their
10-fold cross-validated median value is displayed for MSLMs with 1 or 2 IC states.
Performance indicators were computed for both raw and synchronized observed and
estimated trajectories. Synchronization was completed with τmax = 200ms (ℓ2 -based
synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based synchronization for the NMAE).
144 Chapter 7. Results
Table 7.15: Preclinical data set, sessions exhibiting complex movements, hidden
state sequence. P-value for IC cross-validated decoding performance of MSLMs with
1 or 2 IC states(τmax = 100ms, ℓ2 -based synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE,
ℓ1 -based synchronization for the NMAE). The significance of the differences between
the decoders’ respective performances was assessed using the sign test with the
significance level α = 0.05. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
y 2 (mm)
y 3 (mm)
observed estimated
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
time (s) time (s)
Figure 7.5: Preclinical data set, sessions exhibiting complex movements, example of
observed and estimated trajectories (Monkey A). The projections of the monkey’s
wrist trajectory onto the horizontal axes (y1 and y2 ) and the vertical axis (y3 ) are
indicated in solid black lines. Red trajectories represent the estimates yielded by
MSLM decoders with 1 and 2 IC experts, respectively. Detected NC states are
represented with green dots, IC states with blue and yellow dots.
7.2. Clinical data set 145
Table 7.16: Clinical data set, state classification performance, raw and synchronized
signals. Median False Positive Rate (FPR), True Positive Rate (TPR), accuracy
(ACC) and Correct TP Ratio (CTPR) are displayed for the MSLM, SLM, MpWF,
pWF and SKF decoders on the clinical data set (median value over 9 sessions).
Synchronized performance indicators are additionally exposed. True and estimated
switching states y and ŷ were synchronized (see section 5.2.4) before computing
the TPR, FPR, ACC and CTPR (τmax = 100ms, median value over 9 sessions).
Table 7.17: Clinical data set, p-values for state classification performance, MSLM,
MpWF and SKF decoders, raw and synchronized signals (τmax = 100ms). The
significance of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was
assessed using the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc
comparisons were performed using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
7.2. Clinical data set 147
Table 7.18: Clinical data set, p-values for state classification performance, MSLM,
SLM and pWF decoders, raw and synchronized signals (τmax = 100ms). The
significance of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was
assessed using the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc
comparisons were performed using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
Table 7.19: Clinical data set, false activation/deactivation median frequency and
duration for MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders. False activations (respectively, false
deactivations) are blocks of consecutive NC samples misclassified as IC samples
(respectively, a block of IC samples mistaken for NC samples.
Table 7.20: Clinical data set, p-values for the false activation/deactivation frequency
and duration associated with the MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders. The significance
of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was assessed using
the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc comparisons were
performed where appropriate using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
148 Chapter 7. Results
Table 7.21: Clinical data set, p-values for the false activation/deactivation frequency
and duration associated with the MSLM, SLM and pWF decoders. The significance
of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances was assessed using
the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc comparisons were
performed where appropriate using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
Table 7.22: Clinical data set, known state sequence. Decoding performance during
IC states, with and without synchronization. Synchronization was completed with
τmax = 100ms (ℓ2 -based synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based syn-
chronization for the NMAE). Within each acquisition session, PCC, NRMSE and
NMAE were averaged over the 5 fingers. Median PCC, NRMSE and NMAE are
displayed for the MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders on the clinical data set (median
value over 9 sessions).
Table 7.23: Clinical data set, known state sequence. P-values for IC decoding per-
formance for raw and synchronized signals (τmax = 100ms, ℓ2 -based synchronization
for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based synchronization for the NMAE). Within each
acquisition session, PCC, NRMSE and NMAE were averaged over the 5 fingers.
The significance of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances
was assessed using the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc
comparisons were performed using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
150 Chapter 7. Results
y 2 (a.u.)
y 3 (a.u.)
y 4 (a.u.)
y 5 (a.u.)
35 40 45 50 55 35 40 45 50 55 35 40 45 50 55
time (s) time (s) time (s)
observed estimated
Figure 7.6: Clinical data set, known state sequence. Example of observed and
estimated finger trajectories (subject zt). The tracked finger positions are indicated
in solid black lines. Red trajectories represent the estimates yielded by the MSLM,
MpWF and SKF decoders. "a.u." refers to "arbitrary unit".
7.2. Clinical data set 151
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
y 2 (a.u.)
32 34 36 32 34 36 32 34 36
y 3 (a.u.)
58 60 62 58 60 62 58 60 62
y 4 (a.u.)
28 30 32 28 30 32 28 30 32
y 5 (a.u.)
55 60 55 60 55 60
time (s) time (s) time (s)
observed estimated
Figure 7.7: Clinical data set, known state sequence, focus on the IC states. Example
of observed and estimated finger trajectories (subject zt). The tracked finger positions
are indicated in solid black lines. Red trajectories represent the estimates yielded
by the MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders. "a.u." refers to "arbitrary unit".
152 Chapter 7. Results
IC decoding accuracy was then measured in the case where the values taken by the
switching state were hidden in the test data set. Results are shown in Table 7.24.
The corresponding p-values are displayed in Table 7.25.
The MSLM significantly outperformed the WF in terms of NRMSE and NMAE
(minus 9% and 12%, respectively). The MSLM was additionally associated with a
PCC higher by a median of 7%. The SKF was significantly surpassed by the MSLM
for all performance indicators for both raw (un-synchronized) and synchronized
signals. An example of decoded trajectories is presented on Figure 7.8.
Table 7.24: Clinical data set, hidden state sequence. Decoding performance during
IC states, with and without synchronization. Synchronization was completed with
τmax = 100ms (ℓ2 -based synchronization for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based syn-
chronization for the NMAE). Within each acquisition session, PCC, NRMSE and
NMAE were averaged over the 5 fingers. Median PCC, NRMSE and NMAE are
displayed for the MSLM, MpWF and SKF decoders on the clinical data set (median
value over 9 sessions).
Table 7.25: Clinical data set, hidden state sequence. P-values for IC decoding per-
formance for raw and synchronized signals (τmax = 100ms, ℓ2 -based synchronization
for the PCC and NRMSE, ℓ1 -based synchronization for the NMAE). Within each
acquisition session, PCC, NRMSE and NMAE were averaged over the 5 fingers.
The significance of the differences between the decoders’ respective performances
was assessed using the Friedman test with the significance level α = 0.05. Post-hoc
comparisons were performed using the sign test with Bonferroni correction, i.e.
αBonf erroni = 0.0167. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
7.2. Clinical data set 153
Table 7.26: Clinical data set, hidden state sequence. MSLM IC decoding performance
with experts fitted on IC samples only ("MSLM-IC") or on both NC and IC samples
("MSLM-full"). Within each acquisition session, PCC, NRMSE and NMAE were
averaged over the 5 fingers. Median PCC, NRMSE and NMAE are displayed for
the MSLM-IC and MSLM-full decoders on the clinical data set (median value over
9 sessions).
Table 7.27: Clinical data set, p-values for IC decoding performance for raw and syn-
chronized signals. Within each acquisition session, PCC, NRMSE and NMAE were
averaged over the 5 fingers. The significance of the differences between the decoders’
respective performances was assessed using the sign test with the significance level
α = 0.05. Significant differences are indicated by a star (*).
154 Chapter 7. Results
y 2 (a.u.)
y 3 (a.u.)
y 4 (a.u.)
y 5 (a.u.)
35 40 45 50 35 40 45 50 35 40 45 50
time (s) time (s) time (s)
observed estimated
Figure 7.8: Clinical data set, hidden state sequence. Example of observed and
estimated finger trajectories (subject zt). The tracked finger positions are indicated
in solid black lines. Red trajectories represent the estimates yielded by the MSLM,
MpWF and SKF decoders. "a.u." refers to "arbitrary unit".
7.2. Clinical data set 155
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6
Spectral influence
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Temporal influence
-0.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.4
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
Spatial influence
electrodes electrodes electrodes electrodes electrodes electrodes
(1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode
distance) distance) distance) distance) distance) distance)
Figure 7.9: Clinical data set, example of the average contribution of frequency, temporal and spatial modalities to the MSLM’s
gate (subject zt, one session). The vector set {w1 , . . . , w6 } parametrizes the 6-class multinomial logistic regression such that
w x ′ t
P (z t = i|xt ) = qe iw′ xt . Contributions were assessed as the normalized summation of absolute values of each vector wi along each
j e
modality. "a.u." refers to the utilization of arbitrary units.
Finger 1 Finger 2 Finger 3 Finger 4 Finger 5
Spectral influence
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
7.2. Clinical data set
Temporal influence
-1 -0.5 -1 -0.5 -1 -0.5 -1 -0.5 -1 -0.5
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)
Spatial influence
Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes
(1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode
distance) distance) distance) distance) distance)
Figure 7.10: Clinical data set, example of the average contribution of frequency, temporal and spatial modalities to the MSLM’s IC
experts (subject zt, one session). Contributions were assessed as the normalized summation of absolute values of the considered
expert’s coefficients along each modality. "a.u." refers to the utilization of arbitrary units.
Chapter 7. Results
0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Temporal influence
Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes Electrodes
(1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode (1cm inter-electrode
distance) distance) distance) distance) distance)
Figure 7.11: Clinical data set, example of the average contribution of frequency, temporal and spatial modalities to the MpWF linear
model (subject zt, one session). Contributions were assessed as the normalized summation of absolute values of models’ coefficients
158 along each modality. "a.u." refers to the utilization of arbitrary units.
7.3. Discussion 159
7.3 Discussion
The present results permit to assess the efficiency of the MSLM for accurate asyn-
chronous mono-limb and sequential multi-limb decoding. The relevance of the three
key features of the MSLM, namely switching modelling, discriminative modelling
and dynamic gating, is of particular interest.
The preclinical data set permitted to complete a first study on the efficiency of the
MSLM for the introduction of NC support into mono-limb kinematic decoders. The
training of the proposed MSLM decoder was considered in the case of complete
training data sets, i.e. parameter identification was supervised with respect to both
trajectory and state sequences. A comparison of the MSLM with a Wiener Filter
with Markovian post-processing and a SKF was performed to assess the relevance
of two of the MSLM key features, namely the use of switching models rather than
of a single post-processed model and the framework of discriminative rather than
generative modelling. An additional comparison with a SLM and pWF, i.e. variants
of the MSLM and MpWF with static state detection, was carried out to evaluate
the interest of the MSLM’s third key feature, namely dynamical gating.
because the MSLM decoder is fed with neural signals while the WF is fed with the
trajectory estimates issued by a single kinematic model, i.e. a continuous model
trained and applied on both NC and IC states. The lower performance of the
MpWF with respect to the MSLM for state detection may indicate that optimal
states estimates cannot be inferred from the kinematic estimates, and thus that the
kinematic estimates yielded by a single NC/IC linear kinematic decoder may be
corrupted because the decoder is trained on both NC and IC samples. This finding
seems to suggest the existence of NC/IC-specific modifications of the considered
linear model of dependence between ECoG signals and kinematic parameters, and
are consistent with the NC/IC-specific changes of ECoG baseline activity which
were reported in [Williams et al., 2013].
In the case of the subdural data set, the MSLM’s IC expert and the MpWF
performed equivalently when they were applied on IC states (Table 7.8): excluding
NC samples when training the MSLM IC expert did not permit to improve the model
between subdural neural signals and kinematic parameters during IC periods. Thus,
although using a single continuous decoder resulted in a degraded state detection,
its ability to decode IC states was not inferior to the one of the IC-specialized expert.
These results suggest that possible modifications of the ECoG encoding may not be
sufficiently important to impact the quality of the linear kinematic model used to
decode neural features during IC periods on the considered subdural ECoG data set.
Different results were obtained on the epidural data set, where the IC experts
yielded IC kinematic estimates on known IC states with slightly but significantly
lower errors than the single linear model embedded in the MpWF model. Similar
results were observed when MSLMs embedding an IC expert trained on either IC
samples exclusively or on both NC and IC samples were compared, as the NMRSE
and NMAE were significantly better on the epidural data set when IC samples
only were used to train the IC expert. These observations are consistent with an
earlier ECoG study [Williams et al., 2013] where it was advocated to utilize NC-
and IC-specific intercepts when applying a linear model to decode both NC and IC
samples, so that as to take into account differences in the baseline activity during
NC and IC states. Interestingly, this study had also been completed with epidural
ECoG signals [Williams et al., 2013]. A median improvement of 6% was additionally
found for the PCC (see Table 7.11). While this improvement was not significant,
the PCC between synchronized trajectories was found to be significant.
Finally, the interest of the MSLM’s Markovian hypothesis was illustrated when it
was compared it with a SLM, i.e. its analogue with static gating. While performance
indicators based on the confusion matrix were similar for the MSLM and the SLM,
the MSLM corresponded to significantly fewer false activations and deactivations,
i.e. blocks of consecutive false positives or false negatives, on the epidural data set.
Although it was not found significant, the same trend was observed on the subdural
data set. False activations and deactivations were longer (median increase: 30.1%
and 19.2% respectively, on the subdural data set, and 26.3% and 28.9% respectively,
on the subdural data set) but fewer for the MSLM than for the SLM (median
improvement of the false activations’ and deactivations’ frequency of 32.7% and
16.7%, respectively, on the subdural data set, and of 31.9% and 26.0%, respectively,
on the epidural data set). As a block of adjacent misclassified samples is expected
to be less disturbing to BCI users than a few isolated erroneous state estimates,
these results seem to confirm the interest of the dynamic state detection performed
by the MSLM.
Decoding accuracy during IC is required for users to exert efficient kinematic control
over an effector [Marathe and Taylor, 2011]. Three subdural acquisition sessions
were further analysed because they exhibited complex reaching movements for which
one IC expert could be insufficient for accurate kinematic modelling. MSLM with
k = 2 IC experts were identified using the unsupervised training approach proposed
in the present doctoral work. The majority of decoders which use has been reported
for ECoG kinematic decoding are static or dynamic linear models [Wang et al.,
2013c] [Schalk et al., 2007] [Chao et al., 2010] [Shimoda et al., 2012] [Nakanishi et al.,
2013] [Williams et al., 2013] [Hammer et al., 2013] [Wang et al., 2013c] [Hotson
7.3. Discussion 163
et al., 2014] [Bundy et al., 2016]. They do not exploit potential modifications of
the model of dependence between ECoG signals and kinematic parameters within
movement phases. While the use of mixtures of linear IC models has been considered
for MUA/SUA decoding [Kim et al., 2006c], the relevance of switching modelling
of ECoG signals is not straightforward because of the comparatively lower spatial
resolution and spectral content of ECoG signals which even challenge the efficiency of
generic kinematic decoding. For two of the sessions, the cross-validated PCC, NMAE
and, for one of the session the NRMSE, were significantly improved when computed
over hidden IC samples. The NMAE was significantly improved on the third data set.
The preliminary study led on data sets exhibiting complex, multi-phase movements
suggests that MSLMs with k > 1 IC experts may be profitably used to decode
complex movements, and therefore that phase-specific model modifications may be
observed in ECoG signals.
The MSLM significantly surpassed the MpWF for state detection in terms of
ACC and FPR (median improvements of 4% and 33%, respectively). The observed
state detection improvement suggests that a linear model of dependence between
neural signals and kinematic parameters may depend on the activated limb. Con-
sistently with a possible existence of state-specific modifications of a linear model
of dependence between neural features and kinematic parameters, the IC experts
resulted in kinematic estimates with significantly lower errors for both hidden and
known state sequences, and, in the case of synchronized estimated trajectories,
higher correlation coefficients than the MpWF. Interestingly, significantly higher
PCC were obtained on IC samples when the MSLM embedded experts fitted on IC
rather than on both NC and IC samples (unknown state sequence, see Table 7.27).
This observation is coherent with the results obtained on the epidural preclinical
data set. The MSLM superior state and kinematic decoding abilities were associated
with one drawback, namely the fact that errors were larger when they did occur
(False Positives or activation of a wrong finger) (see Figure 7.8). It is expected that
this drawback is profitably compensated for by the state detection and kinematic
ability of the MSLM, as a slight increase of false activation amplitude is likely to be
of limited importance to subjects.
The SKF was outperformed by the MSLM with respect to both state detection
164 Chapter 7. Results
epidural ones (average ACC of 0.89 and 0.96 for the subdurally implanted monkeys
A and K, respectively, and of 0.83 and 0.77 for the epidurally implanted monkeys B
and C). The FPRs, which are particularly important for clinical applications, range
from 0.3 and 0.11 (subdural data set, Monkey K and A, respectively) to 0.14 and
0.17 (epidural data set, Monkey C and B, respectively). While these state detection
performances may appear deterrent for clinical applications, they are consistent with
results reported in [Bundy et al., 2016] (ACC ranging from 0.68 to 0.90 depending on
subject, with an average of 0.80 for 5 subdurally-implanted subjects) and [Wang et al.,
2013b] (average ACC of 0.91 for 3 subdurally-implanted subjects). Studies have
suggested that state detection accuracy may be facilitated during closed-loop control
[Williams et al., 2013] (ACC of 0.98-0.99). The observed difference between subdural
and epidural signals is coherent with the findings reported in [Bundy et al., 2014],
where the quality of signals acquired by subdural micro-ECoG array (inter-electrode
distance of 1mm, against 3.5mm for the preclinical data set analysed in the present
doctoral thesis) is superior to the epidural equivalents. The accuracy of the NC/IC
state detection completed on the clinical data set was stable from one subject to
another, and comparable to the results obtained on subural preclinical data (average
ACC of 0.85 for 9 subjects, standard deviation of 0.02). The discrimination between
fingers was found more challenging (average ratio of correctly classified fingers of
0.65), but results were consistent with results reported in [Saa et al., 2016], where
a CRF permitted to achieve an ACC of 0.65 for 6-class classification. Closed-loop
finger detection was performed with an accuracy of 0.92 for NC/IC detection and
of 0.75 for inter-finger discrimination [Hotson et al., 2016], again suggesting that
performance improvements are observed after training. An average PCC of 0.47
was obtained for MSLM-based multi-finger trajectory reconstruction on known IC
samples. Thus, the IC decoding accuracy was lower for the clinical subdural data set
when compared to the preclinical subdural one. The larger inter-electrode distance
of the clinical ECoG arrays may have contributed to this difference [Bundy et al.,
2014]. The PCC is slightly lower than the PCC reported in the acausal decoding
study completed in [Flamary and Rakotomamonjy, 2012]. Further investigations are
required to assess whether the exploitation of acausal information would permit to
the MSLM to achieve the same decoding performance.
7.4 Conclusion
The decoding performance of the Markov Switching Linear Model has been presented
and compared to the performance of alternative decoders for two decoding tasks,
namely accurate asynchronous mono-limb and sequential multi-limb decoding. The
reported results have permitted to validate the relevance of the three key features
of the MSLM, namely switching modelling, discriminative modelling and dynamic
state detection.
A comparison of the MSLM with a Wiener Filter with Markovian post-processing
(MpWF) suggested the interest of switching modelling of ECoG signals, in particular
166 Chapter 7. Results
to improve the accuracy of kinematic estimates during IC states. This interest did
not clearly arise from earlier studies led on ECoG signals. In particular, it is not well
established whether linear models of dependence between ECoG neural features and
kinematic parameters are state- or context-specific, and whether taking modifications
of this model into account may permit to improve decoding accuracy. Improvements
of the decoding accuracy were here observed for mono-limb kinematic decoding
from epidural preclinical ECoG signals and from clinical signals measured during
multi-limb movements. A reduction of spurious activations during NC states and of
erroneous limb activations during IC periods was also observed. As the unsupervised
training of MSLM with k = 2 IC experts permitted to improve IC decoding accuracy
in three acquisition sessions exhibiting complex, multi-phase movements, switching
modelling may also be of interest for multi-phase ECoG kinematic decoding.
An additional comparison was completed with a Switching Kalman Filter, i.e.
a switching generative model, to assess the relevance of discriminative switching
modelling with respect to generative switching modelling. To the best of our
knowledge, such comparison had not been drawn in earlier MUA/SUA or ECoG
studies. While the SKF permitted to achieve satisfying decoding accuracy over IC
periods on the preclinical data set, it was outperformed by the MSLM in terms of state
detection accuracy. The SKF additionally exhibited poor decoding performances
when applied for multi-limb sequential ECoG decoding. While generative kinematic
decoders are widely popular for kinematic decoding, these results seem to indicate
that the generative framework may be suboptimal for switching ECoG modelling.
The Markovian hypothesis used to perform dynamic state detection was here
found to be advantageous to limit short spurious system activations or deactivations.
The relevance of its three key features and of the associated training strategies
permitted the MSLM to address the specific challenges of this thesis, i.e. namely
accurate asynchronous mono-limb and sequential multi-limb decoding. The MSLM
corresponded to improved state detection and/or kinematic parameter estimation
on the considered ECoG data sets. Finally, the resulting accuracy is expected to be
compatible with closed-loop control.
Chapter 8
8.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
8.1.1 Challenges for motor BCI clinical applications . . . . . . . . . 167
8.1.2 Proposed methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
8.1.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
8.1.4 Limits of the present work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
8.2 Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
8.2.1 Technical optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
8.2.2 Closed-loop evaluation during CLINATEC’s clinical trial . . . 176
8.1 Discussion
In spite of proofs of concept in laboratory environments [Collinger et al., 2013]
[Wodlinger et al., 2015], clinical applications of motor BCIs remain rare [Mak and
Wolpaw, 2009]. Technical obstacles to the clinical deployment of motor BCI systems
are addressed in the present doctoral thesis.
A decoder, namely a Markov Switching Linear Model (MSLM), has been devel-
oped in the present doctoral work for the task of accurate, asynchronous sequential
multi-limb kinematic ECoG decoding.
The interest of switching models for kinematic reconstruction from ECoG signals
has been investigated. Their relevance depends on the presence of state-related
modifications in linear models of dependence between neural features and kinematic
parameters. While the presence of such changes has regularly been illustrated in
MUA/SUA studies, it has not yet been clearly established for ECoG signals.
The respective relevance of generative and discriminative approaches for switching
modelling of ECoG signals has additionally been explored. Although generative
switching models have been regularly applied for the decoding of MUA/SUA signals,
their use had not been reported for ECoG signals for which switching modelling is
generally performed within the framework of discriminative models. Their respective
relevance of both switching frameworks remained to be investigated for ECoG
Both supervised and unsupervised training procedures have been presented
for the proposed discriminative Markov Switching Linear Model. An evaluation
procedure, which includes block-wise criteria and permits to separate spatial from
temporal errors, has been proposed to assess the comparative decoding performances
of the MSLM and of alternative decoders which use has been reported within the
BCI community.
Finally, the ability of the proposed model to address 3 challenges associated with
clinical motor BCIs, namely efficient asynchronous mono-limb control, sequential
multi-limb control and accurate decoding of kinematic parameters during active
states, has been evaluated.
8.1. Discussion 169
Three key features have been used to design the MSLM (see Figure 5.3). First,
the MSLM has been developed as a switching model (or mixture of linear models),
in contrast with post-processed decoders which rely on a single model to describe
the dependence between neural signals and kinematic parameters. Switching models
are liable to improve both the quality of NC support for asynchronous decoding and
the accuracy of kinematic estimates during IC states if the model between neural
signals and kinematic parameters is context-dependent.
Second, it has been conceived as a discriminative switching model, as opposed
to generative switching models like the Switching Kalman Filter which utilization
has been proposed by the BCI community. More precisely, the MSLM has been
designed as an extension of Mixtures of Experts (ME) models. A static linear model
between neural features and kinematic parameters is conditioned on the current
hidden switching neural state. A probabilistic rule is used to weight the available
regression models. This soft weighting approach results in smoother transitions than
the widely used Winner-takes-all hard combination strategy, and is here expected to
facilitate asynchronous effector control.
Finally, in contrast with the previously reported BCI switching regression models,
the MSLM performs dynamic state detection to limit spurious effector activations in
asynchronous settings. More specifically, the sequence of NC and (possibly multiple)
IC states is assumed to be generated by a first-order Markov chain. A Hidden
Markov Model-based (HMM) discrete decoder is used for state estimation. The
corresponding MSLM thus extends Mixtures of Experts models by embedding se-
quential rather than static state detection.
be inferred from the tracked limb trajectory, supervised training was utilized to
train 2-state and 6-state MSLMs to introduce NC support into mono-limb and
sequential multi-limb kinematic decoders. Unsupervised training permits to exploit
internal states without precise a priori knowledge on their value in the training
data set. It was here used to fit several IC experts to model complex unimanual
reaching movements. The proposed unsupervised training procedure is based on the
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, and extends both HMM- and ME- well
known EM training algorithms.
indicators after having synchronized the estimated trajectory with the observed
(tracked) trajectory. These synchronized criteria thus isolate spatial accuracy from
temporal accuracy.
8.1.3 Results
The ability of the MSLM decoder to address the issue of accurate asynchronous (pos-
sibly multi-limb) decoding was assessed for two decoding tasks, namely asynchronous
uni-manual trajectory reconstruction and multi-limb (multi-finger) trajectory re-
construction (see Chapters 4 and 6). Results suggest that the proposed MSLM
decoder may be profitably used to introduce NC support into ECoG asynchronous
kinematic decoders, possibly with sequential multi-limb control. It can additionally
be used to improve the accuracy of complex reaching movement estimates by com-
bining several IC experts. In particular, the results permit the validate the relevance
of the MSLM three key features (see Chapter 7).
First, the switching framework was found to be more efficient than the post-
processing framework for the two considered state detection tasks, namely NC/IC
and NC/multiple IC state detection. Post-processing-based NC support has the
advantage of a reduced training duration. Its efficiency is nevertheless degraded if
linear models between neural signals and movement kinematics are not consistent
across states, e.g. across NC and IC states. While the presence of such modifications
has been regularly reported in MUA/SUA studies, it has not been clearly established
for ECoG signals. Post-processing-based mono- and multi-limb asynchronous decod-
ing was here less accurate than MSLM-based decoding. In the case of mono-limb
control, a similar superiority of the switching hypothesis over the post-processing
one had been reported in [Williams et al., 2013], where the estimated velocity of a
cursor was found to provide a poor approximation of NC and IC states. Although
a post-processed decoder designed for parallel multi-finger movements has been
proposed in [Wang et al., 2011], to the best of our knowledge, post-processing
approaches had not yet been considered for sequential multi-limb decoding. Our
results suggest they may be less efficient that switching models for asynchronous
multi-limb control. It should finally be noted that although the switching hypothesis
appeared relevant for NC support, it did not systematically result in an improvement
of kinematic decoding accuracy during IC periods. Improvements of the IC decoding
accuracy were, however, observed for the epidural preclinical and clinical data sets.
The utilization of several IC experts did permit, however, to improve the decoding
of the complex movements exhibited in some sessions of the subdural preclinical
data set.
Discriminative switching models were additionally found to be more efficient
than generative switching models for asynchronous mono-limb and sequential multi-
limb accurate decoding. Generative dynamic models, e.g. Kalman Filters, are
frequently used for kinematic decoding. They have the benefit of embedding a
model of the movement dynamic, which can be advantageously used to constrain
172 Chapter 8. Discussion and perspectives
The absolute IC decoding performance which was reached by the MSLM on the
considered data sets is consistent with the decoding accuracy reported by several
teams on private data sets (e.g., [Bundy et al., 2016]). It has been shown in [Marathe
and Taylor, 2011] that position decoding with a PCC of 0.5 can be satisfyingly
used to control the velocity of an upper-limb effector during reaching movements.
For this reason, it is expected that the IC decoding ability of the MSLM makes it
compatible with closed-loop kinematic control of upper-limb effectors.
The reported results thus suggest that the proposed decoder may be profitably
used for ECoG-driven accurate closed-loop asynchronous mono-limb or multi-limb
8.1. Discussion 173
8.2 Perspectives
Further investigations are necessary to strengthen and extend the hereby reported
results, and to address the limits of the present study.
The study which was here completed to choose the gate and expert structure and
training approach (see Appendix B) is not exhaustive. Several options may be
considered to further optimize MSLM gate and experts.
Gate The MSLM gate relies on a HMM for dynamic state estimation. While
the MSLM gate was able to detect state of moderately variable durations (see
data set description in Chapter 4), the fact that the duration of each state is
implicitly modelled by the HMM transition matrix (see section 3.2.1) may hinder
the MSLM efficiency for some applications, for example in the case of highly variable
state durations. Explicit modelling of the movement duration, for example using
explicit-duration HMMs (also referred to as Hidden semi-Markov Models) [Yu, 2010],
may be explored in the future.
8.2. Perspectives 175
Unsupervised and semi-supervised training The approach here used for the
selection of the number of IC experts may be improved by recoursing to variational
Bayesian model identification methods [Bishop, 2006]. Variational Bayes training
generalizes Expectation-Maximization training by including hyperparameters in the
set of hidden variables. Though more complex, they here have the interest that the
number of active models can thus be directly estimated during training.
State labelling can be a tedious and error-prone process. Difficulties to assign
NC/IC labels to neural data were for example reported in [Suway et al., 2013]. Such
176 Chapter 8. Discussion and perspectives
As the forward algorithm used by the MSLM for model gating is computationally
efficient [Rabiner, 1989], the MSLM is expected to be compatible with real-time
BCI decoding.
8.2. Perspectives 177
A soft combination strategy has been chosen for the MSLM experts because it
was expected that hard combination results in disturbingly abrupt transitions and
increases the delay the user perceives between his intention and the system’s reaction.
Closed-loop experiments only, however, will permit to validate or invalidate this
choice. In particular, the possible impact of the combination strategy on subject
training is yet to be investigated.
As mentioned ealier, changes of context between open-loop and closed-loop BCI
settings result in differences between open-loop and closed-loop neural patterns
[Leuthardt et al., 2006a] [Jackson and Fetz, 2011] [Jarosiewicz et al., 2013]. Decoder
adaptation during closed-loop experiments has been regularly used in preclinical and
clinical motor BCIs to handle these pattern modifications (e.g., [Wang et al., 2013c]
[Wodlinger et al., 2015]). CLINATEC’s clinical trial will permit to investigate the
need for regular adaptation of the MSLM, and to select the best algorithmic strategy
to achieve the closed-loop training of the MSLM, namely punctual recalibration or
online adaptation via recursive training algorithms.
CLINATEC’s clinical trial will additionally permit to further assess the interest
of the MSLM for the decoding of complex movements, which was here suggested
by the results obtained on a limited data set. Complex movements are crucial
for the execution of everyday tasks, for example object manipulation. Object
manipulation may in particular involve (coordinated) bimanual movements [Swinnen
and Wenderoth, 2004]. It may thus be desirable for the MSLM to have the ability to
handle parallel multi-limb movements, e.g. coordinated bimanual movements. The
study completed by Ifft and colleagues in [Ifft et al., 2013] suggests that the MSLM
switching hypothesis may be relevant to decode parallel multi-limbs movements, as
they reported that modifications of the tuning properties of individual neurons were
induced when NHPs performed unimanual or bimanual reaching movements (see
Chapter 3). The relevance of the MSLM for object manipulation also depends on
its ability to handle multi-phase movements, in particular phases of stabilization
over objects. Stabilization difficulties have been reported in several MUA/SUA
motor BCIs, and have led several teams to address this issue [Kang et al., 2012]
[Golub et al., 2014] [Gowda et al., 2014] [Kao et al., 2017]. Stabilization was for
example improved by reducing the effector speed when error neural signals and/or
hectic trajectories were detected [Gürel and Mehring, 2012] [Golub et al., 2014]. The
ability of the MSLM to handle hold periods will be explored during CLINATEC’s
BCI clinical application. The detection of a "hold-on-target" switching state [Kang
et al., 2012] may permit to help users to stabilize on targets.
Appendix A
A.1 Supervised training: decoupling of parameter estimation . 179
A.2 Unsupervised training: E-step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
P (X, Y, z|Θ) = P (X, Y|z, Θ) P (z|Θ) = P (x1:T , y1:T |z 1:T , Θ) P (z 1:T |Θ). (A.2)
Let us consider the first term of (A.2), i.e. P (x1:T , y1:T |z 1:T , Θ). Following the
MSLM hypotheses presented in section 3.3,
180 Appendix A. Supplementary materials for MSLM training
T 1 2
P (x1:T , y1:T |z 1:T , Θ) = P xt , yt |z 1:T , Θ .
P (x1:T , y1:T |z 1:T , Θ) = P (xt , yt |z t , Θ),
1:T 1:T 1:T
P (yt |xt , Bz t )P (xt |bz t ).
P (x ,y |z , Θ) = (A.3)
Taking into account the first-order Markovian hypothesis associated with the latent
state variable z t and the chosen parametrization,
By recurrence,
TÙ −1
P (z 1:T |Θ) = P (z 1 |π) P (z t+1 |z t , A) = πz 1 az t , z t+1 . (A.4)
t=1 t=1
ln P (yt |xt , Bz t )
Lc (Θ, X, Y, z) = ln πz 1 + ln az t ,z t+1 +
t=1 t=1
ln P (xt |bz t ). (A.5)
K −1 Ø
Lc (Θ, X, Y, z) = δz 1 ,i ln(πi ) + ωi,j ln(aij )
i=1 t=1 i=1 j=1
δz t ,i ln(P (yt |xt , Bi )) + δz t ,i ln P (xt |bi ). (A.6)
t=1 i=1 t=1 i=1
K −1
Lc (Θ, X, Y, z) = δz 1 ,i ln(πi ) + ωi,j ln(aij )
i=1 i=1 j=1 t=1
t t
δz t ,i ln P (xt |bi ). (A.7)
+ δz t ,i ln P (y |x , Bi ) +
i=1 t=1 i=1 t=1
δz t ,i ln P (yt |xt , Bi ) (A.8)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K
maximize δz 1 ,j ln πj
subject to πj = 1
K Ø −1
maximize ωij ln aij
i=1 j=1 t=1
subject to aij = 1 ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K} .
δz t ,i ln P (xt |bi ) (A.11)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K.
The maximization problems (A.8), (A.9), (A.10), and (A.11) correspond to ML esti-
mation of the expert, initial state, transition and emission parameters, respectively.
The impact of the expert and emission parameters on the likelihood is additionally
separable with respect to each possible state (problems (A.8) and (A.11)).
182 Appendix A. Supplementary materials for MSLM training
è é K K TØ
K Ø −1
E Lc (Θ+ , X, Y, z)|Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = γi1 ln(πi+ ) + t
ξi,j ij )
i=1 i=1 j=1 t=1
γit ln P (yt |xt , B+ γit ln P (xt |b+
+ i )+ i ), (A.12)
i=1 t=1 i=1 t=1
è é
γi1 = E δz 1 ,i |Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = P (z 1 = i|Θ = Θ̂, x1:T , y1:T ), (A.13)
è é
γit = E δz t ,i |Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = P (z t = i|Θ = Θ̂, x1:T , y1:T ), (A.14)
è é
ξi,j t
= E ωi,j |Θ = Θ̂, X, Y = P (z t = i, z t+1 = j|Θ = Θ̂, x1:T , y1:T ). (A.15)
During the M-step, the parameter estimate Θ̂ is updated by maximizing the expecta-
tion of the data log-likelihood. It thus amounts to solving the following maximization
γit ln P (yt |xt , Bi ) (A.16)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K
γj1 ln πj
subject to πj = 1
K Ø −1
maximize ξi,j ln aij
i=1 j=1 t=1
subject to aij = 1 ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , K} .
γit ln P (xt |bi ) (A.19)
maximize i = 1, . . . , K.
ξi,j = P (z t = i, z t+1 = j|x1:T , y1:T , Θ)
P (z t = i, z t+1 = j, x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
P (z t = i, z t+1 = j, x1:t , xt+1 , xt+2:T , y1:t , yt+1 yt+2:T |Θ)
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
P (xt+2:T , yt+2:T |z t = i, z t+1 = j, x1:t , xt+1 , y1:t , yt+1 , Θ)
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
× P (z t = i, z t+1 = j, x1:t , xt+1 , y1:t , yt+1 |Θ)
P (xt+2:T , yt+2:T |z t+1 = j, Θ)
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
× P (xt+1 , yt+1 |z t = i, z t+1 = j, x1:t , y1:t , Θ)
× P (z t = i, z t+1 = j, x1:t , y1:t |Θ)
P (xt+2:T , yt+2:T |z t+1 = j, Θ)P (xt+1 , yt+1 |z t+1 = j, Θ)
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
× P (z t+1 = j|z t = i, x1:t , y1:t , Θ)P (z t = i, x1:t , y1:t |Θ)
P (xt+2:T , yt+2:T |z t+1 = j, Θ)P (xt+1 , yt+1 |z t+1 = j, Θ)
P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ)
× P (z t+1 = j|z t = iΘ)P (z t = i, x1:t , y1:t |Θ).
The computation of the intermediary probabilities P (z t = i, x1:t , y1:t |Θ), P (xt+1:T , yt+1:T |z t =
j, Θ) and P (x1:T , y1:T |Θ) is performed using extensions of the forward and back-
ward algorithms originally developed for HMMs [Rabiner, 1989]. They extend the
HMM-specific ones by taking into account the likelihood of each continuous expert
when estimating the probability associated with each possible hidden state.
P (z t+1 = j, x1:t+1 , y1:t+1 |Θ) = P (z t+1 = j, x1:t , y1:t , xt+1 , yt+1 |Θ)
= P (xt+1 , yt+1 |x1:t , y1:t , z t+1 = j, Θ)P (x1:t , y1:t , z t+1 = j|Θ)
= P (xt+1 , yt+1 |z t+1 = j, Θ) P (x1:t , y1:t , z t+1 = j, z t = i|Θ)
t+1 t+1 t+1
= P (x ,y |z = j, Θ)
= j|z t = i, x1:t , y1:t , Θ)P (z t = i, x1:t , y1:t |Θ)
× P (z
t+1 1:t+1 1:t+1 t+1
P (z = j, x ,y |Θ) = P (x , yt+1 |z t+1 = j, Θ)
P (z t+1 = j|z t = i, Θ)P (z t = i, x1:t , y1:t |Θ),
where P (z t+1 = j|z t = i, Θ) = aij and P (xt , yt |z t = j, Θ) = P (yt |xt , Bj )P (xt |bj ).
where P (z t+1 = j|z t = i, Θ) = aij and P (xt , yt |z t = j, Θ) = P (yt |xt , Bj )P (xt |bj ).
Appendix B
B.1 Expert training procedure selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
B.1.1 Methods and implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
B.1.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
B.1.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
B.2 Gate selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
B.2.1 Methods and implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
B.2.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
B.2.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
The relevance of training procedures for linear experts and of approaches for the
modelling of the HMM-based gate’s emission probabilities depends on the problem
at hand. In particular, it can be impacted by the measurement noise associated with
the experts, by the dimensionality of the neural features and by their underlying
distribution. A comparative study was therefore completed to choose the training
approaches and/or structures which corresponded to optimal MSLM experts and
gate for the two considered data sets, namely the preclinical and clinical data sets
presented in Chapter 4. Supervised training procedures only were explored in this
study, i.e. NC/IC and NC/ICi , i = 1, . . . , 5 labels were available in the preclinical
and clinical training data subsets, respectively.
Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) PLS regression has been found
efficient for kinematic trajectory reconstruction from ECoG features in several
studies [Chao et al., 2010] [Shimoda et al., 2012] [Bundy et al., 2016]. This training
method is able to handle high dimensional and/or correlated explanatory variables,
especially when the explanatory variable’s dimension is higher than the number
of training samples. The PLS estimator is a shrinkage estimator [Lingjaerde and
Christophersen, 2000], i.e. it shrinks parameters towards zero. It thus exploits the
prior knowledge that most features are irrelevant. As a result, the PLS estimator is
biased but its variance is lower than the OLS variance.
PLS-based estimation of the parameters B of a linear model between xt and yt
relies on the assumption that the dependence between xt and yt can be satisfyingly
modelled by a linear model between low-dimensional projections of xt and yt . Let the
latent variables tt ∈ RF and ut ∈ RF be the projections ("scores") of xt and yt onto
the low-dimensional subspaces X̃ ⊂ Rm and Ỹ ⊂ Rn , with dim(X̃) = dim(Ỹ) = F . X̃
and Ỹ are found jointly, on the criterion that they maximize the covariance between
tt and ut . The Nonlinear Iterative Partial Least Squares (NIPALS) [Höskuldsson,
1988] or SIMPLS [de Jong, 1993] algorithms are generally used to perform PLS
The number of PLS factors used to reflect the dependence between the indepen-
dent and dependent variables is a hyperparameter which value has to be fixed before
performing PLS regression. Although the utilization of information criteria (e.g., the
Bayesian Information Criterion) has recently begun to be explored [Krämer, 2011],
B.1. Expert training procedure selection 189
the optimal dimension F , i.e. the optimal number of PLS factors, is typically found
using k-fold Cross-Validation-based criteria [Geladi and Kowalski, 1986] [Wold et al.,
2001] [Li et al., 2002]. For each considered number of factors f , a PLS model is
trained using (k-1) folds of the data. The corresponding PRESS (PRedicted Error
Sum of Squares) statistic is computed on the remaining fold [Li et al., 2002]. The
total PRESS is obtained by repeating these steps for all (k-1) fold combinations,
and by summing the corresponding fold-specific PRESS statistics [Li et al., 2002].
The utilization of several criteria has been proposed to infer the optimal number of
factors f from the total PRESS statistic. Wold’s R criterion was here applied on
the 6-fold cross-validated PRESS statistic. It is defined as RW old = PRESS(f
PRESS(f ) [Li
et al., 2002]. The chosen F corresponds to RW old > 1, i.e. the procedure is stopped
when the addition of a new factor increases the error. The corresponding model is
denoted by "PLS".
Penalized regression Penalized training has been used for kinematic decoding in
several BCI studies, in particular [Li et al., 2009] [Suminski et al., 2010] [Flamary and
Rakotomamonjy, 2012] [Shanechi et al., 2013] [Williams et al., 2013] [Willett et al.,
2013] [Spüler et al., 2016]. LASSO regression, which application has been reported
for ECoG kinematic decoding in [Williams et al., 2013] and [Spüler et al., 2016],
was here considered. It relies on ℓ1 -penalization to identify sparse linear models.
The amount λ of ℓ1 -penalization was here chosen by 6-fold cross-validation. LASSO
was chosen over Elastic Net (i.e., linear combination of ℓ1 and ℓ2 regularization)
training because the latter requires the estimation of two hyperparameters, namely
the amount of regularization and the balance between ℓ1 and ℓ2 regularization. Grid
search over two parameters being time-consuming, Elastic Net was deemed less
suited to BCI applications than LASSO training. The open-source glmnet toolbox
[Qian et al., 2013], which relies on an efficient coordinate descend optimization
procedure [Friedman et al., 2010], was used to perform LASSO training.
B.1.2 Results
Table B.1: Preclinical data set, median PCC between reconstructed and true
trajectories, linear IC experts (median over 8 and 16 sessions for the subdural and
epidural preclinical data sets, respectively).
Table B.2: Preclinical data set, ranking of the linear IC experts’ training approaches.
The Friedman test was used to rank the continuous decoders on the basis of the
associated PCC (averaged over axes). Pairwise post-hoc tests with the corrected
significance level αpost−hoc = 0.01 were performed to assess the significance of the
performance differences between the best decoder and the other ones. Decoders
which exhibited a non-significant performance difference with the best decoder are
indicated with a bold font.
Subdural Epidural
Rank Decoder p-value Decoder p-value
2 PLS 0.727 PLS 0.455
3 PCR60 0.008 PCR80 0.02
4 PCR40 0.008 PCR60 0.004
5 PCR80 0.008 PCR40 0.004
6 PCR20 0.008 PCR20 < 0.001
Table B.3: Clinical data set, median PCC between reconstructed and true trajectories,
linear IC experts (median over 9 sessions).
Table B.4: Clinical data set, ranking of the linear IC experts’ training approaches.
The Friedman test was used to rank the continuous decoders on the basis of the
associated PCC (averaged over fingers). Pairwise post-hoc tests with the corrected
significance level αpost−hoc = 0.01 were performed to assess the significance of the
performance differences between the best decoder and the other ones. Decoders
which exhibited a non-significant performance difference with the best decoder are
indicated with a bold font.
B.1.3 Discussion
PCR was found suboptimal when compared to LASSO and PLSR on both the
preclinical and clinical data sets (see Tables B.2 and B.4). The respective per-
formances of PCR and PLSR are consistent with the theoritical properties of the
PLSR, which has been shown to provide a closer fit than the Principal Compo-
nent Regression [Phatak and De Hoog, 2002]. PCR and PLSR performances are
additionally coherent with results reported in an earlier kinematic decoding study
completed with ECoG clinical data [Spüler et al., 2016]. In this study, the extraction
of principal components followed by ridge regression was surpassed by an analogue of
PLSR, namely Canonical-Correlation Analysis [Spüler et al., 2016]. In contrast with
the results obtained with LASSO linear models in this same study, LASSO models
here slightly surpassed PLSR on both data sets. The amount λ of penalization was
chosen with cross-validation. This fine tuning of λ may explain why LASSO models
were outperformed by Canonical-Correlation Analysis in [Spüler et al., 2016], where
λ was fixed at 0.1 rather than optimized for each acquisition session.
LASSO training is computationally more expensive than PLSR. The performance
difference between LASSO and PLSR experts was found to be insignificant on both
the preclinical and clinical data sets. This result may, however, reflect a lack of power
of the statistical test. High p-values were associated with the difference between
LASSO and PLSR on the preclinical data set (0.73 and 0.56 for the subdural and
epidural data sets, respectively), and LASSO experts only outperformed PLSR
experts by a median of 3% and 4% for the PCC on the subdural and epidural data
sets, respectively (PCC averaged over axes). Because of these similar decoding
performances and of its lower computational cost, PLSR was chosen over LASSO
training for fast identification of linear experts on the preclinical data set. The
B.2. Gate selection 193
to model the emission probabilities. They were combined with unsupervised and
supervised dimensionality reduction steps, and tested for the task of binary and
multi-class state detection on the preclinical and clinical data sets, respectively.
LDA and QDA ML training of the parameters {µi , Σi } associated with the
multivariate Gaussian distributions P (xt |z t = i) = N (µi , Σi ), where i = 1, 2 for the
preclinical data set and i = 1, . . . , 6 for the clinical data set, was performed on the
training samples xt observed at times t such that z t = i. The LDA covariance matrix
Σ = Σi = Σj , i = Ó j being shared by all classes [Friedman et al., 2001], it was fitted
using the totality of the training samples. Equiprobable class prior probabilities
P (z t = i) = P (z t = j) were utilized for both the LDA and QDA classifiers.
Linear and nonlinear SVMs Following [Bhattacharyya et al., 2011] and [Bashashati
et al., 2015], the nonlinear SVM was built using a Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel.
The one-against-one strategy was utilized to perform multi-class SVM classification
because it has been reported as generally more efficient that the one-against-all one
[Hsu and Lin, 2002] and has been used in several BCI studies [Bashashati et al.,
2015]. One SVM was thus trained for each possible state pair i, j, i = Ó j, and an
Error-Correcting Output Code was used to combine the state estimates yielded
by each binary classifier [Dietterich and Bakiri, 1995]. Each class is associated
with a specific combination of the SVM outputs. During application, the output
of each SVM is computed for the considered observation sample. The class which
corresponds to the combination of SVM outputs which is the closest to the one
obtained on the observation features (i.e., the one which minimize the number of
different outputs) is attributed to the input variable [Dietterich and Bakiri, 1995].
Finally, the full input variable xt is referred to as "full" in the remaining of the
present appendix.
196 Appendix B. MSLM: expert training procedure and gate selection
Table B.5: Preclinical data set, average dimension of the feature subsets. The
average was computed over 5, 3, 6 and 10 acquisition sessions for Monkeys A, K, B
and C, respectively.
B.2.2 Results
P +T N
The classification accuracy ACC = T P +TTN +F P +F N was used to assess the perfor-
mance of each combination reduced feature / classifier for NC/IC discrimination.
In the case of the clinical data set, it was computed after having pooled the active
states ICi , i = 1, . . . , 5 into a global active state IC. The ratio of correctly classified
samples was additionally computed on TP observations to measure the ability of
each decoder to distinguish between fingers. The Friedman test and post-hoc tests
were used to assess the significance of the observed performance differences between
classifiers (see Chapter 5 for details on the validation methodology).
The number of extracted PCA components and PLS factors varied from one data set
to another. Table B.5 summarizes the average dimensionality of each feature subset.
Some dimensionality reduction/classifier pairs were deemed irrelevant because of
the inadequacy of the classifier for high-dimensional input variables, or for deterrent
training durations. Generic LDA and QDA are for example known to be ill-suited for
high-dimensional feature classification, in particular because of difficulties to estimate
high-dimensional covariance matrices [Friedman, 1989]. Similarly, instabilities of
the ML estimates of LR parameters arise in high-dimensional settings [Zhang et al.,
2007]. LDA, QDA and ML LR were thus trained exclusively when the reduced
variables exhibited limited sizes.
Classification performances obtained on the subdurally and epidurally implanted
monkeys are shown in Table B.6. Discarded dimensionality reduction/classifier
pairs are indicated by grey cells. The Friedman test indicated that all pairs did not
perform similarly. Friedman-based classifier ranking is presented in Table B.7.
The number of extracted PCA components and PLS factors is displayed in Table
B.8. Average performance indicators are shown in Table B.9. Similarly to the
B.2. Gate selection 197
Table B.6: Preclinical data set, binary classification accuracy (ACC). The classifi-
cation accuracy achieved by each couple reduced feature / classifier was averaged
over the subdural and epidural acquisition sessions (8 and 16 sessions, respectively).
Grey cells indicate dimensionality reduction/classifier pairs which were discarded
because the classifier was ill-suited for the corresponding feature dimensionality.
PCA20 PCA40 PCA60 PCA80 PLS1 PLS2 full
LDA 0.71 0.87 0.85
QDA 0.79 0.91 0.89
ML-LR 0.86 0.92 0.92
sub. LASSO-LR 0.85 0.90 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92
linear-SVM 0.86 0.90 0.91 0.90 0.92 0.92 0.90
rbf-SVM 0.84 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.91 0.89 0.64
LDA 0.56 0.79 0.76
QDA 0.58 0.80 0.76
ML-LR 0.64 0.79 0.77
epi. LASSO-LR 0.64 0.71 0.74 0.78 0.80 0.77 0.81
linear-SVM 0.64 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.79 0.77 0.77
rbf-SVM 0.64 0.60 0.55 0.55 0.76 0.72 0.55
Table B.7: Preclinical data set, ranking of the 6 most efficient couples reduced feature
/ classifier. The Friedman test was used to rank couples reduced feature / classifier.
Pairwise post-hoc tests with the corrected significance level αpost−hoc = 0.05
5 = 0.01
were performed to assess the significance of the performance differences between
the best decoder and the 5 other ones. Decoders which exhibited a non-significant
performance difference with the best decoder are indicated with a bold font.
Subdural Epidural
Rank decoder p-value decoder p-value
2 PLS1 / ML LR 1 PLS1 / ML LR 0.02
3 PLS1 / linear SVM 1 PLS1 / QDA 0.02
4 PCA80 / LASSO LR 0.73 PLS1 / LASSO LR 0.02
5 PLS2 / linear SVM 0.29 PLS1 / linear SVM 0.02
6 full / LASSO LR 0.008 PLS1 / LDA 0.02
198 Appendix B. MSLM: expert training procedure and gate selection
Table B.8: Clinical data set, average dimension of the feature subsets (9 acquisition
Table B.9: Clinical data set, ACC for NC/IC detection and ratio of correctly
classified TP (Correct TP Ratio, CTPR). Both indicators were computed for each
couple reduced feature / classifier, and averaged over the acquisition sessions (9
sessions). Grey cell are associated with the CTPR of some couples reduced feature
/ rbf SVM, because the SVM failed to output TP on some data sets and that the
CTPR was consequently not defined.
preclinical data set, irrelevant feature subsets / classifier pairs are indicated by grey
cells. Ranking of the feature subset / classifier pairs is presented in Table B.10.
B.2. Gate selection 199
Table B.10: Clinical data set, ranking of the 6 most efficient couples reduced feature
/ classifier. The Friedman test was used to rank couples reduced feature / classifier.
Pairwise post-hoc tests with the corrected significance level αpost−hoc = 0.05
5 = 0.01
were performed to assess the significance of the performance differences between
the best decoder and the 5 other ones. Decoders which exhibited a non-significant
performance difference with the best decoder are indicated with a bold font.
Rank decoder p-value decoder p-value
1 full / LASSO LR full / LASSO LR
2 PLS1 / QDA 0.51 PLS1 / LDA 0.04
3 PCA60 / LASSO LR 0.04 PLS1 / QDA 0.51
4 full / linear SVM 0.004 PLS1 / LASSO LR 0.004
5 PCA60 / LASSO LR 0.04 PLS1 / rbf SVM 0.04
6 PLS2 / LASSO LR 0.04 PLS1 / ML LR 0.004
B.2.3 Discussion
The application of generic classifiers on PLS-reduced variables permitted to achieve
high decoding performances for both the subdural and epidural acquisition sessions
of the preclinical data set. In particular, it was observed that classifiers fed with
PCA components either fell behind classifiers fed with PLS factors, or equated these
classifiers. In the latter case, a higher number of PCA components was required to
achieve the same performance as PLS-fed classifiers. These results are consistent
with both theoretical [Barker and Rayens, 2003] and practical [Kemsley, 1996]
[Nguyen and Rocke, 2002] studies previously completed outside the BCI community.
Fitting both PLS regression and classifiers on the same data set was found to yield
better results than separate training. The number of training samples for both the
PLS models and classifiers is reduced when training is performed independently.
This diminution may explain the poor decoding performance observed in the case
of independent training. Satisfying results were obtained with high-dimensional
variables when they were utilized in combination with a penalization approach (i.e.,
LR training with a LASSO penalization).
While linear SVMs were here found to generally outperform nonlinear ones on
the preclinical data set, LDA was surpassed by QDA. These results are consistent
with earlier reports on the variable respective relevance of nonlinear and linear
classifiers for BCI decoding (see Chapter 2).
Generative models (LDA and QDA) were mainly outperformed by discriminant
ones on the preclinica data set, e.g. LR or linear SVM. This observation suggests that
the distribution of neural features within NC and IC states cannot be satisfyingly
modelled for the considered preclinical data set with generic Gaussian distributions.
The modelling of the MSLM’s HMM-based gate emission probabilities is thus likely
200 Appendix B. MSLM: expert training procedure and gate selection
C.1 Introduction: Kalman filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
C.2 Switching Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
C.2.1 Switching State-Space Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
C.2.2 Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
C.2.3 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
C.3 Optimization of Kalman Filtering for high-dimensional ECoG
signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
C.3.1 Methods and implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
C.3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
C.3.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Here, the emission (C.2) and transition (C.1) models are linear with constant
emission and transition matrices (C ∈ Rm×n and A ∈ Rn×n , respectively). The
noise processes wt and vt are independent and identically distributed sequences
of random variables [Krishnamurthy, 2016] with P (wt ) ∼ N (0, Γ), Γ ∈ Rn×n and
P (vt ) ∼ N (0, Σ), Σ ∈ Rm×m . The initial state is characterized by y1 = ŷ0 + u0 ,
with P (u0 ) ∼ N (0, P0 ).
After training, typically performed using Ordinary Least Squares [Wu et al.,
2002], the KF issues the estimate ŷt = E(yt |x1:t ) (see algorithm 1).
Appendix C. Switching Kalman Filtering for asynchronous ECoG
202 decoding
Figure C.1: KF structure. When the KF is used for ECoG filtering, the hidden
trajectory yt corresponds to the effector movement intended by the user, while the
measurement xt refers to the ECoG features.
Initialization: ŷ0 , P0 .
Time update:
ŷprior = Aŷt−1 (C.7)
Ptprior = AP t−1 T
A + Γ. (C.8)
Measurement update:
Figure C.2: SKF structure. When the SKF is used for ECoG filtering, the hidden
trajectory yt corresponds to the effector movement intended by the user, the hidden
switching variable z t to the neural state (for example, z t = 0 and z t = 1 for NC and
IC states, respectively) and the measurement xt to the ECoG features.
C.2.2 Training
Expectation-Maximization formula for unsupervised Maximum-Likelihood training
of Switching Kalman Filters are presented in [Murphy, 1998]. Supervised Maximum-
Likelihood training is possible when a complete training data set {X, Y, z} is
available. Maximization formula [Murphy, 1998] for EM-based SKF training are
applied, taking into account that the hidden switching state sequence is known. ML
estimates of Ak , Ck , Γk and Σk are computed on the training data sets {Xk , Yk }.
The switching transition matrix Aswitch is fitted on the basis of transition frequencies
in the sequence (z t )Tt=1 .
C.2.3 Application
The algorithms 2 and 3 gather inference formula which permit to perform Switch-
ing Kalman Filtering. In contrast with Kalman filtering, exact estimation of
ŷt = E(yt |x1:t ) is intractable because of the exponential number of possible state
sequences. The SKF therefore relies on approximate solutions [Murphy, 1998]. The
Appendix C. Switching Kalman Filtering for asynchronous ECoG
204 decoding
yt|t−1 = Ayt−1|t−1
Pt|t−1 = APt−1|t−1 A′ + Γ
et = xt − Cyt|t−1
St = CPt|t−1 C′ + Σ
Kt = Pt|t−1 C′ (St )−1
Lt = N (e; 0, St )
Updated estimates:
yt|t = yt|t−1 + Kt et
Pt|t = (I − Kt C)Pt|t−1 = Pt|t−1 − Kt St (Kt )′
Pt,t−1|t = (I − Kt C)APt−1|t−1
Because causal neural patterns are likely to precede the resulting limb movements
with a specific time lag, the accuracy of KF estimates is liable to be improved by
introducing a relevant lag between the observations and the corresponding hidden
trajectory in the emission model. Uniform lags, i.e. lags which are similar for all
neural features [Wu et al., 2002], were here investigated. 2 different lags were tested.
Kalman filters were fed with features either associated with the last 100ms before the
instant t considered for trajectory estimation (10th time bin of the generic feature xt
presented in Chapter 6) or with features observed between t-200 to t-100ms (9th
time bin of the generic feature xt ). The corresponding features are denoted by xKF t .
Following earlier ECoG decoding studies [Pistohl et al., 2008] [Wang et al., 2013b]
[Marathe and Taylor, 2013], a first continuous state variable yKFt was composed of
the wrist’s or fingers’ position and velocity. An alternative state variable composed
of position only was additionally considered for comparison purposes.
The recourse to projection approaches such as PCA [Wu et al., 2003b] [Kao et al.,
2013] or Factor Analysis [Sadtler, 2014] and to feature selection strategies [Malik
et al., 2015] has been reported for Bayesian filtering in BCI studies. Projection-based
methods were here considered because of their frequent application [Wu et al., 2003b]
[Kao et al., 2013] [Sadtler, 2014] and of their simple implementation.
PCA Following [Wu et al., 2003b] [Kao et al., 2013], PCA-based dimensionality
was here considered. The number of extracted principal components was chosen so
that the resulting reduced variable explained a specific percentage of xKF
t variance,
here 20%, 40% and 60% of xKF , respectively. Higher percentages were not considered
Table C.1: Preclinical data set, median PCC between reconstructed and true
trajectories. Kalman filters were fed with neural features either associated with the
last 100ms before the considered instant t (10th time bin of the generic feature xt )
or with features observed between t-200 to t-100ms (9th time bin of the generic
feature xt ) (median over 8 and 16 sessions for the subdural and epidural data sets,
respectively). The PCCs were averaged over the 3 considered axes within each
acquisition session.
OLS estimates of the transition and emission matrices were then computed using
the reduced neural features (observations) and the position/velocity of the limbs of
interest. Similarly, ML estimates of the emission and transition covariance matrices
were computed following [Aggarwal et al., 2013].
C.3.2 Results
Comparisons between the different lags, state variable compositions and dimension-
ality reduction procedures were performed on the preclinical and clinical data sets
presented in Chapter 4. Performance was assessed by computing the PCC (see
section 5.2.3) between the true and estimated limb positions during IC periods.
Importantly, the KFs were re-initialized using the tracked position and/or velocity
at the beginning of each IC (or ICi ) period.
C.3.3 Discussion
Continuous state variables composed of limb position and velocity were associated
with higher PCC between true and estimated trajectories than continuous state
variables only constituted by limb positions. These results are consistent with
C.3. Optimization of Kalman Filtering for high-dimensional ECoG
signals 209
Table C.2: Clinical data set, median PCC between reconstructed and true trajectories.
Kalman filters were fed with features associated either with the neural signals elicited
during the last 100ms before the instant t considered for the continuous state variable
yKF (10th time bin of the generic feature xt ) or with features observed between
t-200 and t-100ms (9th time bin of the generic feature xt ) . The PCCs were averaged
over the 5 considered fingers within each acquisition session.
findings reported in earlier ECoG studies [Pistohl et al., 2008]. Additionally, the
best decoding accuracy was obtained when the KF was fed with the neural features
corresponding to the neural activity generated during the last 100ms before the
considered instant t (10th time bin of the generic feature xt ). High numbers of
PCA components (i.e., 60% of explained variance) led to improved KF decoding
accuracies when optimal continuous state variable and lag were considered. A similar
observation has been reported in [Kao et al., 2013], where feeding a KF with principal
components accounting for 60% of MUA/SUA features permitted to achieve an online
accuracy similar to the one obtained by using all the neural features. PLS-based
dimensionality reduction nevertheless yielded the best KF IC decoding accuracy.
Thus, somehow counter-intuitively, the application of a discriminant dimensionality
reduction technique proved to be efficient for a subsequent application of a generative
model. Although a better optimization of the number of principal components may
permit to improve the accuracy of PCA-based KF, such procedure is likely to be
time-consuming and to correspond to a less compact feature representation than
the one obtained after PLS-based dimensionality reduction.
Importantly, the high decoding performance exhibited by Kalman filters is
specific to the trial-per-trial analysis which was adopted in the present preliminary
study, i.e. to that fact that the KF were correctly initialized at the beginning of
each movement. In particular, Kalman Filtering has been found to suffer from drift
effects in earlier BCI studies (e.g., [Hochberg et al., 2012]), and a degradation of the
KF decoding accuracy is likely to be observed in real-time settings where positions
and velocity are not correctly re-initialized at the beginning of each movement.
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