Strate Ecole de Design Brochure
Strate Ecole de Design Brochure
Strate Ecole de Design Brochure
supérieur technique
Reconnu par l’État
le monde
+ simple
+ juste
+ beau
the world
+ simple
+ fair
+ beautiful
Strate Ecole de Design 5
Designers Designers
du xxie siècle of the 21st century
Ouverture, complexité, durabilité, partage, Openness, complexity, sustainability, sharing,
numérique : le xxie siècle est un siècle de défis. digital technology: the 21st century is about chal-
C’est pourquoi nous formons à Strate des femmes lenges. This is why, at Strate, we train women and men
et des hommes qui travaillent à donner du sens who work on bringing meaning to their fellows’ life
aux situations de vie de leurs prochains dans ce situations, in this complex world. Everything needs to
monde complexe. Tout doit être mis en œuvre pour be done to make of our experiences, both private and
faire de nos expériences, privées ou publiques, public, sucessful, useful and beautiful moments.
des moments réussis, utiles et beaux. This is the designer’s mission. All companies, whe-
Et c’est bien la mission du designer. Toutes les ther public or private, producing goods or services,
entreprises, qu’elles produisent des biens ou des ser- increasingly call on designers because they know that
vices, font de plus en plus appel aux designers parce their survival depends on the quality of their clients’
qu’elles savent que leur survie dépend de la qualité or users’ experience.
de l’expérience de leurs clients ou usagers.
Penser, Créer et Agir
Creating, Acting
Pour donner du sens à nos expériences de
vie, il faut apprendre à les penser, à en saisir les In order to give meaning to our life experiences,
enjeux, les forces et les acteurs. Multidisciplinaire, we need to learn to devise them, to grasp the chal-
le designer invoque les sciences humaines comme lenges, the strengths and the players. As a multidis-
celles de l’ingénieur, pour éclairer ses choix et ciplinary professional, the designer calls on human
les justifier. Durant toute sa démarche, le desi- sciences as well as engineering sciences, in order to
gner est un créatif. Qu’il analyse les situations, shed light on his choices and justify them. Throughout
qu’il recherche des solutions, qu’il les illustre ou his work, the designer is a creative person. Whether
les communique, il imagine, innove, étonne. Enfin, le he analyzes situations, looks for solutions, illustrates
designer est un réalisateur. Il a l’obligation de trans- or communicates them, he imagines, innovates and
former sa pensée en un produit, un système, un ser- surprises. Eventually, the designer is a producer. He
vice. Maquette, prototype, modélisation, il développe must turn his thinking into a product, system, or ser-
et met en œuvre tous les savoir-faire pour matérialiser vice. Through a mock-up, prototype or modelling, he
ses propositions. develops and implements all his know-how to mate-
rialize his propositions.
et Vivre Ensemble
& Living Together
Enseigner, apprendre, tout est affaire de colla-
boration. A Strate, c’est près de deux cent profes- Teaching, learning, everything is about collabora-
sionnels qui est mobilisée, pour transmettre chaque tion. At Strate, almost two hundreds professionals are
jour les valeurs, les savoirs, les méthodes et les pra- working every day in order to pass on the designers’
tiques des designers. Partenaire de nombreuses values, know-how, methods and practices. Through
écoles prestigieuses (SciencesPo Paris, Grenoble partnerships with prestigious schools (SciencesPo
Management, ESSEC, Centrale, Arts et Métiers, Paris, Grenoble Management, ESSEC, Centrale,
Telecom Paristech…), l’école multiplie les projets Telecom ParisTech, Arts et Métiers, …), Strate is
collaboratifs permettant la confrontation avec les involved in many collaborative projects allowing the
métiers de l’ingénieur et du marketing. confrontation with the engineers and marketers.
Conçue comme un espace de partage, l’école The school has been built as a sharing space, and
est aussi un lieu d’apprentissage du vivre-ensemble. it is also a place to learn how to live together. The
Amphi, classes, ateliers, cafétéria constituent autant lecture hall, classrooms, workshops, and cafeteria
d’espaces de vie commune grâce auxquels nos étu- are as many common living spaces, thanks to which
diants se préparent à être des professionnels géné- our students prepare themselves to be generous and
reux et solidaires. empathic professionals.
Strate Ecole de Design 6
Bac+3 / Bachelor :
Modeleur 3D / 3D Modeller
Bac +5 / Master :
Diplôme de Designer visé par l’État.
Mobilité[s], Produit[s], Identité[s], Espace[s], Interaction[s],
Immersive Design, Smart Cities.
Master in Design: Mobilities, Products, Identities, Spaces,
Interactions, Immersive, Smart Cities.
Post-Diplôme / Post-Degree :
Mastère « Innovation & Design »
“Innovation & Design“ Mastère
Design Act! L’Ecole en Agence
Design Thinking & Doing Certiicate
Certificat « Entrepreneuriat,Numérique & Design »
“Entrepreneurship, Digital & Design“ Certificate
Certificat « Design & Technologies »
“Design & Technologies“ Certificate
Executive Education :
MBA Management by Design
Formations courtes au Design Tinking
Design Thinking short trainings
Cursus Curriculum 7
Le cursus « Modelage 3D » (Bac+3) forme les colla- The “3D Modelling” curriculum (eq. Bachelor)
borateurs les plus directs des designers, interprètes trains the designers’ closest collaborators, interpre-
autant que conseillers des phases de formalisation et ters as much as advisers in the phases of formaliza-
de matérialisation des concepts. tion and materialization of the concepts.
Le cursus « Design » forme les designers du XXIe The “Design“ curriculum trains the designers
siècle, dans une approche multidisciplinaire. Diplôme of the 21st century, through a multidisciplinary
visé par le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et approach. The degree is delivered by the Ministry of
de la Recherche, il forme des designers en 5 ans et Higher Education and Research after 5 years at Strate;
dispose aussi de parcours en 2 ans (M1/M2) spéciali- it can also be accessed following a two-year specia-
sés et/ou internationaux : lized or international Master program:
Le cursus Immersive Design forme en 2 ans les The “Immersive Design“ curriculum is a 2-year
designers de Réalité Virtuelle et Réalité Augmentée. course training Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Le Master in Transportation Design forme en designers.
anglais et en 2 ans des designers automobiles. The Master in Transportation Design trains auto-
Le Master in Design for Smart Cities forme en motive designers in English in 2 years.
anglais et en 2 ans les designers des expériences et The Master in Design for Smart Cities is a 2-year
des usages des villes intelligentes de demain. curriculum taught in English,training designers of
experiences and usages of tomorrow’s smart cities.
Le Mastère « Innovation et Design », à destination
des diplômés d’école d’ingénieurs ou de commerce, The “Innovation and Design“ Post-degree, aimed
ou de professionnels déjà aguerris, forme en un an at engineering or business schools graduates, or
des directeurs de projets innovants, au travers de la already experienced professionals, is a one-year cur-
pratique et de la culture du design. riculum training innovative project managers, through
design practice and culture.
Le Certificat « Design Act! » forme en 5 mois, et
gratuitement, à l’innovation sociale par le design Design Act! Certificate is a 5-month tuition-free
dans une pédagogie innovante embarquée au sein curriculum training to social innovation through
de l’Agence de Design Saguez & Partners. design, with an innovative pedagogy housed by
Design Agency Saguez & Partners.
Le Certificat Post-diplôme « Technologies &
Design », avec le CEA, forme en 4 mois, et gratuite- The tuition free, 4-month long, Post-degree
ment, au Design de projets nourries de technologies Certificate «Technologies & Design», in partnership
dans une démarche pluri-disciplinaire. with the CEA, trains to the design of projects fed with
technologies, in a multi-disciplinary approach.
Le Certificat Post-diplôme « Entrepreneuriat,
Digital & Design », avec Matrice/42, forme en 1 an, et The Tuition free, 10 month long, Post-degree
gratuitement, à la création d’entreprise dans le numé- Certificate «Entrepreneurship, Digital & Design», in
rique dans une démarche pluri-disciplinaire partnership with Matrix / 42, trains to start a digital
business in in a multi-disciplinary approach.
Le Master de recherche « Design d’Interaction »,
avec Arts et Métiers ParisTech, forme les designers The “Interaction Design“ Research Master, with
ou ingénieurs à la recherche en design d’Interaction. Arts et Métiers ParisTech, trains designers or engi-
neers in Interaction design research.
En matière de formation professionnelle, Strate
propose un MBA « Management By Design », qui In terms of professional training, Strate offers a
forme des managers de haut vol, empreints de l’esprit “Management By Design“ MBA, which trains high-
du design. Elle offre aussi des formations courtes et flying managers imbued with the spirit of design. It
sur mesure au Design Thinking et à la pensée créative. also provides short and tailor-made courses in Design
Thinking and Creative Thinking.
Initial Training
Strate Ecole de Design 11
Un parcours A thorough
complet training
Parce qu’il travaille sur des scénarios de vie As the designer works on life scenarios with
où beaucoup d’enjeux s’entrelacent, le designer y so many issues, he puts in practice transversal
applique des savoirs, des méthodologies et des tech- knowledge, methodologies and techniques. He has
niques transversales. Il est évidemment porteur de therefore specific knowledge, practices and tech-
connaissances, pratiques et techniques spécifiques. niques.
Le Cursus « Design » se donne 5 ans pour offrir ces The “Design” curriculum is a five year course in
savoirs transversaux et spécifiques. order to deliver these transversal and specific skills.
La 1re année est essentiellement dédiée à l’acqui- The 1st year is essentially dedicated to the artis-
sition des techniques artistiques, outils du designer tic skills, basic tools for the designer, and starts initia-
et à l’initiation aux diverses Majeures (spécialités) tions in the several Majors offered.
proposées. The 2nd year extends this training, as well as in the
La 2e année prolonge cet apprentis- 2D and 3D software and marketing. An commitment
sage et ces initiations, et initie aux tech- internship is also required.
niques logicielles 2D et 3D et au marketing. The 3rd year starts with the choice of a Major -
C’est aussi l’année du stage d’engagement. Products, Mobilities, Spaces, Identities or Interactions
La 3e année est celle de l’investissement dans sa – while going further with transversal trainings (3D
majeure : Produit[s], Mobilité[s], Espace[s], Identité[s] software, humanities…). Students do their first pro-
ou Interaction[s], tout en continuant une forma- fessional internship.
tion transverse (logiciels 3D, sciences humaines et The 4th year starts with a semester abroad
sociales, ...). C’est aussi l’année du premier stage pro- (exchange or internship), and goes on with several
fessionnel. projects in partnership with companies. Students also
La 4e année démarre avec un semestre à l’inter- start their degree thesis during that year.
national (échange ou stage) et se poursuit avec If the 5th year is essentially focused on the degree
plusieurs projets en partenariat avec des entre- project (thesis and project), there is also a collabora-
prises. C’est en 4e année que commence le projet de tive project in partnership with business and enginee-
diplôme. ring schools, and humanities. It ends with a gradua-
Si la 5e année est essentiellement consacrée au ting internship.
projet de diplôme (mémoire + projet), elle comporte
un important projet collaboratif en partenariat avec English classes are delivered throughout the five
des écoles de commerce et d’ingénieur ainsi que des years of study, as well as a work on writing skills.
électifs. Elle se termine par un stage diplômant.
Strate Ecole de Design 18
Creating tomorrow’s
services and systems
New technologies have radically changed the
rhythm of our daily lives. Far from being restricted to
our smartphones and tablets, these technologies will
be in our daily objects and services.
Strate Ecole de Design 22
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 23
Augmented Reality,
Virtual Reality
and Interactive 3D
This 2-year course trains professionals who are
attentive to the lives of their fellow human beings,
who will know how to make virtuality and augmented
reality levers of human experience and development,
and not mere experts in technologies and tools.
La Majeure Se déplacer
Design Mobilité[s] au xxie siècle
Mobilities Major Les (r)évolutions industrielles, économiques et
sociétales qui se profilent en ce début de siècle, sou-
vent liées aux problématiques de développement
Dirigée par : durable, nous incitent à penser plus que jamais des
Head: solutions de mobilité désirable ET responsable.
in the 21st century
The industrial, economic and societal (r)evolu-
tions, often related to sustainable issues, that lie
ahead in this beginning of century encourage us to
devise mobility solutions that are both sustainable
AND responsible.
Strate Ecole de Design 26
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 27
Rethinking the
experience of collective
places and spaces
Space is a dimension that we have all
integrated. We are born there and we evolve there,
it envelops us, protects us, influences our thoughts,
our emotions and our individual and collective
Designing relationship
to brands
In an open and competitive world, a brand
is more than a sign or market signature. The public
is now demanding a committed and engaging
relationship, a vision of a shared and sustainable
future, a useful and fair service. Without this, no
confidence or possible emotion, immaterial capital
of any lasting brand.
02. Marième HOANG-GIA, Between physical and digital, between graphics and
«NIAM», Projet de diplôme interaction, between packaging and product, it is the
guarantor of visible and living brands.
«QUAKE», Sujet branding et offre
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 29
02 03
Strate Ecole de Design 30
Altérité Aujourd’hui ce sont les objets qui teintent la culture. Or, avec la mondialisation, les aspérités
culturelles s’effacent laissant des objets vides de toute portée symbolique, ce qui garantit, avec
Repensons l’innovation par la Culture
le temps, l’appauvrissement de ces cultures. Ma démarche est de proposer une alternative à cet 2017
état de fait, et pour l’illustrer je redessine le radiateur, objet uniformisé par la mondialisation, en
Avec le chauffage comme exemple
repartant de son essence et donc des symboles et des mythes qu’il dégage. Julien BONITEAU
Inspiré des chaufferettes ce radiateur
est mobile. Ses trois corps permettent
de chauffer plus précisément un espace
pour un usage plus responsable.
Inspiré du Korsi et du Sofreh ce radiateur conserve la
chaleur. Il permet de chauffer un groupe de personnes
près d’une rivière ou dans un jardin.
Inspiré de la danse ce radiateur est
un objet contextuel. Un objet qui
induit par sa forme une fonction et
beaucoup de poésie, il permet de
chauffer comme de refroidir.
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 31
Useful, beautiful,
It is no longer possible today to design objects
that are disconnected from usages and societal
Between the realities of industrial production and
the ambition to create meaning for his contempo-
raries, the 21st century product designer navigates
throughout objects’ materiality and services’ imma-
Design has no boundary, and the designer looks
at the world’s diversity to enrich his reflexion. In 4th
year, our students thus have to spend several months
abroad (for an academic exchange, an internship or
a study trip).
Cecilia TALOPP
International affairs
T : + 33 1 46 42 76 82
M : [email protected]
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 33
Partner Schools
4e année : Partenariats
Partenariats industriels
industriels La 4e année est construite autour d’une vingtaine
de partenariats industriels en relation directe avec
4th year: des entreprises et leurs départements de conception,
de marketing ou de R&D.
Ces entreprises proposent aux étudiants de réa-
Partnerships liser des études prospectives complètes de design
dans des secteurs liés aux 6 majeures de Strate :
Produit, Espace, Identité, Mobilité, Interaction et
Directeur Relations Entreprises
T : +33 6 65 70 67 61
M : [email protected]
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 35
Partenaires stratégiques
Strategic Partners
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 37
A partir de la construction d’une question initiale, From the definition of an initial question, students
l’étudiant va d’abord se lancer dans une phase de start with a research and analysis phase resulting in
recherche et d’analyse dont l’aboutissement est la the redaction of a thesis.
rédaction d’un mémoire.
From the conclusions of their thesis, the students
En réponse aux conclusions de ce mémoire, il draw several lines of inquiry, which they assess
identifie ensuite plusieurs pistes qu’il évalue au tra- through usage scenarios and formal researches.
vers de scénarios d’usages et de recherches for-
melles. They choose to fully develop one of the solutions,
addressing all the fundamental aspects of a project.
Il choisit alors de développer une des solutions The final project is finally defended in front of jury of
complètement, en adressant l’ensemble des points professionals.
qui fondent un projet. Celui-ci est enfin présenté
devant un jury de professionnels. The Designer Degree is delivered by the
French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and
Le Diplôme de Designer est visé par le Ministère Innovation..
de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de
The tutoring staff
L’équipe de suivi Throughout all their projects, and all year long,
the students are tutored by a multidisciplinary team,
Durant tout son projet, et tout au long de l’an- whose rigorous experience and commitment ensure
née, l’étudiant est suivi par une équipe pluridiscipli- a support on the main aspects of the projects: metho-
naire, dont les expertises rigoureuses et la complici- dology, writing, creativity, technique, systemic mode-
té assurent la couverture de l’ensemble des points : lization, communication, style…
méthodologie, écriture, créativité, technicité, modéli-
sation systémique, communication, style...
and Innovation
Hippolyte Bachelet ESSEC, CentraleSupelec and Strate share a taste
(Promo 2010) for innovation on all levels, whether pedagogical,
Designer, co-fondateur managerial, technical and scientific.
de La Fabrique à Lettres
The three schools feel also concerned with the
«J’ai participé au programme importance of social responsibility, sustainable deve-
CPi en 2008 au sein de l’équipe lopment and ethics.
La demande était forte :
repenser le sac de vente à The goal is therefore to encourage the emergence
emporter ! Et c’est ce que of new products and behaviours thanks to the libera-
nous avons fait en remplaçant
tous les sacs intermédiaires tion of collective imagination oriented towards bet-
qui séparaient les produits ter-doing and better-being, for the benefit of as many
emportés par un plateau en people as possible.
carton pliable qui se glisse au
fond du sac. Ce plateau permet Through CPi, ESSEC, CentraleSupelec and Strate
de plus au client de poser son want to implement a crossed training between mana-
repas sur ses genoux sans gement, engineering and design, to train tomorrow’s
risquer de le renverser.
Il est maintenant utilisé par plus players, who will be ready to collaborate differently, in
de la moitié des McDonald’s en a responsible and creative manner.
Je garde un excellent souvenir
des journées passées à Then, they will be able to make more things pos-
travailler sur ce projet avec sible, optimistically and lucidly, so that living toge-
le partenaire. J’ai compris la ther becomes the driving force of abounding ideas in
nécessité de passer par la
représentation pour développer human organizations of all sizes, natures and cultures
et communiquer nos idées de
manière cohérente et forte. »
Strate Ecole de Design 40
innovation and
Every year, about forty students from Strate
and engineering schools, mainly from Paris-Saclay
University, work together on innovative solutions on
the year’s theme.
Double degrees
Strate Ecole de Design 44
Profile of a kind
The SciencesPo Strate double degree embodies
the desire to include design into the educational pro-
ject of the Innovation & Digital Transformation Master,
which combines, for the first time, digital humanities,
technological culture and design.
This program aims to provide a multidisciplinary
Marie-Laure DJELIC, training, deeply involving the design approach in a
Doyen de l’Ecole du
management et de l’innovation
context where it stands out as a creative method to
bring together all disciplines and their players around
« Le design est un formidable meaningful projects. The objective is to train profes-
levier de transformation du
monde. En rendant possible
sionals who think out the quality of experiences or
l’apport des sciences humaines objects, to meet the new needs of an innovation-see-
et sociales au service des king society.
méthodologies design, cette
association avec Strate offre
The double-degree combines fundamental tea-
à nos étudiants une formation chings and skills workshops. SciencesPo offers fun-
unique pour mieux répondre damental courses in Sociology of Innovation, Data
aux enjeux de la transformation
numérique. »
Science, Web Science and Technological Culture.
The teachers of the Master’s degree in Innovation &
“Design is an astounding lever Digital Transformation are selected among experts in
for transforming the world. As
it puts humanities in the service
digital technology and innovation.
of design methodologies, this
association with Strate offers
our students a unique training
to better meet the challenges
of digital transformation.”
01 Promo 2019
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 47
Strate Ecole de Design 50
Strate Ecole de Design 52
Partenaire :
Cursus Design Design Curriculum 53
Strate Ecole de Design 55
3D modelling
Strate Ecole de Design 56
« Je travaille
en relation avec
des designers
et des ingénieurs,
je suis un peu
le lien
entre les deux »
Dorothée Redon (promo 2006)
Modeleur numérique - Bombardier Aéronautique - Canada
Cursus modelage 3D 3D Modelling Curriculum 57
Putting ideas
into shape
Before they are produced industrially, most
objects that surround us, big or small, have first been
modelled. After being conceived in the designers’
heads, they take shape thanks to the talent of some
men and women, who put them into volume.
Strate Ecole de Design 60
Modeleur 3D : 3D modeller:
un métier d’avenir a career of the future
Notre objectif : former en 3 ans les professionnels Our goal: training 3D creation and modelling pro-
de la conception et de la modélisation 3D, qui sau- fessionals in 3 years, who will be able to collaborate
ront collaborer avec les designers et les créateurs. with designers and creators. Digital modelling, an
Maitriser le modelage numérique, maillon indispen- indispensable expertise to link the Design studio with
sable entre le studio Design et le bureau d’ingénierie. the engineering office.
A Strate, vous apprenez la modélisation numé- At Strate, you learn digital modelling through the
rique par la pratique conjointe du dessin et du volume combined practice of drawing and physical volume.
physique. En étudiant les combinaisons de volumes By studying the combinations of primary volumes,
primaires, vous saurez analyser et décomposer les you will be able to analyse and decompose complex
volumes complexes pour mieux les comprendre, les volumes to better understand, reproduce, refine and
reproduire, les affiner et les finaliser. Vous touchez finalize them. You touch material, create mock-ups
la matière, maquettez et modélisez pour cultiver une and physical models to improve your sensitivity to
grande sensibilité aux courbes, surfaces, volumes, curves, surfaces, volumes, proportions and light. As
proportions et lumières. Parce que vous vivez le you experience volume, you learn in volume to better
volume, vous apprenez en volume pour mieux le vir- virtualise it.
3D: an unlimited play space
3D : un espace de jeu illimité
All the subjects taught in 3D Modelling are focused
Toutes les matières enseignées en Modelage on mastering digital modelling. Thanks to this metho-
3D sont centrées sur la maîtrise de la modélisation dological expertise, any difficulty becomes an intel-
numérique. Armés de cette maitrise méthodologique, lectual challenge and a game. It is indeed a game to
toute difficulté devient un défi intellectuel et un jeu. identify the problem, a pleasure to offer an alternative
C’est un jeu en effet que d’identifier le problème, un and a joy to create it. The mastery of 3D then opens
plaisir de proposer une alternative et un bonheur de an infinite field of expression, and the only limits are
le réaliser. La maitrise de la 3D ouvre alors un champ those of your ambition and your imagination.
d’expression infini, et les seules limites sont celles de
votre ambition et de votre imagination. A key player in Design
Cursus modelage 3D 3D Modelling Curriculum 63
3e année : Diplôme
Le projet de Diplôme En 3e année, toute la pédagogie est construite
autour du projet numérique présenté lors de la soute-
3rd year: nance et de la préparation à l’entrée dans la vie pro-
Degree project L’étudiant(e) rédige un mémoire sur le thème choi-
si en développant, à partir de ses recherches, une
réflexion sur les aspects du modelage dans ce thème.
Il ou elle réalise ensuite une modélisation numé-
rique approfondie en interprétant le projet de desi-
gner de son choix.
L’étudiant(e) soutient ses propositions devant un
jury de professionnels, qui valide sa soutenance.
Chaque étudiant(e) est, tout au long de ses pro-
jets, suivi et soutenu par une équipe dédiée.
Il ou elle termine son année avec un stage diplô-
mant d’au minimum 3 mois.
The third year study programme focuses on the
digital project they will present to the jury, and on the
preparation to start their professional life.
Students write a thesis on their chosen theme,
in which they develop a reflection on the modelling
aspects of their theme, based on their research.
They then make a detailed digital model interpre-
ting the design project of their choosing.
Students defend their propositions to a jury of
professionals, who decide on the validation of their
Students are tutored individually on their projects
throughout the year by a dedicated team.
The year ends with a three-month-minimum gra-
duating internship.
et design
« J’ai pu
développer mes
pour mieux servir
final et
ses usages. »
Pierre Maheut (Promo 2007)
Market Strategy Director, Architecture & Design
Post-diplôme Post-degree 71
No innovation
without design!
In our very competitive world, innovation is THE
key to competitiveness.
The Innovation & Design Mastère trains newly
graduated and professionals in marketing, enginee-
ring and design to innovation management through
design, drawing inspiration from the design process
and using design practices.
Design is now the link between the issues involved
in technology and marketing. As a part of the triangle
of innovation, designers are part of these pluridisci-
plinary teams that will create tomorrow’s innovation.
Speaking the languages of all three players (engi-
neers, marketers and designers) therefore becomes
the condition to the success of innovating project
Taking the Innovation & Design Mastère means
adopting the designer’s continuous curiosity atti-
tude, and acquiring the necessary techniques, dis-
course and arguments to negotiate with, convince
and seduce innovation professionals.
01. Soutenance de diplôme
Strate Ecole de Design 76
Post-diplôme Post-degree 77
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Post-diplôme Post-degree 81
& design
Strate Ecole de Design 82
Giving meaning to
digital transformation
MATRiCE is a training programme specifical-
ly dedicated to entrepreneurship. its pedagogy is
part of 42, it is free of tuition fees and is intended for
Master-level students, aspiring to create their own
activity or find employment.
Pour qui ? Each matrix is based on a theme and is created
— Diplômés d’école de Design along with a partner putting forward specific chal-
lenges to design the socio-digital future of its field of
To meet these challenges, the programme gathers
Pour quels métiers ? teams of students with complementary backgrounds
— Créateurs d’entreprise in an interdisciplinary entrepreneurship approach,
and support them throughout the 10-month process,
from the conception of an idea to the production of
an object.
Comment intégrer ? As Matrice is a nonprofit organization whose
Sur entretien et dossier. purpose is to bring back humanity at the heart of digi-
tal technology, it was natural for Strate to join in to
add the necessary design skill.
Sandrine HEE
Responsable admission
T : +33 1 46 42 85 96
M : [email protected]
Post-diplôme Post-degree 83
Strate Ecole de Design 84
Post-diplôme Post-degree 85
design &
Strate Ecole de Design 86
Strate Ecole de Design 88
Strate Ecole de Design 89
Strate Ecole de Design 90
« J’ai pu prendre
du recul sur ma
pratique, tout
en contribuant
aux sciences du
design. »
Pathum BILA-DEROUSSY (Promo 2011)
Tenzing Conseil
Masters Partenaires Partner Masters 91
a researcher
In association with ENSAM’s Product Design
and Innovation (LCPI), Strate offers its graduating
designers the opportunity to become familiar with
research methodologies and practices.
Conceived as a study programme within LCPI’s
Research Master in Sciences and Technology, but
focusing on Interactive Design, its students bene-
fit from experienced researchers’ education in such
diverse domains as interface design, cognitive
sciences, digital usages sociology, as well as techno-
Structured into 2 semesters – the first dedicated
to fundamental knowledge and the second to the
development of a research project in an industrial
environment – the Research Master’s degree pre-
pares designers to become an integral part of a team
of researchers in private labs, as well as offering them
the possibility of undertaking a doctorate the LCPI.
Strate Ecole de Design 94
The light
for tomorrow’s mobility
in September 2014, two major car manufacturers
and two major car part manufacturers (VALEO ViSiON
ned a partnership with three educational institu-
tions – institut d’Optique Graduate School ParisTech,
ESTACA and Strate – to create together a study and
research programme focused on the technologies of
embedded light in the field of transportation. As the
subject covers both interior and exterior light sys-
tems, it concerns all transportation related industries
– car, train or plane.
The programme aims at combining and develo-
ping all the necessary skills as far as embedded light
is concerned, from design to homologation, including
optic conception, photometry, simulation, embedded
systems and intelligent systems.
its purpose is to support and develop the national
potential of innovation and growth of the French light
industry in mobile systems.
Masters Partenaires Partner Masters 95
Strate Ecole de Design 102
« J’y ai trouvé un
Design qui ne
se contente pas
de bousculer le
Management mais
qui nous aide à le
réinventer. »
Charlotte RECORBET (Promo 2017)
Innovation and Formats Transformation Director
Executive Education Executive Education 103
Design Project
Artistic Practices
Design Thinking
Design & Innovation
Creativity and Management
Design Managment
New Management Model
New World Business Model
(Social Economy)
New World Business Model
(Digital Economy)
Sociology & Anthropology
Philosophy & Political Science
Critical Thinking
Soft skills
Education/Teaching Skills
Talking Skills
Master Class
Professional Thesis
Strate Ecole de Design 108
Ambition et thématiques
Ambition and Topics
Notre recherche est « active », située et engagée Our research is “active”, set in and devoted to colla-
dans des projets collaboratifs ou prospectifs. Au sein borative or prospective projects. At Strate Research,
de Strate Research, les chercheurs, doctorants et les researchers, doctoral students and school students
étudiants travaillent ensemble sur trois grandes thé- all work together on three major themes:
matiques : • emerging technologies: social robots, A.I.
• les technologies émergentes : les robots • experience
sociaux, l’IA • creation of value through design.
• l’expérience
• la création de valeurs par le design. These themes are developed and linked together
in two laboratories: Robotics by Design lab and Exalt
Deux laboratoires sont les lieux du développe- Design Lab — Strate, Telecom ParisTech and Ecole
ment et de l’articulation de ces thématiques : le Polytechnique’s joint laboratory.
Robotics by design lab et Exalt Design Lab, labo-
ratoire commun entre Strate, Telecom ParisTech et
L’Ecole Polytechnique.
Strate Research Strate Research 109
About relation
Today, (re)thinking robotics is urgent. The indus-
trial interest increasing in this field, the powerful
imaginary of robotics and the vast amount of robo-
Partenaires industriels tic solutions emerging in the market require that we
Industrial partners
explore what “living with robots” means.
Strate Research Strate Research 113
Soutenu par la BPI et porté par un consortium piloté par le leader Romeo 2 project is supported by the BPI and led by a consortium
français de la robotique humanoïde, - Aldébaran Robotics - le projet managed by the French leader in humanoid robotics – Aldebaran
Romeo 2 ambitionne de concevoir et finaliser un robot humanoïde Robotics. The project’s ambition is to conceive and finalise a
de service de grande taille, industrialisable et commercialisable à tall humanoid service robot that could be industrialised and
court terme sur plusieurs marchés, notamment celui des solutions commercialized on the short-term on several markets, especially on
robotisées pour l’assistance aux personnes en situation de this of robotised solutions for aid to handicapped people.
handicap. Strate is in charge of the usage study and the robot’s design.
Strate y est chargé de l’étude des usages et du design du robot.
Strate Ecole de Design 114
About value
Exalt Design Lab is the first joint laboratory on
the value of design and the creation of value through
experience, and on the impact of design in organiza-
Exalt is about the commitment of 5 compa-
nies for 4 years: Carrefour, Emakina, inProcess, La
Maif and Otis, in collaboration with two prestigious
labs: Télécom ParisTech’s Codesign Lab and Ecole
Polytechnique’s CRG (Management Research Centre).
Exalt is also about 5 PhD candidates in design
and/or management who prepare for their thesis wit-
hin these companies.
At the heart of companies’ economic and HR
issues, Strate leads this joint laboratory to forward the
integration of design in companies, within the compa-
ny’s concrete projects, but also regarding its organi-
zation’s needs of evolution.
Exalt is a new research community who has joi-
ned forces to research together, further awareness
of design as a discipline, as well as new managerial
Strate Research Strate Research 115
Strate Ecole de Design Ecole de Design 116
Un acteur engagé
Membre fondateur de l’Institut Carnot « Télécom
et Société Numérique » au côté de plusieurs écoles
de l’Institut Mines Telecom (dont Telecom ParisTech)
mais aussi d’Eurecom, et de l’école Polytechnique.
Membre de l’Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation
du centre Pompidou, dirigé par le philosophe Bernard
Partenaire de Telecom ParisTech et de l’Ecole
Polytechnique dans le cadre du laboratoire commun
EXALT Design Lab.
Membre fondateur de l’Institut VEDECOM,
Institut de recherche et de formation
dédié à la mobilité autonome, décarbonée et durable,
fondé par tous les acteurs de la filière automobile,
industriels et académiques.
Membre du bureau des Ateliers de la Recherche
en Design qui réunit la communauté francophone des
chercheurs en design.
Membre de la Chaire « Entrepreneuriat, Territoires
et Innovation » de l’IAE Paris Sorbonne.
Fondateur de « Sciences du Design », première
revue scientifique française dédiée à la recherche
dans cette discipline, dirigée par Stéphane VIAL.
Membre du comité de pilotage de la revue
« Interfaces numériques », première revue scienti-
fique dédiée au design d’interaction.
A committed player
One of the founding members of “Telecom &
Société Numérique” Carnot Institute. Its researches
focus on digital-induced issues. Strate collaborates
with several schools of Institut Mines Telecom (inclu-
ding Telecom ParisTech) as well as Eurocom and
Polytechnique school.
Member of the Innovation and Research Institute,
led by philosopher Bernard STIEGLER.
Founding member of VEDECOM Institute, a
research and training institute dedicated to decarbo-
nate sustainable autonomous mobility. Created by all
players in the car sector – both industrial and acade-
Member of the Chair “Entrepreneurship, Territories
and Innovation“ of IAE Paris Sorbonne.
Member of the Bureau des “Ateliers de la
Recherche en Design“, which brings together the
Francophone community of design researchers.
Founder of “Sciences du Design“, the first French
scientific journal dedicated to research in this disci-
pline, under the direction of Stéphane VIAL.
Member of the steering committee of “Interfaces
numériques“ magazine, the first French scientific jour-
nal dedicated to interaction design.
Strate Research Strate Research 117
The school
Strate Ecole de Design 120
Calendrier Internships
des stages : calendar:
Designer Design
— Février à juin/Juillet : 3e année, 1er stage — February to June/July: 3rd year, 1st professional
professionnel, International ou France internship, France or international
— Mai à décembre : 5e année, stage diplômant — May to December: 5th year, graduating intern-
— Juin : 2e année, stage d’engagement ship
— Septembre à janvier : 4e année, — June: 2nd year, participation internship
international ou France — September to January: 4th year, international or
— Avril à juin : 2e année, stage numérique Modelling
— Mai à décembre : 3e année, — April to June: 2nd year, digital modelling intern-
stage diplômant ship
— Juin : 1re année, stage en atelier — May to December: 3rd year, graduating intern-
Innovation & Design — June: 1st year, workshop internship
— Juillet à décembre : stage diplômant
Innovation & Design
Chercheur — July to December: graduating internship
— Février à septembre : stage diplômant
— February to September: graduating internship
Directeur relations entreprises
T : +33 6 65 70 67 61
M : [email protected]
L’école The school 125
Calendrier Partnerships
des partenariats : calendar:
Design 3e année Design 3rd year
— d’octobre à janvier — October to January
Strate Ecole de Design 126
When given access to the knowledge, methods
and places of entrepreneurship, designers are born
entrepreneurs, putting their skill in the service of their
business project.
At Strate, we resolutely encourage entrepreneur-
ship, which increasingly attracts our students, inclu-
ding during their studies.
During the curriculum: through Genius club’s
student initiatives, but also through joint pro-
grammes: the HEC/42 Design Academy, the “Design
and Science University Paris-Saclay“ prize, the “Invest
in Design“ prize with Paris School of Business, or the
FabLab module of Polytechnique’s ITE Master.
After the curriculum: with ESCP Europe’s
Entrepreneurship programme (in Paris, Berlin or
Co-founder of two incubators - Schoolab Starter
and Innovation Factory -, partner of Polytechnique’s
incubator, Strate will create its own incubator in 2019
within the Cité des Métiers d’Art in Sèvres.
Contact Throughout the curriculum, the school provides
Dominique SCIAMMA individual guidance to entrepreneurs, as it is essen-
Directeur tial for a student who is eager to start a business, and
M : [email protected] take a risk: creating!
L’école The school 127
Si les ateliers de Strate sont des espaces tech- If Strate’s workshops are state-of-the-art techni-
niques à l’état de l’art (machines, outils, évacuation cal places – machines, tools, dirt extraction, or com-
des poussières, air comprimé), ce sont avant tout des pressed air – they are above all educational spaces
espaces pédagogiques où l’on apprend à travailler where students learn to work with materials in a
les matériaux de manière méthodique et concertée. methodical and concerted way.
Un atelier numérique doté de plusieurs impri- The workshop has evolved into a “FabLab” thanks
mantes 3D et d’une découpeuse / graveuse laser to its digital part, equipped with several 3D printers,
transforment de fait cet atelier en « FabLab ». and a laser cutter / engraver.
Encadrés par une équipe dédiée et expérimentée, nos Thanks to a dedicated and experienced staff, our
étudiants y font l’apprentissage technique et humain students acquire the technical and human knowledge
qui feront d’eux des designers, des modeleurs, des that will make them designers, modellers and inno-
innovateurs. vators.
Strate Ecole de Design 130
Strate Ecole de Design 136
Organisation Chart
Managing Director
& Dean
Dominique SCIAMMA
Thomas DAL Jacques MALZ
Director & Dean Director & Dean
Identity Design
Interaction Design