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STEINERT Suspension Magnets



> household refuse, coal, ores, demolition waste,

shredder material, scrap wood, glass, foundry sand
STEINERT Suspension Magnets
Hundreds of STEINERT overband magnetic separators are used for the extremely reliable separation of tin cans and other iron in refuse
processing worldwide. An immediately saleable iron fraction can also be separated from collected packaging waste. Overband magnet-
ic separators are also used for the treatment of slags and pyrolysis coke from thermal refuse treatment.

Area of application
STEINERT overband magnetic separators are used to process iron- STEINERT overband magnetic separators remove interfering iron
free demolition waste into valuable building material. Small- components such as screws, nuts and rock anchors from coal,
er iron particles which have not been captured by the magnet coke, ore and other minerals at extremely high belt speeds, large
drum immediately behind the shredder are extracted from the working distances and high waste heights. The residual fraction
heavy shredder fraction. Crown corks and tinplate screw tops are is frequently subjected to further value-adding processing by
removed from glass collected for recycling before it is remelted. means of the STEINERT NES.
STEINERT permanent-magnet overband magnetic separators re-
move iron from wood chips before the chips are burnt.
Household refuse, coal, ores,
demolition waste, shredder
material, scrap wood, glass,
foundry sand

STEINERT overband magnetic separators have been extracting

iron and iron-bearing components from these and other bulk ma-
terials for many years. On the one hand, they extract clean iron
scrap and on the other, they protect grinders, mills and other pro-
cessing plants against wear and destruction. Whats more, they
also produce iron-free raw materials for further processing.

STEINERT overband magnetic separators are characterized by

extremely powerful and long-range magnetic fields. Regular
product updates ensure recognizably efficient arrangement and
operation. Overband magnetic separators usually hang at a de-
fined working distance above a conventional belt conveyor sys-
tem. Iron in the material conveyed is attracted by the magnet
and so removed from the flow of conveyed material. Self-cleaning
overband magnetic separators (STEINERT UME, STEINERT UMP)
carry away the separated iron on a circulating conveyor belt.

So-called lift-out magnets (STEINERT AME, STEINERT AMP) are

manually cleaned at defined intervals. These magnets are used
for low-iron-content materials, while self-cleaning overband
magnetic separators are used for materials with a high iron con-
tent. If overband magnetic separators are arranged longitudinally
above the belt discharge, then the discharge is much more reliable
and can, in some cases, be achieved with the use of smaller mag-
nets. If the separator is arranged transversely above the conveyor
belt, the conveyed material remains unloosened and still. A larger
magnet is required in these circumstances.
The magnetic forces in STEINERT overband magnetic separators Permanent-magnet overband magnetic separators from
can be generated by permanent magnets or electromagnetic STEINERT (series STEINERT UMP, STEINERT AMP) use strong
coils as required. STEINERT electromagnetic overband magnets permanent magnets to generate their magnetic fields. They rep-
(Series STEINERT UME, STEINERT AME) possess a high power resent todays state of the art. As is the case with electromagnetic
density and high temperature resistance thanks to their use of overband magnetic separators, here too, the shape and size of
anodized aluminium tape also a STEINERT product in the the magnetic field in the separation volume is decisive. The spe-
electromagnetic coils. Along with the electromagnetic coils, the cial design and manufacturing principles of a STEINERT perma-
cross-section, arrangement, shape and size of the magnetic poles nent-magnet overband magnetic separator make it possible to
are responsible for STEINERT electromagnets good sorting char- individually adjust the magnetic field to the specific application.
acteristics. This enables the achievement of levels of separation performance
which, until recently, were exclusively obtainable using electro-
magnetic overband magnetic separators.
The result is that the electromagnetic overband magnetic sep-
arators are extremely effective despite their compact size, low
weight and low power consumption. STEINERT consistently uses The self-cleaning permanent-magnet overband magnetic separa-
air-cooled, dry electromagnetic overband magnetic separators tor STEINERT UMP is capable of considerably improved discharge
without oil filling. The compact, rectangular coil is insensitive characteristics for light materials and prevents iron parts from
to temperature and fills almost the complete volume of the adhering thanks to the use of large-area stainless steel side pan-
magnetic separator. This results in maximum heat transfer to els. In general, these self-cleaning overband magnetic separators
the outer wall. Most other magnetic separators use round coils, are distinguished by their ease of servicing. In this way, access
which scarcely fill the magnetic separator housing, and are filled and infeed protection are combined to the greatest extent possi-
with oil. The oil is there for heat transport and is subject to the ble. Geared motors, hydraulic motors or electric drum motors can
risk of leakage. It also frequently requires external cooling and be used at any time.
Selecting the magnet
The size of the magnets is determined by a number of factors. The primary factor is
the strength of the magnetic field (Gau / mm) required to separate contaminants
of a desired shape and size. To obtain a clean separation, it is also necessary to match
the STEINERT overband magnets to the speed and the width of the conveyor belt that
is feeding in the raw material.

Contaminant size

The smaller the contaminant grain size, the higher the demands on the STEINERT
overband magnets. The width and the strength of the magnetic fields must be ad-
justed correspondingly.

Contaminant shape

Iron bars and plates are relatively easy to separate as they present a larger magnetic
surface than, for example, nuts, cubes or balls.

In principle, higher yields of iron are obtained when the STEINERT overband magnets
are located above the head drum. This configuration positions the magnet closer to
the material and profits from the natural separation of the bulk material from the
conveyor belt.

The models

The width and speed of the conveyor are essential design criteria
for a overband magnetic separator. In addition, the layer height,
the grain size and the nature of the iron components to be sepa-
rated play a major role. Flat pieces of metal such as iron sheets are
comparatively easy to separate, whereas nuts and balls require
more sophisticated technology. STEINERT has developed different
model series of both electromagnetic separators and permanent-
magnet overband magnetic separators in order to cater for the
wide range of application areas.

Permanent-magnet magnetic separators STEINERT UMP and
STEINERT AMP are supplied with individually adaptable magnet
systems and working widths of up to 130 cm and lengths of up
to 200 cm. In recent years, the electromagnetic series UME..R /
AME..R have become popular worldwide. In addition to a central
pole, they also have a circumferentially circulating outer pole.
The magnetic field in the centre of the magnet is particularly in-
tense with demonstrable effects at depth.

This reliably captures iron parts, even from thicker layers. Of

course, STEINERT offers suitably powerful rectifiers and special
discharge belts with wear protection, temperature resistance or
resistance to chemicals and other options. The electromagnet-
ic overband magnetic separators can be operated with suitable
metal detectors that only switch on the magnet when it is re-
quired and so further increase the performance.
Over pulley Over belt

Graph comparison shows significant performance

gains when magnet is setup over pulley.

Therefore wherever possible the magnet should

be placed over the Pulley or Transfer Point and the
largest permissible tramp size and shape shoulld
be selected as the target tramp tramp removal.
Burden Depth (mm)

Burden Depth (mm)

mm mm
inches inches

Belt Width Belt Width

remove an M18 x 100 mm Bolt
1,457 GAUSS2/MM 7,441 GAUSS2/MM M18 X 100MM BOLT
and an M18 Nut from 300 mm
of Coal burden travelling at a
3,189 GAUSS2/MM 25,984 GAUSS2/MM M18 NUT
belt speed of 3 m/s is as follows:
STEINERT Elektromagnetbau GmbH Australia/South East Asia Niederlassungen
Widdersdorfer Strae 329-331 STEINERT Australia Pty. Ltd. Branches
50933 Kln 14 Longstaff Road
Germany VIC 3153, Bayswater Africa
Australia STEINERT Africa
Phone: +49 221 4984-0 Phone: +61 3 8720-0800 IMS Engineering (Pty) Ltd
Fax: +49 221 4984-102 Fax: +61 3 8720-0888 10 Derrick Road, Spartan
E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Kempton Park, 1620 Republic of South Africa
Phone: +27 10 001 8200
Japan Fax: +27 11 970 3200
STEINERT Japan Co. Ltd E-Mail: [email protected]
703 President Roppongi
3-2-16, Nishi-Azabu
Tochtergesellschaften Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0031
Subsidiaries Japan
Phone: +81 3-6447-0611
RTT STEINERT GmbH Fax: +81 3-6447-0610
Hirschfelder Ring 9 E-Mail: [email protected]
02763 Zittau
Phone: +49 3583 540-840 South America
Fax: +49 3583 540-8444 STEINERT Latinoamericana Ltda.
E-Mail: [email protected] Av. Herclito Mouro de Miranda, 2080 Bairro Castelo
31330-382 Belo Horizonte
North America Brazil
STEINERT US Inc. Phone: +55 31 3372-7560
285 Shorland Drive Fax: +55 31 3372-6995
Walton, KY 41094 E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: +1 800 595-4014
Fax: +1 800 511-8714
E-Mail: [email protected]

Technical alterations reserved.

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