Le Vilain Caneton
Le Vilain Caneton
Le Vilain Caneton
Des brises d't ondulaient l'herbe verte. Le lac bleu tincelait. Prs du lac,
une maman canard tait assise sur un nid qui contenait quatre petits oeufs
et un grand oeuf.
Summer breezes rippled the green grass. The blue lake sparkled. Near the
lake, a mother duck sat on her nest. The nest held four small eggs and one big
Crack! Four damp ducklings hatched. "What a big world!" they cheeped. The big
egg had not hatched yet.
"Je parie que c'est un oeuf de dinde," dit une grand'mre canard. "Les
dindes ne savent pas nager ne t'embte pas avec ca." Mais la maman
canard ne quitta pas le nid. Elle s'assit et attendit.
"I bet that's a turkey egg," said a grandmother duck. "Turkeys can't swim don't
bother with it." But the mother duck did not leave the nest. She sat and waited.
At last the big egg cracked wide open. Out popped a big grey duckling. The
mother duck looked at him. "Oh my!" she said. "You aren't like the others, maybe
you ARE a turkey! Let's see if you can swim."
La maman canard les emmena tous au lac. Elle glissa dans l'eau. Les
canetons sautrent dans l'eau aussi.
The mother duck led them all to the lake. She slid into the water. The ducklings
hopped into the water too.
The ducklings dunked their heads and paddled their feet. The big grey duckling
could float like a boat and paddle like a champ. "No turkey can swim like
that!" said the mother duck. She watched him glide over the water. He was her
big grey duckling after all.
"Venez avec moi," dit la maman canard, "je vous emmne rencontrer la
bande" Les petits canards nagrent en ligne tavers le lac. Plein de
canards vinrent pour rencontrer les nouveaux canetons. "Cinq jolis
canetons sont ici pour joindre la bande!" dit la maman canard.
"Come with me," said the mother duck. "I'll take you to meet the flock." The
ducklings swam in a line across the lake. Lots of ducks came to meet the new
ducklings. "Five fine ducklings are here to join the flock!" said the mother duck.
Les quatre petits canetons se sentirent vite la maison, mais pas le vilain
caneton. Il etait frapp, becquet, pouss et chass. "Laissez-le
tranquille!" dit la maman canard. Mais les autres ne voulaient pas arrter.
Mme ses frres et soeurs picquetaient le vilain caneton.
The four little ducklings soon felt at home, but the ugly duckling did not. he
was kicked and pecked and pushed and chased. "Leave him alone!" said the
mother duck. But the others would not stop. Even his brothers and sisters
picked on the ugly duckling.
Et il fit ainsi, mais ce n'tait pas facile. Le caneton rencontra des oiseaux
sauvages et des chiens mchants. Il resta avec une poule et un chat, mais il
n'tait sa place nulle part. Il continua bouger.
And so he did, but it wasn't easy. The ugly duckling met wild birds and mean
dogs. He stayed with a hen and a cat, but he didn't fit in anywhere. He kept on
Autumn came. One day, the ugly duckling saw a flock of white birds. They
swooped and swirled through the sky. The ugly duckling had never seen such
birds before. He loved them. He wanted the birds to stay with him.
...Mais ils volaient vers le sud pour l'hiver. Les gracieux oiseaux agitaient
leurs normes ailes en s'en allant et laissrent le vilain caneton tout seul.
...But they were flying south for the winter. The graceful birds flapped their
huge wings as they flew away and left the ugly duckling all alone.
La neige commenca tomber. Tous les lacs et marais gelrent. Les vents
d'hiver soufflaient. Le vilain caneton passa un moment difficile. Puis, les
jours devinrent plus chauds. Le vilain caneton s'tirait sous le soleil de
printemps. Il agitait ses grosses ailes. Bien vite, il volait.
Snow started to fall. All the lakes and marshes froze. Winter winds blew. The
ugly duckling had a hard time. Eventually, the days grew warmer. The ugly
duckling stretched in the spring sunshine. He flapped his strong wings. Soon
he was flying.
The ugly duckling flew down into a garden. He landed on a lake. Three of the
beautiful white birds were swimming there. The ugly duckling put his head
down. He waited for the birds to make fun of him.
Children were playing in the garden. "Look! A new swan has come!" they
said. "He's the most beautiful swan of all!"
The ugly duckling heard the children and looked at himself in the water. To his
surprise, he saw a beautiful white bird. He was a swan!