The Four Steps To The Epiphany

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-Successful strategies for products that Win

Avant de cre et vendre un produit :

Question :
-Il rsout quel problme ?
-Est ce que les consommateurs le considre comme un MUST HAVE
-Si on le vend une company , qui dans cette company a un
problme que le produit peut rsoudre ?
-Si on le vend un consommateur comment latteindre ?
-Le problme est il gros ? qui sera les premires vente ?
-Combien de consommateur nous faudra t-il pour faire du profit ?
-Quelle est la taille moyenne de la commande ?

Lentreprise doit rpondre a ces questions avant la cration du

produit .

Business Plan

Concept/ Seed Product developement Alpha Beta test

Launch/1st Ship


Certaines fois des informations sur les consommateurs sont recueillies

petit petit et sur la mentalit du march mais ces infos peuvent tre
mauvaise car elles peuvent etre appliqu sur le mauvais consommateur.
Le fait dapprendre de ses erreurs fait de toi un bon ou un mauvais


Il faut une carte de route du consommateur :

- Quel problme ils ont ?-

- Combien paieront t-il pour rparer ce problme ?
- Est ce que nos produit le rpare ?
- Comprendre les affaires de nos consommateurs
- Comprendre la hirarchie de besoin de nos consommateurs
- Consommateur visionnaire qui achte nos produit tout de
suite .


Il ne faut pas investir beaucoup tant que le produit nest pas lanc

Premature selling = X
Les 4 catgories de Start up :

- Amener un nouveau produit dans un march qui existe .

- Amener un nouveau produit dans un nouveau march
- Amener un nouveau produit et essay de le segment dans un
march en tant que produit bas prix
- Existing market and trying to resegment that market as a niche

Cre entreprise andorre ou UK

Commander ali express sur les premiers mois experimenter detail en haut :
Vendent-ils? A quel prix? How many moved? Conversion rate?

How much they sold compared to my rankings and what the top dogs might be doing

Was it a pain in the a** to package/prep/ship/etc.

Is it actually providing value? How was the return rate? Were folks complaining left
and right? Could I fix it?

Guesstimate how far I could take this product if I ranked the crap out of it and with X
amount of reviews and optimized the listing even better.

4 tapes :

- Beaucoup de startup ne passe pas assez de temps pour dcouvrir leurs

marchs, localiser ses premiers consommateurs, valider ses hypothses, et
faire grandir son business. Les quelques entreprises qui ont du succs comme
Design Within Reach font tout ces choses. Ils ont du succs en inventant
a Customer Development model

Il est fait pour rparer les 10 problmes du product development model ( voir
en haut)

La force de ce programme est la rigueur et la flexibilit. Ce model spare tout les

activits lis au consommateur dans le early stage de lentreprise dans leur
processus, il est bas sur 4 etapes facile a comprendre :
Customer Discovery, Customer validation,

Customer Creation , company building

The Customer development Model

The customer development model ce nest pas un remplacement du produuct

development model mais un compagnon.

Customer Discovery est centr sur :

but a companion to it. Broadly speaking, Customer Discovery focuses on testing

whether a companys business model is correct, specifically focused on whether the
product solves customer problems and needs (this match of product features and
customers is called Product/Market fit.) Customer Validation develops a sales model
that can be replicated, Customer Creation on creating and driving end-user demand,
and Company Building on transitioning the organization from one designed for
learning and discovery to a well-oiled machine engineered for execution. As I discuss
later in this chapter, integral to this model is the notion that Market Type choices affect
how the company will deploy its sales, marketing and financial resources.

Unlike Product development, finding the right customers and market is unpredictable
and we will screw it up several times before we get it right

Dans le diagramme du dveloppement produit, all en arrire est considr comme

un chec. Leur diagramme dis, va a droite et gauche et tu aura du succs

Les startups ont lhabitude davanc meme quand elles nont pas compris leur
Alors que le diagramme du dveloppement du consommateur, dis de repartir en
arrire est naturel et est une bonne partie dapprendre et de dcouvrir. Dance cette
nouvelle mthodologie, tu continues le cycle dans chaque tapes jusqu' que tu
russis a ty chapp et gnrer assez de succs a amener dans la prochaine etape

As youll see later, Customer Validation is a key checkpoint in understanding

whether you have a product customers want to buy and a roadmap of how to sell it. If
you cant find enough paying customers in the Customer Validation step, the model
returns you to Customer Discovery to rediscover what customers want and will pay

ce good thing is that itll create a low cash burn rate until the company has validated
its business model by finding paying customer

The company doesnt build its non-Product Development teams (sales, marketing,
business development) until it has proof in hand (a tested sales roadmap and valid
purchase orders) that it has a business worth building

Once proof is obtained, the company can go through the last two steps of Customer
Creation and Company Building to capitalize on the opportunity it has found and
validated. The Customer Development process represents the best practices of
winning startups

Customer discovery :

The goal of Customer Discovey is just what the name implies : finding out who the
customers for your product are and whether the problem you believe you are solving
is important to them. More formally, this step involves discovering whether the
problem, product and customer hypotheses in your business plan are correct. TO do
this, you need to leave guesswork behind and get outisde the building

Learn :
- what the customer problems are

- high value customer problems are

- what about the product solves these problems,

- who specifically are your customer and user

what you learn will also help shape how you will describe your unique differences to
potential customers.

The founders and product development define the product ( ecouteur bluetooth,
coque, coque energie )

Customer development team is to see whether there are customers and a market for
that vision

Customer validation :

The goal of this step is to build a repeatable sales roadmap for the sale and the
marketing teams that will follow later. The sales roadmap is the playbook of the
proven and repeatable sales process that has been field tested by succesfullly selling
the product to early customers.

Customer validation proves you have found a set of customers and a market that
react positively to the product.


Verify your market,

locates your customer,

tests the perceived value of your product,

identify the economic buyer

etablishing your pricing and channel strategy, and checks our your sales cycle
and process

If you find a group of repeatable customers ith a repeatable sales process, and then
find those customers yield a profitable business model ; then you can go to the next

(scaling up and crossing the Chasm)

first Hypothesis that its customers fit a narrow profile of design professionals. It
treated this idea like the educated guess it was, and tested the premise by analyzing
the sales results of each catalog. It kept refinig its assumptions until it found a
repeatable and scalable sales and customer model.


Goal is to create end-used demand and drive that demand into the companys
sales channel.

Contact 50 businesses close form your location, ask what can i do for you in

Demander aux gens, le secret, demander de mettre son produit quelque part

The Customer Discovery Philosophy

Let me state the purpose of Customer Discovery a little more formally. A startup
begins with a vision: a vision of a new product or service, how the product will reach
its customers, and why lots of people will buy it. But most of what a startups founders
initially believe about their market and potential customers are just educated

turning the founders initial hypotheses about their business model, market and
customers into facts. And since the facts live outside the building, the primary activity
is to get in front of customers, partners and suppliers. Only after the founders have
performed this step will they know whether they have a valid vision or just a

Understand the needs and wants of all customers

Make a list of all the features customers want before they buy your product

Hand product development a features list of the sum of all customer requests

Hand product development a detailed marketing requirements document

Run focus groups and test customers reactions to your product to see if they will buy

Earlyvangelists can be identified by these customer characteristics (see Figure 3.1):

The customer has a problem

The customer understands he or she has a problem

The customer is actively searching for a solution and has a timetable for finding it

The problem is painful enough the customer has cobbled together an interim solution

The customer has committed, or can quickly acquire, budget dollars to solve the



Monopoly :

Proprit technologique, network effects, economies of scale and branding


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