M10 Langue Etrangere Appliquee Anglais TR-TSET
M10 Langue Etrangere Appliquee Anglais TR-TSET
M10 Langue Etrangere Appliquee Anglais TR-TSET
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Prsentation du module................................................................................................. 6
Student Book.............................................................................................. 7
Making contacts.............................................................................................................9 Dealing with data ...........................................................................................................22 Describing and comparing .............................................................................................31 Consolidation.................................................................................................................44 All fixed up .....................................................................................................................48 Talking about schedules and frequency ........................................................................49 Dealing with complex enquiries .....................................................................................55 Talking about recent activities .......................................................................................64 Dealing with changes.....................................................................................................74 Talking about possibilities..............................................................................................80 Consolidation.................................................................................................................86 Stating and dealing with problems.................................................................................93 Explaining past actions ..................................................................................................101 Relating .........................................................................................................................106 Suggesting.....................................................................................................................111 Insisting .........................................................................................................................114 Talking about responsibilities and complaints................................................................119 Consolidation.................................................................................................................123
LANGUE TRANGRE APPLIQUE - ANGLAIS Dure : 107 heures Thorie : 65 heures 30 soit 61 % Travaux pratiques : 36 heures 33 % Evaluation : 06 heures soit 06 %
COMPORTEMENT ATTENDU Pour dmontrer sa comptence, le stagiaire doit matriser langlais des changes selon les conditions, les critres et les prcisions qui suivent. CONDITIONS DEVALUATION Individuellement. A partir : - de directives, - de situations relles ou simules. A laide : - du programme dtudes, - doutils techniques de communication modernes, de documents professionnels en langue nationale ou en langue anglaise. CRITRES GNRAUX DE PERFORMANCE Matrise des concepts fondamentaux de langlais oral courant Matrise des concepts fondamentaux de langlais crit courant Matrise des concepts fondamentaux de langlais oral des changes Matrise des concepts fondamentaux de langlais crit des changes
( suivre)
PRCISIONS SUR LE COMPORTEMENT ATTENDU A. Matriser les concepts fondamentaux de la langue anglaise: Parler langlais littraire.
- Comprhension de conversations courantes - Prise de parole aise - Participation une conversation - Bonne restitution dinformations - Rdaction correcte dun document
B. Matriser les concepts fondamentaux de langlais des affaires : Parler langlais des affaires. - Comprhension de conversations courantes - Prise de parole aise - Participation une conversation - Participation des runions de travail - Bonne restitution dinformations - Rdaction correcte dun document
Avant dapprendre matriser les concepts de la langue anglaise : 1. Connatre les structures de base de la langue anglaise Avant dapprendre matriser langlais des affaires : 2. Connatre le vocabulaire des affaires 3. Connatre le vocabulaire des transports 4. Connatre les documents rglementaires et commerciaux
COMPETENCE Matriser langlais des changes. PRESENTATION Cest un module de comptence gnrale. Il est pralable aux comptences particulires dans lesquelles il utilisera ces connaissances. DESCRIPTION Lobjectif de ce module consiste matriser les concepts fondamentaux de la langue anglaise et les concepts fondamentaux de langlais des affaires. CONTEXTE DENSEIGNEMENT Activits d'apprentissage : Il est tout dabord ncessaire deffectuer un test permettant de positionner le niveau de chaque stagiaire et le niveau de la classe avant de donner des priorits lenseignement Activits d'enseignement : Sans objet (voir remarque ci-dessus) CONDITIONS DEVALUATION A partir de situations relles ou simules et laide doutils techniques de communication modernes, de documents professionnels en langue nationale ou en langue anglaise, vrifier lhabilet de lapprenant participer un dialogue et communiquer par crit dans une perspective professionnelle.
2. Dialogue First listen to the dialogue between Mike Baxter and the receptionist at JGM. Shipping company. Then read the dialogue below and listen again. The telephone rings at J.G.M., a shipping company. Receptionist : Mike Baxter : Receptionist : Mike Baxter : Receptionist : Mike Baxter : Receptionist : Mike Baxter : Receptionist : J.G.M. Good morning. Can I help you? Hello. Could you put me through to Mr. Thomas in the Container Department please? Whos calling? This is Mike Baxter from Head Office, Rotterdam. Im sorry. Did you say Baker ? No. Baxter. Mike Baxter. B.A.X.T.E.R. Hold the line please ... Hello, Mr. Baxter ? Im afraid Mr. Thomas is out for the moment. It doesnt matter. Ill ring him back later. Goodbye. Goodbye Mr. Baxter.
COMPREHENSION Write the answers to the following questions. 1/ 2/ 3/ Who is calling and from which company? Who does the caller want to speak to ? Is it an urgent call ? How do you know ?
1.3. Getting the abbreviations right The following abbreviations are commonly used in transport, both in the spoken and written form. (i) Can you pronounce all of them properly ?
(ii) What does A.F.T stand for ? It stands for Association pour le dveloppement de la Formation professionnelle dans les Transports. A.D.R. B/L C.A.D C/I C/O D/A D/P E.E.C. E.T.A. E.T.D F.C.L I.A.T.A. I.M.D.G. L.C.L. TIR V.A.T. Can you think of any more ? (iii) Write a similar question and response for all of the above abbreviations. 1.5 Letter (i) Read the following letter and answer the questions : T.R.R. SERVICES Bld du Midi Cherbourg E-mail : Tel :
Avon Dairies Bath Avon BA6 5YZ 11th January 2006 For the attention of the Export Manager Dear Sir, We are road hauliers based in Cherbourg on the north-west coast of France. We have just started a regular weekly service between Cherbourg and the south of England via Portsmouth. Some of our refrigerated lorries deliver goods to the Bath area every week and we would like to offer you the use of our empty lorries on the return trip. We could, of course, arrange for transport to any other part of France. If you would like details of our schedules and very competitive tariffs we would be very pleased to send them to you or arrange a meeting at your convenience. We look forward to hearing from you, Yours faithfully, (H. Dupont, Mr.) (Transport Manager) COMPREHENSION 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Which company is the letter to ? Which company is the letter from ? What sort of company is T.R.R. Services ? What is the purpose of the letter ? Is all the necessary information included in the letter ?
1.5 (ii) Look at this : (1) Senders address TRR SERVICES Bld. Du Midi Cherbourg Tel: Email: 11th January 2006 Avon Dairies Bath Avon BA6 5YZ For the attention of the Export Manager Dear Sir We are a French etc. Yours faithfully H. Dupont (Mr.) (Transport Manager)
(2) Date (3) Receivers Address (4) Receivers title/name (5) Beginning (6) Ending (7) Signature (8) Senders title
Commercial correspondence 1/ In commercial correspondence the senders address will normally be printed in the top centre of the page. When a printed letterhead is not used, the senders address must be on the top right. It is not necessary to write the senders name with the address. The date in English can be written in different ways : 21st January 20-January 21, 20 a) Avoid abbreviations : Jan. Nov. ect. b) Avoid the form 12.2.20-- as in the USA this means 2nd December 20-c) It is not necessary to put the town before the date. Do not write the words the or of in the date, even if these words occur in speech. 3/ The receivers address must be on the left, under the line of the date.
The expression For the attention of can be followed by the receivers title if it is known. i.e. : The freight manager Senior Shipping Clerk or the receivers name : i.e. : Mr. Short Mrs. Bailey Miss Thomas Ms. Wilson
In beginning a letter. If the receivers name is not known : either Dear Sir or Dear Madam is used. When writing to a company and not to a particular individual Dear Sirs is used. If the receivers name is known : Dear Mr. Short, Dear Mrs. Bailey, Dear Miss Thomas, or Dear Ms.Wilson is used. (Dear David can be used if the person is a friend of the sender).
In ending a letter, if Dear Madam, or Dear Sirs, is used the letter must finish with Yours faithfully. Dear Mr. Short, Dear Mrs. Bailey, etc. is used, the letter must end with Yours sincerely. Best wishes, Best regards, are only used when writing a letter to a friend. Expressions such as We look forward to hearing from / seeing you soon are often used.
The senders name is usually written in capital letters after the signature to avoid any confusion : first name, then surname. i.e. : Mary TUDOR The senders title can be mentioned after the signature
1.5(iii) The following letter has a number of mistakes in it. Refer to the notes on commercial correspondence and rewrite the letter making the corrections. Ms. Mary Swan, Freti, Gosport Lane, Gosport, Hants. The Passenger Services Manager, Extrair, Av. du Prsident Kennedy, Bordeaux.
Bordeaux, 7.12.20-For the attention of Mrs. Mary Swan Dear Ms. Mary Swan, Thank you for your letter of etc. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, (Mr. ROGER Marc) (Passenger Services Manager)
1.6 E-mail (i) Read the following Email and answer the questions.
Mail to :[email protected] To H Dupont Re: your letter of 31/05/06. We are very interested in your offer of haulage facilities to France. Ill be in Paris next week (5 8 June) perhaps we could meet? If not, then in Cherbourg. Kindly suggest a time and place asap. Best regards Jonathan Little (Exports) Avon Dairies, Bath Mobile phone : 00 44 745 234098 COMPREHENSION 1/ 2/ 3/ What is Jonathan Little interested in ? Why does he mention Paris ? What will happen now ?
The following terms are used in the Email above. What do they correspond to ? Write the answers as shown in the example. Examples : info@ RE
Asap Best regards (iii) The following are very often used in Emails but not in letters or in spoken English. Do you know any other examples ? Email language A.S.A.P Spoken language I would like to meet you as soon as possible
1.7 Telephoning language (i) Study the following examples of telephoning language
Look at this :
Starting the conversation
Establishing identity J.G.M. Good morning. Can I help you ? This is Mike Baxter. Mike Baxter / speaking / here Can you spell your name ? Is that J.G.M. ? Whos calling ? Getting the right person / department Could you put me through to Mr. Baxter, please ? Could I / speak to Hans, please ? Id like to / Keeping the caller waiting Hold the line, please. Just a moment, please. Hang on Alex Problems Im afraid X is out for the moment isnt in today is on another line. youve got the wrong extension the number is engaged theres no repply Solutions to a problem Ill ring him back later. Can you ask her to ring me back ?
1.7 (ii) Fluency exercise You want to contact the following people / departments on the phone. Write the polite form to request them using telephone language. e.g. : A : B:
1/ Mr. Baker. 2/ Victoria Santos. 3/ The Accounts Department 4/ David Moore, Extension 410 5/ The Claims Department 6/ Angela Stead 7/ Someone in the Freight Department 8/ The person in charge of imports
1.7 (iii) You answer the phone and give the caller the following information. Write the polite response using the information provided. e.g. : A : B: Could I speak to Mr. Baker, please ? Im afraid Mr. Baker is out for the moment.
1/ Out for the moment. 2/ Line engaged. 3/ Not in today. 4/ Wrong extension. 5/ On another line. 6/ No reply. 7/ Wrong number. 8/ Bad line.
1.7 (iv) a)
Use the table in 1.6 (i) to help you to complete the following : A : Accounts Department. Can I help you ? B: A : Im sorry. Can you spell that, please ? B: A : Ah yes, the problem is the person in charge is not in the office at the moment. Can he ring you back ? B: A : Thats fine. Goodbye.
A: B: A: B: A:
This is Oliveira from Rio. Can I have extension 397, please ? It doesnt matter. Ill ring him back tomorrow. Could you put me through to Mr. Webster in your Freight Handling Department, please ?
B: A : Well, could you ask him to ring me back, please ? B: A : 01.794.4467 B: d) A: B: A: B: A: B: Yes, thats right. This is the Astor Agency. Im afraid shes ill at the moment. Yes, of course. Ill put you through.
1.8 (i) Use the following information to write a dialogue You work in the Freight Department of T.R.R. Services, Cherbourg. Your boss, Mr. Dupont, has asked you to phone Mr. Jonathan Little of Avon Dairies on his behalf. Receptionist at Avon (say your company name, greet the person. Ask if you can help). You Give your name, company, and Ask for Mr. Little.
Ask the caller to wait. Put caller through to Mr. Little. Mr. Little Say who you are and ask if you can help. Explain reason for call on behalf of Mr. Dupont, Email from TRR. Ask about possibility of meeting Mr. Dupont in Paris or Cherbourg. Invite Mr. Little to Cherbourg Next Wednesday. Accept the invitation and ask if TRR can arrange hotel accomodation for Wednesday night. Agree to do this and offer to send Email to confirm meeting and hotel. Thank the caller, make reference to next Wednesday. Say Goodbye. Say goodbye.
1.8 (ii) Write the e-mail Mr Duponts assistant sends to Mr Little to confirm : 1/ 2/ The meeting (date - place - time) The hotel reservation (name and address of hotel - date)
2.1 Dialogue First listen to the dialogue before reading it. Then read and listen again. R : J.G.M. Bonjour. A : Could I speak to Mrs. Simonel, extention 402, please ? R : Whos speaking, please ? A : Antonis Doucas of Hellenik Line, Piraeus. R : Just one moment, please. B : Franoise Simonel. Is that you Antonis ? How are you ? A : Fine thanks. How are things with you ? B : Very busy as usual. What can I do for you ? A : Could you give me the freight cherges for 6 wooden cases of machine parts C.I.F. from Le Havre to Piraeus, please ? I havent got the lastest tariffs. B : What is the total gross weight of the shipment ? A : 540 kilogrammes. Answer the following questions after listening to the dialogue B : How big is each case ? A : 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.2 m. B : And whats the volume ? A : 12.96 m3.
B : Fine. Hang on a moment Thats 1,479 . A : Fine. Just one more thing. There is still a weekly service, isnt there ? B : Oh yes. And its a faster and more reliable service than via Rotterdam. A : Thats alright then ! Thanks. Well, Ill Email the firm booking when I have confirmation from my client. B : Right. Bye for now then. A : Bye. COMPREHENSION Write true or false after each sentence as in the example. e.g. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ The callers name is Amtonis Doucas of Holland Line Piraeus (False). He wants to speak to Mrs. Simonel, extension 412. This is the first contact between the two people. The caller wants some information about freight charges. The charges concern 16 wooden cases F.O.B. Le Havre. The net weight of the shipment is 514 kilogrammes. One case measures 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.2 m. and its volume is 12.69 m3. The tariff quoted is 1.479 . There is a service from Le Havre to Piraeus every week.
10/ The client will make a firm booking by phone. 2.2 Group activity
F.O.B. and C.I.F. are known as INCOTERMS. Do you know any others ? Write. INCOTERMS for the following : Exclusively maritime transport :
2.3 Talking about Freight Rates (le tarif de transport) Freight rates are often complex. List other factors that determine freight rates. One example is given. The freight rate to be applied depends on Example : the freight and volume of the goods
2.4 Fluency exercise Listen to the cassette and answer the caller (As) question by using the information below. The first example is given. e.g. : 1.66 A : Sorry, how much is the freight rate ex works again ? B : 1.66
Now continue : 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 1.66 15 160 kgs. 15th March 20-0.115 x 0.113 x 1.298. -1 to + 6C 02 50 06 29 38 529 kms.
Listen to the cassette and check that you have understood the data by repeating what A says e.g. : A : B: The volume of goods is 45 m3. Right. 45 m3.
Listen to the tape and mark if the following information is the same as that on the tape or not. If not, try to correct it. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 6.3 tons 90.567 50.1 x 9.2 m 350612987/STD 80.954 3/11/03 60.2 kgs 314 kms
3.5 % hour Ref : 532/13 CIP Lyon Container 4506 215/ton ETD 14.00 hrs. -18 to 32
2.6 Look at this : 1/ A B A B A B A B A Whats the gross weight ? Its 2.5 tons. Sorry, did you say 2.5 tons ? Yes, thats right. Whats the overall volume ? Its 13 m3. Sorry, I didnt quite catch that. 13 m3. One three thirteen cubic meters. Right. Thanks.
2.7 E-mail Read the e-mail below (i) and write 3 questions about the information it contains. (i) [email protected] 10.05.06 Re: rate request One tractor plus trailer L8.6 x W2.4 x H3.0 weight 1400kgs Could you give us your haulage rate ? Supplier in Pau, CIP Hamburg. Your previous quote (16/09/05) of 1600 is probably out of date by now. Let us know asap if you can arrange this consignment. Regards Xavier Lebois Danton Services Fret Cell phone/GSM +33 687 32 54 54
[email protected] Hello Xavier Re Yr mail 10.05.06 new rate One tractor plus trailer L8.6 x W2.4 x H3.0 weight 1400kgs, supplier Pau CIP Hamburg Haulage charges 1798 Documents as usual. Could you get back to me asap if youre interested, providing full details of supplier, point of delivery, collection date. Best Jon Fletching Vandam Transport Operations (ii)
Read the reply e-mail and the SMS that Xavier receives from his boss below. SMS: Xav. Cotatn Vdm tpt bcp trop cher. Essay BC ancien tarif +1%. Apr tt on 2 bon client !
2.8 (i)
European express freight agencies European express freight container depots Refer to the map and find the different places where European Express Freight have their own or associated agencies. Choose places from the list below. (You will not need all those in the list) Naples Warsaw Le Havre Paris Barcelona Lyons Venice Vienna Zurich Toulouse Olso Manchester
28 (ii)
Look at this : Talking about agencies / depots Can you tell me where the Dutch agency is ? Its in Rotterdam. Is there an agency in Switzerland ? Yes, theres one in Zurich. How many agencies / container depots are there in Germany ? There are two agencies and a container depot. Talking about distances How far is it from Paris to Stockholm ? Its 1,549 kms. How far is it from the facory to the groupage centre ? Its about 250 kms. How far is it from the pick-up to delivery point ? Lets see. Thats about 550 kms. Refer to the map 2.9 (i) and write questions and answers about the agencies and depots marked on it.
2.8 (iii) First listen to the dialogue before reading it. Then listen and read it again. A: B: European Express Freight. Can I help you ? Yes, Im ringing about some goods I want to send from Toulouse to Lisbon by container lorry. Can you do that for us ?
A : Yes, of course. We have a container depot near Toulouse, so the goods can be stuffed there. B: How far is the depot from the main railway station ? You see the goods are coming by rail.
A : Well, its about 10 kms., but we can arrange to pick up the goods for you, and take them to the depot. B: Thats fine now and how far is it from Toulouse to Lisbon your rates are per kilometre, arent they ?
A : Thats right they generally depend on the weight and the distance. Its about 1,100 kms I think. Ill check for you if you like. B: No its alright you can give us a detailed quotation when youve got all the necessary information.
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/
Where does the caller want to send the goods to and where from ? How far is it from the station to the container depot ? Is this a problem ? How far is it from the container depot to the delivery point ?
container, crate, bundle, drum sack/bag, bale, chest, barrel/cask case, roll, box Match the words above with the pictures.
3.1 (ii)
Complete the following with the words from 3.1 (i) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ A ______________ of pipes. of chemicals. of cement. of machine parts. of paper. of bananas. of wine. of bottles. of cotton. of tea. of video equipement.
3.2 Listening Listen to the mini-dialogues and note down the type of goods to be transported. Then decide which type of trailer can be used in each case.
Type of trailer
PACKING MATERIALS A whole range of packing materials is available to the packing expert. There are the traditional materials wood, metal, glass, paper, cardboard, and textiles (jute, canvas, netting, etc.), and for some time now foam materials belonging to the polyurethane, polyethylene, and polystyrol groups. This multitude of materials permits the most differing approaches to packing, and often results in significant savings of time and money. The following list offers a general overview of the newer and traditional materials for air cargo packing in use today : MATERIALS FOR OUTER PACKING (FOR PALLETS, CRATES, ETC.) Wood : light woods, plywood. Molded compounds : fiberboard, chipboard, fiber (particularly suitable for use in combination with wood). Cartons : solid cardboard in various grades up to bitumen-coated board, corrugated cardboard (single to quadruple corrugations in variuos structures), cardboard honeycomb, full-walled board capable of being folded across corrugation. Containers for liquids : light metals, plastics, glass, corrugated cardboard with interior plastic coating. Paper bags : paper with high tensile strength, interior coated with PVC, polyester or polyethylene. Fruit crates : corrugated cardboard with plastic trays, light wood, polystyrol. Barrels and stackable containers : plastic, sheet metal, tin, steel, fiber, cardboard. Plastic wrapping : PVC or polyethylene sheeting (or wrapping unpacked machine). BRACING AND PADDING MATERIALS (in some cases also insulation). Plastics : polyether and polyester, polyurethane cut pieces and foamed shapes. Air : air cushions and cellular air plastics film. Combinations : sandwiches of various combinations of polystyrene, polyethylene, polyester, corrugated board. Bottle jackets : specially stamped, expandable paper structures, straw jackets, polystyrene and other foam plastic jackets. The secret of good packing lies in the use of materials specifically suited to outer container construction and bracing and padding structures for purposes of pressure equalization. Efficient use of materials presupposes exact knowledge of their properties and the stresses they are called on to withstand.
carton ondul toile tle carton bitumin panneau de particules jute panneau de fibre verre fer blanc papier 3.3 (ii) Vocabulary
Write the meaning of the following words or expressions in the text 3.3.(i). You may write the meaning in French. Packing materials range packing foam savings of time and money available belong to result in following Materials for outer containers suitable grade double triple quadruple tray stackable Bracing and wrapping bracing padding foam air cushion expandable suited to efficient 3.4 Describing packing materials
Below is a list of expessions and words to describe the different means of packing goods. Look at the list and complete the chart of advantages and disadvantages of the different packing materials. The same word or expression can be used more than once.
cheap heavy difficult to dispose of easily peforated heavy relatively expensive air tight re-use impossible not damp-proof not shock-proof 3.4 cont.
easily made expensive re-usable light solid very cheap flammable bulky easy to store (flat) very fragile
corrosive easily stackable capable of rotting water tight capable of being contaminated easy to dispose of difficult to dispose of light-sensitive versatile
Examples Bottles Flacons Cartons Bags Sacks Bags Sacks Bottles Rigid, semi-rigid Containers Drums Containers Pressurized flacons Drums Barrels Cases Cases Pallets Crates
Look at this : Cardboard is (much) easier to dispose of than plastic. Metal is easier to stack more easily stackable than cardboard
Which is better and cheaper ? Metal or wood ? Which would you recommend ? Paper or plastic sacks ? Id recommend paper sacks because theyre cheaper. fastest heaviest Which is the most difficult to dispose of ? best packing material for ?
Make a list of ten sorts of goods (machinery, perishables, etc.) to be transported and different methods of transport and destinations. Then write comparative sentences like in the example below.
A: B:
I have a consignment of wine to send to the USA. Which is the cheapest means of tranport ? Well, it depends on the quantity but probably the cheapest is by ship. Air freight is of course much faster but its considerably more expensive. And what about packing ? Would you recommend cardboard cartons or plastic or wooden crates ? Well, cartons are ligther and easier to dispose of but they are not easily stackable. I think it would be better to
A: B:
Now you try write an advertisement for your company and the services it offers.
3.6 (i) International Marking Symbols Can you match the marking symbols with the appropriate instructions ?
Centre of gravity, Fragile Handle with care, Use no hooks, Corrosive, Keep dry, Radioactive, This way up, Sling here, Keep away from heat, Flammable liquid, Flammable solid, Poisonous gas, Heavier this end, Gross weight of package.
3.6 (ii) Transporting Dangerous Goods What does IMDG stand for ? Draw a line matching the categories of dangerous goods and the specific type of good : 1 2 3 4-1 4-2 4-3 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 7 8 9 Explosives ------------------------------------------ A fireworks, flares, toy gun caps, ammunition Gases - compressed, liquified or B ether, peroxides dissolved under pressure. Flammable liquid C viruses, bacteria Flammable solids D aerosols, gas cylinders, lighter refills, liquid nitrogen Spontaneously combustible E acids, mercury thermometers, wet cell substances batteries Substances which emit flammable F arsenic, cyanide, weedkiller gases upon contact with water Oxydizing substances G magnetic materials, dry ice Organic peroxides H radioisotopes, radioactive waste Poisonous substances I paint thinners, solvents Infectious substances J firelighters Radio-active substances K phosphorus Corrosive materials L (liquid) oxygen Various hazardous substances not M sodium covered by above
3.7 Authorization
Look at the pictures and try to imagine some dialogues like the examples below : A: B: A: Can you arrange road haulage for goods weighing 20 tons ? Well, yes, but they will have to go on 2 lorries as were not authorized to carry more than 13 tons on each lorry. Oh I see Well
A: B: A:
Ive got a consignment of fish and cheese to send. Can we them in the same container ? No, Im sorry, youre not allowed to put them together because of the risk of contamination. Oh I see Well
Now you write similar short dialogues using the pictures on the following page.
Packing for door-to-door. Put the words below in their correct place in the text : Before a_________ is packed, all possible _____________en route must be known, eg, temperature, humidity, vibrations, etc. Of course, the entire ______________must be considered, not just the _____________from airport to airport. Let us follow a typical air _____________ item from manufacturing site to _________ . 1/ ___________ at the manufacturing site. Road or______________ transport to the airport. 2/ Transport from the cargo terminal loading ramp to the export ___ _______ __________ or loading into a container (ULD). 3/ Transportation by special vehicule and loading equipment over the tarmac to _____ 4/ Actual air transport. (Todays jet aircraft produce minimal shocks and vibration. Cargo hold-on ____________remain constant) 5/ Unloading and temporary __________in the transit warehouse of the intermediate airport, at times under entirely different climatic conditions from those encountered at the point of _________________such as high levels of humidity and temperature extremes. These climatic conditions must be taken into account for intermediate_____________as well. 6/ ______________ into aircraft for he next part of the journey. 7/ Air tansport from intermediate stop to the airport of_______________ . 8/ ___________ at the destination airport. Moving the goods through __________to the import warehouse.____________to the forwarding agent. 9/ Road and rail ____________ to consignee, possibly under difficult conditions. destination shipment hazards journey loading palletizing temperatures storage stops unloading route cargo consignee warehouse aircraft departure reloading customs delivery transportation
4.2 Listening Listen to the following conversation between customers and Transworld Freight and complete the missing information in the chart below :
Weight/ Volume
Delivery Date
1 case
4.3 Use the following message and write a telephone conversation using the same information : To : Brigitte (Imports) From : Hans Grber (Henkel Union, Munich) 49.6135.75288 Message : Consignment of beer (30 barrels) Incoterm : FRC Gross weight : 50 kilos/barrel Destination : Paris (road haulage - 950 kms/by opentop van) Delivery date : next wk. Future contact: will be in touch ASAP with further details. Now you write some messages that might follow the telephone conversation. To : From : Message : To : From : Message : 4.4 Choose the correct answer : e.g. 1/ Hello. Is that extension 245 ? a) Here is Mike Baker. b) This is Mike Baker. c) I am Mike Baker. Could you put me through a) Claudia Belleti ? b) at Claudia Belleti ? c) to Claudia Belleti ? Yours faithfully a) Mr. Dupont Richard. b) Mr. Richard Dupont. c) Richard. Hold on please a) Ill check that information for you. b) I check that information for you. c) I am checking that information for you.
Can you ask him a) to ring me back ? b) ring back me ? c) ring me back ? We look forward to a) hear from you soon. b) hearing you soon. c) hearing from you soon. a) Send kindly b) Send please c) Kindly send details by return. The container terminal is a) 5 kms of the port. b) 5 kms from the port. c) at 5 kms from the port. The freight rate to be applied depends a) on the volume. b) of the volume. c) the volume.
10/ A crate of a) cement b) flowers. c) fruit. 11/ For horses, youll need a a) livestock trailer. b) platform trailer. c) dumptrailer. 12/ Transporting goods by air is a) faster as by sea. b) more fast than by sea. c) faster than by sea. 13/ a) We are not allow. b) We are not allowed. c) We not authorized. to pack those goods together 14/ The goods are packed in a) wooden cases. b) wood cases. c) wooden bales.
Unit one Unit two Unit three Unit four Unit five Unit six
Talking about schedules and frequency Dealing with complex enquiries Talking about recent activities Dealing with changes Talking about possibilities Consolidation
(i) A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:
Dialogue Air Freight. Can I help you ? Yes. Im ringing you from Copenhagen about a consignment of goods that Id like to have airfreighted from Paris to here. I see. What exactly do you want to know ? Well, first of all, is there a regular service ? Yes, indeed. Theres a regular direct service and another via Frankfurt. Right. How often does the direct service run ? Its a twice-weekly service, whereas via Frankfurt its every other day. Hmm. Twice a week. Which days ? Mondays and Thursdays at 11.45 a.m. The direct flight takes 1 hours, doesnt it ? But what about via Frankfurt, how long does it take ? Its a same day service too, but the goods wont arrive until early evening. Well, Ive got all the information I need for the moment. Ill be in touch again as soon as I know the definite dates. Right ! Thats fine, but please remember that we must have 48 hours notice in order to make out the necessary documents. I see. Thank you very much for your help. Goodbye.
COMPREHENSION 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ (ii) What does the caller want to do with the goods ? What sort of services are there ? How often and which days ? When will the goods reach their destination ? Does the caller make a firm booking ? What does tha agent remind the caller to do and why ?
Put the words below into the correct order to form a question about schedules e.g. : There is regular service a Copenhagen to ? Is there a regular service to Copenhagen ? 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ does direct how service the often run ? take journey long the how does ? sail does the when ship ? train when the does leave ? far from Paris it Copenhagen how is to ? time arrive does what the flight ? estimated what the is time departure of ? time is arrival estimated what the of ?
Can you think of any other questions to ask or that someone could ask you about schedules ?
1.2 (i) Complete the table below : daily weekly fornightly _____________ _____________ = = = = = every day every _____________ _____________ _____________month every year
a) tous les deux jours b) deux fois par semaine c) tous les mardis d) du lundi au vendredi e) tous les trois mois f) une fois tous les quinze jours g) trois fois par an
1.3 Use the following schedules to ask questions about : times of departure / arrival, duration, frequency of trips, dates of departure / arrival BY AIR FROM LONDON Departure To : Quimper via Brest Brussels 30.10/25.03 09.25 Arrival 12.45 DB022 Mon-Fri
Vessel/voyage Rossy Anne London King Tokyo Queen Hambourg express Saint John Kowloon Bay No. 402 403 491 473 482 467 Hamburg 4/1 8/1 10/1 9/1 14/1 17/1 11/1 12/1 Bremen 5/1 Rotterdam 7/1 10/1 12/1 14/1 15/1 18/1 13/1 15/1 16/1 19/1 Le Havre 8/1 S Hampton 9/1 12/1 15/1 16/1 17/1 20/1 31/1 25/1 26/1 16/2 13/2 Jeddah 19/1 Tokyo 9/2 2/2 12/2 Hong Kong
This schedule is subject to changes, individual postponents and cancellations without notice.
Hello, We need to ship 200 tons of cotton from Lyons to Bremen. Could you let us have asap by mail full details with date of sailing plus port of loading. Is is quicker by road or rail? Wed appreciate a quick reply. Many thanks Regards Jean Racine Now write the reply to the e-mail above :
Look at this : The goods wont arrive until the early evening. The flight will leave on 10th December.
Customers phone you for information. Answer their questions using the ideas below.
e.g. 1/
When will the goods arrive ? not / arrive / tomorrow evening They wont arrive until tomorrow evening. When will the ship leave ? leave / on 6th August Itll leave on 6th August.
Now you try : 1/ not / arrive / tomorrow evening 2/ leave / on 6th August 3/ release / B.L. / after loading 4/ no be ready / tomorrow morning 5/ send / tomorrow afternoon 6/ not / berth / midnight 7/ take place / 24 hours before train / leave 8/ of course / arrive / on time ! (ii) Look at this : Ill ring you as soon as I know the definite dates. Answer the customers question using the ideas below : e.g. : 1/ When can you make out the documents ? Ill make them out as soon as Ive got all the necessary information. 1/ I / make out / as soon as / have / necessary information. 2/ We / load / as soon as / train / arrive. 3/ I / ring back / as soon as / ship owner / confirm / special rate. 4/ We / ship / as soon as / there / be space / on ferry. 5/ I / ask / phone / as soon as / he / come in. 6/ We / provide / as soon as / there / be / one free. 7/ We / clear / as soon as / boat / berth. 8/ We / repair / as soon as / we receive / surveyors report.
Mr. Jean Cousin, Universal Instruments, Via Maria, MILAN Tel : 350 21076 E-mail : [email protected]
Dear Mr. Cousin,
Thank you very much for your enquiry of 25th June, concerning a shipment of scientific equipment from Marseilles to Durban. Please find enclosed details of our standard rates, shipping schedules and documents necessary for transportation. Depending on the exact weight and volume of your consignment, we can arrange for either a full container load (FCL) or less than a container load (LCL), and as an indication, the maximum pay load for a 20 x 8 x 8 container is approximately 18,000 kgs. We would be pleased to arrange a door-to-door service, in which case the goods will be picked up at the sellers premises and delivered where you require them in South Africa. You may, however, prefer to arrange pre- and post-carriage yourself. In either case you should fill in the enclosed Shipping instructions and return them to us by 1st September, which is the closing date for the next sailing from Marseilles. The vessel, the SS Aurora, sails on 5th September and will arrive in Durban on 10th October. If you need any further information concerning tariffs (we can offer reduced rates for regular shipment), insurance or packing requirement etc., please do not hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, Yours sincerely,
(ii) Look at this : Thanking / Reference to letter / phone call etc. Thank you very much for your enquiry of 25th June With reference to your letter of Following our telephone conversation of this morning ... Enclosures Please find enclosed details of ... We enclose herewith all relevant information concerning ... Requesting You should fill in the enclosed form ... Would you please indicate . We would be grateful if you would Kindly let us know by return Offering assistance We would be pleased to glad Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details.
Letter You have just received an enquiry from a chemical company in Sweden about the possibility of arranging transport, customs formalities, etc. for goods coming from Sweden by sea and road / rail to various destinations in France. Write back to the company making reference to their letter, your enclosures requesting further details, and offering assistance (see above). You represent a forwarding agent or carrier. (iii) Refer to the letter 2.1 (i) E-mail Ms. Davis decides to send Mr. Cousin an e-mail in reply to his enquiry instead of sending a letter. Write the e-mail including the following elements : reference to his enquiry details of next possible sailing standard rates + shipping instructions from (by air-mail today) FCL / LCL (weight / volume) pre- and post-carriage possibilities closing date reply needed (urgent)
2.2 (i) SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS TO GENERAL CONTAINERS LTD. Vessel SS Aurora Port of loading : Inland Depot Port of unloading : Inland Depot Inland Transport (for containers and Ro-Ro traffic) Road Rail Road / Rail Durban Voyage n 234 Date 5/9/03
Shipper : UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENTS VIA MARIA MILAN Tel. : Consignee : Jan SMUTS SA Witbank Transvaal S. Africa Tel.: Notify address : As consignee above Tel.: Pre-carriage : Merchants haulage Carriers haulage Post-carriage : Merchants haulage Carriers haulage Marks / numbers Number and kind of packages DPA 4705/1-5 5 boxes
(Please indicate hazard class, UN no., flashpoint C, etc of Dangerous Goods) cover for Value Insurance 40.000 FF Dimensions do not cover Charges payable by Shipper : S Consignee : C
Collection ex works Foreign customs clearance duties FOB charges Transport insurance Consular documents / certs of origin Delivery to domicile Signature of shipper or his agent Date
2.3 (i) Dialogue Jan Davis from General Containers phones Mr.Cousin. A: B: A: B: A: Is that you Mr. Cousin ? Yes, speaking. This is Jan Davis from General Containers. Ah yes. l've just received the shipping instructions for your consignment from Marseilles to Durban. We've already made out part of the booking form but there are a few things l'd like to check with you. Of course. Well, first of all, can you tell me the name of your forwarding agent please, if you've got one ? Well, I havent actually. Perhaps you can recommend one ? We often work with Canilotti in Marseilles. They're very efficient. That's fine. Thanks. 1'll get in touch with them. Good. Now you want the goods to go from Marseilles to Durban, but you haven't indicated if you will arrange pre- and post-carriage. We can offer door-to-door service as 1 mentioned in my letter. Yes, I know, but for the moment I havent decided yet. I have asked for quotations from several hauliers and from the railways and l'll e-mail you as soon as I can, probably tomorrow. Well, tomorrow at the very latest, as the closing date for shipment is September I st and we must have time to arrange for a container to pick-up the goods if necessary. Don't worry, 1'll e-mail you tomorrow without fail to confirm exactly if I want land transport to be arranged or not. Fine, another thing. You havent indicated the exact dimensions and that's important for us to calculate the amount of space neede. Can you confirm by email tomorrow too please ? Yes, of course. That's all right. Oh, and finally - what exactly do you mean by "boxes" under the description of goods ? Is that "cartons", "wooden cases" or what ? No, no, it's cartons - cardboard, definitely not wood. Right. That's all then. I'll avait for your e-mail before making a firm booking. Thanks for ringing. Bye.
B: A: B: A: B: A:
B: A:
B: A: B: A: B: A:
(ii) Note down what you hear about the following 2.4 (i) Look at this : d like You want He needs the ship to call in at Bordeaux. Would he prefer pre-carriage to be arranged too ? We dont require these forms to be endorsed. (ii) Write down the corresponding questions to these answers. e.g. : How does he want his goods to be transported ? He wants them to be air-freighted. the good to go from Marseille to Durban. shipping instructions form check name efficient pre- post-carriage quotations closingdate container dimensions space boxes wood booking
Now you gon on : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 When...? Why ... ? How ... ? How often ... ? Who ... ? Which ... at ? They require the container to be returned to them within 5 days. They'd prefer them to go by rail because it's much cheaper. I want it to be marked ECP 102. We'd like the account to be settled quarterly. He wants you to notify a Mr. Baxter of CPC Ltd. We require them to be unloaded at Boston.
Where ... from ? He wants the goods to be collected from his warehouse.
2.5 (i) Look at this : Ive just received the shipping instructions I havent decided yet. Have you asked for different quotations ?
Have you made a firm booking yet ? Yes, I've just made one.
Now you continue - you will find a list of irregular verbs at the back of the book for reference. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 make out ... B/L ring back ... driver speak ... driver collect ... goods telex ... freight rates let ... customer know ... new ETA pick ... up ... customs form fill ... in ... AWB check ... weight,volume ... goods send telex air freight agent B not ... yet already just not ... yet already not ... yet just not ... yet already just
2.6 (i) Look at this : There are just a few things I'd like to check with you. Can you tell me the name of ... ? Can you confirm by e-mail, tomorrow at the very latest ? decided yet. Don't worry, for the moment I haven't got the details. I'll telex you tomorrow, without fail to confirm. What exactly do you mean by "boxes"?
Use the above expressions in the following mini-dialogues. (ii) 1 Phone Mr. Jones (PAC Ltd) to check the name of the person to notify and the total weight of the goods. He hasn't got the information but promises to send confirmation the next day. Phone Jane (ext. 210) (International Freight Forwarders) to check the exact meaning of "perishables" (fruit ? meat ?) and if special temperature required during transport. She promises to phone back that afternoon with the necessary details. Phone James Benton (ALC Lines) to check ETA Le Havre of vessel M/V Mathilda from Rotterdam. He promises to e-mail the answer first thing tomorrow. Phone Sylvia Thompson (Sea Cargo Services), ext. 523. She's not there. Leave a message - re. Incoterm for consignment AZZ103 CFR or OF Hong Kong ? Phone _______________ ( _________ ) Ex. ________ to check (1) _______ ___________(2) ___________ S/he promises to telex / phone _________. 6 Phone _______________ ( _________ ) Ex. ________ to check (1) _______ ___________(2) ___________ S/he promises to telex / phone _________.
3 4 5
2.7 Listening Listen to the description of different transport documents and try to fill in the blanks : A standard shipping note
Is used by the ______________________in port and container _____________to control and organise goods arriving from exporters. It contains details of the nature,_____________, volume, etc. of the goods, the name of the ___________________________ and / or exporter, _________ _____ _____ ____________, details of who is responsible for paying _______ _____, transit information where applicable, haulier's ___________and ___________ reference numbers.
A bill of lading
has __ _____ _____________ . Firstly, it is a __________ for goods __________by the shipping companyor its agent when the ___________is delivered to the _______ container base endorsed "received", or the ship, ___________ "shipped on board for shipment". If the goods are in good order and condition the B/L is ________________and when certain exceptions (for ___________ or ___________ items) are made it is known as dirty. Secondly, it acts as a contract of ___________ between the shipper and the shipping line.Thirdly, the B/L is a document of ___________, and ___________ of the goods will only be made to the person holding an original bill. Bills of lading are often used to enable ___________ via a bank by ___________ ___________. A ___________ B/L is one that indicates that more than one shipping line is transporting the goods and it is ___________ by the first carrier. A ___________ or house-bill is one issued by a forwarder to the different shippers, as a receipt for goods, while the original B/L is ___________ to enable the forwarder to ___________ the ___________ shipment. Other documents that are both __________ for goods and transport contracts between the shipper and ___________ are an _______ ___________ a _______ note (for road haulage) and a _______ note for deliveries by rail.
A commercial invoice
contains details of the goods and their ______ and origin and is used by exporters, importers, their ___________ banks, receiving agents at the point of ___________, and customs authorities to calculate ______ ______ and enable _____________ .
Look at the list below and find the equivalent terms in English of the Bill of lading and note them down :
e.g. :
Poids brut
gross weight
marques et numros nombres d'originaux du connaissement chargeur voir la suite au verso navire principal volume m3 dclaration ci-dessus faite par le chargeur les marchandises seront rexpdies destinataire les marchandises loges en conteneurs nombre et genre des colis pr-transport par transitaire au poste de chargement l'ordre de fret et frais lieu d'mission port de chargement port de dchargement dment endoss arrive notifier applicable seulement quand ce document est utilis comme un connaissement direct lieu de rception fret payable d'avance fret payable destination destination finale conteneurs en ponte si X est indiqu ci-dessus
______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________
3.1 Listening (i) Listen to the message Susan Bailey left for Jacques and note down what is said about the following : yesterday Birmingham Ron Jones there weeks colleagues documents
(ii) Look at the following examples and then find the appropriate questions e.g. We got your instructions (yesterday). When did you get our instructions ? We sent (the shipping details) off last week. What did you send off last week ? Now you go on : a) They made out (the bills of lading) this morning. b) Christian rang you this morning (about the dangerous goods). c) We took delivery of (5) consignments from the USA on Monday. d) The shipowner let me know the answer (this moring). e) We stripped their container at the depot (because those were the instructions). f) We called (our agent in Hong Kong) about the ETA. g) The consignor packed his goods (in large crates). h) Garry ot your e-mail (an hour ago).
i) The goods came (250 kms) by rail. j) The service to the Far East ran (once a month). 3.1 (iii) Making questions Make a list of questions by matching each question word with one of the verbs : Question word When Where what Why How long How far How often How many Ho much How long ago Verb transport send cost pick up fly cancel fill in arrive collect
Finished ? Now ask each other your questions ! (iv) Try and make up sentences using the verbs below. Try and use a verb from each section in every sentence e.g. : Yesterday, I filled out some documents and then I enquired about space for a consignment of goods for Senegal Yesterday I / they : fill out pick up load and then I / they make out deliver check unload airfreight enquire take receive confirm send off ring up
(v) Fluency exercise The line is bad and you don't understand everything. Ask the necessary question to obtain the missing information. e.g. : A : They picked up the goods on B : Sorry, when did they pick them up ?
3.2 (i) Dialogue 1 A : Have you rung the airline company about the freight rates ? B : Yes, I have. I rang them this morning and they were very helpful. They'll phone back as soon as they have the details. A : Oh good. Thanks very much (ii) Dialogue 2 A : We haven't received your booking form yet and I'm afraid we can't complete the Bill of lading until we have it. B : That's very strange. I sent it off two or three days ago. A : Well, look. It's rather urgent so perhaps you can send it by fax, by this afternoon at the latest. B : Yes, of course. Could you just give me your fax number again ? Dialogue 1 Listen for a question and its answer. Dialogue 2 1) Why did the agent ring the customer ? 2) Why was the customer surprised ? 3 )What did the agent ask the customer to do ?
3.3 (i)
Look at this :
A : Have you rung the airport yet ? B: A: B: Yes, I have. I rang them this morning. We haven't received your booking form yet ! That's very strange. I sent it off yesterday 2 days ago.
(ii) Write questions and answers based on the information given A e.g. : send off documents ? B Yes Yesterday afternoon
A : Have you sent off the documents yet ? B : Yes, I have. I sent them off yesterday afternoon. Now you continue : A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Collect ... goods ? Ring back ... consignee ? Ship ... leave on time ? Receive ... customs clearance ? Driver ... get in touch with you this morning ? Check ... B/Ls ? Pick up ... the container yesterday afternoon ? Make out ... air waybills ? Have confirmation weight of goods ? Arrange transshipment ? B Yes ... at lunchtime Yes ... this morning No ... leave late No ... not yet Yes ... first thing Yes ... yesterday afternoon Yes Just Yes on Tuesday Not yet.
3.4 Fluency exercise Answer the customer's questions using the words below : e.g. : 1/ A : B: 2/ A : B: Have they sent the invoices yet ? Yes / send / them / yesterday. Yes, they sent them yesterday. Have you made out the document yet ? No No, I haven't.
1/ Yes / send / yesterday. 2/ No. 3/ Yes / load / this morning. 4/ No. 5/ Yes / speak / half an hour ago. 6/ Yes / be on phone / this morning. 7/ No. 8/ Yes / finish / at 10 a.m. 3.5 Some of the verbs below are incorrect. Can you correct them ? 1/ 2/ 3/ We have received your Bill of Lading last week, but we haven't received the Certificate of origin yet. Your goods arrived yesterday, on flight no. BA 679. Please collect. We advise you that the MV Minerva has docked 2 days ago and that customs have already cleared the goods. The consignee didn't pick up the goods yet. Please contact him as soon as possible. The lorry carrying 82 cotton bales has arrived today, 17th April, in Antwerp. Our clients have accepted your proposed rates. We will confirm firm booking as soon as possible. We sent off the documents last Tuesday. We didn't complete the booking form yet because we haven't received all the necessary information about the cargo. They just finished loading on the MV Spanish Queen. The ETD is 12.00.
4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/
3.6 Dialogue 1 A: B: A: B: A: B: Hello! This is Transworld Hauliers. I believe you're expecting a lorry load of cheese to arrive this afternoon. That's right. Is something wrong ? Well, I've just had a call from the lorry driver. He's been waiting to cross the border for the last 2 hours but there seems to be a hold up at customs. Any idea when he's likely to arrive ? No, but don't worry, he's promised to call me as soon as he's through customs and I'll let you know. Right. Thanks very much.
COMPREHENSION Listen to the dialogue and mark the sentences True or False 1/ 2/ 3/ The lorry driver has just crossed the border. There was a delay at customs. The driver promised to call back when he reached his destination.
Dialogue 2 A: We've been expecting the consular invoice for consignment number BAC 11023 Bill of lading no. 07B to arrive since last Tuesday and I'm afraid we still haven't received it. We really must have it for customs clearance. Yes, I'm sorry. I've been trying to get in touch with you about it. It seems there was a problem at the consulate and so they didn't send it off until yesterday. Hmm. I see. Well, as soon as you receive it can you send it by fax ? Yes, of course. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience
B: A: B:
COMPREHENSION Listen to the dialogue and mark the sentences True ou False. 1/ 2/ 3/ They were expecting the consular invoice last Tuesday, but it only arrived this morning. The consulate sent the invoice off yesterday. The consulate sent it off by fax
3.7 (i)
Look at this
He's been waiting to cross the border for two hours. (He's still waiting - He hasn't crossed the border yet). We've been expecting the consular invoice to arrive since Tuesday. (They're still waiting (for) (it) - the invoice hasn't arrived yet).
They've been transporting containers ... FOR Twenty years ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... SINCE 1960 ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................
3.7 (ii) Exercise Make one sentence from the 2 sentences in each example. e. g. : 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ The goods are on the quay. They unloaed them on Saturday. The goods have been on the quay since Saturday. The driver arrived at customs at 10 oclock. Hes still here. They started unloading at 12 oclock. Theyre still unloading and its now 1.30. We asked for confirmation last Tuesday. We haven't received it yet. We started our haulage company 10 years ago. We still transport goods by road. They started repairing the container at 11 o'clock. They haven't finished yet. The freight forwarder started filling out the Bill of Lading at 3 o'clock. It's now 3.30 p.m. and he hasn't finished. They started packing the goods half an hour ago. They're still packing them. The fog came down at 9 o'clock. All flights are grounded.
3.7 (iii) Translate into English 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ Nous attendons une rponse notre e-mail depuis trois jours. Nous sommes transporteurs routiers depuis plusieurs annes. Ils dchargent le navire depuis ce matin. Ils envoient des colis par avion toutes les semaines depuis des mois. Il est au tlphone depuis une demi-heure. Depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous au service import ? Depuis combien de temps les marchandises sont-elles sur le quai ? Depuis combien de temps l'avion attend-il pour atterrir
3.8 Listening Listen to the dialogue and make notes like this : Job 1. 2. 3. make out documents ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 4. ________________ ________________ ________________ 5. ________________ ________________ ________________ 6. ________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ When yesterday ____________ ____________ Serge X ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Someone else
3.9 (i)
Look at this :
He has made out the documents. The documents have been made out. Have they been sent off ? He put the documents in the post yesterday. The documents were put in the post yesterday. Were they-put in the post yesterday ?
3.9 (ii) Form a question in the passive using the words below : e. g. : 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ Inform / yet / consignee / about changed ETA Has the consignee been informed yet about the changed ETA ? Inform / yet / consignee / about changed ETA ? Check / air waybills / yesterday ? Repair / yet / container ? Give / lorry driver / all documents before leaving ? Change / ETD ? Delay / loading / yesterday ? Confirm / yet / booking ? Hand over / yet / documents / to the bank ?
3.9 (iii) Fluency exercise : e. g. : 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 3.10 Have the documents been sent off ? (yes / last week) Yes / last week. Yes / just. Yes / this morning. Not yet. Yes / yesterday. Yes / by fog. Yes / this afternoon. Not yet.
Put the verbs in brackets ( ) in the correct tense. 1/ We are pleased to inform you that container no. INSEP/0623 (load) on MV Red King. The ship (leave) at 12.00 this morning. ETA Alexandria 15th The necessary documents (give) to Captain. Best regards. Urgent : lorry with consignment 02635 (stop) at Italian customs. (Check) documents before departure ? They (not coincide) with contents of lorry. Please contact Senor Galliani. Tel no. Your cases marked MAK/012 MAK/013 MAK/014 (unload) at 10 a.m. and (pick up already) by haulier company. Providing no problems they will arrive before 7 p.m.
COMPREHENSION Whats changed and why ? (ii) Envoyer un e-mail votre client Mr. Jones Birmingham (UK) afin de lui expliquer que ses marchandises en provenance de Bordeaux par avion vol Air France 672 auront du retard cause dune grve laroport de Paris Orly. Vous lui confirmerez lheure de dpart ds que vous la saurez. Write a mini-dialogue between you and Mr. Jones to confirm the new arrival time. Apologize for inconvenience.
4.2 Dialogue First listen to the dialogue before reading it. Then listen and read again. (i) A: B: A: C: B: A road haulier phones a company in Norfolk. Hello ! Norfolk United Steels. Can I help you ? Yes. Can you put me through to the Import Department please ? Yes, one moment please. Hello, Willams. Import Department. Hello. This is Gilles Richards from Routier Trans-Manche. Im phoning about a lorry load of goods youre expecting from Rungis and which are due to come across on the 3 oclock ferry from Boulogne to Dover. Yes, thats right. Whats the problem ? Well, unfortunately the lorry has broken down and wont reach Boulogne in time for the ferry. Im awfully sorry. Oh dear, that is a nuisance. Cant you put the goods on another lorry ? Well no, Im afraid not. We havent an agency in the area. But Im sure we can repair the lorry so that it could get the 7 oclock ferry. But of course it wont arrive at your factory until late in the evening. I see. Well; thatll have to do then. Good, just one more thing. Will there be anyone to unload the goods ? Well, providing they arrive before 10 p.m., yes. If not, Im afraid the driver will have to park up and wait until the morning. Right. Ill let him know. Well, thats all. I really am sorry, but these things happen! Yes. I suppose they do. Thank you for letting me know and if they are any other changes perhaps you can ring me back. Goodbye. Yes, of course. Goodbye.
C: B: C: B:
C: B: C: B: C: B:
COMPREHENSION Following the telephone call from the road hauliers, Mr. Williams of Norfolk United Steels left a message for the night foreman telling him about the conversation. Did he get the facts right ? To : John Turner, night foreman. Re : Delivery of goods from Rungis via Calais / Dover ferry (3 pm) Lorry broken down. Hauliers will put goods on another lorry which will catch 9 pm ferry. Goods wont be here before early tomorrow morning. Please unload goods and give driver a cup of tea and serve breakfast. Regards Peter Williams. (ii) Imagine similar conversations to the one between Mr. Williams and the haulier. Use the situations below. Write a mini-dialogue for each example. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ Goods from Rome. Lorry driver ill. Goods for Warsaw. Bad weather. All planes grounded. Goods for Barcelona. Train derailed. Goods for New-York. Dockers strike. Problems with unloading. Goods for Southampton. Delayed. Customs inspction. Goods for ________ . _____________ ____________ .
Attn : Paul Deschamps. Frm : Willheim Schmidt. Re. : Cargo booking on Air France Flight n 279 to Frankfurt. Would also like to book space for another case to leave on same flight. Is that possible ? Pls confirm if OK. Regards W. Schmidt. Now listen to the dialogue
(ii) Dialogue (part 1) Paul Deschamps rings ACL Ltd. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Hello. This is Paul Deschamps. Id like to speak to Willheim Schmidt please. Yes, speaking. Hello. Ive just received your e-mail concerning space for another case. Ah yes. Can we send both at the same time ? Well, I dont think we can manage that. The flights completely full. The only thing we can do is to book space on another flight. Oh dear. When does the next plane leave ? On the following day, but as youve left it a bit late, Im not sure theres likely to be space available. Well, look can you find out about that and let me know as soon as possible ? Yes, of course.
COMPREHENSION 1 2 3 What is Paul Deschampss answer to Mr. Schmidts question about a second case ? What does Mr. Dschamps suggest ? Is this suggestion completely satisfactory ?
Dialogue (part 2) Some time later. A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Hello, Paul Deschamps again. Youre in luck. Weve just had a cancellation, so we can send both of your cases at the same time. Oh good. I suppose youll need some details on the other case ? Yse. Can you hold on, Illjust get my copy of the waybill. Right. Now then. What are you sending in the other case ? Leather handbags. What are the dimensions of the case ? 100 x 100 x 80 cm. Right. Are there any marks on the case ? Yes. Its marked KIL 4705/l. Whats the gross weight ? 25 kgs. Right. The rest of the calculation. Ill do myself. I think thats all then. Ill send you off a copy as soon as I can. OK thanks very much. Goodbye. Goodbye.
COMPREHENSION (PART 2) Why can Mr. Schmidt now send his other case ?
Now look at the Air Waybill and change it according to the details Mr. Schmidt gives the freight forwarder.
5.1 Dialogue The British agent of shipping line phones the French representative of the same company in Le Havre. A : Hello. Id like to speak to Mr. Le Grand please. Jack Turner here. B : Yes, this is Jean Le Grand. Hello Jack. What can I do for you ? A : Well, its a question of transferring some goods arriving in La Havre onto a feeder vessel for London, Tilbury. B : Yes. Can you give me a few more details ? A : Yes, in fact its a 20 container number ICSU 335.269/2, final destination Manchester. At the moment its on board the MV Triple Star coming from Mombasa. It contains tropical fruit and the gross weight is 6,667 kilos. B : Ive got that. Whats the ETA ? A : 29th October. B : OK, and what ship is it for ? A : The Anna Britt, leaving Le Havre on 31st. B : Mmm. A Monday. It may take a day or two to get the necessary documents and we might miss the feeder vessel. A : Well, you do your best and if theres a problem e-mail me. But you see the trouble is, its rather an urgent consigment and we might have to arrange for the onward journey via another Channel port if necessary. Its CIF Tilbury, so we couldnt put on a ro-ro vessel Le Havre Portsmouth. B : Ill certainly do what I can and let you know by e-mail. A : Good. Thanks very much. Bye. B : Bye.
Based on the dialogue, complete the following : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.2 (i) ___________ ___________ telephones__________ __________ in Le Havre _______ .
He wants a container to _______ ___________ onto a __________ The container reference is _________ ____________ . The container final destination is _________ , via _________ London. The container is on board the MV _________ ETA ___________ .
The gross weight of the container of _________ ___________ is ________ kilos. The Anna Britt is _________ Le Havre on 31st. The container might ________ the __________ ___________ because of delays at _________________ . The consigment is__________ ____________ so they cant ship it to Portsmouth by ____________ ____________ vessel. The agent in le Havre _______ by _______ . ____________ the agent in _________ know
Look at this : Talking about possibilities. - It may take a day or two to get the necessary documents. - We might miss the feeder vessel. - We might have to arrange for the onward journey via another port. - We may not have enough time to make the arrangements. - Its not likely that there will be any space available. - Freight rates by rail are not likely to be cheaper.
How would you inform a foreign contact of the following : 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ Nous serons peut-tre obligs de charger les marchandises sur la camion ce soir. Il se peut que les factures proforma ne vous parviennent pas avant la semaine prochaine. Il y a peu de chances que notre agent puisse prendre contact avec la chargeur ce matin. Nous mettrons peut-tre quinze jours ddouaner les marchandises. Il se peut que lagent maritime ne signe pas la connaissement. Le chauffeur va peut-tre pouvoir vous donner une ide de la dure du trajet. Le colis sera peut-tre emball dans du carton bitum. Il se peut que lassurance ne veuille pas rembourser. Il y a peu de chances que la remorque soit rpare avant la fin de la semaine. Vous serez peut-tre oblig daffrter un avion si vous voulez que les marchandises arrivent temps.
5.3 Fluency exercise e.g. : 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ A: B: Is it alright if the goods arrive tomorrow afternoon ? Well if they arrive tomorrow afternoon they might miss the feeder vessel.
They miss the feeder vessel. We have time make arrangements. We have to book other consignments. You need to wait other consignments. Bank not pay. You be liable warehousing costs. He charge details tomorrow.
5.4 (i)
E-mail Write the e-mail Jean Legrand sends Jack Turner to confirm the transhipment of the container onto the Anna Britt. Inclure les lments suivants : Rfrence la conversation tlphonique Transbordement sur Anna Britt ETD Le Havre ETA Tilbury Dtails concernant le conteneur lexpditeur le destinataire les conditions de transport (tous frais pays lavance porte--porte).
5.5 Dialogue Jack Turner phones back Jean Le Grand after he receives the e-mail (2). A: B: Is that you Jean ? Yes, speaking.
A: B: A: B:
Jack Turner here. Good; So you received my e-mail ? Yes, just now. So you didnt manage to get the container onto the Anna Britt ? No, in fact there was a hold-up at customs. They wanted to check the contents of the containers, and apparently the goods didnt correspond exactly to the dscription on the Bill of Lading. Anyway, dont worry, its all been sorted out. The question is, what do you want us to do now ? Well, the container must reach Tilbury at the latest on Thursday, and there isnt another feeder vessel until Friday from Le Havre. If I were you, Id send the container by road or rail to Antwerp. We can easily arrange that. And perhaps youd better find out which is better and cheaper. Yes, Ill do that. If it leaves tonight or tomorrow itll get to Antwerp by Tuesday and it can be loaded on the Wind Spirit and be in Tilbury on Thusdays morning. That sounds alright. Just make sure it reaches Tilbury by Thursday, and please dont forget to send me details of the arrangements. I wont forget. Dont worry. Bye then. Bye.
B: A: B: A: B: A:
Listen to the dialogue and note down the context of the following : manage customs contents B/L sort out reach feeder vessel Antwerp find out tonight or tomorrow Wind Spirit make sure details worry
5.6 (i) Look at this : If I were you Isend the container by road or rail. Youd better find out which is quicker. Just make sure it reaches Tilbury by Thursday. Please dont forget to send me details Dont worry, I wont forget
(ii) If I were you Id / Youd better What would you advise someone to do in the following situations. You might have several ideas for each situation. Write them down. The lorry has broken down We havent got the certificate of Origin. This consignment of medical supplies is very urgent. Were not very happy with our forwarding agent. Which of the two airlines is the most reliable ? Weve got more than 40 tons to transport by road. We still havent received the consular invoices and health certificates. We dont know exactly how to pack these electrical goods for the journey by air. How can we make sure the goods reach New York by Friday at the latest We dont know on what terms to transport the containers.
All the goods we received are damaged. (iii) Write down some instructions using the following expressions.
2/ How long
3/ Your trailer
4/ Well release the consignment as soon as a) we will have customs clearance b) it is cleared by customs c) it will be cleared by customs 5/ Our agent a) has already receive confirmation b) already received confirmation c) has already received confirmation a) Has the container left b) Did the container left c) Did the container leave the terminal yet ? a) berthed there is an hour b) has berthed one hour ago c) berthed an hour ago a) have used the same company since 5 years b) have been using the same company for 5 years c) are using the same company since 5 years a) has the driver been waiting ? b) is the driver waiting ? c) waits the driver ? a) are made out yesterday b) have been made out yesterday c) were made out yesterday
8/ We
9/ How long
11/ a) Have been the containers stripped yet ? b) Have the containers been stripped yet ? c) The containers have been stripped yet ? 12/ How often a) the goods train runs ? b) run the goods train ? c) do the goods trains run ? a) is likely to call in at Le Havre b) may to call in at Le Havre c) might call in Le Havre a) was you I airfreight the goods b) were you Id airfreight the goods c) were you I airfreight the goods
14/ If I
6.2 (i) Transport New Brief Transport News Brief TransportNews Brief OH ! WHAT A LOT OF CARS ! Listen to the item of news and answer the following questions : 1/ Have Tilbury docks ever handled such a cargo ? 2/ How many vehicles were unloaded ? 3/ What was the name of the ship and where was she berthed ? 4/ How long did the unloading take ? 5/ What are the Port of London Authoritys hopes for the future of Tilburys docks ?
(ii) DEVELOPMENT AT TERRYS Listen to the news item about Terrys Transport Company and fill in the blanks. Terrys Transport ___ ________ in _____ by David Terry, operating from one office in Essex with just ___ _______. Since then his company ______ _________ considerably and ___ ________ by Davind and his three brothers Tom, Dick and Harry. They ____ just ___ _______ new premises only ___ miles from Tilbury and _____ miles from London which ____ __________ a few weeks ago. This ____ ______only ______ to the great advantage of the transport business where a central location is vital but also ____ ___ new opporutinites for Terrys. The large amount of land __________ ________ that warehousing could be ________. The _____ ____ ____ by Terrys and have a _____ _____ at each end. In fact, the warehousing side of Terrys business ____ __________ rapidly. This is due partially to the sophisticated equipment _______ forklift trucks and mobile cranes. On the transport side, the company operates ____ tractor units and ____ _________. Also six skeletal ________ ___ _______ in the fleet. These are used for ________ __________. Another recent introduction was 6 taut liner vehicles, which are curtain-sided ________ to enable quick _______ and ___________. Although competition is very fierce in the transport industry, Terrys ______ ________ a great number of ______ ________ customers. They _____ _________ for Procter and Gamble, and several other companies ____ _____ ____ Terrys services ______the ____. Proof of Terrys __________ and __________ service. (iii) Devlopment at Terrys Form questions appropriate to the answers given. 1/_____________________________________________________________________? In 1946. 2/_____________________________________________________________________? David Terry. 3/_____________________________________________________________________? Only one lorry. 4/_____________________________________________________________________? By David and his three brothers. 5/_____________________________________________________________________? Five miles from Tilbury and 25 miles from London. 6/_____________________________________________________________________? A few weeks ago.
7/____________________________________________________________________? A central location. 8/____________________________________________________________________? It meant the construction of warehousing. 9/____________________________________________________________________? At each end of the warehouse. 10/___________________________________________________________________? Ten forklift trucks and mobile cranes. 11/___________________________________________________________________? Forty tractor units and a hundred trailers. 12/___________________________________________________________________? Carrying containers. 13/___________________________________________________________________? To unload and load quickly. 14/___________________________________________________________________? A great number of regular customers. 15/___________________________________________________________________? Since 1950s.
(iv) Air France Listen to the news item about Air France and mark if the following are True or False : 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ Air France was formed on August 13th 1930 by the merger of four airlines. The flight network extends over 517,000 miles and includes 178 destinations in 87 countries. Air France has 103 passenger aircraft and 18 Boeing 747 freighters. In 1987 Air France carried 13,241,000 passengers, covered 136 million miles and flew 438,000 flight hours. 55,000 people work for Air France, including 9,600 flight personnel.
6.3 E-mails (i) You receive the following e-mail from a French supplier who has sent some goods by ship to Portugal. Write the e-mail you send the Portuguese agent of the shipping line you represent.
URGENT Mail ref 094376 SSMINERVA Dest. LISBONNE (ETA 25.4.89) B/L 950 du 15.3.89 342 BALLES (CT50123) Bonjour, En labsence de B/L originaux, nous vous prions de contacter de toute urgence votre agent de ligne Lisbonne pour autoriser la dcharge directe du lot dans les magasins de lacheteur portugais. Il faut imprativement que le ncessaire soit fait sans dlai, ceci afin dviter de gros frais supplmentaires au port. Avec nos remerciements. Cordialement (ii) Two days later you receive another telex from the French supplier. Trs Urgent SS MINERVA Dest. LISBONNE B/L 950 DU 15.3.89 342 BALLES (CTW50123)
Notre acheteur portugais na toujours pas reu lautorisation de rceptionner ses marchandises Lisbonne ex SS Minerva, arriv depuis hier. Avez-vous fait le ncessaire auprs de votre agent de ligne Lisbonne comme demande dans notre prcdent e-mail. Veuillez envoyer lautorisation et nous tenir informs. Cordialement Write the second e-mail you send your agent in Lisbon and the confirmation you receive from Lisbon that the matter is now settled.
6.4 Complete the following conversations. 1/ A: Im afraid we still havent received your shipping instructions yet for the consignment to New York. B: I dont understand. We 2/ A: About the airfreight we want to send urgently to Kenya. How often are there flights and how long do they take ? B: Well, theres 3/ A: The lorry might not get to Italy on time. You see, the customs are on strike. B: In that case, 4/ A: Consignment no.245/67 has been waiting to be picked up since last week. Its going to cost you a lot of money you know. B: Oh dear 5/ A: Why havent our goods been cleared yet ? B: Well, you see
Unit one Unit two Unit three Unit four Unit five Unit six Unit seven
Stating and dealing with problems Explaining past actions Relating Suggesting Insisting Talking about responsibilities Consolidation
a) pilferage b) wrong goods c) freight damaged in transit d) delivery delays e) lost documents f) faulty packaging g) incorrect incoterms h) cost error 1.2 Here are some more problems customs restrictions (e.g. on certain foodstuffs) wrongly/insufficiently completed documents non-payment delay of payment (payment is overdue) non-fulfilment of contract non-execution of order incorrect precautions taken (e.g. for perishable goods/goods that ship badly)
1.3 Dealing with problems What are the most common problems that you have to deal with in your situation at work? What is the most difficult? Write a paragraph entitled problems. 1.4 What could these problems lead to? Look at this: Customs restrictions could lead to the goods being sent back. result in mean Non-payment could mean legal action (being taken). might can 1.5 Look at the following dialogues Student A /Student B 1/ A B customs restrictions goods returned
A: What happens if there are customs restrictions? B: Well, customs restrictions could lead to the goods being returned. 2/ B A non payment legal action
B: What happens in the case of non-payment? A: Well, non-payment could mean legal action being taken. Now you ask the questions using the following prompts. Then write the answers. 3/ incorrect incoterms 4/ delivery delays 5/ incorrect precautions 6/ faulty labelling 7/ problems at the customs
8/ legal procedure 9/ prosecution 10/ overloading 1.6 Look at the following dialogues Student A /Student B 1/ A B customs restrictions goods returned
A: What happens if there are customs restrictions? B: Well, customs restrictions could lead to the goods being returned. 2/ B A non payment legal action
B: What happens in the case of non-payment? A: Well, non-payment could mean legal action being taken. Now, answer questions using the following prompts. 3/ problems of responsibility 4/ lost orders 5/ damaged goods 6/ delivery mistakes Now, you ask the questions using the following prompts. 7/ lost documents 8/ non-fulfilment of contract 9/ pilferage 10/ incorrect weights
1.7 Listening You will hear four short telephone dialogues. As you listen, complete the following chart. Who are the speakers? Dialogue A Dialogue B A B A B A B A B apologetic Lorry driver angry Coach company employee Mr Frmont Claims dept calm How would you describe their moods? What is the problem?
Dialogue C
Dialogue D
1.8 Letter Study the letter below : AVON DAIRIES, Bath, Avon, BA6 5YZ Tel : +44 (0)1978 786532 Fax : +44 (0) 1978 786540 e-mail: [email protected] Mr Henri Dupont, TRR Services Bd du midi 50000 Cherbourg 10 May 2006 Dear Mr Dupont, Further to our phone call this morning, 10 May 2006, we regret to inform you that after enquiries made at the Paris destination point, Les Cremeries Fontaine, it would seem that all losses incurred in the consignment n 6843 were due to the malfunctioning of your refrigerated lorries. Owing to the seriousness of the matter, we hope you will deal with it promptly. Yours sincerely, J. Richards (Mr) Export department
1.9 Look at this : Expressing problems The first two lines are completed as examples. Fill in the gaps lower down the table. Orally Im afraid there has been a problem of pilferage Letter We regret to inform you that a problem has occurred concerning pilferage. E mail Regret to inform you that theres a pilferage problem. We are concerned re non-payment of consignment number 7 Fax Text message Regret to inform Pilferage pb you that theres a pilferage problem. We r concerned re non-paymt of Cons 7 We r complaing about delay. Regret to inform you of an unfortunate incident. This is a serious problem. Please advise asap.
Were rather concerned about the non-payment of consignment number 7. Were sorry to We regret to complain but this have to complain delay is really about this delay. not acceptable. Something unfortunate has happened This is a serious problem and it must be sorted out. Wed like to lodge a claim Wed like to claim compensation for non-delivery Owing to the seriousness of the matter, we hope you will deal with it promptly
Well claim compensation We are We r claimg contacting you to compensation claim compensation for non-delivery.
Apologising Orally
Im afraid weve made a mistake on the bill of lading Were ever so sorry about the inconvenience I do apologise for the delay This is a serious problem and were sorry that it wasnt sorted out sooner.. We acknowledge the seriousness of this matter, and express our regret that it was not resolved sooner. We are writing to express our regret regarding the inconvenience caused. Please accept our apologies for the delay. Sorry pb not sorted sooner
E mail
Regret to inform you that theres a mistake on the bill of lading.
Text message
Sorry, mistake on B/L
E mail
Text message
Mistake ?
There appears to We should like to be a mistake. point out that there appears to be a mistake. Were sorry about Whilst expressing what happened but our regret that you it is quite normal were procedure inconvenienced, we would point out that the normal procedure was followed. Please consider the I dont think it We should like quite happened you to consider the circumstances. like that. circumstances involved I think youll find The information that we have that the factory received is that the was closed when the vehicle arrived. factory was closed when the vehicle arrived.
1.10 Reply to the letter from AVON DAIRIES Choose from a format from those listed below: Write an oral response (dialogue) Write a letter Write an e-mail
Listening Listen to the dialogues on the tape and decide whether the speakers are apologizing and/or making excuses. 1/ 2/ 3/ 1.11 Complete the following dialogues Im afraid there has been a problem. .. This is serious! Can you look into it ? Alright. Ill let you know Im sorry but weve made a mistake on the booking form regarding the weight. What is the .? Could you change it to ? Fine. Thats done. Thank you for informing us.
3/ Decide who is speaking. ?: ?: ?: 4/ Shipper: Forwarder: Shipper: Forwarder: 1.12 Good morning. Wed like to claim I think there must be a mistake Oh, Im sorry! I do apologize. I misread the Were rather concerned Im sorry for what happened but I dont think OK. Ill
Look at the chart in 1.7 again and rewrite the situation as a series of e-mails (two per dialogue) one to complain, one to apologize/make excuses.
2.2 What should shippers, transporters, freight forwarders be aware of ? Choose a product and make your list. 2.3 E-mails Read the following e-mails and say what shouldve or shouldnt have been done. A/ From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Re: Consignment no. 984309 Hi Jacques, Weve located B/L. The goods were manifested to go to Santander not La Rochelle. Jeans dealing with the problem and will do a cargo tracer and let us know asap. Best regards Mike e.g. The goods should have gone to Santander.
B/ From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Re: Consignment no.873245 Dear Mr Coleman, We regret to inform you that the consignee has refused the goods. The reasons are stipulated on the attached delivery sheet. We would ask you to put the correct labelling on the goods in the future. Regards. Stphane Dumas C/ From: [email protected] T: [email protected] Consignement no 543765 Boxes chemicals Hello Hans, The goods are not conform to EU regulations. Customs will not allow clearance. Please advise. Best regards Sue D/ From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Consignment of 355 cartons perfume no. 762398 Dear Ms Blot, We regret that 16 cartons were missing on arrival in Copenhagen. The consignment was noted as correct on departure but no official checks were made at the different delivery points. Please forward the remaining 16 cartons asap. Thanks and regards. Nils Rypdal
2.4 Listening Listen to the following dialogues and complete the chart. Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Problem What shouldve/shouldnt have been done
2.5 Explaining reasons Look at this: What could have been the reason for the problem in each case? What might have been the reason for the mistake? What may have been the reason for the misunderstanding? Here are some suggestions: It/might have been/ caused by/atmospheric conditions It/could have been / due to /bilge It/may have been owing to / corrosion incorrect labelling the canvas not being securely fastened
What other reasons can you think of ? If you are more or less certain of the reason you can use: Look at this: It mustve been due to owing to
2.6 E-mail Look at 1.1 again and write an e-mail explaining one of the problems.
2.7 Fluency exercise Answer the callers questions as in the examples. e.g. : 1/ A (the caller):The freight arrived three days after the estimated time of arrival. Was there a dockers strike? B (you ): Im not sure; It mightve been due to a dockers strike. (possible) 2/ A (the caller): The goods were badly damaged. Was there a problem of cargo shifting? B (you): Yes, I think it mustve been due to cargo shifting (probable). Now, you continue and listen to the tape to check your answer. 1/ possible 2/ probable 3/ probable 4/ possible 5/ possible 6/ probable 2.8 Responding to accusations FAIR ACCUSATION Yes, I agree we shouldve checked the load on departure. Im ever so sorry! AGREE 1/ A: I dont think weve received payment for the last shipment. B: Im ever so sorry. Youre right, we shouldve sent it to you by now. OR UNFAIR ACCUSATION ? No, Im sorry. I dont agree ! I think it couldve been caused by an Incorrectly completed bill of health.
Complete the following dialogue : 2/ A : Unfortunately, you didnt mention the forwarding station on the consignment note. B:
DISAGREE 1/ A : You said handling costs were included in the estimate. B: No, Im sorry. It is clearly stated in the contract that they are extra costs. You shouldve read it more carefully. Complete the following dialogue. 2/ A: I hold your company responsible for the damage. It mustve occurred during transit. B:
2.9 Think of four situations where apology is necessary Fill in the chart below, then write an appropriate apology for the situation. The problem Situation 1 People involved Possible reasons Appropriate apology
Situation 2
Situation 3
Situation 4
3.2 Listening A freight forwarder is explaining why a consignment was late. Listen and note down in chronological order what happened. 1/ ______________________________________________________________________ 2/ ______________________________________________________________________ 3/ ______________________________________________________________________ 4/ ______________________________________________________________________ 5/ ______________________________________________________________________ 6/ ______________________________________________________________________
3.3 Look at this : Whats the matter ? Whats up ? Could you tell me in more detail? Would you go through it step by step? Could you give me details from the beginning ? Well, what seems to be the problem ? Could you tell me exactly what has happened ? Dear Sir, Could you please notify us as soon as possible ? Could you please send us details as soon as possible ? I need facts.
[email protected] Regarding the shipment to Cairo, could you please send us details asap. Best regards X 3.4 Explaining Imagine some conversations, letters, e-mails using the examples above. Make sure you know what the problem is and the details that are needed. Look at this: He was loading the plane when I arrived. While she was filling in the documents he was checking for breakages. We were living in Canada at that time. When I got to Marseilles, my company had already e-mailed about the error, so I had no explaining to do.
Here is some language to help you. First, I think this is what happened. Next/After that/Then This is next because Finally, . I think this is what happened next. Write an e-mail for picture E. Write the dialogues for B,C,G, J and K Write the letter for H 3.6 Listening While listening to Anne Filippo and Michel Desbois, decide whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements by saying what is true. A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ The consignment was from Sicily to Germany. T/F
The employee wants to find the Bill of Lading before continuing the conversation. T/F The freight was transported in an uncovered vehicle. It left the forwarding station on January 8. The temperature was 30. There were few stopovers on the way. T/F T/F T/F T/F
According to the consignor, it is common knowledge that wine freeezes easily. T/F The forwarder wants the consignor to phone back with more details. T/F
3.7 Look at the following words and expressions Find similar ways to express the same meanings in the text of the listening passage. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ shipment atmospheric disturbing consignee pick up area Im sorry to say 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ conscious hold on (telephone) under were not delivered let someone know result
3.9 Fluency exercise Answer the callers questions as in the examples. e.g.: A/ B/ What were you doing while the airfreight handlers were loading the van ? (you) Documents
I was filling in the documents. Now you continue with the tape and then compare your answers. 1/ documents 2/ better service 3/ snow 4/ meeting A/ Why was the wine frozen ? B/ (you) left/open lorry. Because it had been left all that time on the back of an open lorry. 5/ left/open lorry. 6/ shipment/lose 7/ delivery delays 8/ perish
(A little while later). A/ B/ A/ B/ A/ O.K. Good bye. Yes, dont worry. I know its an important order. I promise it will arrive on time. Hello, Ive made some enquiries. What about picking up the consignment on 6th ?
4.3 Look at the following problems. 1/ Consignment of cement hasnt arrived at its destination. 2/ Damage to consignment of tractors sent by ship. 3/ Consignment of fruit arrived late. 4/ Two containers of chemicals missing from consignment. Write a dialogue for one of the problems using the following format. A/ Consignee State problem and express urgency. Make a suggestion. Refuse/accept suggestion. Make another suggestion if first is refused. Promise. End conversation. B/ Freight forwarder
4.4 Look at this. I suggest you send them a telex. What about off-loading the goods in Marseilles ? Why dont you complain to the shipping company ? Lets forget about the price difference.
4.5 Writing Look at this : The freight must be sent overland Their Head Office has got to be informed. All suspicious cargo has to be inspected.
Use the following (plus some ideas of your own) to make similar sentences.
situation documents problem 1 copy of the B/L crates driver invoice container
send out make out deal with give unload tell settle repair
5.1 Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks A/ B/ A/ B/ A/ B/ A/ B/ A/ B/ A/ B/ A/ Exporter Broker I want _______for a consignment of microwave ovens to Italy next week. Certainly. How much is the consignment worth? The________ is 15,000. Well, the _________ is 8% of the __________ of the consignment. It is an ___________isnt it ? The consignment will be insured against ______ wont it ? Yes of course. It will be insured against_________. Just a few more questions. How is the consignment being packed ? In containers. 10 containers. And its being transported overland by lorry. Yes, thats right. By the way is the insurance _________as of now? No. It will be__________as of the time it leaves your warehouse. Well prepare the insurance immediately, but well send you a ___________ in the meantime. Thank you very much.
5.2 Find words in the text that mean a) the value of the goods b) valid c) temporary proof of insurance d) to insure e) cost of insurance 5.3 Writing Think about how you would proceed to insure goods in your country. Is the procedure very different ? Describe the procedure in a short written paragraph.
5.4 (i) Listening-dialogue Listening to the dialogue and answer True or False to the following statements 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ The assistant wants to change the insurance policy. The freight forwarder doesnt want a voyage policy because its only valid for a specific time. The assistant suggests an insurance policy with particular average The freight forwarder doesnt want a with particular average condition because its only valid if the whole cargo is lost. The assistant rings the underwriters to fix the insurance. T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F
5.4 (ii) Connect the words and the definitions General average Particular average Free of particular average Average Indemnity Underwriter Open policy Voyage policy loss amount of money insurance for indefinite cargo and shipper insurance for a precise trip insurance is payable if total cargo is lost. all owners share cost of loss insurance company insurance is paid if part of the cargo is damaged
5.5 Look at this Its your fault that I hold you responsible . Were not to blame. Im very sorry. Its not my fault ! Please accept my apologies.
Listen to the dialogues and fill in the chart Problem 1 2 3 Whose responsibility Reason
5.6 Put the sentences in the correct order : On arrival the goods were checked by the consignees. The surveyor concluded that the goods had been damaged during transport. Several cases were found to be damaged. A consignment of glass left a factory in Rouen, on 26th March. The consignees asked an insurance surveyor to examine the contents and documents. It was delivered to a warehouse in Heming, Austria. According to the waybill the goods had been correctly packed, before departure. The consignees arranged for the other crates to be auctioned at the best possible price, on behalf of the consignor. The surveyor stated that four crates of glass were irretrievably damaged.
5.7 Writing Surveyors report: Situation: consignment of porcelain arrived at destination damaged. 1/ Work out the procedure in such a situation. Imagine that you are explaining this to a new colleague. Write the dialogue between you and your colleague in which you explain the procedure to be followed in the case of a damaged consignment at destination. 2/ Write a letter from the insurance surveyor to the consignor.
6.1 The above sentences are in reported speech. Write the actual words used.
6.2 Listen and note the following claims. Report them. 1/_________________________ 2/_________________________ 3/_________________________ 4/_________________________ 5/_________________________ 6/_________________________ 7/_________________________ 8/_________________________
6.4 Read this report of a discussion and write it in dialogue form. Mr Matthews JMR admitted that he had fixed the insurance for a shipment of radios to Naples. Mr Buickle, his boss, asked him what kind of insurance policy he had taken out. Mr Matthews replied an open all risk policy. Mr Buickle thought that was very strange because the underwriters had just informed him that he couldnt claim insurance on the shipment which had been irretrievable damaged during the trip. Mr Matthews agreed that it was strange and asked for an explanation. Mr Buickle explained that the person who had fixed the insurance had taken out a policy with FPA as one of the conditions. Mr Matthews said that there had to be a mistake. Mr Buickle said he held Mr Matthews personally responsible for the loss and he was going to speak to the Commany Director, Mr Morgan, about the incident. Mr Matthews denied responsibility and repeated that it was a mistake. Mr Buickle agreed that it was an incredibly stupid mistake. 6.5 Listening Compare your dialogue to the tape. Are there any differences ?
6.6 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. A: B: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ consignor transporter According to the consignor what caused the crates to fall off the lorry? Why does the transporter deny responsibility? What does the consignor reply to this? Whats the drivers explanation? Does the transporter admit responsibility? What does the consignor do?
6.7 Writing Situation : A consignment of food processors was sent from Munich to Rome. During transportation, the driver had to brake violently and some of the containers fell from the lorry. They were badly damaged. The consignor rings the freight forwarder. The consignor blames the freight forwarder and says the containers were badly strapped. The freight forwarder rejects responsibility. Write the dialogue that might occur between the consignor and the freight forwarder. 6.8 Letter writing The transporter didnt ring back. Two days later, he received a letter from the consignor. In it, the consignor made several points: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ He had decided the problem must be resolved. He held the transport company responsible for the incident. If the transport company did not refund the totality of the cargo lost, he would refer the matter to his lawyers. He asked them to consider the letter as a formal notice.
Now, write the letter from the consignor to the transport agent. 6.9 Making a claim Look at the following. Consignor: Transport agent: Consignor: Transport agent: port. Consignor: wanted to send by ship, 20 tons of apples to Spain. contacted transport agent. hired containers and ship space for this. apples did not arrive on time. What happened? the waybill was wrongly addressed. Driver arrived at the wrong loading blames transport agent. demands compensation
Now write a telephone dialogue between the consignor and the transport agent.
6.10 Fluency exercices Report the statements on the tape, using the words in brackets. e.g. A/ He hasnt called back. Well have to cancel the order. (She said) B/ she said he hadnt called back. They would have to cancel the order.
Now you continue. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ (she said) (they insisted) (he insisted) (he asked) (they asked) (they warned) (they said) (he demanded)
6.11 Fluency exercise Listen to the tape and report the questions, using the words in brackets. e.g.: A/ Where did you put the cover note? (he/me) B/ He asked me where I had put the cover note.
9/ If the driver_________the brakes, the accident wouldnt have happened. a)has checked b)checked c)had checked 10/ He promised me he__________ speak to the consignee. a)will b)must c)would 11/ Before you send these goods, you _________ fill out a waybill. a)should b)must c)should have 12/ Mistakes in the waybill could lead to the consignment_________. a)delayed b)being delayed c)been delayed 13/ This problem_________ be sorted out. a)has b)must c)got 14/ Wheres your letter. We_______it today. a)expected b)were expecting c)have expected
15/ He admitted he____________out any insurance. a)hadnt take b)didnt take c)had taken
7.2 Listening Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. In order to insure goods that you are shipping by sea, you must take out a ________ _________ __________. To do this, you contact an __________ _________ and together you decide on the _________ to be paid. It is calculated as a _____________ of the ________ _________ of the __________. The _________ __________ then contacts the _________ who________ ________ the insurance. While this is being done, he sends a_________ _________ to the exporter.This is_________ _________ that the goods are insured. In insurance, the word _________ means _________ or __________. Generally 2 types of __________ are suggested. A policy which is ___________ _________ _________ __________. Here the insurance is paid by the ___________if the ________ _________ is lost or damaged. An_________ - _________ __________. This is the most usual policy as it insures _________general and particular average. If the ___________are found to be __________ when they arrive at their destination, the _________ will ask a ________to____________ them. He will ___________ the ___________ and send a ____________ to the ________ _________. If the goods are not _________ __________ he can decide to sell them _________ _________ ________ __________ __________ by auction for example. The money goes to the consignees. 7.3 Write the questions corresponding to these answers 1/____________________________________________________? You must contact an insurance broker. 2/____________________________________________________? Its called a premium. 3/____________________________________________________? As a percentage of the declared value of the goods. 4/____________________________________________________? A policy free from particular average and an all risk policy. 5/____________________________________________________? A cover note. 6/____________________________________________________? The surveyor.
7/____________________________________________________? Yes, if the goods are not irretrievably damaged. 8/____________________________________________________? Loss or damage.
7.4 Dialogue Listen to the following dialogue and answer the following questions using True or False. In each case, justify your answers. 1/ Mr Blinn claims the meat was contaminated before it left England. 2/ Mr Blinn wants to refuse the shipment and send it back. 3/ The consignment was packed correctly. 4/ Mr Blinn wants to cancel all further orders. 5/ Mr Roberts asked the Health Authorities to inspect the meat. 6/ The entire cargo of meat is contaminated. 7/ Mr Roberts isnt very surprised at the news. 8/ Mr Roberts wants to contact the Health Authorities. 9/ Mr Blinn agrees that the Bill of Lading is clean. 10/ Mr Blinn blames Mr Roberts for this problem. T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F
7.5 Writing e-mails Write an e-mail from Mr Blinn putting his point of view and confirming the points he made in the dialogue above. Write another e-mail from Mr Roberts replying to the above e-mail and putting his point of view as expressed in the dialogue. 7.6 Writing a letter Write a formal letter from Mr Blinn to Mr Robertss company, threatening legal proceedings if the matter is not resolved quickly.
Introduction This section contains no new structural/functional work, but is designed to help you consolidate what you have learned in sections 1-3 in the context of a realistic case study. You will complete a variety of tasks based on the 15 minute video film. The main action of the video film Emergency takes place in France in the offices of F.S.F. (Fret Sans Frontires), an international forwarding agency. F.S.F. has particular experience in shipping to and from an imaginary Eastern European republic, Voravia. The characters are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jacques Richard: a freight forwarder with F.S.F., Vicky Owen: representative of the Bristish Relief Agency, Aristotle Papados: F.S.F.s agent in Greece, A Swedesh haulier, A Dutch exporter, Etc
Instructions The film Emergency is designed to be watched scene by scene, however, you may watch the film in its entirely before beginning work. Once you begin work, follow the video tapescript and stop at the end of each scene. You will have three tasks for most scenes.
1. Read each scene as you listen and fill in the words which are missing from the script. 2. Answer the content questions. 3. Complete exercises for each scene, and return to your teacher. You may have to play each scene over several times in order to complete all the tasks. Remember this case study is designed to take 10-12 hours.
SCENE 1 Charles (Jacques colleague) : ? Jacques : Charles : Au fait, tu as rgl le problme du conteneur pour Halifax Non, mais Je men occupe aprs le djeuner, OK ? . OK .
Emergency supplies have now reached Sachkov, capital city of Voravia, the small republic on the (1) ___________________ of Greece, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, which suffered a serious earthquake last (2) _______________. The British Relief Agency, coordinators on a European scale of relief supplies, are now (3) ________________ the second phase of emergency aid to the disaster area.
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. What is the emergency in Voravia? When did the earthquake occur? Who is sending Emergency Aid?
SCENE 2 JR : VO : JR : VO : Jacques Richard. Bonjour. er. Hello ! This is Vicky Owen of the British Relief Agency in London. Ah, yes, Mrs Owen (1) _______________ are you? Fine thanks. Listen. Weve received your detailed quotation for the (2) _____________ of European relief supplies to Voravia, and given your experience in the area, weve decided to work with you. Thats good news! So you want to arrange to airfreight some goods from London to Athens, dont you? And thats with a (3) __________________ in Paris to pick up relief supplies from other parts of Europe, isnt it? Yes, thats right. Now first of all, I need details of the (4) ____________ you have to send. Yes, of course There are a hundred cartons of tents total weight 4 tons, and 3 pallets of medial supplies weighing one ton altogether. OK. Have you got the (5) _________________ of each consignment? Yes, er, its 26 m3 for the tents and 3 m3 for the rest. Right now What about the other European supplies? I havent got the (6) _________________ here, but Ive asked the Germans, Spanish and Scandinavians to get it touch with you directly. Thats fine. Well, Ill let you know the final arrangements as soon as everything is settled. Thats fine. Well, Im looking forward to hearing from you, then. Right. Bye for now. Goodbye.
JR :
VO : JR : VO : JR : VO : JR : VO : JR : VO : JR : VO :
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. Why did Vicky Owen decide to work with F.S.F.? 3. Complete this sentence: The goods will be air freighted from ____________ to ____________. Good from other parts of Europe will be picked up in _____________. 4. What is the weight and volume of the shipment? 5. What other countries are sending supplies? 6. Write an e-mail that Vickie Owen might write confirming the details of this conversation.
SCENE 3 JR : JR : Yes, speaking Sorry. Did you say Frankfurt? Yes, I was (1) ___________ your call Yes thats right, type of goods, total weight, volume, etc Thanks Mr Gonzalez. Perhaps you could (2) ______________ that by e-mail. Pick temp up? In a couple of days. But well be in touch
Annick (Jacques colleague) : Cest pour toi Jacques un appel de Stockholm JR : JR : Oui je le prends. Allez, Annick (lui tendant les dossiers marqus Allemagne, Espagne, Sude, (Relief Supplies ) au boulot !
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. Which three European countries are sending supplies? 3. You decide which type of goods each country is sending, then write the e-mail that Mr Gonzalez might send to Jacques Richard.
SCENE 4 JR : CF : JR : Chris? Jacques Richard from F.S.F. How are things in London? Very (1) ___________, as usual. Here too. Look Ive got 5 tons of goods to airfreight from London to Athens, and another 16 tons or so to be (2) _____________ on the same flight from Roissy. So, whats available in the next few days? Well Chris Jones. Olympia Airways London. Jacques Richard FSF Paris. Cfm booking OA 207/10 Feb 19
CJ : To : From :
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. How many tons of goods will be loaded in London? 3. How many will be picked up in Paris? 4. What is the total weight of the air shipment? 5. Finish the e-mail that Jacques Richard writes to Chris Jones confirming the booking. (You will decide the nature of the goods, volume, number of packages, reference number, etc).
SCENE 5 AP : JR : AP : JR : AP : JR : Ambros. Aristotle Papados. Aristotle? Jacques Richard here. Hi! Jacques. Dont tell me you want another quotation (1) ____________, like the last time? No, dont worry. Actually, thats the one Im (2) _____________ about. You know the relief supplies for Voravia? Is it all fixed up then? Yes, here are all the details Look The British (3) ______________ is leaving London on flight OA 207.
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. Where is Aristotle Papados office? 3. Why is Jacques calling Aristotle? 4. Finish the dialogue.
AP :
JR :
AP :
JR :
SCENE 6 Annick : JR : Swedish haulier : Jacques, le transporteur sudois. Tu le prends ton bureau ? Problem ? What sort of problem? One of our (1) ______________ has broken down in Germany. Weve sent another one to pick up the goods but theyre not likely to get to Paris in time. (expression de frustration !) Well Look Do your best, right, and Ill try and (2) ______________ things our end. OK? Yes, I know its annoying, but what we can do is either send off a part-shipment, and the rest will follow on the next (3) ______________ flight, or we could wait for the Swedish stuff to arrive and send everything off together on another flight. Hmm, Send me a (4) _________ with all details and Ill let you know my decision this afternoon. Annick ! Je prpare le fax pour Vicky Owen, uh !
JR : JR :
VO : JR :
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. What is the problem with the shipment from Sweden? 3. What are the two solutions that Jacques proposes to Vicky Owen? 4. Write the fax that Jacques sends to Vicky Owen including details of the held-up goods, description, weight, volume, and difference in cost according to solution chosen.
SCENE 7 Charles : JR : Charles : JR : Tiens Tu as la rponse de Vicky Owen. Elle demande quon envoie tout ce quon a comme prvu, sans attendre le lot sudois. Bon, dans ce cas-l il va falloir modifier le booking et les documents, et mettre Papados au courant. Daccord. Tu peux envoyer un e-mail Vicky Owen cest juste pour tout confirmer.
1. Write the fax that Vicky sends to Jacques letting him know her decision.
2. Then write the e-mail Jacques sends to: a) Chris Jones b) Aristotle Papados
SCENE 8 Charles : Jacques - Jai des informations toutes chaudes. Lavion a quitt Londres sans problmes. Les marchandises collectes sont charges actuellement Roissy et lavion repart sur Athnes ce soir 22 heures. Yes, the goods (1) __________ and everything has been cleared. In fact they finished loading the lorries half an hour ago and now theyre on their way to Voravia. I (2) _______________ youd do your best. Yes, but I did say on their way. You never know What do you mean? Oh nothing. Nothing. Only joking
AP :
JR : AP : JR : AP :
JR : JR :
Ha, ha Yes but Im not. If anything (3) _______________, its your problem. Bon maintenant un petit coup de fil Londres.
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. Have the goods cleared customs in Athens? 3. The goods are now in lorries on the way to Voravia. Why does Artistotle think there may be a problem? 4. Write the dialogue between Jacques and Vicky Owen.
1. Fill in the missing word. 2. What is the problem with the shipment? 3. Complete the sentence. If I were Aristotle, Id ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
SCENE 10 To : From : Jacques Richard F.S.F. Paris. Vicky Owen B.R.A. London.
JR :
Mr Schmlder ? Jacques Richard, Frt Sans Frontires, Paris here. Im ringing on behalf of Vicky Owen BUILDING MATERIALS - PRE - FAB
18 6304 3300 JR :
394 tons, yes. And about 393 m3. Right. Ive got that Yes please. The numbers 161455682.
SCENE 11 JR : Charles : JR : Charles : JR : Annick : JR : JR : Whens the next (1) ____________ ? oui cest a - en 40 pieds, par rail. What about via Antwerp ? Wouldnt it be (2) _________ ? but couldnt we have preferential rates? What about handling (3) ____________? oui, je sais, mais cest pas pratique par barge. Thats right Mr Schmlder. Itll be picked up on Wednesday ( Annick) Tiens, jai besoin du plan de chargement pour faire le booking.
(scenes of dock area: goods being loaded by fork-lift trucks etc) 1. Fill in the missing words. 2. The goods from Sweden are being transported by ship. Write some sentences comparing other means of transport, such as air, rail or lorry, for transporting goods from Sweden to Greece. Example: Air freight is more expensive.
SCENE 12 AP : JR : AP : JR : AP : JR : Jacques. Its Aristotle here. Weve got a problem. Theres a dock __________ on here. Oh no! I suppose that means our _________________ are going to overshoot Piraeus. Yes, thats right. In fact theyre on their way of Istanbul. Thats no good is it? Got any solutions? Well, there are _____________ possibilities. First of all we could OK. Well, Ill get on to Vicky Owen straight away and let you know. Right.
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. The goods are arriving by ship. Why cant they be unloaded? 3. Where is the ship going to dock? 4. Write a paragraph explaining how you would transport the goods from Istanbul to their final destination in Voravia. Justify your answer.
SCENE 13 VO : JR : Charles : JR : I think youre right, Jacques. Feeder to Thessalonika and then on by (1) ___________ seems me to be the best thing. OK. Well do that then. And lets (2) ____________ the strike doesnt spread. Ca y est ? Cest dcid ? Tu veux que jenvoie un e-mail Papados ? Oui, je veux bien. Vas-y
1. Fill in the missing words. 2. Regarding the decision as to how to transport the goods from Istanbul to Voravia, which solution did Vicky Owen choose? 3. Write the e-mail that Jacques Richard sends to Aristotle Papados explaining Vicky Owens decision.
GREEK STRIKE SPREADS The strike which has paralysed the port of Piraeus for the past two weeks has now spread to other Greek ports. Dockers in other ports around the Mediterranean are complaining that since the Voravian earthquake, their workload has doubled due to the sharp increase in ships using already congested facilities and insufficient care is being taken in handling goods. Containers, sacks, drums, and so on have been piling up on quaysides and in any available warehouse. This had lead to a significant rise in problems of pilferage, vandalism and spoilage.
Annick :
30 days from date of delivery Accept (V) Act of God Advise (V) Agency Agent Agree (V) Air (by ) Air cargo Air freight (V) Air-tight Air transport Air waybill Airport All-risk policy / All-in policy Alongside Amount Assert claims for indemnification (V) Assess / Estimate / Value the damage (V) At their risk and expenses Atmospheric moisture Attention (for the of) Authenticate the original bill of lading (V) Available Bad packing Bag Bale Barrel Basic price Be confirmed in writing (V) Be deducted (V) Be entitled to / Be allowed to (V) Be forwarded by air (V) Be forwarded by road (V) Be forwarded by sail (V) OFPPT/DRIF
30 jours livraison Accepter Force majeure Conseiller, aviser Agence Agent / transitaire Etre daccord Par avion Fret arien Envoyer par avion Etanche lair Transport arien Lettre de transport arien Aroport Police dassurance tous risques Accost Quantit, montant Faire valoir des droits lindemnisation Evaluer lavarie Risques leur charge Humidit ambiante A lattention Authentifier le connaissement Disponible Insuffisance demballage Sac Balle Tonneau Prix de base Etre confirm par crit Etre dduit Etre autoris Etre expdi par avion Etre expdi par route Etre expdi par mer 140
Be responsible for / Be held responsible / Be liable (V) Be sent (V) Belong to (V) Berth Berth (V) Bilge Bill of entry / Customs entry Bill of health Bill of lading Bill of lading (clear) Bill of lading (dirty-foul) Bill of lading (house) Bill of lading (through) Bitumen coated Book (V) Booking Border Bottle Box Box (boxes) Brace (V) Break (V) Break down (V) Break easily (V) Breakage Bring back (V) Bulk Bulk Bulk carrier Bulky Bundle Buy (V) Buyer Buyers financial standing By instalments By weight Calculate (V) OFPPT/DRIF
Etre tenu responsible de, rpondre de Etre expdi Appartenir Poste damarrage, dancrage des navires Amarrer, ancrer Bue de cale, condensation Dclaration en douane Certificat sanitaire Connaissement Connaissement net Connaissement portant des rserves Connaissement de groupage Connaissement direct Bitumin Rserver Rservation Frontire Bouteille Carton, bote Bote, caisse ( conteneur ) Amarrer, ancrer Casser Tomber en panne Casser facilement Casse Rapporter En vrac Volume Vracquier Volumineux, encombrant Ballot, balluchon Acheter Acheteur Solvabilit de lacheteur De faon chelonne, fractionne Au poids Calculer 141
Call (V) Calls Cancel the contract in part (V) Cancel the contract completely (V) Cancellation Canvas Cardboard Cargo Cargo shifting Cargoes Carriage Carriage freight Carriage paid Carrier Carry (V) Carton Cartons in cardboard Cartons in fibreboard Cash discount Cash on delivery Cash with order Cask Catch (V) Certificate of origin Charter party Chartered ship Cheap Check (V) Chemical reactions Chemicals Chest Chipboard CIM Railway consignment note Claims Clear (V) Clearing the goods Closing date OFPPT/DRIF
Appeler Escales Annuler une partie du contrat Annuler la totalit du contrat Annulation Toile Carton Cargaison Dfaut darrimage Marchandises Port Frt Transport pay, port pay Transporteur Porter, transporter Carton Cartons en carton Cartons en panneaux de fibre Remise au comptant Paiement la livraison Paiement la commande Tonneau, ft Attraper, prendre Certificat dorigine Charte partie Navire affrt Bon march Vrifier Ractions chimiques Produits chimiques Caisse Bois agglomr Lettre de voiture (chemin de fer) Litiges Ddouaner Passage en douane des marchandises Date limite 142
CMR Note Collect (V) Commercial invoice Company Competitive Conference ship Consignee Consigner Consignment Consignor Consular invoice Container Container depot Container vessel / Container carrier Containerization Content Conventional cargo Corrosion Corrugated cardboard Corrugated iron Cost Cost of packing Cover note Crane Crate Currency Customer Customs / Customs authorities Customs clearance Customs clearance procedure Customs duties Customs formalities Damage Damaged goods Damages Data Debt OFPPT/DRIF
Lettre de voiture (route) Prendre Facture commerciale Compagnie Comptitif Navire confrence Destinataire, consignataire Consignataire Expdition, envoi Expditeur Facture consulaire Conteneur Centre dempotage, etc. de conteneurs Porte conteneurs Conteneurisation Contenu Marchandises conventionnelles Corrosion Carton ondul Tle ondule Cot Cot de lemballage Assurance provisoire Grue Caisse clairevoie, cageot Devise Client La douane Ddouanement Procdure de ddouanement Droits de douane Formalits douanires Dommages, dgts Marchandises avaries Dommages et intrts Donnes Dette 143
Delay in delivery Deliver (V) Deliver on time (V) Delivery Delivery within 3 days of receipt / of order Department Departure point Depend on (V) Deposit Derailment Destination Disagree (V) Discharge (port of ) Discharge (V) Discount Discuss (V) Dispatch (V) Dispatch date Dispatch of goods Dispose of (V) Deck Dock (V) Dockage Documentary credit Domestic fuel oil Door to door Driver Droppage Drum Due to Damp-proof Dump trailer Dutiable goods Duty (customs ) Duty free goods Duty paid price Earthquake OFPPT/DRIF
Retard la livraison Livrer Livrer dans les dlais Livraison Livraison 3 jours aprs rception de la commande Service Point de dpart Dpendre de Acompte Draillement Destination Ne pas tre daccord Port darrive Dsembarquer, dcharger Rabais, rduction de prix Discuter Envoyer Date denvoi Envoi de la marchandise Se dbarrasser de Pont, ponte Arriver quai Droits de bassin Crdit documentaire Fioul domestique Porte porte Conducteur Chute Bidon D Rsistant lhumidit Remorque benne basculante Marchandises soumises aux droits de douane Frais de douane Marchandises admises en franchise de droit Prix marchandises ddouanes Tremblement de terre 144
Efficient Endorse (V) Engaged (phone) Enquiry Equipment Estimate the damage (V) Evaporation Ex works price / Ex warehouse price Exceed (V) Expandable Export licence Exporter Extension (phone) Facilities Factory Failure of the buyer to make payment Failure of deliver Fax FCL Feeder vessel Fibre board Fill in / out (V) Fulfill the contract (V) Final price Firm Firm date Flammable Flashpoint Flat (trailer) Fleet (of vehicles) Flight Floating policy Fly (V) Foam Fog Foreman Forged juggernaut lorry permit OFPPT/DRIF
Efficace Contresigner, endosser Occup Demande de renseignements Matriel Evaluer les dommages Evaporation Prix depart usine Excder Extensible Licence dexportation Exportateur Poste Dispositifs, quipements Usine Dfaut de paiement par lacheteur Dfaut de livraison Tlcopie Conteneur plein Feeder Panneau de fibres Remplir Agir conformment au contrat Prix dfinitif Firme, compagnie Date sre, ferme Inflammable Point dclair Plateforme Parc de vhicules Vol Police flottante Voler, voyager par avion Mousse Brouillard Contrematre Fausses autorisations poids lourds 145
Forklift truck Fortnightly Forwarding agent Forwarding station Free from defects in material Free from defects in workmanship Freight Freight (V) Freight forwarder Freight rates Futures / Future goods / Forward goods General average General cargo vessel Glass Goods Goods damaged in transit Goods in bond Goods ship badly Gross Ground (plane) (V) Groupage Grouped goods Guarantee claims Hand over (V) Handle (V) Handling Handling charges Harmful Haulage Haulier Hazard Hazardous Head Office Health certificate Heavy Height Hire purchase OFPPT/DRIF
Chariot lvateur Tous les quinze jours Transitaire Gare dexpdition Sans dfaut de materiel Sans dfaut de fabrication Frt, cargaison Affrter, transporter Transitaire Cots de transport Vendues terme (crales) Avarie gnrale Navire de ligne Verre Marchandises Avaries de route Marchandises sous douane Marchandises supportant mal le transport Brut Retenir un vol (avion) Groupage Marchandises groupes Recours en garantie Transmettre, donner Soccuper de Manutention Frais de manutention Nocif Transport routier Transporteur routier Danger Dangereux Sige social Certificat sanitaire Lourd Hauteur Achat crdit 146
Hold on (phone) / Hang on Hold up Hold up (V) Hook Hoop strengthened barrel Hopper Hurricane Immediate delivery Import licence Importer In bond price In bulk In multiples In one lot Include (V) Inconvenience Inherent vice of the goods Insulated Insurance Insurance broker Insure goods against (V) Insured (name) Insurer (name) Invoice Issue (V) Items Jute Keg Label Label (V) Lack of Latest price LCL Length Liability Licence Light OFPPT/DRIF
Ne quittez pas Du retard Retarder Crochet Barrique renforce de cercles Trmie Ouragan Livraison immediate Licence dimportation Importateur Prix sous douane En vrac En lots spars En bloc, en une seule fois Inclure Drangement Vice propre des marchandises Isotherme, isol Assurance Courtier dassurances Assurer les marchandises contre Assur Assureur Facture Emettre Articles Jute Barillet Etiquette Etiqueter Manque de Le prix le plus rcent, le plus jour Conteneur partiellement rempli Longueur Responsabilit Permis Lger 147
Liner terms Livestock Load Load (V) Loaded in bulk Loading bay Location Log book Lose (V) Lorry Loss Make out (V) Means of transport Measures unknown Meet the delivery dates (V) Missing Molded Money Mortgage the goods (V) Mover Natural hazards beyond mans control Nature of the goods Need for special care Neglect (V) Negligence of the consignor Net 30 days from date of invoice Netting Non delivery Notify damage (V) Off-loading Offer On arrival Onward journey Open top Out of date Overall Pack (V) OFPPT/DRIF
Conditions lignes maritimes rgulires Bestiaux Chargement Charger Charg en vrac Aire de chargement Emplacement Livre de bord Perdre Camion Perte Etablir Moyens de transport Mesures inconnues Livrer dans les dlais Manquant Moulu Argent Nantir les marchandises Dmnageur Cas de force majeure Nature des marchandises Exigeant un soin particulier Ngliger Ngligence de la part de lexpditeur Trente jours de la date de la facture Filet Dfaut de livraison Notifier les dommages Rupture de charge Proposition, offre A larrive Etape suivante A toit ouvert Prim, pas jour Global Emballer 148
Package Packaging Packing Packing slip Padded lid Padding Pallet Palletise goods (V) Paper Particular average Parts (machine) Pay (V) Payload Payment on account / Payment by instalments Penalty clauses Percentage Perishables Person in charge of (imports) Pick up (V) Pilferage Place of loading Place of unloading Plant (chemical) Plastic Plywood Policies Policy free from particular average (FPA) Port dues Port of delivery Port of destination Port of loading Porterage Post-carriage Postpone (V) Pre-carriage Preferential rates Premises OFPPT/DRIF
Emballage Conditionnement Emballage Bordereau de colisage Couvercle rembourr Rembourrage Palette Palettiser les marchandises Papier Avarie particulire Pices Payer Charge Paiement chelonn Clauses de pnalit Pourcentage Denres prissables Responsable du service (import) Prendre Petits vols, larcins Lieu de chargement Lieu de dchargement Usine, installation chimique Plastique Contreplaqu Polices dassurance Police franche davarie particulire Frais de manutention Port de livraison Port de destination Port de chargement Droits de main duvre, dockers Acheminement prs dbarquement Reporter, reculer Acheminement avant embarquement Taux prfrentiels Locaux 149
Premium Previous Problems at the customs Prompt cash Prompt delivery / Early delivery Proof Properties Protect (V) Protection Provide (V) Put X through to Y (V) Quality Quarterly Quay Queens enemies Quotas / Controlled import Quotation Quote (V) Rail (by ) Range Raw materials Reach (V) Rebate (V) Receiving receipt Receiving station Reefer Refrigerated Refuse (V) Reliable Remedy a defect (V) Rent (V) Request (V) Requirements Reservation Reservation of ownership Return trip Reusable OFPPT/DRIF
Prime dassurance Prcdent Problmes la douane A rception de la facture Livraison rapide Preuve Proprits Protger Protection Fournir Passer une communication tlphonique Qualit Tous les trois mois Quai Faits de guerre Quotas Devis, cotation Faire un devis Par chemin de fer Gamme Matires premires Arriver Accorder une remise Bordereau de rception Gare dexpdition Conteneur frigorifique Rfrigr, frigorifique Refuser Fiable Remdier un dfaut Louer Demander Besoins, exigences Rservation Rserve de proprit Retour (voyage) Rutilisable 150
Right of cancellation / termination Risks Ro-Ro vessel Roll Sack made of jute Sail (V) Sailing Sample Schedules Sealed by consignor Seizure / Distraint Sell (V) Seller Send off (V) Settle (V) Sheepskin Sheet metal Sheeting PVC Ship Ship goods (V) Send (V) Consign (V) Forward (V) Shipment Shipowner Shipper Shipping agent Shipping company Shipping documents Shipping instructions Shipping line Ships papers Shock proof Sign (V) Simplify (V) Sling (V) Sold at net weight on arrival OFPPT/DRIF
Droit dannuler Risques Navire roulier Rouleau Sac de jute Partir en mer Dpart en mer Echantillon Horaires Scell lentreprise de lexpditeur Confiscation Vendre Vendeur Envoyer Rgler Peau de mouton Tle Feuilles PVC Navire, bateau Expdier Expdier Expdier Expdier Envoi, cargaison Armateur Expditeur, chargeur Agent maritime Compagnie maritime Documents dexpdition Bordereau dexpdition Ligne maritime Documents de bord Rsistant aux chocs Signer Simplifier Elinguer Vendu au poids net larrive 151
Sort out (V) Spoilage Spot cash Stackable State (V) Storage Store (V) Storms Stow (V) Stowage Stowing Straw Strike Strip (V) Strong chest Stuff (V) Subject matter Suffer damage (V) Supplier is in default Supplier Supply (V) Take out an insurance policy (V) Tank Tariff Textile Time of delivery Tin, Can Tissue paper Trademark Trailer Transhipment Tray Truck Unit Unload (V) Update (V) Value OFPPT/DRIF
Rsoudre Dtrioration Au comptant Gerbable Attester Stockage Stocker Temptes Arrimer Frais darrimage Arrimage Paille Grve Dpoter Grande caisse Empoter Objet du contrat Subir des dommages Le fournisseur est mis en demeure Fournisseur Approvisionner, fournir Souscrire une police dassurance Citerne Tarif Textile Date de livraison Bote mtallique Papier de soie Marque de fabrique, estampille Remorque Transbordement Plateau Camion Unit Dcharger Mettre jour Valeur 152
Vendor Volume Voyage policy Wagon Warehouse Waste Water tight Waybill Weekly Weight (V) Weight Weight (gross) Weight (net) Warehousing and insurance expenses Wharefage charges Wine Withdraw the goods (V) Withstand (V) Wood Wooden Wrap (V) Wrapping Wrong Wrong delivery
Vendeur Volume Police de voyage Wagon Entrept Dchets Etanche leau, impermable Lettre de voiture Hebdomadaire Peser Poids Poids brut Poids net Frais dassurance et dentrept Droits de mise quai Vin Retirer la marchandise Rsister Bois En bois Envelopper, emballer Emballage Faux, incorrect Erreur de livraison
SOME DIFFICULT VERBS Some of the meanings below are those commonly given to these verbs in a commercial / transport context.