Physical Therapy Assistant StudentSkeletal System AnatomyHuman Skeleton AnatomyRadiology StudentAnatomy BonesRadiology TechBasic AnatomyBasic Anatomy And PhysiologyNursing Student TipsUpper LimbVisit the post for more.499
Clavicle Anatomy DrawingScapula Anatomy DrawingScapula AnatomyHi OctoberScapula BoneMedical ArtworkAnatomy TattooPhysical Therapy StudentBody BonesAnatomy of the ScapulaCommonly known as the shoulder blade, the scapula is a relatively flat bone that articulates with both the humerus of the upper arm, forming the glenohumeral joint, and the clavicle (collar bone) forming the acromioclavicular joint.465
Science Illustration DesignScapula AnatomyShoulder Blade StretchScapula BoneScience DiagramSat TipsNursing ThingsAnatomy 101Axial SkeletonScapula Labeled DiagramThe shoulder blades on any mammals are known as scapula. The following scapula labeled diagram illustrates the shoulder blades in detail.135
Bio DiagramsTriceps Brachii MuscleBiceps Brachii MuscleScapula BoneSupraspinatus MuscleSubscapularis MuscleInfraspinatus MuscleThoracic CageBack AnatomyBio Diagrams85
Anatomy Upper LimbShoulder Blade MusclesScapula BoneSports Injury PreventionAnatomy StickersShoulder AnatomyPatellofemoral Pain SyndromePreparing For SurgeryArm BonesScapula (Shoulder Blade) Fractures - OrthoInfo - AAOSThe shoulder blade (scapula) is a triangular-shaped bone that is protected by a complex system of surrounding muscles. Scapula fractures represent less than 1% of all broken bones and many of them can be treated without surgery.23
Shoulder Xray AnatomyShoulder Bone AnatomyClavical Bone AnatomyScapula Anatomy NotesScapula Anatomy DrawingOsteology AestheticShoulder Anatomy DrawingRadiology Student StudyClavicle AnatomySCAPULA4.1k
Scapula AnatomyUpper Limb AnatomyBones HumanAnatomy LabShoulder AnatomyArm AnatomyRadiology StudentHuman Muscle AnatomyHuman Body OrgansScapula Anatomy2.5k
Scapula AnatomyAnatomy StickersShoulder AnatomyAnatomy NotesScrub CollectionHuman Muscle AnatomyPhysical Therapy StudentHuman PhysiologyMedical DrawingsScapula AnatomyScapula127
Clavical Bone AnatomyScapula Anatomy NotesScapula Anatomy DrawingScapula AnatomyPhysical Therapy Assistant StudentScapula BoneMuscular System AnatomyHuman Skeletal SystemHuman Skeleton AnatomyClavical Bone AnatomyScapula598
GIFScapula AnatomyMedical School BagWinged ScapulaScapula BoneBiceps BrachiiBasic AnatomyBasic Anatomy And PhysiologyFunny PhoneMajor MusclesScapula Facts for KidsLearn Scapula facts for kids37