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Archive:Board letter

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General report

Letter from the Board
Jimbo, Angela, Anthere, Tim...
Jimbo, Angela, Anthere, Tim...

to be written


Board meetings

A complete list of notes from Board meetings may be seen at meetings.

Latest meetings


Summary on collaboration

We worked out a number of collaborations with other organisations in the past six months, and are discussing many more.

We are in discussions with two organisations about the possibility of offering on-demand book printing from Wikipedia. One of these organisations printed a Wikireader on Frankfurt during Wikimania for a test. Our current concern is that by doing so, we are potentially stepping beyond the protections of the DMCA and running an unacceptably high level of copyright risk. So, we are currently moving at slow speed on the matter.

A fabulous strip from JD Frazer [1]

Answers.com and Wikimedia Foundation will form a new partnership beginning of year 2006. 1-Click Answers, Wikipedia Edition software will be linked from the English Wikipedia Tools page. Please see the press release by Answers.com and discussion for more information. The announcement raised some very critical comments, from editors and in the press (see [2]]. Explanation in French : [3].
We also previously reached an agreement in last spring to provide a live feed of our public data to Answers.com, live feed which is still currently under work for full operability (Brooke Vibber is currently working with them to make this happen).

Public Relations


To be written

The road ahead

