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The problem of the relevance and the usefulness of extracted association rules is becoming of primary importance, since an overwhelm - ing number of association rules may be derived from even reasonably sized real - life databases In this... more
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      Data MiningData Analysisexpert SystemFormal method
Extracting generic bases of association rules seems to be a promising issue in order to present informative and compact user added- value knowledge. However, extracting generic bases requires partially ordering costly computed itemset... more
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      Data MiningFormal Concept AnalysisExperimental EvaluationAssociation Rule
L'alignement d'ontologies revêt toute son importance dans des applications nécessitant la prise en compte d'une interopérabilité sémantique. Plusieurs approches d'alignement d'ontologies existent dans la littérature. Elles sont basées sur... more
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The problem of the relevance and the usefulness of extracted association rules is becoming of primary importance, since an overwhelming number of association rules may be derived, even from reasonably sized databases. To overcome such... more
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      Data MiningFormal Concept AnalysisExperimental EvaluationAssociation Rule
1 CRIL CNRS FRE 2499, Artois University, IUT of Lens Rue de l'Université - SP 16, 62307 Lens Cedex, France {zghal, mephu} 2 Computer Science Department, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunisia Campus Universitaire,... more
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      Semantic similarityISWCOntology MatchingOntology Alignment
Loin des promesses affichées, les règles d'association, pouvant être extraites à partir des bases de données réelles, présentent toujours un handicap de taille en vue de leur exploitation par les utilisateurs. Ceci a suscité l'intérêt des... more
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    • Association Rule
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      Statistical AnalysisQuery OptimizationRelational AlgebraProjection
Association rule mining is one of the most important data mining techniques. Algorithms of this technique search a large space, considering numerous different alternatives and scanning the data repeatedly. Parallelism seems to be the... more
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R…SUM…. Il est connu que les performances des algorithmes d'extraction des itemsets fermØs laissent ‡ dØsirer lorsqu'ils sont appliquØs sur des contextes Øparses. Aussi, dans ce papier, nous proposons une approche qui... more
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      Data MiningFrequent Itemset MiningHybrid ApproachAssociation Rule
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    • Data Transmission
Distributed query processing is fast becoming a reality. With the new emerging applications such as the grid applications, distributed data processing becomes a complex undertaking due to the changes coming from both underlying networks... more
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Applying classical association rule extraction framework to dense SAGE data leads to an unmanageably highly sized association rule sets-compounded with their low precisionthat often make the perusal of knowledge ineffective, their... more
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      Gene FunctionAssociation RulePoint of View
In this paper, we present the Weka4GML architecture, a new framework based on WSRF technology for developing meta-learning methods to deal with datasets distributed among Data Grid. This framework extends the Weka toolkit to support... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDistributed ComputingGrid ComputingData Mining
One of the biggest challenges for nowadays biologist is the identification, characterization and gene-gene interactions detection for common human diseases such as cancer and diabetes. This challenge is partly due to the explosion of... more
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      Data MiningPolymorphismMultiple testingMultifactor Dimensionality Reduction
The number of Web Usage Mining (WUM) applications is growing continuously, especially due to the business interest in e-commerce Web sites and the related Web-marketing applications. The application of WUM results goes beyond the subject... more
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      Frequent Itemset MiningWeb Usage MiningAssociation RuleBoolean Satisfiability
The emergence of Grid architectures brings in new challenges in terms of high latencies, dynamic resource availability, and data sharing. Data Grids connect collections of thousands of geographically distributed computational and storage... more
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      Grid ComputingResource AllocationData ReplicationElectronic Data Interchange
Workload and resource management are two essential functions provided at the service level of the grid software infrastructure. To improve the global throughput of these software environments, workloads have to be evenly scheduled among... more
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      Computer ScienceGrid ComputingLoad BalanceComputational Grid
To avoid obtaining an unmanageable highly sized association rule sets-compounded with their low precision-that often make the perusal of knowledge ineffective, the extraction and exploitation of compact and informative generic basis of... more
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      Gene expressionGenetic AlgorithmAcute Myeloid LeukemiaCancer Therapy
Abstract—In this paper, we propose an adaptation of the Patricia-Tree for sparse datasets to generate ,non ,redundant ,rule associations. Using this adaptation, we can generate frequent closed itemsets that are more compact,than frequent... more
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      Frequent Itemset MiningWec
We investigate the problem of optimizing distributed queries by using semijoins in order to minimize the amount of data communication between sites. The problem is reduced to that of finding an optimal semijoin sequence that locally fully... more
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