Friday, October 15, 2010

15 and 16/100 Strangers ~ Tony and Shay

Today I had huge yard sale in anticipation of selling my house and moving to Texas via Southwest Airlines.  I have friends who say, "Why are you selling this?  It's so neat.  You've had it so long."  My reply is always something like, "If it's not worth paying storage fees for it and if I can't take it on Southwest Airlines, I have to get rid of it."  After all, I'm moving from a three-bedroom house into a 12 by 14 room with little if any closet space at my mom's which will house me, my wardrobe, my computer equipment and supplies for my proofreading job, my toiletries, my files, and my camera.  So the goal today was to sell everything possible. 

Early in the day I watched this pickup truck come cruising into the cul-de-sac thinking that someone had hired a new lawn service.  I loved the name of their business. 

I went on about my business of helping my helpers.  I had realized about 9 a.m. after the hordes of yard salers descended on my driveway that I still had lots of garden tools and equipment out in back.  I was trying to get back there but kept getting stopped by questions of "Kathy, will you take a dollar for this,"
Kathy, do you have a toilet lid for sale," "Kathy, do you know when this baby blanket that is priced 25 cents was crocheted?"  I had taken out one rake and was returning with a shovel when someone yelled, "Stop those guys!  They were looking for more garden equipment."  They had purchased the rake and were leaving for greener pastures because they had been told there was no more garden stuff.  I quickly escorted them into the back yard, where they proceeded to buy all the rakes, shovels, hoes, a pick axe, a wheelbarrow, fertilizer, loppers, and drip irrigation supplies.  They evidently had been driving through the neighborhood looking for trees to trim since Shay had a new saw that he wanted to try out and just happened on my yard sale.

Tony and Shay were good guys to pose for me by their trailer.  I never even noticed Tony's shirt until I started editing and cropping the photo.


Maia T said...

Kathy, this was such an entertaining post, I've enjoyed each line of it.
So, I'm happy that you are moving. In summer you showed us some pictures of your mom's place and my first question was: why don't you move there.
I so much envy you all for these yard sales, we don't have them and I even have to pay good money to throw unnecessary things away.

That with the toilet lid was the best joke of the week but your photo with these guy is a great composition too.

biebkriebels said...

That is wonderful to get rit of your things by a yard sale. We don't know that, only once a year at the national Queens-day, you can put everything outside and sell it.

Life Is A Road Trip said...

I'm so glad you took this photo! They look like a couple of fun guys, and they bought your garden stuff! Woohoo!

Magpie said...

What a fun couple of guys. I love the shirt and the name of their business. You have exciting yard sales.

Suburban Girl said...

Funny shirt...seems he like to rhyme with one word in particular.

Sharon Creech said...

Making me smile. . .