Ok, you knew I had to reference Turkish delight in a blog post title at some point. I've had some, and it's nothing like the stuff they sell in England. I kind of like the stuff in England better, because it involves chocolate.
I would dearly like to write about Captain Malaprop's hilarious surprise birthday party, but this is a family blog, and some things might offend parts of my audience. Also, something are meant to be told, not read.
So, on to Turkey. Turkey, so far, is very Turkish; that is to say, it is full of Turkish people who speak Turkish and eat Turkish food. It's very confusing. There's not a Mickey Dee's in sight... how can I orient myself without a Mickey Dee's, people?
It's gorgeous. We flew over what I think was either Romania or Bulgaria, and the fields below were very symetrical and even; when we flew over Turkey, the fields started getting totally wonky, long and curved. The Black Sea was so blue that, if it were not for a chunk of Europe off to the right, I'd've thought the sea was part of the sky, and that we were so high as to be lost in the blue. When we descended through clouds while still over the sea, flecks of rainbows flew by; I've never seen this before, and can't figure out why it would happen now. Why only above the sea? Is it merely the chance of angles towards the sun? Or does the sea have something to do with it? (Really, any science types around? I'm very curious.) It was beautiful; they were short, still curved, just below me. Weirdly, only one appeared at a time, and stayed where it was for just a moment, before seemingly dancing off into the wispy clouds.
My brother's apartment has slanted walls, which I love; Jo March used to write in a garret with slanted walls, and I identified too much with Jo when I was a kid. (Seriously. My myriad guilt complexes are probably, in part, LMA's fault.)
What else? I am, predictably, exhausted. I'm keeping myself awake by drinking lots of water, so I keep having to pee. Hey, if it's good enough for B. Simpson, it's good enough for me!
I'll write more (theoretically) interesting things when I'm more awake.