Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Learning all about Camouflage!

This week, I’m teaching the kiddos all about camouflage. I introduced the lesson with this little powerpoint. You can click on the picture below to download.


After we learned about what camouflage was, I gave each of my students a butterfly to try to camouflage in the room. I love the different places that they tried to hide their butterflies!

butterfly butterfly2 butterfly3

butterfly4 butterfly5 butterfly6

I printed off this coloring page for them to use. Click on the picture below for the link.


We also played a game outside called Predator and Prey. My firsties pretended to be birds searching for a meal of worms! The lesson teaches about how camouflage relates to predators and their prey. Talk about fun!

First I cut up an assortment of different colored pipe cleaners.


Then I spread the pipe cleaners all over the ground.

wormsground3 wormsonground

worms on the ground2

I let groups of children run and search for as many worms as they could grab and put in their bag for 15 seconds. We did this until all of my kids had a turn.


After we collected our worms, we came back in and did a tally chart and graph of our worms

wormanchor chart

I was so happy that my kids realized that some of the worms were harder to find because they were camouflaged, and that it would be harder to be eaten!
