Andrea Di Vita
Phone: +39-010-6556706
Address: Via N. Lorenzi 8 16152 Geniva Italy
Address: Via N. Lorenzi 8 16152 Geniva Italy
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Papers by Andrea Di Vita
place in gas-turbine burners. Any satisfactory description of humming should include both
acoustic- and convective-related events. In fact, the distance crossed by a fluid ”particle”
during one humming period is typically of the same order of the distance between the flame
and the inlet of the air-fuel mixture. Available models often postulate the Mach number to
vanish, which is a scarcely justifiable hypothesis. Furthermore, the combined effect of non-normality
and non-linearity might invalidate the familiar correspondence between humming
onset and the growth rate of the humming mode predicted by linear stability theory. The
prediction of humming amplitude, not available from linear theory, is required in order to
assess the impact of the phenomenon. Thus, a non-linear – albeit simplified – description is
required. We make use of a proprietary Ansaldo Energia model implemented in COMSOL
Multiphysics, a finite element commercial software. Nonlinear terms are introduced into the
heat release model and simulations are performed in the time domain. The initial condition in
the simulations is composed by a set of random frequencies. The employed model filters both
the fundamental frequency, the harmonics and the convective frequency from the initial signal;
the variables in the model, such as pressure, velocity and temperature perturbations, oscillate
in time without further application of external forces. The evolution scenarios of the pressure
perturbation depend on the flame position and the mean velocity distribution. Three possible
occurrences are observed: amplitude growth, decay and saturation.
a window reveals the rich complexity underlying the deceptively simple assumption of
local thermodynamic equilibrium. It displays also the failure of available approaches to
non-equilibrium thermodynamics.
in the hot spots observed in a plasma focus (PF) pinch, due to their huge values of particle density,
magnetic field and (reportedly) ion temperature. Accordingly, large magnetic fields should raise electronic
Landau levels, thus reducing collisional exchange of energy from ion to electrons and Bremsstrahlung losses.
Moreover, large particle densities, together with ion viscous heating, should allow fulfilment of Lawson
criterion and provide effective screening of cyclotron radiation. We invoke both well-known, empirical
scaling laws of PF physics, Connor-Taylor scaling laws, Poynting balance of electromagnetic energy and the
balance of generalised helicity. We show that the evolution of PF hot spots is a succession of relaxed states,
described by the double Beltrami solutions of Hall-MHD equations of motion. We obtain some necessary
conditions for ignition, which are violated in most realistic conditions. Large electromagnetic fields in the
hot spot accelerate electrons at supersonic velocities and trigger turbulence, which raises electric resistivity
and Joule heating, thus spoiling further compression. Ignition is only possible if a significant fraction of the
Bremsstrahlung-radiated power is reflected back into the plasma. Injection of angular momentum decreases
the required reflection coefficient.
in the hot spots observed in a plasma focus (PF) pinch, due to their huge values of particle density,
magnetic field and (reportedly) ion temperature. Accordingly, large magnetic fields should raise electronic
Landau levels, thus reducing collisional exchange of energy from ion to electrons and Bremsstrahlung losses.
Moreover, large particle densities, together with ion viscous heating, should allow fulfilment of Lawson
criterion and provide effective screening of cyclotron radiation. We invoke both well-known, empirical
scaling laws of PF physics, Connor-Taylor scaling laws, Poynting balance of electromagnetic energy and the
balance of generalised helicity. We show that the evolution of PF hot spots is a succession of relaxed states,
described by the double Beltrami solutions of Hall-MHD equations of motion. We obtain some necessary
conditions for ignition, which are violated in most realistic conditions. Large electromagnetic fields in the
hot spot accelerate electrons at supersonic velocities and trigger turbulence, which raises electric resistivity
and Joule heating, thus spoiling further compression. Ignition is only possible if a significant fraction of the
Bremsstrahlung-radiated power is reflected back into the plasma. Injection of angular momentum decreases
the required reflection coefficient.
the stability of dissipative fluids and plasmas, the authors claim that the basic equations of the paper are in
contradiction with the laws of thermodynamics of irreversible processes [Sonnino, Tlidi, and Evslin, preceding
paper, Phys. Rev. E 86, 043101 (2012)]. Here, we show that one of the basic equations of the Comment is just a
particular case of the results of the criticized paper. As for two further tenets of the Comment, counterexamples
are found in the literature and are discussed here.
depending on temperature, pressure etc. We apply Le Chatelier’s principle of thermodynamics to a
particular phase transition in TiHx, which can approximately be described as a second-order phase
transition. We show that the fluctuations of the order parameter correspond to fluctuations both of the
density of H+ ions and of the distance between adjacent H+ ions. Moreover, as the system approaches the
transition and the correlation radius increases we show –with the help of statistical mechanics– that the
statistical weight of modes involving a large number of H+ ions (‘collective modes’) increases sharply, in
spite of the fact that the Boltzmann factor of each collective mode is exponentially small. As a result, it
turns out that the interaction of the H+ ions with collective modes makes a tiny suprathermal fraction of the
H+ population to appear. Our results hold for similar transitions in metal deuterides too. A violation of a –
insofar undisputed– upper bound on hydrogen loading follows.
Well-known results of conventional MHD are retrieved as benchmark cases. It turns out that hot spots satisfy Taylor’s principle of constrained minimum of magnetic energy, the constraint being given by fixed magnetic helicity. Filaments are similar to the filaments of a superconductor and form a plasma with β = 0.11 and energy diffusion coefficient = 0.88DBohm. Any process – like e.g. radiative collapse – which raises particle density while reducing radial size may transform filaments into hot spots. A well-known scaling law is retrieved – the collisional Vlasov high beta scaling. A link between dissipation and topology is highlighted. Accordingly, a large-current pinch may give birth to tiny hot spots with large electron density and magnetic field.
Thermodynamics,” no “Maxent” method, and no “new” universal criterion of stability for steady states of systems with dissipation. Each criterion takes the form of—or is a consequence of—a variational principle. We
retrieve maximization of entropy for isolated systems at thermodynamic equilibrium, as expected. If the
boundary conditions keep the relaxed state far from thermodynamic equilibrium, the stability criterion we
retrieve depends also on the detailed balance of momentum of a small mass element. This balance may include
the grad-p-related force, the Lorenz force of electromagnetism and the forces which are gradients of potentials. In
order to be stable, the solution of the steady-state equations of motion for a given problem should satisfy the
relevant stability criterion. Retrieved criteria include among others Taylor’s minimization of magnetic energy
with the constraint of given magnetic helicity in relaxed, turbulent plasmas, Rayleigh’s criterion of stability in
thermoacoustics, Paltridge et al.’s maximum entropy production principle for Earth’s atmosphere, Chandrasekhar’
minimization of the adverse temperature gradient in Bénard’s convective cells, and Malkus’ maximization of viscous power with the constraint of given mean velocity for turbulent shear flow in channels. It turns out that characterization of systems far from equilibrium, e.g., by maximum entropy production is not a
general property but—just like minimum entropy production—is reserved to special systems. A taxonomy of stability criteria is derived, which clarifies what is to be minimized, what is to be maximized and with which constraint for each problem.
place in gas-turbine burners. Any satisfactory description of humming should include both
acoustic- and convective-related events. In fact, the distance crossed by a fluid ”particle”
during one humming period is typically of the same order of the distance between the flame
and the inlet of the air-fuel mixture. Available models often postulate the Mach number to
vanish, which is a scarcely justifiable hypothesis. Furthermore, the combined effect of non-normality
and non-linearity might invalidate the familiar correspondence between humming
onset and the growth rate of the humming mode predicted by linear stability theory. The
prediction of humming amplitude, not available from linear theory, is required in order to
assess the impact of the phenomenon. Thus, a non-linear – albeit simplified – description is
required. We make use of a proprietary Ansaldo Energia model implemented in COMSOL
Multiphysics, a finite element commercial software. Nonlinear terms are introduced into the
heat release model and simulations are performed in the time domain. The initial condition in
the simulations is composed by a set of random frequencies. The employed model filters both
the fundamental frequency, the harmonics and the convective frequency from the initial signal;
the variables in the model, such as pressure, velocity and temperature perturbations, oscillate
in time without further application of external forces. The evolution scenarios of the pressure
perturbation depend on the flame position and the mean velocity distribution. Three possible
occurrences are observed: amplitude growth, decay and saturation.
a window reveals the rich complexity underlying the deceptively simple assumption of
local thermodynamic equilibrium. It displays also the failure of available approaches to
non-equilibrium thermodynamics.
in the hot spots observed in a plasma focus (PF) pinch, due to their huge values of particle density,
magnetic field and (reportedly) ion temperature. Accordingly, large magnetic fields should raise electronic
Landau levels, thus reducing collisional exchange of energy from ion to electrons and Bremsstrahlung losses.
Moreover, large particle densities, together with ion viscous heating, should allow fulfilment of Lawson
criterion and provide effective screening of cyclotron radiation. We invoke both well-known, empirical
scaling laws of PF physics, Connor-Taylor scaling laws, Poynting balance of electromagnetic energy and the
balance of generalised helicity. We show that the evolution of PF hot spots is a succession of relaxed states,
described by the double Beltrami solutions of Hall-MHD equations of motion. We obtain some necessary
conditions for ignition, which are violated in most realistic conditions. Large electromagnetic fields in the
hot spot accelerate electrons at supersonic velocities and trigger turbulence, which raises electric resistivity
and Joule heating, thus spoiling further compression. Ignition is only possible if a significant fraction of the
Bremsstrahlung-radiated power is reflected back into the plasma. Injection of angular momentum decreases
the required reflection coefficient.
in the hot spots observed in a plasma focus (PF) pinch, due to their huge values of particle density,
magnetic field and (reportedly) ion temperature. Accordingly, large magnetic fields should raise electronic
Landau levels, thus reducing collisional exchange of energy from ion to electrons and Bremsstrahlung losses.
Moreover, large particle densities, together with ion viscous heating, should allow fulfilment of Lawson
criterion and provide effective screening of cyclotron radiation. We invoke both well-known, empirical
scaling laws of PF physics, Connor-Taylor scaling laws, Poynting balance of electromagnetic energy and the
balance of generalised helicity. We show that the evolution of PF hot spots is a succession of relaxed states,
described by the double Beltrami solutions of Hall-MHD equations of motion. We obtain some necessary
conditions for ignition, which are violated in most realistic conditions. Large electromagnetic fields in the
hot spot accelerate electrons at supersonic velocities and trigger turbulence, which raises electric resistivity
and Joule heating, thus spoiling further compression. Ignition is only possible if a significant fraction of the
Bremsstrahlung-radiated power is reflected back into the plasma. Injection of angular momentum decreases
the required reflection coefficient.
the stability of dissipative fluids and plasmas, the authors claim that the basic equations of the paper are in
contradiction with the laws of thermodynamics of irreversible processes [Sonnino, Tlidi, and Evslin, preceding
paper, Phys. Rev. E 86, 043101 (2012)]. Here, we show that one of the basic equations of the Comment is just a
particular case of the results of the criticized paper. As for two further tenets of the Comment, counterexamples
are found in the literature and are discussed here.
depending on temperature, pressure etc. We apply Le Chatelier’s principle of thermodynamics to a
particular phase transition in TiHx, which can approximately be described as a second-order phase
transition. We show that the fluctuations of the order parameter correspond to fluctuations both of the
density of H+ ions and of the distance between adjacent H+ ions. Moreover, as the system approaches the
transition and the correlation radius increases we show –with the help of statistical mechanics– that the
statistical weight of modes involving a large number of H+ ions (‘collective modes’) increases sharply, in
spite of the fact that the Boltzmann factor of each collective mode is exponentially small. As a result, it
turns out that the interaction of the H+ ions with collective modes makes a tiny suprathermal fraction of the
H+ population to appear. Our results hold for similar transitions in metal deuterides too. A violation of a –
insofar undisputed– upper bound on hydrogen loading follows.
Well-known results of conventional MHD are retrieved as benchmark cases. It turns out that hot spots satisfy Taylor’s principle of constrained minimum of magnetic energy, the constraint being given by fixed magnetic helicity. Filaments are similar to the filaments of a superconductor and form a plasma with β = 0.11 and energy diffusion coefficient = 0.88DBohm. Any process – like e.g. radiative collapse – which raises particle density while reducing radial size may transform filaments into hot spots. A well-known scaling law is retrieved – the collisional Vlasov high beta scaling. A link between dissipation and topology is highlighted. Accordingly, a large-current pinch may give birth to tiny hot spots with large electron density and magnetic field.
Thermodynamics,” no “Maxent” method, and no “new” universal criterion of stability for steady states of systems with dissipation. Each criterion takes the form of—or is a consequence of—a variational principle. We
retrieve maximization of entropy for isolated systems at thermodynamic equilibrium, as expected. If the
boundary conditions keep the relaxed state far from thermodynamic equilibrium, the stability criterion we
retrieve depends also on the detailed balance of momentum of a small mass element. This balance may include
the grad-p-related force, the Lorenz force of electromagnetism and the forces which are gradients of potentials. In
order to be stable, the solution of the steady-state equations of motion for a given problem should satisfy the
relevant stability criterion. Retrieved criteria include among others Taylor’s minimization of magnetic energy
with the constraint of given magnetic helicity in relaxed, turbulent plasmas, Rayleigh’s criterion of stability in
thermoacoustics, Paltridge et al.’s maximum entropy production principle for Earth’s atmosphere, Chandrasekhar’
minimization of the adverse temperature gradient in Bénard’s convective cells, and Malkus’ maximization of viscous power with the constraint of given mean velocity for turbulent shear flow in channels. It turns out that characterization of systems far from equilibrium, e.g., by maximum entropy production is not a
general property but—just like minimum entropy production—is reserved to special systems. A taxonomy of stability criteria is derived, which clarifies what is to be minimized, what is to be maximized and with which constraint for each problem.