Filološki fakultet DELILOV BODI ARTIST, SMRT EGA-ROĐENJE UMETNOSTI Saţetak: Bodi artist [The B... more Filološki fakultet DELILOV BODI ARTIST, SMRT EGA-ROĐENJE UMETNOSTI Saţetak: Bodi artist [The Body Artist] predstavlja delimiĉan istup autora Dona DeLila iz tema masovne kulture i medija ka reprezentaciji individue. Iako tako ne deluje na prvi pogled, DeLilo se i u ovom delu ipak bavi postmodernim motivima, kao što su otuĊenje, fluidni identitet i subjektivno vreme. I pored toga, tematski i formalni izraz u Bodi artistu je modernistiĉki jer ima "ĉoveka u središtu priĉe"-njegove rituale, patnju i unutrašnji ţivot. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaţe elemente promena u formi i sadrţini DeLilovog opusa, kao i da analizira osnovne motive njegovog modernistiĉkog prvenca Bodi artist. Glavne motive analizirali smo u ĉetiri segmenta ovog rada: Postmoderna i ĉovek u središtu priĉe, Postmoderni protok vremena, Smrt ega i raĊanje umetnosti i Umetnost i (re)produkcija.
The paper points to the unique relationships among young girls and the games they play in order t... more The paper points to the unique relationships among young girls and the games they play in order to belong and avoid being ostracized from social cliques in Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood. The sisterhood that once was described as an ideal in the beginnings of feminism by V. Woolf, is challenged by M. Atwood. It will be depicted how Atwood went about this idea, and through the games that young girls played, she actually portrayed a reversal in feminism – a broken bond of sisterhood in female friendships affected by internalized patriarchy. Furthermore, emphasis is given to how processes of healing forge after games had been won or lost, and in this way a conclusion is provided that where sisterhood is not respected, all parties involved must suffer and heal from internalized self-hatred.
Filološki fakultet DELILOV BODI ARTIST, SMRT EGA-ROĐENJE UMETNOSTI Saţetak: Bodi artist [The B... more Filološki fakultet DELILOV BODI ARTIST, SMRT EGA-ROĐENJE UMETNOSTI Saţetak: Bodi artist [The Body Artist] predstavlja delimiĉan istup autora Dona DeLila iz tema masovne kulture i medija ka reprezentaciji individue. Iako tako ne deluje na prvi pogled, DeLilo se i u ovom delu ipak bavi postmodernim motivima, kao što su otuĊenje, fluidni identitet i subjektivno vreme. I pored toga, tematski i formalni izraz u Bodi artistu je modernistiĉki jer ima "ĉoveka u središtu priĉe"-njegove rituale, patnju i unutrašnji ţivot. Cilj ovog rada je da prikaţe elemente promena u formi i sadrţini DeLilovog opusa, kao i da analizira osnovne motive njegovog modernistiĉkog prvenca Bodi artist. Glavne motive analizirali smo u ĉetiri segmenta ovog rada: Postmoderna i ĉovek u središtu priĉe, Postmoderni protok vremena, Smrt ega i raĊanje umetnosti i Umetnost i (re)produkcija.
The paper points to the unique relationships among young girls and the games they play in order t... more The paper points to the unique relationships among young girls and the games they play in order to belong and avoid being ostracized from social cliques in Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood. The sisterhood that once was described as an ideal in the beginnings of feminism by V. Woolf, is challenged by M. Atwood. It will be depicted how Atwood went about this idea, and through the games that young girls played, she actually portrayed a reversal in feminism – a broken bond of sisterhood in female friendships affected by internalized patriarchy. Furthermore, emphasis is given to how processes of healing forge after games had been won or lost, and in this way a conclusion is provided that where sisterhood is not respected, all parties involved must suffer and heal from internalized self-hatred.
Papers by Marija Mišić
Key words: Margaret Atwood, Cat’s Eye, women’s writing, feminism, broken sisterhood, patriarchy, ostracism, subversion.
Key words: Margaret Atwood, Cat’s Eye, women’s writing, feminism, broken sisterhood, patriarchy, ostracism, subversion.