Papers by Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
Open government data are the result of as well as the preconditions for open government. Data mad... more Open government data are the result of as well as the preconditions for open government. Data made publically accessible are an important basis for creating added value for society as a whole. Open data business models support entrepreneurs in reusing and combining available open data sources to provide value-added services. Three cases show how open data business models can be realized.
This interview with Alexander Osterwalder provides a compelling view on how research on business ... more This interview with Alexander Osterwalder provides a compelling view on how research on business models emerged and describes how business model thinking makes a difference in practice. It shows that business models are vital for systematically addressing and (re)designing the key strategic aspects of each business. It is based on Alexander Osterwalder’s doctoral work on business models which was published ten years ago as well as his experiences of making a business model around business models. Besides illustrating the argumentation with many examples the interview also raises the question of rigor and relevance for academic research.
Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business, Nov 2013

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Apr 2013
Social commerce has quickly emerged as a new area of inquiry for both practitioners and researche... more Social commerce has quickly emerged as a new area of inquiry for both practitioners and researchers, suggesting the potential impacts of social media and social networking technologies and services in shaping commercial channels on and off the Internet. This essay starts by providing a brief overview of social commerce research and practice in light of the wide attention it has drawn in the industry. Then, we propose a research framework with an integrated view of social commerce that consists of four key components: business, technology, people, and information. The framework helps us understand the development of social commerce research and practice to date. Subsequently, we report some preliminary findings from a bibliometric study of academic and industry publications in social commerce to reveal recent trends and research topics, as well as some verification of the research framework. Finally, we discuss five articles in this special issue and categorize them in terms of the proposed social commerce research framework.
Zusammenfassung. Mit Medien führen wir ein ganzheitliches, technologische und betriebswirtschaftl... more Zusammenfassung. Mit Medien führen wir ein ganzheitliches, technologische und betriebswirtschaftliche Gesichtspunkte berücksichtigendes Konzept zur Modellierung von Organisationsformen sowie deren Informations-und Kommunikationssystemen ein. Unser Ansatz umfasst ein generelles Modell, einen Ordnungsrahmen und ein Analysemodell für Medien. Mit der Modellierung eines Logistikdienstleisters illustrieren wir unseren Ansatz.
Electronic Markets, 2000
All the above outlined developments and the resulting new business models have a clear impact on ... more All the above outlined developments and the resulting new business models have a clear impact on the relationship between customers and suppliers. To face these challenges a new approach of managing the relationship is necessary in order to maintain and develop the valuable relationships with customers.
Electronic Markets-The International …, 2001
At first glance, there seems to be a broad understanding regarding business models. However, a mo... more At first glance, there seems to be a broad understanding regarding business models. However, a more thorough analysis of existing resources paints a different picture. The term "business model" often remains undefined and a consensus on the elements of business models is lacking. An analysis of various sources, such as electronic databases, conference proceedings, and EM -Electronic Markets itself supports this statement. Nevertheless, business models are largely believed to determine the success of an electronic venture. To establish some structure and to identify the critical components of business models, the existing definitions and approaches were analyzed and led to a model, which differentiates six business model elements. This model is also used to position the articles submitted to this special issue of EM -Electronic Markets.
All the above outlined developments and the resulting new business models have a clear impact on ... more All the above outlined developments and the resulting new business models have a clear impact on the relationship between customers and suppliers. To face these challenges a new approach of managing the relationship is necessary in order to maintain and develop the valuable relationships with customers.
The development of doing business supported by information and communication technologies (ICT) c... more The development of doing business supported by information and communication technologies (ICT) can be assessed from two different perspectives. Electronic Commerce, perceived as the utilization of the Net and its services for additional communication, marketing, and sales channels based on only very moderately changed business models, indicates an evolutionary path of development. Besides this, there is also a more revolutionary path to be observed.
Abstract While more and more sectors of the economy are linked by electronic information and comm... more Abstract While more and more sectors of the economy are linked by electronic information and communication technologies one domain is often neglected: non-commercial clients, private households and other individuals. As consumers they play an important role within the market and they should be integrated into the electronic data exchange chain. This paper focuses on the importance of telebanking as an example for electronic links between consumers and banks.
Abstract: Without any doubt there is a sustainable transformation of our value creation systems t... more Abstract: Without any doubt there is a sustainable transformation of our value creation systems towards a digital economy going on. In a digital economy value creation is based on digitalization of information and related information and communication infrastructures. Since more than three decades we observe a fundamental change of industries based on the utilization on information and communication technologies (ICT). Typical examples are the banking and insurance industry as well as the tourism and travel industry.
Page 1. Wirtschaftsinformatik Building Blocks of Inter-Organisational Systems Part 2 Dr. Hans-Die... more Page 1. Wirtschaftsinformatik Building Blocks of Inter-Organisational Systems Part 2 Dr. Hans-Dieter Zimmermann Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Interorganisationssysteme Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik Universität Münster Page 2. IOS SS2005 - 06: IOS building blocks 2 Examples, organisat.
Abstract Some very fundamental obstacles inhibit, or at least slow down the success and growth of... more Abstract Some very fundamental obstacles inhibit, or at least slow down the success and growth of Electronic Commerce. These are, among others, the lack of real comfortable and secure payment systems, as well as a lack of a trustworthy environment for business transactions. However, these requirements can not be put into practice without digital signatures. Digital signatures may be used in any of the phases of Electronic Market transactions, such as the information, contract negotiation or the final settlement phase.
At first glance, there seems to be a broad understanding regarding business models. However, a mo... more At first glance, there seems to be a broad understanding regarding business models. However, a more thorough analysis of existing resources paints a different picture. The term'business model'often remains undefined and a consensus on the elements of business models is lacking. An analysis of various sources, such as electronic databases, conference proceedings, and EM-Electronic Markets itself supports this statement.
Abstract This paper provides a first idea on changes induced by new ICT that goes' beyond mobile'... more Abstract This paper provides a first idea on changes induced by new ICT that goes' beyond mobile'. The main aspects considered are value creation structures, value proposition of products and services and customer relations. The goal is to discuss these changes within the insurance industry context (primary insurers and reinsurers) and to foster thinking on new research topics that might arise due to the influence of ubiquitous computing (UC) technology. In order to do so UC is defined.
Papers by Hans-Dieter Zimmermann