Rice productivity is closely related to rice harvested area and cropping intensity. Remote sensin... more Rice productivity is closely related to rice harvested area and cropping intensity. Remote sensing technology using MODIS MOD13A1 v006 image produces NDVI values that can be interpreted in analyzing the value of rice productivity. Gunung Talang District has a rice field area of 3,369 m2, which is one of the central rice areas in West Sumatra Province. This study aimed to determine the regression equation to estimate rice productivity in Gunung Talang District, Solok Regency using the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) algorithm. The NDVI data used to generate the regression equation was taken in the generative phase. From the results of data analysis, the regression equation for estimating rice productivity in Talang District, Solok Regency is y = 250.33x4 - 1493.3x3 + 2293.6x2 - 1353.9x + 281.13, where x is the NDVI value and y is the productivity value ( tons/ha). The test results of the model's validity are expressed in the value of NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency) ...
The calculation of crop productivity has now been facilitated by technological development using ... more The calculation of crop productivity has now been facilitated by technological development using remote sensing technology or data generated by satellites. Determining the value of productivity using images will shorten the time and does not require much effort. A remote sensing model that connects satellite image reflectance data with rice plant parameters will be handy for monitoring biomass growth and predicting crop yields more quickly and efficiently. This study aimed to determine the regression equation to estimate the productivity of regional rice in Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. This study consisted of several stages: data collection, data processing, and calculation of rice productivity, NDVI regression analysis with rice productivity, and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) test against the obtained equations. The regression equation obtained from the results of data analysis to estimate rice productivity in Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency is y =-82152x4 + 208465x3-197654x2 + 82986x-13014, with an NSE value of 0.64 which is categorized as 'sufficient'.
The affirmation of village boundaries is the process of determining the coordinates of the bounda... more The affirmation of village boundaries is the process of determining the coordinates of the boundaries, which can be carried out using cartometric methods and surveys in the field. It is outlined as a boundary map for village boundaries coordinate points as agreed. The determination of affirmation generally consists of three stages: collecting and researching boundary documents, determining a base map, and making a cartometric map of village boundaries. This activity aimed to determine boundary segments, objects, cartometric points, and artificial pillars for determining and confirming the boundaries of Pasir Binjai Village, Silaut District, and Pesisir Selatan Regency. The results of this activity were 1) Pasir Binjai Village has five boundary segments, all segments bordering the border villages within one administrative area of the Silaut District government; 2) Natural boundaries, namely mark village boundary objects: river flow or middle of the river, middle of drainage or dit...
SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT ... more SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT in Asia, especially in Indonesia, where water management for rice crop is different within America, the existing modules in SWAT needs to be adapted to the condition watering paddy field. This research aims to develop modules rice crop that accordance with the management of paddy fields in Indonesia. It developed by making modifications to module pothole from source code in SWAT program. Module testing is carried out on sub – upper watershed Cisadane. For evaluating the results of developing a module is seen from the grade of determination (R 2 ) and the Nash-Sutcliffe of efficiency (NSE) based on the comparison discharge results simulation with observation and analyze the effect of modifications toward water balance on paddy fields. Based on the results of initial simulation shows the value that was satisfactory with a reduction in discharge simulation, influence algorithm module ...
Keberadaan sumberdaya air yang melimpah membuat masyarakat cenderung untuk mengeksploitasi. Hal t... more Keberadaan sumberdaya air yang melimpah membuat masyarakat cenderung untuk mengeksploitasi. Hal tersebut membuat kondisi nilai kualitas sumberdaya menjadi menurun meskipun siklus hidrologi selalu berjalan. Evaluasi pengelolaan sumberdaya air terpadu merupakan suatu langkah untuk pendekatan manajemen DAS secara terpadu, yang menuntut dan menjamin keberlangsungan proses koordinasi antara lembaga terkait. Pendekatan terpadu juga memandang pentingnya peranan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan DAS, mulai dari perencanaan, perumusan kebijakan, pelaksanaan dan pemungutan manfaat. Isu lingkungan terkait sumberdaya air menjadi konstrain karena menyangkut keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Cisarua merupakan DAS hulu sungai ciliwung, yang menjadi perhatian Ibukota Jakarta karena debit banjirnya yang semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Selain itu alih fungsi lahan yang pesat akibat tekanan kebutuhan Ibukota akan rumah tinggal sementara (Villa) di daerah tersebut membuat kondisi DAS menjadi semakin kritis. Dengan terdegradasinya DAS maka akan mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas sumberdaya air dalam mendukung keberlanjutan manusia setempat.
SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT ... more SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT in Asia, especially in Indonesia, where water management for rice crop is different from America, the existing module was in SWAT need to be adapted to the condition watering paddy field. This research aims to develop modules rice crop that accordance with the management of paddy fields in Indonesia. It was developed by making modifications to module pothole from source code in SWAT program. Module testing was carried out on sub – upper watershed Cisadane. For evaluating the results of developed a module was seen from the value of determination (R2) and the Nash-Sutcliffe of efficiency (NSE) based on the comparison between discharge results simulation with observation. It was also analyzed the effect of modifications toward water balance on paddy fields. Based on the results of initial simulation shows the value that was satisfactory with a reduction in discharge simulation, influence algorithm module to paddy totaling 1.37%, after going through the process of calibration and validation of the results of the model grades more satisfactory, with grades R2 0.72 and NSE 0.71 for daily period and R2 0.70, NSE 0.63 for monthly periods.
Rice productivity is closely related to rice harvested area and cropping intensity. Remote sensin... more Rice productivity is closely related to rice harvested area and cropping intensity. Remote sensing technology using MODIS MOD13A1 v006 image produces NDVI values that can be interpreted in analyzing the value of rice productivity. Gunung Talang District has a rice field area of 3,369 m2, which is one of the central rice areas in West Sumatra Province. This study aimed to determine the regression equation to estimate rice productivity in Gunung Talang District, Solok Regency using the NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) algorithm. The NDVI data used to generate the regression equation was taken in the generative phase. From the results of data analysis, the regression equation for estimating rice productivity in Talang District, Solok Regency is y = 250.33x4 - 1493.3x3 + 2293.6x2 - 1353.9x + 281.13, where x is the NDVI value and y is the productivity value ( tons/ha). The test results of the model's validity are expressed in the value of NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency) ...
The calculation of crop productivity has now been facilitated by technological development using ... more The calculation of crop productivity has now been facilitated by technological development using remote sensing technology or data generated by satellites. Determining the value of productivity using images will shorten the time and does not require much effort. A remote sensing model that connects satellite image reflectance data with rice plant parameters will be handy for monitoring biomass growth and predicting crop yields more quickly and efficiently. This study aimed to determine the regression equation to estimate the productivity of regional rice in Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. This study consisted of several stages: data collection, data processing, and calculation of rice productivity, NDVI regression analysis with rice productivity, and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) test against the obtained equations. The regression equation obtained from the results of data analysis to estimate rice productivity in Harau District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency is y =-82152x4 + 208465x3-197654x2 + 82986x-13014, with an NSE value of 0.64 which is categorized as 'sufficient'.
The affirmation of village boundaries is the process of determining the coordinates of the bounda... more The affirmation of village boundaries is the process of determining the coordinates of the boundaries, which can be carried out using cartometric methods and surveys in the field. It is outlined as a boundary map for village boundaries coordinate points as agreed. The determination of affirmation generally consists of three stages: collecting and researching boundary documents, determining a base map, and making a cartometric map of village boundaries. This activity aimed to determine boundary segments, objects, cartometric points, and artificial pillars for determining and confirming the boundaries of Pasir Binjai Village, Silaut District, and Pesisir Selatan Regency. The results of this activity were 1) Pasir Binjai Village has five boundary segments, all segments bordering the border villages within one administrative area of the Silaut District government; 2) Natural boundaries, namely mark village boundary objects: river flow or middle of the river, middle of drainage or dit...
SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT ... more SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT in Asia, especially in Indonesia, where water management for rice crop is different within America, the existing modules in SWAT needs to be adapted to the condition watering paddy field. This research aims to develop modules rice crop that accordance with the management of paddy fields in Indonesia. It developed by making modifications to module pothole from source code in SWAT program. Module testing is carried out on sub – upper watershed Cisadane. For evaluating the results of developing a module is seen from the grade of determination (R 2 ) and the Nash-Sutcliffe of efficiency (NSE) based on the comparison discharge results simulation with observation and analyze the effect of modifications toward water balance on paddy fields. Based on the results of initial simulation shows the value that was satisfactory with a reduction in discharge simulation, influence algorithm module ...
Keberadaan sumberdaya air yang melimpah membuat masyarakat cenderung untuk mengeksploitasi. Hal t... more Keberadaan sumberdaya air yang melimpah membuat masyarakat cenderung untuk mengeksploitasi. Hal tersebut membuat kondisi nilai kualitas sumberdaya menjadi menurun meskipun siklus hidrologi selalu berjalan. Evaluasi pengelolaan sumberdaya air terpadu merupakan suatu langkah untuk pendekatan manajemen DAS secara terpadu, yang menuntut dan menjamin keberlangsungan proses koordinasi antara lembaga terkait. Pendekatan terpadu juga memandang pentingnya peranan partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan DAS, mulai dari perencanaan, perumusan kebijakan, pelaksanaan dan pemungutan manfaat. Isu lingkungan terkait sumberdaya air menjadi konstrain karena menyangkut keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Cisarua merupakan DAS hulu sungai ciliwung, yang menjadi perhatian Ibukota Jakarta karena debit banjirnya yang semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Selain itu alih fungsi lahan yang pesat akibat tekanan kebutuhan Ibukota akan rumah tinggal sementara (Villa) di daerah tersebut membuat kondisi DAS menjadi semakin kritis. Dengan terdegradasinya DAS maka akan mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas sumberdaya air dalam mendukung keberlanjutan manusia setempat.
SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT ... more SWAT has been widely used and applied to various countries in the world. However, for usage SWAT in Asia, especially in Indonesia, where water management for rice crop is different from America, the existing module was in SWAT need to be adapted to the condition watering paddy field. This research aims to develop modules rice crop that accordance with the management of paddy fields in Indonesia. It was developed by making modifications to module pothole from source code in SWAT program. Module testing was carried out on sub – upper watershed Cisadane. For evaluating the results of developed a module was seen from the value of determination (R2) and the Nash-Sutcliffe of efficiency (NSE) based on the comparison between discharge results simulation with observation. It was also analyzed the effect of modifications toward water balance on paddy fields. Based on the results of initial simulation shows the value that was satisfactory with a reduction in discharge simulation, influence algorithm module to paddy totaling 1.37%, after going through the process of calibration and validation of the results of the model grades more satisfactory, with grades R2 0.72 and NSE 0.71 for daily period and R2 0.70, NSE 0.63 for monthly periods.
Papers by eri Stiyanto
Isu lingkungan terkait sumberdaya air menjadi konstrain karena menyangkut keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Cisarua merupakan DAS hulu sungai ciliwung, yang menjadi perhatian Ibukota Jakarta karena debit banjirnya yang semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Selain itu alih fungsi lahan yang pesat akibat tekanan kebutuhan Ibukota akan rumah tinggal sementara (Villa) di daerah tersebut membuat kondisi DAS menjadi semakin kritis. Dengan terdegradasinya DAS maka akan mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas sumberdaya air dalam mendukung keberlanjutan manusia setempat.
Nash-Sutcliffe of efficiency (NSE) based on the comparison between discharge results simulation with observation. It was also analyzed the effect of modifications toward water balance on paddy fields. Based on the results of initial simulation shows the value that was satisfactory with a reduction in discharge simulation, influence algorithm module to paddy totaling 1.37%, after going through the process of calibration and validation of the results of the model grades more satisfactory, with grades R2 0.72 and NSE 0.71 for daily period and R2 0.70, NSE 0.63 for monthly periods.
Isu lingkungan terkait sumberdaya air menjadi konstrain karena menyangkut keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Cisarua merupakan DAS hulu sungai ciliwung, yang menjadi perhatian Ibukota Jakarta karena debit banjirnya yang semakin tahun semakin meningkat. Selain itu alih fungsi lahan yang pesat akibat tekanan kebutuhan Ibukota akan rumah tinggal sementara (Villa) di daerah tersebut membuat kondisi DAS menjadi semakin kritis. Dengan terdegradasinya DAS maka akan mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas sumberdaya air dalam mendukung keberlanjutan manusia setempat.
Nash-Sutcliffe of efficiency (NSE) based on the comparison between discharge results simulation with observation. It was also analyzed the effect of modifications toward water balance on paddy fields. Based on the results of initial simulation shows the value that was satisfactory with a reduction in discharge simulation, influence algorithm module to paddy totaling 1.37%, after going through the process of calibration and validation of the results of the model grades more satisfactory, with grades R2 0.72 and NSE 0.71 for daily period and R2 0.70, NSE 0.63 for monthly periods.