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Urbanization processes challenge ecosystem health in many metropolitan areas. New policy and program approaches are needed to restore and sustain natural systems as public agencies and organizations face greater demands and declining... more
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      EcologyEcosystem healthCivic EngagementPuget Sound
Urbanization processes challenge ecosystem health in many metropolitan areas. New policy and program approaches are needed to restore and sustain natural systems as public agencies and organizations face greater demands and declining... more
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      EcologyEcosystem healthCivic EngagementPuget Sound
Nearly 40 years of research provides an extensive body of evidence about human health, well-being, and improved function benefits associated with experiences of nearby nature in cities. We demonstrate the numerous opportunities for future... more
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    • Environmental Sciences
Urban parks, forests and open space systems provide many amenities for city dwellers. Yet perceptions of public value may not incorporate all of the scientifically confirmed public goods and services of urban green space. Theory and... more
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      Theory and MethodPublic GoodUrban TreesOpen Space
Urban forestry professionals are increasingly challenged to find cost-effective strategies for resource conservation and management. Many organizations partner with citizen groups to host events that enlist volunteers to perform... more
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      Ecological restorationForestry SciencesCompany Valuation Methods
This project was a process of discovery to explore and understand urban forestry research and technology transfer needs in the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S. using a stakeholder participatory process. A two phase, abbreviated Delphi... more
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      Urban ForestryTechnology transferPacific NorthwestResearch Excellence Framework
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional Planning
The presence of metro nature enables daily environmental interactions, and a substantial body of evidence now demonstrates that nature contact generates extensive psychosocial, cognitive, and physical health and well-being benefits.... more
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Many small cities and towns are located near resource lands, and their central business districts serve both residents and visitors. Such quasi-rural retail centers face competitive challenges from regional shopping malls, online... more
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    • Forestry
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Word Count: 5,465 words for abstract, text and references; 3 figures and 5 tables @ 250 words each; total word count 7,465 ABSTRACT Social science methods can be used to assess public values for Context Sensitive Solutions. The roadside... more
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      Civil EngineeringUrban And Regional Planning
Over the last three decades solid empirical evidence for the positive influence of greenery on human psychological and cognitive functioning has been steadily accruing. Based on this evidence, researchers and practitioners increasingly... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConceptual FrameworkForestry SciencesEmpirical evidence
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      Coastal ManagementMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental social sciences
Infrastructure systems dependably deliver diverse products and services. Green infrastructure should include ergonomics, thus delivering social AND environmental services. Ergonomics of the city can expand impact and appeal of green... more
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Agencies and organizations deploy various strategies in response to environmen-tal challenges, including the formulation of policy, programs, and regulations. Citizen-based environmental stewardship is increasingly seen as an innovative... more
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A multistudy research program has investigated how consumers respond to the urban forest in central business districts of cities of various sizes. Trees positively affect judgments of visual quality but, more significantly, may influence... more
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    • Forestry
Urban forests are a critical element in sustainable urban areas because of the many environmental, economic, and social benefits that city trees provide. In order to increase canopy cover in urban areas, residential homeowners, who... more
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      ArboricultureForestry Sciences
Thousands of youth participate in forestry and urban greening projects in the United States. Communities are improved, and youth gain benefits. Youth development and mental health research is reported.
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New research initiatives focusing on urban ecology and natural resources are underway. Such programs coincide with increased local government action in urban forest planning and management, activities that are enhanced by scientific... more
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A national survey was conducted in the United States to learn more about public preferences and percep- tions regarding forest and vegetation planning and manage- ment in urban freeway roadsides. In response to images depicting a visual... more
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    • Arboriculture