Papers by Geraldo J Ferraresi de Araujo
International journal of energy sector management, May 30, 2024
Purpose Bioelectricity from sugarcane presents possibilities of gaining prominence as an energy s... more Purpose Bioelectricity from sugarcane presents possibilities of gaining prominence as an energy source in the coming years, contributing to sustainable development and being a relevant pillar of Brazil’s energy matrix, based on its advantages and the measures that can stimulate it. The purpose of this study is to contribute to a new framework for improving the regulatory framework for Brazilian sugarcane bioelectricity that facilitates the governance of its stakeholders and their respective relationships. Design/methodology/approach Exploratory and qualitative research, adopting, in addition to theoretical and practical research, consultations with experts, combined with analysis of documents relating to sustainability reports released by companies in the sector. Findings In the observed reports of 23 companies, it was found that 14 give full relevance to bagasse energy, and it can be attested that sugar-energy bioelectricity includes social, economic and environmental dimensions. In addition, the work presented elements that can benefit cogeneration, such as reduction or exemption of the distribution system use tariff for energy generation from bagasse; freedom for full commercialization in the free energy market, including small consumers; contractual simplification and solidification of financial compensation for clean energy production. Originality/value The work contributes to the advancement of theoretical references of business economics and competitiveness for practical application in competitive sustainability environments
O setor bioelétrico sucroenergético tem fundamental importância para o país, na medida que as sua... more O setor bioelétrico sucroenergético tem fundamental importância para o país, na medida que as suas externalidades trazem ganhos econômicos, sociais e ambientais, como a geração de empregos dentro da cadeia produtiva, mitigação de emissão de gases de efeito estufa, geração de eletricidade em complemento as grandes usinas hidrelétricas no centro sul do país e economia das reservas cambiais. Todavia, a geração de eletricidade dentro das usinas de canade-açúcar é de complexidade técnica, como também sua venda no mercado elétrico nacional. Ante a importância da bioeletricidade sucroenergetica para o desenvolvimento sustentável do Brasil, justifica-se um estudo sobre a cogeração de energia no setor, como também seu potencial de geração de eletricidade e barreiras de expansão, objetivando dissertar sobre os tópicos supracitados. Nesse sentido, a metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa descritiva, de natureza bibliográfica. É de fundamental importância o amparo e fomento por parte do governo federal, sobretudo através da criação de políticas que venham ao encontro do fomento as externalidades econômicas e ambientais da bioeletricidade sucroenergética que a sociedade.
RACEF, Feb 28, 2024
Female entrepreneurship plays a central role in economic and social development; as a research to... more Female entrepreneurship plays a central role in economic and social development; as a research topic, it has attracted attention from several areas. Work and research on female entrepreneurship are predominantly oriented from the perspective of the roles socially attributed to women. This research is based on Organizational Theory and aims to analyze entrepreneurship-related competencies, developing an integrative framework between macro-skills from scientific literature and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Through a systematic review of the literature and applying a questionnaire, in which the data was subjected to cluster analysis using the agglomerative method, it was possible to develop a new proposal for grouping female entrepreneurial skills. The results contribute to the literature on female entrepreneurship and to discussions of gender and equality in organizations, stimulating new policies and strategies for the development of female entrepreneurship.
Diálogo, May 10, 2022
O controle da administração pública é fundamental para o aperfeiçoamento da democracia brasileira... more O controle da administração pública é fundamental para o aperfeiçoamento da democracia brasileira e para a construção de um estado de bem-estar social. Nesse sentido, o poder legislativo, como também as cortes de contas têm um papel de destaque. Todavia, vários desafios são observados no legislativo brasileiro: fragilidade ante ao executivo e letargia na fiscalização da administração pública, especialmente nos municípios. Logo, o objetivo deste artigo é investigar o papel do poder legislativo municipal e sua relação com os pareceres emitidos pelos TCE RS e PR entre os anos de 2010 e 2019, especificamente, em relação as cidades que compõem as regiões metropolitanas de Porto Alegre e Curitiba. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa descritiva, executada a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica e documental, submetidas a análise de conteúdo. Como resultado, dos 28 pareces desfavoráveis a aprovação de contas, elaborados pelo TCE RS, apenas seis foram acatados pelas câmaras municipais das cidades da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, e dos 22 pareces desfavoráveis a aprovação de contas, elaborados pelo TCE PR, apenas um foi acatado. O presente resultado aponta para ausência de espírito republicanista dos legisladores, a cooptação da elite e ausência da sociedade convergem para o poder legislativo fraco, omisso e descompromissado, tanto com a elaboração de projetos de lei em consonância com todos os espectros de interesses da sociedade, como também o controle da administração pública brasileira.
RACEF – Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia da Fundace, 2024
In the execution of public services, the incidence of contractual terms and value additions is a ... more In the execution of public services, the incidence of contractual terms and value additions is a strong indication of failures in the execution of the planning phase by the public management. This work aims to investigate
the existence of flaws in the public contracting process, in the period from 2009 to 2011, as well as the main causes of discrepancies, with values and deadlines, from those foreseen when the bidding process took place. We conducted a case study based on the Mineiro Triangulum Federal Institute (IFMT). The results confirmed the existence of a critical problem by revealing that 100% of the services analyzed presented an addendum for deadline extension and value increase of the total project. On average, the execution time of the analyzed works was 6.5 (six and a half) times longer, as well as the final cost was 23% higher than planned. The results
obtained demonstrated that the main factors causing contractual amendments are time and value. We also identified that the conception and preparation of basic projects represent the main problems in the construction services provided by public management in the studied case.
International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 2024
Bioelectricity from sugarcane presents possibilities of gaining prominence as an energy ... more Purpose
Bioelectricity from sugarcane presents possibilities of gaining prominence as an energy source in the coming years, contributing to sustainable development and being a relevant pillar of Brazil’s energy matrix, based on its advantages and the measures that can stimulate it. The purpose of this study is to contribute to a new framework for improving the regulatory framework for Brazilian sugarcane bioelectricity that facilitates the governance of its stakeholders and their respective relationships.
Exploratory and qualitative research, adopting, in addition to theoretical and practical research, consultations with experts, combined with analysis of documents relating to sustainability reports released by companies in the sector.
In the observed reports of 23 companies, it was found that 14 give full relevance to bagasse energy, and it can be attested that sugar-energy bioelectricity includes social, economic and environmental dimensions. In addition, the work presented elements that can benefit cogeneration, such as reduction or exemption of the distribution system use tariff for energy generation from bagasse; freedom for full commercialization in the free energy market, including small consumers; contractual simplification and solidification of financial compensation for clean energy production.
The work contributes to the advancement of theoretical references of business economics and competitiveness for practical application in competitive sustainability environments
RACEF, 2024
Female entrepreneurship plays a central role in economic and social development; as a research to... more Female entrepreneurship plays a central role in economic and social development; as a research topic, it has attracted attention from several areas. Work and research on female entrepreneurship are predominantly oriented from the perspective of the roles socially attributed to women. This research is based on Organizational Theory and aims to analyze entrepreneurship-related competencies, developing an integrative framework between macro-skills from scientific literature and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Through a systematic review of
the literature and applying a questionnaire, in which the data was subjected to cluster analysis using the agglomerative method, it was possible to develop a new proposal for grouping female
entrepreneurial skills. The results contribute to the literature on female entrepreneurship and to discussions of gender and equality in organizations, stimulating new policies and strategies for the development of female entrepreneurship.
Ágora, May 12, 2020
A Internet Industrial das Coisas, a IIoT é uma inovação em processo a partir da aplicação da inte... more A Internet Industrial das Coisas, a IIoT é uma inovação em processo a partir da aplicação da internet das coisas na indústria, aonde permitirá aumentar a eficiência das máquinas, reduzir os custos, ajustar os processos de produção, monitorizar frotas, ganhos em escala, melhoria de produtos e abertura de mercados Este artigo tem como objetivo apontar os tipos de inovação decorrentes da internet industrial IIoT das coisas, como também fundamentar o conceito de IIoT e apontar os ganhos advindos da IIoT e compreender sua aplicação, com destaque para o Brasil. Para realizar o estudo foi feito uma revisão bibliográfica, com base nos seguintes autores:
Cadernos, Oct 1, 2020
In view of the growing importance of distributed generation, the pluralization of the energy matr... more In view of the growing importance of distributed generation, the pluralization of the energy matrix close to large consumption centers has become necessary. In this sense, the energy sector can contribute to electricity generation using waste products such as vinasse, the most relevant in terms of volume and polluting capacity. The general objective of this article is to analyze the economic feasibility of using vinasse for electricity generation, and as a specific objective, to identify the viable price range of MWh in free and regulated energy environments and the productive capacity of plants for this type of investment. The methodology used was quantitative research, based on the cost structure of a biodigester IC internal combustion engine with 38% yield and vinasse logistics according to the production capacity of autonomous plants of 100 m 3 , 1,000 m 3, and 3,000 m 3 ethanol/day for scenarios with and without tax exemptions for a price range between US$ 26.04 and US$ 130.20/MWh. The analysis shows that the use of vinasse for electricity generation is restricted to medium and large producers. Furthermore, the price of MWh is more relevant than the tax exemption for the feasibility of this type of project. This corroborates the constant requests from the sugar-energy sector to hold exclusive electricity auctions for biomass, given its cost structure and its social, economic, and environmental externalities.
Research Square (Research Square), Jul 5, 2023
As one of the most competitive industries in developing countries, agribusiness is seeking effort... more As one of the most competitive industries in developing countries, agribusiness is seeking efforts to improve information systems and adopt digital technologies. In Brazil, the sugar energy industry is the country's oldest and most competitive business. The current technological transition is challenging to absorb the 4.0 paradigm in its production system, interconnecting the value chain through IoT, big data, arti cial intelligence, and machine learning. Although there are opportunities with digitization, there are also many constraints in the industrial change process. This paper aims to explore the main changes in new technologies and processes towards industry 4.0 in the Brazilian sugarcane production system, identifying challenges and context restrictions. Using qualitative data from interviews with specialistspractitioners, and researchers-our ndings show that this industry has many technological opportunities to digitize its production process. The industry's main challenge is the low quali cation for the workforce and di culty in integrating new solutions into analogical production systems. Big companies invest in technology hubs while, at the same time, the internet is still scarce in rural areas, and small companies compete in less technological and sustainable supply chains. The ndings support the decisions of the sugarcane industry in assessing the relevance of investing in Industry 4.0 projects. It demonstrates how digital transformation impacts process improvements, facilitating decision-making by using information networks interconnected to machine learning and automation.
La industria del cemento consume mucha energía, a nivel mundial, el sector es responsable del 5-7... more La industria del cemento consume mucha energía, a nivel mundial, el sector es responsable del 5-7% de todas las emisiones de CO2 y aproximadamente el 3% de las emisiones totales de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI). Por lo tanto, se debe prestar atención a la reducción de las emisiones de GEI relacionadas con la energía utilizada en el proceso, así como el co-procesamiento, una técnica en la que los residuos se utilizan para reemplazar las materias primas en la industria del cemento es de importancia ambiental estratégica. El objetivo principal es identificar las principales empresas en Brasil que utilizan el co-procesamiento y, como objetivo específico, identificar cómo las empresas que utilizan este proceso para generar una ventaja competitiva. El método fue una encuesta bibliográfica y se sometió a análisis de contenido. Votorantim y Lafargue Holcim ya han visto una ventaja competitiva del co-procesamiento, ya que reduce los costos y genera ingresos por la reutilización de los desechos.
Revista Direito UFMS
Ante o agravamento das questões climáticas em escala mundial, as Nações Unidas a partir dos anos ... more Ante o agravamento das questões climáticas em escala mundial, as Nações Unidas a partir dos anos setenta veem realizando uma série de conferências internacionais com o objetivo de promoverem reformas no modelo de crescimento econômico, no qual esse contemple também inclusão social e preservação ambiental. Especificamente no que se refere a questão ambiental, em particular a climática, foi realizado em 2015 em Paris, a 21° Conferência das Partes, na qual asnações se comprometeram em empreender esforços para conter o crescimento da temperatura até 1,5 °C até 2030, por meio de resultados de mitigação transferidos internacionalmente para cumprir as Contribuições Determinadas Nacionalmente. Especificamente no que se refere ao Brasil, para a consecução dos objetivos supracitados foi elaborado o programa RenovaBio, Política Nacional de Biocombustíveis, instituída pela Lei n.o 13.576/2017, que terá importantes impactos no setor sucroenergético. Nesse sentido justifica-se um estudo sobre o R...
As intervenções governamentais no setor sucroenergéetico iniciaram-se na década de 1930, aonde o ... more As intervenções governamentais no setor sucroenergéetico iniciaram-se na década de 1930, aonde o governo teve influência no planejamento e comercialização dos produtos derivados da cana de açúcar e teve seu ponto máximo na década de1970 com o Proáalcool. Todavia, em 1990 com a desregulamentação do setor e o téermino de políticas de incentivo culminaram em novas adaptações na indústria. Além disso, a crise de 2008 trouxe um impacto mais dramático no setor, com altos índices de inadimplemento e o fechamento de váarias empresas, consequentemente, gerando desemprego em massa e perda da capacidade competitiva. Logo, justifica-se um estudo sobre os principais normativos relacionados ao setor sucroenergéetico, tendo o presente artigo, o tem como objetivo de apontar as políticas governamentais direcionadas ao setor e seus diplomas legais. Nesse sentido, o método utilizado foi a pesquisa qualitativa, com base na revisão bibliográfica dos principais normativos e a crise enfrentada pelo setor. A não intervenção governamental no setor as empresas se tornaram mais competitivas, com maior investimento em tecnologia e eficiência. Porém a crise de 2008, aliada ao subsíidio a gasolina prejudicaram o setor que esta em vias de recuperação. Portanto, para o amadurecimento competitivo do setor a não intervenção governamental é fundamental para que as empresas possam criar vantagens competitivas.
Com o agravamento das questoes climaticas em escala mundial, desde a revolucao industrial, as Nac... more Com o agravamento das questoes climaticas em escala mundial, desde a revolucao industrial, as Nacoes Unidas, atraves da Conferencia das Partes, vem realizando reunioes anuais desde 1995 com o objetivo de criar politicas efetivas, em âmbito global, para mitigacao das emissoes de gases causadores de efeito estufa. Dentre as COPs realizadas, nesse artigo teremos como objeto a 15a Conferencias das Partes de Copenhaguena Dinamarca, cupula de liderancas globais sem precedentes na historia recente da diplomacia. Logo, o objetivo desse trabalho e responder a seguinte pergunta: Quais foram os fracassos e os avancos da 15° Conferencia das Partes? Para responder essa pergunta, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratorio, delineada por pesquisa bibliografica com a analise de artigos cientificos e jornalisticos, atraves da Internet, entre o periodo de 01/04/2012 ate 20/05/2012, referente a historia das COPs, em particular a Conferencia de Copenhague. Pela pesquisa realizada, podem...
Palavras não traduzem sentimentos. Tentarei aqui, portanto, mesmo que em vão, espressar meus sinc... more Palavras não traduzem sentimentos. Tentarei aqui, portanto, mesmo que em vão, espressar meus sinceros agradecimentos. A Deus pela vida e oportunidade de poder chegar até aqui, e poder humildemente, contribuir com essa dissertação de mestrado para o campo das ciências da administração, meio ambiente e energia. Como também aos senhores meus pais e aos meus irmãos, a Dona Marlene, Senhor Geraldo, Márcio e a Márcia que ao longo dessa jornada, me ofereceram a estrutura e o apoio necessários para chegar até o fim dessa pós graduação.
Nucleus, 2018
A inovação é um instrumento de geração de vantagem competitiva. No Brasil, o governo federal real... more A inovação é um instrumento de geração de vantagem competitiva. No Brasil, o governo federal realizou uma série de políticas com o objetivo de ampliar a competitividade das empresas brasileiras através da inovação, sendo uma dessas o Programa Agentes Locais de Inovação (ALI). Logo, a proposta desse artigo é analisar as políticas públicas de acesso à inovação no Brasil, com destaque para o Programa ALI, seus objetivos e sua importância para edificação de vantagem competitiva tanto nas micro quanto nas pequenas empresas. A metodologia utilizada foi à pesquisa qualitativa bibliográfica documental indireta. O ALI vem ao encontro tanto das necessidades das micro e pequenas empresas quanto do estado brasileiro, pois cria e amplia a capacidade dessas organizações de acessar e gerar conhecimento, para produzir inovação e tecnologia que amplie a competitividade dos negócios para acompanhar a globalização além de contribuir no salto competitivo do Brasil.
Revista Administração em Diálogo - RAD, 2011
A partir da década de 70, com o despontar dos movimentos ambientalistas, cresceu a importância do... more A partir da década de 70, com o despontar dos movimentos ambientalistas, cresceu a importância do tema sustentabilidade nas organizações varejistas, logo, esse artigo tem como objetivo analisar praticas sustentáveis, focada na análise ambiental. O método empregado é do tipo qualitativo exploratória, orientadas pelas variáveis ambientais, submetidas a “análise conteúdo”, conjunto de técnicas de análise das comunicações visando obter, por procedimentos, sistemáticos e objetivos de descrição do conteúdo das mensagens, indicadores. Dados essa conjuntura, cabe as organizações liderarem as transformações produtivas necessárias, para que a sociedade possa superar os desafios que limitam seu desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental.
Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia da Fundace, 2016
Vinasse is by far the worst byproduct of ethanol production, because of its volume and polluting ... more Vinasse is by far the worst byproduct of ethanol production, because of its volume and polluting capacity. Brazilian's laws and regulations do not promote the economical use of that residue; which can be used as a feedstock to manufacturing other goods. Therefore, this paper intends to gather national's laws and regulations regarding on vinasse disposal, through literature review, as well as analyse how they address the problem and if they contribute to the development of public policies of sustainability. It was found that, despite there is a series of regulations limiting and prohibiting the vinasse discard, there are no guidelines set to develop long term policies to promote the correct use of that residue. The study recognizes the need of the development of public policies that instigate research and development, implementation of tax, financial and commercial incentives to benefit products made from vinasse.
GeoGraphos. Revista Digital para Estudiantes de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 2015
Con el agravamiento de las cuestiones ambientales, económicas y sociales en los años setenta, las... more Con el agravamiento de las cuestiones ambientales, económicas y sociales en los años setenta, las Naciones Unidas iniciaron debates multilaterales, con el objetivo de repensar el desarrollo. El fútbol, con un público estimado en 250 millones de practicantes y con una industria evaluada en USD 500 billones, tiene participación estratégica en la construcción del desarrollo sustentable, como ejemplo se puede enfatizar el proyecto Eco Aficionado, aparcería realizada con los clubes de fútbol de São Paulo con la Federación Paulista de Fútbol, empresas, municipalidades y ONG's. Luego, el objetivo de este artículo es enfatizar el Eco Aficionado y encuadrarlo en el contexto histórico del desarrollo sustentable, sustentabilidad empresarial, su posicionamiento e importancia en la industria del fútbol, clasificarlo como una innovación tanto sustentable como de ruptura y presentar sus resultados. La metodología fue la investigación cualitativa, a través de la revisión bibliográfica. Durante la ejecución del proyecto, una tonelada de materiales reciclables fue colectada, plantadas 16.260 esquejes de árboles, colectadas 12.220 de ropas y juguetes, 3 mil toneladas de alimentos y 35 mil productos para la distribución. Sin embargo se puede señalar la relevancia del proyecto y la importancia del fútbol en la edificación de los principios sustentables en la sociedad, promoviendo el ejercicio de la ciudadanía, inclusión social, preservación ambiental y rentabilidad en la industria futbolística.
Periódico Eletrônico Fórum Ambiental da Alta Paulista, 2012
Resumo: O capitalismo advindo com a primeira revolução industrial tem, até a globalização, impact... more Resumo: O capitalismo advindo com a primeira revolução industrial tem, até a globalização, impactado no meio ambiente em escala planetária, colocando em risco a dinâmica climática. Sendo assim, as Nações Unidas através da CQNUMC, na COP 3, realizada em Kyoto, no Japão, instituíram o mecanismo de flexibilização de emissões de gases efeito estufa, dentre eles o MDL que permite que os países desenvolvidos comprem reduções de emissões de países em desenvolvimento cujas reduções são resultantes de iniciativas implementadas com o objetivo de diminuição de emissão de GEE. Logo, o objetivo deste artigo é discorrer sobre o mercado de créditos de carbono e suas oportunidades e desafios para o Brasil através do MDL. Ante o exposto, a metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa documental indireta, onde a bibliografia foi levantada através da INTERNET entre 01/06/2012 até 10/08/2012 e consulta de revistas listadas na Qualis Capes. Pode-se constatar oportunidade de ganhos econômicos e de mitigação de GEE para o Brasil através de projetos ligados a energia, resíduos sólidos, eficiência energética e florestas. Porém, a expiração da primeira fase do Protocolo, em 2012, a recusa dos EUA em ratifica-lo, o custo, o risco e a complexidade de aprovação de projetos MDL são os principais desafios para a consolidação deste mercado a longo prazo. Portanto, é preciso que a diplomacia brasileira trabalhe articulada com outras nações, nas reuniões das COP's, para um segundo período de compromissos do Protocolo, sua simplificação processual e negociação junto ao governo americano pela ratificação do protocolo de Kyoto.
Papers by Geraldo J Ferraresi de Araujo
the existence of flaws in the public contracting process, in the period from 2009 to 2011, as well as the main causes of discrepancies, with values and deadlines, from those foreseen when the bidding process took place. We conducted a case study based on the Mineiro Triangulum Federal Institute (IFMT). The results confirmed the existence of a critical problem by revealing that 100% of the services analyzed presented an addendum for deadline extension and value increase of the total project. On average, the execution time of the analyzed works was 6.5 (six and a half) times longer, as well as the final cost was 23% higher than planned. The results
obtained demonstrated that the main factors causing contractual amendments are time and value. We also identified that the conception and preparation of basic projects represent the main problems in the construction services provided by public management in the studied case.
Bioelectricity from sugarcane presents possibilities of gaining prominence as an energy source in the coming years, contributing to sustainable development and being a relevant pillar of Brazil’s energy matrix, based on its advantages and the measures that can stimulate it. The purpose of this study is to contribute to a new framework for improving the regulatory framework for Brazilian sugarcane bioelectricity that facilitates the governance of its stakeholders and their respective relationships.
Exploratory and qualitative research, adopting, in addition to theoretical and practical research, consultations with experts, combined with analysis of documents relating to sustainability reports released by companies in the sector.
In the observed reports of 23 companies, it was found that 14 give full relevance to bagasse energy, and it can be attested that sugar-energy bioelectricity includes social, economic and environmental dimensions. In addition, the work presented elements that can benefit cogeneration, such as reduction or exemption of the distribution system use tariff for energy generation from bagasse; freedom for full commercialization in the free energy market, including small consumers; contractual simplification and solidification of financial compensation for clean energy production.
The work contributes to the advancement of theoretical references of business economics and competitiveness for practical application in competitive sustainability environments
the literature and applying a questionnaire, in which the data was subjected to cluster analysis using the agglomerative method, it was possible to develop a new proposal for grouping female
entrepreneurial skills. The results contribute to the literature on female entrepreneurship and to discussions of gender and equality in organizations, stimulating new policies and strategies for the development of female entrepreneurship.
the existence of flaws in the public contracting process, in the period from 2009 to 2011, as well as the main causes of discrepancies, with values and deadlines, from those foreseen when the bidding process took place. We conducted a case study based on the Mineiro Triangulum Federal Institute (IFMT). The results confirmed the existence of a critical problem by revealing that 100% of the services analyzed presented an addendum for deadline extension and value increase of the total project. On average, the execution time of the analyzed works was 6.5 (six and a half) times longer, as well as the final cost was 23% higher than planned. The results
obtained demonstrated that the main factors causing contractual amendments are time and value. We also identified that the conception and preparation of basic projects represent the main problems in the construction services provided by public management in the studied case.
Bioelectricity from sugarcane presents possibilities of gaining prominence as an energy source in the coming years, contributing to sustainable development and being a relevant pillar of Brazil’s energy matrix, based on its advantages and the measures that can stimulate it. The purpose of this study is to contribute to a new framework for improving the regulatory framework for Brazilian sugarcane bioelectricity that facilitates the governance of its stakeholders and their respective relationships.
Exploratory and qualitative research, adopting, in addition to theoretical and practical research, consultations with experts, combined with analysis of documents relating to sustainability reports released by companies in the sector.
In the observed reports of 23 companies, it was found that 14 give full relevance to bagasse energy, and it can be attested that sugar-energy bioelectricity includes social, economic and environmental dimensions. In addition, the work presented elements that can benefit cogeneration, such as reduction or exemption of the distribution system use tariff for energy generation from bagasse; freedom for full commercialization in the free energy market, including small consumers; contractual simplification and solidification of financial compensation for clean energy production.
The work contributes to the advancement of theoretical references of business economics and competitiveness for practical application in competitive sustainability environments
the literature and applying a questionnaire, in which the data was subjected to cluster analysis using the agglomerative method, it was possible to develop a new proposal for grouping female
entrepreneurial skills. The results contribute to the literature on female entrepreneurship and to discussions of gender and equality in organizations, stimulating new policies and strategies for the development of female entrepreneurship.
of clean and distributed energy in the territory. Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the proposition: the generation of electricity, biofertilizers, and the replacement of diesel from dairy cattle manure can contribute to the sustainable development of Brazil. The method was the economic analysis of herds of 50 to 500 animals of 300 kg with 365 days of operation per year, 10 hours/day, using a tarpaulin biodigester and a motor generator with an efficiency of 29 % for an electricity price
range of USD 52.56/MWh to USD 132.56 MWh, urea at USD 4.97/t, simple
superphosphate at USD 0.93/t, potassium chloride at USD 2.32/t, and carbon credit at USD 94.66/t CO2. Taxes on the sale of biofertilizers are at 34 %, with a minimum attractive rate of 11.75 % per year. The results point to viability for the entire range of the herd with the sale of biofertilizers. For electricity sales, it is feasible for all generation ranges from a price of USD 107.38/MWh. To replace diesel using 10 % of the biogas, it is economically viable to raise 200 animals. The importance of this matrix
for livestock units and for the whole country is concluded, especially for the states of Minas Gerais and Goiás, with the highest number of head of cattle. However, its socio-environmental externality must be accounted for in electricity trading environments.
Campo de Aplicação: EC-09; EN-02; EN-04
Tipo de Programa: SM-01; TC-01
Data da Criação: 06/04/2017
2010 Law 12.305 / 2010, called National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), which established, in order of priority, the non-generation, reduction, reuse, recycling, treatment and environmentally correct final disposal of waste, the Municipal Plan for Integrated Solid Waste Management (PMGIRS) in which describes the actions related to the management of urban solid waste and the strategies to protect human health and the environment. Given the importance of the PMGIRS for environmental management in the urban environment, the study of its applicability is justified, in which this article will address the city of Piracicaba, located in the interior of the State of São Paulo. In which, the objective of the research is to diagnose the practices related to agroforestry residues; evaluate the current state of the objectives proposed by the Municipal Solid Waste Plan; construction of a SWOT matrix; prepare a prospective
analysis of agroforestry waste services and also an action plan for municipal waste. For this, the methodology used was the formal, exploratory, ex post facto, cross-sectional study in time, carried out
from the prospection of articles, theses and dissertations in the Web of Science, SciELO and Digital Library of the main Brazilian universities . It can be concluded the concern of the municipality for the proper disposal of pesticide containers, in which the Cañeros Cooperative (COPLACANA) has a prominent role in practically all stages of reverse logistics in compliance with current legislation, however , the document did not comply with the guidelines for organic agroforestry waste, especially
with regard to its reuse of energy and fertilizers.