Showing posts with label 1950. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1950. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: 63 years ago

It is my parents 63rd wedding anniversary this week.

connie blog headers-p0018

I made them a card from this old photo.  My Mom’s hair was all up in pin curls and tied with a headscarf.

At woodcarving on Monday Cousin Chuckie said he remembered that evening, after the ceremony he got to honk the horn all the way to our Grandparents farm for the dinner that was served for all the guests.

It is a week of celebrating at my parents house, Dad’s birthday(87) is today and Mom’s birthday (84) is in a few days:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wistful Wednesday: 1950

This photo was taken in December of 1950. 

Marvin Janice Eugene Evelyn Grand Forks ND (2)

Uncle Jim or Auntie Esther took this photo, it was taken at their house in Grand Forks North Dakota sometime in December of 1950.  Far Guy was not yet a year old and his sister was five.

Far Guy has the old tape on his shoes, the tape made your shoes less slippery on wood floors.  He was about 10 months old and most likely had started running.

He was a handful and I know I have told you before that his Mother had a harness that she made him wear when he was outside by himself.  She clipped the harness to a rope attached to the clothes line.  He would hide in the Lilac bushes to unhook himself, go to the neighbors and play..and then come back and hook himself up again.  When his Mother was still alive, she was aghast at the escapades he told her about.

Last week in the grocery store Far Guy saw a little girl that was attached to her mother by one of those leashes that goes from one arm to another. The little girl was not very happy.  Her sisters were not leashed.  I asked him if he talked to the Mom..he said no..but he would have liked to share with her that he wore a harness for many years.

Far Guys Mom looks tired in this photo..or maybe she had a cold..or maybe she had a drink..whenever she had a drink her nose would turn red.

This is one of the photos that Cousin Bonnie gave us last summer.  It was one that we didn’t have.  Luckily I knew some of the W’s..who, where, and when.  I will have to guess at the why.  Most likely they just went to visit for the weekend:)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wistful Wednesday : 1950

Who is this chubby faced baby with the big smile?

Gene 4 mo #4

This was taken on the west side of the house, just about 61 years ago.  He was all ready to go for a ride in the baby buggy all propped up with a pillow and he even has his bib on. 

Far Guy was a very handsome baby:)

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: Sixty Years Later

Grandma and Grandpas place in about 1949

This is a photo taken at my Maternal Grandparents farm.  This photo was taken about sixty years ago in 1949 or 1950.  Left to right are: A neighbor lady and her child, my Aunt Marion, Uncle Al with his hand on his chin, Aunt Toots, unknown little girl, and standing in the background one of my other uncles..Delbert, Dennis or Butch..he is too far away to identify. 

I always thought my Grandparents driveway made a circle behind the this photo it is quite obviously that at one time the driveway was in front of the house and you entered directly into what I would call the dining room.  Later a porch must have been added to the front..that is where they kept the two deep freezers full of wonderful food, and the Christmas tree at Christmas time..and a rocking chair with a magazine rack.  A Cuckoo Clock from Germany hung high on the wall..the little dancers would pop out of their doors on the hour and on the half hour.  A row of windows lined the porch.  There was a funny little window high on the wall in the kitchen that looked into this porch..I am not sure what the function of that window was..a pass through..or maybe my Grandmother wanted a pretty stained glass window there to look at while she sat at the kitchen table.  She sat some of her favorite knick knacks on the ledge of that window.

My Grandfather had a garden back to the east of the old chicken coop where the soil was rich and black..he grew everything there.  If you could grow it, he did, and my Grandmother canned and froze all the produce.

Cabbage at Grandma and Grandpas old farm The other day we drove by.  Grandpas Alfalfa field is now a garden.

Grandpa and Grandmas Old Farm The new occupants are Amish and they have a produce stand and bakery, but it is not open on Sunday.  We will try to go back another day.  My Grandpa would have been happy to see that someone is gardening properly again.

 Grandpa and Grandmas old Farm August 2010The only things that are the same is the old garage which is not visible in these photos..the machine shed on the right and the Oak trees out front.  Everything else has changed:)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wistful Wednesday : A Wedding

This is a photograph of my parents and their relatives that were part of the wedding party in 1950.
Left to right, Delbert ( Moms Brother), Roy (Dads Cousin) Dad, Mom, Vivian "Skip" ( Moms sister) Anna (Dads Sister). They got married at eight o'clock in the evening in a tiny little church in the country.
My Mother writes: " The night we got married Oct 07, 1950 my Mom and Dad had dinner at their home for us all. My Mother in Law to be said, when Papa and I got married we got married on one bushel of love. You have to keep adding to it everyday because what you take out, you have to put back."

My parents had planned to get married in November, but my Dad was going into the Army and leaving earlier than he thought, so he told my Mom he was leaving on a Saturday and the next Saturday they got married and nine days later he left.

Far Guy and I had breakfast with them this morning...they both said " It was just like this the day we got married, rainy and cold ..59 years ago." :)
October 07, 2009