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Name: Rossi
Alias(es): deathpixie, Pixie O' Death
Type: Fanwriter, community moderator
Fandoms: Comics X-Men, Vertigo (Hellblazer, Sandman), Indie Comics (Midnight Nation), Subreality Cafe, The Common People, Lord of the Rings, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Firefly, X-Project
Communities: Outside the Lines, The Common People Warehouse, Subreality Cafe, CFAN
URL: Fanfic on Dreamwidth, Writing Journal on DW, AO3 account, Fanfiction.net
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Rossi's fan career began in the mid 1990s, when she discovered CFAN via The Uncanny X-Page. From there she moved the Rec.arts.comics.marvel.xbooks and Alt.comics.fanfiction newsgroups and Subreality Cafe, posting her first fanfic because she had discovered the Subreality Round Robin boards and wanted to join in as a fellow fanfic writer. That first fic was a Common People Project story called "Road Rage", about a mutant cyclist with the power to give people motion sickness and was posted approximately 1996. There was an element of wish-fulfillment there.

Rossi then threw herself into the comics fanfiction community, becoming active on Outside the Lines and in Subreality. She initially began with X-Men fic as well the The Common People before embarking on a Hellblazer fic, "Suffer the Children" after a conversation in IRC about being stereotyped as a writer. She won CBFFAs for both "Suffer the Children" and the sequel "Death and the Art of Pyramid Selling" as well as "Collective Mutants", her TCP series about a group of mutant housemates living in Melbourne, Australia.

In Subreality, Rossi was the moderator of the "House of Strange Dimensions"[1][2] round robin message board from 1999[3] until it closed around 2000.[4] She also contributed to the award shows for the Comic Book Fan-Fiction Awards and was one of those instrumental in creating the "Muse fic" genre within Subreality.

Rossi can now be found at X-Project, an X-Men Movieverse RPG on Dreamwidth, where she is a mod and currently playing Amanda Sefton and Monica Rambeau.

Notable Works


  1. ^ From Rossi's personal knowledge, April 27/23
  2. ^ Subreality Central - Credits and Thanks, via Wayback Dec 16/06
  3. ^ "Moving In" the first THOSD RR, was begun Feb 18/99
  4. ^ Rossi's personal recollection, April 27/23