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Novacká, Ľudmila Súčasnosť cestovného ruchu v trajektórii budúcnosti = Current tourism and its future trajectory / Ľudmila Novacká a kolektív. --1. vydání. --Zlín : Radim Bačuvčík -VeRBuM, 2020. --1 online zdroj Částečně souběžný anglický... more
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The chapter 6: "Effects of externalities on the hotel business" is focused on the effects of externalities within the sustainable development. The theory review and the issues published in the introduction are the starting scope and... more
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Destinačný marketingový manažment cestovného ruchu vo vzťahu dopytu a ponuky s dôrazom na partnerstvo, nevyhnutnosť spolupráce jednotlivých aktérov v podmienkach udržateľnosti. 9 kapitol s ťažiskovými témami destinačný manažment,... more
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The book is an output of International project of authors from 7 EU countries. The book represents support for all who want to search new efficient methods of cultural heritage interpretation. Successful interpretation brings... more
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    • Cultural Heritage and Tourism
Analytická, koncepčná a implementačná časť. Analýza dopytu. Ponuka aktivít a atraktivít pre deti a mládež. Východiská pre marketingovú koncepciu. Vízia. Hlavný cieľ. Čiastkové ciele. Marketing destinácie Bratislava vo vzťahu ku segmentu... more
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      Tourism MarketingMarket SegmentationCUSTOMER SEGMENTATION ANALYSIS
Quality and uniform marketing goals concerned to tourist enterprise, client and society. Three ways of marketing goals in tourist development countries: product, destination, satis faction of the clients needs. Successful quality apply is... more
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      BusinessMarketingTourismTourism and Hospitality Management
This paper discusses financial support to the development of tourism in the transition countries. The level of economic development is different. It influences the possibility of capital investment out of domestic sources. It is also... more
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The outputs of the international scientific survey done in 7 countries: the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Turkey. The goal of primary research: • to identify the ability of the hotels to provide... more
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      Crisis ManagementFinancial managementPublic Sector Financial ManagementBusiness Management
This article presents the basic topics, actual in the Central European (CE) area in travel and tourism. Author highlights several different attitudes to limit this space. In this article she operates the area of the states Austria, Czech... more
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      GeographyRegional ScienceTourism
The aim of this article is to present the results of economic impacts by the way of visitor exports, it means by expenditure of tourists in Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak republic. The success to achieve the main aim depends on the... more
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      EconomicsTourismEconomic Impact Analysis
The aim of this article is to present the results of economic impacts by the way of visitor exports, it means by expenditure of tourists in Bratislava, the capital of the Slovak republic. The success to achieve the main aim depends on the... more
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      EconomicsTourismEconomic Impact Analysis
This article presents the basic topics, actual in the Central European (CE) area in travel and tourism. Author highlights several different attitudes to limit this space. In this article she operates the area of the states Austria, Czech... more
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      GeographyRegional ScienceTourism
Tour operators play a central role in the tourism industry. For tourism distribution channels, the emergence of new ones has been of particular significance, since it leads to priorities change in terms of distribution. The purpose of the... more
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The aim of this article was to identify the cause of the negative attitude of Slovak population towards visitors by comparing the differences in national cultures on six primary Hofstede's dimensions: power distance, individualism,... more
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      Information SystemsERPSubsidiariesCritical Success Factors
The classification of tourist guiding as an unregulated trade fully complies with European Directive on services in the Internal Market and with the principle of freedom to provide services. There are some states that may have no... more
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The aim of this article was to identify the cause of the negative attitude of Slovak population towards visitors by comparing the differences in national cultures on six primary Hofstede’s dimensions: power distance, individualism,... more
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    • Economics