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Kľúčové slová: kvalita -environmentálne požiadavky -Kanov model -spokojnosť zákazníka -konkurenčná výhoda
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Paper discusses the situation of commodity science in academic and scientific environment. It analyses the history of commodity science and current situation of organization working in the field of commodity science. On this base it... more
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Contribution characterizes root and forms of information deficit and way for removal of the negative results. On the base of factors, which have influence on use of conformity assessment system contribution tries to develop its... more
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Príspevok sleduje rozdiely v histórii tovaroznalectva a produktového manažérstva v kontexte vývoja komerčne orientovaného školstva v Európe a USA. Na záver prichádza s návrhom o zjednotenie vedeckých poznatkov týchto dvoch smerov skúmania... more
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Abstrakt Príspevok skúma kultúrne hodnoty slovenskej spoločnosti na základe modelu kultúrnych hodnôt podľa modelu vytvoreného Hofstedem. Pritom sleduje hlavne aký je vzťah medzi kultúrnymi hodnotami v modele a požiadavkami elearningu.... more
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Achieving a competitive advantage is one of the most important tasks by product ori-ented decision-making process. The pursuit of uniqueness of the product leads to the use of ingredient branding. The contribution presents results of... more
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      CompetitionBrandingCompetitive advantageIngredient branding
AED Možnosti využitia systému posudzovania zhody na zvýšenie vní-mania kvality poskytovaných služieb = Possibilities of the use of conformity assessment procedures to enhance the perception of product quality / Rastislav Strhan. In... more
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Although concept of iconic brands belongs to known marketing concept, it is traditionally connected with global markets and global brands. Contribution discusses opportunity to transfer such concept on the level of national markets as... more
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    • Quality perception
Paper informs about different aspects of rebound effect and its impact on market development. Different rebound effects are characterized and research results are presented. Because research of rebound effect is mostly ex post made, goal... more
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Paper informs about different aspects of rebound effect and its impact on market development. Different rebound effects are characterized and research results are presented. Because research of rebound effect is mostly ex post made, goal... more
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      Green MarketingEnvironmental SustainabilityConsumer Behaviour
The current technological advancement and the mass utilization of information and communication technology create a milestone in the way marketing research is con-ducted. The presented scientific contribution focuses on the identification... more
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    • Marketing Research
Research background: Opinion leaders have always influenced consumers’ decision-making process. At present, with the development of digital technologies and social networks, influencers have taken on the role of opinion leaders worldwide.... more
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The paper reviews main shifts in diffusion theory concerning fields of marketing and offers research propositions for applying the model approach. We present empirical results to prove the validity of Bass first-purchase model and its... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsConsumer BehaviorAdoption and Diffusion of innovations
Príspevok sa zaoberá problematikou zeleného marketingu a jeho súčasným zameraním na environmentálne uvedomelého spotrebiteľa. Ponúka koncepčný rámec ako východisko pre pochopenie obsahu pojmu zelený marketing, zelený marketingový mix a... more
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      Green MarketingConsumer BehaviorSustainable Competitive Advantage
L’objectif du mémoire est l’identification des traits spécifiques et des apports liés à l’application des outils e-marketing au processus de planification, prise de décision et réalisation de la stratégie marketing de l’entreprise et la... more
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      International MarketingOnline Consumer BehaviorE WOM
Príspevok analyzuje postavenie neuromarketingu v marketingovom manažmente, pričom poukazuje na jeho úlohu pri pochopení spotrebiteľského správania. Úvodná časť sumarizuje hlavné poznatky o aplikácii neurovedy v marketingu za posledné dve... more
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    • Neuromarketing
The paper investigates actual directions in diffusion research focusing on simple diffusion models incorporating price effect. We review main papers on diffusion research of the last decade and identify the role and position of diffusion... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsTechnological InnovationAdoption and Diffusion of innovationsBass diffusion model
Ústrednou témou práce je rozšírenie Bassovho difúzneho modelu o faktor ceny a overenie platnosti uvedeného modelu na príklade produktu dlhodobej spotreby, považovaného za technologickú inováciu – LCD televízorov. Pomocou neho je... more
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The paper shows actual directions in marketing and management of eco-innovations that are due to several important barriers less market-driven than other innovations. First, we review main definitions and identify driving forces on the... more
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      Innovation statisticsSustainable BusinessElectric VehiclesEco-Innovation