The size of the shadow economy has been investigated by a number of different methodologies. A common approach is the use of macroeconomic data to investigate, for example, the relationship between the money supply and GDP and associate... more
Attitudes to membership of the EU and NATO amongst countries in Central and Eastern Europe are analyzed. Analysis of Eurobarometer data suggests that support for membership depends upon both self interest and satisfaction with the free... more
This paper examines the determinants of electoral participation. We analyze attitudes to both referenda and voting in national elections. Sample survey data are obtained from the Eurobarometer survey of transition countries in Central and... more
In the paper we study the variables influencing attitudes to the use of two biotechnologies related to gene transfer within apples. Using Eurobarometer 73.1 survey data on biotechnology, science and technology, with 15,650 respondents, we... more
V článku skúmame determinanty subjektívneho blahobytu jednotlivca (SBJ) na základe údajov databázy World Values (2000-2001). Nami uskutočnené analýzy nás vedú k záveru, ţe SBL závisí od relatívneho dôchodku, rodinného stavu, postavenia... more
We analyse regional spill-over effects from FDI on innovation activities of domestic firms in Eastern European and Asian transition and post-transition countries. The analysis is carried out using theWorld Bank 2009 Enterprise survey. We... more
Can governance impact directly on well-being? In this paper we examine subjective well-being using data for a cross section of countries from the World Values data set. We find that regional democratic satisfaction impacts on both... more
The paper discusses the contribution of R. H. Coase to economics and his role as a founder of thenew institutional economics. Coase also contributed to the establishment of Law and Economicsas a discipline, he is the author of the... more
Dynamic Model of Common-pool Emission Permit Market as a Method for Solving the Persistent Pollutant Problem In the paper, we develop a common-pool permit market formulated as a dynamic gross pool for trading emission discharge permits... more
The paper investigates the causal relationship between the trust in institutions and compliance with measures introduced to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 in Slovakia. In addition, the impact of socioeconomic... more
We analyse the determinants of personal trust using World Values data. To a considerable extent the same factors determine trust in developing countries as richer ones. Thus the state of democracy, health and age impact on interpersonal... more
This paper seeks to analyze attitudes to the transition process in Central and Eastern Europe. First, we analyze attitudes to the free market economy, the state of democracy, human rights and the general development of the country. Sample... more
This paper examines the determinants of electoral participation. We analyze attitudes to both referenda and voting in national elections. Sample survey data are obtained from the Eurobarometer survey of transition countries in Central and... more
The purpose of the article is to present the results of the online behavioral experiment focused on voluntary contribution to financing of public goods. The experiment using the public good behavioral game aimed to identify factors... more
Tento článok bol pripravený s podporou projektov VEGA V-13-001-00, Význam novej inštitucionálnej ekonómie v súčasnom období, a VEGA č. 1/0975/15, Makroekonomické a mikroekonomické prejavy a dôsledky infl ácie a defl ácie. Autori ďakujú... more
Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods: SocioEconomic Implications and the Role of Civic Crowdfunding. The penetration of the behavioral approach to economic models and policymaking has recently become relatively widespread. It has also... more