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- ERC-20 Tokens (>200)0.025 alETHAlchemix ETH (alETH)$89.43@3,577.0728,058,451,602 DentacoinDentacoin (Dentac...)$64,534.44@0.0010.58284007 mpETHMetaPoolETH (mpETH)283,978.15712212 PAGEPage (PAGE)$468.30@0.0016510.7240369 TheDAOTheDAO (TheDAO)$18,533.18@36.288121,052.39516589 0xBTC0xBitcoin To... (0xBTC)$1,839.52@0.08747,711.45699435 1INCH1INCH Token (1INCH)$3,294.11@0.42721 AAGAAG (AAG)$0.00@0.000778.71 APEApeCoin (APE)$104.68@1.3310,100 ARPAARPA Token (ARPA)$531.81@0.0527153,022.61121366 BALBalancer (BAL)$426,933.09@2.7911,871,613.3610562 BANKBankless Tok... (BANK)$12,363.83@0.00122,915.90408646 BONDBarnBridge G... (BOND)$11,977.59@0.52271 BENDBend Token (BEND)$0.00@0.00041,671,913.07332532 VEEBLOCKv (VEE)$17,626.56@0.01052,010,000 BLIDBolide (BLID)710,988.88147708 BRIGHTBright (BRIGHT)$10,231.83@0.01440.005 CRECarryToken (CRE)$0.00@0.004212,063.36257093 CTSICartesi Toke... (CTSI)$2,084.62@0.1728373,639.00910846 LINKChainLink To... (LINK)$8,731,943.64@23.37767.4524597 CHZchiliZ (CHZ)$70.19@0.0915255.59875215 cbETHCoinbase Wra... (cbETH)$1,008,385.64@3,945.192,044.1583174 CROCronos Coin (CRO)$325.72@0.159325,222.24024708 XCHFCryptoFranc (XCHF)$27,996.69@1.111,551,396.00486423 crvUSDCurve.Fi USD... (crvUSD)$1,551,396.00@1.001 CYBERCyberConnect (CYBER)$3.59@3.59498.8038043 MANADecentraland (MANA)$272.34@0.546496.60265899 USDDDecentralize... (USDD)$494.58@0.99593 TSUKADejitaru Tsu... (TSUKA)$0.02@0.006612,868,479.1117828 DFdForce (DF)$1,185,315.61@0.092120,430,390.9437587 DHTdHedge DAO T... (DHT)$1,717,378.66@0.08415,681,588.18684039 DOLADola USD Sta... (DOLA)$5,624,015.06@0.9899189,018 ECOxECOx (ECOx)$15,666.95@0.0829466.626012 ENJEnjinCoin (ENJ)$112.30@0.240732,413.86884482 EPOCHEpoch (EPOCH)4,816,938.53383527 EQZEqualizer (EQZ)$15,183.57@0.0032900.34072353 ePendleEquilibria P... (ePendl...)$1,548.59@1.7232,159.17125147 OSEthereans (OS)$15,543.91@0.483338,757,490.2645201 FOAMFOAM Token (FOAM)$42,468.91@0.00112,794,087.20405742 FOXFOX (FOX)$166,912.41@0.05973.47459803 FRAXFrax (FRAX)$3.46@0.997162.06983958 FXSFrax Share (FXS)$235.24@3.793,009,632 GEARGearbox (GEAR)$36,986.88@0.0123115,954.59551072 GYSRGeyser (GYSR)$3,849.17@0.0332167,672.06041774 GTCGitcoin (GTC)$137,150.38@0.818181,927,392.125571 GIVGiveth (GIV)$1,243,340.92@0.0068101 GYENGMO JPY (GYEN)$0.62@0.006157,390.81309755 HAIRHairDAO Toke... (HAIR)$5,793,602.58@100.9552,450.32744717 HOPHop (HOP)$848.67@0.016250 IBEXImpermax (IBEX)$4.83@0.09662,338,403.50042445 JARVISJARVIS (JARVIS)$151,131.02@0.064625,046,689.5808431 JRTJarvis Rewar... (JRT)$108,329.94@0.00435,110 JPYCJPY Coin (JPYC)$34.16@0.006713,695,995.0355665 KROMKromatika (KROM)$234,221.37@0.01711,000 LAMBDALambda (LAMBDA)$3.13@0.0031302,623.84481206 LDOLido DAO Tok... (LDO)$629,457.60@2.088,403.45451126 LRCLoopringCoin... (LRC)$1,794.35@0.2135500 MLTMedia Licens... (MLT)$13.08@0.026220,880,372.189837 MTAMeta (MTA)$646,245.01@0.03097,724,220.57630751 XMTMetalSwap (XMT)$86,851.37@0.01121,032,918.07359538 METMetronome2 (MET)$462,646.07@0.44791,000 MTVMultiVAC (MTV)$0.94@0.00095,805.25213311 OCEANOcean Token (OCEAN)$3,799.39@0.654584,927,687.5847083 PSPParaSwap (PSP)$2,131,831.88@0.0251632,406,914.82868 PEPEPepe (PEPE)$12,976.99@0.0023,809,844.6847878 PERPPerpetual (PERP)$19,551,930.16@0.8212150,000,000 PTPhemex Token (PT)$183,191,884.63@1.2213767.1479861 PLAPlayDapp Tok... (PLA)$36.38@0.04741,180,497.55174534 POOLPoolTogether (POOL)$1,292,644.82@1.09567,985.57422031 POPPopcorn (POP)$340.65@0.005834,965.99652401 PREMIAPremia (PREMIA)$132,904.04@0.1592487,856.609 PSTAKEpSTAKE Finan... (PSTAKE)$28,338.13@0.058140,179.70822805 RAIRai Reflex I... (RAI)$123,753.50@3.0812.21507755 RGTRari Governa... (RGT)$2.46@0.2017293,799.48826377 GRGRigo Token (GRG)$161,279.76@0.54895,118.63207483 rETHRocket Pool ... (rETH)$20,818,295.63@4,067.162,931,475.90658212 SDLSaddle DAO (SDL)20,018,133.2794833 SAILSAIL Token (SAIL)$70,208.12@0.0035360.8615688 SANDSAND (SAND)$230.82@0.6396179,345.57356949 sDAISavings Dai (sDAI)$202,660.50@1.131 SHUShutter Toke... (SHU)$0.02@0.01632,655,759.13592355 SiloSilo Governa... (Silo)$171,708.11@0.064786,473.61181975 SIPHERSipher Token (SIPHER)$19,065.87@0.2205220,301,635.402247 SPANKSPANK (SPANK)35,985.02356958 FISStaFi (FIS)$17,398.96@0.483510,226.64434516 SUKUSUKU (SUKU)$687.15@0.067223,515.96332735 SUSHISushiToken (SUSHI)$41,623.26@1.771,252 sUSDSynth sUSD (sUSD)$1,209.38@0.966344.22902717 SNXSynthetix Ne... (SNX)$740.09@2.1532,218,474.1650438 THALESThales DAO T... (THALES)$6,850,549.72@0.2126113,815.03233608 DOGThe Doge NFT (DOG)$470.60@0.00414,145,746.92805412 TThreshold Ne... (T)$122,646.95@0.02962 TORNTORN Token (TORN)$19.00@9.50500,000,000 UBXUBX (UBX)$6,645.00@0.0011,065.60606627 UMAUMA Voting T... (UMA)$34,856.66@3.150.03453551 SOCKSUnisocks Edi... (SOCKS)$741.10@21,459.0093,784.19047582 UNIUniswap (UNI)$1,417,079.12@15.11400 DUCKUnit Protoco... (DUCK)$0.08@0.00021,302,961.98564187 UBIUniversal Ba... (UBI)$304.97@0.00021,015.3 UDTUnlock Disco... (UDT)$14,660.93@14.444,249.409752 USTUST (Wormhol... (UST)$93.45@0.022191,601.04690301 GROWValleyDAO To... (GROW)$301,244.91@1.572363,506.19497408 VITAVitaDAO Toke... (VITA)$367,065.81@5.782,231,455.14031918 WOOWOO (WOO)$545,586.32@0.2445279,999,310.543805 WLDWorldcoin (WLD)$657,998,379.78@2.3521.4023427 weETHWrapped eETH (weETH)$82,062.15@3,834.261 WHNSWrapped HNS (WHNS)$0.01@0.01021,600,855.92824204 XYOXY Oracle (XYO)$33,280.83@0.02080.03193029 YFIyearn.financ... (YFI)$281.69@8,822.03419,593.61957829 ZRXZRX (ZRX)$223,257.37@0.53211,363.32318004 ZUNZunami Token (ZUN)$41.22@0.030213,540.39953884 AAVEAave Token (AAVE)$4,632,170.68@342.103,227,674.80309594 ACXAcross Proto... (ACX)$1,986,430.50@0.61543,195.9542536 COMPCompound (COMP)$265,040.49@82.934,893,383.93550749 CRVCurve DAO To... (CRV)$5,034,061.75@1.028760,415.63814647 DAIDai Stableco... (DAI)$60,415.64@1.005,752.86973853 ENSEthereum Nam... (ENS)$210,209.86@36.54476,915.86750627 KNCKyber Networ... (KNC)$294,266.63@0.6175.09383918 MKRMaker (MKR)$8,021.73@1,574.79548.07 MATICMatic Token (MATIC)$280.58@0.5119542,187.34492287 PENDLEPendle (PENDLE)$2,862,749.18@5.281,248.01267063 RPLRocket Pool (RPL)$15,225.75@12.20297.87395411 scrvUSDSavings crvU... (scrvUS...)$306.78@1.02993,904,707.96238529 SNTStatusNetwor... (SNT)$184,599.52@0.04732,050.01622012 TRBTellor Tribu... (TRB)$134,112.06@65.42932,976,391.701103 USDTTether USD (USDT)$932,976,391.70@1.005,461.55933996 TUSDTrueUSD (TUSD)$5,467.02@1.00177,166,291.428419 USDCUSDC (USDC)$77,166,291.43@1.001,000,000,000 WCTWalletConnec... (WCT)993.47165396 WBTCWrapped BTC (WBTC)$96,851,564.60@97,488.000.05775471 WETHWrapped Ethe... (WETH)$209.63@3,629.659340.27285681 wstETHWrapped liqu... (wstETH)$173,632.80@4,311.41225.590422 TONCOINWrapped TON ... (TONCOI...)$1,281.35@5.68563,070 DDDERC-20: (DDD)3,585 ACX [via www.across.cash]ERC-20: ! ... (ACX ...)750 $stLink rewards on stlink.fiERC-20: ! st... ($stLin...)825,000 SPK Genesis Rewards (https://spkprotocol.com)ERC-20: # SP... (SPK Ge...)4,000 Earn $UNI airdrops at https://www.uniswaplabs.comERC-20: # un... (Earn $...)12,500 $ Evmosia.comERC-20: $ E... ($ Evm...)80,000 Earn $ETHFI rewards at https://ethfi.worldERC-20: $ et... (Earn $...)47,500 Eearn rewards at https://loopring.digitalERC-20: $ lo... (Eearn ...)5,000 $ rEthLP.comERC-20: $ rE... ($ rEth...)100,000 DOWNERC-20: $DOW... (DOWN)100,000 6UOERC-20: 6UO ... (6UO)80,000,000 AGORAERC-20: AGOR... (AGORA)80,000,000 AGORAERC-20: AGOR... (AGORA)0.1 ARCHAIERC-20: Ai A... (ARCHAI)2 aCRVAladdin cvxCRV100,000,000 ALXIAERC-20: Alxn... (ALXIA)2,000 ASSERC-20: Anci... (ASS)120,000 ANFDAngry Doge103,626 ANMAIERC-20: ANIM... (ANMAI)8,652.99778164 APWAPWine Token21,803,511.5 ARROWERC-20: Arro... (ARROW)264,264.80836727 GOOERC-20: Art ... (GOO)9,230,000 BAPEERC-20: BAPE (BAPE)10 BARBIEERC-20: Barb... (BARBIE)499,399,700 BAXABAXagent Coin3,157.57518946 BGBGBigMouthFrog7,514.44069275 BitBTCBitBTC500 BHDAOERC-20: Bloc... (BHDAO)50.00292838 BlueSparrowBlueSparrowToken$1.36@0.027147,318,318.4079499 BONSAIERC-20: Bons... (BONSAI)918,120.50831465 BrazilERC-20: Braz... (Brazil)25.77637633 BTRSTBTRST$9.92@0.3847111.1 bwAJNAERC-20: Burn... (bwAJNA)101,791,608.383526 CANTOERC-20: Cant... (CANTO)10,000,000 CUSDERC-20: Chad... (CUSD)46,317.08771 CNGChanger$1,096.70@0.02373,745,115.32409036 CHIChi USD16,356,542.4364 CHKNChickencoin$1.18@0.00100 HoHoHoERC-20: Chri... (HoHoHo)10,000 CDLERC-20: Coin... (CDL)904,124,638.936502 COLLABERC-20: Coll... (COLLAB)15.12426595 COLONColon$0.01@0.00061,961,042.82089381 CroatiaERC-20: Croa... (Croati...)240,452.74636774 cryptodonERC-20: cryp... (crypto...)50ERC20 ***1 DLMERC-20: DEAL... (DLM)1 iDINOBABIESERC-20: Dino... (iDINOB...)10,000,000 COLLARERC-20: DOG ... (COLLAR)679 DOCTRAPERC-20: DogC... (DOCTRA...)1,023 DNGERC-20: Dork... (DNG)90,170 EDUERC-20: Edu (EDU)8,318,487.69283083 EIGENERC-20: Eige... (EIGEN)1,998,823.77946453 EQBEquilibria Token$682,366.46@0.3414100,000 ESTERC-20: Eric... (EST)0.01 iETHERC-20: Ethe... (iETH)10,000,000 FBTERC-20: FAIR... (FBT)15,001,000 FCRERC-20: FC R... (FCR)248,020 FNFERC-20: Fide... (FNF)0.01 FBXFinanceBlocks$0.00@0.0050,505.22399633 ZCHFFrankencoin$56,060.80@1.111,023 SECERC-20: Fuck... (SEC)49.22706178ERC20 ***20.12 iGUSDERC-20: Gemi... 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(More than 25 Pending Txns)Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromTo0x981d31502103a57b29edab8c2b0aac660a2bf7858f208b10ec03dde2994d0ac7 Transfer (pending) 2025-01-05 18:48:15 5 mins ago 1736102895 IN 0.00000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xc7b68cb9d88767a898d0450e4fd92b6fc10b7f475bb2bf0ff7c91cb285c268cc Bridge ETH To (pending) 2025-01-05 18:00:06 54 mins ago 1736100006 IN 0.01 ETH$36.30 (Pending) (Pending) 0xd8eed93650593770288277b747d8dbfdd453d782f02e4e7548e13083792819fe Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 17:32:27 1 hr ago 1736098347 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0x7235420962fa424e95acafbff8773fb0f65e3e13d01bacfba2e9cb5e6d59e297 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 16:41:07 2 hrs ago 1736095267 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xce562752dac02e01d083f0c0399295a429b42e666be37a174246b151e865657c Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 15:18:56 3 hrs ago 1736090336 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xa19ca40b9cff508885d3e1181b816d18783371767e366545266085f8858c1a84 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 14:34:38 4 hrs ago 1736087678 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0x0e1b1b960347a4527a25fa90d016665eab5f35870080f455a6f89ad8f0d43ee5 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 14:29:18 4 hrs ago 1736087358 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0x82751218a1b4ee431c6fc5ecdde6b97b375006d594ad115c7c74417a0490b6da Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 14:27:29 4 hrs ago 1736087249 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0x4ec120e5630111e6cfef098238c634a31e1ba3e79a2053e4e0af8dc476a9c8d8 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 14:23:17 4 hrs ago 1736086997 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0xd8240158b1cb14458f1c3ce9a3debd8c04c7260d05ecac2c651eeb80625a1681 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 14:22:17 4 hrs ago 1736086937 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0x946ecaadc53056952a88d2786c0c7b742b8d12b2ac25b1ef62279678248d101e Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 13:13:52 5 hrs ago 1736082832 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0xf91aee1fd3ba7aa0d5fa7e3ad259fdb49bd378230dc1597405d68ddf1efdf114 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 13:02:18 5 hrs ago 1736082138 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0x63ea6a38d54c120a48e68dde6c448c8be7058eeb28b98a2f2da30cdb99807353 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 13:01:01 5 hrs ago 1736082061 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xd9fd7396f425ac061f78fbff6ac73595e003adc4635b72decc4c00e86bb0839d Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 12:54:06 6 hrs ago 1736081646 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0x021847588f787aa1833f46a4c91dd6362d6defe1084fa41187f166bd9b024eff Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 12:39:16 6 hrs ago 1736080756 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0x57c21b30ebed56a54f4bc4db6374c656cfe5891429b76c12b21abe875c8483f7 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 12:34:16 6 hrs ago 1736080456 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0x44e02cc785825021a2c2d66f3bc9a3fba32c2d96b52a5fac5f37fa7b4f075ec8 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 12:17:16 6 hrs ago 1736079436 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0x282a7f7e1b3ad1c639532cfb7e3a1087b48d6a225a221b7514831242f279988b Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 12:08:02 6 hrs ago 1736078882 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xfedc0a0dbd977f464f3dd4eafb78d88746220cdb87fe8f1f461a0349747dfaa8 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 11:40:53 7 hrs ago 1736077253 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0x08d36e52e572f9f05ac7e2dcd27adae45b8192d05577ad6454afc4d28da2c582 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 11:22:39 7 hrs ago 1736076159 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) 0xe5c3253f933a4057647b325c034a7df6a17f0dbe8fa1ad5ffc6acde3b3807a91 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 11:01:15 7 hrs ago 1736074875 IN 0.0000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xd1df5f83d2e462ae68e75d348f711e15caf8604bedc5eb64d1151c7f5084f5a7 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 10:59:52 7 hrs ago 1736074792 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xe0e19a84edcae7054079b85ff75e6bdf14ef08d9e60e8847d94b7db7af485b11 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 10:30:55 8 hrs ago 1736073055 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xac482ac2c49bc56b6ec9f487861e2b593f21d59f21d84914430fa92831ca597a Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 9:27:04 9 hrs ago 1736069224 IN 0.000001 ETH$0.00 (Pending) (Pending) 0xfa6fdfb9904877b5e64c44c197ffd9ddb756d1b2257d7bb8ae3953d8872521a4 Deposit ETH (pending) 2025-01-05 9:23:51 9 hrs ago 1736069031 IN 0.00001 ETH$0.04 (Pending) (Pending) Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block FromTo21560106 2025-01-05 18:35:59 18 mins ago 1736102159 0.897 ETH$3,255.80 21559942 2025-01-05 18:02:59 51 mins ago 1736100179 341.68 ETH$1,240,181.99 21559861 2025-01-05 17:46:35 1 hr ago 1736099195 0.308 ETH$1,117.94 21559827 2025-01-05 17:39:47 1 hr ago 1736098787 0.1 ETH$362.97 21559576 2025-01-05 16:49:23 2 hrs ago 1736095763 0.2 ETH$725.93 21559576 2025-01-05 16:49:23 2 hrs ago 1736095763 0.2 ETH$725.93 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 17.77982456 ETH$64,534.71 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 17.77982456 ETH$64,534.71 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 35.43734608 ETH$128,625.49 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 35.43734608 ETH$128,625.49 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 35.43734608 ETH$128,625.49 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 35.43734608 ETH$128,625.49 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 35.43734608 ETH$128,625.49 21559260 2025-01-05 15:45:59 3 hrs ago 1736091959 35.43734608 ETH$128,625.49 21558991 2025-01-05 14:51:59 4 hrs ago 1736088719 5 ETH$18,148.30 21558783 2025-01-05 14:09:59 4 hrs ago 1736086199 5 ETH$18,148.30 21558737 2025-01-05 14:00:47 4 hrs ago 1736085647 0.01 ETH$36.30 21557992 2025-01-05 11:31:11 7 hrs ago 1736076671 0.004 ETH$14.52 21557965 2025-01-05 11:25:47 7 hrs ago 1736076347 0.05 ETH$181.48 21557935 2025-01-05 11:19:47 7 hrs ago 1736075987 0.008 ETH$29.04 21557912 2025-01-05 11:15:11 7 hrs ago 1736075711 0.00013 ETH$0.47 21557911 2025-01-05 11:14:59 7 hrs ago 1736075699 0.03 ETH$108.89 21557901 2025-01-05 11:12:59 7 hrs ago 1736075579 0.0025 ETH$9.07 21557895 2025-01-05 11:11:47 7 hrs ago 1736075507 0.002 ETH$7.26 21557764 2025-01-05 10:45:35 8 hrs ago 1736073935 0.2 ETH$725.93 Loading...LoadingContract Name:L1ChugSplashProxy
Compiler Versionv0.7.6+commit.7338295f
Contract Source Code (Solidity Standard Json-Input format)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >0.5.0 <0.8.0; import { iL1ChugSplashDeployer } from "./interfaces/iL1ChugSplashDeployer.sol"; /** * @title L1ChugSplashProxy * @dev Basic ChugSplash proxy contract for L1. Very close to being a normal proxy but has added * functions `setCode` and `setStorage` for changing the code or storage of the contract. Nifty! * * Note for future developers: do NOT make anything in this contract 'public' unless you know what * you're doing. Anything public can potentially have a function signature that conflicts with a * signature attached to the implementation contract. Public functions SHOULD always have the * 'proxyCallIfNotOwner' modifier unless there's some *really* good reason not to have that * modifier. And there almost certainly is not a good reason to not have that modifier. Beware! */ contract L1ChugSplashProxy { /************* * Constants * *************/ // "Magic" prefix. When prepended to some arbitrary bytecode and used to create a contract, the // appended bytecode will be deployed as given. bytes13 constant internal DEPLOY_CODE_PREFIX = 0x600D380380600D6000396000f3; // bytes32(uint256(keccak256('eip1967.proxy.implementation')) - 1) bytes32 constant internal IMPLEMENTATION_KEY = 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc; // bytes32(uint256(keccak256('eip1967.proxy.admin')) - 1) bytes32 constant internal OWNER_KEY = 0xb53127684a568b3173ae13b9f8a6016e243e63b6e8ee1178d6a717850b5d6103; /*************** * Constructor * ***************/ /** * @param _owner Address of the initial contract owner. */ constructor( address _owner ) { _setOwner(_owner); } /********************** * Function Modifiers * **********************/ /** * Blocks a function from being called when the parent signals that the system should be paused * via an isUpgrading function. */ modifier onlyWhenNotPaused() { address owner = _getOwner(); // We do a low-level call because there's no guarantee that the owner actually *is* an // L1ChugSplashDeployer contract and Solidity will throw errors if we do a normal call and // it turns out that it isn't the right type of contract. (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = owner.staticcall( abi.encodeWithSelector( iL1ChugSplashDeployer.isUpgrading.selector ) ); // If the call was unsuccessful then we assume that there's no "isUpgrading" method and we // can just continue as normal. We also expect that the return value is exactly 32 bytes // long. If this isn't the case then we can safely ignore the result. if (success && returndata.length == 32) { // Although the expected value is a *boolean*, it's safer to decode as a uint256 in the // case that the isUpgrading function returned something other than 0 or 1. But we only // really care about the case where this value is 0 (= false). uint256 ret = abi.decode(returndata, (uint256)); require( ret == 0, "L1ChugSplashProxy: system is currently being upgraded" ); } _; } /** * Makes a proxy call instead of triggering the given function when the caller is either the * owner or the zero address. Caller can only ever be the zero address if this function is * being called off-chain via eth_call, which is totally fine and can be convenient for * client-side tooling. Avoids situations where the proxy and implementation share a sighash * and the proxy function ends up being called instead of the implementation one. * * Note: msg.sender == address(0) can ONLY be triggered off-chain via eth_call. If there's a * way for someone to send a transaction with msg.sender == address(0) in any real context then * we have much bigger problems. Primary reason to include this additional allowed sender is * because the owner address can be changed dynamically and we do not want clients to have to * keep track of the current owner in order to make an eth_call that doesn't trigger the * proxied contract. */ modifier proxyCallIfNotOwner() { if (msg.sender == _getOwner() || msg.sender == address(0)) { _; } else { // This WILL halt the call frame on completion. _doProxyCall(); } } /********************* * Fallback Function * *********************/ fallback() external payable { // Proxy call by default. _doProxyCall(); } /******************** * Public Functions * ********************/ /** * Sets the code that should be running behind this proxy. Note that this scheme is a bit * different from the standard proxy scheme where one would typically deploy the code * separately and then set the implementation address. We're doing it this way because it gives * us a lot more freedom on the client side. Can only be triggered by the contract owner. * @param _code New contract code to run inside this contract. */ function setCode( bytes memory _code ) proxyCallIfNotOwner public { // Get the code hash of the current implementation. address implementation = _getImplementation(); // If the code hash matches the new implementation then we return early. if (keccak256(_code) == _getAccountCodeHash(implementation)) { return; } // Create the deploycode by appending the magic prefix. bytes memory deploycode = abi.encodePacked( DEPLOY_CODE_PREFIX, _code ); // Deploy the code and set the new implementation address. address newImplementation; assembly { newImplementation := create(0x0, add(deploycode, 0x20), mload(deploycode)) } // Check that the code was actually deployed correctly. I'm not sure if you can ever // actually fail this check. Should only happen if the contract creation from above runs // out of gas but this parent execution thread does NOT run out of gas. Seems like we // should be doing this check anyway though. require( _getAccountCodeHash(newImplementation) == keccak256(_code), "L1ChugSplashProxy: code was not correctly deployed." ); _setImplementation(newImplementation); } /** * Modifies some storage slot within the proxy contract. Gives us a lot of power to perform * upgrades in a more transparent way. Only callable by the owner. * @param _key Storage key to modify. * @param _value New value for the storage key. */ function setStorage( bytes32 _key, bytes32 _value ) proxyCallIfNotOwner public { assembly { sstore(_key, _value) } } /** * Changes the owner of the proxy contract. Only callable by the owner. * @param _owner New owner of the proxy contract. */ function setOwner( address _owner ) proxyCallIfNotOwner public { _setOwner(_owner); } /** * Queries the owner of the proxy contract. Can only be called by the owner OR by making an * eth_call and setting the "from" address to address(0). * @return Owner address. */ function getOwner() proxyCallIfNotOwner public returns ( address ) { return _getOwner(); } /** * Queries the implementation address. Can only be called by the owner OR by making an * eth_call and setting the "from" address to address(0). * @return Implementation address. */ function getImplementation() proxyCallIfNotOwner public returns ( address ) { return _getImplementation(); } /********************** * Internal Functions * **********************/ /** * Sets the implementation address. * @param _implementation New implementation address. */ function _setImplementation( address _implementation ) internal { assembly { sstore(IMPLEMENTATION_KEY, _implementation) } } /** * Queries the implementation address. * @return Implementation address. */ function _getImplementation() internal view returns ( address ) { address implementation; assembly { implementation := sload(IMPLEMENTATION_KEY) } return implementation; } /** * Changes the owner of the proxy contract. * @param _owner New owner of the proxy contract. */ function _setOwner( address _owner ) internal { assembly { sstore(OWNER_KEY, _owner) } } /** * Queries the owner of the proxy contract. * @return Owner address. */ function _getOwner() internal view returns ( address ) { address owner; assembly { owner := sload(OWNER_KEY) } return owner; } /** * Gets the code hash for a given account. * @param _account Address of the account to get a code hash for. * @return Code hash for the account. */ function _getAccountCodeHash( address _account ) internal view returns ( bytes32 ) { bytes32 codeHash; assembly { codeHash := extcodehash(_account) } return codeHash; } /** * Performs the proxy call via a delegatecall. */ function _doProxyCall() onlyWhenNotPaused internal { address implementation = _getImplementation(); require( implementation != address(0), "L1ChugSplashProxy: implementation is not set yet" ); assembly { // Copy calldata into memory at 0x0....calldatasize. calldatacopy(0x0, 0x0, calldatasize()) // Perform the delegatecall, make sure to pass all available gas. let success := delegatecall(gas(), implementation, 0x0, calldatasize(), 0x0, 0x0) // Copy returndata into memory at 0x0....returndatasize. Note that this *will* // overwrite the calldata that we just copied into memory but that doesn't really // matter because we'll be returning in a second anyway. returndatacopy(0x0, 0x0, returndatasize()) // Success == 0 means a revert. We'll revert too and pass the data up. if iszero(success) { revert(0x0, returndatasize()) } // Otherwise we'll just return and pass the data up. return(0x0, returndatasize()) } } }
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >0.5.0 <0.8.0; /** * @title iL1ChugSplashDeployer */ interface iL1ChugSplashDeployer { function isUpgrading() external view returns ( bool ); }
{ "evmVersion": "istanbul", "libraries": {}, "metadata": { "bytecodeHash": "ipfs", "useLiteralContent": true }, "optimizer": { "enabled": true, "runs": 200 }, "remappings": [], "outputSelection": { "*": { "*": [ "evm.bytecode", "evm.deployedBytecode", "abi" ] } } }
Contract Security Audit
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Contract ABI
Contract Creation Code
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 Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _owner (address): 0x9996571372066A1545D3435C6935e3F9593A7eF5
-----Encoded View---------------
1 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 0000000000000000000000009996571372066a1545d3435c6935e3f9593a7ef5Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingABI for the implementation contract at 0x64b5a5ed26dcb17370ff4d33a8d503f0fbd06cff, using the EIP-1967 Transparent Proxy pattern.
Previously recorded to be on 0x566511a1a09561e2896f8c0fd77e8544e59bfdb0.Learn more about proxy contracts in our Knowledge Base
Loading...LoadingABI for the implementation contract at 0x64b5a5ed26dcb17370ff4d33a8d503f0fbd06cff, using the EIP-1967 Transparent Proxy pattern.
Previously recorded to be on 0x566511a1a09561e2896f8c0fd77e8544e59bfdb0.Learn more about proxy contracts in our Knowledge Base
Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 30 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value ETH 43.13% $1 932,976,391.7011 $932,976,391.7 ETH 30.42% $2.35 279,999,310.5438 $657,998,379.78 ETH 8.47% $1.22 150,000,000 $183,191,884.63 ETH 4.95% $10.7 10,016,570.569 $107,177,305.09 ETH 4.48% $97,488 993.4717 $96,851,564.6 ETH 3.57% $1 77,166,291.4284 $77,166,291.43 ETH 0.96% $4,067.16 5,118.6321 $20,818,295.63 ETH 0.90% $0.82117 23,809,844.6848 $19,551,930.16 ETH 0.40% $23.37 373,639.0091 $8,731,943.64 ETH 0.32% $0.212628 32,218,474.165 $6,850,549.72 ETH 0.27% $100.95 57,390.8131 $5,793,602.58 ETH 0.26% $0.989867 5,681,588.1868 $5,624,015.06 ETH 0.23% $1.03 4,893,383.9355 $5,034,061.75 ETH 0.21% $342.1 13,540.3995 $4,632,170.68 ETH 0.15% $0.005491 582,978,445.0349 $3,200,916.47 ETH 0.13% $5.28 542,187.3449 $2,862,749.18 ETH 0.10% $0.025102 84,927,687.5847 $2,131,831.88 ETH 0.09% $0.615437 3,227,674.8031 $1,986,430.5 ETH 0.08% $0.995035 1,795,659.0568 $1,786,744.06 ETH 0.08% $0.08406 20,430,390.9438 $1,717,378.66 ETH 0.07% $1 1,551,396.0049 $1,551,396 ETH 0.07% $15.11 93,784.1905 $1,417,079.12 ETH 0.06% $1.1 1,180,497.5517 $1,292,644.82 ETH 0.06% $0.006834 181,927,392.1256 $1,243,340.92 ETH 0.05% $0.09211 12,868,479.1118 $1,185,315.61 ETH 0.05% $3,945.19 255.5988 $1,008,385.64 ETH 0.03% $0.341384 1,998,823.7795 $682,366.46 ETH 0.03% $0.03095 20,880,372.1898 $646,245.01 ETH 0.03% $2.08 302,623.8448 $629,457.6 ETH 0.03% $0.244498 2,231,455.1403 $545,586.32 ETH 0.02% $0.447902 1,032,918.0736 $462,646.07 ETH 0.02% $2.79 153,022.6112 $426,933.09 ETH 0.02% $1.49 262,233.3767 $390,727.73 ETH 0.02% $5.78 63,506.195 $367,065.81 ETH 0.02% $0.658675 539,459.5392 $355,328.29 ETH 0.01% $1.57 191,601.0469 $301,244.91 ETH 0.01% $0.61702 476,915.8675 $294,266.63 ETH 0.01% $82.93 3,195.9543 $265,040.49 ETH 0.01% $0.334266 725,307.4903 $242,445.59 ETH 0.01% $0.017101 13,695,995.0356 $234,221.37 ETH 0.01% $0.53208 419,593.6196 $223,257.37 ETH <0.01% $36.54 5,752.8697 $210,209.86 ETH <0.01% $1.13 179,345.5736 $202,660.5 ETH <0.01% $0.047276 3,904,707.9624 $184,599.52 ETH <0.01% $0.001614 114,284,448.5497 $184,501.74 ETH <0.01% $4,311.41 40.2729 $173,632.8 ETH <0.01% $0.064655 2,655,759.1359 $171,708.11 ETH <0.01% $0.059738 2,794,087.2041 $166,912.41 ETH <0.01% $0.548945 293,799.4883 $161,279.76 ETH <0.01% $0.06463 2,338,403.5004 $151,131.02 ETH <0.01% $0.817968 167,672.0604 $137,150.38 ETH <0.01% $65.42 2,050.0162 $134,112.06 ETH <0.01% $0.159173 834,965.9965 $132,904.04 ETH <0.01% $3.08 40,179.7082 $123,753.5 ETH <0.01% $0.029584 4,145,746.9281 $122,646.95 ETH <0.01% $0.004325 25,046,689.5808 $108,329.94 ETH <0.01% $0.011244 7,724,220.5763 $86,851.37 ETH <0.01% $3,834.26 21.4023 $82,062.15 ETH <0.01% $4,005.02 19.3281 $77,409.52 ETH <0.01% $0.003507 20,018,133.2795 $70,208.12 ETH <0.01% $0.000002 28,058,451,602 $64,534.44 ETH <0.01% $1 60,415.6381 $60,415.64 ETH <0.01% $1.11 50,505.224 $56,060.8 ETH <0.01% $0.000892 60,197,661.4193 $53,721.6 ETH <0.01% $0.001096 38,757,490.2645 $42,468.91 ETH <0.01% $1.77 23,515.9633 $41,623.26 ETH <0.01% $0.01229 3,009,632 $36,986.88 ETH <0.01% $3.15 11,065.6061 $34,856.66 ETH <0.01% $0.020789 1,600,855.9282 $33,280.83 ETH <0.01% $0.058087 487,856.609 $28,338.13 ETH <0.01% $1.11 25,222.2402 $27,996.69 ETH <0.01% $0.010636 1,952,156.3978 $20,762.65 ETH <0.01% $0.825633 24,057 $19,862.25 ETH <0.01% $0.220482 86,473.6118 $19,065.87 ETH <0.01% $36.29 510.724 $18,533.18 ETH <0.01% $0.010543 1,671,913.0733 $17,626.56 ETH <0.01% $0.483506 35,985.0236 $17,398.96 ETH <0.01% $0.082886 189,018 $15,666.95 ETH <0.01% $0.483343 32,159.1713 $15,543.91 ETH <0.01% $12.2 1,248.0127 $15,225.75 ETH <0.01% $0.003152 4,816,938.5338 $15,183.57 ETH <0.01% $14.44 1,015.3 $14,660.93 ETH <0.01% $0.000021 632,406,914.8287 $12,976.99 ETH <0.01% $0.001041 11,871,613.3611 $12,363.83 ETH <0.01% $0.522676 22,915.9041 $11,977.59 ETH <0.01% $0.014391 710,988.8815 $10,231.83 ETH <0.01% $0.010906 843,992.0619 $9,204.52 ETH <0.01% $1,574.79 5.0938 $8,021.73 ETH <0.01% $0.000013 500,000,000 $6,645 ETH <0.01% $1 5,461.5593 $5,467.02 ETH <0.01% $0.033195 115,954.5955 $3,849.17 ETH <0.01% $0.654475 5,805.2521 $3,799.39 ETH <0.01% $0.427171 7,711.457 $3,294.11 ETH <0.01% $0.172806 12,063.3626 $2,084.62 ETH <0.01% $0.087378 21,052.3952 $1,839.52 ETH <0.01% $0.213525 8,403.4545 $1,794.35 ETH <0.01% $1.72 900.3407 $1,548.59 ETH <0.01% $5.68 225.5904 $1,281.35 ETH <0.01% $0.96596 1,252 $1,209.38 ETH <0.01% $0.023678 46,317.0877 $1,096.7 ETH <0.01% $0.208607 4,529.7992 $944.95 ETH <0.01% $0.01618 52,450.3274 $848.67 ETH <0.01% $21,459 0.0345 $741.1 ETH <0.01% $2.15 344.229 $740.09 ETH <0.01% $0.067192 10,226.6443 $687.15 ETH <0.01% $0.052654 10,100 $531.81 ETH <0.01% $0.995928 496.6027 $494.58 ETH <0.01% $0.004135 113,815.0323 $470.6 ETH <0.01% $0.001649 283,978.1571 $468.3 ETH <0.01% $0.005011 67,985.5742 $340.65 ETH <0.01% $0.159342 2,044.1583 $325.72 ETH <0.01% $1.03 297.874 $306.78 ETH <0.01% $0.000234 1,302,961.9856 $304.97 ETH <0.01% $8,822.03 0.0319 $281.69 ETH <0.01% $0.511947 548.07 $280.58 ETH <0.01% $0.545992 498.8038 $272.34 ETH <0.01% $3.79 62.0698 $235.24 ETH <0.01% $0.639624 360.8616 $230.82 ETH <0.01% $3,629.66 0.0578 $209.63 ETH <0.01% $0.240674 466.626 $112.3 ETH <0.01% $1.33 78.71 $104.68 ETH <0.01% $0.021991 4,249.4098 $93.45 ETH <0.01% $3,577.07 0.025 $89.43 ETH <0.01% $0.09146 767.4525 $70.19 ETH <0.01% $0.030237 1,363.3232 $41.22 ETH <0.01% $0.047417 767.148 $36.38 ETH <0.01% $0.006685 5,110 $34.16 ETH <0.01% $0.000357 76,131.3141 $27.2 ETH <0.01% $9.5 2 $19 ETH <0.01% $0.026151 500 $13.08 ETH <0.01% $0.384701 25.7764 $9.92 ETH <0.01% $0.096553 50 $4.83 ETH <0.01% $3.59 1 $3.59 ETH <0.01% $0.997087 3.4746 $3.46 ETH <0.01% $3.38 1 $3.38 ETH <0.01% $0.003125 1,000 $3.13 ETH <0.01% $0.201746 12.2151 $2.46 ETH <0.01% $0.18848 10 $1.88 ETH <0.01% $0.027139 50.0029 $1.36 ETH <0.01% <$0.000001 16,356,542.4364 $1.18 ETH <0.01% $0.999244 1 $0.9992 ETH <0.01% $0.000937 1,000 $0.9368 ETH <0.01% $0.00611 101 $0.617 ETH <0.01% $0.001019 155.7845 $0.1587 OP <0.01% $3,629.82 11.0081 $39,957.31 OP <0.01% $2.08 100.1 $207.91 OP <0.01% $1 190.78 $190.78 OP <0.01% $15.11 0.06 $0.9066 BSC <0.01% $1.86 6,490.12 $12,097.94 BSC <0.01% $705.14 0.0614 $43.27 BSC <0.01% $3,629.09 0.01 $36.36 BSC <0.01% $0.000011 804,828 $9.2 BSC <0.01% $0.999784 4.55 $4.55 ARB <0.01% $3,630.19 0.1276 $463.1 ZKSYNC <0.01% $3,629.66 0.017 $61.74 BASE <0.01% $0.00413 4,324.6182 $17.86 BASE <0.01% <$0.000001 295,774,647 $8.34 BASE <0.01% $3,630.13 0.00190588 $6.92 BASE <0.01% $0.019457 120 $2.33 BASE <0.01% $0.027891 11 $0.3067 BASE <0.01% <$0.000001 35,523,552 $0.2131 AVAX <0.01% $42.22 0.1251 $5.28 LINEA <0.01% $3,629.66 0.00012171 $0.441776 POL <0.01% $0.513304 0.2075 $0.106522 POL <0.01% $0.000209 500 $0.1046 FTM <0.01% $0.820006 0.0127 $0.010414 Loading...Loading[ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ]A contract address hosts a smart contract, which is a set of code stored on the blockchain that runs when predetermined conditions are met. 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