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Sushiswap Router contract address on the Sepolia public testnet

Can anyone help me find the Sushiswap Router contract address on the Sepolia public testnet? I’ve already located the Uniswap Router address but am having trouble finding the one for Sushiswap.
muhammad favas's user avatar
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Uniswap/Sushiswap: How to grab/calculate APY?

I am trying to understand if it is possible to use oracles or interfaces that can provide the APY of a specific protocol ERC-20. Essentially, I would like to write a smart contract that allows ...
Zeta King's user avatar
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INTN Token Scam - Cannot sell it back

I recently bought some INTN tokens on Sushiswap on this address: As you can see the token address as ...
Crypto Night's user avatar
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How to correctly compose the KEY argument (bytes32) for positions() method in Sushi V3 Pool?

I'm trying to get pool position parameters, like: liquidity feeGrowthInside0LastX128 feeGrowthInside1LastX128 tokensOwed0 tokensOwed1 by polling positions() method in pool smart contract (I'm using ...
Andrii Kaplunenko's user avatar
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Too BIG feeGrowthInside0LastX128 and feeGrowthInside1LastX128 values in Sushi V3 pool positions, can't calculate fees correctly

I'm developing a system which continuously monitors Sushi pool positions and calculates their effectiveness (or, simply said, fees growth per unit of time). Since Sushi is a fork of Uniswap, I often ...
Andrii Kaplunenko's user avatar
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Why do i get 0ETH from transaction of 2k

When I swap my KVAI to ETH and it says it successed. I loose nothing of my KVAI and get send 0ETH to my wallet. What is happening and why?
Daniel's user avatar
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Sushi V3Pool smart contract - what to put in "bytes calldata data" parameter of "swap" method? Or how to perform swap programmatically?

Hey guys thanks in advance! I'm using V3 liquidity pools manually, but I like to automate everything. So I'm trying to create liquidity manager in Go, I use Geth as Golang-Eth SDK but my ...
Andrii Kaplunenko's user avatar
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Question: I have tried to flashloan with Solidity using Aave code. The issue occurred when calling the _flashloan function with the token address and amount as arguments. Steps: Convert the pool ...
support's user avatar
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Is this token a scam? (ABYS)

I was recently browsing the list of new pools on arbitrum and came across this coin: Without looking too much into it, I saw a ...
ChewyCorndog's user avatar
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Ideal cross chain swaps

What will be the ideal scenario for swapping assets in different chains? It's not possible to transfer any asset to a different chain. What if we make a separate token for the swap? Mint a token ...
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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Is it possible to check the gas fees for a contract before executing the contract itself?

Is it possible to check the overall gas price of a transaction before executing the contract? I'm trying to implement some arbitrage trade through a smart contract that would find me price ...
Esko918's user avatar
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unable to get trade data using @sushiswap/core-sdk

I am trying to get trade information based on user provided information, but code is failing at building Trade. here is code const sellAssetValue = { decimal: 18, symbol: 'ETH', } const ...
Faizan Ul Haq's user avatar
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getAmountIn equivalent of uniswapV3 or how to calculate it?

I was exploring uniswap V3 router, quoter and factory contracts, but it doesn't have getAmountIn function to calculate the minimum amount I must input to get the desired amount. On some thread, I ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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How to know base token from the pool

here is quick question. From uniswap pool, which one is base token? token0 or token1?
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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approve spender to swap

i'm trying to swap using 1inch aggregator api and when i try to swap, it says "Not enough allowance. Amount: 4600000000000000. Allowance: 0. Spender: 0x1111111254eeb25477b68fb85ed929f73a960582&...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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1Inch with flashloan provider

Is there a way to trade on 1Inch using the API and flash-loaned balance. If it is possible please give me some info. I was seeing the DOC to find how to integrate the flash-loan provider with 1Inch ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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getAmountsOut and sushiswap user interface shows different result

Hello eth communities.. I am trying to interact with ethereum chain using programming and I'm using getAmountsOut to get swap path quote using sushiswap's contract. But the result in my vscode and ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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What are the things MEV bots can MEV?

Suppose I'm performing swaps form Uniswap, sushiswap etc Can they MEV my funds? What are the things MEV bots can do?
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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After successfully deploying a subgraph via The Graph to Mumbai it suddenly stops working for no apparent reason

so I have succesfully deployed a subgraph to a fork of the masterchef contract from sushiswap. Before beeing able to sync up properly, the subgraph suddenly throws an error and stops. The error ...
CheeseMcBurger's user avatar
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How can I get all tokens listed on `Sushiswap`

How can I get all tokens listed on Sushiswap. For uniswap we can call factory.getTokenWithId(id) with the token id. But how can we do the same for Sushiswap ?
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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How can I make a flashloan bot

How Can I make a flash loan bot which can operate on Aave, uniswap, sushiswap etc? I know a furucombo, but this is too complicated for me. My Idea is the bot will keep an eye on certain tokens & ...
Saikat Karmakar's user avatar
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Sushiswap Router Contract Address on Sepolia Public Testnet?

I'm trying to interact with Sushiswap on the Sepolia public testnet, and I already found the Uniswap Router contract address. However, I can't seem to locate the Sushiswap Router contract address for ...
Ibrahim Khalil's user avatar
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SushiSwap contract RouteProcessor: Unknown command code

Im trying to swap tokens on sushiswap from python. For example im trying to swap 1 MATIC for 1 USDC. I have generated a route based on other answers on stackexchange but it didnt work to me and throws ...
Pavel R's user avatar
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How to estimate input amount for sushiswap?

For estimation of input amount of tokens while calling quoteExactOutputSingle I use following for uni v2 const pair = await Fetcher.fetchPairData(tokenFrom, tokenTo, provider); const route = new ...
Serhii Nikitin's user avatar
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SwapExactTokensForTokens not working properly

I'm building an arbitrage bot that swaps tokens from uniswap and sushiswap (or vice versa). To build it i used the swapExactTokensForTokens() function from uniswap and sushiswap, when i try to swap ...
Shadq's user avatar
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processRoute SushiSwap

I have a problem, this transaction with SushiRouter does not work, and it also writes an error ImportError: cannot import name 'encode' from 'eth_abi' (C:\Users\PC\AppData\Local\Packages\...
Андрей's user avatar
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Generate route for Sushi Swap Route Processor processRoute contract method

I'm trying to programically use RouteProcessor smart contract by Sushi Swap. Here you can see contract I gathered information ...
Sultan Nasyrov's user avatar
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Sushi swap Flash swap [closed]

I'm trying to arbitrage between sushi and uniswap whats the smart contract to arbitrage from sushi swap to uniswap , [fl ash loan from sushi]
RichMond's user avatar
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Member "swapExactTokensForTokens" not found or not visible - Solidity trading bot

I've been working on a arbitrage solidity bot on Uni- and SushiSwap and I have a strange error: TypeError: Member "swapExactTokensForTokens" not found or not visible after argument-dependent ...
Christopherus's user avatar
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Swap not possible, default gas extremely high

EDIT : Problem solve, 10% slippage via Metamask swap I haven't been able to swap for several hours on Arbitrium. Initially going through the ShushiSwap interface which cannot estimate the gas then not ...
Wordhy's user avatar
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Get pair reserves on Uniswap and Sushiswap using the same contract in Remix

i created a contract in Remix to get the reserves of a pair on Uniswap, and it works fine, but when i try to do the same thing using the Sushiswap factory address the function gives me a "...
MattC's user avatar
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Testing uniswapV2 swap function with hardhat

I wrote a smart contract in solidity and want to test it with hardhat, but I don't know how to solve this issue and sorry at the beginning, it could be a very long post. My smart contract looks like ...
Dani S's user avatar
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Interact with swap function for Sushiswap contract

I want to test swapping some ETH for DPX like so: However, when looking at ...
43zombiegit's user avatar
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sushiswap flash loan never makes a profitable trade?

Any ideas as to why this flashloan contract isn't working? getting prices from a pricing aggregator I've verified the prices are accurate Thought that maybe it was because of slippage/liquidity but ...
U Avalos's user avatar
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How to get Sushiswap and Uniswap prices from API for WETH/DAI on KOVAN?

Where can I find APIs to query data of WETH/DAI Prices on Uniswap and Sushiswap? For the mainnet, there is where one can query price data with pre-defined GraphQL queries, but I can't ...
ku11's user avatar
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According to Uniswap, we need to use swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens for tokens that take a fee on transfer. My question is, when does this token fee paid? Also, how does this ...
Emrah's user avatar
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0x API showing a different price than what is shown on

When I run the below it shows a price that is different from what I see on matcha. Trying to figure out how the price on matcha is derived.
user100446's user avatar
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Prices from Uniswap and SushiSwap inconstistent

I wrote a simple script in python to get real-time prices from both UniSwap V2 and SushiSwap. The prices I am getting are inconsistent. I'm trying to get an estimate of USDT to USDC swap and the ...
Emiliano Fraticelli's user avatar
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How sushiswap exchange price between token, native token?

I am new to blockchain dev. so the first learning I fork sushiswap from github, so the code very not clear for me The difficulty understanding is how to get price tokens to exchange? example 1BNB will ...
Peter Jack's user avatar
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0xAPI is failing to return best price for a token pair versus Sushiswap

We are using the 0xAPI to search price quotes on different exchanges for one of our native index tokens at Piedao (PLAY - 0x33e18a092a93ff21aD04746c7Da12e35D34DC7C4) vs. ETH. The current quote for 1 ...
jzia's user avatar
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How does "MasterChef (V2/3)" work in terms of rewards? What does it reward to a provider?

Talking about Sushiswap, Uniswap and similar projects: Suppose, I've deposited tokenA and tokenB into a liquidity pool and received "TokenAB LP" tokens. When I send my "TokenAB LP" ...
arumichi's user avatar
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How's Liquidity Pool ID obtained from?

When programming Yield Farming, particularly in JS, MasterChefV3 requires an ID of liquidity pool, in order to make a deposit(...) into it. Where or how does one get a liquidity pool ID? it's not ...
Rurik21Ami's user avatar
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Is there a grid trading option for Ethereum DEX'es like uniswap and sushiswap?

Currently DEX'es like uniswap and sushiswap can only do basic swap orders, but is there a service or way to do grid trading using these types of DEX'es? Or is there another L2 that can do this? ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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How to make the basic DEX operations in SushiSwap in Solidity? (internals of SushiSwap)

As a developer who wants to try out and possibly will want to adjust some functionality, how would I: create a liquidity pool create a farm pool do a swap add to / witdraw from liquity pool ...
arumichi's user avatar
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How does Sushi deal with limit orders? (Conceptually)

On it is possible to set limit orders. From their documentation: When the user creates a limit order for a purchase or a sale on SushiSwap, the order is sent to an AWS server[...] And in ...
Alvin Sartor's user avatar
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EIP 1559 transaction for and swapExactTokensForTokens (

path = [TETHER, wAVAX, TIME] contract_txn = contract_TJ_ROUTER.functions.swapExactTokensForTokens( Web3.toWei(380.27, 'ether'), Web3.toWei(0, 'ether'), path , address_wallet, block['timestamp']+30 )....
Blackwidow's user avatar
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When upgrading the smart contract to v0.7.6 of masterchef v2 getting this error TypeError: The "using for" directive is not allowed inside interfaces

interface IRewarder { using BoringERC20 for IERC20; function onSushiReward(uint256 pid, address user, address recipient, uint256 sushiAmount, uint256 newLpAmount) external; function pendingTokens(...
1111's user avatar
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Transaction failed due to lack of gas Hi, My trx failed due to lack of gas. I want to provide liquidity on sushiswap. I transferred both erc tokens ...
1nes's user avatar
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Send lp tokens to burn address

is there any repo or links where I can learn how to burn lp tokens? If someone added liquidity I want the contract itself to burn the lp tokens instead of sending them to a user.
Gajeel Redfox's user avatar
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getReserves() function does not provide the information of the swap price

I've made a function to get swap prices of the Sushiswap rates using getReserves() function. As I have learned, in order to get the current swap price of 2 tokens, I need to divide the amount of ...
Ruslan Kirsanov's user avatar