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Questions tagged [scheduling]

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Triggering User Defined Jobs On-Chain

I have been working on this dapp lately that allow users to create a product with an expiration date (don't mind the specifics of the app). Once expired, a call to a smart contract should be made (...
eyalmen's user avatar
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1 answer

Execute an ethereum transaction every X amount of blocks within a smart contract?

I would like to build a smart contract where users deposit crypto into a lottery like system. Every 10 blocks that have passed on the underlying chain I want to generate a random number and send out a ...
Denis Ivanov's user avatar
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Scheduling a set of transactions to be executed on a basis

I am searching for a platform that can help me to have a particular function of my smart contract executed on a regular basis. I have found a couple of solutions, but none is useful as my contract is ...
Sina Rahimi's user avatar
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Subscriptions - Recurring payments (Fiat to Crypto wallet)

I checked several platforms (BitPay, Stripe, Plaid etc..) but none seem to enable me to setup a recurring payment from fiat to a crypto wallet the same way you would do it on Netflix with your bank ...
ibox's user avatar
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2 answers

Subscriptions - Recurring payments (EVM)

after reading these threads link 1, link 2 and link 3, I am a bit confused as why there is no way, on the EVM, to put in place recurring payments as it's such a predominant use case IRL (rent, ...
ibox's user avatar
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Dynamically supply link to chainlink upkeeper

I've created a simple chainlink upkeep task on polygon: import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.7/KeeperCompatible.sol"; contract Counter is KeeperCompatibleInterface { /** * Public ...
johnny 5's user avatar
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Looping over scheduling ETH transaction

I have used Aion smart contracts to facilitate scheduling a ETH transaction. It works fine, but when it comes to making those transactions periodically (Scheduling multiple transactions), it throws an ...
Sina Rahimi's user avatar
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How to call a function with ethereum alarm clock?

In Ethereum alarm clock who is calling the contract (scheduler?) that executes the function programmed in my contract. I mean, I have a function in my contract that needs to run on a certain date, but ...
EMANUEL's user avatar
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scheduling of smart contract functions

I am reading the alarm clock documentation but there are things I don't understand. I have a dapp where the smart contract has different functions. For ...
EMANUEL's user avatar
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Call Smart Contract At Unpredictable Time

Is there a call scheduling service that lets you schedule a call at a time in the future not predictable by someone with access to contract code and transaction details? The scheduling services I've ...
qwerty's user avatar
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How to schedule a transaction to a Contract? [duplicate]

I have a simple getter-setter contract. I want to schedule transactions for a method of my contract on a particular date and time. Do we have a function to schedule transactions to a contract in ...
Geethapriya G H's user avatar
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Is using oraclize to schedule using execution of a function asynchronous?

I am looking for ways to automatically execute a function call every 24 hours in my smart contract and came across this answer. Is the solution here asynchronous, i.e. can the contract execute other ...
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Gas Estimation Failed error when scheduling Aion call

I am trying to understand the Aion scheduling system, so I tried their code example from here. Below is the code snippet: pragma solidity ^0.4.24; // interface Aion contract Aion { uint256 ...
Fariha Abbasi's user avatar
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How to check state of the contract after some time?

I am writing a contract where I need to check that if in 5 minutes no new token get purchased then the sale should be ended. What I mean exactly is that, lets say user A has purchased 100 tokens and ...
Fariha Abbasi's user avatar
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How to auto-execute smart contract's function by Aion or other method in the private chain?

I was a little bit confused about Aion scheduling system, because I want to do it on the private chain, in the example, they have both smart contract Aion and ...
leojail's user avatar
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2 answers

How can the smart contract auto execute the function in the private chain?

I know currently, we can use the Ethereum Alarm Clock and Aion scheduling system to execute the function automatically, but according to what I know, it only can work in Main Net and Test Net(Rposten)....
leojail's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible for a contract to auto-execute a function every hour? [duplicate]

I have a contract with a manual function that checks the balance of the contract and if it's zero it changes certain values in mapping. How to make this happen automatically every hour?
Zetal's user avatar
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2 answers

Rejecting oraclize scheduled request [closed]

Using Oracle we can call scheduled functions. But is it possible to cancel scheduled function? I mean, for example, if I scheduled an function that updates something in my contract in 10 minutes but ...
Aleksandr's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I make recursive calls using Ethereum Alarm Clock Scheduler? [duplicate]

Answer given here does not provide full solution. Can some one please suggest me if it is practically feasible to execute a method in my smart contract every 24 hours using Ethereum Alarm Clock? You ...
Gagan's user avatar
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CryptoKitty birth and auction clock

How does CryptoKitty implement scheduling functions such as give birth function or auction ending function. I tried to track it through Eth Fiddle but didn't find how it was done. Is there a ...
Mr.O's user avatar
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How can contract do recurring payments? [duplicate]

I need to create a contract that will make recurring payments as per user's request, the contract will ask the user to tell the sender and receiver address and it'll transfer some amount of erc20 ...
Fariha Abbasi's user avatar
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Scheduled Operation on Smart Contract [duplicate]

Looking for a way to schedule an event within the smart contract. When the event is occurred should be able to invoke the method of the contract. I want to implement this whole feature, within the ...
Susmit's user avatar
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Ethereum Alarm Clock

I am trying to test a smart contract which uses the Ethereum Alarm Clock . They have mentioned a contract address for the testnet. But that is old and it is not available for any of the new testnets. ...
Kannan Ravindran's user avatar
2 votes
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Parity schedule on block number n-1 or n-2?

I'm trying to get in on some ICO's, and was wondering what the best way to get in was using Parity. I've read some people say that you should use n-2 so the block number the ICO starts at minus two ...
Etherdude78's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

How to schedule a transaction?

Anyone can guide me on how to schedule a transaction to be sent once a specific block number is mined? Thanks
Youssef's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to deploy Ethereum Alarm Clock contract on a private ethereum network?

Ethereum Alarm Clock: Schedule Contract Function Calls An ethereum contract that facilitates scheduling function calls for a specified block in the future. Function calls can be scheduled to ...
alper's user avatar
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What happens when you put an recursive schedule call with Ethereum Alarm Clock scheduler?

My goal is to schedule a call once every day. [Q] Is it possible to use recursive function to schedule a call once every day using Ethereum Alarm Clock scheduler? Example from following answer ...
alper's user avatar
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27 votes
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Is block.timestamp safe for longer time periods?

I would like to set a timer like uint timeout = now + 1 year; Is it possible that a miner cheats the timestamp of the block that it's included more then let's say a month. So if I need roughly 1 ...
Jerry's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Why can't a contract wake up and run itself?

This question is not about external solutions, but are there technical limitations to why a contract that has funds, can't schedule itself to run at a future block? Could the Ethereum protocol have ...
eth's user avatar
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How can I schedule a call in a future? [duplicate]

Let say I want to be sure that some action is executed every 24 hours. Is there a way to guarantee this if my contract have necessary ethers to pay for this calls?
21xhipster's user avatar
133 votes
9 answers

How can a contract run itself at a later time?

In my blockchain application, I would like to have an event triggered at a later time, hours or perhaps even days after the application has most recently received a transaction from a user. How can I ...
Jeff Coleman's user avatar
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