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Unable to deposit ether inside contract using receive function

Code is : contract sendEther{ //to send ether, we need to deposit some ether first in this contract //We can do it by declaring constructor as payable which enables us to deposit some ether ...
shikamaru's user avatar
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Sending ether to a contract without data throws an error

I'm trying to deploy a smart contract that allows users to buy tokens that can be used to pay fees on its platform. In case someone is going to send ETH directly to the contract address without ...
C5H8NNaO4's user avatar
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Failing to send() 1 wei from one contract to another

The following code is supposed to send 1 wei from the current contract to a newly created contract. The recipient contract gets created successfully and the sending contract has a positive balance, ...
Zephyrus's user avatar
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Fallback function fails when ethers sent from metamask

This is my code snippet for fallback function, If I use it by explicity using "fallback" function on Remix, then equivalent no of tokens do come in my wallet but if I send ethers via metamask directly ...
Fariha Abbasi's user avatar
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Can a smart contract be set up so that a function to forward funds sends a set percentage of the Ether received to 2 or more contracts?

For example the the openzeppelin crowdsale contract has a function that sends ether to a wallet address. Could this method include logic to send 60% of the funds received to Alice's wallet and 40% to ...
John Murphy's user avatar
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why don't popular tokens have payable fallback

I'm referring to the source of of the most popular tokens on etherscan. It looks like they don't have any payable functions. How do they accept ether and transfer the tokens automatically when ...
Fandy Razzle's user avatar
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Why is there more than one payable function in a solidity contract?

When someone transfers ether to a contract address the payable callback (without name) function is called automatically. What I don't understand is why are there many examples with multiple payable ...
Dany D's user avatar
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