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DNS using blockchain (how can i hashed my domain name ) in the code below help me to complete this code

import Web3 from "web3"; import Registry from "./contracts/Registry.json"; import Resolver from "./contracts/Resolver.json"; import Cache from "./contracts/Cache....
Zain Alramahi's user avatar
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3 answers

How to show the data stored in the blockchain to the client side app

I wrote this contract for an 'Online Birth and Death Registration System' that stores data to the blockchain and now I'd like to know how i can retrieve the data I store so I can display it on another ...
Indianapoliss's user avatar
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2 answers

How to solve Unhandled Rejection (Error): invalid address error with web3 js

Whenever I run the code I get an error saying "Unhandled Rejection (Error): invalid address (argument="address", value=["0xF628D397c2C1c4cB485BDF5441ac723B229f4F8f"], code=...
Karmugil's user avatar
17 votes
9 answers

The endpoint returned a different chain ID: 0x539 (Ganache)

I am trying to connect Metamask to ganache by creating a custom RPC with the following details: New RPC URL: HTTP:// Chain Id: 5777 But I keep getting the error message The endpoint ...
Chidi Nkwocha's user avatar
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2 answers

Web3 is not connecting to metamask. TypeError: Null object returned to account

I am currently following the tutorial in Dapp University YouTube channel where I am coding my own ERC-20 token At 5:51:00 onwards you can see ...
Ridwan Chowdhury's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to deploy blockchain app in heroku

I want to deploy my blockchain app in heroku and i just want to use ganache as my blockchain network. is that possible?
Martin Angeles's user avatar
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Is it possible to use ganache blockchain when I deploy my web app in heroku? or should I deploy the contract first to a test network?

const web3 = new Web3( new Web3.providers.HttpProvider( "" ) ); const abi = JSON.parse( '[ { "constant": false, "inputs": [ { "internalType": "string", "...
Martin Angeles's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

ganache-cli: how to persist new created accounts

I start my service by: ganache-cli -d --gasPrice 0 -q --db=./db This persists my 10 defaults created accounts, but when I create new accounts using Web3: web3.eth.personal.newAccount('password') ...
KQUEIROZ's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Difference between `0x01` and `0x1` status code?

Sometimes when running Ganache I receive status code 0x01, sometimes 0x1. Should I treat both as successful executions?
Daniel's user avatar
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