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Implementing a Meta Transaction Relayer with Separate Gas Fee and Worldcoin Wallets on Worldchain

What changes should I make to my code to create a Meta Transaction Relayer that pays the gas fee with an ETH wallet (on the Worldchain network) different from the one sending the Worldcoin (on the ...
Dylan Leguizamon's user avatar
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2 answers

Which multi-wallet connect to use in 2024?

hope all is well. I am relatively new to the space and I was wondering for an NFT marketplace, which multi-wallet connect should I use? More specifically, it seems that most web3 apps use web3modal, ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Getting empty response after calling safeFactory.init() function on Safe MultiSig wallet

I created a multiSig address from the UI and I'm trying to call an external contract using that safe address. I want to use that safeAddress and create a sort of safe Instance so that I can call ...
Pankaj Jagtap's user avatar
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Searching for proof-readers: "The Aftermath of the Ethereum Merge"

Dear Ethereum enthusiast, I am currently a Business Engineering student at Ghent University in Belgium. As part of my degree requirements, I am conducting research on the Ethereum Merge for my master’...
Simon Van Erdeghem's user avatar
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Error Connecting to Ethereum Wallet Using ethers.js in HTML Page

I am working on an HTML page to connect to an Ethereum wallet and initiate transactions using ethers.js. However, when I attempt to connect to the wallet by clicking the 'Connect Wallet' button, I ...
Talha Sajid Chaudhary's user avatar
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Blind signing when trying to send USDT over Arbitrum network

I am trying to send USDT ERC20 token through arbitrum network and all things go well until i want to personally sign it using my hardware wallet. seems like the ABI is wrong or corrupt as i get bling ...
saugat giri's user avatar
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Unhandled Rejection (Error): ENS is not supported on network private

Unhandled Rejection (Error): ENS is not supported on network private l.<anonymous> /packages/web3-eth-ens/lib/ENS.js:481 478 | if (!this._detectedAddress) { 479 | var networkType = await ...
Nishant Patil's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does a wallet user need to sign a message to login?

We all know how Ethereum signing works for user authentication. MetaMask asks you to sign, you sign it and application's server validates it and, if true, allows you to use services. Assume that in my ...
Neo's user avatar
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Have I lost my my wallet funds [duplicate]

So I transferred my eth from trust into but when I go back to it it shows my balance as 0.. my friend who is helping me on this journey has said as I didn’t put £500 in to start with it ...
Lee's user avatar
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Creating an app only for signing transactions that I create through a website

I want to create an app that signs transactions that I initiate through a web app. An example for this is open sea that lets you connect to any wallet on your mobile device and sign transactions on ...
Divyya's user avatar
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Display token balance of test tokens

I am working on a React-Native crypto application for fun, and I am trying to show the test tokens that I have inside my metamask wallet to display on my app to display the token balances. I have ...
Scott's user avatar
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Error Handling in Solidity Using Custom Errors with Web3js

In many posts, I've noticed discussions about handling this using the Ethers library. However, my implementation is based on Web3.js, and I'm facing a challenge. My contract is set to revert a ...
nunurao's user avatar
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Dose contracts must be deployed?

I see js programmers compile and call solidity contract without actually deploying it using hardhat and/or similar tools. Do they really can use the contract without deploying on the chain(like swap ...
Biruk Damte's user avatar
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View Function Error in Ethers js

I Use ethersjs Cdn when i call getCounter Function in my SmartContract it return me transaction object not give me counter value. View Function not give me value it give me transaction object async ...
adil-techcode's user avatar
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How to check the life of the wallet address?

I want to know if there is a way to check how long ago is the wallet created? like 2 days ago, 6 months ago? Is there a way we can check?
Fariha Abbasi's user avatar
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Web3ReactProvider || Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length') || Error while using web3-react/core

getting this error while consuming the web3provider, Did the same configuration as per the tutorial.
amit perane's user avatar
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How to build a web3 mobile dapp with react native [closed]

For weeks now i have been trying to building to mobile dapps for web3 but all has failed, is it possible to build web3 mobile dapp on the evm. i would love to hear from you guys on how to go about ...
Josephdev's user avatar
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Doubt on signature verification

Hello i am making a project on state channel logic. My idea is to make a consultancy service and i am using as chat element. I know that i need to sign a message and verify it on offchain ...
Hacek 's user avatar
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Is it good for me to switch to Moralis from web3js?

I've used web3.js for a long time now for connecting my front-end ( ReactJs ) with blockchain. I wanted to switch to ethers but heard about Moralis . Now I am really confused about what to choose ? ( ...
Gaurav Pant's user avatar
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formatEther no longer works?

I want to convert bigNumber to Ether unit. I used the formatEther keyword but I keep getting "Typeerror: formatEther is not a function. Here's the code: const axios = require("axios"); ...
Ololade's user avatar
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Can we provide liquidity to the Uniswap pool from an address other than the admin address

I've created a pool ( on mumbai testnet of polygon mainnet. Our functionality include adding liquidity to the pool from the user's account so the users' might come ...
Aman Mehra's user avatar
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Error: could not detect network (event="noNetwork", code=NETWORK_ERROR, version=providers/5.7.2)

const fs = require("fs-extra"); async function main() { // const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider( "" ); const ...
Suraj Sahoo's user avatar
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How to get tx hash after tx was signed | Ethers js

When i run this code i get undefined logged in the console. const send = async () => { const params = { from: App.currentAccount, to: recipient, value: amount, data: ...
Chris's user avatar
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How metamask popup opens whenever something has to do with metamask provider?

I'm trying to build the similar wallet like metamask, I couldn't figure out how metamask popup opens whenever the code has to do something with metamask provider. Are they using any logic behind that?
Mohanraj G's user avatar
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How to handle wrong chain error [Infura, Wagmi, React, Typescript]

When I npm run dev and my wallet is not connected to one of the chains I have specified, I get the following error This raises the question for me, how to handle the error when a user is not ...
kalculated's user avatar
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How to deploy smart contracts from other accounts using javascript?

How can we deploy contracts using web3.js or ethers.js just like thirdweb does? I create a contract on web3.js then used the deploy function with send but then alchemy gave an error that it can't ...
Satyam Kulkarni's user avatar
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which wallet supports access list(eip-2930)

I am trying to use Access List feature - Link here I am using also ethers.js.. It seems like that ethers.js supports passing access list, but Metamask doesn't yet support this feature. do you know any ...
Nika Kurashvili's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the difference between compressed and uncompressed public key?

I have seen in ethers.js documentation that there is a compressed and uncompressed public key [1] of an Ethereum keypair. Is this compressed public key used only by ethers.js or is it a common ...
Suzana Maranhão Moreno's user avatar
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How to connect ethers.js with MetaMAsk and other Wallets?

const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum) while using this i am getting window is not defined error..and i dont know how to use it. Do anyone has idea how to do it
mohan A's user avatar
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FRAGMENT ACCESS in Ether.js library

As I read Uniswap front end code, I see that they use contract.interface.getFunction to get the function fragment rather than use contract.methodName to trigger the function of the contract I don't ...
theo's user avatar
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Can I use ether.js with truffle

I have buid a dapp with web3, truffle and metamask, which works perfectly fine. Now, instead of using a wallet I want to create my own wallet using ether.js, but couldn't figure out a way to use ...
Ujjwal Pandey's user avatar