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0x-API response not working as expected for WETH-USDT and UNI-WETH

I am using the below official contract given in documentation of Ox, for swapping ERC20 coins. 0x-Smart-Contract So,The transactions like LINK-WETH, WETH-DAI, DAI-WETH, WETH-LINK, etc are working ...
Ashish Negi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to resolve insufficient asset liquidity in 0x on polygon mumbai testnet

I am testing the 0x api to get quote on Mumbai testnet. I want to swap BAL -> wETH.
Rishabh Raghwendra's user avatar
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1 answer

Ether Lost During ERC 20 Conversion to 3X Short Bitcoin Token

TLDR: I tried to convert $500 USD worth of Eth (~0.181 eth) to an ERC20 token and only received $3 worth of the token. I should have received almost 3 million tokens but I only received 20,000. I ...
schrodingersdog0's user avatar
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What is the method to send a transaction with data from solidity?

Sorry for the noob question, but Im trying to understand some definitions and clarify the limits between solidity, web3, etc. I have obtained a tx looking like the following from the 0x API: b'{"...
Guillermo's user avatar
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Getting "Tokens Unavailable" in 0X instant

I have deployed both 0x-launch-kit-backend and 0x-launch-kit-frontend in my local system I can able to create a sell order. It is listed in orders I am running things in Ropsten Testnet In 0X Instant ...
Sammu Sundar's user avatar
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how to add my custom token to 0x protocol in testnet/mainnet

I am new to the 0x protocol. Is it possible to add custom token using 0x Portal DApp?. Share any example or document. I have deployed my own exchange medium. it is running in http://localhost:3001 I ...
Sammu Sundar's user avatar