1era Guia Ped. 4to Año 2do Momento Ingles Bernabe Vivas
1era Guia Ped. 4to Año 2do Momento Ingles Bernabe Vivas
1era Guia Ped. 4to Año 2do Momento Ingles Bernabe Vivas
Página 1
En los tiempos perfectos: Presente y
Tiempos Perfectos Pasado Perfecto se debe usar el
participio del verbo
Tiempos Verbales Auxiliares
1 Presente Perfecto Have / Has + Participio del verbo
I Have Had
You Have Had
She Has Had
We Have Had
You Have Had
They Have Had
Página 2
Prof. Denisson Rincón 4to. Año
1-. “Presente Perfecto”. En este tiempo verbal, las acciones se han realizado y se usa el auxiliar: have/has
+ participo del verbo +Co. También se le denominan tiempos compuestos. Observemos las diferentes
formas: afrimativas, negativas e interrogativas en este tiempo verbal.
1. We have lived in this city during two years. (Presente Perfecto)
2. She has not painted that room. (Presente Perfecto Negativo)
3. Has Victor worked hard today? (Presente Perfecto Interrogativo)
2-. “Pasado Perfecto”. Aquí, las acciones se habían realizado y se usa el auxiliar: had+ participo del verbo
+Co. Observemos en estos tiempos compuestos las diferentes formas: afrimativas, negativas e interrogativas.
1. We had worked in that factory last year. (Pasado Perfecto)
2. My friend Paul had not written this letter yesterday. (Pasado Perfecto Negativo)
3. Had Daniel closed the door after Geography last class? (Pasado Perfecto Interrogativo)
“Presente Perfecto Continuo”. En este tiempo verbal, las acciones se han estado realizado y se usa el
auxiliar: have/has + been + verbo(ing) +Co. Aqui algunas formas: afrimativas, negativas e interrogativas
1. I have been living in Barinas for three months. (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
2. They have not been speaking chinese. (Presente Perfecto Continuo Negativo)
3. Has Victor been working in the supermarket? (Presente Perfecto Continuo Interrogativo)
4-. “Pasado Perfecto Continuo”. Aquí, las acciones indican que se habían estado realizado y se usa el
auxiliar: had+ been+ verbo(ing) + Co. Observemos algunas formas: afrimativas, negativas e interrogativas.
1. Your best friend had been working here last Monday. (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
2. Our father had not traveled to England last week. (Pasado Perfecto Continuo Negativo)
3. Had David been solving the math exercises Yesterday? (Pasado Perfecto Continuo Interrogativo)
Página 3
Prof. Denisson Rincón 4to. Año “C”
Resuelve En hojas, a lapicero el siguiente cuadro. Tienes como respaldo las pagina 2 de esta Guía
Pedagógica para resolverlos.
de la oración planteada
Ej. This girl has not been walking in the park. Presente Perfecto Continuo Negativo
1 Has Eimy written the text message?
2 Moises has been eating bread and cheese.
3 I have not done the spanish activity for you.
4 Had you talked to a classmate?
5 It has been raining all day.
6 Elio and Daniela had been waiting for two hour.
7 Have you slept today?
8 Brittanic had not studied the English Guide
9 Teacher Denisson has been working hard a lot.
10 Valentina had read this topic last Friday
Página 4
Prof. Denisson Rincón 4to. Año “C”