Hge2 U5 Session 04
Hge2 U5 Session 04
Hge2 U5 Session 04
FIRST HOUR (45 minutes)
I. Home (5 minutes)
The teacher greets and welcomes the students.
The teacher instructs the students to look at the map in document 1, “The Civilizations of Mesoamerica”
from the Minedu text, HGE2, on page 83, and identify the main cultural areas of Mesoamerica and their
archaeological evidence. The teacher specifies that these civilizations developed parallel to the Inca
Next, the teacher presents the purpose of the session: to elaborate and explain historical facts and the
importance of the great civilizations in America: Mayans and Aztecs; Likewise, the product of the session
will be to create timelines and an infographic about the Mayans and Aztecs.
The teacher specifies that the product of the unit will consist of the presentation of the informative murals
about Tahuantinsuyo and American civilizations using the products of all the sessions worked on in the
II. Development
Each team will be waiting to work on their murals considering the specific moments.
They begin the elaboration of their murals taking into account the criteria of the rubric that the teacher
presents for their respective evaluation. The teacher carries out the respective accompaniment to the work
teams to provide the corresponding support.
Adequate time is given for them to work on their respective murals:
Finally, they place the work in visible places in the classroom and some teams are asked to socialize their
III. Closing
The teacher synthesizes the most important information from the murals presented, providing the strong
• 2nd School Textbook Manual. History, Geography and Economics (2012). Lima: Editorial
• Learning routes 2015, cycle VI. Area of History, Geography and Economics. Lima: Ministry of
No. 1
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