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Passive Voice.

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Título: Front Page News (Noticias de primera plana)

Tema: Passive Voice. Tiempo Verbal: Present Simple. Past Simple.

Descripción: En esta unidad, los alumnos aprenderán a usar la voz pasiva en inglés. Se trabajarán con artículos
informativos. Se hará especial énfasis en la lectoescritura.

Para traducir o ayudarse, podrán utilizar las siguientes páginas: www.linguee.com , www.wordreference.com
(diccionario virtual), o bien el traductor de Google.


1) Read the explanation of Passive Voice. (Leé la explicación de la voz pasiva).


VOZ ACTIVA: En oraciones con voz activa, el sujeto de la oración es activo. El sujeto de la oración HACE
algo. Por ejemplo: “María lava la ropa una vez por semana”. Sujeto de la oración: “María”. Verbo de la
oración: “lava”.

VOZ PASIVA: En oraciones con voz pasiva, el sujeto de la oración es pasivo. Lo importante es LO QUE SE
HACE, NO QUIEN lo hace. Por ejemplo: “la ropa ES LAVADA (por María) una vez por semana” o “la ropa ES
LAVADA una vez por semana”.

Otro ejemplo:

A veces, se entiende fácilmente por quien es hecha determinada acción, así que no hace falta ni
mencionarlo. Por ejemplo: “El inglés es hablado en Australia”. No hace falta aclarar que “es hablado por las
personas”, es obvio que son las personas quienes lo hablan.


En inglés, la voz pasiva se forma usando el verbo TO BE y otro verbo en participio.

El verbo TO BE puede estar conjugado en diferentes tiempos verbales (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future
Simple, Present Perfect, entre otros).

Por ejemplo:
Present Simple:
 AM (soy)
 IS (es)
 ARE (son)
Past Simple:
 WAS (fue/era)
 WERE (fueron/eran)
El verbo en participio se traduce con la terminación –ADO, -IDO en español. La forma en participio la
encontrás en la tercer columna de la lista de verbos. O bien agregándole la terminación –ED a los verbos,
en caso de no encontrarlos en la lista. Por ejemplo:
Amar: amado LOVE: LOVED (Regular verb)
Comer: comido. EAT: EATEN (Irregular verb)
Estudiar: estudiado. STUDY: STUDIED (Regular verb)
Trabajar: trabajado. WORK: WORKED. (Regular verb)
Los verbos de la lista, son verbos irregulares. Es decir, cambian al pasarlos al participio. Por otro lado, los
verbos regulares no están en la lista. Son verbos regulares. Les agregamos –ED para pasarlos al participio.
Más ejemplo en voz pasiva:
Present Simple: Yo soy amada. I AM LOVED.
Past Simple: Yo fuí amada. I WAS LOVED.

Irregular Verbs List – Spanish

Esta es la lista de verbos irregulares. Los verbos irregulares son aquellos que cambian en su forma oral y escrita
cuando se conjugan al pasado y/o al participio. Cuando queremos saber la forma en participio de un verbo,
buscamos en la primer columna “Infinitive”, y escribimos el verbo correspondiente a la tercer columna “Past
Participle”. Por ejemplo: el participio del verbo “do” (hacer) es “done” (hecho).

En la primer columna “Infinitive”, encontramos verbos que están en su forma infinitiva, es decir, que no están
conjugados. Los verbos en la forma infinitiva son los que terminan en “-ar,-er,-ir” en español. Por ejemplo “do”
significa “hacer” en español. Tenemos el significado de los verbos en la cuarta columna con el título “Spanish”.

Por otro lado, puede ocurrir que no encontremos verbos en la lista cuando los buscamos en la primer columna. Esto
se debe a que se trata de verbos regulares o “regular verbs”. Los verbos regulares en inglés, son aquellos a los que
les tenemos que agregar el sufijo –ED para conjugarlos al pasado y/o al participio. Es decir, que cuando queremos
hablar en participio, tenemos que volver a escribir o nombrar el verbo en infinitivo, pero, al agregarle la terminación
(sufijo) –ED, estamos cambiando ese verbo al participio. Por ejemplo: el verbo “play” (jugar) no está en la lista de
verbos irregulares. “Play” es un verbo regular. Entonces, para conjugar el verbo en Present Perfect, lo volvemos a
escribir agregándole la terminación –ED. Por ejemplo: “I have played football since I was 7.” (He jugado al fútbol
desde que los 7 años.)

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Spanish

abide abided / abode abided / abode aguantar
alight alighted / alit alighted / alit iluminar
arise arose arisen levantar, erguer
awake awoke / awaked awoken / awaked acordar, despertar
(to) be was, were been ser, estar
bear bore born / borne levar, aguantar
beat beat beaten batir, golpear
become became become hacerse, ponerse
beget begot/begat begotten engendrar
begin began begun comenzar
bend bent bent torcer
bereave bereaved / bereft bereaved / bereft despojar
beseech besought / beseeched besought / beseeched suplicar
bet bet bet apostar
bid bid / bade bid / bidden ofrecer
bind bound bound atar, amarrar
bite bit bitten morder, picar
bleed bled bled sangrar
blow blew blown soplar
break broke broken romper
breed bred bred criar
bring brought brought traer
broadcast broadcast / broadcasted broadcast / broadcasted transmitir, emitir
build built built construir
burn burned / burnt burned / burnt quemar
burst burst burst reventar(se), romper(se)
buy bought bought comprar
can could poder
cast cast cast echar, lanzar
catch caught caught coger, agarrar
chide chided / chid chided / chidden reprender
choose chose chosen elegir
cleave cleft / cleaved, clove cleft / cleaved, cloven lascar, rachar
cling clung clung pegarse, agarrarse
clothe clothed / clad clothed / clad vestir
come came come venir, llegar
cost cost cost costar, valer
creep crept crept arrastrarse
crow crowed crowed / crew cacarear, alardear
cut cut cut cortar
deal dealt dealt tramitar, operar
dig dug dug cavar, excavar
dive dived / dove (US) dived tirarse, sumergirse
do did done hacer
draw drew drawn tirar, sacar
dream dreamt / dreamed dreamt / dreamed soñar
drink drank drunk beber, tomar
drive drove driven conducir
eat ate eaten comer
dwell dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled morar, vivir
fall fell fallen reprobar
feed fed fed alimentar
feel felt felt sentir
fight fought fought luchar, pelear
find found found encontrar
fit fit / fitted fit / fitted quedar (de ropa)
flee fled fled huir
fling flung flung lanzar, arrojar
fly flew flown volar
forbid forbade forbidden prohibir
forecast forecast forcast pronosticar
forget forgot forgotten olvidar
forgive forgave forgiven perdonar, disculpar
forsake forsook forsaken abandonar
freeze froze frozen helar
geld gelded / gelt gelded / gelt castrar
get got got conseguir
gild gilded / gilt gilded / gilt dorar
give gave given dar
gnaw gnawed gnawed / gnawn roer
go went gone ir
grind ground ground moler, picar
grip gripped / gript gripped / gript asir
grow grew grown crecer
hang hung hung colgar
have had had tener
hear heard heard oir
heave heaved / hove heaved / hove tirar, estirar
hew hewed hewed / hewn labrar, tallar
hide hid hidden esconder
hit hit hit golpear
hold held held tener, abrazar
hurt hurt hurt lastimar, perjudicar, doler
keep kept kept guardar
kneel kneeled / knelt kneeled / knelt arrodillarse
knit knitted / knit knitted / knit hacer, tricotar, tejer
know knew known conocer
lade laded laded / laden cargar de
lay laid laid poner, colocar
lead led led llevar, guiar
lean leaned / leant leaned / leant apoyarse
leap leaped / leapt leaped / leapt saltar
learn learnt / learned learnt / learned aprender
leave left left dejar, abandonar
lend lent lent prestar
let let let dejar
lie lay lain tenderse, acostarse
light lit / lighted lit / lighted encender, iluminar
lose lost lost perder
make made made hacer, crear
may might poder
mean meant meant significar
meet met met encontrar
melt melted melted / molten derretir
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood entender mal
mow mowed mowed / mown segar, cortar
offset offset offset compensar
outbid outbid outbid pujar más alto que
overtake overtook overtaken adelantar
pay paid paid pagar
pen penned / pent penned / pent escribir, redactar
plead pleaded / pled pleaded / pled aducir, suplicar
prove proved proved / proven demonstrar, probar
put put put poner
quit quit quit renunciar, abandonar
read read read leer
rid rid / ridded rid / ridded deshacerse de
ride rode ridden montar, pasear
ring rang rung sonar
rise rose risen levantarse, elevarse
run ran run correr
say said said decir
saw sawed sawed / sawn serrar
see saw seen ver, mirar
seek sought sought buscar
sell sold sold vender
send sent sent enviar
set set set poner
sew sewed sewed / sewn coser
shake shook shaken sacudir, mover
shall should deber
shave shaved shaved / shaven afeitar(se), rasurar(se)
shear sheared sheared / shorn esquilar
shed shed shed derramar
shine shone / shined shone / shined brillar
shit shit / shitted / shat shit / shitted / shat cagar
shoe shod / shoed shod / shoed mostrar
shoot shot shot pegar un tiro a
show showed shown mostrar
shred shred / shredded shred / shredded retalhar, triturar
shrink shrank / shrunk shrunk encoger
shut shut shut cerrar
sing sang sung cantar
sink sank sunk hundir
sit sat sat sentar
slay slew slain matar
sleep slept slept dormir
slide slid slid deslizarse, resbalar
sling slung slung lanzar
slink slinked / slunk slinked / slunk zafarse
slit slit slit cortar, abrir
smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled oler
smite smote smitten golpear
sow sowed sowed / sown sembrar
speak spoke spoken< hablar
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded correr a toda prisa
spell spelled / spelt spelled / spelt deletrear
spend spent spent gastar
spill spilled / split spilled / split derramar
spin spun spun hacer girar
spill spilled / split spilled / split derramar
spin spun spun hacer girar
spit spitted / spat spitted / spat espetar, soltar
split split split dividir
spoil spoilt spoilt arruinar
spread spread spread tender, desplegar
spring sprang / sprung sprung saltar
stand stood stood pararse, estar de pie
stave (in/off) stove / staved stove / staved evitar, aplazar
steal stole stolen robar
stick stuck stuck pegar
sting stung stung picar
stink stank / stunk stunk apestar
strew strewed strewed / strewn esparcir
stride strode stridden andar a pasos largos
strike struck struck / stricken golpear, pegar
string strung strung ensartar, encordar
strive strove / strived striven / strived esforzarse
swear swore sworn jurar
sweep swept swept barrer
swell swelled swelled / swollen hincharse
swim swam swum nadar
swing swung swung mecer
take (away) took taken tomar
teach taught taught enseñar
tear tore torn rasgar, romper
telecast telecast / telecasted telecast / telecasted televisar
tell told told decir
think thought thought pensar
thrive throve / thrived thriven / thrived prosperar
throw threw thrown arrojar, echar
thrust thrust thrust empujar, clavar
tread trod trod / trodden pisar
understand understood understood entender, comprender
upset upset upset afectar, disgustar
wake up woke up woken up despertar
wear wore worn usar, vestir
weave weaved / wove weaved / woven tejer
wed wed / wedded wed / wedded casar
weep wept wept llorar
wet wet / wetted wet / wetted mojar
win won won ganar
wind wound wound dejar sin aliento, ovillar
wring wrung wrung torcer
write wrote written escribir

2) Complete the blanks with the passive voice in Present Simple. Then, translate into Spanish. (Completá los
espacios con la voz pasiva en Present Simple. Después, traducí al español).

a) English ____________________ (speak) all over the world.

b) Paper __________________ (recycle) by many people.
c) Football _________________ (enjoy) by lots of people.
d) Many animals __________________ (kill) every year.
e) Internet ________________ (use) by most people in our country.
f) Products _________________ (sell) and __________________ (buy) online every day.

3) Complete the blanks with the passive voice in Past Simple. Then, translate into Spanish. (Completá los
espacios con la voz pasiva en Past Simple. Después, traducí al español).

a) Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice _________________ (commemorate) last March 24th.
b) Tom´s car _______________________ (steal) last week.
c) The laws _____________________ (approve) in Congress.
d) The shows _____________________ (celebrate) by the audience.
e) The climate change issue _________________________ (discuss) many times.
f) “1984” book ________________ (write) by George Orwell.
4) Read the texts again and find phrases in the passive voice. (Leé los texto de nuevo y encontrá frases en

voz pasiva).

Organized from the State, the process implemented a systematic plan of abduction, torture and murder of
thousands of people. Among the most blatant human rights violations, the case of abducted pregnant women
that were forced to give birth in secrecy and whose children, in many cases, were illegally seized by the
perpetrators was alarming. Until this day, the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo association has managed to
find 127 children and are still looking for around three hundred people (now adults), whose whereabouts
remain unknown.

Right after democracy was restored, the new constitutional president decreed the creation of the National
Commission on the Disappearance of Persons (CONADEP) to investigate the events related to the forced
disappearance of people by conducting extensive research, and collecting evidence and claims, many of
which were submitted to the judicial system. The CONADEP created the conditions to make the following
trials possible.

Censorship was implemented by the military dictatorship:

The project of the dictatorship, of discipline and control of the population, was not limited to the
persecution, repression and disappearance of people. It also included cultural work. Among other censorship
methods, the military government prohibited a vast number of books, magazines, songs, plays and movies,
and also persecuted artists: 331 people became part of a “blacklist” (disclosed by the Ministry of Defense in
2013), which included the names of Norma Aleandro, Norman Briski, Julio Cortázar, María Elena Walsh,
many of which had to go into exile.

More than two hundred songs were prohibited, from different artists such as Luis Alberto Spinetta, León
Gieco, Charly García, Alberto Cortez, María Elena Walsh, Cacho Castaña, Palito Ortega, Camilo Sesto,
Horacio Guarany, Queen, Rod Stewart, Eric Clapton, Pink Floyd and Alfredo Zitarrosa, among others.

“Malvinas 42 Years”

2024 marks the 41st anniversary of the South Atlantic conflict. The main axes are the recognition
and homage of the Argentine people to the fallen, their families and veterans of the
Malvinas; deepen the dissemination and visibility, both nationally and internationally, of Argentine
sovereign rights with respect to the Malvinas, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands and the
surrounding maritime spaces and of the persistence of a sovereignty dispute -recognized by the
United Nations Nations - still unresolved today.

It should be remembered that in 1982, at the time of the hostilities in the South Atlantic, our
country was governed by an illegal and illegitimate military dictatorship, which acted with its back
to the Argentine people and departed from Argentina's traditional commitment to the principle of
peaceful settlement of international controversies and, in particular, with the search for a peaceful
solution to the question of the Malvinas Islands.

Like all armed conflicts, the one in the South Atlantic left a tragic balance with the loss of
numerous lives of combatants. His memory, together with that of those who fought in the conflict
with the legitimate conviction of defending the national interest, deserves to be honored. In
addition, the capacity of the State must be established to recognize in concrete terms and attend
to the needs of veterans and their families.

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