Vocabulary and Grammar Aurea
Vocabulary and Grammar Aurea
Vocabulary and Grammar Aurea
Ana’s English classes
+ S + V + C I play footbal
- S + aux negativo (do not )+ V + C I don’t play footbal
? Aux+ S + V + C Do I play footbal?
Pay attention:
Tener en cuenta la 3º persona del singular HE, SHE , IT
Al verbo añadimos “-s” al final ,auxiliar “does” , en negativa
Los adv. Frecuencia van siempre delante del Verbo.
En negativa los adv. Frecuencia desaparecen.
Hablar sobre rutinas y hábitos en presente. No tiene el uso que le
damos en español.
Necesitamos Adv de frecuencia.
Always: siempre
Normally: normalmente
Often: a menudo
Sometimes: a veces
Never: nunca
+ S + V to be+ V- ing + C I am playing the guitar
- S + V to be en negative + V –ing + C I am not playing the guitar
? V to be + S + V-ing + C? Am I playing the guitar?
Pay attention:
El verbo TO BE en presente tiene cambios según la persona.
Recuerda que se usa “AM” “ARE” “IS”.
Solemos usar adv. de tiempo.
Para acciones que se realizan en el momento en el que se habla.
Advervios de tiempo:
- Right now: ahora mismo
- Now: ahora
- At the moment: en este momento
+ S + V (-ed/ 2º columna)+ C I played football
- S + aux negative ( didn’t) + V infinitive+ C I didn’t play football
? Aux + S + V infinitive + C? Did I play football?
Pay attention
Existen dos tipos de verbos REGULARES E IRREGULARES.
Los regulares en pasado se les añade al final “-ed”: Play- Played
Los irregulares en pasado tiene su propia forma. Do - Did
Por eso el auxiliar del Past Simple es DID y del Present Simple DO.
SIEMPRE buscar el verbo en la lista de V.Irregualres. Si no se
encuentra en la lista, podemos hacer el pasado de ese verbo
añadiendo la “-ed” al final del verbo. Si si encontramos el verbo
en la lista de V.IRREGULARES tenems que usar la 2º columna.
+ S + V to be PASADO + V-ing + C She was playing tennis
- S + V to be Pasado Negativo + V-ing + C She wasn’t playing tennis
? V to be PASADO + S + V –ing + C ? Was she playing tennis?
Pay attention
El verbo TO BE en pasado tiene cambios según la persona. Se
dividen esos cambios según los sujetos singulares y plurales.
I , You ( tu), He, She , It was
We, You ( vosotros), They were
Solemos usar adv. de tiempo.
Se suele usar para acciones que estaban pasando en un momento
determinado del pasado. I was reading my book yesterday.
Se usa para dos acciones que estaban ocurriendo al mismo tiempo
en el pasado. My mum was making dinner while I was studing
While: significa “mientras”
Usamos Adv de tiempo como:
Yesterday: ayer
Last year: el año pasado
Last night: anoche/ la pasada noche
Last week: la semana pasada
Last summer: el verano pasado
Lista Verbos Irregulares
Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, Levantarse
Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse
Be/ am, are, is Was / Were Been Ser / Estar
Bear Bore Borne / Born Soportar, dar a luz
Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Became Become Llegar a Ser
Begin Began Begun Empezar
Bend Bent Bent Doblar
Bet Bet Bet Apostar
Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar
Bid Bid Bid Pujar
Bite Bit Bitten Morder
Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar
Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Break Broke Broken Romper
Breed Bred Bred Criar
Bring Brought Brought Traer Llevar
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Radiar
Build Built Built Edificar
Burn Burnt /Burned Burnt / Burned Quemar
Burst Burst Burst Reventar
Buy Bought Bought Comprar
Cast Cast Cast Arrojar
Catch Caught Caught Coger
Come Came Come Venir
Cost Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cut Cortar
Choose Chose Chosen Elegir
Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse
Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse
Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar
Dig Dug Dug Cavar
Do (Does) Did Done Hacer
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamt / Dreamed Dreamt / Dreamed Soñar
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Fall Fell Fallen Caer
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
Feel Felt Felt Sentir
Fight Fought Fought Luchar
Find Found Found Encontrar
Flee Fled Fled Huir
Fly Flew Flown Volar
Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
Freeze Froze Frozen Helar
Get Got Got / Gotten Obtener
Give Gave Given Dar
Go (Goes) Went Gone Ir
Grow Grew Grown Crecer
Grind Ground Ground Moler
Hang Hung Hung Colgar
Have Had Had Haber o Tener
Hear Heard Heard Oir
Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar
Hit Hit Hit Golpear
Hold Held Held Agarrar Celebrar
Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir
Keep Kept Kept Conservar
Know Knew Known Saber Conocer
Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse
Knit Knit Knit Hacer punto
Lay Laid Laid Poner
Lead Led Led Conducir
Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse
Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar
Learn Learnt / Learned Learnt / Learned Aprender
Leave Left Left Dejar
Lend Lent Lent Prestar
Let Let Let Permitir
Lie Lay Lain Echarse
Light Lit Lit Encender
Lose Lost Lost Perder
Make Made Made Hacer
Mean Meant Meant Significar
Meet Met Met Encontrar
Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar
Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer
Pay Paid Paid Pagar
Put Put Put Poner
Read Read Read Leer
Ride Rode Ridden Montar
Ring Rang Rung Llamar
Rise Rose Risen Levantarse
Run Ran Run Correr
Say Said Said Decir
See Saw Seen Ver
Seek Sought Sought Buscar
Sell Sold Sold Vender
Send Sent Sent Enviar
Set Set Set Poner(se)
Sew Sewed Sewed / Sewn Coser
Shake Shook Shaken Sacudir
Shear Shore Shorn Esquilar
Shine Shone Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
Show Showed Shown Mostrar
Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse
Shut Shut Shut Cerrar
Sing Sang Sung Cantar
Sink Sank Sunk Hundir
Sit Sat Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
Slide Slid Slid Resbalar
Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Sow Sowed Sowed / Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
Speed Sped Sped Acelerar
Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear
Spend Spent Spent Gastar
Spill Spilt / Spilled Spilt / Spilled Derramar
Spin Spun Spun Hilar
Spit Spat Spat Escupir
Hender / partir /
Split Split Split
Spoil Spoilt / Spoiled Spoilt / Spoiled Estropear
Spread Spread Spread Extender
Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar
Stand Stood Stood Estar en pie
Steal Stole Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar Engomar
Sting Stung Stung Picar
Stink Stank/Stunk Stunk Apestar
Stride Strode Stridden Dar zancadas
Strike Struck Struck Golpear
Swear Swore Sworn Jurar
Sweat Sweat Sweat Sudar
Sweep Swept Swept Barrer
Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar
Swim Swam Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Swung Columpiarse
Take Took Taken Coger
Teach Taught Taught Enseñar
Tear Tore Torn Rasgar
Tell Told Told Decir
Think Thought Thought Pensar
Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar Tirar
Thrust Thrust Thrust Introducir
Tread Trod Trodden Pisar, hollar
Understand Understood Understood Entender
Undergo Underwent Undergone Sufrir
Undertake Undertook Undertaken Emprender
Wake Woke Woken Despertarse
Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto
Weave Wove Woven Tejer
Weep Wept Wept Llorar
Wet Wet Wet Mojar
Win Won Won Ganar
Wind Wound Wound Enrollar
Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirarse
Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer
Write Wrote Written Escribir
Adjetivo en Adjetivo en Flat Llano
inglés español Foolish Tonto, estúpido
Acid Ácido Free Libre
Angry Enfadado Full Lleno
Asleep Dormido Generous Generoso
Awake Despierto Good Bueno
Bad Malo Great Estupendo
Beautiful Precioso Handsome Atractivo
Bitter Agrio Happy Feliz
Bright Brillante Hard Duro
Cheap Barato Healthy Saludable
Clean Limpio Heavy Pesado
Clear Claro High Alto
Cold Frío Hollow Hueco
Cool Fresco Hot Caliente
Cruel Cruel Huge Enorme
Deep Profundo Hungry Hambriento
Delicate Delicado Ill Enfermo
Different Diferente Left Izquierda
Dirty Sucio Light Ligero
Dry Seco Long Largo
Early Temprano Loud Ruidoso
Exhausted Agotado Lovely Bonito
False Falso Mean Tacaño
Far Lejos Messy Desordenado
Fat Gordo Natural Natural
Feeble Débil Narrow Estrecho
Near Cerca Solid Sólido
Necessary Necesario Special Especial
New Nuevo Spicy Picante
Old Viejo Steep Empinado
Open Abierto Sticky Pegajoso
Opposite Contrario Straight Recto, directo
Parallel Paralelo Strange Extraño
Poor Pobre Strong Fuerte
Private Privado Sudden Repentino
Quick Rápido Sweet Dulce
Quiet Tranquilo Thick Grueso
Ready Preparado Thin Delgado
Rich Rico Tight Ajustado, ceñido
Right Derecha, correcto Tired Cansado
Rough Áspero True Verdadero
Sad Triste Ugly Feo
Safe Seguro Violent Violento
Serious Serio Warm Caluroso, caliente
Sharp Afilado Weak Débil
Short Corto Wet Húmedo
Shut Cerrado Wide Ancho
Simple Simple Wise Sabio
Smooth Fino, delicado Wrong Erróneo
Soft Suave Young Jóven
Histórica Jobs
1. Scientist: cientifico 9. Astronaut: astronauta
2. Architect: arquitecto 10. Musicians: musico
3. Explorer: explorador 11. Film director: director
4. Artist: artista de peliculas
5. Engineer: ingeniero 12. Pharaon: Faraón
6. Composer: compositor 13. Mountain
7. Inventor: inventor climber:montañista
8. Sailor:marinero
Normal Jobs
accountant contador bus driver conductor de autobús
singer cantante
soldier soldado telemarketer, persona que vende por
telesales person teléfono
sports instructor instructor de deportes
tourist guide guía turística
stockbroker agente de bolsa
translator traductor
student estudiante
university lecturer profesor universitario
surgeon cirujano
vet (UK), veterinario
tailor sastre veterinarian (US)
writer escritor
Feelings Verbs
Positiva: S + V + Compl She likes apples. ( V+“-s” a las 3º per sing)
Negativa: S + aux+ V+ Compl He doesn’t like apples.
1. Love: encantar/ amar 4. Don’t like: no gustar
2. Don’t love: no encantar/ no 5. Hate: odiar/ aborrecer
amar 6. Don’t hate: no odiar
3. Like: gustar