Modulo 1

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BIENVENIDA .................................................................. 7 Use the charts to make

dialogues ................................................................ 18
UNIT I ............................................................................ 8 Dialogue 1 ............................................................... 18
LESSON 1 (LECCIÓN 1) ....................................................... 8 Dialogue 2 ............................................................... 19
Listening 1 ................................................................ 8
Greetings: Saludos ................................................... 8 UNIT II .......................................................................... 20
Listening 2 ................................................................ 8 LESSON 1(LECCIÓN 1) ....................................................... 20
Introductions: Presentaciones .................................. 8 Listening 1 ............................................................... 20
Listening 3 ................................................................ 8 You and your company ........................................... 20
Elcoming: Dando la bienvenida ................................ 8 Grammar Structures: See
Asking and giving the name ..................................... 8 Grammar Notes ...................................................... 21
Grammar structures: see UNIT II - LESSON 1 ........................................................ 21
grammar notes (Estructuras ACTIVITIES ................................................................... 21
gramaticales. Ver notas) .......................................... 9 LESSON 2 (LECCIÓN 2) ...................................................... 23
UNIT I - LESSON 1 - UNIT I - LESSON 2 ............................ 9 Listening 1 ............................................................... 23
ACTIVITIES .................................................................... 9 Ordinal numbers (Números de
LESSON 2 (LECCIÓN 2) ..................................................... 10 orden) ..................................................................... 23
Listening 1 .............................................................. 10 Listening 2 ............................................................... 24
Asking about cities, countries Numbers 100 to 1000 (Números
and nationalities (Preguntando 100 a 1000) ............................................................. 24
sobre ciudades, países y Listening 3 ............................................................... 24
nacionalidades) ...................................................... 10 Talking about the office
Listening 2 .............................................................. 10 (Hablando hacerca de la
Sking and answering about oficina) .................................................................... 24
companies (Preguntando y Grammar Structures: see
respondiendo sobre compañías) ............................ 10 grammar notes ....................................................... 24
Listening 3 .............................................................. 11 UNIT II - LESSON 2 ........................................................ 25
Talking about jobs (Hablando ACTIVITIES ................................................................... 25
sobre empleos) ....................................................... 11 LESSON 3 (LECCIÓN 3) ...................................................... 25
LISTENING 1 ................................................................. 12 Listening 1 ............................................................... 25
TALKING ABOUT DEPARTMENTS IN A The Layout of the Company (El
COMPANY (HABLANDO SOBRE trazado de la compañía) ......................................... 25
DEPARTAMENTOS/SECCIONES EN UNA Listening 2 ............................................................... 25
COMPAÑÍA) .................................................................... 12 Buildings in a company (Edificar
Grammar Structures: see una compañía) ........................................................ 25
grammar notes (Ver notas Grammar Structures: see
gramaticales) ......................................................... 12 grammar notes ....................................................... 26
UNIT I - LESSON 2 ......................................................... 13 UNIT II - LESSON 3 ........................................................ 26
ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 13 ACTIVITIES ................................................................... 26
LESSON 3 (LECCIÓN 3) ..................................................... 15 EXTRA PRACTICE .............................................................. 27
Listening 1 .............................................................. 15 Dialogue 1 ............................................................... 27
The Alphabet (El alfabeto) ..................................... 15 Dialogue 2 ............................................................... 28
Listening 2 .............................................................. 15 Dialogue 3 ............................................................... 28
Numbers: 0 to 10 (Números 0 a
10) .......................................................................... 15 UNIT III ......................................................................... 29
Listening 3 .............................................................. 15 LESSON 1 (LECCIÓN 1) ...................................................... 29
Numbers: 11 to 100................................................ 15 Listening 1 ............................................................... 29
LISTENING 1 ................................................................. 16 Meeting and Welcoming
THE TIME (LA HORA) ........................................................ 16 (Encuentros y Bienvenidas) ..................................... 29
UNIT III - LESSON 3....................................................... 17 Grammar Structures: see
ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 17 grammar notes ....................................................... 29
EXTRA PRACTICE .............................................................. 18 UNIT III - LESSON 1 ....................................................... 30
ACTIVITIES ................................................................... 30

Inglés I | 2
LESSON 2 (LECCIÓN 2) ..................................................... 31 Simple Present Tense Negative
Listening 1 .............................................................. 31 Form (forma negativa)............................................ 44
Describing business activities Simple Present Tense - Question
(Describiendo actividades de Form (1) (Forma interrogativa)............................... 45
negocios) ................................................................ 31 Simple Present Tense - Question
Listening 2 .............................................................. 31 Form 2 ..................................................................... 46
An invitation for dinner (Una POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (ADJETIVOS
invitacion para cenar) ............................................ 31 POSESIVOS) .................................................................... 46
Listening 3 .............................................................. 32 Verb To Be - Past Tense (Tiempo
Activities in the office pasado) ................................................................... 47
(Actividades en la oficina) ...................................... 32 To be - Past tense, negative
Listening 4 .............................................................. 32 form (pasado negativo) .......................................... 47
Activities at the weekend To be: Past tense, question
(Actividades el fin de semana) ............................... 32 form (Pasado - Forma
Listening 5 .............................................................. 32 interrogativa) .......................................................... 48
Days of the week (Días de la Past tense - Regular Verbs
semana) ................................................................. 32 (Tiempo Pasado - Verbos
Listening 6 .............................................................. 32 regulares) ................................................................ 48
Frequency adverbs (Adverbios Past Tense-Irregular Verbs
de frecuencia)......................................................... 32 (Tiempo pasado-Verbos
Grammar structures: see irregulares) ............................................................. 49
grammar notes ...................................................... 33 Past tense: negative form
UNIT III - LESSON 2....................................................... 33 (Pasado - Forma negativa) ..................................... 49
ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 33 Past Tense: question form
LESSON 3 (LECCIÓN 3) ..................................................... 35 (Pasado - Forma interrogativa) .............................. 50
Listening 1 .............................................................. 35 Future Tense with “going to”
Saying Goodbye (Futuro con “going to”) ........................................... 51
(Despidiéndose) ...................................................... 35 USED TO ........................................................................ 51
Listening 2 .............................................................. 35 TO BE + BORN (NACER) ..................................................... 52
Months of the Year................................................. 35 FUTURE TENSE WITH “WILL” (TIEMPO
Grammar Structures: see FUTURO CON “WILL”) ....................................................... 52
translation set (set de APÉNDICE DE TRADUCCIÓN.......................................... 54
traducción) ............................................................. 35 ARTÍCULO INDEFINIDO “A” - “AN” ....................................... 54
UNIT III - LESSON 3 | WILL FOR PROMISES ................... 36 PLURALES ....................................................................... 54
ACTIVITIES .................................................................. 36 PRONOMBRES PERSONALES (SUJETO) ................................... 56
EXTRA PRACTICE ............................................................. 36 El verbo To be (irregular) ........................................ 56
Dialogue 1 .............................................................. 37 Verbo To be como ser ............................................. 56
Dialogue 2 .............................................................. 37 Verbo “To be” como estar....................................... 57
Dialogue 3 .............................................................. 38 Verbo “To be” Forma negativa ............................... 57
Dialogue 4 .............................................................. 38 Las formas abreviadas del
GRAMMAR NOTES ....................................................... 40 verbo “To be” .......................................................... 58
PERSONAL PRONOUNS (PRONOMBRES “To be” con adjetivos .............................................. 58
PERSONALES) ................................................................. 40 Otras traducciones de “To be” ................................ 59
Verb To be (Present Tense) To be: Simple Past Tense
(Tiempo Presente - Ser o estar) .............................. 40 (Pretérito Imperfecto) ............................................. 61
To be: Negative form (forma "THERE IS"; "THERE ARE": HAY .......................................... 62
negativa) ................................................................ 40 THERE WAS, THERE WERE: HUBO, HABÍA .............................. 62
To be: Question form (forma “SOME, ANY” ................................................................. 62
interrogativa) ......................................................... 41 PARTES PRINCIPALES DEL VERBO .......................................... 64
Verb To have: Present tense................................... 42 LOS TIEMPOS “CONTINUOS”............................................... 64
Some meanings (algunos “Present Continuous” con
significados) ........................................................... 42 sentido de futuro .................................................... 65
To have: Negative form (forma “GOING TO ..................................................................... 65
negativa) ................................................................ 42 VOZ PASIVA .................................................................... 66
To have: question form (forma PRONOMBRES ................................................................. 67
interrogativa) ......................................................... 43 Adjetivos Posesivos ................................................. 67
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE .................................................... 44 Pronombres Posesivos ............................................ 68

Inglés I | 3
Pronombres Reflexivos ........................................... 69 Formas impersonales de los
Pronombres y adjetivos tiempos “Present Perfect” y
demostrativos ........................................................ 70 “Past Perfect” ......................................................... 93
Pronombres recíprocos .......................................... 71 Verbos defectivos con “Perfect
Pronombres relativos ............................................. 71 Tenses” ................................................................... 93
Omisiones de pronombres Los tiempos futuros ................................................ 94
relativos.................................................................. 72 Future Continuous .................................................. 94
VERBOS DEFECTIVOS ........................................................ 72 Future Perfect ......................................................... 95
Formas impersonales con “can” Formas pasivas del futuro....................................... 95
y “could”................................................................. 74 Formas impersonales del Futuro ............................ 95
Formas de voz pasiva con LA FORMA “ING” ............................................................. 96
“May” y “Might” .................................................... 75 Forma pasiva presente ........................................... 97
Formas impersonales con Formas perfectas .................................................... 97
“May” y “Might” .................................................... 75 Formas impersonales .............................................. 98
Formas pasivas con “must” y ORACIONES CONDICIONALES .............................................. 98
“have to” ................................................................ 77 “ING” ............................................................................ 99
Formas impersonales con EL INFINITIVO ................................................................ 100
“must” y “have to” ................................................. 77 Traducciones del infinitivo .................................... 101
Forma pasiva con “ought to”: Infinitivo pasivo..................................................... 102
ought to be + participio .......................................... 78 Infinitivo perfecto ................................................. 102
Formas impersonales con FORMA CONTINUA ......................................................... 102
“ought to ............................................................... 78 REVISIÓN DE LOS TIEMPOS VERBALES EN
Forma pasiva con “should”: VOZ PASIVA ................................................................... 102
should be + participio pasado ................................ 79 USO DEL DICCIONARIO .................................................... 105
Formas impersonales con I) Normas a tener en cuenta ................................. 105
“should” ................................................................. 79 II) Afijos ................................................................. 107
Used to ................................................................... 79
Forma pasiva con “used to” ................................... 80 UNIT IV ....................................................................... 111
Formas impersonales con “used LESSON 1 (LECCIÓN 1) .................................................... 111
to” .......................................................................... 80 Listening 1 ............................................................. 111
EL IMPERATIVO ............................................................... 81 Making arrangements
El tiempo “Present Simple” .................................... 81 (Planeando) .......................................................... 111
El tiempo “Past Simple” ......................................... 82 Listening 2 ............................................................. 112
Formas impersonales con Prepositions: (Preposiciones) ................................ 112
“Present Simple” y “Past Listening 3 ............................................................. 112
Simple” ................................................................... 84 Dates ..................................................................... 112
The adjective and the adverb: el Grammar structures: See
adjetivo y el adverbio ............................................. 84 Grammar Notes .................................................... 112
EL ADVERBIO .................................................................. 85 UNIT IV - LESSON 1 ..................................................... 112
Grados de comparación del ACTIVITIES ................................................................. 112
adjetivo y del adverbio ........................................... 86 LESSON 2 (LECCIÓN 2) .................................................... 114
Grado Superlativo .................................................. 87 Listening 1 ............................................................. 114
Adjetivos y adverbios que Confirming arrangements
forman comparativo y (Confirmando planes) ........................................... 114
superlativo irregularmente .................................... 88 UNIT IV - LESSON 2 ..................................................... 114
Traducción de adverbios y ACTIVITIES ................................................................. 114
frases adverbiales .................................................. 88 LESSON 3 (LECCIÓN 3) .................................................... 115
Palabras en función adjetiva .................................. 89 Listening 1 ............................................................. 115
LOS TIEMPOS PERFECTOS .................................................. 90 Making excuses
PAST PERFECT ................................................................ 91 (Disculpándose) .................................................... 115
PRESENT AND PAST PERFECT Apologies (Disculpas) ............................................ 115
CONTINUOUS ................................................................. 92 Listening 2 ............................................................. 115
Formas pasivas de los tiempos Excuses (Excusas) .................................................. 115
“Present Perfect” y “Past Listening 3 ............................................................. 116
Perfect” .................................................................. 93 Accepting apologies
(Aceptando disculpas)........................................... 116

Inglés I | 4
Grammar Structures: See Listening 1 ............................................................. 130
Grammar Notes ................................................... 116 Company History .................................................. 130
UNIT IV - LESSON 3 .................................................... 116 UNIT VI - LESSON 2 ..................................................... 130
ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 116 ACTIVITIES ................................................................. 130
EXTRA PRACTICE ....................................................... 117 LESSON 3 (LECCIÓN 3) .................................................... 131
Dialogue 1 ............................................................ 117 Listening 1 ............................................................. 131
Dialogue 2 ............................................................ 118 Plans for the future (Planes
LESSON 1 (LECCIÓN 1) ................................................... 118 para el futuro) ....................................................... 131
Listening 1 ............................................................ 118 Listening 2 ............................................................. 132
Making and receiving calls Objectives of companies
(Haciendo y recibiendo (Objetivos de las compañías) ................................ 132
llamadas) ............................................................. 118 UNIT VI - LESSON 3 ..................................................... 132
Grammar Structures............................................. 118 ACTIVITIES ................................................................. 132
EXTRA PRACTICE ........................................................ 133
UNIT V - LESSON 1 ..................................................... 119 Dialogue 1 ............................................................. 133
ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 119 Dialogue 2 ............................................................. 134
LESSON 2 (LECCIÓN 2) ................................................... 120 WRITING .................................................................... 134
Listening 1 ............................................................ 120 FIRST STEPS TO BUSINESS WRITING .................................... 134
Directions (Direcciones)........................................ 120 Writing messages ................................................. 134
Grammar Structures. See the Writing faxes......................................................... 134
Translation apendix. (Vea el Writing e-mails ..................................................... 135
apéndice de Traducción.) ..................................... 120 Writing notes ........................................................ 137
UNIT V - LESSON 2 ..................................................... 120 Writing memos ..................................................... 138
ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 120 Writing a business letter ....................................... 139
LESSON 3 (LECCIÓN 3) ................................................... 122 BIBLIOGRAFÍA ............................................................ 141
Listening 1 ............................................................ 122 INTRODUCCIÓN......................................................... 142
Entertaining ......................................................... 122 ¿Cómo facilitar nuestro trabajo
Listening 2 ............................................................ 122 de traducción? ...................................................... 142
Prices .................................................................... 122 Formación de palabras ......................................... 143
It´s ... .................................................................... 122 Accidentes gramaticales ....................................... 143
Listening 3 ............................................................ 122 Composición.......................................................... 144
Offers and requests .............................................. 122 Ubicación de la palabra en la
Listening 4 ............................................................ 123 oración .................................................................. 145
Drinks (Bebidas) ................................................... 123 El Sustantivo ......................................................... 146
Listening 5 ............................................................ 123 El Verbo................................................................. 146
Food (Alimentos) .................................................. 123 Palabras que acompañan al
Listening 6 ............................................................ 123 verbo ..................................................................... 147
Desserts (Postres) ................................................. 123 Recomendaciones para la
UNIT V - LESSON 3 ..................................................... 124 lectura de textos largos ........................................ 149
ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 124 Método para la lectura de
EXTRA ACTIVITIES ..................................................... 125 textos largos ......................................................... 150
Dialogue 1 ............................................................ 125 ACTIVIDAD Nº 1 ......................................................... 153
Dialogue 2 ............................................................ 126 ACTIVIDAD Nº 2 ......................................................... 153
Dialogue 3 ............................................................ 126 ACTIVIDAD Nº 3 ......................................................... 154
UNIT V ....................................................................... 127 ACTIVIDAD Nº 4 ......................................................... 155
LESSON 1 (LECCIÓN 1) ................................................... 127 ACTIVIDAD Nº 5 ......................................................... 156
Listening 1 ............................................................ 127 ACTIVIDAD Nº 6 ......................................................... 157
Your background (Su historia ACTIVIDAD Nº 7 ......................................................... 159
personal) .............................................................. 127 ACTIVIDAD Nº 8 ......................................................... 160
ACTIVIDAD Nº 9 ......................................................... 161
UNIT VI - LESSON 1 .................................................... 128 ACTIVIDAD INTEGRADORA ........................................ 162
ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 128 ACTIVIDAD Nº 10 ....................................................... 165
LESSON 2 (LECCIÓN 2) ................................................... 130 ACTIVIDAD Nº 11 ....................................................... 168

Inglés I | 5

Actividad en el Foro.

Actividad de Reflexión no obligatoria.

Actividad Grupal.

Actividad Individual.

Actividad Obligatoria. Debe ser enviada para su evaluación.



Bibliografía. Lecturas Complementarias.


Página web - Internet.



Inglés I | 6

Le doy la bienvenida a este curso a distancia de “Inglés”. Crea Ud. que este proyecto
resulta un desafío también para mí, ya que Enseñar y Aprender Inglés a distancia,
tiene sus características especiales.

El desafío está planteado, por ello confío en que, sobre la marcha, iremos
descubriendo los qué y los cómo. Mientras tanto le presento la estructura de este
material de trabajo y su contenido.

En primer lugar, pensando en las inquietudes que en general tienen los alumnos
cuando comienzan a cursar una asignatura, planteo dos interrogantes que respondo

¿Cuál es la ubicación de la asignatura en el plan de estudios?

La asignatura es anual.

¿Cuál es la utilidad de esta asignatura para el futuro profesional?

Siendo el inglés un medio internacional de comunicación, esta asignatura ayudará al

alumno no sólo a comunicarse correctamente en el ámbito profesional, sino a
interpretar bibliografía relevante a su carrera.

Teniendo en cuenta estas características, planteé los objetivos del programa que
Usted irá logrando al avanzar en el estudio.

Inglés I | 7


Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Greetings: Saludos

Good morning. (Buenos días.)

Good afternoon. (Buenas tardes.)
Good evening. (Buenas noches -a partir de las 18:00 más o menos.)
Good night. (Buenas noches -para despedirse.)
Hello/Hi: (Hola.)
How are you. (¿Cómo esta?)
Fine thanks and you? (Bien gracias ¿y usted?)
How are things? (¿Cómo van las cosas?)
Very well: (Muy bien.)
Not very well I’m afraid: (No muy bien me temo.)

Listening 2

Introductions: Presentaciones

A. How do you do. (mucho gusto)

B. How do you do.

A. Pleased to meet you. (un placer conocerlo.)

B. Nice to meet you, too./ It’s nice to meet you.(un placer conocerlo.)

Mr. (Mister). Senor (Mr. Brown.)

Mrs. (Mistress). Senora (Mrs.Brown.)
Miss. Señorita. (Miss Brown.)
Sir. (Señor. se usa sin el apellido.)
Madam. (Señora: se usa sin el apellido.)

Listening 3

Elcoming: Dando la bienvenida

Welcome to (Salta). Bienvenido a Salta.

Asking and giving the name

A. Excuse me. (Disculpe.)

B. Are you Mr. Trevor? (¿Es usted el Sr. Trevor?)
A. Yes, I am / No, Iam not. (Si lo soy/ No lo soy.)

Inglés I | 8
My name is (Lea). (Mi nombre es Lea.)
First name. (Primer nombre.)
Middle name. (Segundo nombre.)
Last name. (Apellido.)
What is your (first) name? (¿Cuál es su primer nombre?)

Grammar structures: see grammar notes (Estructuras gramaticales. Ver


• Verb to Be.
• Personal pronouns.



1. Listen and read. (Escuche y lea.)

A. Excuse me.
B. Yes?
A. Are you Mr. Trevor?
B. Yes, I am.
A. My name is Mrs. Rodríguez.
B. How do you do?
A. Pleased to meet you. Welcome to Bariloche.
B. Thank you.

2. Now listen again and repeat. (Ahora escuche nuevamente y repita.)

3. Now complete this dialogue. (Ahora complete este diálogo.)

________you Mrs. Brown?
Yes, _________ _________.
_______name’s Mrs. Serrano. _________________to Salta.

4. Now write a similar dialogue, changing names and places. Practice it and then,
record it. (Ahora escriba un dialogo similar, cambiando nombres y lugares.


Inglés I | 9

Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Asking about cities, countries and nationalities (Preguntando sobre

ciudades, países y nacionalidades)

Brazil Brazilian
England English
China Chinese
Egypt Egyptian
France French
Hungary Hungarian
Japan Japanese
The USA American
Argentina Argentinian
Canada Canadian

Where are you from, Mrs. Nigon? (¿De donde es usted, Senora Nigon?)
I’m from Virginia. (Soy de Virginia.)

Are you from Canada? (¿Es usted de Canada?)

No, I live in Canada but I’m from the USA. (No, vivo en Canada pero soy de los
Estados Unidos)

Are you Argentinian? (¿Es usted Argentino?)

Yes, that’s right. (Si, correcto)

Where do you live? (¿Dónde vive?)

I live in Cordoba. (Vivo en Cordoba.)

Where is Mr. Nigon from? (¿De dónde es el senor Nigon?)

Where does he live? (¿Dónde vive?)
He lives in Canada. (El vive en Canada.)

Listening 2

Sking and answering about companies (Preguntando y respondiendo

sobre compañías)

What company do you work for? (¿Para qué compania trabaja?)

I work for RCD. (Trabajo para RCD.)
Who are you with?
I’m with RCD

Are you with RCD? (¿Trabaja ud. para RCD?)

No, I’m not. I’m with MCM. (No, trabajo para MCM.)
Do you work for MCM? (¿Trabaja para MCM?)
Yes, Ido / No, I don’t. (Si / No)

Inglés I | 10
I work for an insurance company called “Salta Insurances”. (Trabajo para una
compania de seguros que se llama “Salta Seguros”.)

What company does Mr. Nigon work for? (¿Para qué compania trabaja el senor
He works for... (El trabaja para...)

Is he with....?
Yes, he is.

Does he work for...?

Yes, he does.

Listening 3

Talking about jobs (Hablando sobre empleos)

What do you do? (¿Qué hace ud.?)

I’m an (engineer). (Soy ingeniero.)

What does Juan Perez do? (¿Qué hace Juan Perez?)

He works for a company called Blue birds. (Trabaja para una compania llamada Blue

Is he an (accountant)? (¿Es el contador?)

Yes, he is. (Si.)

Are you an engineer? (¿Es ud. ingeniero?)

No, I’m not. I’m a lawyer. (No, soy abogado.)

What about you? (¿Y usted?)

Jobs: (empleos)

• engineer: ingeniero/a
• sales representative: representante de ventas
• accountant: contador/a
• sales manager: jefe de ventas
• finance director: director/a de finanzas
• personnel manager: jefe de personal
• sales clerk: vendedor/a
• travel agent: agente de viajes
• business administrator: administrador/a de empresa
• psychologist: psicologa/o
• security guard: guardia de seguridad
• designer: diseñador

a/an: articulo indeterminante (un/una). Normalmente usamos “an” antes de un sonido

de vocal (a,e,i,o,i) y “a” antes de otras letras.

a lawyer / an engineer

Inglés I | 11


• finance department: departamento de finanzas
• personnel: personal
• accounts: contaduria
• human resource department: departamento de recursos humanos
• international relations department: departamento de relaciones internacionales
• research and development department: departamento de investigacion y desarrollo
• marketing department: departamento de mercado

Are you in the sales department? (¿Esta usted en el departamento de ventas?)

Yes, that’s right. (Si, correcto.)

Do you work in accounts? (¿Trabaja en contaduria?)

No, I don’t. I work in personnel. (No, Yo trabajo en personal.)

What department are you in? (¿En qué area trabaja?)

I am in personnel.

Is he in the manufacturing division? (Esta él en la fabrica?)

Yes, he is.
No, I think he’s in the sales department. (No, creo que esta en el departamento de

Do you like your job? (¿Le gusta su trabajo?)

Yes, I like it very much. (Si, me gusta mucho.)
No, I don’t like it very much. (No, no mucho.)

Do you know the managing director? (¿Lo conoce al director gerente?)

Yes, I know him very well. (Si, lo conozco muy bien.)
No, I don’t know him very well. (No, no lo conozco muy bien.)
No, not really. (No, no realmente.)
Does she like...?
Yes, she likes...
No, she doesn’t like...

Grammar Structures: see grammar notes (Ver notas gramaticales)

• Verb “To Be”.

• Simple Present Tense.
• Object Pronouns.
• Possessive adjectives.

Inglés I | 12


1. Listen and read. (Escuche y lea.)

A.Where are you from Mrs. Nigon?

B. I’m from Virginia.
A. What company do you work for?
B. I am with AMB
A. What do you do?
B. I am an accountant.
A. Are you in the finance department?
B. No, I’m in the sales department.
A. Do you like your job?
B. Yes, I like it very much.
A. Is Mr. Simpson from the finance department?
B. No, I think he is a receptionist.
A. Do you know him?
B. No, not really.

2. Now listen to the dialogue again and repeat. (Escuche nuevamente el dialogo y

3. Now, make up a similar dialogue, but changing information. Practise it and

then record it. (Realice un dialogo similar, pero cambiando información.

4. Now, answer these questions about you. (Ahora responda estas preguntas
acerca de usted.)

Where are you from?


What company do you work for?


What do you do?


Are you in the marketing department?


Do you like your job?


5. Read:

His name is Trevor McDonald. He works for Ulysses Construction. Glasgow. He is from
London. He is in the perssonel department. He is a perssonel manager.

Inglés I | 13
6. Now, write a paragraph about this person. (Ahora escriba un parrafo sobre esta

Name: Claudia Mendoza

Country: Argentina
Home: Joaquin V. González- Salta
Company: Exel Petrol
Job: psychologist
Department: Human resources department.
Likes her job: Yes


7. Read:

I´m Lucinda Flores from CB Computing, Chicago. I´m an electrical engineer. I work in
the maintenance department. I live in Chicago, but I am from California

8. Now write a similar paragraph about you. Practise and record it. (Ahora escriba
un párrafo similar acerca de usted. Practíquelo.)

9. Now, complete this interview. Write the questions (Ahora complete esta
entrevista. Escriba las preguntas.)

A. __________________________________
B. Gonzalo Pedrozo.

A. __________________________________
B. I’m from Chile.
A. __________________________________
B. I live in Valparaiso.

A. __________________________________
B. I work for a company called Remson.

A. __________________________________
B. I am in security.

A. __________________________________
B. I am a security guard.

A. __________________________the Managing director?

B. Really, I don’t know him very much.

8. Now practise the dialogue. (Ahora practíque el diálogo.)

Inglés I | 14

Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

The Alphabet (El alfabeto)



How do you spell your (first) name? (¿Cómo deletrea su nombre?)

Spell your name, please. (Deletree su nombre por favor.)


Listening 2

Numbers: 0 to 10 (Números 0 a 10)

0 (oh) 1 (one) 2 (two) 3 (three) 4 (four) 5 (five)

6 (six) 7 (seven) 8 (eight) 9 (nine) 10 (ten)

What’s your telephone number? (¿Cuál es su numero de teléfono?)

It’s 0387-4317688

What’s your home /work/mobile number?

(¿Cuál es el número de su casa/trabajo/celular?)

What is your passport number? (¿Cuál es su número de pasaporte?)

What is your flight number? (¿Cuál es su número de vuelo?)
AA 204

Listening 3

Numbers: 11 to 100

11 (eleven) 20 (twenty) 21 (twenty one)

12 (twelve) 30 (thirty) 32 (thirty two)
13 (thirteen) 40 (forty) 43 (forty three)
14 (fourteen) 50 (fifty) 54 (fifty four)
15 (fifteen) 60 (sixty) 65 (sixty five)
16 (sixteen) 70 (seventy) 76 (seventy six)
17 (seventeen) 80 (eighty) 87 (eighty seven)
18 (eighteen) 90 (ninety) 98 (ninety eight)
19 (nineteen) 100 (a/one hundred) 109 (one hundred and nine)

Inglés I | 15


There are different ways of telling the time. (Hay diferentes maneras de decir la hora.)

On schedules, airport and railroad departure boards, we tell the time in figures. (En
horarios, anuncios de partida en aeropuertos y estaciones, decimos la hora en

What’s the time?

9:15 It’s nine fifteen

What’s the time?

10:00 It’s ten o’clock

What’s the time?

11:30 It’s eleven thirty

What’s the time?

8:45 It’s eight forty five

What’s the time?

3:50 It’s three fifty

What’s the time?

4:10 It’s four ten

In conversation we often tell the time in a different way. (En conversacion, a menudo
decimos la hora de manera diferente.)

half past: y media

a quarter past: y cuarto

a quarter to: menos cuarto

(ten) past: y diez

(ten) to : menos diez

9:30 It’s half past nine (Son las nueve y media)

9:15 It’s a quarter past nine (Son las nueve y cuarto)

9:45 It’s a quarter to ten (Son las diez menos cuarto)

9:10 It’s ten past nine (Son las nueve y diez)

9:50 It’s ten to ten (Son las diez menos diez)

Inglés I | 16


1. Listen to the telephone numbers and check the one you hear. (Marque el
número de teléfono que escuche.)

1. 02 - 2354 - 7369 2. 03 - 9518 - 9926 3. 05 - 2028 - 3741

02 - 2356 - 7369 04 - 9518 - 9926 05 - 2038 - 3741

2. Listen to these flight numbers and check the one you hear. (Marque el número
de vuelo que escuche.)

1. BA 245 2. AF 404 3. UA 163

AA 245 AX 404 UA 173

3. Listen to the dialogue and write the names and numbers. (Escuche el diálogo y
escriba los nombres y números.)

A. What’s your last name?

B. _________________________________

A. How do you spell it?

B. ___________________________________

A. What’s your passport number?

B. ___________________________________

A. What company do you work for?

B. I work for ___________________________

A. Spell it, please.

B. ___________________________________

4. Listen to the dialogues and check the times you hear. (Escuche los diálogos y
marque las horas que escuche.)

a. 3:15 or 3:55
b. 5:10 or 4:10
c. 7:05 or 6:05
d. 9:45 or 9:15

5. Now, use the numbers in exercise 4 to tell the time. Write and record the time.
(Ahora, use los numeros en el ejercicio 4 para decir y escribir la hora.)


Inglés I | 17

Use the charts to make dialogues

Dialogue 1
Excuse me, are you _____________from ____________?

Yes, I am
No, I’m not


That’s OK. My name’s_________________

I’m from ___________in _______________
What’s your name?

My name’s_______________I work for a/an__________________

Nice/Pleased to meet you.

What do you do?

I’m a/an _________________________

I’m in the _______________department

I’m a/an _________________

Inglés I | 18
Dialogue 2

What do you do

I work for a/an company called _____________

Are you in the _____________section?/ department?

Yes, I am No, I’m not

I’m in the ____________________
I’m a/an/the __________________

Do you like your job?

Yes, I do No, I don’t like it/very much

I like it ____________

Inglés I | 19


Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

You and your company

What is the name of the President?

Who is the President?

What company do you work for? (¿Para qué compañía trabaja?)

I work for YMCD. (Trabajo para YMCD.)

What company does he work for? (¿Para qué compañía trabaja el?)
He works for_______ (El trabaja para...)

Where do you work? (¿Dónde trabaja?)

I work at MALISA. (Trabajo en MALISA.)

Where does he work? (¿Dónde trabaja él?)

He works__________ (El trabaja...)

What do you do? (¿Qué hace/¿Cuál es su trabajo?)

I’m a computer programmer. (Soy programador.)
I develop programmes for the computer. (Desarrollo programas para la computadora.)

What does he do? (¿Qué hace el?)

He is a clerk. (El es empleado.)
He prepares reports. (El prepara informes.)

What does your company do? (¿Qué hace su compañía?)

We make cars. (Fabricamos autos.)

How many employees does the company have? (¿Cuántos empleados tiene la Cia?)
The Company has (20) employees. (La Companía tiene 20 empleados.)

Who is in perssonel?
Juan Pérez is in perssonel.

We do business in South America. (Hacemos negocios en Sudamérica.)

What are they doing at the moment? (¿Qué están haciendo en este momento?)
They are working on a new car. (Están trabajando en un auto nuevo.)

What are you working on at the moment? (¿En qué están trabajando en este
We are working on a new project. (Estamos trabajando en un proyecto nuevo.)

Inglés I | 20
What are you doing here? (¿Qué está haciendo aquí?)
I’m doing some work for the computer department. (Estoy realizando un trabajo para el
departamento de computación.)

What is he doing here? (¿Qué está haciendo él aqui?)

He is working__________ (El está trabajando...)

We do business in South America. (Hacemos negocios en Sudamérica.)


(Actividades de la Compañía) (Productos)
produce/s (producir) food (alimentos)
make/s (hacer) cars (autos)
do/es (hacer) business (negocios)
develop/s (desarrollar) electronic equipment (equipo electrónico)
sell/s (vender) computers (computadoras)
export/s (exportar) shoes (zapatos)

(Actividades de los empleados)
design/s (Diseña) new models (Nuevos modelos)
organize/s (Organiza) sales (Ventas)
coordinate/s (Coordina) plans (Planes)
check/s (Controla) clients accounts (Cuentas de clientes)

Grammar Structures: See Grammar Notes

• Present continuous tense

• Simple present tense


1. Write sentences about companies in your city and their activities. (Escriba
oraciones acerca de compañías en su ciudad y sus actividades.)

For example: (Por ejemplo:)

Mc Donalds produces food.

a. _____________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
d. _____________________________________
e. _____________________________________

2. Listen and complete. (Escuche y complete)

A. What are you doing here?

B. I’m __________ some work for your computer department.

Inglés I | 21
A. Really? What __________ you do?
B. I ___________for TGIF Technology. We __________computers.
A. Oh, I see. Are you _________ for very long?
B. No, only for the weekend.

3. Now, record the dialogue.

4. Write sentences about these people and their activities. (Escriba oraciones
sobre estas personas y sus actividades.)


Julia Robins Research and development designs new models
Juan Lazarte Personnel organizes training
Marta Rivas Marketing develops new marketing plans
Elena Bobes Accounts checks clients accounts

For example: Julia Robins is in the Research and Development department. She
designs new models.

5. Now think about a company. Complete this information. (Ahora piense en una
compañía. Complete esta información.)

The company name : ___________________

The president : ___________________
The company activity: __________________
The number of employees :_______________
Employees, departments and jobs:
_________________ ______________ ________________
_________________ ______________ ________________
_________________ ______________ ________________

Your job in the company: ___________________

6. Write a paragraph about the preceding information. (Escriba un párrafo acerca

de la información anterior.)

The name of the company is

The president
The company
The company has


7. Complete this interview about the American Company "Beauty".

A. _______________________________________________?
B. The president is Mr. Nakubasi.

Inglés I | 22
A. _____________________________________________do?
B. We produce cosmetics.

A. _______________________________________________?
B. The company has 134 employees.

A. Who is _______________________________________?
B. Anita Tasaki is in production.

A. _______________________________________________
B. She supervises quality control.

A. _______________________________________________?
B. Danny Krowe is in accounts.

A. _______________________________________________?
B. He checks invoices.

A. _______________________________________________?
B. Katleen Ferrandi is in the marketing department.

A. _______________________________________________?
B. Her job is to coordinate plans.

A. _______________________________________________?
B. Me? Well, I’m in research and development. I design the perfume bottles.


Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Ordinal numbers (Números de orden)

1st first (primero) 11th (eleventh) 21st (twenty first)

2nd second (segundo) 12th (twelfth) 32nd (thirty second)
3rd third (tercero) 13th (thirteenth) 43rd (forty third) etc.
4th fourth (cuarto) 14th (fourteenth)
5th fifth (quinto) 15th (fifteenth)
6th sixth (sexto) 16th (sixteenth)
7th seventh (séptimo) 17th (seventeenth)
8th eighth (octavo) 18th (eighteenth)
9th ninth (noveno) 19th (nineteenth)
10th tenth (décimo) 20th (twentieth)

Inglés I | 23
Listening 2

Numbers 100 to 1000 (Números 100 a 1000)

100 one hundred 700 hundred

200 two hundred 800 hundred
300 three hundred 900 nine hundred
400 four hundred 1000 one thousand
500 five hundred 204 two hundred and four
600 six hundred 325 three hundred and twenty five, etc.

Listening 3

Talking about the office (Hablando hacerca de la oficina)

Where do you work?

I work at Apen Corporation.

Where is the head office? (Donde está la casa central?)

It is in Buenos Aires. (Está en Buenos Aires.)

Where is your office? (¿Dónde está su oficina?)

It’s in the centre of town. (En el centro de la ciudad.)

It’s on the 3rd floor. (En el tercer piso)

Are there any cafes/car parks/bars near your office?

(¿Hay algun café/estacionamiento/bar cerca de su oficina?)
Yes, there is one on Madison Street. (Sí, hay uno en la calle Madison.)
Let me introduce myself. (Permítame presentarme)

Does your company have (a car park)? (¿Tiene su compañía estacionamiento?)

Where are the main offices? (¿Dónde están las oficinas principales?)
They are 5 kilometres north of the city. (Están a 5 kilómetros de la ciudad.)
They are 5 kilometres from downtown. (Estan a 5 kilómetros del centro.)

Grammar Structures: see grammar notes

• Some/Any.
• Some. (Se utiliza para la oracion afirmativa.)
• Any. (Se utiliza para la negacion y la oracion interrogativa.) Ver Set de Traducción
• There is / There are.
• Present tense of the verb To Have.
• Possessive case.

Inglés I | 24


1. Listen to the dialogue and complete the information. (Escuche el diálogo y

complete la información.)

A. Excuse me. Let me introduce myself. My name’s __________________

B. An my name’s __________________________
A. Where do you work?
B. I work in ______________________
A. Oh, really? Where is the company?
B. It’s on _________________________
A. Is it a big building?
B. Yes, it has four floors.
A. Where’s your office?
B. It’s on the _______________floor.
A. Does the company have a car park?
B. __________________, but there is one nearby.
A. I see. Are there any good ___________________near there?
B. Yes, there are .

2. Now practise the dialogue. (Ahora practique el diálogo.)


Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

The Layout of the Company (El trazado de la compañía)

This is the Conference centre (Este es el centro de conferencias.)

Where is the Conference Centre? (¿Dónde esta el centro de conferencias?)
It is on the left. (Está a la izquierda.)
It is between personnel and the secretary’s office. (Está entre personal y la oficina de
la secretaria.)

Listening 2

Buildings in a company (Edificar una compañía)

Conference Centre (Centro de Conferencias)

Testing area (Area de Prueba)
Paint shop (Negocio de pinturas)
Car park (Estacionamiento)
Main Block (Edificio Principal)
Canteen (Bar)
Main production Building (Edificio de Producción)

Inglés I | 25
Workshops (Talleres)
Stores (Almacenes)
Main Gate (Entrada principal)

Grammar Structures: see grammar notes

• Demonstrative pronouns: this/that/ these/those.

• Prepositions of place.



1. Look at the diagram of a factory. Complete the sentences. (Mire el diagrama de

una fábrica. Complete las oraciones.)

Source: Macmillan English Programme, 1995

1. Conference Centre
2. Testing Area
3. Paint Shop
4. Car Park
5. Main Block (Edificio Principal (Canteen 2nd. floor)
6. Main production Building
7. Workshops
8. Stores
9. Main gate

Inglés I | 26
a. The canteen is _________the Main Block
b. It is __________thesecond floor
c. The main block is _________the main gate
d._____________________behind ___________________
e. _____________________between __________________
f. _____________________on the left of __________________________
g. _____________________next to ____________________________
h. _____________________on the right of ________________________

2. Make simple site plan of your company or a company you know and point out
places on it. For example: the manager’s office, the cafe, the secretary’s office,
personnel, the front door, the car park. Then, describe the plan, using
prepositions. (Realice un plano simple de su compañía o una compañía que conozca
y señale los lugares. Luego, describa el plano, usando preposiciones.)


Dialogue 1
Where do you work? I work in an/a office/factory near the
centre of town.

Are there any good restaurants/ No, there aren’t. But there’s a good
cafes, nearby? coffee shop/canteen.

Let’s go there on Saturday.

Good/Great idea.

Inglés I | 27
Dialogue 2

Hello, How are you? Fine, thanks and you?

Very well. What are you I’m working on/finishing a

doing here/in Salta? project for my company.

What company do you

work for? I work for/ I’m with_________

What are they working

on?/What are they They are doing business with
doing? different countries.

Dialogue 3

Where is your company’s main Our head office is in (Villa

office? María)

Where is that? It is about _______km from


And do you have an office in No, we don’t

(Belle Ville)? Yes, we do.

Inglés I | 28


Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Meeting and Welcoming (Encuentros y Bienvenidas)

I have an appointment with (Mrs. Briones) at 10:00.

(Tengo una cita con la Sra.Briones a la s 10:00)
My name is John Taylor from AGM. (Mi nombre es Juan Taylor de AGM.)

Good (morning) Ms. Taylor. (Buenos días Senorita Taylor.)

Mrs. Briones. Miss Taylor is here. (Sra. Briones. La Srta. Taylor esta aquí.)

Please, come this way. (Por aquí por favor)

Mrs. Briones is waiting for you. (La Sra. Briones la espera.)

Please, come in. (Entre por favor)

How are you Joan? (¿Cómo está Joan?)
I’d like to welcome you to RPE. (Bienvenida a RPE.)
How was your trip/flight? (¿Cómo estuvo su viaje/vuelo?)
It was OK. (Estuvo bien.)
Was your flight OK? (¿Estuvo bien su vuelo?)
Were your travel arrangements OK? (¿Estuvieron bien sus arreglos de viaje?)
Yes, everything was alright. (Sí, todo estuvo bien.)

I’d like you to meet (Maria Ferraris) (Quiero presentarle/que conozca a María Ferraris)
She’s our (marketing consultant.)

Nice to meet you/ Pleased to meet you/How do you do. (Mucho gusto.)

Please, sit down. (Por favor, siéntese.)

Would you like a cup o coffee, tea? (¿Le gustaría tomar una taza de café, té?

Coffee, please. Thanks. (Café por favor. Gracias.)

Grammar Structures: see grammar notes

• Simple Past Tense of the verb “To Be”.

Inglés I | 29


1. a. Listen and Read. (Escuche y lea.)

A. Good morning. I have an appointment with Mrs. Briones at 10:00. My name is Joan
Taylor from AGM.
B. Good morning Mrs. Taylor. Please come this way. Mrs. Briones is waiting for you.

b. Correct these statements. (Corrija estas oraciones.)

* The name of the visitor is Joan Krowe.


* Her appointment is at 10:30.


* She has an appointment with Mr. Briones.


* She works for General Motors.


2. Listen and complete. (Escuche y complete.)

Secretary: Mrs. Briones, Miss Taylor ________________________

Mrs. Briones: Please, ____________________________________
I’d like to ______________________________to RPE.
Ms. Taylor: ____________________________________________
Mrs. Briones: ___________________________________your trip ?
Ms. Taylor ____________________________OK.
Mrs. Briones: __________________________to meet Maria Ferraris.
She’s our_________________________________.
Ms. Taylor: How do you do.
M. Ferraris: ______________________________
Mrs. Briones: _________ down. ___________________a cup of coffe?
Ms. Taylor: Yes, ___________

3. Now you write dialogues similar to number 1 and 2. Change the names and the
time. (Ahora escriba diálogos similares a número 1 y 2. Cambie los nombres y la

Inglés I | 30

Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Describing business activities (Describiendo actividades de negocios)

How’s business? (¿Cómo van los negocios?)

How do you like working in Canada? (¿Le gusta trabajar en Canadá?)
It’s great. (Es buenísimo.)
Do you like working in Canada? (¿Le gusta trabajar en Canadá?)
Yes, very much. (Sí, mucho.)

How long are you here for? (¿Por cuánto tiempo se queda?)

Is this your first visit to Chicago? (¿Esta es su primera visita a Chicago?)

What is your job at BMA like? (¿Cómo es su trabajo en BMA?)

I like it. (Me gusta.)
I don’t like it. (No me gusta.)
It is a bit tiring, but I like it. (Es un poco cansador, pero me gusta.)

I start work at (9:00) (Comienzo a trabajar a las 9:00)

I finish at________ (Termino a las ________)
In the morning I (attend meetings). (En la mañana, asisto a reuniones.)

First/Then/After that I read the mail. (Primero, Luego, Después, yo leo la

Finally. (Finalmente.)
I have lunch in the office. (Almuerzo en la oficina.)
I have breakfast/have lunch/ have dinner... (Yo desayuno/ almuerzo/ ceno...)

I hear you are leaving tomorrow. (Asi que parte mañana.)

Yes, that’s right. In the morning. (Si, correcto. En la mañana.)

In the morning, In the afternoon, In the evening, At night. (En la mañana, En la tarde,
En la noche.)

Listening 2

An invitation for dinner (Una invitacion para cenar)

What are you doing tonight? (¿Qué va a hacer esta noche?)

I have no plans. (No tengo planes.)
Let’s have dinner together. (Cenemos juntos.)
Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? (¿Le gustaría cenar conmigo esta
That would be nice. (Sería agradable.)
Yes, thanks. (Sí, gracias.)

Inglés I | 31
Listening 3

Activities in the office (Actividades en la oficina)

read the mail (leer la correspondencia)

attend meetings (asistir a reuniones)
phone the suppliers (telefonear a los proveedores)
help clients with problems (ayudar a los clientes con problemas)
write reports (escribir informes)
answer the telephone (contestar el telefono)
give instructions to the staff (dar instrucciones al personal)
visit branches (visitar las sucursales)
have a business breakfast/ business lunch (tener un desayuno/almuerzo de negocios)

Listening 4

Activities at the weekend (Actividades el fin de semana)

What about weekends? (Y los fines de semana?)

I relax with my family (Descanso con mi familia.)

I play (tennis) (Juego al tennis.)
My family and I go (camping) (Vamos de campamento con mi familia.)
I go shopping with my friends. (Voy de compras con mis amigas.)

Do you play any sports? (¿Juega algun deporte?)

How often do you play tennis? (¿Con qué frecuencia juega al tennis?)

Once a week/ Twice a week/ Three times a week (Una vez por semana/ Dos veces por
semana/Tres veces por semana.)

On (Monday morning/afternoon/evening) (El lunes por la manana/tarde/noche.)

Every morning/afternoon/evening. (Todas las mananas/tardes/noches.)

Listening 5

Days of the week (Días de la semana)

Monday (Lunes)
Tuesday (Martes)
Wednesday (Miercoles)
Thursday (Jueves)
Friday (Viernes)
Saturday (Sábado)
Sunday (Domingo)

Listening 6

Frequency adverbs (Adverbios de frecuencia)

Always (siempre) 100%

Usually (usualmente)
Often ( a menudo)
Sometimes (A veces)

Inglés I | 32
Occasionally (Ocasionalmente)
Never (Nunca) 0%

Grammar structures: see grammar notes

• Present simple
• Present Continuous for the future



1. Listen and read. (Escuche y lea.)

A. Is this your first visit to the States?

B. Yes, it is.
A. How do you like Chicago?
B. Well, it’s great.
A. How long are you here for?
B. I’m leaving tomorrow. In the evening.
A. What are you doing tonight?
B. I have no plans.
A. Let’s have dinner together.
B. Good idea.

2. Read and practise the dialogue. (Lea y practique el diálogo.)

3. Are these statements True or False? (¿Estas oraciones son verdaderas o falsas?)

* B doesn’t like Chicago. _____________

* She is there for two days ____________
* A and B are having dinner tonight_____________

4. a. Mrs. Mendoza and Mrs. Legarri are talking after dinner. (La Sra. Mendoza y la
Sra. Legarri estan conversando despues de la cena.) Listen and read. (Escuche y

A. What is your job like?

B. Well, it’s a bit tiring, but I like it.
A. What do you usually do at weekends?
B. Well, I relax at home with my family, or go shopping with my friends.
A. Do you play any sports?
B. Yes, tennis and paddle.
A. How often do you play tennis?
B. Twice a week. On Monday and Friday evening.

Inglés I | 33
b. Answer these questions about the dialogue. (Responda estas preguntas
sobre el diálogo.)

1) Is Mrs. Legarri’s job tiring? __________________________________

2) What does she do at weekends? _____________________________
3) Does she play any sports? _________________________________
4) How often does she play tennis? _____________________________
5) When does she play? _____________________________________

5. Write a similar dialogue. Change the information. Practise the dialogue.

(Escriba un diálogo similar. Cambie la información. Practíquelo.)


6.a. Mrs. Mendoza is describing her day at her company. Listen. (La Sra. Mendoza
describe su día en su compañía. Escuche.)

I start work at 8:00. First I check my mail and then I phone the suppliers. I always have
a meeting with the staff to talk about the activities of the day. After that, I usually
answer urgent messages and I occasionally help clients with their problems. I usually
have lunch at a restaurant near the company but I never have a business lunch. Once
a month I have a business breakfast with the Board of Directors.

b. Listen again and number the activities in the order you hear them. (Escuche
nuevamente y numere las actividades en el orden que las escucha.)

check the mail ________

start work ________
have a meeting ________
have lunch ________
answer urgent messages ________
have a business breakfast ________
help clients ________

7. What about you? Describe your day in the office. Write a paragraph. (¿Y
usted? Describa su día en la oficina. Escriba un párrafo.)


Inglés I | 34

Words, phrases and Grammar (Palabras, frases y gramática)

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Saying Goodbye (Despidiéndose)

Have a good day. (Que tenga un buen día.)

Thank you for everything (Gracias por todo.)

Thanks for the dinner/ lunch (Gracias por la cena.)
Give my regards to your boss/husband/wife (Déle mis saludos a su
I will. (Lo hare.)
Have a good flight. (Que tenga un buen viaje.)

I’ll see you in April. (Lo veré en Abril.)

I’ll call you in May. (Lo llamaré en Mayo.)
I’ll visit you in two months. (Lo visitaré en dos meses.)

Well, thank you for coming. (Bien, gracias por venir.)

Keep in touch. (Manténgase en contacto.)
I will. Thanks for your help. (Lo haré. Gracias por su ayuda.)

Don’t forget to send a fax. (No se olvide de enviar un fax.)

Don’t forget to call me. (No se olvide de llamarme.)

Ok. Bye. (Adiós) See you soon. (Bien. Nos vemos pronto)
Bye. (Adiós.)

Listening 2

Months of the Year

January (Enero) July (Julio)

February (Febrero) August (Agosto)
March (Marzo) September (Setiembre)
April (Abril) October (Octubre)
May (Mayo) November (Noviembre)
June (Junio) December (Diciembre)

Grammar Structures: see translation set (set de traducción)

• Imperatives.

Inglés I | 35

1. Listen to the recording and complete the dialogue. (Escuche la grabación y

complete el diálogo.)

A. Well, thank you for the ____________.

B. You are welcome. Have a good ___________.
A. Thank you. I’ll call you next _____________.
B. OK. Don’t forget to send the __________
A. I won’t. Give my regards to your boss.
B. I will. See you in _________.
A. See you. _________.
B. Good bye.

2. Practise the conversation. (Practique la conversación.)

3. Answer these questions. (Responda estas preguntas.)

1. Is she thanking for the lunch or for the dinner?


2. Is she travelling by train or by plane?


3. Does she have to send a letter or a fax?


4. Is she giving her regards to her boss or to her husband?


5. Will they see each other in April or in May?



Listen to a manager in Argentina explaining how the company selects teachers

for English Training Courses.

First we advertise in the paper.

Then we interview the applicants.
After that we read their Cvs.
Next we make a short list and call them for another interview.
Next we choose the best applicant.
Finally we inform our decision to the applicants.

Inglés I | 36
1. Explain how your company selects a member for their staff. Record it.

Dialogue 1

ThisThat is the (main building/

production building) What’s (that place?)
Those are the administrative What is (that building?)

It’s the (testing area) Where is the (paint shop)?

It’s a warehouse Where are the workshops?

It’s (opposite________)
They are (behind__________)
Dialogue 2

Hello/Hi. My name’s ________ Hello/Hi. I’m __________

Nice to meet you/see you Pleased to meet/see you, too

How was your flight/trip? It was (fine)

It was (terrible)

Oh, good./ Oh, dear Yes, they were.

Were the travel arrangements No, they weren’t

Well/Anyway/ welcome to _______.

Inglés I | 37
Dialogue 3

How are you/ your family? Fine/Verywell.

How is business? Fine/Not bad

Is business going well? Yes./Not very well, I'm afraid

Well. How do you I love/hate it


Is this your first visit to Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t


How long are you here for?

I hear you are leaving Three days
(tomorrow morning) Tomorrow, but in the evening

Nice talking to you. Nice talking to you, too.

Good to see you. Good to see you, too. Bye.

Dialogue 4

Thanks for everything/for your My pleasure.

help/for the dinner. You are welcome

I’ll call you (on Monday) Right/OK

I’ll see you in April.

Don’t forget to send the fax I won’t

Keep in touch I will.

Have a good fligh/a good trip

Give my regards to Thank you.
____________ I will.

Good bye. Good bye.

Inglés I | 38
Inglés I | 39


I: yo We: nosotros
You: tú You: vosotros
He: él They: ellos
She: ella
It: el/ella (animal/cosa)

Verb To be (Present Tense) (Tiempo Presente - Ser o estar)

I am I’m We are We’re

You are You’re You are You’re
He is He’s They are They’re
She is She’s
It is It’s

Nota: se puede contraer el verbo en la expresión oral.

Write the correct form of the present tense of To be in the blanks. (Escriba la
forma correcta del presente del verbo To be en los espacios.)

1. I......................a student.
2. Dennis............a student.
3. This.................a good book.
4. John and Pat.........................good accountants.
5. class now.
6. Marí work today.
7. Today............Monday.
8. You and Henry.....................sales managers.
9. my company.
10. She..............a business administrator.

Select the correct form. (Seleccione la forma correcta.)

1. John (is/are) a good student.

2. We (am/are) sales managers.
3. The company (is/are) in Bs. As.
4. Ana and I (am/are) in the same class.
5. This (is/are) a good exercise.
6. They (is/are) accountants.
7. Mr. Jones (am/is) the Vice-President.
8. I (am/are) with Coca-Cola.
9. He (is/are) in the sales department.

To be: Negative form (forma negativa)

Form the negative of To be by putting not after the verb. (Forme el negativo
agregando not después del verbo.)

I am not (I’m not) We are not (We aren’t)

You are not (You aren’t) You are not (You aren’t)

Inglés I | 40
He is not (He isn’t) They are not (They aren’t)
She is not (She isn’t)
It is not (It isn’t).

Change to the negative form. (Cambie a la forma negativa.)

1. 1. We are business administrators. We aren’t business administrators.

2. Today is Monday.
3. She and Mary are students.
4. I am a good accountant.
5. They are friends.
6. He is busy today.
7. You and Henry are with Nissan.
8. You are with Chrysler.

To be: Question form (forma interrogativa)

Place the verb before the subject. (Coloque el verbo antes del sujeto.)

e.g She is a good student.

Is she a good student?

You and Henry are cousins.

Are you and Henry cousins?

You can answer these questions with Yes or No. (Ud. puede responder estas
preguntas con Sí y No.)

Yes, she is.

Is she a good student?
No, she isn’t.

Yes, we are.
Are you and Henry cousins?
No, we aren’t.

Change to the question form and answer. (Cambie a la forma interrogativa y


1. They are students.

Are they students? Yes, they are.

2. This lesson is easy.

...........................................? No,.............................. .

3. He is a supervisor.
...........................................?. Yes,............................ .

4. She is a good customer.

...........................................?. No,.............................. .

5. Helen and she are busy.

...........................................?. Yes,............................ .

Inglés I | 41
Verb To have: Present tense

Some meanings (algunos significados)

1. have: tener

breakfast: desayunar
2. have lunch: almorzar
dinner: cenar

3. have a bath: bañarse.

I have We have
You have You have
He has They have
She has
It has

Write the correct form of “To have” in the blanks. (Escriba la forma correcta de “To
have” en los espacios.)

1. Helen ...............a new hat.

2. I........................many friends in this class.
3. English books.
4. They.................a computer.
5. She...................lunch at the cafeteria.
6. He....................dinner at home.
7. John and Henry......................a new business.
8. The teacher always................a bath after dinner.
9. This room.....................many windows.
10. You ...........................a good tape recorder.

To have: Negative form (forma negativa)

To form the negative of “To have”, place do not (don’t) or does not (doesn’t)
before the verb. (Para formar el negativo de “To have” coloque do not (don’t) or does
not (doesn’t) antes del verbo.)

I He
You don’t have a car She doesn’t have blue eyes
We It
They *

* Fíjese que al usar “doesn’t” con He, She, It, tiene que escribir “have” y no “has”.

Change to the negative form

1. She has a new hat. She doesn’t have a new hat.

2. He has red hair.
3. I have two sisters. I don’t have two sisters.
4. They have new computers.
5. We have lunch at home.
6. The room has many windows.

Inglés I | 42
To have: question form (forma interrogativa)

To form questions with “To have”, place Do or Does before the subject. (Para
formar preguntas con “To have” coloque Do or Does antes del sujeto.)

e.g I have a camera. Do you have a camera?

She has a mobile telephone. Does she have a mobile telephone?

Do We You have....?

Does she have....?

You can answer these questions with “Yes” or “No”. (Usted puede responder
estas preguntas con Sí o No.)

Yes, I do
Do you have a camera?
No, I don’t.

Yes, she does

Does she have a mobile phone?
No, she doesn’t.

Change to the question form and answer. (Cambie a la forma interrogativa y


1. She has a new apartment.

Does she have a new apartment? No,

2. We have different books.


3. This book has a blue cover.


4. They have breakfast at home.

? Yes,

5. You have a bath everyday.

? Yes,

Inglés I | 43

The Simple Present Tense describes an action which goes on everyday, is a

habit or a general truth. In the third person singular “s” or “es” is added to the
verb. (El Presente Simple describe una acción que ocurre todos los días, es un hábito
o una verdad general. En la tercera persona del singular se agrega “s” o “es” al verbo).

I produce He produces We produce

You produce She produces You produce
It produces They produce

Third Person

* Cuando el verbo termina en “o”:

go goes

* Cuando el verbo termina en “s, sh, ch, x o z”

teach teaches
wash washes
fix fixes

* Cuando el verbo termina en “y” (en este caso, la “y” se cambia por “i” antes de
agregar “es” si la “y” está precedida por una consonante).

study studies

Select the correct form. (Seleccione la forma correcta.)

1. I (study/studies) English everyday.

2. Mr. Brown (checks/check) invoices.
3. Mary (work/works) in the production department.
4. The company (sells/sell) computers.
5. They (do/does) market research.
6. You always (comes/come) to work late.
7. He never (smoke/smokes) at the office.
8. We (go/goes) home late on Mondays.

Simple Present Tense Negative Form (forma negativa)

To form the negative of the Simple Present Tense, place do not (don’t) or does
not (doesn’t) before the verb. (Para formar el negativo del presente simple, coloque
do not (don’t) o does not (doesn’t) antes del verbo.)

I do not (don’t) work


She does not (doesn’t) work (*)

You do not (don’t) work

Inglés I | 44
(*) Fíjese que después de doesn’t el verbo ya no lleva la “s” en la tercera persona.

Change to the negative form

1. He studies in class.
He doesn’t study in class.

2. They go to work by car.

3. We deal with customer’s complaints.

4. She works for Coca-Cola.

5. The company distributes soft drinks.

6. I organize training.

7. They visit the branches on Fridays.

Simple Present Tense - Question Form (1) (Forma interrogativa)

Form questions in the Simple Present Tense by placing do or does before the
subject. (Forme las preguntas en el presente simple colocando “do” o “does” antes del

Do you work?

Does she work (*)

(*) Fíjese que en la pregunta con “does” el verbo ya no lleva “s”.

You can answer these questions with “Yes” or “No”.

Yes, I do.
Do you work?
No, I don’t.

Yes, he does.
Does he work?
No, he doesn’t.

Inglés I | 45
Change to the question form and answer. (Cambie a la forma interrogativa y

1. He comes to school by bus.

Does he come to school by bus? Yes, he does.

2. They organize training.

Do they organize training? No, they don’t.

3. She checks quality control.

? No,

4. He distributes software.
? Yes,

5. We coordinate plans.
? No,

6. They sell sporting goods.

? Yes

7. She designs furniture.

? Yes,

Simple Present Tense - Question Form 2

Do or does is used with question words like: (Do o Does se usa con palabras
interrogativas como:)

When? ¿Cuándo? What? ¿Qué?

Where? ¿Dónde? How many? ¿Cuántas/os?
Who....for? ¿Para quién?

Write do or does in the blanks:

1. work?
2. What company................she work for?
3. What.................they do?
4. How many cigarrettes..........he smoke?
5. When...............we start work?
6. What..........she do?
7. Who...........she work for?


My (mi) Our (nuestro)

Your (tu) Your (vuestro)
His (su de él) Their (su de ellos)
Her (su de ella)
Its (su de él o ella)

e.g They have their meetings in the morning.

What is your name? My name’s Olga.

Inglés I | 46
Write the correct possessive adjective in the blanks. (Escriba el adjetivo posesivo
correcto en los espacios.)

1. He walks
2. The employees computers.
3. What is.............address? Her address is 474 Caseros street.
4. I work
5. The company sells..........own production.
6. The president likes..........job. We are pleased, too.

Verb To Be - Past Tense (Tiempo pasado)

I was We were
You were You were
He was They were
She was
It was

Change to the past tense. (Cambiar al pasado.)

1. He is a good student. He was a good student.

2. I am very hungry.

3. The weather is good.

4. You and Eleni are good friends.

5. There are many students in our class.

To be - Past tense, negative form (pasado negativo)

To form the negative of to be in the past tense, place not after the verb. (Para
formar el pasado negativo del verbo to be, coloque not después del verbo). Notice how
the contractions are formed. (Note cómo se forman las contracciones).

I was not (wasn’t) We were not (weren’t)

You were not (weren’t) You were not (weren’t)
He was not (wasn’t) They were not (weren’t)
She was not (wasn’t)
It was not (wasn’t)

Change to the negative form. Use the contractions. (Cambie a la forma negativa.
Use contracciones.)

1. John was in my class. John wasn’t in my class.

2. The door was open.

3. They were cousins.

4. I was busy yesterday.

5. We were dead tired.

Inglés I | 47
To be: Past tense, question form (Pasado - Forma interrogativa)

To form questions in the past tense of to be, place the verb before the subject. In
there sentences, place the verb before there. (Para formar preguntas en el pasado
de to be, coloque el verbo antes del sujeto. En oraciones con there, coloque el verbo
antes de there.)

You were in Europe last year. Were you in Europe last year?

It was a good movie. Was it a good movie?

There was a pie for dessert. Was there a pie for desert?

1. The exercises were difficult. Were the exercises difficult?

2. There was a book on the table.

3. He was a very intelligent person.

4. Angela was angry with me.

5. You were late for the lesson.

You can answer the questions with Yes or No. (Puede contestar las preguntas con
Sí o No.)

Were the exercises difficult? Yes, they were

No, they weren't

Was she angry? Yes, she was

No, she wasn't

Answer these questions with Yes or No. (Responda estas preguntas con Sí o No.)

Was it a small dark object? Yes, it was.

Was the woman a stranger?

Were the windows open?

Were they busy all day?

Was she a businesswoman?

Past tense - Regular Verbs (Tiempo Pasado - Verbos regulares)

The past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding ed to the simple form of the
verb. (El pasado de los verbos regulares se forma agregando ed a la forma simple del

e.g: work worked

Inglés I | 48
Notice the formation of the past tense with these regular verbs. (Note la formación
del pasado con estos verbos regulares.)

live lived study studied

When the simple form of the verb ends in “y” preceded by a consonant, the “y”
is changed to “i” before adding “ed”. (Cuando la forma simple del verbo termina en
“y” precedida por una consonante, la “y” se cambia a “i” antes de agregar “ed”.)

Change the verb of each sentence to the past tense. (Cambie el verbo de cada
oración al pasado.)

1. He always walk to school. walked

2. Our lesson ends at 2.00.

3. I like chess a lot.

4. They study in our class.

5. The dog follows me everywhere.

Past Tense-Irregular Verbs (Tiempo pasado-Verbos irregulares)

Many verbs in English have special past tense forms. (Muchos verbos en Inglés
tienen formas pasadas especiales.)
go went buy bought
see saw sleep slept
drink drank eat ate
have had come came

Change the following sentences to the past tense. (Cambiar las siguientes
oraciones al pasado.)

1. He buys many books. He bought many books.

2. They have a new car.

3. We eat dinner at home.

4. She comes by car.

5. I drink Coke.

* NOTE: Verbs in the past are the same for all the persons. (Los verbos en el
pasado son los mismos para todas las personas)

Past tense: negative form (Pasado - Forma negativa)

To form the negative past tense of all verbs (except to be), place “did not” before
the simple form of the verb. The auxiliary “did” is the same for all the persons in
the past tense. The contraction “didn’t” is generally used. (Para formar el pasado
negativo de todos los verbos, (excepto to be), coloque "did not" antes de la forma

Inglés I | 49
simple del verbo. El auxiliar "did" es el mismo para todas las personas en el pasado.
Generalmente se usa la contracción "didn't".)

I did not stop (I didn’t stop)

He did not stop. (He didn’t stop)
They did not stop (They didn’t stop)

Change to the negative form

1. She came to the lesson. She didn’t come to the lesson.

2. He liked French movies.

3. I bought all my books there.

4. We ate lunch in the cafeteria.

5. They had many friends in the class.

Past Tense: question form (Pasado - Forma interrogativa)

Form the past tense question by placing “did” before the subject and by
changing the verb to its simple form. (Forme el pasado interrogativo colocando “did”
antes del sujeto y cambiando el verbo a su forma simple).

e.g: You went home. Did you go home?

Change to the question form. (Cambie a la forma interrogativa.)

1. She waited for us. Did she wait for us?

2. They had dinner at home.

3. You came to school by car.

4. The lesson ended at 8.00.

5. He lived near us.

You can answer the questions with Yes or No. e.g:

Yes, she did.

Did she go to the U.S?
No, she didn’t.

Yes, they did.

Did they have a meeting?
No, they didn’t.

Answer these questions with Yes or No.

1. Did she get up early? Yes, she did.

2. Did he buy his car in Europe?

Inglés I | 50
3. Did they write him several letters?

4. Did you know her very well?

Future Tense with “going to” (Futuro con “going to”)

A common way to form the future tense is to use the appropiate form of “to be
going to” and the simple form of the verb. (Una forma común de formar el tiempo
futuro es usar la forma apropiada de “to be going to” y la forma simple del verbo).

I am finish soon
You are

She is going to buy that car

We see the new film

You are
They get up early

Write the verb in the future. (Escribir el verbo en futuro.)

1. We (study) English next year. are going to study

2. She (buy) a new dress for the dance.

3. They (have) a picnic next Saturday.

4. I (watch) T.V tonight.

5. He (be) a doctor.


It is used to indicate an action that one did in the past, bus it is not done any
more. (Se usa para indicar una acción que se hacía en el pasado, pero no se hace

e.g: He used to box. (Solía boxear.)

Re-write the sentences using “used to”.

1. I (smoke). I used to smoke.

2. They (live) in a farm.

3. He (work) in a textile factory.

4. We (go) on business trips.

5 She (buy) a lot of chocolate.

Inglés I | 51

I was
You were in 1978

He was
She was born in Salta
It was

We were
You were two weeks ago
They were

She was born in 1978. (Ella nació en 1978.)

They were born in Salta. (Ellos nacieron en Salta.)


1. Where were you born?

2. When was your friend born?

3. Were you born 20 years ago?



To form the future tense, the auxiliary “will” is used with the simple form of the
verb. (Para formar el tiempo futuro, se usa el auxiliar “will” con la forma simple del
verbo). The contracted form (‘ll) is generally used. (Generalmente, se usa la forma
contraída (‘ll).)

You run

She will walk

We ‘ll finish it
They phone him this afternoon

e.g: I’ll walk.

She will phone him this afternoon.

Change to the future tense

1. He studies in this class. He will study in this class.

2.You speak English well.

Inglés I | 52
3. I bring you many presents.

4. They have lunch in the cafeteria.

5. The train leaves at 8:00.

NOTE: For more grammar information read the “Translation Set”. (Para mayor
información gramatical lea el “Set de Traducción”.)

Inglés I | 53


Ambas formas se traducen por un-una.

1. a program 6. an error 11. a light

2. an image 7. a mistake 12. an answer
3. a computer 8. an element 13. a university
4. an exhibitor 9. a newspaper 14. an angle
5. a machine 10. a scientist 15. an aim

El artículo definido “the”: se traduce por los artículos el-la-los-las-lo

the book: el libro the ruler: la regla

the books: los libros the rulers: las reglas
the reasonable: lo razonable

1. the design 11. the beautiful

2. the designs 12. the true
3. the card 13. the good
4. the cards 14 the useful
5. the function 15. the classic
6. the functions 16. the best
7. the system 17. the worst
8. the systems 18. the bad
9. the programmer 19. the interesting
10. the programmers 20. the boring


1) El plural de los sustantivos con “s”: se forma agregando una “s”:

girl: girls student: students

2) El plural de los sustantivos con “es”: sustantivos que terminan en o, x, s, ch, sh

forman el plural agregando es.

mango box church

tomato match kiss
hero watch dish
brush class
dress lunch

Pero: piano: pianos dynamo: dynamos photo:photos

3) El plural de los sustantivos con “ies”: sustantivos que terminan en “y” precedida por
una consonante forman el plural cambiando “y” por “i” y agregando “es” (ies).

duty: duties cry battery

fly authority inquiry

Inglés I | 54
country capability laboratory
sky memory lady

Pero cuando la “y” va precedida por una vocal, el plural se forma agregando “s”:

monkey: monkeys day toy

donkey boy

4) El plural de los sustantivos con “ves”: los sustantivos que terminan en “f” o “fe”
pierden la “f” o “f” y se agrega “ves”.

wife: wives half shelf

leaf life knife

Pero hay excepciones:

roofs - handkerchiefs - chiefs - griefs - proofs - cliffs - gulfs

5) Plurales irregulares

child: children tooth: teeth foot: feet

man: men goose: geese louse: lice
woman: women mouse: mice ox: oxen

6) Algunos tienen la misma forma para el singular y plural:

sheep deer fish news Chinese Japanese

7) Algunos sustantivos de origen latino retienen los plurales originales:

agendum agenda memorandum memoranda

erratum errata stratum strata
terminus termini basis bases
oasis oases analysis analyses
phenomenon phenomena formula formulae

radius radii
crisis crises
axis axes
appendix appendices
datum data

Pero: dogma: dogmas.

Posición del adjetivo: generalmente precede al sustantivo y es invariable en género y


1) A risky situation: una situación riesgosa

2) The powerful features
3) A powerful database
4) The unlimited use
5) The unlimited uses

Inglés I | 55

1. A fast compiler 16. The old standby

2. The new contract 17. The big old dictionary
3. A large company 18. The big old dictionaries
4. Large companies 19. A couple of days
5. The manageable parts 20. The conference brochures
6. The new library 21. A brilliant speech
7. The new libraries 22. A wide range of possibilities
8. The important information 23. The usual schemes
9. The new versions 24. Some sophisticated systems
10. An interesting idea 25. The quarterly report
11. An interesting new project 26. Two very good reasons
12. Some interesting new books 27. The complete procedure
13. Some technical articles 28. The wrong way
14. A standardized highlevel language 29. A powerful diagnostic tool
15. The automatic discount flexibility 30. An amazing speed, power and


En Inglés nunca se omiten.

Singular I you He She It (yo- tu/Ud.- el / ella / depende del sustantivo que reemplaza).

Plural We You They (Nosotros / Vosotros/Ustedes / Ellos/as)

El verbo To be (irregular)

Como todo verbo puede usarse de tres formas distintas afirmativa, interrogativa y

Present Simple Tense (tiempo presente)

a) Forma afirmativa
I am (soy/estoy)
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are (somos/estamos)
You are (sois/son/estais/estan)
They are

Verbo To be como ser


1. I am an accountant 7. Bussinesses are complicated

2. You are a good boss 8. The next meeting is crucial
3. You are good bosses 9. She is a client.
4. Tom is a programmer. 10. The price is right.
5. They are Chairmen 11. It is fast and complete.
6. Time is money 12. It’s a complete budget

Inglés I | 56
Nota: el artículo indefinido “a” no se traduce al castellano en los casos en que el
sustantivo exprese nacionalidad, religión o profesión.

Verbo “To be” como estar

Con palabras que indican posición: in, on, under, over, below, above, at, near ,by, far
from, here, there, at the bottom, at the top, belhind, in front of, opposite, at the back ; el
verbo “To be” se traduce por “estar”.


1. The power is at your fingertips.

2. The system is ready.
3. The problem is under control.
4. The examples are at the top of the page.
5. The diagrams are on the screen.
6. The stapler is behind the folder.
7. The source data are on the right.
8. The information is in front of you.
9. Informations, opinions, ideas and discussions are in this manual.
10. Precise information is at the end of the page.

Verbo “To be”. Forma interrogativa

Am I? soy?/estoy? Are we?

Are you? Are you?
Is he? Are they’
Is she?
Is it?

Palabras interrogativas

Who: quién Where: dónde

What: qué, cuál Why: por qué When: cuándo
Which: cuál How: cómo


1. Is flexibility important?
2. Why is this issue interesting?
3. Where is the information?
4. What is the name of that manufacturer?
5. Are you ready to write the minutes?
6. What are the different possibilities?
7. Which is the long-term one?

Verbo “To be” Forma negativa

I am not; no soy / no estoy We are not

You are not You are not
He is not They are not
She is not
It is not

Inglés I | 57

1. Budget changes are not easy.

2. The graphics are not on the screen.
3. A few changes are not necessary.
4. You are not ready to test the program.
5. Compatibility is no problem.

Las formas abreviadas del verbo “To be”

I am I’m We are We’re I am not I’m not

You are You’re You are You’re You are not You aren’t
He is He’s They are They’re He is not He isn’t
She is She’s She is not She isn’t
It is It’s It is not It isn’t
We are not We aren’t
You are not You aren’t
They are not They aren’t

“To be” con adjetivos


1. This information is irrelevant.

2. The graphics are colourful.
3. The invoice is incorrect.
4. The file is incomplete.
5. The records are updated.

Ejercicios en que “the” se omite en inglés, no así en su traducción al castellano.

ej: Time is money. El tiempo es oro.

1. Certificates are issued.

2. Life is hard
3. Commercialization is neccesary.
4. Clients are money
5. Photocopiers are expensive.
6. Old buildings are inadequate.
7. Prospective clients are important.
8. Management is an art.
9. Books are good companions

Ejercicios con “this” (este, esta, esto); “that” (ese, aquel, esa, aquella, aquello); “these
(estos estas); “those” (aquellos, aquellas, esos, esas); “too” (también, demasiado).

1. Those formulae are wrong

2. This book is too difficult. That book is difficult too
3. These colours are too bright
4. This machine is too expensive
5. This issue is free.

Inglés I | 58
Otras traducciones de “To be”

a) “To be” seguido por el infinitivo. Generalmente se traduce por: voy a, vas a etc., que
tiene muchas veces el sentido de obligación u orden. Ej: We are to go soon: Vamos a
ir pronto. We are to go at once: Debemos ir de inmediato (obligación).


1. They are to postpone the business

2. He is to replace these three machines
3. They are to install the new system
4. He is to object the plan
5. I am to answer the questions
6. They are to make the effort.

b) “To be” + about + infinitivo: estar a punto de, estar por


1. He is about to plan the new factory

2. I am about to prepare the new program
3. He is about to spend money for a good printer
4. You are about to be seduced by power and money
5. They are about to replace those desks.

c) Condición física o mental. Para expresar condición o mental “to be” se traduce por
“tengo”, “tienes”, etc. Ej:

I’m cold: Tengo frío

They are hot: Tienen calor
He is hungry: Tiene hambre
She is afraid of computers: Tiene miedo a las computadoras.
We are sleepy: Tenemos sueño
I’m thirsty: Tengo sed

d) Edad: “To be” se traduce por “tengo, tienes, etc.” Ej:

I’m twenty: Tengo 20 años

How old are you? Qué edad tienes?
How old is that machine? Qué antigüedad/tiempo tiene esa máquina?
How old is that baby? He is three days old
How old is that church? It’s four centuries old
This system is two months old

e) Tamaño, peso y dimensión. “Tengo, tienes, etc.” Ej.

How tall is the machine? Qué altura tiene la máquina?

It’s 50 cm. tall. Tiene 50 cm de alto.
How large is the computer? Qué dimensión/tamaño tiene...
How deep is the well? Qué profundidad ....
How high is that mountain? Qué altura tiene...
How thick is the wall? Qué espesor tiene...
It’s 60 cm. thick. Tiene 60 cm. de espesor

Inglés I | 59
f) Distancia: “Estoy, estás...” La expresión “how far” se traduce por “a qué distancia”.


How far is it to the park? It’s two blocks from here

I’m not far from the next village
How far is it from here to B.A? Qué distancia hay...?

g) Precio y cantidad. Ejemplos:

How much is it? It’s 20 pesos.

It’s not expensive. It’s cheap
How much are the programs?
How many monthly issues are there?

h) Estado atmosférico. “hace”, “esta”, “es”. Ejemplos:

It’s warm in November. Hace calor en noviembre

It’s wet after the rain
It’s a stormy night
It’s cloudy today

i) Para expresar prisa o tardanza. Ejemplos:

You are early. Llegas temprano

You are late
I am in a hurry. Estoy apurado. Tengo prisa

j) Tiempo y fecha. Ejemplos:

Today is Monday. It’s 25th May.

What time is it? It’s 4 o’clock
The clock is slow/ fast
What year are we in? We are in 1.988


1. She is to reduce the number of colours

2. The secretary is in a hurry
3. It’s not a single card
4. How wide is this project?
5. How old is this index?
6. It’s expensive to install a new memory program
7. Accommodation is not available.
8. What is a laser printer?
9. What is the source of information?
10. Auditors are valuable in the company.
11. Performance is all-important when your database grows
12. It is tiring at the end of the year.
13. Fear is a human reaction
14. The surface of the screen is smooth
15. Variety is necessary in advertising.
16. Photocopying is illegal.
17. The aim of the symposium is to consider the influences of commerce and
business in a social and political context

Inglés I | 60
18. My problem is to remember the names of all the applicants.
19. The flat screen is the ideal monitor for many business and educational

To be: Simple Past Tense (Pretérito Imperfecto)


I was: fui - era/estuve, estaba

You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were


I was not
You were not
He was not
She was not
It was not
We were not
You were not
They were not


Was I?
Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?


1. Your old computer was powerful and easy to use.

2. It was a good machine but it was slow.
3. The first problem was a message distortion.
4. Those procedures were the best available at the time.
5. They were the first to withdraw the credit facilities.
6. The figures on sales of this product were very high.
7. The plans for the ceremony were clear.
8. Dr. George Lewicki was in charge of the research area.
9. Money wasn’t a real problem.
10. Those managers were honest about past mistakes and current problems.

Inglés I | 61

“There is”; “there are”: Hay

Afirmativo: There is, there are
Negativo: There is not, there are not
Interrogativo: Is there? Are there?


1. There is a meeting on Tuesday.

2. In that company there are shifts.
3. There are comfortable seats in that office.
4. There is an illustration of this process in photo Nº 11
5. There is a big difference between an assisstant and an administrator.
6. There are three points of access.


Afirmativo: There was, there were

Negativo: There was not, there were not
Interrogativo: Was there? Were there?


1. There were different kinds of computers in the exhibition.

2. There was not a bilingual secretary in the company.
3. There were differents types of requests .
4. How many visitors were there?
5. There was not a new model of filing cabinets.


a) Some in invariable y se traduce por unas, unos, algunas/os, un poco, algo, algo de

There are some Italian orders to deal with.

There is some information on the right

Nota: Cuando “some” se repite en una misma oración, el primero se traduce por
unos/as; el segundo por otros/as.

There are many appointments; some are important, some are not.

b) Any, forma interrogativa. Es invariable y se traduce por alguno/a/os/as.

Are there any good systems here?

Are there any dificulties in this explanation?
Is there any copy here?

Any, forma negativa. “not...any”. Se traduce en el singular por ningún, ninguno/a. En el

plural preferentemente se omite.

Inglés I | 62
There is not any information here. (No hay ninguna información aquí)
There are not any mistakes in the problem. (No hay ningún error en el problema. No
hay errores en el problema).

Any, forma afirmativa. Se traduce por cualquier, cualquiera

Any suggestion is welcome. (Cualquier sugerencia es bien recibida).

c) No-none. Estas palabras pueden ser usadas con verbos afirmativos para expresar
una negación. Son una construcción alternativa a la del verbo en forma negativa +
any. Ambos términos se traducen por ningún, ninguna.

There is no information here. No hay ninguna información aquí

There are no important computer markets here
There is none. No hay ninguno

d) Palabras compuestas

SOME: someone: alguien

somebody: alguien
something. algo
somewhere: en alguna parte/lugar

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo
cualquier/cualquiera nadie alguien
cualquier/cualquiera nadie alguien
cualquier cosa nada algo
cualquier parte/lugar ninguna parte/lugar alguna parte/lugar
NO: no one: nadie
nobody: nadie
nothing: nada
no where: ninguna parte
EVERY: everyone: todos
everybody: todos
everything: todo
everywhere: en todas partes o lugares


1. Everrything is ready for the conference

2. There is no time for the next problem
3. There are not any difficult solutions here
4. There is nothing like your new idea.
5. No one was in the Accounts Department yesterday.
6. Everyone is free to go
7. None of the typists are useful for the program
8. Some drawers are full; some are not.

Inglés I | 63

Hay dos clases de verbos en inglés: regulares e irregulares. Tanto los verbos
regulares como los irregulares tienen las siguientes partes principales: infinitive, past
simple, past participle and -ing form.

Verbos regulares son aquellos que forman el “past simple” y el “past participle”
agregando “ed” o “d” a la forma simple.

La forma -ing se forma agregando “ing” al infinitivo. Se usa para los tiempos contínuos.


to work worked worked working
to clean cleaned cleaned cleaning
to improve improved improved improving
to study studied studied studying
to play played played playing

Verbos irregulares forman el Past Simple y el Past Participle cambiando parcial o

totalmente la forma del infinitivo. A veces el Past Simple y el Past Participle tienen la
misma forma que el infinitivo.


to beat beat beaten beating

to begin began begun beginning
to buy bought bought buying
to cut cut cut cutting
to grow grew grown growing
to come came come coming


Fotocopiar o copiar de un diccionario o libro de gramática la lista completa de verbos



I) “Present Continuous”: se forma con el presente del verbo “To be” y la forma “-ing”
del verbo. Se traduce por estar + gerundio.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I am working I am not working Am I working?(estoy trabajando)
You are working
He is working
She is working
It is working
We are working
You are working
They are working

Inglés I | 64

1. They are assembling a new computer

2. Is he experimenting with new programs?
3. Several thousand people are solving legal problems.
4. Are you trying to elaborate a new report?
5. They are experiencing in logistics.
6. We are living in an age of progress.
7. The author of the book is contrasting two different situations.
8. The bad publicity is affecting our reputation.
9. In the picture two men are buying stocks and shares.
10. The prices are always changing.
11. Now we are always flying direct form Milan.

II) Past Continuous: se forma con el pasado del verbo “to be” y la forma “-ing”. Se
traduce por estaba+ gerundio o a veces por el Pretérito Imperfecto del Indicativo.

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I was working I was not working Was I working?
(Yo estaba trabajando)
You were working You were not working Were you working?
He/She/It was working
We were working
You were working
They were working


1. He was demonstrating the commercial possibilities of the television program.

2. He was reading a book about a new educational system.
3. Were you bribing the boss of the company?
4. You were forcing the man to accept the unfavourable conditions.
5. The prices were going up at intervals.
6. The new ideas were changing the face of the company.
7. Our competitor bankrupt was increasing our maket shares..
8. A factory agency was collecting our debts.
9. He was completing the documentation.
10. It was getting difficult to convince the seller.

“Present Continuous” con sentido de futuro

She is coming tomorrow: Viene/ vendrá/ va a venir mañana.

They are arriving next week.


I am going to work tomorrow. Voy a trabajar mañana.

I was going to work yesterday. Yo iba a trabajar ayer.


1. They are going to plan the new experiments carefully.

2. She was going to spend a lot of money in a new system.

Inglés I | 65
3. He was going to check the books last week.
4. They are going to improve some methods of leasing.
5. We were going to draw the plans for the new building but there was no time.
6. When is the board of directors going to modify the plan?


En inglés se forma con el presente del verbo “to be” y el participio pasivo del verbo. Se
encuentra de las siguientes maneras:

1) The payment is controlled by the accountant every day.

(El pago es controlado por el contador todos los días.)

The payment was controlled by the accountant every day.

(El pago era controlado por el contador todos los días.)

2) The payment is controlled every day. (se controla)

was controlled (se controlaba)

O sea, que cuando la voz pasiva en inglés va acompañada de la palabra “by” (por), la
oración se traduce literalmente. De lo contrario se traduce al castellano, siempre que
sea posible, con la partícula “se”.


1. When the abacus was invented, a bead frame in which the beads are moved
from left to right.
2. Calculus, a branch of mathematics, was independently invented by both, Sir
Isaac Newton, an Englishman and Leibnitz, a German mathematician.
3. In 1.930, the first analog computer was built by an American named Vannevar
4. Mark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed in 1.944.
5. The computed results were printed inmediately.
6. Binary arithmetic is based on two digits: 0 and 1.
7. There is no limit on the kinds of things a computer can do: its versatility is
limited only by the imagination of those using it.
8. Programs or data are stored on tapes or disks.
9. Calculations were done using devices that are still used today; the slide rule (a
perfect example), not to mention the ten fingers of the hands.
10. It wasn’t until the mid-1.940s that the first digital computer was built.
11. The memory of a computer is used for storing information.
12. Software packages are sold by various vendors and not necessarily by the
computer manufacturer.
13. These packages are coded in machine language on magnetic tapes or disks
which can be purchased, leased or rented by users who choose the package
that most closely corresponds to their needs.
14. Although systems programs are part of the software, they are usually provided
by the manufacturer of the machine.
15. Certain computers (commonly minicomputers and microcomputers) are used to
control directly, things such as robots, aircraft navigation systems, medical
instruments, etc.

Inglés I | 66

Pron. personales en caso nominativo: Sujeto

I yo
You tu, Ud.
He él
She ella
We nosotros/as
You vosotros/as, Uds.
They ellos/as

Pron. personales en caso acusativo: Objeto

me me,mi
you te, le, la; ti, Ud.
him lo. le; él
her la, le; ella
it le, lo, la; él, ella, ello
us nos; nosotros/as
you os, les, vosotros/as; Uds.
them les, los, las; ellos, ellas

Nota: it es un pronombre neutro que generalmente no se traduce.


1. There is a book for me at the post office.

2. They are telling us how they were projected
3. George was coming to see her that afternoon.
4. I am pleased to know that you are giving us every encouragement.
5. Thank you for your recent note.
6. We can’t do anything about it, so we can’t give you any money back.
7. I acknowledge receipt of your letter of 5 January.
8. This computer is for her, those are for them.
9. She showed them how to pack the goods.

Adjetivos Posesivos

Concuerdan en género y número con el poseedor, no con lo poseído, como en


my mi, mis
your tu, tus; su,sus (de Ud.)
his su, sus (de él)
her su, sus (de ella)
its su, sus (neutro)
our nuestro/a nuestros/as
your vuestro/a/as/os, sus (de Uds)
their suyos, sus (de ellos/as)

Inglés I | 67

1. She gave me her advice on how to invest.

2. Our research was about consumer attitudes.
3. After a practical demonstration my instructions were easy to follow.
4. She has found work in his investment firm.
5. We have changed our premises to new ones in Lombard Street.
6. The job I’m doing at the moment is very difficult.
7. I’m responsible for its reliability.
8. They owe me four months’ salary in arrears.
9. They often experience problems with their computer network.

Pronombres Posesivos

mine mío/a; míos/as

yours tuyo/a/os/as; suyo/a/os/as; de Ud.
his suyo/a/os/as; su, sus; de él
hers suya/o/os/as; su; sus; de ella
ours nuestro/a/os/as
yours vuestro/a/os/as; suyo/de Uds.
theirs suyos; de ellos/as

Los pronombres posesivos también concuerdan en género y número con el poseedor,

no con lo poseído como en castellano.


1. What colour is your book? Mine is red, but hers is black.

2. The papers were corrected yesterday. Ours were right but theirs were wrong.
3. We are relatives of hers.
4. The house opposite ours is hers.
5. That is my chart, the graph is mine too.
6. She is carrying out her plan. Ours is not correct.
7. My pencils are on the table. His are lying on the floor.
8. The car next door is theirs.
9. My work is poor, but yours is bad.

Caso posesivo. Se forma añadiendo al sustantivo singular o plural (plurales

irregulares) una “s” precedida de apóstrofe. Ejemplo:
The company’s strategy was unclear. (La estrategia de la compañía...)
Men’s clothes stores are on the next floor.

Cuando el sustantivo poseedor es plural se coloca solamente el apóstrofe después de

la “s”. Ejemplo:

The employees’s salaries are in the safe deposit box.

Otra forma de expresar posesión es usando la preposición “of”. Ejemplo:
The capital of the company.


1. First draw the organigram of Archer Electronics’ Board of Directors.

2. The management organization of the company was led by the president.
3. Baker’s orders were to drive the visitors to and from the factory.
4. Most of the sales today are for the new product.

Inglés I | 68
5. The finance manager’s observations of the selling system were a great
contribution to the company.
6. The philosophy of the company is easy to understand.
7. As a wedding present she received 33.3%of the company’s shares.
8. Redundancy pay depends both on salary and length of service.
9. You can choose the company’s name, what it makes and how and where it

Pronombres Reflexivos

myself me ourselves nos

yourself te, se yourselves se
herself se themselves se
himself se oneself se
itself se

Estos pronombres se traducen al castellano de tres formas distintas.

a) Como un simple reflexivo castellano: me, te, se, nos, os, se. Ejemplo: I was
looking at myself in the mirror. (Me estaba mirando en el espejo).


1. She was developing the new project herself.

2. He was running the hotel by himself.
3. We were transmitting ourselves a wide variety of regularly up-dated information.
4. The poor client was talking to himself.

b) Como expresión de énfasis. Se traduce por: yo mismo, tu mismo, él mismo, etc. o

“en persona”. Ejemplo: I myself was to blame for the mistake. (Yo mismo/a (tengo la
culpa/soy culpable del error).


1. He himself was forced to do the delivery.

2. We were compelled to carry out the survey ourselves.
3. The secretary herself was delivering the minutes of the meeting.
4. The president himself is going to open the new branch.

c) Cuando va precedido de “by” significa “solo” o “por sí mismo”, “sí mismo”,

etc. Ejemplo: I was going to the leisure center by myself. (Iba al club sola).


1. The programmes were planned by the presidents themselves.

2. I made this program by myself.
3. The fax machine stopped suddenly by itself.
4. He lives here by himself.
5. A good result comes back by itself.

Inglés I | 69
Pronombres y adjetivos demostrativos

Son invariables en género pero no en número

This este, esta, esto
That ese, esa, eso, aquel, aquello/a

These estos, estos
Those esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas


This is my boss; these are my co-workers.

(Este es mi jefe; estos son mis companeros de trabajo)

That’s an old subsidiary and it is still working properly.

(Aquella es una subsidiaria vieja y todavia trabaja corrrectamente).

Those services were offered last year. (aquellos/esos servicios se ofrecieron el ano

a) Las formas acentuadas éste, ese, aquél, ésta. esa, aquella corresponden
generalmente al inglés “this one”, “that one”, o sea el demostrativo correspondiente
seguido de “one”.

I like this one, not that one. (Me gusta éste, no aquél).

b) Cuando los pronombres demostrativos castellanos este, aquel, etc. son sinónimos
de “el último”, “el primero”, corresponden a las formas inglesas “the former”, “the
latter”. Ejemplo:

Those books are expensive, these are cheap; the former are illustrated, the latter are
not. (Aquellos/Esos libros son caros, estos son baratos; los primeros están ilustrados,
los últimos no).


Finance and Human Resources are divisions of the company. The former is concerned
with money, the latter with employees.

Life is defined by men of science and by philosophers. The former are discussing it
from the point of view of a scientific possibility. The latter are considering it from two
different angles: moral and religious.

Ejercicios (Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos)

1. This decision would raise your product price.

2. That new phenomenon attracted considerable attention.
3. Wha are the advantages and disadvantages of these offers?
4. Those potential clients were considered for the interview.
5. Progress in those under developed countries is not steady.
6. In these two cases, only the feasible schemes were considered. Those which
were not feasible were discarded.

Inglés I | 70
7. These calculations were of inestimable value not only to investors but also to

Pronombres recíprocos

Son los siguientes: one another, each other (el uno al otro, entre sí). Se usan
indistintamente y se colocan después del verbo. Ejemplo:

At present, the members of the club are helping one another. (Actualmente, los
miembros del club se están ayudando mutuamente).


1. They were studying each other carefully at the meeting.

2. They are copying from each other.
3. While I was there, they were speaking to one another only when it was

Pronombre personal indefinido One uno, una. Ejemplo

One is never sure of the result. (Uno nunca esta seguro del resultado).
One is always thinking of tomorrow.

Pronombres relativos

Who quien, que, cual (se refiere solamente a personas)

Whom que, cuya, quien (personas)
Whose cuyo/a/os/as (personas)
Which que, cual (animales, cosas, personas)
What lo que
That lo que


1. My uncle, who is coming tomorrow, is a lawyer.

2. (Mi tío, que viene mañana, es abogado).
3. The lady from whom this package was obtained is in London.
4. (La dama de quien se obtuvo este paquete está en Londres).
5. John, whose briefcase was stolen yesterday, lives next door.
6. (John, cuyo portafolios fue robado ayer, vive al lado).
7. I was not able to decide which was better.
8. (No pude decidir cuál era mejor.
9. What she is saying is incorrect.
10. (Lo que ella dice es incorrecto).


1. The International Conference Centre which was opened las year, seats 3,000
2. The new manager who is a natural leader is also very imaginative.
3. The methods which were used there were faultless.
4. You have to organize a Trade Fair for organizations who train people in using
all forms of new technology.
5. What is shown in the graph is sugar production on a small scale.

Inglés I | 71
Omisiones de pronombres relativos

En inglés el pronombre relativo puede omitirse, quedando sobreentendido. En

castellano no se omite.

This is the company (of which I was speaking).

(I was speaking of)

The man (to whom I was speaking) is very reliable.

(I was speaking to)

1. I was just organizing the meeting he was speaking of.

2. Here is the brochure you were asking for.
3. That is the convention I was talking about.
4. The explanation she is giving to the members of the commitee is not correct.


Son verbos que no tienen variantes en su declinación y que sólo poseen uno o dos
tiempos verbales:


Sus formas interrogativas se logran invirtiendo el verbo con el pronombre personal.

Sus formas negativas se logran agregando luego del sujeto y el verbo la partícula
negativa “not”.

Can: se traduce por el presente Indicativo del verbo poder. (Yo puedo, tu puedes,
etc.). Ej:

• Forma afirmativa: He can decide which characteristic is important (El puede

decidir que caracteristica es importante).
• Forma interrogativa: Can he decide which characteristic is important? (Puede el
decidir que caracteristica es importante?)
• Forma negativa: He cannot decide which characteristic is important. (El no puede


1. He cannot invest in new technology.

2. She can apply for transfer to another section.
3. Can they work under stress?
4. A computer can do many kinds of calculation quickly and accurately.
5. The new secretary can solve a problem faster than any other in the company.
6. He can be made redundant if his work is not profitable.
7. The production process can be automatized.
8. A customer engineer can help users solve the computer problems.

Could: se traduce al cstellano según el sentido de la oración por: yo

podía/pude/podría. Ejemplo: Could he be accepted is he is efficient? (¿Podría ser
aceptado si es eficiente?). The parent company could encourage a generous budget
for training. (La compañía pudo alentar un generoso presupuesto para entrenamiento.

Inglés I | 72

1. He could not understand the meaning of the graph.

2. The project could be an important source of income if managers could find a
way to control it.
3. No one could describe the new job as monotonous.
4. Could they analyse how time and money were spent?

“To be able to”: esta forma verbal no es defectiva. Suple los tiempos de que carece
“can”. Puede usarse en presente y en pasado. Se traduce por: poder, ser capaz.

The president is able to express his feelings in precise terms through voice or gesture.


1. He is not able to create an atmosphere which produces good teamwork.

2. Why is their performance able to affect the managers’ success?
3. They were able to define the ideal candidate
4. The essential quality of that definition is that we are able to apply it to all cases.
5. You were unable to act in any other way.

Formas de la voz pasiva con “can” y “could”


+ be + participio pasado



Priorities can be identified easily. (Se pueden identificar las prioridades facilmente).

Priorities could be identified easily. (Se pudo/podría/podía identificar las...) (Las

prioridades se pudieron/podían/podrían ser identificadas fácilmente).


1. Ideas can be presented persuasively.

2. Giving a presentation cannot be planned in two days.
3. There are advertising methods which can be evaluated with some accuracy.
4. His ways of managing stress are inefficient. How could their efficiency be
5. A big problem can be solved by solving a number of little problems -one after
6. Tapes and disks are devices that can be stored for future use.
7. Only one course can be held in two days.
8. Many lines are printed simultaneously, and speeds of 20.000 lines per minute
can be attained.
9. Main storage and the CPU are connected to a console, where manual control
operations can be performed by an operator.

Inglés I | 73
Formas impersonales con “can” y “could”

There can be It can be

There could be It could be


There can be no objections to the plan

No puede haber objeciones al plan.

There could be no objections to the plan.

No pudo/podía/podría haber objeciones...

It can be said that foreign consultants are expensive.

Se puede decir que los consultores extranjeros son caros.

It could be said that foreign consultants are/were expensive.

Se pudo/podía/podría decir que los consultores extranjeros son/fueron caros.


1. It can be said that all are basically the same.

2. It could be said that computers are limited by man’s imagination.
3. There can be no doubt that one of your potential clients is that international
hotel chain.

May: expresa permiso o posibilidad de hacer algo. Se traduce por: yo puedo, tu

puedes, etc., o tal vez.


The relocation package may include his hotel expenses.

El paquete de reubicacion puede incluir sus gastos de hotel. Tal vez el paquete de
reubicacion incluya.....


1. The computers of the future may be quite different from those in use today.
2. The result of this programe may change the whole course of your researches.
3. What may the possible consequences be?
4. A belief may be wrong even though it may seem reasonable.
5. In terms of its effects, we may think that the machinery is up-dated.

Might: expresa posibilidad o probabilidad más remota que “May”. En el presente se

traduce por: podría/as...y pudiera/se....etc. Ejemplo:

Some people might consider the new policy lucrative, but this is not accurate.
Algunos podrían considerar la nueva politica lucrativa, pero esto no es correcto.


1. The production process in the company might produce pollution.

2. He said that it might work.
3. He is not here. He might be in a meeting.

Inglés I | 74
Formas de voz pasiva con “May” y “Might”

Se forman:

be + participio pasado

Foreign books may be translated accurately.

(Los libros extranjeros pueden ser traducidos con precisión). (Se puede traducir...)

Foreign books might be translated in class.

(Los libros extranjeros podrían ser traducidos en clase. Se podrían traducir los...).


1. An engineering project may be applied in your area..

2. This article may be discussed in two parts.
3. At the rate the company is improving the quality of its product, it might reduce
the cost of its production.
4. The easiest solution may be to lay off the workforce in the recently acquired

Formas impersonales con “May” y “Might”

There may be It may be

+ participio pasado

There might be It might be

There may be foreign books in the library.

(Puede haber libros extranjeros en....)

There might be foreign books in the library.

(Podría haber libros...)

It may be said that foreign books are expensive.

(Se puede decir que los libros....).

It might be said that foreign books were scarce in 1.900.

(Podría decirse que los libros extranjeros eran escasos en 1.900).


1. There might be unknown factors which may change the result of the contract.
2. It may be said that anger is always characterized by some aggresive response.
3. Usually, there may be no legal obligation to change your process.

Must: expresa una obligación ineludible. Se traduce por el Presente del Indicativo
“debo/es...etc, o tengo , tienes....que, etc.”

All new project must have a time to prove its validity.

Inglés I | 75

1. Sometimes we must reduce the cost of the production to make the product
2. We must work out the details of a problem before reaching a solution.
3. We must be able to play an active part in the project.
4. You must make a flexi-time proposal.
5. You must read this book. It’s really excellent.
6. Tell her that she must be here by six. I insist on it.

To have to: esta no es una forma defectiva. Se usa para suplir todos los tiempos
verbales de los que carece “must”. Se traduce por “tener que”. Se conjuga de la
siguiente manera:

Presente Simple

I have to: tengo que

You have to
He has to
She has to
It has to
We have to
You have to
They have to

Pasado Simple

I had to: tuve, tenía que

You had to
He had to
She had to
It had to
We had to
You had to
They had to

I have to read these books to pass the examination.

(Tengo que leer estos libros...)

I had to read those books to pass the examination.

(Tuve que leer esos libros...)


1. During that time they had to negotiate for a long-term and valuable contract.
2. The law officer had to investigate a case of bribery.
3. They have to decide on a price which can be both attractive to the consumer
and profitable to them.
4. I hadn’t enough money and I had to pay by cheque.
5. You have to take off your shoes to go in their houses.

Inglés I | 76
Formas pasivas con “must” y “have to”

have to + be + participio
had to

Foreign books must be read....

Se deben leer libros extranjeros....

This foreign book has to be read.

Se tiene que leer este libro....


1. The greatest care must be exercised in order to eliminate errors.

2. All information must be prepared in such a way that the computer can
understand it.
3. The meetings must be programmed in order to be useful.
4. Even the most careful employee must be told what to do.
5. What provision have to be made with regard to holiday work?
6. Instructions must be given to the new staff.
7. Employees must be motivated to learn quickly.

Formas impersonales con “must” y “have to”

There must be: debe haber

There has to be: tiene que haber
There have to be: tiene que haber
There had to be: tenía que haber/tuvo que haber

It must be Debe decirse/Se debe decir

It has to be + participio Tiene que decirse
It had to be (said) Se tuvo que decir


1. There must be foreign books in lthe library. (Debe haber libros....)

2. There has to be a technical dictionary here.
3. There have to be foreign books here.
4. There had to be suggestions to be judged.
5. It must be said that that area is attractive.
6. It has to be kept in mind that there might be over building costs.
7. It must be remembered to rank them in order of importance.
8. There must be no doubt about the limitation of the scheme.
9. There has to be a solution to your problem.

Ought to: indica obligación moral. (No ordena ni prohíbe. Aconseja y recomienda lo
que es deseable, correcto y adecuado). Se traduce por: debiera, debería, etc.

You ought to analyse why the sales of your product are declining.
Debería (Debiera) analizar...

Inglés I | 77

1. Which consequences ought we take into account?

2. Don’t you think we ought to examine it first?
3. Everybody ought to be able to solve this problem.
4. You ought to finance the production of that revolutionary product.

Forma pasiva con “ought to”: ought to be + participio

Foreign books ought to be read for the translation course.

Debieran o deberían ser leídos....
Se debieran/deberían leer.


1. Those methods ought to be used with precaution.

2. They ought to specialise in arranging conferences and conventions.

Formas impersonales con “ought to

There ought to be
It ought to be + participio pasado

There ought to be foreign books in the library.

Debería/debiera haber libros....

It ought to be realized that foreign books are necessary for this course.
Se debería/debiera considerar que los libros extranjeros son necesarios...
Debería/debiera decirse que los libros extranjeros son necesarios...


1. There ought to be remembered that it is difficult to accomodate so many people

for the conference.
2. There ought to be a suitable text for translation students.
3. It ought to be considered that our need for training courses is constantly

Should: se traduce por “debe, debiera/se, debería”. En traducciones científicas

generalmente por “debe”.

Only doctors should prescribe vitamins.

Sólo los médicos deben/deberían recetar....


1. Handwriting should be legible and in possible attractive.

2. The forces should be equal to produce a balance.
3. You should not intervene unless they ask you to.
4. When a right-handed person is writing, the light should come from his left.
5. The manager should have an active mind, imagination, tact and the ability to
control others.
6. You should be very careful and exact in recording the true observation.
7. In planning a series of conferences one should be aware of the difficulties.

Inglés I | 78
Forma pasiva con “should”: should be + participio pasado

Foreign books should be read in this course

Los libros extranjeros deben/debieran/deberían ser leídos en este curso.
Se deben/debieran/deberían leer libros extranjeros....


1. Goods should be paid in advance.

2. How should employees be selected, trained and paid?
3. Decisions should never be taken without the advice of a consultant.
4. The recording of data should be carefully checked.

Formas impersonales con “should”

There should be
It should be + participio pasado

There should be foreign books in the library.

Debe/debiera/debería haber libros....

It should be kept in mind that errors in measurement are common.

Debe/debiera/debería tenerse en cuenta que....
Se debería tener en cuenta que....


1. It is very important that there should be no errors of spelling or grammar.

2. It should be kept in mind that there should be no mistakes when such a project is
3. It should be remembered that the Cv should be clear and attractive to read.
4. There should be a clause in t he contract to specify what amounts of money
should be paid to the her.
5. It should be remembered that computers can process information at extremely
rapid rates.
6. There should be a multicolor graphic to emphasize contrast.

Used to

The students used to read many foreign books for the translation course.
Los estudiantes solían leer muchos libros....

A pesar de no ser un verbo defectivo propiamente dicho, es por tener una sola forma y
por lograrse sus formas afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa de la misma manera que
los defectivos, que se lo trata aquí. Se traduce por “solía/as....”, etc.


1. When he was a little boy he used to live in the country. He used to get up early
everyday. There was a little dog in the house and he used to play with him all
morning. At twelve o’clock he used to have his lunch.
2. He always used to drink fresh milk. After lunch he used to go swimming in the
river. He could swim very well, and he used to swim across the river from one
side to the other. Back at home, he used to eat dinner and then take a short
walk. He always used to go to bed early.

Inglés I | 79
Forma pasiva con “used to”

Used to be + participio pasado

Foreign books used to be read for the translation course.

Libros extranjeros solían ser leídos para...
Libros extranjeros solían leerse para el curso...


1. It must be remembered that formal language is used por public meetings.

2. Substantial resourses used to be brought for the campaign by the agency.
3. Many books used to be sent abroad.
4. The majority of senior managers used to be men.
5. The photocopier used to break down very often.

Formas impersonales con “used to”

There used to be
It used to be + participio pasado

There used to be foreign books in the library.

Solía haber libros...

It used to be said that the Earth was flat.

Solía decirse que la Tierra....


1. It used to be thought that that was the strategy of the company.

2. There used tobe a reduction in price every two years.
3. It used to be thought that it was necessary to delegate.
4. At other times there used to be unofficial strikes rather than collective bargaining.

Ejercicios generales

1. Now scientists and inventors are able to build machines to help us do almost any
kind of work.
2. The National Gas industry was privatized by the government.
3. The market can be said to be bearish or bullish.
4. It was said that she was selling most of her portfolio.
5. She must build up a database of customer records on her computer system.
6. Could I come back and see you in a month’s time?
7. Visitors may visit the workshops by prior arrangement.
8. You may well be right.
9. The commitee meeting may be cancelled as most of the members are going to
be away.
10. We could not start the project without additional staff.

Inglés I | 80

a) El imperativo afirmativo singular y plural se forma usando el infinitivo de un verbo

sin “to”.

Read the book. Lea el libro.

b) El imperativo negativo se forma colocando “do not” delante del infinitivo sin “to”.

Do not read the book. No lea el libro.

Otra forma de expresar el imperativo es con el verbo “let”.

a) “Let us” se usa en la primera persona plural para hacer una sugerencia. Let us
read the book. Leamos el libro.
b) Let seguido de “me, him, her, it, them”, se traduce por “permitir, dejar”. Let me
read the book. Déjeme/Permítame leer el libro.


1. Explain the meanings of the words underlined and discuss the general style of
the passage.
2. Do not make new changes unless they’re necessary.
3. Let me give you some advice.
4. Go ahead with the plan after his confirmation.
5. Ask the technician to clean the machine.
6. Make your agent pay for local advertising and promotion.
7. Obtain bank references for open accounts customers.

El tiempo “Present Simple”

Forma afirmativa

I work (trabajo)
You work
He works
She works
It works
We work
You work
They work

Forma negativa

I do not work (no trabajo)

You do not work
He does not play
She does not work
It does not work
We do not work
You do not work
They do not work

Inglés I | 81
Forma interrogativa

Do I work?
Do you work?
Does he work?
Does she work?
Does it work?
Do we work?
Do you work?
Do they work?

a) Tiene una sola persona variante en la conjugación y es la “s” o “es” de las terceras
personas del singular.

Con el verbo “to go”:

I go - You go- He goes - She goes - It goes - We go - You go - They go

b) Para el interrogativo y negativo usamos los auxiliares “do” y “does” para la tercera
persona del singular. “Do” y “does” no afectan la traducción al castellano del verbo


1. How do computers work?

2. He works for a major firm in the city of London..
3. ABC manufactures a wide variety of adhesives.
4. The prices have full insurance cover.
5. How often do they have a departamental meeting?
6. What does it have branches?
7. I don’t understand how the profit margin is calculated.
8. I realize that there has been a breakdown.
9. Mantex owns over 50% of the shares.
10. We assure you that your request will receive our best attention.

El tiempo “Past Simple”

Se forma en los verbos regulares agregando “d” o “ed” a la forma del Present Simple; y
en los verbos irregulares, como su nombre lo indica, irregularmente. Se conjuga así:


I worked (trabajé)
You worked (trabajaste)
He worked
She worked
It worked
We worked
You worked
They worked


I did not work

You did not work

Inglés I | 82
He did not work
She did not work
It did not work
We did not work
You did not work
They did not work did not: didn’t


Did I work?
Did you work?
Did he work?
Did she work?
Did it work?
Did we work?
Did you work?
Did they work?


1. What project did you work on?

2. They believe in free trade.
3. I enclosed a detailed quotation.
4. They suggested they look at the figures very careful.
5. We did not produce semi conductors in the sixties.
6. When did they move to noew premises?
7. After she paid death duties, she invested most of her capital.
8. She dealt with the problem already.
9. Nobody told me about the decision.
10. Mr. Weston asked her to send a telex.
11. When did they decide to close the office in Brussels?
12. Did she show them how to pack the goods?

Nota: hemos visto hasta ahora que los auxiliares “do”, “did”, “does”, cuando se
encuentran en oraciones negativas e interrogativas no afectan la traducción del verbo
principal. Pero cuando el auxiliar “do”, “does”, “did” va en oraciones afirmativas
precediendo al verbo principal toma un sentido enfático y se lo traduce por “sí”, “si
que....”, “claro que....”.

They do work on the project everyday.

Sí/sí que/claro que trabajan en el proyecto todos los días.

He does work on the project everyday.

Si/si que/claro que trabaja en el....

They did work on the project everyday.

Sí/si que/claro que trabajaron en el proyecto....


1. The board did send you an official reply.

2. We do feel you should spend more time on training.
3. We did pay the expenses.

Inglés I | 83
Formas impersonales con “Present Simple” y “Past Simple”

+ present simple
There seems (parece)
It exists (existe)

+ past simple

There seemed (pareció, parecía)

It existed (existió, existía)
“It” y “There” no se traducen.


1. It seems that he was wrong.

2. There exist some very serious problem in that company.
3. There came a time when we had high hope for the nex model.
4. It seemed that his influence on the young author was good.

The adjective and the adverb: el adjetivo y el adverbio

El adjetivo en Inglés es invariable en género y número y se antepone generalmente al


The modern building is near the river.

El edificio moderno está cerca del río.

The modern buildings are near the river.

Los edificios modernos están cerca del río.

* Hay palabras que son adjetivos propiamente dichos. Por ejemplo: pretty, red, good,
bad, few, fat, thin, large, small, short, heavy, etc.

* Pero hay adjetivos que se forman de otras palabras al agregarles un sufijo:

a) Sufijo “y”

rain rainy (lluvia - lluvioso)

cloud cloudy (nube - nublado)
water watery (agua - acuoso)
storm stormy (tormenta - tormentoso)

b) Sufijo “able”

consider - considerable (considerar - considerable)

count - countable (contar - contable)
measure - measurable (medir - medible)

Inglés I | 84
c) Sufijo “ful”

doubt - doubtful (duda - dudoso)

care - careful (cuidado - cuidadoso)
beauty - beautiful (belleza - bello)
use - useful (uso - útil)

d) Sufijo “less” (tiene sentido negativo)

use - useless (uso - inútil)

care - careless (cuidado - descuidado)
doubt - doubtless (duda - indudable)
fault - faultless (error - intachable/sin error)
end - endless (fin - sin fin/infinito)

e) Sufijo “en”

ash - ashen (ceniza - ceniciento)

lead - leaden (plomo - plomizo)
silk - silken (seda - sedoso)
gold - golden (oro - dorado)

f) Prefijo “un” (sentido negativo)

countable - uncountable (contable - incontable)

common - uncommon (común - no común)
certain - uncertain (cierto - incierto)
conscious - unconscious (consciente - inconsciente)


Adverbios propiamente dichos: always, never, sometimes, often, almost, perhaps,

seldom, here, here, there, now, soon, today, tomorrow, once, twice, very, etc.

Adverbios derivados: la mayoría de los adverbios de modo se forman agregando el

sufijo “ly” (mente) a ciertos adjetivos:

easy - easily (fácil - fácilmente)

silent - silently (silencioso - silenciosamente)
quick - quickly (rápido - rápidamente)
slow - slowly (lento - lentamente)
constant - constantly (constante - constantemente)

Nótese que hay varios adjetivos también terminados en “ly”•:

daily - daily (diario - diariamente)

weekly - weekly (semanal - semanalmente)
monthly - monthly (mensual - mensualmente)
yearly - yearly (anual - anualmente)
friendly - friendly (amistoso - amistosamente)
only - only (sólo/único - solamente/únicamente
fast - fast (veloz - velozmente)
near - near (cercano - cerca)

Inglés I | 85
nearly (casi)
hard - hard (duro/difícil - mucho)
hardly (apenas)

Grados de comparación del adjetivo y del adverbio

a) Comparativo de Igualdad

Forma afirmativa (tan...como) (la misma que)

Forma negativa: not (no tan, tanto...como)


Madrid is almost as big as Barcelona.

Madrid es casi tan grande como Barcelona.

Russian is not so difficult as Chinese.

El ruso no es tan difícil como el chino.

He came as quickly as he could.

Vino tan rápido como pudo.


1. 1.Output rose four times as much as in 1982.

2. Frankfurt is as expensive as the others.
3. They are working as hard as last year.

b) Comparativo de Superioridad

Se forma agregando la terminación “er” al adjetivo o adverbio seguido o no de “than”, o

bien colocando la palabra “more” delante del adjetivo o del adverbio, a su vez seguido
o no de “than”. Generalmente se agrega “er” a las palabras de una o dos sílabas y
“more” a las palabras de más de dos sílabas.

In February the days are longer than in July.

En Febrero los días son más largos que en Julio.

The English are more conservative than the Americans.

Los ingleses son más conservadores que los americanos.

Leasing is becoming more popular nowadays.

Leasing se está volviendo más popular hoy en día.


1. Robots are faster than human beings.

2. The TD9 is cheaper than the CFT20
3. She speaks spanish more fluently than english.
4. Hours of work now are longer than 30 years ago.
5. Typewriters are slower than word processors.

Inglés I | 86
c) Comparativo de Inferioridad

Se forma colocando la partícula “less” delante del adjetivo o adverbio seguido o no de

“than”. Se traduce por: menos...que.

1. It takes less time to send a document.

Lleva menos tiempo enviar un documento.

2. Five is less than seven.

Cinco es menos que siete.

3. He comes less often than he used.

Viene menos seguido que antes.

Nota: las siguientes formas de los comparativos de superioridad y de inferioridad:

the + comparativo............the + comparativo. Ejemplo:

The more he earns, the more he wants.

Cuanto más gana, tanto más quiere.
The less he works, the less money he gets.
Cuanto menos trabaje, tanto menos gana.

The higher we get the more we work.

Cuanto más alto llegamos, más trabajamos.

Grado Superlativo

Se forma agregando “est” al adjetivo o adverbio precedido de “the” o anteponiendo al

adjetivo o adverbio las palabras “the most” (el más, la más, lo más, los más, las más) o
“the least” (el menos, la menos, lo menos, los menos, las menos).


1. April is the busiest month.

Abril es el mes más ocupado.

2. Our shares fell to the lowest level in nine months.

Nuestras acciones cayeron al nivel más bajo en nueve meses.

3. The chemicals division was the most profitable last year.

La división de químicos fue la que mas ganancia tuvo el año pasado.


1. 29 June is the earliest date I can manage.

2. They have the fewest telephone lines.
3. Which machines holds the most numbers in its memory?
4. Which is the best value for money?

Inglés I | 87
Adjetivos y adverbios que forman comparativo y superlativo


good (bueno)
well (bien)
bad (malo)
badly, ill (malo)
little (poco)
many (mucho)
much (mucho)
far (lejos)
far (muy, mucho)
old (viejo)
out (afuera)
up (arriba)
in (dentro)


better (mejor)
better (mejor)
worse (peor)
worse (peor)
less (menos)
more (más)
more (más)
farther (más, lejos)
further (más, adicional)
older (más viejo, mayor)
outer (exterior)
upper (superior)
inner (interior)


best (lo mejor)

best (lo, el mejor)
worst (lo, la, el peor)
worst (lo, la, el peor)
least (el, la, lo menos)
most (lo, la, el más)
most (lo, la, el más)
farthest (lo, la, el más lejos)
furthest (lo, la, el más lejos)
oldest (la, el más viejo) (la, el mayor)
outermost (lo más exterior)
uppermost (superior)
innermost (lo más interno)

Traducción de adverbios y frases adverbiales

ever since: desde entonces, desde que

at last: al fin, finalmente

Inglés I | 88
at length: a la larga, extensivamente
at once: enseguida, inmediato
all at once: inmediato
at present: actualmente
presently: pronto, luego, ahora
as yet: hasta ahora
by and by: luego, más tarde, después de un rato
forever: para siempre
in time: a tiempo, en su tiempo
on time: a horario, puntualmente
now and then: de vez en cuando
like: como, igualmente
unlike: a diferencia de
likely: probable/mente
likewise: también, asimismo
in short: en resumen
shortly: en breve, en pocas palabras
afterwards: más tarde
by degrees: gradualmente
not at all: de ninguna manera, en absoluto, nada
after all: después de todo
at least: al menos, por lo menos
not in the least: en absoluto, en lo más mínimo
not even: ni aún, ni tampoco
any longer: más, ya no, no más
no longer: no más
any farther: más (lejos)
any further: más
of course: por supuesto, naturalmente
every other day: día por medio
long ago: hace mucho tiempo
long since/ever since: desde entonces
by the way: de paso, a propósito, entre paréntesis
by all means: de todas maneras, por supuesto
hence: de allí, desde entonces
pretty: pasablemente, bastante
however much/however many: por mucho/os

Palabras en función adjetiva

Cuando el sustantivo va acompañado de adjetivos o palabras en función adjetiva no

existe una regla precisa para su traducción. No obstante puede decirse que se
traducen primero aquellas palabras que más restringen el significado del sustantivo.

The Eastern region is the most densely populated part of the country.
La región Este es la parte del país más densamente poblada.


1. There was a row of perfectly executed graphics on the screen.

2. Half-erased diagrams could be seen on the blackboard.
3. Radio-waves have higher frequencies than sound waves.

Inglés I | 89

Present Perfect: se forma con el Simple Present del verbo “to have” y el “past
participle” de los verbos. Se conjuga de la siguiente manera:


I have lived (yo he vivido)

You have lived
He has lived
She has lived
It has lived
We have lived
You have lived
They have lived


I have not lived

You have not lived
He has not lived
She has not lived
It has not lived
We have not lived
You have not lived
They have not lived


Have I lived?
Have you lived?
Has he lived?
Has she lived?
Has it lived?
Have we lived?
Have you lived?
Have they lived?

Present Perfect

1. We have sold 25,000 units so far.

2. Computers have changed the way in which we live.
3. Unemployment has not been so low since 1982.
4. We have not contacted them for over a year.
5. Has she ever been to Algeria?
6. I have now received your letter placing the order..
7. As requested we have sent you a proforma invoice.
8. They have agreed to a 5% discount.
9. She has worked on that report all day.
10. Money is a factor which has played an important part in establishing the pattern
of modern scientific investigation.

Inglés I | 90

Este tiempo se forma con el “Simple Past” del verbo “to have” y el “Past Participle” de
los verbos. Se conjuga así:


I had lived (había vivido)

You had lived
He had lived
She had lived
It had lived
We had lived
You had lived
They had lived


I had not not lived

You had not lived
He had not lived
She had not lived
It had not lived
We had not lived
You had not lived
They had not lived


Had I lived?
Had you lived?
Had he lived?
Had she lived?
Had it lived?
Had we lived?
Had you lived?
Had they lived?

In the year 1.500 Europe knew less about science than Archimides had known in 212
B.C. En el año 1.500 Europa sabía menos de ciencia que lo que Arquímides había
sabido en 212 A.C.


1. She told me she had dealt with the problem already.

2. We had spent thirty hours in delicate negotiations before we concluded the deal.
3. They decided to use the money they had inherited from their father.
4. As soon as the accountant had discovered his error, he made the necessary
corrections to his figures.

Nota: cuando los tiempos "Present Perfect" y "Past Perfect" van con “just”, se

Inglés I | 91
He has just come: El acaba de llegar.

He had just come: El acababa de llegar.

Y cuando van con For, se traducen:

I have lived here for years.

He vivido aquí durante años.
Hace años que vivo aquí.

I had lived there for years.

Había vivido allí durante años.
Hacía años que vivía allí.

La construcción have/object/Past Participle se usa para expresar oraciones del

siguiente tipo: “empleé alguien para que haga algo para mí”.

I have the fax machine controled every two months.

Hago controlar el fax cada dos meses.
Es decir: empleo a alguien para que pcontrole la maquina.

I had the fax machine controlled before they came.

Hice controlar el fax antes que vinieran.


1. They have just gone.

2. We have just studied the use of program in France.
3. For years they have studied the way to improve the business.
4. I had an extra room added close to the study.
5. We had the offices painted every summer.


Se forman:


I have been studying: He estado estudiando.

I had been studying: Había estado estudiando.


1. It was obvious that she had been studying the project for weeks.
2. All these years they have been trying to remodel the company.
3. I had been thinking of moving for a long time and then I got a job at ICL.

Inglés I | 92
Formas pasivas de los tiempos “Present Perfect” y “Past Perfect”

Se forman:

been + Past Participle

The technique has been developed by a German scientist.

La técnica ha sido desarrollada por un científico alemán.


1. Has Mr.Wess been informed?

2. They had been consulted earlier.
3. The production line has been automated.

Formas impersonales de los tiempos “Present Perfect” y “Past Perfect”

There has been a book on the table for weeks.

Ha habido un libro sobre la mesa.....

There have been books on the table for weeks.

Han habido libros sobre la mesa.....

There had been books on the table before she came.

Había habido libros sobre la .....

Impersonal pasiva:

It has been thought that there is a product to launch.

Se ha pensado que hay un producto para lanzar.

It had been thought that the plans had been stolen but then they were found.
Se había pensado que los planos habían sido robadas pero luego fueron


1. It has been said that the essential components will be delivered to the factory.
2. It has been explained that the meetings are held on Monday morning.
3. It has been proved that premiums must be increased.
4. There has been great progress in the field of human resourses recently.
5. There have been times when she sent a copy of the report every day.

Verbos defectivos con “Perfect Tenses”

Los verbos defectivos con “Perfect Tenses” guardan el siguiente orden dentro de la

must have + Past participle
ought to

Inglés I | 93
I could have gone to Chile: Pude haber ido a Chile.


1. She must have done all the paperwork.

2. They might have thought unnecessary another meeting.
3. He ought t to have faced the fact before it was too late.
4. They should have lowered the price.
5. She must have tried to pay with a crossed cheque.

Los tiempos futuros

Simple Future: se forma anteponiendo al verbo principal los auxiliares “shall” (primeras
personas del singular y plural) y “will” para todas las demás, o bien “will” para todas las
personas del singular y plural.

I shall go: iré

I will go: iré
You will go: irás
He will go
She will go
It will go
We shall go
We will go
You will go
They will go


I shall not go
You will not go


Shall I go?
Will you go?

I shall be away for a week.

Estaré ausente durante una semana.


1. I will do whatever I can to help.

2. The company will be 50 years old next Monday.
3. We wil become the world’s leading manufacturer.
4. I will give you a lift if you like.

Future Continuous

Se forma:
be +

Inglés I | 94
By this time tomorrow he will be travelling to Europe.
A esta hora mañana él estará viajando a Europa.


1. He will be inaugurating the company by this time tomorrow.

2. What will he be doing on Friday evening?
3. Within a few weeks they will be finishing with the survey.

Future Perfect

Se forma:
have + Past Participle

By next Tuesday I will have controlled all the figures.

Antes del Martes, habré controlado todos los números.


1. In a week or two, the company will have moved to a new premise.

2. Will they have decided by then, what advertising media to use?
3. In a fortnight’s time, we will have taken our examination.
4. She will have cancelled the appointment by tomorrow.
5. The students will have completed the project by the end of this month.

Formas pasivas del futuro

Se forman:

Future simple pasive: shall/will/be/Past Participle

Future perfect pasive: shall/will/have/been/Past Participle

The book wil have been read by the end of the year.
El libro habrá sido leído antes de fin de año.


1. The AGM will be held in Frankfurt..

2. Profits will have increased by about 15 %..

Formas impersonales del Futuro

There will be new books in the library next week.

Habrá libros nuevos en la biblioteca la semana que viene.

It will be impossible to interview so many people in two days.

Será imposible entrevistar a tanta gente en dos dias.

There will have been many debates on the subject by the end of the year.
Habrá habido muchos debates sobreel tema para fin de ano.

Inglés I | 95

I) “ing” como sustantivo: se traduce al castellano generalmente como otro sustantivo,

por un infinitivo o por “-ando, “-iendo”. Y puede ser:

a) Sujeto de la oración: se traduce generalmente por un sustantivo o por un infinitivo.

Rising costs have contributed to our deficit.

La suba de costos ha contribuido a nuesto déficit.


1. Studying B A is very demanding.

2. Resigning to the company was not a good idea.
3. We know that printing the invoices was expensive.
4. Meeting the new staff was very shocking.

b) Objeto de la oración: se traduce generalmente por infinitivo.

I like reading detective stories.

Me gusta leer novelas policiales.


1. The president cannot risk delaying the launching of the product.

2. They stopped sending messages with him.
3. They suggested using a different way of trading.

c) Objeto de la proposición: se traduce por:

i. Un infinitivo..

His success consisted of speaking a lot with his staff..

Su triunfo consistio en hablar mucho con su gente.

ii. Las preposiciones “on”, “in”, “when”, seguidas de “-ing” se traducen generalmente
por “al + inifinitivo”.

It is essential to be careful in choosing books about that subject.

Es esencial tener cuidado al elegir libros acerca de esa materia.

iii. La preposición “by” seguida de “-ing” se traduce por la forma “ando”, “iendo” y “al +

He made a lot of money by specializing in that topic.

Hizo mucho dinero especializándose en ese tema.


1. In designing computers, mathematicians have had to develop new techniques.

2. We got a second hand fax, by bargaining its price.
3. Let us begin by examining what is done by each activity.
4. Investigating the strength and uses of the sources is an example of the
interaction of basic an applied research.

Inglés I | 96
II) “ing” en función adjetiva: se traduce al castellano generalmente por:

a) We left a burning question without answer.

Dejamos una pregunta candente sin respuesta.

b) The interesting fact is that manufacturing costs are going down.

El hecho interesante es que los costos de fabricación están bajando.


1. A suprising idea was presented to the board of Directors.

2. The secret is to have manufacturing capacity in place before the
3. They have had to increase prices in order to cover rising costs.

c) Por la forma “que + verbo conjugado”

The gardens surrounding the office are well-kept.

Los jardines que rodean la oficina están bien conservados.


1. A Bill of Exchange requiring them to pay on a future date is drawn up

2. Theories describing the nature of the universe are constantly revised by
3. The force holding all the staff together is the manager.

Nota: la forma “ing” precedida de las siguientes expresiones, se traduce por:

It is worth considering this point as the main subject of the book.

Vale la pena/Es digno de considerar este punto como el tema principal del libro.

It is worth while waiting for the results of the experiment.

Vale la pena esperar los resultados del experimento.

It is no use discussing this matter any longer.

No vale la pena discutir más este asunto.

La forma “ing” tiene también: a) forma pasiva presente; b) formas perfectas y c) formas

Forma pasiva presente

being + past participle = siendo + participio pasado

The dog, being mistaken for a wolf, was killed.

El perro, al ser confundido por un lobo, fue muerto.

Formas perfectas

1) Activa: having + past participle (ando-iendo + participio pasado)

2) Pasiva:

having been + past participle (ando-iendo + sido + participio pasado)

infinitivo + past participle (infinitivo + sido + participio pasado).

Inglés I | 97
Having left her contract in the office she had to postpone the meeting.
Habiendo dejado su contrato en la oficina, tuvo que posponer la reunión.

He was accused of having stolen the plans.

Fue acusado de haber robado los planos.


1. After having been offered the position he refused it.

2. I remember having been told that that post had an irresistible attraction for
young professionals.
3. He denied having seen the budget before.

Formas impersonales

There being (traducción variable de haber)

It being: siendo, estando.

He denied there being anything wrong with the machine.

Negó que hubiera algo anormal en la máquina.

It was a cheap lodging house, and, it being holiday time, owner and tenants went away.

Era una casa de pensión barata, y siendo época de vacaciones, el dueño y los
inquilinos estaban ausentes.

There not being much time left, she called for a meeting.
No habiendo mucho tiempo disponible, ella llamó a una reunión.


Tipo I, se forma:

If + Simple Present.......................Future.
Si + Presente del Indicativo............Futuro.

If there is an increase in sales, we will increase production.

Si hay un aumento en las ventas, aumentaremos la producción.


1. If we pay our workers better, we will become a popular employer.

2. If you come, we’ll discuss it in detail.
3. The product will be a success if we have good advertising.
4. If we reach agreement we will sign the contract the same day.
5. If payment comes late, we can make other arrangements.

Variantes del Tipo I

a) Cuando expresamos leyes naturales o resultados autónomos, se usa:

If + Present................Present
Si + Presente..............Presente

Inglés I | 98
If a company pays well, it attracts good workers.

b) If + Present....................Imperative
Si + Presente..................Imperativo

If there is a major problem, go back to the starting point.


1. Leading a team is a key management function.

2. You should consider upgrading the system to make the software run faster.
3. That would involve redesigning many of the programmes.
4. After reading through the accounts, we noticed a number of curious entries in
your books.
5. We are interested in hearing about the new RD 230
6. We’ve spent a lot of time getting the quality right.
7. We are used to paying local prices.

Tipo II, se forma:

If + Past Simple....Should, would, could, might + forma simple del verbo.

Si + Pretérito Imp. Subjuntivo....Potencial

If we paid our workers better, we would become a popular employer.

Si pagáramos mejor a nuestros trabajadores, seríamos un empleador popular.


1. If you had a serious accident you would have to stop work.

2. If you stopped work, there would not be any protection for your family.
3. If you had to stay in hospital, there would not be enough money to pay.
4. If the house caught fire the insurance wuld be insufficient to cover the lost

Tipo III, se forma:

If + Past Perfect....should/would/might/could + have + Past Participle

Si + Pluscuamperfecto....Potencial del Subjuntivo
If we had paid our workers well, they wouldn’t have left the company.
Si le hubieramos pagado bien a nuestros trabajadores, no hubieran
dejado la compañía.


1. If the supplier had delivered late, a penalty clause would have been applied.
2. We would have terminated the contract if the customer had refused to accept
the goods.
3. If we had taken your advice, we would not have spent more money.

Las oraciones condicionales pueden ser introducidas por:

If (si): If you are ready, we shall leave.

Si estás listo, partiremos.

Inglés I | 99
Supposing (suponiendo):

Supposing the supplier were to deliver late, a penalty clause would be applied.
Suponiendo que el proveedor entregara tarde, se aplicaria una clausula penal.

in case: (en caso de que):

Customers are reminded to keep proof of purchase in case they wish to make a

Se les recuerda a los clientes que guarde la comprobacion de la compra en caso de

que quiera reclamar.

so long as (con tal de que)

The buyer would be entitled to a refund so long as he returned the goods within 7 days.

El comprador tendra derecho a un reembolso con tal que devuelva la mercadería

dentro de los 7 días.

provided: (a condición (de) que):

(con tal (de) que)

(siempre que)

We will replace the equipment, on condition that the purchaser follows the service

Reemplazaremos el equipo siempre que el comprador silla el programa de servicio.

unless, if not: (excepto, a menos que, a no ser que)

We will not renew our contract unless you are able to offer better conditions.
No renovaremos en contrato a menos que pueda ofrecer mejores condiciones.

but for, if it was not for: (si no fuera por)

If it was not for the manager, we would have lost the business.
Si no fuera por el gerente, hubiéramos perdido el negocio.

as though:(como si)

He spoke as though it was his last day in the company.

El hablaba como si fuera su último día en la compañía.


Las formas del infinitivo son las siguientes:

Activo: to make (hacer)

Pasivo: to be made (ser hecho)
Perfecto: to have made (haber hecho)
Pasivo perfecto: to have been made (haber sido hecho)
Infinitivo progresivo: To be making (estar haciendo)

Inglés I | 100
El infinitivo en inglés puede ir, o no, precedido de la partícula “to” que no tiene
traducción. Cuando la oración en inglés comienza con un infinitivo siempre lleva la
partícula “to”.

To get up early is healthy. Levantarse temprano es saludable.

Cuando el infinitivo no comienza la oración puede o no llevar “to”.

I begin to work in the morning. Comienzo a trabajar por la mañana.

They made us go. Nos hicieron ir.

Traducciones del infinitivo

Se traduce al castellano por un infinitivo. A veces por el infinitivo solo y otras por el
infinitivo precedido de las preposiciones “a”, “para”, “de”.

I saw him leave the office. Lo ví salir de la oficina.

They began to talk early. Empezaron a hablar temprano.
I want a book to read. Quiero un libro para leer.
We should try to avoid it. Deberíamos tratar de evitarlo.
He sat in the front row in order to listen to the speech well.
so as to see
Se sentó en la primera fila para escuchar el discurso bien.


1. A business success, to be accurate, must be based on readings and reports from

a large number of people.
2. Some years ago, Americans considered it impossible to operate successfully in
that area.
3. We should try to avoid acquiring habits that will be harmful to us.
4. An opinion pool is used to know what the people think.

Con los verbos que expresan deseo, orden, consejo, ruego, se encuentra el infinitivo
en inglés colocado de la siguiente manera:

verbo + acusativo + infinitivo

y se traduce por un infinitivo o un subjuntivo.

They advised him to go. Ellos le aconsejaron ir. Ellos le aconsejaron que fuera.


1. The representatives wanted the government to give them more power to solve
the problem by themselves.
2. The asked him to consider the alternatives.
3. The board was asked to leave the decision for the following day.

Inglés I | 101
Infinitivo pasivo

to be + past participle

To be considered educated one must have a certain amount of knowledge.

Para ser considerado educado se deber tener un cierto grado de conocimientos.


1. Meetings ought not to be held when it is not necessary.

2. People seemed to be impressed by the new regulations.
3. There are considerations to be looked at before you make a decision.

Infinitivo perfecto

to have + past participle (haber + part. pasado) (que + verbo conjugado)

to have been + past participle (haber sido + part. pasado).

He seems to have considered himself a great businessman.

Parece que se consideraba un gran hombre de negocios.

He seems to have been considered a great businessman

El parece haber sido considerado un gran hombre de negocios.


1. The bribery appears to have been committed by a man in the company.

2. The plan is considered to have been the most useful one in the last few years.
3. The research seems to have been very expensive.
4. To have recorded his impressions, was a great help to him.


Se forma: to be + ing

The Parliament claimed to be defending rights which the Reign had long possessed.

El Parlamento sostuvo que estaba defendiendo/defendía derechos que el Reino había

poseído durante mucho tiempo.


1. We seem to be tending to turn the state into a great industrial and financial
2. The company seems to be speeding the conversations about falling sales.



When time is short, the goods are sent by plane.

Cuando el tiempo es poco, se envía la mercadería por avión.

Inglés I | 102
The figures are prepared by the new accountants.
Las cifras son preparadas por los nuevos contadores.


The finished products were packed into boxes.

Se empacaron en cajas los productos terminados.

Verbos Defectivos
A new branch can be set up here.
Se puede establecer una nueva sucursal aquí.

could - must - should - ought to - may - might - used to

Perfect Tenses (present and past)

A new plan has been developed recently.
Se ha desarrollado un nuevo plan recientemente.

A new plan has been developed by the firm recently.

Un nuevo plan ha sido desarrollado por la firma recientemente.

A new plan had been developed before the company broke.

Se había desarrollado un nuevo plan antes que la compañía quebrara.

Future Tenses (simple - perfect)

A new plan will be developed next year.
Se desarrollara un nuevo plan el ano próximo.

A new plan will be developed by the firm next year.

Un nuevo plan será desarrollado por la firma el año próximo.

A new plan will have been developed by the next year.

Se habrá desarrollado un nuevo plan para el año próximo.

A new plan will have been developed by the firm by the next year.
Un nuevo plan habrá sido desarrollado por la firma para el año próximo.

Develop a plan for the production area.
Desarrolle un plan para el area de producción.

Let a plan be developed for the production area.

Desarróllese un plan/que se desarrolle un plan para el área de producción.

Conditional (simple - perfect)

A new plan por the production area will be developed if it were necessary.
Se desarrollaría un nuevo plan para el área de producción si fuera necesario.
A new plan for the production area will be developed by the firm if it were necessary.
Un nuevo plan para el área de producción sería desarrollado por la firma si fuera

A new plan would have been developed if it had been necessary.

Se habría desarrollado un nuevo plan si hubiera sido necesario.

Inglés I | 103
A new plan would have been developed by the firm if it had been necessary.
Un nuevo plan habría sido desarrollado por la firma si hubiera sido necesario.


Any plan to be developed is risky.

Cualquier plan que se desarrolle es riesgoso.

The plan seems to have been developed by a famous business administrator.

El plan parece haber sido desarrollado por un administrador de empresas famoso.

It is said that there is a new plan for the production area.
Se dice que hay un nuevo plan para el área de producción.

It was said that there was a new plan for the production area.
Se dijo/decía que había un nuevo plan para el área de producción.

Ejercicios en contexto:

1. Our company produces electronic components for washing machines. We are

based in Singapore and we have subsidiaries in Korea, Malaysia and Japan. We
sell our products throughout Europe and our biggest customers are in Europe. At
present we are setting up a new distribution centre in France. Our department is
working on the design plans and at the moment I am studying different plant

2. On Monday at 16.30 a construction worker was hurt at the Iribas plant. The foreman
said that four men were working on a roof when a crane hit the wall of the building.
One of the men slipped and fell to the ground. The crane driver was trying to lift a
metal pipe when he lost control. A preliminary report identifies three factors which
contributed to the accident: the injured worker was not wearing a safety harness.
The crane was working in a prohibited area. It was raining, so work should have
been stopped.

3. JBM is a Financial Services Company. The managing Director is Martina Pavlovski.

Here is an extract from a speech she made to shareholders at the AGM.

“For our sector, recent times have been difficult. However, it is clear that we are not
alone. The world economy has suffered a downturn and all sectors of industry have
experienced difficulties. But this year we have already seen signs of improvement; I
am sure you know that especially in Asia there has been increased growth and this
will benefit us greatly. Also, turning to insurance, we have been involved in the
insurance market for only a relatively short time, but it is good to see that this sector
has grown rapidly since 1991.

4. Deposit and payment:

No holiday booking will be accepted unless accompanied by the necessary deposit.
A confirmation will then be issued once the deposit has been received. The balance
may be paid at any time provided it is not later than eight weeks before departure.

5. The consultant said falling sales was a problem. She suggested changing the
advertising strategy and improving the products. She said there was a quality
deficit. This could be improved by introducing a new quality control system.

Inglés I | 104
6. Antibiotics today
The conference, which will discuss the action of antibiotics on diseases, will be held
at University College, whis is one of the oldest colleges in the city. People who wish
to attend should send an application form to the President of the Society, who is in
charge of bookings. Anyone who is presenting a paper at the conference will
automatically receive full details.

7. Each day we process hundreds of orders. Every order comes by telephone. All
orders are entered into our computer network. Each request is checked with our
current stock. Every order is immediately transferred to the warehouse. All orders
are despatched within one hour.”

8. This is an opportunity to work in a research organisation publishing economic

surveys on Eastern Europe. This is a new position created to meet growing demand
for products in this area. Those applicants with a good economics degree,
experience in publishing and a good knowledge of the region should write with a
concise CV to Steven Wright, Personnel Officer, PO Box 456, London SE 22 5RF.

9. After experiencing a period of instability, the company recruited a new Finance

Manager. Since she arrived, the company has gone from strength to strength.
Whenever she sees problems she has an innovative solution. As soon as she
decides on a change, it is readily absorbed by her colleagues. Until the department
was reorganised, there were repeated problems. Since she has worked for the
company, there has been a period of unprecedented expansion.

10. We need to increase the quality of our research. Increasing the quality of our
research will be expensive. Our present research is on a new pocket-sized
communications device. The research we are presently engaged in is potentially
very exciting. A major technological advance is possible.

11. There are four production plants. One is responsible for 50 per cent of the total
production of the company. This one is in Athens. The smallest plant, in
Thessalonika, is also the newest. It was opened in 1992. A new plant is to be
opened near Athens next year.

12. The National Bank will probably decide today to raise the cost of borrowing. Interest
rates will increase by 2.0 per cent. Many companies already have large debts and
are paying heavy costs. Any new increase will definitely make problems worse. A
representative of the Industrial Federation said “Many businesses will close. Profits
are non-existent for many companies. This new increase in the cost of borrowing is
a disaster.”


I) Normas a tener en cuenta

El diccionario es una herramienta muy importante para la traducción de idiomas

extranjeros. Para usarlo correctamente es conveniente tener en cuenta los siguientes

a. Detectar la función gramatical que cumple en la oración la palabra a buscar, pues

en distintas funciones puede tener diferentes significados.

Inglés I | 105
Tomaremos como ejemplo la palabra “mean”.

1. Como verbo to mean: significar, intentar, pensar, destinar, querer decir.

2. Como sustantivo, mean: promedio, (matemát.) media.
means: medios, manera.
3. Como adjetivo, mean: inferior, pobre, vil, medio.

b. Una vez cumplido el paso a. se debe elegir dentro de todos los significados que
presenta esa palabra en esa función, el que vaya mejor con el contexto. Ejemplo:

1. Swanson’s report on the mean body weights of 1.072 women in Iowa reflects the
difficulty in maintaining a desired weight in adulthood.

En este contexto la palabra “mean” en función de adjetivo se debe traducir como

«medio» (promedio) Traducción:

El informe de Swanson de los pesos corporales promedios (o medios) de 1.072

mujeres adultas en Iowa refleja la dificultad en mantener un peso deseado en la

2. Don’t be mean!
En esta oración “mean” significa malo, vil. Traducción: ¡No seas malo!

c. Las palabras que funcionan como verbos pueden variar mucho en su significado si
van seguidas de preposiciones o adverbios (estas combinaciones se vieron como
Frases Verbales, pág. 40). Por esta razón es aconsejable buscar en el diccionario la
combinación del verbo más la preposición o adverbio aunque se conozca con
seguridad el significado del verbo por un lado y el de la preposición o adverbio por el
otro. Ejemplo:

to look: mirar
to look to: ocuparse de
to look after: cuidar
to look for: buscar
to look down (on something): despreciar
to look into (something): investigar (algo)
to look like: parecerse a

d. Otros puntos a considerar son:

1. El conocimiento de prefijos y sufijos ayuda a deducir el significado de ciertas

palabras formadas con los mismos, pues buscando el significado de la raíz y
uniéndolo con el del sufijo o prefijo tenemos el significado de esa palabra
conmbinado. Ejemplo:

weight: peso
overweight: sobrepeso
underweight: peso insuficiente
weightless: sin peso
weightlessness: ingravidez

2. Otro problema es que algunos verbos presentan su forma de Pasado o Participio

Pasado igual al infinitivo de otro verbo que tiene un Pasado o Participio Pasado
muy diferente. Ejemplo:

Inglés I | 106
Infinitivo Pasado Part. Pasado
(encontrar) to find found found
(fundar) to found founded founded

3. Los verbos conjugados se buscan en su forma de infinitivo pero en el caso de que

un verbo en pasado o participio pasado no sea reconocido por el alumno, el
diccionario le indicará si es el pretérito o participio pasado de tal infinitivo.

Entonces buscará el infinitivo y a ese significado se lo pondrá en el tiempo que

corresponda. Ejemplo:

The architects drew the plan of the factory.

Los arquitectos dibujaron el plano de la fábrica.

El alumno busca: drew

Diccionario: drew = pret. de draw.
El alumno busca: draw = (pret. drew, part. p. drawn)
arrastrar, tirar, sacar, alargar,
atraer, derramar, aspirar, robar
(naipes), girar (cheque), dibujar,
trazar, cobrar, empatar, etc.

4. Los sustantivos deben ser buscados en la forma singular pues la mayoría de los
diccinarios no tienen los plurales. Ejemplo:

Plural Buscar singular

buildings building
leaves leaf
compatibilities compatibility
nuclei nucleus

II) Afijos

Prefijos y sufijos: Son partículas que preceden o siguen, respectivamente, a ciertas

palabras para modificar su significado, o bien para cambiar su función en la oración.


un- (denota negación) unbelief: incredulidad

mis- (denota error en una acción) mistake: error

mal- (mal) malformation: malformación

im- (negación) inmutability: inmutabilidad
in- (negación) incapacity: incapacidad


-er, or, (our), ar operator: operador

(denota agente) engineer: ingeniero
saviour: salvador
vicar: vicario

-el, le (denota instrumento) shovel: pala

-der (denota instrumento) ladder: escalera

Inglés I | 107
-dom: i. denota condición wisdom: sabiduría

ii.dominio, grupo de personas

Kingdom: Reino

-red (denota sustantivo abstracto) hatred: odio

-ship (denota sustantivo abstracto) relationship: relación

-ing (denota una acción) working: trabajando

-ance (la acción de...) appearance: apariencia

-ment (la acción de...) arrangement: arreglo

-ness (denota sust. abstracto) correctness: corrección

-th (denota estado o condición) length: largo

-ter (denota sust. abstracto) laughter: risa

-let (denota diminutivo) starlet: estrellita

-en (denota plural) children: niños

-s (denota plural) tools: herramientas

-ie, y (denota diminutivo o afecto) auntie: tía (diminutivo)

baby: bebé

-wright (denota agente) playwright: dramaturgo

-ves (denota plural) leaves: hojas

-ity (denota calidad de) electricity: electricidad

-ist (la persona que practica

una ciencia, profesión,etc) physicist: físico


un- (denota negación) unsystematic: no-sistemático

unequal: desigual

dis- (denota negación) dissimilar: distinto

mal- (negativo) malcontent: descontento

in- (negativo) inconvenient: inconveniente


-ed (denota cond.) tired: cansado

-en (significa “hecho de”) wooden: hecho de madera

Inglés I | 108
-ern (denota dirección u orientación) northern: norte

-fold (denota un número de veces) twofold: doble, duplicado

-ful (significa “lleno de”) useful: útil

-less (significa desprovisto de) stainless: inoxidable, limpio

-ly (significa “semejante a”) friendly: amistoso

-ant, ent (formación de

adj. y sust.derivados resistant: resistente
de verbos) dependent: subordinado

-al (la condición de

perteneciente a) chemical: químico

-like (denota semejanza) warlike: bélico

-some (sign. “lleno de” troublesome: lleno de problemas

-y (sign. “lleno de”,

“perteneciente a”) purity: pureza

-ish (denota pertenencia) English: Inglés

-th o d (denota orden) third: tercero

fifth: quinto

-er (denota comparación entre dos) prettier: más linda

-est (denota comparación entre más de dos)prettiest: la más linda

-ic (formación de adj.) electrolitic: electrolítico


a- (denota negación) abase: degradar

i. convierte verbos
intransitivos en transitivos befall: suceder
ii. sirve para formar verbos
transitivos de adj. o sust. befit: convenir
iii. enfatiza el significado
de verbos transitivos. beseech: suplicar

for- (denota negación) forbid: prohibir

fore- (con la idea de “antes de” foretell: predecir

de- (despojado de) decrease: bajar

mis- (denota error en la acción) mistake: equivocarse

un- (denota el reverso de la acción) undress: desvertirse

with- (con la idea de contra) withdraw: sacar

Inglés I | 109
out- (con la idea de sobrepasar) outlive: sobrevivir

over- (con la idea de

“por encima de” o “demasiado” overthrow: demoler

under- (con la idea de “por

debajo” o “demasiado poco” undersell: vender a bajo precio


-er (denota acción repetida o enfática) chatter: charlar

-el,le (con idea de acción

repetida o de diminutivo) snivel: llorar como criatura

-en (con el sentido de

“hacerse” o convertirse”) lengthen: alargarse

-ed (denota pasado

o part. pasado) played: jugó - jugado

-ed (denota pasado

o part. pasado) danced: bailó - bailado

-en (denota part. pasado de verbo) broken: quebrado, roto

-ing (denota gerundio) hammering: martillando


off- (sign. falto de) off-colour: sin color


-ward(s) (con la idea de

“hacia”, “en la dirección de” forward(s): hacia adelante
-ly (para formar adverbios,“mente”) quickly: rápidamente

-’s (denota posesión) John’s: de John

-teen (con la idea de diez) sixteen: dieciséis

-ty (con la idea de

multiplicado por diez) thirty: treinta

-wise (con la idea de

“manera”, “forma”) clockwise: en el sentido de las
agujas del reloj

Inglés I | 110


Words, phrases and grammar

Listen and repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Making arrangements (Planeando)

Hello, this is Maria Ferraris from AGM. (Hola, Habla Maria Ferraris de AGM.)
Good morning, Ms. Ferraris. What can I do for you? (Buenos días señorita Ferraris.
¿Qué puedo hacer por usted?)
Can I speak to Mrs. Tasaki? (Puedo hablar con la señora Tasaki?)
Mrs. Tasaki speaking. (Habla la señora Tasaki.)
How can I help you? (¿En qué puedo ayudarla?)
Could I meet you sometime next week? (¿Podría verla en algún momento la próxima
I´d like to ... (Me gustaría...) about the new project. (…hablar sobre el proyecto nuevo.)

...discuss a few things. (…discutir unas cuantas cosas.) you our new catalogue. (…mostrarle nuestro catálogo nuevo.)
...go over the plan. (…analizar el plan.)

Certainly. When do you have in mind? (Seguro. ¿Cuándo piensa que puede ser?)
Could I visit you tomorrow? (¿Puedo visitarla mañana?)
Are you free tomorrow? (¿Está desocupada mañana?)
No, but I´m free today. (No, pero estoy desocupada hoy.)
Could we meet some time next week? (¿Nos podríamos encontrar en algún momento
la semana próxima?)
Can you make Monday? (¿Puede ser el Lunes?)
How / What about Monday at 4:00? (¿Qué le parece el Lunes a las 4:00?)
Next week will be fine. (La próxima semana está bien.)
I´ll see you next Monday at 4:00 (La veré el próximo lunes a las 4:00)
I´m afraid I can´t / I’m afraid I can´t make it. (Me temo que no puedo.)
I´m sorry I can´t in the morning. (Lo siento, no puedo en la mañana.)
I´m busy all day. I´m sorry. (Estoy ocupado todo el día. Lo siento.)
That´s a little difficult. I´m busy all afternoon. (Es un poco difícil. Estoy ocupado toda la
Then how about the morning? Say 9:30? (¿Entonces qué le parece en la mañana?
¿Digamos a las 9:30?)
Let me see... (Dejeme ver...)
That would be fine. (Estaría bien.)
See you then. (Lo veo entonces.)

Inglés I | 111
Listening 2

Prepositions: (Preposiciones)

See you / I´ll see you ... four o´clock. (…a las cuatro.) the morning. (…en la mañana.)
...on Wednesday. (…el miércoles.) January (…en enero.)
...on January the 27th , 1993 (…el 27 de enero de 1993.)

Listening 3


1492 fourteen ninety two. (se dice el año en dos etapas.)

1999 nineteen ninety nine.
2001 twenty oh one.

April 4, 1996 April fourth, nineteen ninety six

15 / 4 / 99 the fifteenth of April, nineteen ninety nine.
4 / 15 / 99 April the fifteenth, nineteen ninety nine.

Grammar structures: See Grammar Notes

• Can / Can´t



1. Say the following dates: (Diga las siguientes fechas:)

3/7/56 _______________________________
2/6/98 _______________________________

27th November ________________________

November 27th ________________________

2. Listen and write the dates. (Escuche y escriba las fechas.)

A. Please, let me know when they are meeting.

B. Yes, I think it is on _______________

A. When was that contract signed?

B. The date here is __________________
A. Was the letter received on Monday 7th or Tuesday 8th?
B. _________________

Inglés I | 112
A. When did the project start?
B. I guess it was _________________

3. Listen to the telephone conversation and read (Escuche la conversación

telefónica y lea.)

A. Good morning BB Systems. Can I help you?

B. Hello. This is Maria Ferraris from AGM.
A. Hello, Ms. Ferraris. This is Mrs. Tasaki. How can I help you?
B. Could I meet you sometime this week? I´d like to show you our new
A. Certainly. When do you have in mind?
B. Can you make Thursday morning?
A. Let me see... I´m sorry I can´t. I have a conference.
B. Well, what about the afternoon? Say 5:30?
A. Five thirty is fine.
B. So, see you Thursday at 5:30. Good bye.
A. Good bye.

4. Listen again and repeat. (Escuche nuevamente y repita)

5. Now, listen and complete. (Ahora escuche nuevamente y complete.) Use the
words in the box. (Use las palabras en la caja.)

then - speaking - mind - about - morning - week - speak - fine

A. Good ____________. Nexus S.A. May I help you?

B. Could I _____________to Mrs. Mendoza, please? This is Ms. Legarri.
A. Mrs. Mendoza _______________. How can I help you?
B. Could I visit you this ____________? I´d like to discuss a few things.
A. Fine. When do you have in _______________?
B. What ______________ Tuesday morning? Say 9:30?
A. Just a moment. That´s ____________.
B. Well, see you ________. Good bye.
A. Good bye.

6. Now, make up your own dialogues. Use the following information. (Ahora
realice sus propios diálogos. Use la siguiente información.

a. discuss the sales figures - tomorrow - 10:00


b. go over the project - Friday - 10:00


c. show you our new plan - next Monday - 9: 30 a.m. / afternoon 5:30

Inglés I | 113

Words, phrases and grammar

Listen and repeat. (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Confirming arrangements (Confirmando planes)

I am (I´m) calling / phoning to / in order to ... (Llamo para...)

Iam writing to... (Escribo para...)
...confirm Wednesday meeting / the meeting. (Llamo para confirmar la reunión del
miércoles / la reunión.)
...confirm the details of our meeting. (…confirmar los detalles de nuestra reunión.)
Can you still make it? (¿Es todavía posible?)
Can I check the time? (¿Puedo confirmar la hora?)
What time is... (A qué hora es...)

...the meeting? (¿…la reunión?)

...the appointment? (¿…la cita?)
...the conference? (¿…la conferencia?)
...lunch? (¿…el almuerzo?) meeting with Mr Brown? (…mi reunión con el Sr. Brown.)
... my flight? (¿…mi vuelo?)

Where is it? (¿Dónde es?)

Is it in (your office?) (¿Es en su oficina?)



1. Listen and read. (Escuche y lea.)

A. Hello.
B. Mrs. Robin?
A. Speaking.
B. This is Clara Schiff calling.
A. Oh, hello Ms. Schiff.
B. Mrs. Robin, I´m calling to confirm the meeting on Friday at 10:00.
A. The meeting? Oh yes, about the new project.
B. Can you still make it?
A. Yes, Friday at 10:00 is allright.
B. Then, see you on Friday.
A. See you. Bye.
B. Bye.

Inglés I | 114
2. Now listen and repeat. (Ahora escuche y repita.)

3. Look at this chart and make up dialogues confirming day, time and place. (Mire
el cuadro y realice diálogos confirmando día, hora y lugar.)

Day Time Room

meeting Tuesday 4:30 Conference room
Appointment Thursday 11:00 MD´s office
lunch Friday 1:20 La Casona

e.g. A. Hello, Marcia?

B. Speaking.
A. I´m phoning to confirm the meeting.
B. Yes. How can I help you?
A. Is it still on Tuesday?
B. Yes, that´s correct.
A. What time is it?
B. At 4:30.
A. And where is it?
B. I think it is at the conference room.
A. Thanks a lot.
B. You´re welcome.


Words, phrases and grammar

Listen and Repeat (Escuche y Repita)

Listening 1

Making excuses (Disculpándose)

Apologies (Disculpas)

I´m sorry... (Lo siento...)

...I´m late. (…llego tarde.)
...I missed our appointment this morning. (…falté a nuestra cita esta mañana.)
...I didn´t bring the project. (…no traje el proyecto.)
...I didn´t call you yesterday. (…no lo llamé ayer.)
...I don´t have the financial report. (…no tengo el informe financiero.)

Listening 2

Excuses (Excusas)

I couldn´t find a parking space. (No pude encontrar estacionamiento.)

I missed the plane. (Perdí el vuelo.)

Inglés I | 115
I had to finish some other work. (Tenía que terminar otro trabajo.)
I forgot it in the office. (Lo olvidé en la oficina.)
I had a cold. (Estaba resfriado.)
I finished very late. (Terminé muy tarde.)
I couldn´t find your number / your address. (No pude encontrar su número / dirección.)
I lost your number. (Perdí su número)
I´m still working on it. (Todavía estoy trabajando en él.)

Listening 3

Accepting apologies (Aceptando disculpas)

That´s OK. (Está bien.)

Don´t worry. (No se preocupe.)
Oh, that´s all right (Oh, está bien.)

Grammar Structures: See Grammar Notes

Simple past tense (Pasado simple)

Miss (perder) missed
Park (estacionar) parked
Bring (traer) brought
Call (llamar) called
Finish (terminar) finished
Find (encontrar) found
Forget (olvidar) forgot
Work (trabajar) worked
Have (tener) had
Lose (perder) lost



1. Make dialogues with the information below. (Realice diálogos con la siguiente

e.g. A: Good morning Mr. Takashi. I´m sorry I missed the train.
B. That´s OK.

1. afternoon / Mrs. Sallis / didn´t call this morning / lost your number

Inglés I | 116
2. evening / Miss Merani / forgot the report /in the office

3. morning / Mrs. Mendoza / don´t have / marketing report


2. Listen to the messages in the answer machine and complete them. (Escuche
los mensajes en el contestador y complételos.)

Dear Peter,
I´m sorry I missed your ___________ on _________. I lost the _______ and I didn´t
have your ____________ _______________.

Dear Mara,
I´m sorry I missed our ________________ on 1st ________. I had to finish ________
______and I´m afraid I forgot to ________ ________.

Dear Mr. Briones,

I´m sorry I didn´t send you the ____________. I am working on it but it is not


Dialogue 1

Can you make the (meeting / appointment) on (Friday 27th?)

What time is it? At _________

When is it? On _________

No, I´m afraid I can´t

How about__________ ?
What about__________?

Yes, I can make it.

Yes, that´s OK
Yes, no problem.

See you then.

See you on _________

Inglés I | 117
Dialogue 2

I´m sorry I´m late.

I´m sorry I missed the appointment yesterday.
I´m sorry I forgot the meeting yesterday morning.

Did you miss the plane?

Did you finish late?

Yes, I did.
No, I didn´t. I ____________

That´s OK / Don´t worry / Never mind.


Words, phrases and grammar (Palabras, frases y Gramática)

Listen and Repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Making and receiving calls (Haciendo y recibiendo llamadas)

Hello, can / could I speak to Mrs Merani? (Hola, puedo / podría hablar con la Sra.
Is it possible to speak to Mrs Merani? (Es posible hablar con la Sra. Merani?)
Is that Mrs Merani? (¿Habla Mrs. Merani?)
Who is calling, please? (¿Quién habla, por favor?)
It´s Mrs. Schiff. (Habla la Sra. Schiff.)
This is Mrs. Schiff from ABC. (Habla la Sra. Schiff de ABC.)
Just a moment, please. I´ll put you through. (Un momento por favor. La conectaré.)
One moment, please. (Un momento por favor.)
Hold on, please. (Espere por favor.)
You are through. (Está conectado.)
Mrs. Merani speaking. (Habla la Sra. Merani.)
I´m calling about the conference in La Pampa. (Estoy llamando por la conferencia en
La Pampa.)

Grammar Structures

This and That in telephone calls: we use This to introduce ourselves and That to
refer to the people or offices on the other sideo of the line. (Usamos This para
presentarnos y That para referirnos a las personas u oficinas del otro lado de la línea.)

Inglés I | 118


1. Rewrite the following sentences using Can/Could...? or Is it possible to...?

(Escriba las oraciones nuevamente usando Can/Could...? or Is it possible to...?)

Can I speak to Mr. Vini?


Is it possible to have Mr. Merani´s telephone number?


Could you hold on, please?


2. Listen to the calls to ABC telephone operator and complete the information
about the caller. (Escuche las llamadas a la operadora de ABC y complete la
información sobre la persona que llama.)

Name: Marcia Norton

Company: ____________________
About ______________________

Name: ________________________
Company: Rim S.A.
In connection with: ______________

Name: _________________________
Company: ______________________
About: the seminar in July.

3. Order the dialogue.(Ordene el diálogo). Practise it and record it. (Practíquelo y


1. K-A-V-A-C-K _______
2. Hold on, please. _______
3. Who´s calling? _______
4. Is it possible to speak to Mr. Brown? _______
5. How do you spell that? _______
6. My name´s John Kavack from AGM. _______
7. You are through. _______
8. Speaking. _______
9. Is that Mr. Brown? _______
10. Good morning John. _______
11. This is John Kavack. _______

Inglés I | 119

Words, phrases and grammar (Palabras, frases y Gramática)

Listen and Repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Directions (Direcciones)

Excuse me. How do I get to ABM company? (Disculpe. ¿Cómo llego a la compañía
Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the bank? (¿Me puede indicar el camino al
Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest hotel? (¿Cómo llego al hotel más
How can I get to the restaurant? (¿Cómo llego al restaurant?)
Go along this street. (Siga derecho esta calle.)
Go straight. (Vaya derecho.)
Turn left / Turn right on (Madison Avenue). (Doble a la izquierda / derecha en la
Avenida Madison.)
Turn left at the bank. (Doble a la izquierda en el banco.)
Take the (second) turning on the right. (Tome la segunda a la derecha.)
It´s on the left/right. (Está a la izquierda /derecha.)
It´s next to / across from / between the (post office) and the (bank). (Está al lado /
cruzando / entre la oficina de correos y el banco.)
You´ll see the bank on the corner. (Verá el banco en la esquina)
Go past the hotel. (Pase el hotel.)
The office is around the corner. (La oficina está a la vuelta de la esquina.)
Go down / up Pacific Road. (Vaya hacia abajo /arriba de Pacific Road.)

Grammar Structures. See the Translation apendix. (Vea el apéndice de


• Imperatives (Imperativos)
• Prepositions (Preposiciones)



1. Listen to the conversation and complete the map.

A. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to ABM company?

B. Sure. Go along this street. Take the second turning on the right.
A. It is just across from the International Bank.
B. Thanks.
A. You´re welcome.

Inglés I | 120
2. Now you write your dialogue. Find out the location of the post office. (Ahora
escriba su diálogo. Averigue la ubicación de la oficina de correos.)

3. Find out the location of different places in the map. (Averigüe la ubicación de
distintos lugares del mapa.)

4. Getting to the office. Follow the arrows (—) on the map. Put the directions in
order. (Llegando a la oficina. Siga las flechas en el mapa. Coloque las direcciones
en orden.)

- You´ll see the Bank of Boston on the corner.

- When you leave the subway, cross the street in front of you.
- After you cross Madison Street, go past the post office to the corner of Broadway
and Forest Road.
- Turn right and then go down Pacific for two blocks.
- Turn left at the bank and then go straight.
- Turn left on Forest and our office is around the corner, next to the post office.

Inglés I | 121

Words, phrases and grammar (Palabras, frases y Gramática)

Listen and Repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1


Would you like to go out for lunch? / dinner? (¿Le gustaría salir a almorzar, cenar?)
Can I have the menu please? (El menu, por favor.)
Can I take your order?
What would you like to drink? (¿Qué le gustaría tomar?)
Would you like something to drink? (¿Quiére tomar algo?)
Would you like a cup of coffee? Tea? (¿Quiére una taza de café, té?)
How do you like it? (¿Cómo le gusta?)
Black, please. (Negro, por favor.)
Sugar? Milk? Cream? (¿Azúcar, Leche, Crema?)
Sugar, please. (Two) spoonfuls. (Azúcar, por favor. Dos cucharadas.)
No, thanks. (No, gracias.)
Would you like something to eat? (¿Quiére comer algo?)
What would you like to eat? (¿Qué le gustaría comer?)
Can I have some cake? (¿Puedo comer torta?)
A coffee, please. (Un café, por favor.)
I´d like a beer. (Quisiera una cerveza.)
Could I have some milk? (¿Podría tomar leche?)
Anything else? (¿Algo más?)
The bill, please. (La cuenta, por favor.)
Here you are. (Aquí está – su café, su té, su pedido, la cuenta, etc.)

Listening 2


It´s ...

$ 54.50 Fifty four dollars and fifty cents.

$ 2.99 Two ninety nine.

Listening 3

Offers and requests

Would you like...? (¿Le gustaría...?, Quiere...?)

What would you like? (¿Qué le gustaría...? ¿Qué quiere...?)
Can I have ...? (Quiero..., ¿Puedo comer...?)
Could I have....? (Quisiera..., ¿Podría comer...?)
I´d like... (Me gustaría...)

Inglés I | 122
Listening 4

Drinks (Bebidas)

Coffee, (café) black (sin azúcar or crema) with milk /with cream. (con leche / con
Tea (té) cold / hot (frío / caliente) with lemon (con limón).
Milk (leche)
Whiskey (whiskey) with ice (con hielo) straight up (sólo).

a lemonade (una limonada).

orange juice (jugo de naranja).
white wine (vino blanco).
red wine (vino tinto).

Listening 5

Food (Alimentos)

Toast (tostadas)
Butter (manteca)
Jam (jalea / mermelada)
A hamburger (una hamburguesa)

a cheese sandwich (un sandwich de queso) a ham sandwich (un sandwich de jamón)
a beef sandwich (un sandwich de carne) a chicken sandwich (un sandwich de pollo)

chicken (pollo)
meat ( carne)
fish (pescado)
vegetables (vegetales)
salad (ensalada) tomato and lettuce salad (de tomate y lechuga)

Listening 6

Desserts (Postres)

• Vanilla cake (torta de vainilla)

• strawberry icecream (helado de frutillas)
• fruit salad (ensalada de frutas)
• a (chocolate) pudding (un budín de chocolate)

Inglés I | 123


1. Listen to the dialogue and Repeat. (Escuche el diálogo y repítalo.)

A. Would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee?

B. I´d like some coffee, please.
A: How do you like it?
B. With sugar, please. Two spoonfuls.
A. Here you are.
B. Thank you.

2. Practise the dialogue. (Practique el diálogo.)

3. Now, you complete this dialogue. (Ahora usted complete este diálogo.)

A. __________you like _______________to eat? A hamburger? A sandwich?

B. I´d ___________a sandwich, please

A. A cheese or a_____________sandwich?
B. A ham sandwich, ___________

A. Here _________ _________.


4. Now, practise. (Ahora practique el diálogo.)

A. Look at this menu. (Mire este menú.)

Breakfast Snacks
Croissant Sandwiches
Toast, butter, jam (cheese, chicken, beef)
Eggs (boiled, fried, scrambled)
Main Courses Salad
Grilled steak (lettuce, tomato, olives)
Chicken supreme
Fried fish
Desserts Drinks
Icecream (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry) Coffee, tea, beer, wine,
Apple pie Orange juice, milk
Lemon pie
Chocolate pudding
Fruit salad

B. Elsa Kaplun invites Ana Tasaki to the restaurant. Listen and read.
(Escuche y lea.)

A. What would you like to eat?

B. The chicken, please. With a tomato salad.
A. And to drink?

Inglés I | 124
B. White wine.
C. Would you like dessert?
D. Hmm. I don´t know.
E. What about icecream?
F. Well, good idea. Some vanilla icecream.
G. Anything else?
H. Coffee, please.

5. Now make up your own dialogue. (Ahora realice su propio diálogo)


6. Write the prices.

$25.95 ____________________________________
$62.50 ____________________________________
$80.25 ____________________________________

Note: in English they use the decimal point where we use the comma and viceversa.
(En inglés se usa el punto decimal donde nosotros usamos coma y viceversa.)


Dialogue 1

Hello, can /could I speak to _________?

Hello. Is it possible to _____________?

Who´s calling, please?

It´s ______________
This is ___________

Just a minute. / One moment, please.

You are through, now.

Hello. Is that ____________?

Yes, who´s that?

Hello. This is ____________

From __________. I´´m calling
about ____________________

Inglés I | 125
Dialogue 2

Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?

Thank you. That would be very nice.

Great. Do you like Italian food?

What about Italian food?

Yes, I love it.

Yes, I like it very much.

Good. There´s an excellent Italian

Restaurant near the company.

How can I get there?

Where is it?

It´s called (La Pasta) and it´s

On (Madison Avenue), (just across from
the post office.)
What time shall we meet?
(When shall we meet?)

Is 9:00 OK with you?

(What about 9:00?)
We can meet at ____________
(9:00) is fine. See you at _______
(See you then.) Good bye.

Good bye.
(See you.) Good bye

Dialogue 3

What would you like to drink?

Would you like a ____________?

Tea, please.
Yes, please.

How do you like it?

Do you take sugar/ lemon?

With lemon and sugar, please.

Sugar. Not lemon, please.

Anything else?
Would you like anything else?

Yes, more tea please.

No, thanks.

Inglés I | 126


Words, phrases and Grammar

Listen and Repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Your background (Su historia personal)

What´s your name? (Cuál es su nombre?)

My name´s_______ (Mi nombre es...)

How old are you ? (Cuantos años tiene?)

I´m (36) (Tengo 36)

What do you do? (¿Qué hace usted?)

I work for an (advertising) company. (Trabajo para una compañía de publicidad.)
I´m responsible for the (designs). (Estoy a cargo de los diseños.)

Who do you work for? (¿Para quién trabaja?)

A company called AGM. (Una compañía llamada AGM.)

Which department are you in? (¿En qué departamento está?)

Design. (En diseño.)

Where did you study? (¿Dónde estudió?)

At the Bellas Artes School. (En la escuela de Bellas Artes.)

Where did you go to university? (¿Dónde fue a la universidad?)

The Catholic University. (La Universidad Católica.)

What qualifications do you have? (¿Qué titulo tiene?)

I have a degree in Business Administration (Tengo el título en Adm. de Empresas.)
I studied International Relations. (Estudié Relaciones Internacionales.)

Where are you from? (¿De dónde es?)

Salta, Argentina. (Salta, Argentina.)

Where were you born? (¿Dónde nació?)

I was born in Resistencia, Chaco. (Nací en Resistencia, Chaco.)

Where do you live? (¿Dónde vive?)

In Santa Fe. (En Santa Fe.)

Are you married ? (¿Es casado?)

Yes, I am / No, I´m not. (Sí – No.)
I´m single/ engaged/ separated/ divorced. (Soy soltero/ comprometido/ separado/

Inglés I | 127
Do you have any children? (¿Tiene chicos?)
Yes, I have (two children). (Sí, dos.)
No, I don´t. (No.)

How old are they? (¿Cuántos años tienen?)

One is (three) and the other is (five).
(Three) and (five). (3 y 5.)

What do you do in your free time? (¿Qué hace en su tiempo libre?)

I (play tennis) (spend my free time with my family.) (Juego al tenis/paso mi tiempo libre
con mi familia)



1. Listen and read. (Escuche y lea)

Betty Molino, aged 32, our new human resources manager, is a former student of
Catholic University, where she studied psychology. She previously worked at a
consultant company. She is single and she doesn´t have any children. She lives in
Salta. In her free time she enjoys studying English and doing exercises.

2. Now answer the questions.

a. How old is Betty Molino?


b. What is her new job?


c. What qualifications does she have?


d. Where did she work before she joined the company?


e. Is she married?

f. What does she do in her free time?


Inglés I | 128
3. Look at Betty Molino´s resumé. (Mire el Curriculum Vitae de Betty Molino.)


2044 San Juan Street 2000-Present GFM
4400 Salta Salta
Tel: (0387) 4317254 Human Resource Dep.
E-mail: [email protected] Personnel Manager
1998-2000 CONSULTORA S.A.
Buenos Aires
Finance Department
1993-1997 Catholic University, Salta.
Computers: Good user of Microsoft
Word, Exel, Tango.
Languages: French (fluent), English (Basic)


4. Now write your resumé. (Ahora escriba su Curriculum Vitae.) Follow the
preceding example. (Siga el ejemplo anterior.)

5. Your name is at the top. (Su nombre va arriba.)

6. Include your full postal address. (Incluya su dirección postal complete.)

7. Your phone number goes above the e-mail address. (Su número de teléfono
va arriba del correo electrónico.)

8. Write the most recent information first. (Escriba la información más reciente

9. Don´t include your high school education. (No incluya su educación en

escuela secundaria.)

10. Don´t mention your hobbies and interests. (No nombre sus hobbies o

Inglés I | 129

Words, phrases and grammar

Listen and Repeat (Escuche y repita)

Listening 1

Company History

They founded the company in Buenos Aires. (Ellos fundaron la compañía en Buenos

...started production in ________ (Ellos comenzaron la producción en...)

... expanded in the 90s ( expandieron en los años 90.)
... entered the American market in ____ (... entraron al mercado americano en...)
... opened a branch in_______ (... abrieron una sucursal en ...)
... bought a plant___________ (...compraron una planta ...)
...moved their headquarters ________ (trasladaron su sede principal...)
Where did they found the company? (¿Dónde fundaron la Cia.?)
They founded the company in (Salta).

When did they found the company (¿Cuándo fundaron la Cía.?)

They founded the company in (1992.)

When did they expand? (¿Cuándo se expandieron?)

In (1993)

When did they enter the american market?

In (February)

What did they buy?

They bought a new plant

The installation of the first centre. (La instalación del primer centro.)

They hired (2 teachers). (Ellos emplearon 2 profesores.)

On the west side of the city. (En la zona oeste de la ciudad.)



a. Read the story of this company. (Lea la historia de esta compañía.)

1995 LIFE INSTITUTE founded in Salta, Argentina, to teach English to people

from university.
1996 The installation of the first centre. The teaching to adults started.

Inglés I | 130
1997 Teaching expanded. A branch opened on the west side of city.
2000 Hired two new teachers.
2001 LIFE bought new computers for teaching.

A group of teachers founded LIFE in Salta in 1995, to teach English to people from the

They installed the first centre in 1.996 and they started teaching adults.

Teaching expanded in 1997 and they opened a branch on the westside of the city.

LIFE hired 2 new teachers in 2000 and in 2001 LIFE bought new computers for

b. What are the questions for these answers? (¿Cuáles son las preguntas para
estas respuestas?)

1. They founded it in Salta.


2. They installed it in 1996.


3. On the west side of the city.


4. Two new teachers.


5. New computers for teaching.


2. Write a paragraph about the history of your company. (Escriba un párrafo

acerca de la historia de su compañía.) Then, record it. (Luego grábelo.)


Words, phrases and grammar

Listen and repeat (Escuche y lea)

Listening 1

Plans for the future (Planes para el futuro)

What is the project for? (¿Para qué es el projecto?)

We want to build a new school. (Queremos construir una escuela nueva.)

Where is it going to be? (¿Dónde se llevará a cabo?)

How long is it going to take? (¿Cuánto llevará?)
How big is it going to be? (¿Qué tamaño tendrá?)
When are you going to open? (¿Cuándo la inauguran?)

Inglés I | 131
Is it going to have a conference room /a cafeteria / a library? (Va a tener una sala de
conferencias / una confitería / una biblioteca.)

I am planning to go on holiday / to go on a trip. (Estoy planeando ir de vacaciones / ir

de viaje.)
Yes, that´s right (Sí, cierto)

When are you going to travel? (¿Cuándo va a viajar?)

Where are you going to travel ? (¿Adónde va a viajar?)
I´m going to visit (La Falda) (Voy a visitar La Falda)

How are you going to travel? (¿Cómo va a viajar?)

I´m going to travel by plane / car / bus. (Voy a viajar en avión / auto / colectivo.)

Where are you going to stay? (¿Dónde se quedará?)

At a hotel / At a friend´s house. (En un hotel / casa de amigo.)

How long are you going to stay? (¿Cuánto tiempo se quedará?)

(Two weeks.) (Dos semanas.)

What are you going to do in the evening? (¿Qué hará por la noche?)
I am going to go to restaurants and discos. (Iré a restaurantes y discos.)

Listening 2

Objectives of companies (Objetivos de las compañías)

Open / close branches. (Abrir / cerrar sucursales.)

Hire more staff. (Emplear más personal.)
Increase the turnover. (Aumentar la ganancia anual.)
Reduce prices. (Reducir los precios.)
Reduce costs. (Reducir los costos.)



1. Listen to the dialogue and complete the information. (Escuche el diálogo y

complete la información.)

A new School project

Place: ____________________________________
Starting: __________________________________
Finishing: _________________________________
Size: _____________________________________
Sports facilities: ____________________________
Other facilities: _____________________________

Inglés I | 132
2. Now write a paragraph with the information. (Ahora escriba un párrafo con la
información.) Begin like this. (Comience así.)

The government is planning a new school.


3. Complete the dialogue with the correct questions. (Complete el diálogo con las
preguntas correctas.)

A. So, you are taking a trip.

B. Yes, that´s right.

A. ____________________________________?
B. In July.

A. ____________________________________?
B. I´m not sure, but Chile or Brazil.

A. ____________________________________?
B. In a hotel of course. I want to relax.

A. ____________________________________?
B. By plane.

A. ____________________________________?
B. Two or three weeks, it depends on the weather.

A. ____________________________________?
B. At night? Imagine. Go to expensive restaurants
and I´m going to visit the best discos.

A. Well, enjoy yourself.

B. Thanks a lot.

4. Write about one of your company´s objectives. It can be real or imaginary.

e.g. Our objective is to give English courses to the staff.

To do that, we are going to hire English teachers.
We are also planning to set up a language laboratory in the company.

Our objective is to ____________________________________

To do that, we are going to _____________________________
We are also planning to _______________________________


Dialogue 1

Interview a candidate for a job. (Entreviste un candidato para un trabajo.) Ask bout:

Personal information;
Past job;

Inglés I | 133

Dialogue 2

Interview the owner of a company where you live about:

The name of the company;

The activity of the company;
When and how the company started;
The location of the company;
The size and the facilities;
The number of employees;
The plans for the future.

Write te dialogues. (Escriba los diálogos.)


Writing messages

1. Follow the examples and write the messages. Use the correct prepositions.
(Siga los ejemplos y escriba los mensajes. Use las preposiciones correctas.)

e.g. meet me /10:00am / Monday.

Please meet me at ten o´clock on Monday.

1. call Mr.Legarri / 11.00 /morning.

2. send the fax / Monday afternoon
3. come / 9.00 / evening
4. don´t cancel /meeting with Ms. Tasaki / Saturday.

Writing faxes

1. Read this fax message (Lea este fax)

Riobamba 1040– Buenos Aires – Argentina- 1000
Tel/Fax (011) 4234 5620
To: ABM Food Corporation Attention: Mrs. Norma Legarri
From: Ana Tasaki Subject: My visit to the company
Date: May 17

Dear Mrs. Legarri,

Thank you for your letter of May 10, and your invitation to visit your company. I
am arriving at 3.00 on May 20. My flight number is AA 465.
I look forward to meeting you.
Ana Tasaki

Inglés I | 134
2. Now write a similar fax. You are going to visit a car factory. Use the
information below. (Ahora escriba un fax similar. Usted va a visitar una fábrica de
autos. Use la información a continuación.)

Riobamba 1040– Buenos Aires – Argentina- 1000
Tel/Fax (011) 4234 5620
To: _______________________ Attention: _______________________
From: _______________________ Subject: _______________________
Date: _______________________

Writing e-mails

1. Read these e-mail messages

Dear Mr. Aramayo,

The project for the new school is ready, and I would like to discuss a few things
with you. Can we meet at your office at 10.00 am on Monday next week?
Best wishes,
Betty Villalba

Dear Mrs. Villalba,

Thank you for your e-mail about the project for the new school. 10.00 am on
Monday next week at my office would be fine.
I look forward to seeing you then.
Best wishes
Jose Aramayo

2. Now read the e-mail you received yesterday afternoon. Answer it. (Ahora lea el
e-mail que recibió ayer a la tarde. Respóndalo.)

Dear __(your name)__________

The arrangements for the conference are finished. I would like to show them to
you. Could you come to my office at 3.00 on Friday, May 25?
Best wishes
Magdalena Nallar

Dear ____________

Inglés I | 135
3. Read this e-mail message (Lea este e-mail.)

Date: Thur, 17 May 2001 7:30

From: gmoraleda
To: ccruz @
Subject: Saturday meeting

Regarding our conversation yesterday, I would like to confirm the details of our
meeting on Saturday to discuss the new exam dates. I will be at your office at
11.30 am. I look forward to seeing you then.

4. Now write a similar e-mail. Use this information. (Ahora escriba un e-mail similar.
Use esta información.)

Gloria Crespo called Cecilia Cruz. She wants to meet on Monday morning to discuss
the teleconferences schedules. They agreed to meet at 9.30 am. Complete Gloria´s e-
mail message to Cecilia Cruz confirming the details of the meeting.

Date: Friday, 18 May 2001 3:30

From: Gloria Crespo [email protected]
To: ccruz @

5. Read the e-mail message. (Lea este e-mail.)

Dear Ms. Mendoza

I am looking forward to meeting you on Friday, May 25 during your trip to
Buenos Aires. I would like to invite you to lunch on Saturday after the
conference. It will give me the possibility to know more about your company.
Please let me know if this will be convenient.
Best wishes
Jose Aramayo

6. Now write a similar e-mail. Use your name and this information. (Ahora escriba
un e-mail similar. Use su nombre y esta información.)

Write to Maria Ferraris. She is going to give a lecture in your company next
Wednesday. Invite her to dinner after the lecture. You want to talk about a new
lecture in three months time.

Inglés I | 136
7. Read Ms. Mendoza´s reply to Jose Aramayo. (Ahora lea la respuesta de la
señorita Mendoza a Jose Aramayo.)

Dear Mr. Aramayo,

Thank you very much for your invitation. I would love to have lunch with you on
Friday. I look forward to seeing you in Buenos Aires next week.
Claudia Mendoza

8. Now write an e-mail replying to this invitation. Use your own name. (Ahora
escriba un e-mail contestando a esta invitación. Use su nombre.)

I am looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday, June 12, during your trip to
Salta. I would like to invite you to dinner on Tuesday evening at my place. This
will give you the opportunity to meet my family. Please let me know if this will be
Jorge Figueroa


Writing notes

1. Read this note. (Lea esta nota.)

I am very sorry but I can´t make the meeting on Friday at 3.00 because of a
doctor´s appointment. Is it OK if we meet next Monday?
Thank you


2. Now write a similar note to a business acquaintance.

You had a meeting on Monday at 5.00 pm. You can´t make it because of a trip to
Corrientes. (Ahora escriba una nota similar a un conocido de negocios).

Inglés I | 137
Writing memos

1. Read this memo. (Lea este memorandum.)

To: All Training officers

From: Claudia Mendoza
Human Resources Manager
Date: 17 May 2001
There will be a meeting on Friday 25 May to discuss the English training course.
Please invite all the managers in the company.
Thank you

2. Now use the note below to write a memo to all staff in the Finance
Department. (Ahora use la nota a continuación para escribir un memo a todo el
personal del Departamento de Finanzas.)

Could you organise a meeting at 9.30 am on Monday with all the Finance
Department to discuss our new financial project and then send a memo to
inform them about it?

To: Finance Dept.

3. Walter Echazu is going to be the new Human Resources Manager at your


He is going to visit your office to learn more about the company.

Write a memo to all staff: (Escriba un memo a todo el personal)

* explain who he is (explique quien es él).

* say when he will be in the office (diga cuando estará en la oficina).
* ask the staff to introduce themselves to him (pídale al personal que se presenten).

To: All staff

Inglés I | 138
Writing a business letter

1. Read this letter

Daniel Krowe
SPA Ltd.
345 Silver Ridge Drive
Dear Mr. Krowe,
I am visiting Virginia in June and I would like to meet you to discuss the plans
for the new hotel. I am free on June 10, 11 and 12. Can we meet any of these
I look forward to hearing from you.
Patricia Saenz
Designer Manager

2. Now write a similar letter. Use your name and this information. (Ahora escriba
una carta similar. Use su nombre y esta información.)

You are visiting IAC in July. The address is 3555 Congreso Street. You would like to
meet Cecilia Barni to discuss the new transmissions. You are free on 9, 10, and 11


Inglés I | 139
Estimado alumno:

Esta sección ha sido preparada con la convicción de que Usted ya ha trabajado

exhaustivamente con el Apéndice de Traducción que acompañó al Módulo Nº1 y que
completó un estudio gramatical del idioma.

En consecuencia, se eligió material extraído de libros específicos para la enseñanza

del idioma, como así también material auténtico de periódicos, libros de texto e

El objetivo es proporcionarle habilidades, estrategias y vocabulario que lo ayudarán a

leer material más específico del área más eficientemente.

Lea cuidadosamente la Introducción, como también las distintas técnicas.

Inglés I | 140

Revel, Rod and Sweeney, Simon. IN PRINT . Reading Business English. Cambridge
University Pres. Great Britain, 1993.

Badger, Ian – Menzies, Pete and Daniel, David. AMERICAN BUSINESS ENGLISH
PROGRAM. Macmillan Publishers. Hong Kong, 1994.


Hong Kong, 1993.

Bach, George. ECONOMICS. Fourth Edition. Prentice Hall Inc., 1963.

Duckworth, Michael. GRAMMAR & PRACTICE. Oxford University Press. China, 1998.

Buenos Aires Herald Magazine. May 5, 2001.

Buenos Aires Herald newspaper. April and May, 2201.

BEC 1. Sample Papers. University of Cambridge. Local Examination Syndicate.

Perino, Inés y otros. Introducción a la Lectura en Inglés. Date Editores. Bs. As., 1.994.

Inglés I | 141

En el mundo de los negocios, hay siempre mucho material para leer (distintos tipos de
texto, artículos) y no hay tiempo suficiente para leer todo.

El objetivo que debemos perseguir es aprender a leer mejor. Esto no significa

simplemente leer más rápido. Significa pasar el menor tiempo, consiguiendo la
máxima comprensión de lo que leemos.

Tenga siempre una opinión positiva. Lea tanto como sea posible en inglés y trate de
seguir las técnicas que se explicarán y practicarán en este Módulo.

¿Cómo facilitar nuestro trabajo de traducción?

Antes que nada debemos considerar a las palabras...

Por su significado: se debe tener en cuenta el significado de las palabras, y ver si las
mismas expresan un concepto o no.

Por ejemplo: “The staff” The (El) es una palabra estructural

staff (personal) es una palabra conceptual

Las palabras conceptuales (sustantivo, verbo, adjetivo, adverbio) expresan ideas o

conceptos del mensaje.

Las palabras estructurales (preposiciones, artículos, adjetivos determinantes,

conjunciones, pronombres) sirven de unión entre las ideas o conceptos y le dan
coherencia al texto.

Por su forma: se debe tener en cuenta la forma de la palabra para saber qué
función cumple en la oración y que significado tiene.

Por ejemplo: “employ” (verbo) emplear

“employee” (sustantivo) empleado
“unemployed” (adjetivo) desempleado

Por su ubicación en la oración: se determina que función gramatical cumple

(sustantivo, verbo, adjetivo, adverbio, preposición, artículo, adjetivo determinante,
conjunción o pronombre.)

Por ejemplo: “They never smoke in the office”. (Ellos nunca fuman en la oficina.)
smoke: verbo;
the: artículo (delante de sustantivo).
“Smoke is coming out of the room”. (Sale humo de la habitación.)
smoke: sustantivo.

Veamos en este ejemplo las palabras conceptuales:

“Employees reject new offer”

sust. Verbo adj. sust.
(“Empleados rechazan nueva oferta”)

Inglés I | 142
Agreguemos a la oración las palabras estructurales para conectar el mensaje.

“The employees reject the new offer”

art. sust. verb art. adj. sust.
(“Los empleados rechazan la nueva oferta”)

En esta oración podemos observar que hay palabras que son claves para el mensaje:

Employees reject offer

(Empleados rechazan oferta)

Podemos entonces como en castellano delimitar dos partes importantes en la oración:

• sujeto: cuyo núcleo es un sustantivo. Puede ser tambien un pronombre

(referente) o un verbo en función de sustantivo.
• predicado: cuyo núcleo es un verbo.

Veamos nuevamente la oración:

/ The employees / reject the new offer /

Sujeto predicado

Hacemos un análisis más completo:

The employees / reject / the new offer /

Formación de palabras

La forma de la palabra brinda información acerca de su función. Por ejemplo:

Employ (verbo) employee (sustantivo)

Hay dos maneras importantes para formar nuevas palabras:

Derivación: se forman nuevas palabras agregando prefijos (partículas que se agregan

delante de la palabra), sufijos (partículas que se agregan al final de la palabra) y
flexiones (partículas que marcan los accidentes que sufren las palabras)

Por ejemplo:

Employ____________employment (empleo).
Employ____________unemployment (desempleo).
Employ____________employs (presente 3ra persona del singular).
Employ____________employed (pasado regular).

Nota: ver ejemplos de prefijos y sufijos en módulo 1 (set de traducción.)

Accidentes gramaticales

1. Número. (singular y plural.)

Por ejemplo: Report reports (informe / informes)

Company companies (compañía / compañías)
Box boxes (caja / cajas)
Excuse excuses (excusa / excusas)

Inglés I | 143
2. Género. (masculino y femenino.)

Por ejemplo: Steward stewardess (camarero / camarera de un barco)

3. Caso posesivo

Por ejemplo: Mr. Brown´s report. (El informe del sr. Brown.)

4. Grado. (comparativo y superlativo.)

Por ejemplo: Fast / faster / the fastest

5. Tiempo y Persona

Por ejemplo: Presente (3ª persona del singular)

I report / He reports (Yo informo / El informa)
Pasado (todas las personas iguales)
They report / They reported (Ellos informan / Ellos informaron)

6. Modo. (subjuntivo.)

Por ejemplo: They would improve if they had the money.

(Ellos mejorarían si tuvieran el dinero.)

Nota: es muy importante conocer cómo se forman palabras por derivación y los
accidentes que sufren para buscar las mismas en el diccionario.

Por ejemplo:

• Si vamos al diccionario a buscar la palabra “companies”, no la vamos a

encontrar por que está en plural. Sí vamos a encontrar la palabra en singular
• Puede que la palabra “unemployment” no figure. Entonces le quitamos la
partícula “un-” y buscamos “employment” (desempleo). Si sabemos que la
partícula “un-” es negativa, reconocemos que la palabra significa “desempleo”.


Las palabras compuestas se forman por dos o más palabras, que tambien pueden
usarse independientemente la una de la otra.

A saber: Sustantivos compuestos: firearms (armas de fuego)

Adjetivos compuestos: tax-free (libre de impuesto)
Verbos compuestos: go down (bajar)
Adverbios compuestos: sometime (en algún momento)
Estas palabras compuestas indican una idea en su totalidad. Es decir que debemos
determinar su función en la oración como un todo.

Por ejemplo:

Car production costs (costos en la producciòn de autos)

Sustantivo sustantivo (car production modifica a costos)

Si necesitamos traducir (car production) por que no entendemos debemos buscar las
palabras por separado:

Inglés I | 144
Car: auto production: producción.

Las palabras que forman la palabra compuesta no siempre tienen la misma función

Por ejemplo: A high-class market (un mercado de clase alta)

adj. sust.

La última palabra de la palabra compuesta (production, class) determinan la función


Ubicación de la palabra en la oración

Al estudiar la ubicación de la palabra en la oración se puede determinar su función


Por ejemplo: Pat Baker is an administrative assisstant.

(artículo delante de sustantivo adjetivado)
Jennifer Brown is a systems analyst.
systems: (sustantivo en función de adjetivo)
analyst: (sustantivo)

• Es fácil reconocer el sustantivo y el verbo porque son los que denotan

concepto por sí mismos.

Por ejemplo: Meetings (sustantivo: Reunion).

Start! (verbo imperativo: Comience).
To start (forma imperativa del verbo: comenzar).

• El adjetivo siempre aparece relacionado con:

Un sustantivo: early meeting reunión temprana

adj. sust.

Un verbo: The meeting is early La reunión es temprano.

Sust. V adj.

• El adverbio modifica a:

Un verbo: the meeting starts early . La reunión comienza temprano.

Sust. V adv.

Un adjetivo: the meeting is very early. La reunión es muy temprano.

Sust. V adv adj.

Otro adverbio: The meeting starts very early La reunión comienza muy

El pronombre, la preposiciòn, la conjunción y el artículo se conectan con otras

funciones gramaticales sustituyendo, relacionando, uniendo o determinando.

Inglés I | 145
El Sustantivo

Se lo reconoce por:

Su forma

1. sustantivo en plural –s, (-es, -ies)

reports, boxes, companies.

2. ´s / s´corresponde a un sustantivo en caso posesivo

Mr. Brown´s report / Carlos´idea.

3. Algunas terminaciones más comunes: -in / ment / -ing / -ance / ship / -age

Competition / arrangement / training / assisstance / relationship / patronage

Su posición y las palabras que lo acompañan:

• at work: en el trabajo (preposición + sustantivo)

• the project : el proyecto (artículo + sustantivo)
• interesting project : proyecto interesante (adjetivo + sustantivo)
• staff available: personal disponible (sustantivo + adjetivo)
• company secrets: secretos de la compañía (sustantivo + sustantivo)
• completely wrong idea: idea completamente errónea (adverbio + adjetivo +

El Verbo

Se lo reconoce por:

Su forma

Terminación de la tercera persona del singular ( -s / -es / -ies)

"Mr. Jones works for a major firm in the City of London”. (El señor Jones trabaja para
una gran firma en la ciudad de Londres.)

Terminación del pasado y el participio pasado de los verbos regulares (-ed)

“They expanded the business (Ellos expandieron el negocio)

They have expanded the business (ellos han expandido el negocio)
The business was expanded (El negocio se expandió)
When expanded, the business did very well. (Cuando se expandió el negocio anduvo
muy bien)

Terminación del participio presente (-ing)

They are expanding the business. (Ellos están ampliando el negocio)

This idea is useful for expanding the business. (Esta idea es buena para expandir el

Inglés I | 146
Terminaciones de verbos más comunes:

-ify, -en, -ate, -ize/ise, et.

Classify / strengthen / create / categorize / practise

Los verbos irregulares forman el pasado y el participio pasado modificandose en una o

más letras, completamente o no modificándose. Para poder determinar que es un
verbo en pasado o participio pasado, debemos ir a una lista de verbos, buscar el verbo
que necesitamos y luego ir al diccionario.

Palabras que acompañan al verbo

Pronombres sujeto y pronombres objeto

They are considering the new plan. (Ellos están considerando el plan nuevo.)
Pron verbo

They must consider the new plan. (Ellos deben considerar el nuevo plan.)

It is necessary to consider the new plan. (Es necesario considerar el nuevo plan.)

They have to consider it inmediately. (Deben considerarlo inmediatamente.)


Verbos que acompañan al verbo principal:

Be (am – is – are- was- were- bee- being)

Be + verbo con –ing (estar + -ando/ endo)

The directors are considering the plan (Los directores están considerando el plan)

Be + verbo en participio pasado (voz pasiva) (ser + -ado / -ido)

The plan is considered. (El plan es considerado / se considera.)

Have + participio pasado (tiempo perfecto) (haber + -ado / -ido)

They have considered the plan. (Ellos han considerado el plan.)

Do / Does + sujeto + verbo (tiempo presente interrogativo)

Do they consider the plan? (¿Consideran ellos el plan?)
Does he consider the plans? (¿El considera el plan?)

Did + sujeto + verbo (tiempo pasado interrogativo)

Did they consider the plans? (¿Consideraron el plan?)

Shall / Will (futuro)

We shall consider the plan. (Consideraremos el plan.)
They will consider the plan. (Ellos considerarán el plan.)

Would (potencial)
The plan would be necessary. (El plan sería necesario.)

Should (deber / debería / debiera)

They should consider the plan. (Deberían considerar el plan.)

Inglés I | 147
Must / Ought to (Deber)
He must consider the plan. (El debe considerar el plan.)

Can / May (Poder)

She can consider the plan. (Ella puede considerar el plan.)

Could / Might (Podría)

We could consider the plan. (Podríamos considerar el plan.)

Verbo en infinitivo (Cómo se traduce)

A + infinitivo
He comes to consider the plan. (El viene a considerar el plan.)

Para + infinitivo
He is here to consider the plan. (El está aquí para considerar el plan.)

De + infinitivo
They tried to consider the plan. (Ellos trataron de considerar el plan.)

En voz pasiva
The plan is said to be very useful. (Se dice que el plan es muy útil.)

For + noun + to + infinitive

This plan is ready for the company to evaluate it. (Este plan está listo para que la
compañía lo evalúe.)

To + infinitivo (a veces no se traduce)

It is his job to study the possibility of the plan. (Es su tarea estudiar la posibilidad del
To study the possibility of the plan takes time. (Estudiar la posibilidad del plan lleva

Verbo + -ing (Cómo se traduce)

Preposición + -ing (Traducir como: Preposición + infinitivo)

They are paid for considering the plan. (Les pagan para considerar el plan.)

By considering his plan, the company is giving him a good possibility. (Al considerar su
plan, la compañía le está dando una buena posibilidad)

He must be cautious in considering the plan. (Debe ser cuidadoso al considerar el


By + -ing (No traducir la preposición y traducir el verbo como –ando / -endo)

You can start by considering his plan. (Puede comenzar considerando su plan.)

Al comienzo de la oración

Considering plans is one of his tasks. (Considerar planes es una de sus tareas.)

Inglés I | 148
En mitad de la oración

They accepted the plan, considering that it was possible. (Ellos aceptaron el plan,
considerando que era posible.)

Sustantivo + -ing
They are the staff considering the new plan. (Ellos son el personal que considera el
plan nuevo.)

When / While + -ing

When considering the plan, they didn´t like it. (Cuando consideraron el plan no les

After / Before +-ing

After considering the plan, they accepted it. (Despues de considerar el plan lo

Después de verbos como: begin / stop / prefer / finish, etc.

Finish + -ing

They will finish considering the plan in a couple of hours. (Terminarán de considerar el
plan en un par de horas.)

Verbo en participio pasado (Cómo se traduce)

If considered carefully, the plan is useful. (Si se considera cuidadosamente, el plan es


Considered this way, the plan is useful. (Considerado de esta forma, el plan es útil.)

Recomendaciones para la lectura de textos largos

• Use páginas de contenido, índices, cuadros, listas, etc. para ubicar partes de un
libro, manual o informe que sean de especial interés.
• No fije sus ojos en cada palabra. Debe permitir que se muevan sobre el texto a una
velocidad constante mirando a varias palabras a la vez.
• No lea en voz alta. Este tipo de lectura es una habilidad diferente, útil para practicar
pronunciación y como parte de preparación para dar presentaciones.
• No lea la misma oración o párrafo repetidas veces. Despreocúpese de cualquiere
parte que no sea de interés o sea imposible de entender. Sin embargo, puede Usted
pasar más tiempo en partes, o párrafos de especial interés.
• Para una lectura comprensiva debe tener en claro estos términos y saberlos
determinar en cualquier libro o revista.
1. un título
2. un encabezamiento
3. un párrafo
4. un cuadro
5. un capítulo
6. una página de
7. un índice
8. un diagrama contenidos
9. una introducción a un libro /
10. una conclusión a un libro /capítulo / artículo capítulo / artículo

Inglés I | 149
Método para la lectura de textos largos

Técnicas de lectura

Scanning: significa mirar brevemente un texto antes de leerlo para ver si (o donde)
contiene información específica que usted está buscando. Cuando encuentra la
información que usted quiere, lea la sección en más detalle.

Inglés I | 150

• Mirar brevemente un horario de trenes para averiguar horario de partida.

• Mirar brevemente la lista de contenidos de un periódico para encontrar el número de
página de las noticias financieras.
• Mirar brevemente un informe anual para encontrar el párrafo que trata de un
producto en particular.

Skimming: significa leer un texto sin atención a los detalles pero sólo buscando ideas
principales. Esto incluirá prestar atención al título, encabezamientos, introducción y
conclusión, como así también a los puntos principales en los párrafos.


• Mirar brevemente un periódico para entender los puntos principales de las noticias.
• Leer un informe de 20 páginas en 10 minutos para buscar las ideas claves.
• Leer sólo los encabezamientos, la introducción, conclusión, o resumen de un
informe, y mirar a las figuras, gráficos, etc.

Predecir lo que está y no está en el texto

Esta técnica es muy importante porque al entender el título podemos comenzar a

pensar acerca de la información que encontraremos y dónde la encontraremos.

Entonces, cuando haya seleccionado algo para leer, primero mire el título,
encabezamientos y la letra acentuada (negrita). Mire la longitud y cualquier figura o
material gráfico, por ejemplo diagramas, cuadros, etc. Luego pregúntese: ¿ qué me
contará este artículo? o ¿qué información es probable en el mismo? Esto es

Identificación de puntos principales en un texto

Una manera de identificar los puntos principales en un texto es leer solamente el

primero o segundo párrafo y el último o los dos últimos. Esto especialmente en caso
de artículos largos donde usted podrá ver las palabras Introduction (introducción),
Summary (resumen) o Conclusion (conclusión). No lea todo el texto en detalle en esta
etapa. Lea solamente la introducción, o el primer párrafo cuidadosamente. Luego lea
la parte final del texto o los dos últimos párrafos. El comienzo y el final de los textos
largos a menudo tienen la información más importante.

Predicción: ¿qué viene a continuación en el texto?

Ya vimos una técnica de predicción por medio de los encabezamientos y letra negrita.
Las palabras específicas o una frase en particular (parte de una oración) puede
también ayudarnos a predecir qué viene a continuación. Frases como "The first thing
to do is ....." (Lo primero que hay que hacer es ...), "Secondly" (En segundo lugar ....),
"The last stage is ..... (La última etapa es ...). Reconocer y entender estas palabras y
frases pueden ayudarlo a leer más eficientemente. Ellas ayudan también a entender la
estructura de un texto.

Referencia: Interpretar la relación entre oraciones

Lo primero que se debe hacer es leer el texto, buscando sólo las ideas principales. Al
hacerlo, se dará cuenta que algunos textos contienen palabras que se refieren a otras

Inglés I | 151
en el mismo. Esto también puede ocurrir de un párrafo a otro. Reconocer e interpretar
esta relación lo ayudará a entender la estructura interna del texto.

Vocabulario: predecir el significado de una palabra del contexto.

Usar el diccionario para averiguar el significado de cada palabra que no sepa, toma
mucho tiempo y reduce la eficacia de su lectura. Es importante tratar de suponer el
significado. Generalmente, el contexto (el resto del texto y especialmente las palabras
y oraciones cercanas a las desconocidas) lo ayudarán a decidir su posible significado.
Sólo busque una palabra en el diccionario si no tiene idea de lo que significa y está
seguro que es necesario entenderla para conseguir la información que necesita.

Inglés I | 152

Aproximación al texto

1. Título del libro:

2. Autor:
3. Edición:
4. Editorial
5. Tipo de lector
6. Tema de la parte Nº4:
7. Escriba el título de cada capítulo de la parte 4 en castellano.
8. ¿Qué capítulo se podrá consultar para leer sobre: "cambios tecnológicos,
salarios y desempleo"?


Read the dialogues and choose the correct alternative (A,B or C). (Lea los
diálogos y elija la alternativa correcta.)

Dialogue 1

What does Mr. Cash want to drink?

A. Beer
B. Water
C. Orange juice

X. Would you like a drink Mr. Cash? A beer perhaps?

Y. Thanks, but I´d rather just have a glass of water, if that´s all right.

X. Waiter, a glass of water and I´ll have an orange juice, please.

Dialogue 2

X. Attention all passengers waiting at Gate 17 for flight BA203 to Bangkok. Please
proceed immediately to Gate 12 where your plane will be boarding shortly.

Which is the Gate number for the flight to Bangkok?

A. Gate 3
B. Gate 12
C. Gate 17

Source: University of Cambridge - Local Examinations Syndicate

(Sample papers).

Inglés I | 153

Read the conversation between a manager and her assistant discussing the
agenda for a meeting and then write the missing numbers in the spaces. (Lea y

M. There are just a couple of extra points to add to the agenda.

A. OK. Is this for the December meeting?
M. Yes, that´s right. The one on the 19th. Two more points about the budget. I´ve just
been told what we can have for social events, and for anyone who wants to attend any
of those conferences I put up on the board. For the social events we get $100 more
than last year, which means we´ll have $500 this year. Then for the conferences. Only
4 of us went to conferences last year so we´re only allowing $200 this year.
A. Right. Is that it? How many copies do you want?
M. Yes. Well. It´s 19. Plus one for you and me. That´s 21. To be given out in advance
please. Thanks.

Points to add to the agenda for the meeting of _____________December:

Money available this year for a: social events: $ ___________

b: conferences: $ ___________

Number of copies to be distributed: _____________

Read this conversation and complete the form

Caller: Hello. Could I speak to the Manager please?

Secretary: I´m afraid he´s not available at the moment. Can I help you?
Caller: Yes. I´d like to make an appointment to see him.
Secretary: Can I take your name?
Caller. It´s F E N T O N. And that´s Mrs.
Secretary: Do you have an account with us already?
Caller: Yes. I´ve had a business account since 1993.
Secretary: An what is your business?
Caller: I run a restaurant in Highfield Old Town.
Secretary: Well. The Manager could see you on the 14th. August at 10.30 a.m.
Caller: What day is that?
Secretary: Wednesday.
Caller: Yes, that´s fine.
Secretary: Can I ask what it´s about?
Caller: Well. I wanted to talk about a loan. I wrote to him a couple of weeks ago
and. He asked me to come in and see him.
Secretary: That´s great. Thanks very much.


Name of caller: Mrs ___________________

Type of account: ______________________
Occupation: _____________________Manager.
Date of appointment: 10.30 am _________________________
Purpose of appointment: to talk about ___________________
Source: University of Cambridge - (Local Examinations Syndicate)
(Sample papers)

Inglés I | 154

Look at questions 1-5.

• In each question, which phrase or sentence is correct? (¿Qué oración es la

• For each question, mark one letter A, B or C. (Para cada pregunta, marcar una

Example: Don´t forget –

Flight BA692 6.45 pm
The plane arrives at

A. quarter to seven in the morning.

B. quarter past six in the evening.
C. quarter to seven in the evening.

The correct answer is C.

1. You will receive the full amount as soon as the work is complete

A. You should finish all the work quickly.

B. Full payment will be made soon.
C. When you finish the work you will be paid.

2. For further copies of this guide, please phone 01279 662714.

Call this number if you want to

A. get more details

B. receive extra leaflets.
C. Photocopy this brochure.



Flight number Dep.Time

JAL 415 08.45

JAL 425 12.15
JAL 435 16.30

Mr Muriyama is travelling to London after a lunch-time meeting in Tokyo.

Which flight will he catch?

A JAL 415
B JAL 425
C JAL 435


Inglés I | 155
Dear Mr Parker,
Thank you for telephoning yesterday about...

Mr. Parker called on

A 12 April
B 13 April
C 21 April

5. We are pleased to announce the promotion of our Sales Manager,

Mr. Tannerman, to Regional Sales Director.

A. The Sales Manager will become the new Regional Sales Director.
B. The Regional Sales Director is looking for a new Sales Manager.
C. Mr Tannerman will be appointed as the new Sales Manager.

Source: University of Cambridge -(Local Examinations Syndicate)

(Sample Papers)


Look at the notice below. It shows the departments in a company.

For questions 1-5, decide which department A-H each employee should contact.
(Para las preguntas 1-5 decida que departamento A-H deberá contactar cada

• For each question, mark one letter A-H.

• Do not use any letter more than once.


Ground Floor: A Wages & Salaries

B Marketing
C Quality Control

First Floor: D Typing Service

E Exports
F Purchasing

Second Floor: G Personnel

H Training

1. Ms Williams needs to send a large order to an important customer in the USA.

2. John Carter needs extra staff to help with an unexpected order.
3. Mr Wales wants to discuss advertising for his new product
4. Mary Walden thinks she has been charged too much tax on her pay.
5. Ian Whittaker has a box of faulty goods which a shop has sent back

Inglés I | 156
Source: University of Cambridge - (Local Examinations Syndicate)
(Sample Papers)


Read the text below, which is a talk about training courses for new staff. (Lea el

“These four introductory training courses will generally last two or three hours
each and will be timetabled over the first two weeks of your employment. For all
of the courses, you should go to the Training Centre, except for the Health and
Safety Course, which is held in Room 301. You will be shown key places such as
the post room, the first aid room and the Chief Executive´s office.

The first course will begin with a tour of the building.

Everyone must attend the second course, on health and safety. This will include what
to do in case of fire. Any employees who would like to follow a course on
emergency first aid should tell their instructor after this talk.

The third course covers company goals, plus information on the structure of the
company and the senior management team.

The final course looks at hours of work, salaries and sick leave. However, we will not
be able to discuss individual contracts and job descriptions. If you have any
doubts about what your job includes, please, speak to your department Head.”

Source: University of Cambridge (Local Examinations Syndicate)

Now, answer these questions about the text. You can answer in Spanish or in
English. (Ahora responda estas preguntas en castellano o en inglés)

1. How many courses will there be?


2. How long will they last?


3. When will they be timetabled?


4. Where should you go for the Health and Safety Course?


5. Where should you go for all the other courses?


6. How will the first course begin?


Inglés I | 157
7. What will you be shown?

8. Is it possible not to attend the second course on health and safety?


9. What will this include?


10. Who should you tell if you are interested in an emergency first aid course?

11. What does the third course cover?


12. What does the final course look at?


13. Will they be able to discuss individual contracts with the staff on that course?

14. Who do you have to speak to if you have doubts about what your job includes?

Now, read the text above again, and decide: (Ahora lea nuevamente y decida)

• Are sentences 1-7 “Right” or “Wrong”? (¿Son las oraciones correctas o

• If there is not enough information to answer “Right” or “Wrong”, choose
“Doesn´t say”. (Si no hay suficiente información elija "No dice".)
• For each sentence 1-7, mark one letter A, B or C.

1. Each training course is two weeks long.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

2. Only one training course will be in Room 301.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

3. The tour begins with a visit to the post room.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

4. You do not have to go to the first aid course.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

5. On the third training course, you will meet a member of the senior management

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

Inglés I | 158
6. On the final training course, you will talk about what you will do in your own job.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say

7. If you can attend none of the training courses, you should talk to your department

A Right B Wrong C Doesn´t say


Read this extract from an annual report, written by the Managing Director of a toy
company called Bambinos, and answer questions 1-B A-13. (Lea y responda.)

1996 began well for Bambinos, with the purchase in January of National Toy Shops Ltd
for $2.3 million. All departments avoided job losses, except Sales, where both
companies had previously had agents serving the same areas. In the Production
department, eighty temporary workers were taken on in February to work on a
contract with a new client in Japan. These jobs will probably disappear by the
beginning of the summer, though staffing levels may rise again soon afterwards when
we launch the new robot toy, Roboman.

The export order to Japan has been a major success, but it cannot hide the problems
we have had in this area. Despite the huge amounts we have invested in designing
world-leading toys and in the distribution of our products, I am disappointed to see we
are losing customers to rival firms, especially in Asia. We do not seem able to offer
the same quality of service as our rivals. I want to see a system for improving the way
we deal with calls form customers wanting information or help, checking on details of
products, or making complaints. I would like to see major improvements in this area as
soon as possible.

There are many achievements to be proud of. The increase in annual profits in 1996
was partly the result of Mr Bec´s new system of producing and following up on invoices
for company accounts. But I am particularly pleased to see the 50% growth in the
number of staff who are now able to use computers for major parts of their work.
This is an excellent result for the small amount of money invested last year in staff
training. We have now advertised for a new Training Manager and will be increasing
the amount spent in this area to over 3% of annual profits. This will provide a variety of
courses for staff in all departments.

Finally, I would like to mention Roboman. Many of our future plans depend on the
success of this project, which will go into production in February. In 1993 our engineers
in the Research and Development department had already succeeded in producing
one of the world´s smallest radio-controlled robots, so efficient that the batteries do not
need to be changed for at least 25 hours of use. What makes this new one
particularly exciting is that it is controlled simply by the user giving it spoken
instructions. It is this, rather than sales techniques or pricing policy, that will make
Roboman the bes-selling toy for the next five years.

Source: University of Cambridge (Local Examinations Syndicate)

Inglés I | 159
Answer these questions about the text.

1. What did Bambinos buy in 1996?

2. How many temporary workers were taken on in the Production department?
3. What were they going to work on?
4. When will these jobs probably disappear?
5. Has the export order to Japan been a success?
6. Have they invested a lot of money in designing world-leading toys?
7. Have they spent a lot of money in the distribution of their products?
8. Are they still losing customers to rival firms?
9. Have the annual profits in 1996 increased?
10. What percentage of people in the company are now able to use computers to
do their work?
11. Did the company invest a lot of money in staff training last year?
12. What do many of their future plans depends on?
13. What is it that makes Roboman particularly exciting?

Now, for questions 1-4 choose the correct answer. (Elija la respuesta correcta.)

• For each question, mark one letter A, B or C.

Extra staff were employed for

A a new order from overseas.

B an increase in demand over the summer.
C the development of a new toy.

The main problem during 1996 was

A the increase in distribution costs.

B competition form other companies.
C the high level of staff turnover.

The company has improved

A its advertising methods.

B communication between departments.
C the computer skills of its staff.

The most important development in the new Roboman is that

A it doesn´t need batteries.

B it responds to speech.
C it is very small.


Look at the charts below. They show the number of passengers using eight
different airlines over a three-month period.

Inglés I | 160
Which chart does each sentence 1 to 8 describe? (¿Qué oración describe cada
For each sentence, mark the correct letter (A – H) (Para cada oración marque la
letra correcta.)

Do not use any letter more than once. (No repita las letras.

1. The number of passengers climbed steadily throughout the period.

2. There was a sharp drop in the number of passengers in the second month.
3. The number of passengers was constant for months two and three.
4. The number of passengers rose very slightly each month.
5. The number of passengers fell dramatically in the third month.

Source: University of Cambridge (Local Examinations Syndicate)


Read the text below about working at home, and answer the questions. (Lea y

Working at home rather than in an office has received considerable attention from
people in business, with some reports suggesting that places where people work
together will soon be a thing of the past. However, a recent survey carried out by an
international property consultant, Larry Newson, finds that only eight per cent of office
staff actually work form home more than one day a week. The percentage has
increased little over the last few years, and only 17 % of all office workers said they
would want to work from home regularly.

Separate findings, from an insurance company, stress one of the main areas of
concern. Paul Orchard, the firm´s senior partner, says, “People enjoy meeting other
people at work, and working at home is a lonely alternative”. One bank employee who
took part in home working found that this loneliness lowered the quality of her
work, as she was unable to concentrate. Other problems she experienced included
computer failures, which meant she had to go into the office anyway. Joe Seer, in his
research for a trade union, reported: “I studied one particular home worker from a
public relations firm. She would go into the office for meetings because of loneliness
and to get help from other staff, but would find that they thought she was just avoiding
work. They considered home working the lazy way of doing things, and this caused
several arguments”.

Some of these problems may be caused simply by the fact that such patterns of work
are unfamiliar. That does not help people such as one publishing worker, who was
allowed to work from home, but then had to accept a 2000 pounds pay cut. Another
employee, a senior marketing consultant, had a whole list of complaints, including
no assistance with the extra cost of electricity and the phone, and being contacted
24 hours a day, even in the evenings and at weekends. Home working may seem an
attractive idea, but when faced with problems like these, it is not surprising that
relatively few people actually choose to do it.

Source: University of Cambridge (Local Examinations Syndicate)

Inglés I | 161
1. What did Larry Newson´s survey contain? (Leer todo el texto)

A numbers of people working at home

B main reasons why people dislike working at home
C suggestions for ways of increasing numbers of home workers

2. Recently, the number of people working at home has

A fallen very little.

B stayed exactly the same.
C risen only slightly.

3. How was the bank employee affected by loneliness?

A She did not enjoy her work.

B Her work was not as good as before
C She did not want to contact her office

4. The marketing consultant wants more

A help with his expenses

B contact with his office.
C technical support for his work.

Human resources

appointment paycheck factory

assignment recruitment turnover
employee salary venture
to earn survey expenses
to compare survival
to negotiate tax


Nº 1: una las palabras apropiadas

1. salary a) turnover
2. annual b) negotiations
3. to earn c) a survey
4. to claim d) expenses
5. to conduct e) a living
6. to pay f) an appointment
7. to fix g) tax
8. a joint h) venture

1).......... 2)......... 3)......... 4).........

5) ......... 6) ........ 7) ........ 8) .........

Inglés I | 162
Nº 2: Traduzca las frases del ejercicio anterior.

1) 5)
2) 6)
3) 7)
4) 8)

Nº 3: Lea rápidamente el siguiente extracto de un libro llamado "Going

International". (¿Qué título le daría a la historia?)

a) How to do business in Saudi Arabia.

b) Too many cups of coffee.
c) Learning the hard way.

When the Saudi government announced that it was going to invest several million
dollars in communications technology, an American businessman went to Riyadh to
"get something going". His plane fare and expenses for a week were projected to be
$3700. He arrived on a Monday, checked into his hotel and egan making phone calls
to the "obvious points of contact". To his surprise he ould not track down anyone to see
regarding his business. By Wednesday he discovered that most offices were closed on
Thursday afternoon and on Friday, the Islamic day of prayer. There was nothing he
could do but extend his stay and hope for better luck next week.

Eventually he made several ppointments, but in each case he was frustrated by houror-
more waits, interrupted meetings endless cups of coffee, and instructions to "come
back another day". He was particularly unsettled by the Arab habit of straying from the
subject. After a month he ran into an old army buddy who introduced him to the basic
rules of Saudi etiquette and how to do business with the Arabs. He was horrified to
discover that he had repeatedly insulted his contacts by his thinly disguised impatience,
refusal to take coffee, rush to talk business, aggressive selling, occasional swearing,
exposing the sole of his shoe when sitting on the floor, and even when he
conversationally asked an Arab official about his wife. By now his trip had cost well
over $13,000 and he had only established himself as an arrogant, rude and
ntrustworthy American. He learned too late the three secrets to successful business in
Saudi Arabia: patience, relationship building, and respect for the Arab and his ways.

Source: INPRINT - CUP, 1.993.

Nº 4: Answers this questions. (En castellano o ingles.)

1. Where did the American businessman go?

2. How much were his expenses projected to be?
3. Could he contact the people inmediately?
4. What did he discover by Wednesday?
5. What was he frustrated by?
6. What did the old army buddy introduce him to?
7. What did he discover?
8. How had he repeteadly insulted his contacts?
9. How much had his trip cost by that time?
10. How had he established himself?
11. What are the three secrets to successful business in Saudi Arabia?

Inglés I | 163
Nº 5: ¿Cuál es el significado de los siguientes conectores en el texto?

Línea 1: When =
Línea 9: To his surprise =
Línea 11: By =
Línea 17: Eventually =
Línea 23: After: =
Línea 34: By now =

Texto Nº 2

Actividad Nº 6: el siguiente texto de la revista "International Management" también da

ejemplos de problemas en negocios internacionales. Léalo detenidamente para
encontrar la siguiente información:

1. ¿Qué problema tuvo el empresario americano en Arabia Saudita?

No conocía las reglas.
2. ¿Cuál fue el resultado del problema?
Gastó demasiado y no realizó ningún negocio.
3. Explique cuál fue la causa del problema con el gerente americano y su
personal japonés y cuál fue el resultado.
4. ¿Porqué pidió el gerente japonés ser transferido?
5. ¿En qué se especializan algunas firmas consultoras?
6. Cuál es el significado de:
"Never show the sole of your shoe to an Arab"
"Never arrive on time for a party in Brazil"
"Don't think "yes" means "yes" Japan"
7. ¿Qué produjeron Copland y Grigs?
8. ¿Cómo pueden ser las penalidades por ignorar diferentes formas de


A growing number of multinationals are
training their staff to work in other,
particularly oriental, cultures, hoping to
avoid the waste from no-communication

An Asian engineer is assigned to a U.S laboratory and almost suffers a nervous

breakdown. A U.S executive tells his staff he's going to treat them fairly -and creates
dissension. A Japanese manager is promoted by his British president, but within six
months asks for a transfer.

Each of this real-life cases involved people who were regarded as superior employees,
but were ill-equipped to cope with the complexities and dangers of intercultural

"Multinational companies have studied everything else; now they're finally looking at
culture", says Clifford Clarke, founder and president of the California-based IRI
International Inc., one of a small but growing number of consulting firms that specialise

Inglés I | 164
in teaching business people from differing cultures how to communicate and work with
each other.

"Never show the sole of your shoe to an Arab; never arrive on time for a party in Brazil;
and in Japan, don't think 'yes' means 'yes' " , advise U.S consultants Lennie Copland
and Lewis Brown Griggs, who have produced a series of films and a book to help
managers improve their international business skills.

But simply learning the social "dos" and "don'ts" is not the answer, according to the
new culture specialists. The penalties for ignoring different thinking patterns, they point
out, can be disastrous.

For example, the American manager who promised to be fair thought he was telling his
Japanese staff that their hard work would be rewarded; but when some workers
received higher salary increases than others, there were complaints. "You told us you'd
be fair, and you lied to us", accused one salesman. "It took me a year and a half",
sighed the American, "to realise that 'fair', to my staff, meant being treated equally".

The Asian engineer who suffered in America was the victim of another mistaken
expectation. "He was accustomed to the warm group environment so typical in Japan",
said his U.S manager. "But in our company, we're all expected to be self-starters who
thrive on working alone. For him, it was emotional starvation. He's made the
adjustment now, but he'd be humiliated if I told you his name. That's another cultural

The Japanese manager who failed to respond to his promotion couldn't bring himself to
use the more direct language needed to communicate with his London-based
superiors. "I used to think all this talk about cultural communication was a lot of
baloney", says Eugene J. Flath, president of Intel Japan Ltd., a subsidiary of the
American semiconductor maker.. "Now, I can see it's a real problem".
Miscommunication has slowed our ability to coordinate action with our home office".

That's why Intel, with the help of consultant Clarke, began an intercultural training
programme this spring which Flath expects will dramatically reduce decision-making
time now lost in making sure the Americans and the Japanese understand each other.

Copyright International
Source: Inprint Cambridge University Press, 1.993


Read these pieces of news and translate them. (Lea y traduzca)

The World in Brief

NAPLES – An Italian judge ordered the release yesterday of all 28 Pakistanis arrested
last month on suspicion of plotting a terror attack, saying there was not enough
evidence to hold them.

Inglés I | 165
MINSK- Belarus authorities yesterday sent back to Poland a railroad car that was
emitting a high level of radiation, a spokesman for the Customs service said.

NEW DELHI – India yesterday test-fired a supersonic cruise missile, jointly developed
by New Delhi and Moscow, which is capable of hitting several Pakistani cities.

BRUSSELS – The European Union yesterday decided to renew diplomatic sanctions
agisnt Zimbabwe for another year but to allow that country´s president, Robert Nugabe,
to attend a Franco-African summit in Paris.

Companies on the move

Grape harvest feast lunch

The Fabre Montmayou winery was selected by the Argentina Wineries Association to
host the traditional Grape Harves Feast lunch, to be held in Mendoza on March 8. A
total 800 guests – among them winery executives, distributors, and government
officials – will attend the celebrations, along with US distributors of Fabre Montmayou
wines especially invited by the renown boutique winery.

Toyota creates new Mercosur structure

Toyota created a new organization dubbed Toyota Mercosur, which started on January
1 2003 and will centralize the management of its affiliates Toyota Argentina SA and
Toyota do Brasil Ltda....

The purpose of the new structure is to reinforce Toyota´s operations in Mercosur, in

order to face the increasing globalized competition, by promoting greater efficiency,
flexibility and dynamics in the use of available resources....

First international conference on the Welsh in Patagonia

On October 23 and 24 of last year the first conference on the Welsh in Patagonia took
place in Puerto Madryn, Chubut. It was the first such conference ever to be held, and
Puerto Madryn where the Welsh landed in 1865, ws the perfect location for this
Over the course of the two days there were 18 speakers of whom two came from

... two came from Canada... and fourteen were from Patagonia and other parts of

The presentations touched on practically every aspect of the Welsh colony in

Patagonia – historical, sociological, anthropological, cultural, linguistinc,
ethnographical, educational, touristic....

The Second International Conference on the Welsh in patagonia is already being

planned and will take place in a year´s time, in October 2004.

Susan Wilkinson for The Herald

Inglés I | 166
The Senate passed a law which ensures 30-year tax stability for mining companies
operating in Argentina. The law also frees companies from import taxes for capital
goods and supplies for their operations.

Source: Nation at a glance – Buenos Aires Herald, April 2001


Catamarca Economy Minister Jorge Grego said yesterday that 30 political posts have
been cut and 60 other will be restructured as part of provincial government plans to
reduce public spending by about six million pesos. (D y N – Telam)

Source. Buenos Aires Herald, April 2001


Consumer prices rose 0.7 percent in April versus March, the Economy Ministry said
yesterday. The following are details for April of price changes in different sectors of the
economy: general (+0.7 percent), food and beverage (+0.6 percent), clothes (+5.4
percent), housing (+0.2 percent), medicine and health care (0.1 percent), transportation
and communication (+1.1 percent), entertainment (-0.1 percent), and education (+0.2
percent) By Hilton

Source: Business in brief – Buenos Aires Herald. April, 2001

Business in Brief
Finance and economy:

British shares crumbled as the sight of tanks guardin London´s main airport, mounting
fears about war in the Middle East and a grim report on UK economic growth sent
investors running for cover.

Peso closes at nine-month high

The peso closed at a nine-minth high yesterday, trading at 3.07/3.13 against the dollar
in foreing exchange houses. The peso traded at an all-time low 3.95 to the dollar in
June 2002, and has been steadily regaining some of the lost ground ever since. The
Central Bank acquired 25.1 million dollars yesterday to prevent a further strenthening
of the peso.

Coca-Cola reports higher profits

ATLANTA _ Shrugging off economic weakness in many of its main markets, Nº 1 soft
drink maker Coca-Cola Co. Yesterday posted a slight rise in quarterly profit and
predicted solid growth for its core beverage brands in 2003. For the fourth quarter of
2002, Coca-Cola earned 930 million dollars, or 38 cents a share. The company´s
decision to treat stock options as an expense cut 2 cents per share from its results.
Coca –Cola earned 914 million dollars, or 37 cents a share, in the fourth quarter of

Source: Buenos Aires Herald, Thursday, February 13, 2003

Inglés I | 167

Read the text below and give the meaning of these words. (Lea y escriba el

According to:
Overall growth:
Work force:


(By Kevin Carrell Footer) BA Herald magazine . May, 2001

....The aura of gloom today in Argentina is in many ways a direct result of three long
years of recession – and more recent political turmoil,. However, there are actually
fewer people below the poverty line today than in 1989 – though poverty has increased
slightly since 19998 when the current recession began.



Inglés I | 168
Sistema de Educación a Distancia - SEAD

Dirección de Diseño y Desarrollo Instruccional

Edición © UCASAL

Este material fue elaborado por la Prof. Gabriela Figueroa de Moraleda en conjunto a la Dirección de Diseño y Desarrollo Instruccional del
Sistema de Educación a Distancia con exclusivos fines didácticos. Todos los derechos de uso y distribución son reservados. Cualquier copia,
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Inglés I | 169

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