Tarea 2 - Grupo 217.

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Tarea 2 -

Solución de modelos de optimización determinísticos

Karin Vanesa Gómez.

Bryan Esteban Barón.
Lina Fernanda Barroso.
Cristian Mauricio Garcia.
Ingrid Ivonne Duran.
Curso 102016 Métodos Determinísticos
Grupo: 217

Edgar Antonio Del Rio

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Administrativas Contables Económicas y de Negocio ECACEN
Programa Administración de Empresas

egocio ECACEN
Selección y compra del terreno (A) ------
Preparación con maquinaria del terreno (B) A
Construcción fundición bases bodega(C) B
Construcción muros bodega (D) B
Terminados internos de la bodega (E) C,D
Cielos razos oficinas y caseta celador (F) E
Apertura y evaluación del impacto (G) E
Evaluación de los resultados (H) F,G
Corrección fallas operativas de distribución (I) H
Seguimiento y Control del sistema (J) I
229 236 241
227 230 235
232 235 240
228 233 236
236 239 242
235 238 242
234 237 242
228 233 236
238 242 247
225 228 232

ACTIVIDAD (LETRA) Tiempo esperado

Tiempo de inicio mas cercano(TIC) Tiempo de fin mas cercano (TFC)
Tiempo de inicio mas lejano(TIL) Tiempo de Fin mas lejano(TFL)
H Holgura de la actividad

a. Solución e interpretación de resultados (Página web: Creador PERT - CPM).

d. Holguras de las actividades en la red.
Respuesta: Actividad D: H=2 y Actividad G: H=1

e. Tiempo total de la red.

Respuesta: 1881 días o semanas

f. Ruta crítica de la red.

Rutas posibles Tiempo de la ruta
A-B-C-E-G-H-I-J 1880
A-B-D-E-F-H-I-J 1879
A-B-C-E-F-H-I-J 1881 −−−→𝑹𝒖𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂
A-B-D-E-G-H-I-J 1878
236 NO Critica
230 NO Critica
235 NO Critica
233 SI No Critica
239 NO Critica
238 NO Critica
237 SI No Critica
233 NO Critica
242 NO Critica
228 NO Critica


We observe that the project has a dur

the critical path of A-B-C-E-F-H-I-J, wh
take into account these activities as the
can delay the to
As for the activities that have slack
respectively, the project manager
PERT/CPM was designed to provide se
managers. First, PERT/CPM exposes
activities that limit the duration of th
Selection and purchase of the land, B
Construction of foundry bases for t
warehouse, F - Open ceilings for offi
results, I - Correction of distribution
In other words, to get the project done
be done early. The total time of the pr
activity on the critical path is delayed,
amount. Activities that are not on the
that is, they can be started later, an
schedule. PERT/CPM identifies these a
In other words, to get the project done
be done early. The total time of the pr
activity on the critical path is delayed,
amount. Activities that are not on the
that is, they can be started later, an
schedule. PERT/CPM identifies these a

𝑻𝒊𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒆𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐 (𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒔)

empo de la ruta

−−→𝑹𝒖𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂
b. Dibujo de la red Pert/CPM. −−−→𝑹𝒖𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂

C 235
466 701
466 701
H 0

A(INICIO) 236 B 230

0 236 236 466
0 236 236 466
H 0 H 0

D 233
466 699
468 701


that the project has a duration of 1881 days, where it is determined by

path of A-B-C-E-F-H-I-J, where the company the project manager must
ount these activities as the most important, since a delay in one of them
can delay the total time of the project.
e activities that have slack, which are D and G with 2 days and 1 day
vely, the project manager can use this time to spend on other more
important activities.
was designed to provide several useful pieces of information for project
First, PERT/CPM exposes the critical path of a project. These are the
hat limit the duration of the project. In this case, the activities are: A -
d purchase of the land, B - Preparation of the land with machinery, C -
tion of foundry bases for the warehouse, E - Internal finishing of the
e, F - Open ceilings for offices and guard booth, H - Evaluation of the
Correction of distribution operational failures and J - Monitoring and
Control of the system.
ds, to get the project done early, the activities on the critical path must
y. The total time of the project is 1881 weeks. On the other hand, if an
e critical path is delayed, the project as a whole is delayed by the same
tivities that are not on the critical path have a certain amount of slack;
hey can be started later, and allow the project as a whole to stay on
RT/CPM identifies these activities and the amount of time available for
ds, to get the project done early, the activities on the critical path must
y. The total time of the project is 1881 weeks. On the other hand, if an
e critical path is delayed, the project as a whole is delayed by the same
tivities that are not on the critical path have a certain amount of slack;
hey can be started later, and allow the project as a whole to stay on
RT/CPM identifies these activities and the amount of time available for
F 238
940 1178
940 1178
H 0

E 239
701 940
701 940
H 0

G 237
940 1177
941 1178
H 233 I 242 J(FIN)
1178 1411 1411 1653 1653
1178 1411 1411 1653 1653
H 0 H 0 H
A ------ 234
B A 230
C A 238
D B 230
E B 239
F C 242
G D,E 236
H F,G 234
I H 232
J H 229
K I,J 242
236 238 236
232 236 232
239 242 239
231 233 231
242 244 242
244 247 244
238 240 238
234 236 234
233 235 233
235 236 234
244 247 244

ACTIVIDAD (LETRA) Tiempo esperado

Tiempo de inicio mas cercano(TIC) Tiempo de fin mas cercano (TFC)
Tiempo de inicio mas lejano(TIL) Tiempo de Fin mas lejano(TFL)
H Holgura de la actividad

𝑻𝒊𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒆𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒄

f. Ruta crítica de la red.

Rutas posibles Tiempo de la ruta
A-C-F-H-I-K 1430
A-C-F-H-J-K 1431
A-B-E-G-H-J-K 1660 −−−→𝑹𝒖𝒕𝒂 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒂
A-B-D-G-H-I-K 1648
A-B-D-G-H-J-K 1649
A-B-E-G-H-I-K 1659

a. Solución e interpretación de resultados (Página web: Creador PERT - CPM).

d. Holguras de las actividades en la red.
Respuesta: Actividad C: H=229, Actividad D: H=11, Actividad F: H=229 y Actividad I: H=1

e. Tiempo total de la red.

Respuesta: 1660 días o semanas
b. Dibujo de la red Pert/CPM.
Project management is a discipline in which knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques
project CRITICA
activities to meet project requirements. Choosing the correct tools and tech
NO project Critica
is a fundamental decision for the success of the project. There are many op
presented to the project manager, but since time management is a matter of vital
NO will Critica
lean towards a planning tool necessary to achieve the project's product del
SI objective:
No the PERT method -CPM.One of the biggest problems that management fa
complex project is how to coordinate the various activities to achieve their objective
SI and CPMNoare Critica
two methods used by the management to, with the available means, p
NO in orderCritica
to achieve its objective successfully. PERT and CPM techniques prepare the
SI the
Criticarepresentation of all the operations involved in the project and rel
coordinating them according to technological requirements.
NO Critica
NO PERT/CPM was designed to provide several useful pieces of information for proje
First, PERT/CPM exposes the critical path of a project. These are the activities th
SI No of
duration Critica
the project. In this case the activities are: A, B, E, G, H, J and K. In other
NO Critica
the project done early, the activities on the critical path must be done early. Total p
NO 1660 weeks. On the other hand, if an activity
Critica on the critical
A(INICIO) 236 path is delayed, the pro
is delayed by the same amount. Activities that are not on the critical path have a cer
0 allow the
slack; that is, they can be started later, and 236project as a whole to stay o
PERT/CPM identifies these activities0and the236 amount of time available for d
H 0

𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒆𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐 (𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒔)

la red Pert/CPM. D 231
e, skills, tools, and techniques are applied to
ng the correct tools and techniques for each 468 699
he project. There are many options that are 479 710
nagement is a matter of vital importance, I
ieve the project's product delivery date H 11
problems that management faces today in a
ties to achieve their objective on time; PERT
o, with the available means, plan the project
d CPM techniques prepare B the plan
232 through G 238
nvolved in the project 236and relate
468them, 710 948
hnological requirements.
236 468 710 948
eces of information forHproject managers.
0 H 0
ect. These are the activities that limit the
A, B, E, G, H, J and K. In other words, to get
th must be done early. Total project time is
itical path is delayed, the project as a whole E 242
on the critical path have a certain amount of
e project as a whole to stay on schedule. 468 710
amount of time available for delays. 468 710
H 0

C 239
236 475
465 704
H 229

F 244
475 719
ION 704 948
H 229
I 233
1182 1415
1183 1416
H 1

H 234 K(FINAL) 244

948 1182 1416 1660
948 1182 1416 1660
H 0 H 0

J 234
1182 1416
1182 1416
H 0

Cruz, A. (2017). Gestión de inventarios (pp. 105-128). Ic editorial.

https://elibro-net.bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/es/ereader/unad/ 59186

Modia, P. G. (2020). Tutorial creador PERT CPM. [Archivo de video]. https://youtu.be/ZHqx_1jfm6U

Pineda, R. (2022). Cuarta web 102016 - 1604-2022. [Archivo de video].


Pineda, R. (2020). Modelos de optimización determinísticos [OVA].


Pineda, R. (2022). Tercera web 102016-803. [Archivo de video].


Taha, H. (2017). Investigación de operaciones (pp. 217-231).Pearson Educación.



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