English 5. HWK 5. Past Perfect Tense
English 5. HWK 5. Past Perfect Tense
English 5. HWK 5. Past Perfect Tense
Archivo. El nombre del archivo debe ser el del tema de los ejercicios, en este caso debe ser PAST PERFECT
Hoja de Presentación. Deberá incluir el nombre completo (bien escrito, recordando que se usa mayúscula
inicial y acentos ortográficos cuando se requiera), grupo y especialidad.
Envío. Sólo es necesario enviar los ejercicios en Word al correo [email protected].
Marquen sus respuestas con fondo amarillo. Será responsabilidad de todo el equipo enviar la tarea.
Equipos. Se integrarán de mínimo dos, máximo cuatro integrantes. He notado que hay equipos de dos
integrantes, considero que trabajan más de esa manera y hay menos intercambio de conocimientos.
Recuerden que las personas que envían sus trabajos de manera individual tendrán un punto menos de
Si alguien aparece en dos equipos se le tomará en cuenta en el equipo en donde haya obtenido menor
calificación. Equipos de cinco integrantes se les descontarán dos puntos de su calificación final. Se
pretende que al final del primer parcial tengamos un examen.
Fecha de envío. OCTUBRE 29, 2021 a las 3.00 pm. Se respetará la fecha de envío establecida. El envío un
día después serán dos puntos menos de la calificación que obtengan en el ejercicio. Dos días después,
cuatro puntos menos y tres días después THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION KEEP TRYING (MUCHAS
Puntaje. Cada tarea será calificada sobre 70 puntos y al final de cada parcial se obtendrá el promedio de
las tareas asignadas cuyo valor será el 70% y el examen 30%.
Escritura. La escritura de las letras, palabras o números de las respuestas que sean de color visible (fondo
amarilo) y diferente del color de mi escritura.
Cualquier asunto o duda posterior será tratado con gusto. CEL 9992213266
Que nos indica el pasado perfecto? Lo usamos cuando queremos hablar de un tiempo en el
pasado más lejano con referencia a otro tiempo también en el pasado.
Marcos había terminado de pintar su cuarto cuando sus amigos llegaron a su casa.
En este tiempo verbal necesitamos usar el auxiliar “had” y el pasado participio de los verbos
(tercera columna de la lista de verbos) en las oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.
Es importante aclarar que el auxiliar “had” se utiliza con todos los pronombres personales
(I, you, he, she, it, we, they). Los verbos en pasado participio son los que generalmente se
encuentran en la tercera columna de la lista de verbos.
-I had visited my friend twice. (Yo había visitado a mi amigo dos veces)
-She had written her first novel. (Ella había escrito su primera novela)
-You had not heard the noise. (Yo no había escuchado el ruido)
-We hadn’t bought the bed. (Nosotros / nosotras no habíamos
comprado la cama)
Nota: en las oraciones negativas podemos usar la forma larga (had not) o la forma corta
(hadn’t) del auxiliar.
-Had you turned the lights off? (¿Habías apagado las luces?)
Yes, I had. (Sí)
No, I hadn’t (No)
(go) to a restaurant.
6. My cousin Rudolph ____________________ (live) in Canada for three years. He has a good job there.
7. I ____________________ (not / read) six books this week. I´ve been very busy.
8. Emily ____________________ (live) in Portugal for two years when she was young.
11. Rachel _______________ (break) her leg the day before her exam. She was really disappointed.
2. Had your parents __________ to your girfriend before the last night dinner?
3. You ____________ left home yet when your boss called yesterday, had you?
8. The manager told me the TV set _________________ shipped two days ago.
10. Where _______________ the security guard gone when the robbery happened?
4. First, Sonja fed the cat. Then, she called her mother.
Last night I was walking home next to the river Thames, when something strange happened to me. It
was late at night and I’d had a long and difficult day at work. There was a large full moon in the sky and
everything was quiet. I was tired and lonely and I’d just had a few pints of beer in my local pub, so I
decided to stop by the riverside and look at the moon for a while. I sat on some steps very close to the
water’s edge and looked up at the big yellow moon and wondered if it really was made of cheese. I felt
very tired so I closed my eyes and after a few minutes, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, the moon had moved behind a cloud and it was very dark and cold. The wind was
blowing and an owl hooted in a tree above me. I rubbed my eyes and started to get up, when suddenly
I heard a splash. I looked down at the water and saw something. Something terrible and frightening,
and unlike anything I’d ever seen before. Something was coming out of the water and moving towards
me. Something green and strange and ugly. It was a long green arm and it was stretching out from the
water to grab my leg. I was so scared that I couldn’t move. I’d never been so scared in my whole life.
The cold green hand was moving closer and closer when suddenly there was a blue flash and a strange
noise from behind me. Someone jumped onto the stairs next to me. He was wearing strange clothes and
he had a crazy look in his eyes. He shouted “Get Back!” and pointed something at the monster in the
water. There was a bright flash and the monster hissed and disappeared.
I looked up at the man. He looked strange, but kind. “Don’t fall asleep by the river when there’s a full
moon”, he said “The Moon Goblins will get you.” I’d never heard of moon goblins before. I didn’t know
what to do. “Who… who are you?” I asked him. “You can call me… The Doctor.” He said. I was trying to
think of something else to say when he turned around and said, “Watch the stars at night, and be careful
of the full moon”. I was trying to understand what he meant, when there was another blue flash and I
closed my eyes. When I opened them again, he had gone.
I couldn’t believe what had happened. What on earth were Moon Goblins, and who was the mysterious
Doctor? And why had he saved me? I was determined to find the answers to these strange questions. I
stood up, looked at the moon and quickly walked home. NOTICE: He refers to William
6. What did the monster do when it was reached by by the bright flash?