SAP Tables
SAP Tables
SAP Tables
TRANSACCIONES AGR_TCODES (Definicin de las transacciones) AGR_1251 (Objetos y valores) AGR_1252 (Objetos y valores de Niveles organizacionales) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLAS DE ROLES AGR_DEFINE (Definicin del rol) AGR_USERS (Usuarios con la asignacin de rol) AGR_AGRS (Roles compuestos) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TABLA DE ALMACENAMIENTO DE HISTORIAL MODIFICACION DE TABLAS DBTABLOG (historial de modificaciones a tablas no activado en la configuracion de finanzas) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLCULO DE COSTES KEKO Cabecera: calc. de costes de productos KEPH Elementos de costes de produccin de clc. COST Costes de una clase de actividad por periodo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOCUMENTO DE CONTABILIDAD BKPF Cabecera de documento para contabillidad BSEG Segmento de doc. de contabilidad (tabla cluster) detalle doc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTABILIDAD (NDICES SECUNDARIOS) BSAD Para deudores (part. comp.) BSAK Para acreedores (part.comp) BSAS Para cuentas mayor (part. comp) BSID Para deudores (partidas abiertas) BSIK Para acreedores (partidas abiertas) BSIM Para documentos por material BSIP Para verificacin de documentos dobles de acreedores BSIS Para cuentas mayor (partidas abiertas) BSIW Para efectos de deudor BSIX Para efectos de deudor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAESTRO DE CUENTA MAYOR SKB1 (Cta. mayor (sociedad)) SKAT (Cta. mayor (plan de cuentas: denominacin)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ENTORNO DE DESARROLLO
TBTCO Resumen del estado de los jobs TVARV Variables en condiciones de seleccin STXH STXD SAPscript Cabecera fichero texto TTXER Tratamiento textos: Grupos ID de textos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONFIGURACIN T001 Sociedades T001L Almacenes T001W Centros/Sucursales T005 Pases T005T Nombres de pases T005U Impuestos: Provincia: Textos T006 Unidades de medida T009 Variantes de ejercicio T024W Org. compras permitidas para centro T151T Deudores: Grupos de clientes: Textos T171T Deudores: Zonas de ventas: Textos T460A Clave de acopio especial T882 Asignacin sociedad FI TFACS Calendario de fbrica TPFKT Deudores: Interlocutor: Textos TSPAT Unid. org.: Sectores comerciales: Textos TVAGT Documento-ventas: Motivo de rechazo: Textos TVAKT Documento-ventas: Clases: Textos TVAPT Documento-ventas: Tipos de posicin: Textos TVAUT Documento-ventas: Motivo de pedido: Textos TVGRT Unid. org.: Grupos vendedores: Textos TVKBT Unid. deorg.: Oficinas de ventas: Textos TVKOT Unid. org.: Organizaciones de ventas: Textos TVRO Rutas TVROT Rutas textos TVTWT Unid. org.: Canales de distribucin: Textos TVZBT Deudores: Condiciones de pago: Textos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONDICIONES DE PRECIOS KONH Cabecera KONP Posicin KOND Datos KONV Datos operacin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FICHERO DE CUOTAS EQUK Cabecera EQUP Posicin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAESTRO DE BANCO BNKA Maestro de banco ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOCUMENTO DE MODIFICACIN CDHDR Cabecera CDPOS Posicin -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GESTIN DE DIRECCIONES SADR Datos de la empresa ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SERIE DE ORDEN SAFK Datos maestros de serie de orden ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INFORMACION DE CHEQUES PAYR (cheques pagados y pendientes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INFORMACION DE ACREEDORES lfa1- datos maestros(acreedores) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTRO INFO DE MATERIAL A017 Especfico del centro A018 Condiciones de ventas estructura para precios ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important Tables in SAP FI Financial Accounting Table Name Description Fields Financial Accounting FBAS Financial Accounting Basis BKPF Accounting Document Header GJAHR BSEG Accounting Document Segment GJAHR / BUZEI BSIP Index for Vendor Validation of Double WAERS / BLDAT / Documents BELNR / GJAHR / BUZEI BVOR Inter Company Posting Procedure GJAHR / BELNR EBKPF Accounting Document Header (docs from GJHAR / GLEBK External Systems) FRUN Run Date of a Program KLPA Customer / Vendor Linking NKOAR / PNTYP / VKOAR KNB4 KNB5 MABER KNBK BANKL / BANKN KNC1 GJHAR KNC3 GJAHR / SHBKZ Customer Payment History Customer Master Dunning Data Customer Master Bank Details Customer Master Transaction Figures KUNNR / BUKRS KUNNR / BUKRS / KUNNR / BANKS / KUNNR / BUKRS / Important
Figures Vendor Master Dunning Data Vendor Master Bank Details Vendor Master Transaction Figures Vendor Master Special GL Transactions Figures Document Header for Document Parking
Financial Accounting General Services Basis Customer Master (Company Code) KUNNR Vendor Master (General Section) LIFNR Vendor Master (company Code Section) LIFNR G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) KTOPL G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts SPRAS Description) Accounts Blocked by Dunning Selection Dunning Data (Account Entries)
General Ledger Accounting: Basic Functions- G/L Accounts G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts SPRAS / KTOPL / Key Word list) G/L Account Master (Company Code) BUKRS / SAKNR General Ledger Accounting: Basic Functions - R/3 Customizing for G/L Accounts Settings for G/L Posting Reports MANDT Create G/L account with reference BUKRS / SAKNR General Ledger Accounting: Basic Functions - Fast Data Entry Account Assignment Templates for G/L KMNAM / KMZEI Account items Accounts Receivable: Basic Functions - Customers Customer Master Credit Management : Central Data Customer Master Credit Management : Control Area Data Credit Management : FI Status data Accounting Data A/R and A/P KUNNR KUNNR / KKBER LOGSYS / KUNNR / RELID / SRTFD /
Information System FI-BL-PT Bank Accounting: Payment (BFIBL_CHECK_D) Transactions General Sections PAYR Payment Medium File ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / RZAWE / CHECT
PCEC Pre-numbered Check ZBUKR / HBKID / HKTID / STAPL FI-BL-PT-AP(FMZA)Bank Accounting: Payment Transactions Automatic Payments F111G FDZA PAYRQ Global Settings for Payment Program for MANDT Payment Requests Cash Management Line Items in Payment KEYNO Requests Payment Requests KEYNO
What is the table name for G/L Master data, when we create centrally (T.Code - FS00)? As far as general ledger master data is concerned, the following tables are involved : Table name : SKB1 : G/L Account Master ( Company Code) Fields: BUKRS : Company Code SAKNR : G/L Account Table name : SKA1 : G/L Account Master ( Chart of Accounts ) Fields: KTOPL : Char of Accounts SAKNR : G/L Account Table name : SKAT : G/L Account Master Record ( Chart of Accounts : Description ) Fields: SPRAS : Language KTOPL : Char of Accounts SAKNR : G/L Account ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OTRAS DE FORMA GLOBAL T000 Clients T000K Group T001 Company Codes T001A Additional local currencies control for company code T001C Valid Posting Periods for Global Companies T001CM Permitted Credit Control Areas per Company Code T001E Company code-dependent address data T001F Company code-dependent form selection T001G Company code-dependent standard texts T001I Company code - parameter types T001J Company code - parameter type names T001K Valuation area T001N Company code - VAT registration nos. / notifications T001O Cross-system company codes T001P Personnel Area/Subarea T001R Rounding-off rules for company code and currency T001T Company code-dependent texts
T001U Clearing between company codes T001WT Company code-specific information per withholding tax type T001W_BIW Generated Table for View T001W_BIW T001Z Additional specifications for company code T001_ARCH Archive contents short description T001_CONV Company codes affected by currency conversions T002 Language keys T002C Customizing data for T002 T002T Texts for language key T003 Document types T003A Document types for posting with clearing T003R Number ranges RE_BELEG (logistics invoice verification) T003T Document type texts T004 List of charts of accounts T004T Chart of account names T005 Countries T005A Address routines T005B Name of address routines T005E County T005F County: Texts T005G City T005H City: Texts T005I Communication: Country dialling code exceptions (Telex) T005J Communication: country dialling code exceptions (Telephone) T005K Communication: country dialling code T005N Name formats T005O Name format fields T005P Validation of tax keys T005Q Country keys for withholding tax calculation T005R Country keys for the withholding tax: Names T005S Taxes: Region (Province) Key T005T Country names T005U Taxes: Region Key: Texts T005X Countries - decimal point and date format (SET COUNTRY) T006 Units of Measurement T006I ISO codes for units of measurement T006J ISO Codes for Unit of Measure Texts T006M Units of Measure Groups T007A Tax keys T007S Tax Code Names T009 Fiscal year variants T009B Fiscal year variant periods T009C Period names T009T Fiscal year variant names T011A Calendar - task description T011B FI financial calendar - job text table T011E Calendar of person responsible for unit T012 House banks T012A Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans. T012B Description of trans. types T012K House bank accounts T012T House bank account names T014 Credit control areas T014T Credit control area names T015M Names of the months T015V Application area for instructions in payment transactions T015VT Long text for application areas
T015W1 Instructions T015W1T Instructions (explanatory text) T015Z Digits and numbers in words T016 Industries T016T Industry names T018P Post office bank branches T018V Acct Transfer: Determine Receiving Bank's Clearing Account T019 Accounting screen selection T020 FI/AM transaction control T021 Fields for line item and document line layout T022 FI-SL Activity: Fixed Data T022F Format Table (Grouping of the Sender Tables) T022Q Table for logical databases T023 Mat. groups T025 Valuation Classes T026 Purchasing Area T026Z Assignement of purchasing group to purchasing area T028A Bank Statement Table T028B Transaction Type of Sender Bank T028N Currency class descriptions T028O Currency classes T030 Standard accounts table T031 Bill discount note T035 Planning groups T040 Dunning keys T040A Dunning key names T040S Blocking reasons for dunning notices T040T Dunning block reason names T041B Company codes for manual payments T047M Dunning areas T047N Dunning area texts T047T Dunning procedure names T048 Correspondence types T048B Report allocation for automatic correspondence T048I Correspondence type properties T048T Correspondence texts T048V Correspondence procedures T052 Terms of payment T052A Known/negotiated leave T056Z Interest rates T059E Income types T059G Income types: Names T059M Minority indicators T060K FI constants T060L FI constant name T060M FI constant values T063 Screen Control: Inventory Management T066 Screen Selection, Invoice Verification T069 Certificate Categories T070 FI document archiving - document lives T071 FI document archiving - account lives T074 Special G/L accounts T076I FI-EDI: G/L accounts T077S G/L account groups -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
USR05 (Variables de los usuarios) TOBJ (Tansaccion y objetos chequeados) ADRP (Esta es para vincular los nombres de los usuarios con los nombre reales) ADCP (Persona / Direccion) Table Description Reports USR02 Users Data (logon data) RSUSR020 USR04 User master authorization (one row per user) UST04 User profiles (multiple rows per user) USR10 Authorisation profiles (i.e. &_SAP_ALL) UST10C Composit profiles (i.e. profile has sub profile) USR11 Text for authorisation profiles USR12 Authorisation values RSUSR030 USR13 Short text for authorisation USR40 Tabl for illegal passwords USGRP User groups USGRPT Text table for USGRP USH02 Change history for logon data USR01 User Master (runtime data) USER_ADDR Address Data for users AGR_1016 Role and Profile RSUSR020 AGR_1016B Role and Profile AGR_1250 Role and Authorization data AGR_1251 Role Object, Authorization, Field and Value RSUSR040 AGR_1252 Organizational elements for authorizations AGR_AGRS Roles in Composite Roles AGR_DEFINE To See All Roles (Role definition) RSUSR070 AGR_HIER2 Menu structure information - Customer vers AGR_HIERT Role menu texts AGR_OBJ Assignment of Menu Nodes to Role AGR_PROF Profile name for role AGR_TCDTXT Assignment of roles to Tcodes AGR_TEXTS File Structure for Hierarchical Menu - Cus AGR_TIME Time Stamp for Role: Including profile AGR_USERS Assignment of roles to users USOBT Relation transaction to authorization object (SAP) USOBT_C Relation Transaction to Auth. Object (Customer) USOBX Check table for table USOBT USOBXFLAGS Temporary table for storing USOBX/T* chang USOBX_C Check Table for Table USOBT_C TSTCA Transaction Code, Object, Field and Value