1 2 Merged
1 2 Merged
1 2 Merged
Número :2
Título : Tejido Conectivo Embrionario; mesenquimatoso,
mucoso. Laxo. Denso; no modelado, modelado.
Especializado Adiposo; unicelular, multicelular.
Cartilaginoso. Óseo.
Fecha : 30/08/2022
Integrantes / Grupo : Tocagón, D.
In this practice, the observation and study of the connective tissue was carried
out, for which the histological characteristics of the connective cells were
described, continuing with the observation of the tissue from a microscope with
the plates of the organs and body structures previously prepared. We carry out
the laboratory practice where we observe the various forms of connective
tissue, the embryonic, the lax, dense, specialized, cartilaginous and bone,
depending on its cells and fibers, in order to recognize its fundamental parts,
once the practice has been successfully carried out He was able to distinguish
the aforementioned, to distinguish the knowledge before and after the practical
part, as well as to relate the different types of connective tissue and the
characteristics that each one possesses. In conclusion, it was identified that
the tissues were depending on the plate and the organ being observed.
Observar e identificar las
características morfológicas del
tejido conectivo, usando las placas
previamente preparadas, con el
microscopio, también reconocer su