05dimension68comunidades Oniricas
05dimension68comunidades Oniricas
05dimension68comunidades Oniricas
tensiones interculturales
alrededor del valor de lo
inmaterial como percepción y
Gabriela Coronado*
Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process, vol. 2. State Formation and Civilization, 1982.
2 Guillermo Bonfil, México profundo. Una civilización negada, 1987.
3 Vijay Mishra y Bob Hodge, “What is Post (–) Colonialism?”, en Textual Practice, vol. 5,
Organizations as Hypertexts”, en Journal of Qualitative Research, vol. 9, núm. 1, 2009, pp. 3-17;
David Howes (ed.), Empire of the Senses. The Sensual Culture Reader, 2005, pp. 402.
5 Clarisa Classen, Worlds of Sense. Exploring the Senses in History and Across Cultures, 1993,
p. 72.
6 Kathryn Linn Geurts, “Consciousness as Feeling in the Body. A West African Theory of
Embodiment, Emotion and the Making of the Mind”, en David Howes (ed.), Empire of the
Senses. The Sensual Culture Reader, 2005, p. 175.
7 Marshal McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy, 1962.
8 Michel Foucault, “Orders of Discourse”, en Social Science Information, vol. 10, núm. 2,
(whether colonial or post colonial) indigenous sensory values will continue to circulate at the
same time as a foreign sensory order is being impressed upon the local population”; David
Howes (ed.), Empire of the Senses. The Sensual Culture Reader, 2005, p. 11.
13 Gabriela Coronado, Las voces silenciadas de la cultura mexicana. Identidad, creatividad y
least as natural to think of them ‘in process’ as ‘in structure’ (...) there is a differentiated
distribution not only of meanings and their overt forms, but also of kind of cultural processes
(....) The vitality of these cultures has much to do with the ways in which gaps, overlaps,
contradictions and unequal intensities in cultural management are built into their patterns
and worked there”; Ulf Hannerz, Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of
Meaning, 1992, p. 127.
Italo Signorini y Alessandro Lupo, Los tres ejes de la vida. Almas, cuerpo, enfermedad entre
20 Barbara Tedlock, “The Role of Dreams and Visionary Narratives in Mayan Cultural
Berenzon Gora, “Los sueños en la práctica curativa de los médicos tradicionales totonacos”,
en Gazeta Antropológica, núm. 22, 2006, artículo 09 [http://www.ugr.es/~pwlac/G22_
09LizEstela_Islas_Salinas-etc.html], consultada 23/02/2011.
22 Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, 1965 [1890].
23 “Universal and of current occurrence”; en Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, 1977
[1961], p. 420.
24 Robert Bruce, Lacandon dream Symbolism. Vol. 1. Dream Symbolism and Interpretation
25 Ejemplos de trabajos etnográficos que refieren a los sueños incluyen a los ñahñus
(Jacques Galinier, La mitad del mundo. Cuerpo y cosmos en los rituales otomíes, 1990); nahuas
(Signorini y Lupo, op. cit.), totonacas (Islas Salinas et al., op. cit.) y comparativamente entre
nahuas y mayas (Mercedes de la Garza, Sueño y alucinación en el mundo náhuatl y maya, 1990).
26 Jacques Galinier, op. cit., p. 199.
27 Kevin P. Groark, “Discourses of the Soul: The Negotiation of Personal Agency in Tzotzil
Maya dream Narrative”, en American Ethnologist, vol. 36, núm. 4, 2009, pp. 705-721.
28 Alfredo López Austin, Cuerpo humano e ideología, 1996; Guillermo Bonfil, op. cit.
29 María Elena Aramoni Burguete, Talokan Tata, Talokan Nana: Hierofanías y testimonios en
un mundo indígena, 1990; Juan Briseño, Aquí nomás... aquí somos. Reproducción de la organización
comunal de Ocuiltzapoyo, S.L.P., 1994.
30 Alfredo López Austin, Tamoanchan y Tlalocan, 1994.
rituales, 1995.
33 Liz Estela Islas Salinas et al., op. cit.
Lema y Hans Saettele, Discurso, sociedad y lenguaje. Una anamorfosis en el nuevo milenio, 2002,
pp. 356-381.
36 Jacques Galinier, op. cit., p. 199.
en Urban Anthropology, vol. 28, núms. 3-4, 1999, pp. 299-325; Margarita de Orellana, “Voces
entretejidas. Testimonios del arte textil”, en Artes de México, revista libro, núm. 19, pp. 43-58.
38 Marshal McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1967.
Approach”, en Canadian Journal of Native Studies, vol. 13, núm. 2, 1993, pp. 171-198.
resistencia en el dialogo interétnico, 2003, y “From Autoethnography to the Quotidian…”, op. cit.
47 “An imagine visual [and multi sensorial] world that seems almost as real and intense
... and indeed, sometimes more real, more intense”; Oliver Sacks, “The Mind’s Eye: What the
blind see”, en David Howes (ed.), Empire of the Senses. The Sensual Culture Reader, 2005, p. 29.
48 “It emphasises perceptions and emotions at the expense of reason”; Allan Hobson,
“REM sleep and dreaming: Towards a theory of protoconsiousness”, en Nature Science Reviews,
vol. 10, 2009, p. 808.
49 Erez Cohen, “I Am my Own Culture: The ‘Individual Migrant’ and the ‘Migrant