Prefijos y Sufijos. Actividad 2. Ingles 1.

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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular Para la Educación

Universidad Centroccidental "Lisandro Alvarado"

Decanato de Agronomía

Programa de ingeniería agroindustrial


 Velasquez Anahis
 Vásquez Félix
 Palma Marielbys
 Palma Marielsy


Los prefijos son un conjunto de letras o palabras

que, añadidas a una palabra raíz, modifican su
significado o cambian la función de la misma.
Los prefijos en ingles se añaden justo antes de la
palabra raíz. Dicho de otra manera: se añaden al
principio de la palabra creando así una nueva
con significado distinto.


El uso dependerá del significado que implique

tanto el prefijo seleccionado como la palabra
con la que se cambie. En función del resultado
que se quiera obtener, seleccionaremos el
prefijo conveniente en combinación con el
término adecuado.


Los sufijos son un tipo de unidades léxicas que

se adhieren al final de una palabra para formar
una nueva con un significado diferente. Los
sufijos permiten formar sustantivos y adjetivos a
partir de verbos y otro tipo de palabras.


Se utilizan para resaltar o enfatizar las

particularidades de los sustantivos, adjetivos y
adverbios a los cuales modifican.

El prefijo antecede la palabra base. Va antes que la

El sufijo se coloca después de la raíz o palabra base.
El prefijo no categoriza la palabra, no añade género ni
El sufijo de manera aislada no otorga ningún
El prefijo cuando se trata de una palabra ya formada
que anticipa otra raíz si tiene significado aun cuando
se esté aislado.
La utilización del sufijo es para categorizar o añadir
coherencia al texto de acuerdo a derivación de la
palabra en diminutivo, aumentativo, géneros y
List of prefixes and suffixes

Prefixes :

Micro Small Microbiological

Extra Plus Extraordinary

Un Not Unhappy

Pre Before Preschool

Semi Half Semicircle

Sub Down Submarine

Agro Field Agro-industrial

Auto Self Automatic

Ex Former Ex-wife

Multi Many Multimillionaire

Mono One Monochromatic

Re Again Rewrite

Anti Against Anti-racist

Tri Three Triangles

Hyper Extreme Hyperactive

Over Too much Overload

Trans Through Transliterate

Mega Very big Mega-deal

Mis Wrong, wrongly Misjudge

Post After Postgraduate


-age A result Wreckage

-ant A person Asistant

-ery A type or place of work Bakery

-ing An action or result Painting

-ful As much as will fill Spoonful

-ist A person Florist

-ion A process, state orresult Decoration

-ible Ability Flexible

-less Without Careless

-able Able to be Inflatable

-like Similar to, like Lifelike

-ment An action or state Measurement

-er A person Teacher

-en Made of Woolen

-ous Full of Joyous

-ly In a manner Quickly

-some A tendency to Quarrelsome

-ish A little Greenish

-al Act or process of Proposal

-ward Shows direction Forward

Agro-industrial wastes and their utilization using solid state fermentation:

Bioresources and Bioprocessing

Agricultural residues are rich in bioactive compounds. These residues can be used as an alternate source for the
production of different products like biogas, biofuel, mushroom, and tempeh as the raw material in various researches
and industries. The use of agro-industrial wastes as raw materials can help to reduce the production cost and also
reduce the pollution load from the environment. Agro-industrial wastes are used for manufacturing of biofuels,
enzymes, vitamins, antioxidants, animal feed, antibiotics, and other chemicals through solid state fermentation (SSF). A
variety of microorganisms are used for the production of these valuable products through SSF processes. Therefore, SSF
and their effect on the formation of value-added products are reviewed and discussed.

Now it is a worldwide concern to dictating the improvement of alternative cleaner and renewable bioenergy resources.
These wastes cause a serious disposal problem. For examples, the juice industries produced a huge amount of waste as
peels, the coffee industry produced coffee pulp as a waste, and cereal industries produced husks. All over the world
approximately 147.2 million metric tons of fiber sources are found, whereas 709.2 and 673.3 million metric tons of
wheat straw residues and rice straws were estimated, respectively, in the 1990s. As per the composition of these agro-
industrial residues are concerned, they have high nutritional prospective, therefore they are getting more consideration
for quality control and also categorized as agro-industrial by-products.

Activity: identitfy and explain prefixes and sufixes from the previous text

Prefixes :
*Agro: relating to agriculture.

*Industrial: relating to industry, manufacturing.

Agro-industrial: term related to production for both industrial or agricultural purposes.

Anti: against, opposite.

Oxidant: substance that oxidizes another substance, also called oxidizing agent.

Antioxidants: substance to slow downs the damage cause by oxigen to other substances.

Micro: small.

Organism: individual animal, plant or single-cell life form.

Microorganism: microscopic organism.

Bio: a green root meaning “life" relating to a biological source

Energy: power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources.

Bioenergy: renewable energy made available from materials derived from biological sources.

By-: prefix related to something less than normal, secondary, the same as “sub" prefix.

Product: an articule, a substance, or simply a thing manufactured or in the result of an action.

By-products: incidental or secondary product made in the manufacture of something else.

Clean: remove dirt from a thing.

-er: related to an action, this sufix is placed after the verb.

Cleaner: substance or device for cleaning surfaces or another substance.

Renew: to make new.

-able: sufix related to something capable of, fit for.

Renewable: that can be renewed.

Approximate: come close or be similar to something.

-ly: a suffix meaning “every,” attached to certain nouns denoting units of time.

Approximately: Adverb. used to show that something is almost, but not completely.

Nutrition: Noun. The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

-al: is used to form adjectives from nouns, with the meaning "relating to, of the kind of, having the form or character of.

Nutritional: adj. relating to the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

Categorize: verb. Action yo put something in a specific class or group.

-ed: past participe suffix, -ed at the end of a word signals something has happened in the past.

Categorized: past tense verb, adj. place in a particular class or group.

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