Protocolo ES
Protocolo ES
Protocolo ES
*** New Scientific Company España, s.r.l. * Cadenas Ligeras Libres - “Protocolo BJP en Orina” ***
*** Propuesta y Relación Bibliográfica * rev. 08.06.04 ***
Introducción :
Las Proteínas de Bence Jones (BJP) son, por definición, Cadenas Ligeras LIBRES MONOCLONALES
(CLLM) 1, 5, 9, 11, 24, 35, 37. Cuando en la bibliografía se emplean indistintamente, de manera inexacta y generando
confusión, los términos Proteínas de Bence Jones, Cadenas Ligeras (Light Chains), Cadenas Ligeras Libres
(Free Light Chains), Cadenas Kappa y Lambda, etc., se esta en realidad haciendo referencia estrictamente a las
Proteínas de Bence Jones.
Las BJP son indicadoras de un proceso maligno 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 37, 38, 39. Su presencia está demostrada en el
60-87% de casos de Mieloma Múltiple (MM) 2, 4, 9, 22, 38 y, en el 15-20% de los MM son el único producto
biológico excretado por el clon maligno (Mieloma Micromolecular, de Bence Jones o de Cadenas Ligeras) 2,
4, 9, 21, 23, 38
Dada su fisiopatología, su presencia es demostrable en la orina antes y con mayor facilidad que en el
21, 35, 36, 38
suero , excepto en caso de reducción del Filtrado Glomerular. Por ello, en caso de sospecha de
Gammapatía Monoclonal, es imprescindible estudiar la orina del paciente pues puede demostrarse un
componente monoclonal en ella, constituido por BJP, sin que se observe ninguna anomalía en el suero del
mismo paciente.
Las BJP son, por ellas mismas, una “entidad maligna” que produce efectos patológicos principalmente en el
riñón 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 22, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38. Las BJP son nefrotóxicas y están estrechamente ligadas a las
complicaciones renales del MM, en el que la 2ª causa de muerte es el fallo renal 38, 40. El daño renal es
17, 26, 27, 38
frecuentemente el primer síntoma que lleva al diagnóstico final del MM y es además un factor
5, 14, 16, 20, 22, 27, 40
pronóstico importante que influye en la supervivencia del paciente .
La búsqueda de las BJP debe prever, para confirmar su composición, el uso de un método inmunológico
y, para confirmar su distribución monoclonal, el uso de un método electroforético, además de tener presentes
los siguientes hechos:
1.- Al estudiar la orina, podemos encontrar cualquiera de las siguientes proteínas, o una mezcla de ellas:
- BJP (= CLLM)
- Cadenas Ligeras Libres Policlonales (CLLP)
- Cadenas Ligeras Libres Oligoclonales o “Ladders”
- Inmunoglobulinas Completas (monoclonales y/o policlonales) (IG’s)
2.- La presencia en la orina de IG’s completas (acompañando a las BJP o solas) es bastante más
frecuente de lo que generalmente se considera, en especial en pacientes con la función glomerular
3.- Los antisueros específicos anti CLL sólo reaccionan con las Cadenas Ligeras cuando estas no forman
parte de las IG’s completas, es decir cuando se encuentran “libres” (de ahí precisamente su nombre).
4.- Los antisueros anti Cadenas Ligeras Totales (libres + ligadas) (CLT) reaccionan con las Cadenas
Ligeras tanto cuando están libres, como cuando están ligadas formando parte de las IG’s, es decir
reaccionan indistintamente con las CLL y con las IG’s completas.
5.- Los factores anteriores tienen incidencia tanto en la determinación cualitativa de la presencia en la orina
de BJP (=CLLM), como en su dosificación.
El protocolo operativo propuesto en la página siguiente prevé el uso de la Nefelometría (o Turbidimetría), con
antisueros específicos anti CLL, como método inmunológico de primer nivel cuyo objetivo es evidenciar la
presencia de CLL en la orina, y el uso de la Inmunofijación, también con antisueros específicos anti CLL, como
método electroforético de confirmación cuyo objetivo es demostrar o descartar la monoclonalidad de las CLL
antes evidenciadas. Al test de confirmación, Inmunofijación, se someterán sólo aquellas muestras que hayan
resultado positivas al test de primer nivel, Nefelometría.
Propuesta Protocolo Operativo :
Esquema Protocolo
El protocolo operativo esquematizado a continuación es un ejemplo de como emplear el método de
InmunoPrecipitación en fase líquida (Nefelometría o Turbidimetría) para la búsqueda de las Proteínas de Bence
Jones en la orina, en una primera aproximación diagnóstica:
T est 1er N ivel - Presencia de C adenas Ligeras Libres - N efelom etría o T urbidim etría N SC -C LL
En Inform e explicitar:
m étodo em pleado
resultado CLL < Valor Discrim inante
T est 2º N ivel - D istribución de las C LL (m ono, oligo o policlonal) - IFE orina concentrada
C oncentración O rina,
variable en base al resultado de IN /IT -C LL
m g/l veces
5 - 20 x100
21 - 40 x75
41 - 60 x50
61 - 80 x25
81 - 100 x10
> 100 no concentrar
N.B.: la tabla tiene sólo valor a título de ejem plo pués la concentración
necesaria depende de las prestaciones y sensibilidad de la IFE usada
R esultados e Interpretación
• C adenas Ligeras Libres M onoclonales Bence Jones - Inm unoproliferativa
• C adenas Ligeras Libres “Oligoclonales” Bence Jones - Inm unoproliferativa
O tras situaciones de significado incierto:
ej.: “Ladder” o “Bandas Pseudo-Oligoclonales”
• C adenas Ligeras Libres Policlonales Enferm edades Hiperinm unes: Lupus, etc.
Función Tubular Alterada
O tras Inform aciones:
• Inm unoglobulinas M onoclonales Ig M onoclonales en suero (CM -Ig)
con Función G lom erular alterada
• Inm unoglobulinas Policlonales Función Glom erular Alterada
O cualquier com binación de los casos precedentes
10. BUN, Bence Jones protein, and chromosomal aberrations predict survival in multiple myeloma
Rinsho Ketsueki 1997 Dec;38(12):1254-62 (ISSN: 0485-1439)
Okada K; Oguchi N; Shinohara K; Tamura N; Ishii K; Noguchi Y; Hayashi S; Yamamoto H; Takeichi M;
Fujimoto H; Shirota T; Hayashi T
Third Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical College.
The prognostic significance of some clinical features in 41 patients with multiple myeloma (including 2 patients with plasma
cell leukemia) from our institution was analyzed. Out of 14 variables isolated from the univariate analysis (P < 0.05), only
three (BUN, Bence Jones protein, and chromosomal aberrations) were significant in the multivariate model (P < 0.05).
Derived from these three variables, three subpopulations of patients were identified. The first group included 20 patients
with a low risk of death and their median survival has not been reached. In particular, no one died during the first 60 months
in this group. The second group also included 14 patients with an intermediate risk of death and a median survival of 49.2
months. The third group comprised seven patients with a high risk of death during 24 months after diagnosis and a median
survival of 31.6 months (P < 0.0001). Finally, Durie & Salmon's myeloma staging system was demonstrated in the present
series, and it showed prognostic validity for each stage (P < 0.0222). Compared with Durie & Salmon's staging system, our
prognostic model for multiple myeloma was more useful to predict prognosis when applied to the present series.
11. Monoclonal free light chains in urine and their significance in clinical diagnostics: are they really tumor markers?
J Clin Lab Anal 1990;4(6):443-8 (ISSN: 0887-8013)
Vegh Z; Otto S; Eckhardt S
National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary.
Bence Jones proteins (monoclonal free light chains of immunoglobulins) are the earliest known biological markers of
malignant cell dyscrasia; Bence Jones proteinuria is also present in many types of B cell-related neoplasms. Sometimes,
it may also occur in Hodgkin's disease. In some cases, benign monoclonal gammapathy was found to be associated
nontumorous diseases as well. The type of monoclonal light chain, the degree of polymerization, and the isoelectric point
of the molecule may affect the course of the disease. Urine samples from 637 patients with true or suspected
lymphoproliferative diseases were investigated over a 2-yr period by different immunochemical methods. Bence Jones
proteinuria was identified in 71 cases by isoelectric focusing combined with immunofixation, while the pathological protein
was detected only in 63 cases by conventional methods. Bence Jones proteins can be detected by this new method at a
level below the sensitivity of conventional procedures. Bence Jones proteins in the urine may signal a malignant tumor or
malignant transformation of an earlier disease. The early detection of monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains in the urine
may be important in clinical diagnosis, therapy, and follow-up.
22. The kidney in multiple myeloma. The physiopathological and clinical aspects
Recenti Prog Med 1994 Feb;85(2):123-33 (ISSN: 0034-1193)
Vivaldi P; Comotti C; Pedrazzoli M
UO Medicina 2o, Istituto Ospedaliero S. Chiara, Trento.
The renal concern in a multiple myeloma (MM) case has a frequency of 50% and causes a worsening of the disease with
a survival average of about 12 months. The monoclonal light free chains (CLL) produced in excess by the plasmacytes are
present in the urine as proteinuria of Bence Jones (PBJ) in 60-70% of patients affected by MM. They represent the major
pathogenetic factor of the nephropathy in course of MM as they can deposit in shape of intratubular "casts" in the myeloma
casts nephropathy (MCN). In some worse cases, dehydration or hypercalcaemia can cause an irreversible acute renal
insufficiency (RI). It is therefore important in a patient affected with MM with PBJ to prevent, locate and opportunely treat
these situations which worsen the nephropathy. Beside the tubular cast nephropathy, the CLL "accumulate" in the kidney
even though with a lower frequency compared to MCN, in the light chains deposition disease (LCDD) and in the
amyloidosis AL (AL). LCDD is characterized by a deposit of nodular amorphous materials PAS positive in the glomerulus
and sometimes even in the tubulus. It usually presents itself as a chronic RI and a proteinuria causing nephrotic syndrome
(NS). This quickly evolves into uraemia and its evolution can be lessened by the MM treatment. AL in course of MM also
reeals with a chronic RI and NS. CLLs deposit in the typical fibrillar structure, on the vessel walls, in the glomerulus, in the
mesangium and can be marked out with the Congo red colouring and the subsequent green birefringence through
microscope with polarized light. Prognosis of AL is extremely severe and no benefit is given by the treatment of the
hematological illness. It is therefore absolutely necessary to study the renal histology through biopsy when MM is grade B,
that is, with serumal creatinine above 2 mg/dl as: MCN imposes the MM treatment programme in order to reduce the
tubular excess of PBJ and to attempt to make RI reversible; MCN with tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis results in an
unfavourable prognosis as it expresses a nephropathic irreversibility due to the loss nephrons. It will therefore necessary
to start on a renal substitutional treatment programme. Renal damage in course of MM is not always tubular, rather an
unexpected glomerular damage of LCDD or amyloidosis AL type can be found.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400
23. Immunoturbidimetric assay for estimating free light chains of immunoglobulins in urine and serum.
J Clin Pathol 1991 Jun;44(6):466-71 (ISSN: 0021-9746)
Tillyer CR; Iqbal J; Raymond J; Gore M; McIlwain TJ
Department of Chemical Pathology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey.
An immunoturbidimetric assay for the assessment of free kappa and lambda light chains of immunoglobulins was
developed using a commercial polyclonal antiserum with reactivity towards epitopes on the light chains, which are not
expressed when they are bound to heavy chains. The assay, on a centrifugal analyser, is simple and rapid. The limit of
detection is 5 mg/l of free light chain, with an assay range of 5-120 mg/l, intrabatch precisions from 1.5-6.4%, and
interbatch precisions from 6.5-8.9%. The assay was only slightly less sensitive than colloidal gold staining of cellulose
acetate electrophoreses for the detection of Bence-Jones protein in urine. For the serial monitoring of response to
chemotherapy in patients with myeloma, the assay correlated well with serum paraprotein estimates obtained by
densitometric scanning of Ponceau stained cellulose acetate electrophoreses, but not with serum beta-2 microglobulin
measurements, even after correction for the effects of creatinine. These assays may prove to be of use for the monitoring
of tumour response in the treatment of Bence-Jones myeloma.