v2 Wb-Level2 Rellenable

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eClass academy / Level 2

Copyright eClass Ltda., 2016

Todos los derechos reservados. No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra, ni su
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Primera edición 2016, Santiago de Chile

Impreso en Chile por Gràfhika Copy Center Ltda.
Imágenes / Fotografías de Portada: Shutterstock
Imágenes / Fotografías interiores: Shutterstock
Tipografías: My Fonts, Font Awesome ©Dave Gandy
Este libro fue desarrollado por el equipo eClass:
- Diseño instruccional y contenido: Kate Litzenberg, Thea Jasper, Harm Kruger
- Edición de contenido: Polly Gant
- Diseño gráfico: Macarena Schmitt, Carla Gutiérrez, Daniela Reyes
- Con la ayuda de: María Inés Prado, Carissa Elenbaas, Charlie Ziese, Vaimoana Heyman, Daniela Salas, Gerson Núñez,
Alfred Jackson, Robert Walker y Jessica Kaukas
04 Conoce nuestra metodología semipresencial

06 Conoce nuestra metodología presencial

08 Bienvenido a tu Student Book

12 Mapa de contenido

14 Glosario

15 Unidad 1 - What can you do?

23 Unidad 2 - What’s going on?

31 Unidad 3 - It was great!

39 Unidad 4 - Yesterday…

47 Unidad 5 - Home sweet home

55 Unidad 6 - Living English: Seeing the city

65 Unidad 7 - How much do you want?

73 Unidad 8 - Going out

81 Unidad 9 - Bigger and better

89 Unidad 10 - That’s my mom!

97 Unidad 11 - Business travel

105 Unidad 12 - Living English: Telephone skills

115 Guiones de audio

117 Banco de frases

SEMIPRESENCIAL queLa adquieras
metodología con la que estudiarás, está diseñada para
conocimientos a través de una plataforma
online y luego asistas a una clase presencial en la que pones
en práctica todo lo aprendido con guía y apoyo de un profesor.

Conoce tu ciclo de aprendizaje por unidad, los elementos que

encontrarás en cada paso y los 6 tips que te recomendamos para
tener éxito con este programa.

1 2 3

lección online clase presencial evaluación online

Aprenderás y practicarás los Usarás todo lo que aprendiste Medirás tus habilidades de
contenidos de la unidad. para llevar a cabo actividades comprensión auditiva y de
Podrás estudiar a tu propio comunicativas en contextos lectura, así como también tus
ritmo, repetir ejercicios si lo personalizados recibiendo conocimientos gramaticales
necesitas y entrar a la plataforma feedback constante. y de vocabulario en una
con la frecuencia que tú elijas. corta evaluación.

Elementos que encontrarás: Elementos que encontrarás: Elementos que encontrarás:

 objetivos de aprendizaje  objetivos comunicacionales  contextos y lenguaje vistos en

 videos y audios la lección online
 citas para comenzar la
conversación  diferentes tipos de preguntas
 artículos e imágenes
 repaso del contenido  feedback inmediato al finalizar
 tablas gramaticales
gramatical la evaluación
 variedad de ejercicios
 imágenes que estimulan la
 resumen gramatical y discusión
de vocabulario
 actividades personalizables

 situaciones cotidianas y útiles

Al comenzar tu curso, plantea
metas a corto plazo para lograr tus
objetivos y planifica tus tiempos de
estudio en tu calendario o teléfono
con ayuda de un recordatorio. Hazte
responsable de tu aprendizaje. dosifica tu tiempo
En vez de estar sentado frente al
computador por horas, estudia entre
20 y 30 minutos al día, 3 a 4 veces por
semana para mantener tu ritmo de
aprendizaje. No olvides que debes
aprende a tu ritmo hacer primero tus lecciones online
Usa la flexibilidad del estudio para llegar preparado a tu
online en beneficio propio. Ingresa clase presencial.
a tu curso en aquellos momentos
convenientes para ti y en los que te
sientas con más energía.
sigue adelante
No permitas que una respuesta
incorrecta te detenga, recuerda que
los errores nos ayudan a aprender.
Por ejemplo, cuando te sientas
estancado, puedes usar el botón que
apóyate en nosotros
te muestra las respuestas correctas.
Aprovecha el tiempo de la clase
presencial para aclarar tus dudas y
contacta a tu coordinador(a) cuando
tengas preguntas sobre tus lecciones
online. Recuerda que no estás sólo en
este proceso.
El estudio no termina en tu clase, hay
un mundo real que habla en inglés.
Aprovecha de practicar lo aprendido
cuando escuches una canción en
la radio o veas una película. Lee
artículos, revistas y libros en inglés
acerca de temas que sean relevantes
para ti.

PRESENCIAL completamente
La metodología con la que estudiarás, está basada
en un enfoque comunicativo del aprendizaje.
Durante tus clases pondrás en práctica todas las habilidades
necesarias para desenvolverte con éxito en variados contextos
de la vida real.

Conoce tu ciclo de aprendizaje, los elementos que encontrarás en

cada paso y los 6 tips que te recomendamos para tener éxito con
este programa.

1 2

clase presencial feedback

Participarás de una instancia Recibirás comentarios de tu
de aprendizaje dinámico con profesor de manera formal
actividades personalizadas a través de evaluaciones y
para comunicarte en inglés. de manera informal durante
las actividades.

Elementos que encontrarás: Elementos que encontrarás:

 objetivos comunicacionales  consejos personalizados

 citas para comenzar la  enfoque en tus necesidades

 reforzamiento de tus aptitudes
 contenido gramatical
 incentivo de tu potencial
 imágenes que estimulan la

 actividades personalizables

 situaciones cotidianas y útiles

¡confía en tí!
Pierde el miedo a cometer errores
al hablar. Relájate y recuerda que
la gente te entenderá incluso si tu
pronunciación no es perfecta. Lo más
importante es comunicarte.
enfócate en
los sonidos
Recuerda que cuando hablas en
inglés debes olvidar la palabra
escrita y concentrarte en imitar los
entrena tu cerebro sonidos que escuchas. Una mejor
pronunciación se logra después de
Cuando escuches música o veas muchas repeticiones.
películas en inglés, intenta
comprender las ideas además de
las palabras. Otro buen ejercicio es
pensar en cómo dirías las cosas en
¡pásalo bien!
inglés cuando envías un mensaje de
texto o un email. Piensa en tu clase como en un
momento solo para tí. Disfruta las
actividades y los temas que abordarás
con tu profesor mientras
aprendes inglés.
haz lo que te
gusta en inglés
Si eres fanático de alguna serie
puedes verla con audio y subtítulos
en inglés. Un contexto conocido que
te hace reír es la mejor herramienta no pierdas la paciencia
para aprender nuevas palabras
y expresiones. Aprender un idioma es una habilidad
que requiere de mucha práctica y
tiempo. Es normal sentirse frustrado,
lo importante es seguir intentándolo.
Todos pueden aprender inglés.


En la Portadilla de tu unidad encontrarás
imágenes llamativas que estimulan la
discusión; citas interesantes que muestran
un uso auténtico del inglés y te hacen
pensar acerca del tema desde una
perspectiva diferente. Además encontrarás
los General Language Objectives que te
muestran las metas que alcanzarás en la
unidad y un Starting Point, compuesto
por preguntas que ayudan a generar
conversación y a compartir experiencias
personales y opiniones.

En las secciones What Do You Remember

y Strengthen What You Know, activarás
y repasarás los conocimientos adquiridos
en tu lección online o en tu clase anterior.

Escaneando este código QR puedes acceder al
audio que escuchaste durante la clase. Para
esto, primero debes descargar la aplicación
desde App Store o Google Play.

Resume el lenguaje clave a modo
de referencia.

Muestra errores comunes y te ayuda
a evitarlos.

En todas las actividades, textos e información
que encuentras en las unidades de tu libro,
se utilizan contextos globales que te ayudan
a ampliar tus horizontes. Las temáticas están
escogidas para que sean personalizables, es
decir, que siempre encuentres una conexión
con tus experiencias.

Presenta información y datos del mundo.

Permite tener espacio para que personalices
tu vocabulario con palabras interesantes y
nuevas para ti.

Aportan variedad a la dinámica de la clase y
te ayudan a recordar el lenguaje a través de
una actividad entretenida.

Now You Try hace que te enfoques en la

producción oral del lenguaje y en las
estructuras aprendidas. Es un momento de
práctica guiada, previo a la producción
independiente del lenguaje. Al final, incluye
un espacio llamado I Can Use This Language
que te invita a pensar acerca de cuándo
puedes usar el lenguaje aprendido en tu
vida y así prepararte para usar el inglés fuera
de la sala de clases en un contexto real.

Ayuda a reconocer diferencias entre variedades
de inglés y a entender a hablantes británicos
y americanos.

Incluye lenguaje formal, frases útiles y

expresiones en inglés. También muestra
estadísticas del uso real del idioma.

10 /
English In The World es la última parte
de la unidad. Comienza con imágenes y
sugerencias que estimulan ideas acerca
de situaciones relevantes para tí. Podrás
escoger de una variedad de contextos y
personalizarlos. Luego cuenta con una
pequeña etapa de preparación, que te
ayuda a planificar lo que vas a decir para
hablar con fluidez en el siguiente paso.

Sugiere utilizar tu celular como una
herramienta de aprendizaje durante la clase.

Ayuda a medir tu progreso y a construir
un plan de acción futuro. También puedes
tomar nota de cualquier elemento que
necesites recordar o repasar.

Si necesitas practicar más, puedes usar la

página de Extra Practice que se encuentra
al final de la unidad. Aquí encontrarás
ejercicios y sus respuestas.

Permiten visualizar un resumen gramatical
y/o de vocabulario, al escanear los códigos
QR con tu celular.

/ 11

general language
unit page key language english in the world

1 15  Talk about abilities.  The verb to be  An Interview – ask

about and describe
 Talk about profession  Can to describe abilities
personal information and
and nationality.
 Vocabulary for professions abilities in an interview.
and nationality
What can you do?

2 23  Talk about what is  Present simple vs.  Taking a Trip – describe

happening at present continuous your destination and
the moment. itinerary.

 Discuss plans for a

future event.
What’s going on?

3 31  Talk about past  The past tense of to be  A recommendation –

experiences. describe your
 Adjectives to describe
experience to
 Describe events and events and places
recommend an event
or place.
It was great!

4 39  Talk about past actions.  Regular past tense verbs  Tell their story –
describe the life story
 Talk about historical  Irregular past tense verbs
of a historical figure.


5 47  Describe rooms and the  Vocabulary for rooms  Improve the space –
position of things. and furniture describe an ideal
space and its influence
 Talk about preference.  There is and there are
on how people feel.
 Prepositions of place Express your opinion.
Home sweet  Phrases for
home expressing preference

6 55  Learn about a trip to London and practice buying tickets for trains and buses.

Living English:
Seeing the city

12 /
general language
unit page key language english in the world

7 65  Describe food  Countable vs.  Let’s talk food –

and quantities. uncountable nouns describe food you are
eating or preparing.
 Explain what food you  Quantities - some vs. any
like to eat.  Questions about quantities
- much vs. many
How much do
you want?  Vocabulary for food

8 73  Talk about the future.  Will and going to  Making plans – plan an
event and suggest tasks
 Make suggestions.
to complete.

Going out

9 81  Describe and  Comparative adjectives  Consider your options

compare things. – describe changes
you would like to
 Ask for things.
make and compare
current and possible
Bigger and better future situations.

10 89  Talk about family,  Possessive adjectives  Making small talk –

relationships, and age. and pronouns make conversation
about families and
 Talk about possession.  Vocabulary for family
members family history.

 Vocabulary for
That’s my mom! relationships and age

11 97  Discuss plans and  Present simple and  Let me tell you –

activities. continuous plan an event and
 Talk about daily  Will
important information
 Going to / Present to attendees.
Business travel continuous

12 105  Learn about communicating with suppliers and practice talking on the phone.

Living English:
Telephone skills

/ 13

act out label roleplay

actuar etiquetar, nombrar (hacer un) juego de roles

add listen a sentence

añadir, agregar escuchar una oración

answer look switch roles

responder, contestar mirar cambiar de roles

ask make take notes

preguntar hacer tomar notas

brainstorm mark tell

(hacer una) lluvia de ideas marcar decir, contar

categorize match then

categorizar, clasificar conectar luego

check a mistake think about

revisar un error pensar acerca de

choose a partner turn to page

escoger un compañero ir a la página

discuss a question unscramble

discutir una pregunta ordenar

fill in read aloud verb tense

rellenar leer en voz alta tiempo verbal

find reorder work in pairs

encontrar reordenar trabajar en pares

follow the stages a response write

seguir los pasos una respuesta escribir

14 /
what can
you do ?
“If you never try, you’ll never know what you are
capable of.”

— John Barrow

General Language Objectives:

 Talk about abilities.
Starting Point
 Talk about profession and nationality.  Do you like to try new things?

 Is it better to have one good ability or

many average abilities?

/ 15
1 What Do You Remember?
what can you do?

a Describe the people in the images.


b Use the images and letters to complete the descriptions.

Word Wise 1 2

Nationalities (informal)
 Yank = an American
 Brit = a British person
 Aussie = an Australian
 Kiwi = a New Zealander
(r i s a t n u l a a) (e a r k b s a t f)
 Saffa = a South African
This is the flag. I eat at 8 a.m.

3 4

(s b i t r h i) (n n e e r e g i s)
This is the flag. They are .

c Categorize the words from Exercise A and B. Add any other words
you know.

Daily routine Nationality Profession


16 /
2 Strengthen What You Know

what can you do?

a Read the Key Language box. Are the sentences affirmative,
negative or questions? Mark +, - or ? in the boxes.

Key Language: The verb ‘to be’

 I am Chilean.  Are they Spanish?

Where are they from?
 My brother isn’t an athlete.

‘Can’ to describe abilities

 The children can swim in  Can the doctor drive a car?
the river. What can you do?

 He can’t speak Russian.

Say It Right

b Complete the sentences with the correct form of ‘to be’. Changes in pronouns

1. He Brazilian. (+)  Q: Are you Chilean?

2. you an engineer? (?) A: Yes, I am.

3. They teachers. (-) They doctors. (+)  Q: Can you swim? (plural)
A: Yes, we can.
c Complete the sentences with ‘can’ and the correct form of the verbs
in parentheses.

1. She the piano. (play) (-)

2. the teacher Spanish? (speak) (?)

3. The engineer reports well. (write) (+) Say It Right

d Write sentences and questions with the words in parentheses.  I can to swim.
 I can to dance.
1. (he / can / sing) ?

2. (they / not be / British) .

3. (my mother / can’t / drive) .

4. (I / be / late) ?

5. (he / be / Japanese) ?

abilities charades

 Show off your abilities. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 17
3 Now You Try
what can you do?

a Look at the images of Juan. Make sentences about his nationality,

profession and abilities.

b Now write key words and make sentences about you.

my abilities

ion io



c Think about questions you need to ask your partner to complete

the map below. Then ask and answer and fill in the map.

ion io



i can use this language…

18 /
4 English In The World

what can you do?

When do you talk about your life and abilities or ask
people about theirs? Think about:

 a job interview  a questionnaire

 after a sports match  a TV interview

Follow the stages below and interview
someone about their life and abilities.

Situation 
 In what situation do you need to interview someone?

Info and abilities 

 What information and abilities are important? Why?

Questions to ask 
 Are you... ?  Where do you... ?  Can you... ?

as you listen to your partner

Write down the key points.

Interview your partner and answer their questions!

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Talk about abilities

 Talk about profession

and nationality.

/ 19
Extra Practice
what can you do?

a Complete the table. Use the examples as a guide.

  
i1. I am American. 2. 3.
you 4. You are Sam. 5. 6.
he 7. 8. He isn’t here. 9.
she 10. 11. 12. Is she Chinese?
it 13. It’s okay. 14. 15.
we 16. 17. 18. Are we late?

they 19. 20. They aren’t Brazilian. 21.

b Look at the answers and complete the questions.

1. Japanese? No, he is German.

2. students? Yes, they are students.

3. late? No, you are on time.

c Complete the sentences and questions with ‘can’ or ‘can’t’.

1. The baby is sleeping, so we come to the dinner. Sorry.

2. I speak French, but I know how to dance.

3. Look, Barry. Is that our house over there? you see it?

4. Maggie, speak a little louder. We hear you.

5. Where’s my phone? I find it!

d Reorder the words to make sentences.

1. they / Do / every / work / day?

2. don’t / I / go / the / gym / Mondays / on / to.

3. a / travel / We / week / once.

Class Notes

3. We travel once a week. 2. I don’t go to the gym on Mondays. d 1. Do they work every day?
5. can’t 4. can’t 3. can 2. can’t c 1. can’t
3. Am I late? 2. Are they students? b 1. Is he Japanese?
17. We aren’t late./We’re not late. 19. They are Brazilian./They’re Brazilian. 21. Are they Brazilian?
Chinese. 14. It’s not okay./It isn’t okay. 15. Is it okay? 16. We are late./We’re late.
7. He is here. 9. Is he here? 10. She is Chinese./She’s Chinese. 11. She’s not Chinese./She isn’t
a 2. I’m not American. 3. Am I American? 5. You’re not Sam./You aren’t Sam. 6. Are you Sam?

20 /

/ 21

22 /
going on?
“I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand
a single word of what I am saying.”
— Oscar Wilde

General Language Objectives:

 Talk about what is happening at the moment.
Starting Point
 Discuss plans for a future event.  What are you doing right now?

 What is going to happen next month?

/ 23
1 What Do You Remember?
a What do Tim and Katy do every day? What are they doing now?
Tell a partner.
what’s going on?

Every day Now

1 2

Word Wise

 work = do a job
 work out = do exercise
3 4
at the gym

2 Strengthen What You Know

a Complete the Key Language box and the sentences on the next page.

Key Language: Present simple vs. present continuous

 We use the present continuous for actions that are happening at

the moment or temporary situations happening around the present.

(+) The woman reading a newspaper right now.

(-) I’m not working with Tim these days.

(?) the men making lunch at the moment?

What they doing?

 Remember! We use the present simple to talk about facts and habits.

I work in an office every day. I don’t work in a school.

 We also use the present continuous to talk about fixed

future plans.

(+) I going to Europe next year.

(-) We aren’t walking to class tomorrow.

24 /
1. She writing in her book. (+)

2. you listening to your teacher? (?)

what’s going on?

3. We singing at the moment. (-)

4. They thinking about lunch. (+)

Say It Right
5. I doing this correctly? (?)
Verbs for senses and
b Write sentences and questions about the people in the image. Use mental states like
the present simple or present continuous. need / hate / want /
understand / know /

think / believe / smell
are not used in the
continuous form.

I am wanting a coffee.
I want a coffee.

1. (They / work / in an office / every day)

2. (She / not work / in a hospital)

3. (When / they / have / lunch / today?)

4. (They / not go / to a meeting later)

5. (What time / she / start / work every day?)

6. (What / he / write / at the moment?)

picture it !

 Play a game of Pictionary. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 25
3 Now You Try
a What activities can you do on vacation? Use the words in the box
to describe what is happening in the images. Then think about
what’s going on?

your own activities.

my activities hike drive swim take walk

1 2

3 4

Say It Right

I love tropical islands.

I love tropical icelands. b Think about plans for a future vacation. Complete the
Iceland and Ireland are conversation and act it out with a partner.
countries in Europe.
Friend: I heard you’re going on vacation! Where are you going?


Friend: What are you doing on the first day?


Friend: Do you have plans for the third day?

Word Wise

Friend: Are you planning to do anything at night?

vacation = holiday

Friend: That sounds good. What are you doing on the last day?


i can use this language…

26 /
4 English In The World


what’s going on?

You are leaving on a trip! A friend / family member /
co-worker calls you and wants to know about your
plans. What type of trip is it? Think about:

 a family vacation  a business trip

 a backpacking adventure

Follow the stages below and tell the person

about your trip.

 What type of trip are you taking?

Hi there! Where are you?

What are you doing?

What activities are you doing? When are you doing the activities? 

 
Useful time phrases:
 
 At the moment
   Next week
 The day after
 

 

as you listen to your partner

Talk to your partner I’m waiting at the airport
Write down the key points.
about your trip. now! I’m going…

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Talk about what is

happening at the moment.
 Discuss plans for a
future event.

/ 27
Extra Practice
a Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the
verbs in parentheses.
what’s going on?

1. Let’s go out. It (not rain) now.

2. Julia (speak) to the teacher at the moment.

3. Hurry up! They (wait) for you.

4. We (learn) English right now.

5. I (not make) a sandwich for lunch.

b Circle the correct form of the verbs.


1. The man always eats / is eating pizza.

2. They walk / are walking at the moment.

3. We usually read / are reading the newspaper before work.

4. My English gets / is getting better now because I practice.

c Look at Jacob Lester’s schedule and complete the sentences.

monday 21 tuesday 22
13:00 Regular team lunch 9:00 Meet with suppliers

17:00 Fly to Sao Paolo 13:00 Eat lunch in office

13:45 Eat lunch in hotel

wednesday 23 thursday 24
10:00 Meet Ms. Joni 6:00 Weekly yoga class

16:00 Fly home 9:30 Give trip feedback

1. On Mondays at 13:00 Jacob Lester .

2. At 17:00 he to Sao Paolo.

3. Jacob at 9:00 on Tuesday.

4. He at 13:00 on Tuesday but at

Class Notes 13:45 in the hotel.
5. Jacob yoga class every Thursday.

5. goes to/has 4. isn’t having/eating lunch 3. is meeting suppliers 2. is flying c 1. has/eats lunch
b 1. eats 2. are walking 3. read 4. is getting
a 1. isn’t raining 2. is speaking 3. are waiting 4. are learning 5. ’m not making

28 /

/ 29

30 /
it was
great !
“We don’t remember days, we remember moments.”
— Cesare Pavese

General Language Objectives:

 Talk about past experiences.
Starting Point
 Describe events and places.  When was your last vacation?

 What were some highlights?

/ 31
1 What Do You Remember?
a Describe the people and events in the images. Write the
my vocabulary
descriptions in the My Vocabulary box.
it was great!


Business gifts
 China and Japan =
American whiskey
 Islamic countries =
expensive chocolate
(never alcohol)
 The US, Africa =
not expected

b Decide if the following descriptions are positive (+) or negative (-).

1. It was wonderful to go to the beach.

2. We were sad to go home.

3. All the waiters were very friendly.

4. The festival was boring.

5. We stayed inside because the weather was terrible.

c Change the sentences into the past.

1. She is comfortable.

2. There are a lot of people at the festival.

32 /
2 Strengthen What You Know
a Complete the sentences in the Key Language box with the past of
‘to be’. Read them aloud.

Key Language: The past tense of ‘to be’

 We use the past tense of ‘to be’ to describe past events and situations.

(+) I was in China. The days sunny.

it was great!
(-) We weren’t uncomfortable. The festival wasn’t boring at all!

(?) the dragon small or big?

When were you at the festival?
 Word Wise

b Look at the image of the airport and complete the sentences with Past time phrases
the past of ‘to be’.  yesterday

 last week / month / year
 x days / weeks / months /
years ago

1. There two passengers at the check-in, there three.

2. The man happy. He angry.

3. There two children, there only one.

c Circle the correct adjectives to complete the description of the rest

of their trip.
More than 70 million
The passengers were ¹happy / awful to go on vacation. The airport was passengers pass
²frightened / wonderful and the customer service lady was through Heathrow
³friendly / very. But the plane journey was terrible, because it was airport in London every
4 long / angry and 5frightened / boring. The plane wasn’t comfortable,
year – six million more
because it was 6hot / relaxing, but the movies were than the UK population.
7incredible / exhausting.

descriptions mime

 Think of some situations from the past. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 33
3 Now You Try
a Look at the image of a hotel room. Write questions and answers
with the past of ‘to be’ and the words in parentheses.
it was great!

Say It Right

were ≠ where
 They where ready.
They were ready. 1. (How comfortable / the room?) ?
 Were were they? Answer: .
Where were they?
2. (How many beds / in the room?) ?
Answer: .

b Think about a hotel you visited. Where was it? Think of 2-3 key
words to describe it.

  

c Complete the dialogue about your hotel with the past of ‘to be’
and some key words. Act it out with a partner.

Friend: Hi there. Welcome back. How your trip?

You: It was really .

Friend: How was your hotel?

You: It was .

Friend: OK. And how the rooms in your hotel?

You: My room very .

Friend: the other guests happy?

You: (Yes / No). Their rooms were .

i can use this language…

34 /
4 English In The World

Your friend / co-worker wants a recommendation.
Give a review. Think about:

 a business hotel

it was great!
 a vacation

 a restaurant or concert

Follow the stages below and tell your partner.

Then ask them for a recommendation.

What can you review? When and why were you there? 

 What:

 When: I need a recommendation.

What can you recommend?
 Why:

Details 
Things that I remember My feelings

 There was...  I was...

 There were...

Questions to ask 
 How was... as you listen to your partner

 Were there... Write down the key points.

Give your review! Ask for a recommendation.

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Talk about past

 Describe events and

/ 35
Extra Practice
a Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.

angry bored friendly happy

interesting comfortable frightened

1. The man was when he forgot his money.

2. We were to have beds in the hotel.

it was great!

3. The kids weren’t . The museum was

very !

4. He was by the spider on his bed.

5. The waiters in the restaurant were very .

b Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.


1. She was / were sad yesterday.

2. We was / were at the zoo yesterday.

3. Mom and Dad was / were in a restaurant.

4. Why was / were he very hungry last night?

c Are the sentences correct? Correct the incorrect sentences.

1. There was a bank near my first house.

2. There was ten children in the park.

3. There weren’t any flowers in the garden.

4. There wasn’t three pencils on the desk.

d Complete the sentences with ‘was’, ‘wasn’t’, ‘were’, or ‘weren’t’

using your own information.

1. It cloudy yesterday morning.

2. You lucky. You didn’t win the first prize.

3. The dog in the park.

Class Notes
http://eclass.me/1TXT4xP 4. My friends at the beach last Sunday.

4. were/weren’t 3. was/wasn’t 2. weren’t d 1. was/wasn’t

4. There were/weren’t 3. correct 2. There were c 1. correct
4. was 3. were 2. were b 1. was

3. bored, interesting 4. frightened 5. friendly 2. happy, comfortable a 1. angry


36 /

/ 37

38 /
“The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or
erased; it can only be accepted.”
— Author unknown

General Language Objectives:

 Talk about past actions.
Starting Point
 Talk about historical figures.  Do you follow the news?

 What is an important recent or

historical event from your country?

/ 39
1 What Do You Remember?
a Describe what happened in the image.

Word Wise

reach for the moon =

try to do something
very difficult

b Complete the puzzle with the past tense of the verbs in the
images below.



Down Across

1. go 2. eat

3. wake up 3. write

4. see 5. drink

40 /
2 Strengthen What You Know
a Complete the Key Language box and the past tense sentences below.

Key Language: Regular past tense verbs

(+) The scientist work on a new theory.

(-) Inventors invent the machine in 1955.

(?) he live in that country all his life?

Where he live?

Irregular past tense verbs

be - have - eat -
can - take - get -
go - do - spend -

1. Gandhi (be) an inspirational leader.

2. Nelson Mandela (not live) in South America.
Say It Right
3. Princess Diana (die) in France.
 played, carried = /d/
4. Gabriela Mistral (not make) any movies.  dropped, walked = /t/

b Unscramble the questions. Ask a partner if they know the answer.  started, decided = /ɪd/

1. Venezuela / Simon Bolivar / was / from?

2. Carlos Gardel / what / do / did / before he died?

3. herself / Frida Kahlo / did / paint?

4. leave prison / when / Nelson Mandela / did?

c Underline the past tense verbs. Correct the incorrect verbs.

Mother Teresa, later called Saint Mother Teresa, were a Roman Catholic
religious sister and missionary who lived most of her life in India. She
was born in Macedonia. She beginned the Missionaries of Charity, a
Roman Catholic congregation. Mother Teresa loveed children and visited
many orphanages. She dyed at the age of 87.

20 questions

 Think of your favorite personality and follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 41
3 Now You Try
a Think of some historical figures that represent the categories
below and think of two more people you find interesting.

1 2 3

Say It Right

4 5 6

? ?
 She started her his
first job.
 He started his her
first job. your your
suggestion suggestion

b Choose two of the people above and brainstorm 2-3 key facts
about them.

c Tell a friend what you know! Complete the dialogue about one of
the people you chose. Act it out with a partner.

Friend: Do you know where or when was born?


Friend: Wow. What work did he / she do in his / her lifetime?

Half of all New Yorkers
Friend: That’s interesting. Why does he / she interest you?
speak a language other
than English at home. You:

Friend: Really!? Do you know anything else about him / her?


Friend: Is he/she still alive?


i can use this language…

42 /
4 English In The World

tell their STORY!

Why might someone ask you about a motivational
figure you like?

 to understand you better  to feel motivated

 for a research project

Think of people that have changed the world in

some way. Who do you admire and why?

Follow the stages below and tell their story
to your partner. Ask questions about your
partner’s motivational figure.

Your motivational figure 

Who do you find inspirational? How can this information help your partner?

Life story 
 
There are so many inspiring
 
people in the world. Did
  you know that… ?

Questions to ask 
 When was… born?  Where… ?  What… ?  Why… ?

as you listen to your partner

Write down the key points.

Talk about your motivational That’s interesting!

figure with your partner! Tell me about…

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Talk about past actions.

 Talk about historical


/ 43
Extra Practice
a Circle the correct past tense form of the verbs.

1. The president study / studied law before starting politics.

2. She give / gave me permission to write about her.

3. He came / come to this country when he was five years old.

4. They chose / choose to live in a small house.

5. I understand / understood what he said.

b Write the sentences in the negative.


1. He played football.

2. She ate a sandwich.

3. We liked learning about Mandela.

4. The historian knew the answer.

5. I realized that he was a hero.


c Write questions with the past tense and the words in parentheses.

1. (you / go / the museum?)

2. (where / he / live / in the 80s?)

3. (who / be / his friends / at school?)

4. (when / she / arrive / in Europe?)

5. (they / walk / to the park?)

Class Notes

4. When did she arrive in Europe? 5. Did they walk to the park?
c 1. Did you go to the museum?
2. Where did he live in the 80s? 3. Who were his friends at school?

4. The historian didn’t know the answer. 5. I didn’t realize that he was a hero.
b 1. He didn’t play football. 2. She didn’t eat a sandwich. 3. We didn’t like learning about Mandela.
a 1. studied 2. gave 3. came 4. chose 5. understood

44 /

/ 45

46 /
“Home is where the heart is.”
— Pliny the Elder

General Language Objectives:

 Describe rooms and the position of things.
Starting Point
 Talk about preference.  Is a house the same as a home?

 What makes a house a home?

/ 47
1 What Do You Remember?
a Look at the image of the house and describe what you see.

Word Wise

a couple of / a few /
several chairs = 2 or
more chairs
home sweet home

b Look at the furniture and complete the words.


1. c 2. s 3. o 4. b

5. w 6. w m 7. s 8. c

c Use the furniture words from Exercise B and others you remember
to complete the descriptions of the rooms.

1. In the living room there is and

and .

2. In the bedroom there is and

and .

3. In the kitchen there is and

and .

4. In the laundry room there are and

and .

48 /
2 Strengthen What You Know
a Complete the sentences in the Key Language box. Then read
them aloud.

Key Language: Describe rooms

(+) There a bedroom. There are two bathrooms. Say It Right

(-) There isn’t a basement. There three kitchens.  there is = there’s

 I would like = I’d like

(+) I want a new bed. He to get two pillows.

home sweet home

(-) We don’t to buy a microwave. She doesn’t want it.

(+) I would like a new chair. He’d a desk.

b Circle the correct word.

1. There is / are a window in the room. I wants / want to buy curtains. Word Wise
2. There is / are two chairs. We doesn’t / don’t want to buy more. Which is more common?
3. Is / Are there any food in the cupboard? No, we would like / liked  want = 89%

to buy some.  would like / ’d like = 11%

4. There is / are a desk in the study. Is / Are there any books on the shelf? Source: Corpus of Spoken
American English
5. He prefer / prefers a big bed. There isn’t / aren’t any small beds
in his house.

c Look at the room. What can you see? Describe the location of the
items using the Key Language box.

Key Language: Position

 It’s in the box.

 It’s on the floor.
 It’s under the table.
 It’s over the bed.

There is a rug on the floor.

i spy

 Look around the room. Choose something and follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 49
3 Now You Try
a Look at the image and identify some items that you’d like in your
house. What other things would you like?
home sweet home

I don’t want the T.V. I prefer reading. I’d like a lot of windows.

Word Wise

 my place = my house
 come over = come to b You are in a furniture store. Complete the dialogue with the words
my house in the box and / or your own words.

furniture chairs desks shelves prefer

Salesperson: How can I help you today?

You: I to buy some for my study.

Salesperson: Great. What are you looking for?

You: I’d to look at some .

Salesperson: Sure. We have many styles. What color do you prefer?

You: I to buy a .

Salesperson: There some nice at

the back of the store.

You: I the one next to the .

Salesperson: Good choice. Do you want anything else?

You: No, thanks for your help.

i can use this language…

50 /
4 English In The World

improve the SPACE

Can a physical space affect people’s work and
emotions? When do you need a special space?
Think about:

 Office – concentration, creativity

 Hotel room, Home – relaxation, comfort

 Event space – fun, functionality

home sweet home

Plan a space. Discuss your ideas for the space
using specific details. Work with a partner
and follow the stages below.

Space 
What kind of space do you need?

 I’d like a... because...

Details 
What specific things do you want for your space?

 informal meeting area - sofas, coffee machine

Describe it 
Where are the things? Why do you want them there?

 rug and bean bags on the floor - comfort stimulates creativity

What does your partner think about your space? 

with some mostly
now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Describe rooms and the

position of things.

 Talk about preference.

/ 51
Extra Practice
a Complete the description of a house with the words in the box.

dining room basement bathroom kitchen

laundry room bedrooms living room garage

We prepare food in the ¹ . Next to it, there is a

² where we eat. There is also a ³
where we watch TV. We wash our clothes in the 4 .
There are two cars in the 5 , but there
isn’t a 6 . On the second floor there are three
7 and one 8 .
home sweet home

b Categorize the items into the correct room.

alarm clock chairs fridge washing machine dryer table rug

microwave cushions pillows sofa wardrobe armchair stove

kitchen living room / dining room


bedroom laundry room

c Write sentences with the correct form of ‘there is’ or ‘there are’
and the words in parentheses.

1. (a table)

2. (two bedrooms)
Class Notes 3. (not / a study)
4. (not / three bathrooms)

c 1. There is a table. 2. There are two bedrooms. 3. There isn’t a study. 4. There aren’t three bathrooms.
Bedroom: pillows, wardrobe, alarm clock (rug, cushions); Laundry: washing machine, dryer
b Kitchen: fridge, stove, microwave; Living room / Dining room: rug, cushions, sofa, armchair, table, chairs;
8. bathroom
7. bedrooms 6. basement 5. garage 4. laundry room 3. living room 2. dining room a 1. kitchen

52 /

/ 53

54 /

living english:
seeing the city
/ 55
Starting Point
 Is it a good idea to visit tourist attractions during a
business trip?

 What things would you show a visitor in your city?

General Language Objectives:

 Discuss schedules and availability.

 Describe past experiences.

 Buy tickets and ask for information.

 Express opinions.

 Accept or decline invitations.

1 Language In Use

In this unit you will meet Violet. She is going to London for
business, but she has some free time and wants to see the city.
Her colleague, Liam, works in the London office of her company.

a Violet’s itinerary. Look at Violet’s itinerary and then complete the

telephone conversation between her and Liam with correct future
forms. Roleplay the conversation with a partner.

wednesday july 8 thursday july 9

9:00 Arrive at Heathrow 10:00 Breakfast meeting

11:00 Check in to hotel 13:30 Lunch with Mr. Paul

(London CEO)
15:00 Interview suppliers

friday july 10 saturday july 11

9:30 Attend board meeting 9:00 Check out

13:00 Lunch 12:45 Fly home

living english: seeing the city

Liam: Your trip is so soon! When are you arriving?

Violet: I next week, early on

Wednesday morning.

56 /
Liam: And I imagine you’re going to be busy on Thursday?

Violet: Yes, I’m having breakfast at 10 o’clock and then we

with our London CEO.

Liam: So when will you have free time to visit the

tourist attractions?

Violet: Well, on Friday morning I a board meeting.

I lunch anymore, so I’m going to be free
Friday afternoon.

Liam: That’s great. I’ll send you an email with some ideas.
Let me know which you prefer. Then I can help you
make travel arrangements.

b Planning where to go. Violet replies to say which places she wants
to visit. Complete the extract of Violet’s email with the past tense
form of the verbs in parentheses.

New Message –  x

To: [email protected]
Subject: London tourist attractions

The things you (suggest) sound really great. But

I (be) in London five years ago. I
(stay) with friends near Kew Gardens. We (see)
the museums and Big Ben. I (go) shopping at
Harrods and (buy) lots of presents there. Because
I (not be) there for work, I (not have)
to worry about time. But I (not visit) any other cities.
I think I’d like to go to Cambridge on Friday. It’s only 45 minutes
by train. living english: seeing the city
Send  

/ 57
c Travel arrangements. Violet decided to visit Cambridge. Read
instructions from Liam about taking the train. Circle phrases and
words related to buying a ticket and taking the train.

Have fun in Cambridge, Violet! When you buy the ticket,

check prices for a one way and a round-trip ticket. It’s
sometimes cheaper to buy a round-trip ticket. Check the
timetable for express trains, they’re faster. Remember, the
station is very big. Make sure you know which platform you
need, don’t get lost!

d Buying a ticket. Violet buys a ticket at the train station. Use the
phrases in the box to complete the dialogue with the ticket seller.
Then roleplay the dialogue with a partner.

What time I’d like How much want Which

Ticket seller: Hi, can I help you?

Violet: a ticket to Cambridge, please.

is it?
living english: seeing the city

Ticket seller: Round-trip is £35.75. One-way is £23.50.

Violet: Great, so I a round-trip ticket, please.

is the next express train?

Ticket seller: It leaves at 9:30. The train after that is at 10:45.

Violet: platform is it?

Ticket seller: Platform 8.

Violet: Thank you very much.

58 /
Your Turn!

You are in London and you want to visit another city. Now
you need to buy a ticket. Look at the pictures and information
below and choose a city to visit.

brighton edinburgh

Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Time: 4 hours 30 minutes

Price: £26.70 round-trip Price: £135 round-trip

liverpool windemere
Time: 2 hours 20 minutes Time: 3 hours
Price: £80 round-trip Price: £101 round-trip

1. Work with a partner to plan a dialogue about buying a ticket for a

train or a bus. Use the dialogue in Exercise D as a model. Ask about:

 A one-way or round-trip ticket to…

living english: seeing the city

 Price

 Time

 Platform / Terminal

2. Roleplay your dialogue, then switch roles.

Hi, can I help you? I’d like…

/ 59
2 Discussion Focus

On the train to Cambridge, Violet reads an article in a tourist

guide about traffic congestion in London. Read the article.
What is the Congestion Charge? Then discuss the questions
below with your classmates.

London Magazine news

Congestion Charge in London

London wants to reduce the number of cars in the city centre. So in
2003 they introduced a Congestion Charge. With this system, cars must
pay £11.50 per day to go into an area in the city centre during the day.
People pay online and they must pay 24 hours after their visit. The system
reduces the number of cars in the city by almost 20%. It means more
people use the London Underground and buses.
Some people like the Congestion Charge because there is less air pollution
in the city centre. It also collects money to improve public transport.
Other people think it’s a bad idea. They say it’s bad for small businesses in
the central area. They also say people will drive more kilometers to avoid
the city centre, creating more air pollution in other places.
living english: seeing the city

page 25


1. Is it okay to control how people travel to work?

2. Is the Congestion Charge a good idea? Why or why not?

3. Do you want a Congestion Charge in your city?

4. Which aspects of public transport are good or bad in your city?

5. How can things change or improve?

60 /
3 Real World Writing

On the second day of her trip, Violet received this email from
the secretary at the London office.

a Read the email. What is the message? What do you think Violet
should do?

Fwd: Emergency Meeting –  x

To: [email protected]
Fwd: Emergency Meeting

Hi Violet,

I received an email from the suppliers. They’re inviting you to an

emergency meeting on Friday at 15:00. Please confirm if you are
available. See the email below.


Re: Emergency Meeting

Dear Hannah,
I’m writing to invite Violet Cordell to a meeting on July
10th at 15:00 at our London offices. We need to discuss
a problem in our factory in Newcastle. We understand
this is very short notice and she may be unable to attend.

We would like to apologise for any inconvenience. Please

confirm as soon as possible.

Jane Dogood
Send  

b Underline the phrases in the emails above that communicate

the following:

1. the recipient

2. the reason for the email

3. the requested action

living english: seeing the city

4. the writer of the email

Writing Task

On the next page, write Violet’s reply to Jane Dogood. You can
decide if she accepts or declines the invitation.

/ 61
c Write your email in the box. Think carefully about the structure
and spelling.

Re: Fwd: Emergency Meeting –  x

Useful Phrases To: Jane Dogood

Re: Fwd: Emergency Meeting
Accepting invitations
 Thank you for inviting
me. I will be able
to attend.
 I can attend.
 I’d like to confirm my
Declining invitations
 Thank you for inviting
me, but unfortunately I
won’t be able to attend.
 Unfortunately I have
another commitment.

Send  
living english: seeing the city

Class Notes

62 /

/ 63

64 /
how much do
you want ?
“Food tastes better when you eat it with your family
and friends.”
— Author unknown

General Language Objectives:

 Describe food and quantities.
Starting Point
 Explain what food you like to eat.  Is there a difference in quality
between supermarkets and markets?

 Do you prefer cooking or eating out?

/ 65
1 What Do You Remember?
a What’s on the table? Write the words in the vocabulary box. Add
any other food words you can remember.

Word Wise
how much do you want?

“Don’t put all your

eggs in one basket.” =
It’s a good idea to
have different options.

b Match the sentence halves.

1. He doesn’t drink any a. tuna and salad for lunch.

2. I’d like some b. cups of tea did you have?

3. How much c. coffee for breakfast.

4. How many d. rice do you want?

66 /
2 Strengthen What You Know
a Read the Key Language box. Are the sentences True or False?
Correct the incorrect sentences. Then complete the
example sentences.

Key Language: Countable vs. uncountable nouns

 Countable nouns can have number and be plural. T / F

bananas, plates

 You can count uncountable nouns. T / F

bread, coffee

Quantities – some vs. any

Say It Right
(+) There is water. There are carrots.
there’s (there is) ≠ theirs

how much do you want?

(-) There isn’t milk. There aren’t apples.
 There’s some food on
(?) Is there juice? Are there burgers? the table.
 The food is theirs.
Questions about quantities – much vs. many

(?) How wine is in the bottle?

(?) How tomatoes are in the omelet?

b Underline the nouns. Are they countable or uncountable? Circle Word Wise
C or UC.

1. How many eggs did you use? C / UC

2. Are there any apples in the box? C / UC coffee a coffee
I want a coffee = I want
3. How much ice cream do you want? C / UC
a cup of coffee.
4. Would they like some coffee? C / UC

c Check () the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect sentences.

1. There are some milk.

2. She’d like some water.

3. Is there an egg on the plate?

4. How much tomatoes would you like?

5. How many oil is there in the pan?

food tic - tac - toe

 Test what you know about food! Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 67
3 Now You Try
a Look at the dishes below. Describe the ingredients to a partner
and let them guess which dish it is.

1 2

3 4
how much do you want?

There is some rice…

b What is one of your favorite dishes? List the ingredients below.


 a plate un plato
 a dish de comida

c Talk with a partner about your favorite dish and others you can
make with the food items in your list in Exercise B. Use the diagram
to help you.

There is / are...
I’d like to make...

How much / many...

i can use this language…

68 /
4 English In The World


When do you talk about food? Imagine someone
wants to know about the food you are eating or
making. Think about:

 cooking at home  eating in the office

 at a cooking class  planning a party

Choose a situation. Think about the topics below

and prepare to ask and answer about food.

Your situation 

how much do you want?

Wow! The food smells / sounds
amazing. What’s in it?

The food you are eating or making 

What type of food is it? What ingredients are in your dish?
Thank you. It’s…
 There’s some… 

 

Questions to ask about your partner’s food 
 How many eggs are in the omelet? 

 

as you listen to your partner

Write down the key points.
Roleplay your situation. Ask and answer about food.

Extension: Roleplay asking for your ingredients in a store.

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Describe food and

 Explain what food I
like to eat.

/ 69
Extra Practice
a Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

tea meat bread eggs rice

sandwich coffee salad beer

1. I eat and for breakfast.

2. She drinks or every morning.

3. For lunch they like to eat hot food like and


4. We never drink at lunch.

5. You always eat something light like a or

for dinner.
how much do you want?

b Circle the correct options to complete the sentences.

1. There is some juice / juices.

2. There aren’t any egg / eggs.

3. Can he have a glass / glasses of milk?

4. There isn’t any / some rice on the table.

5. Are there any / some tomatoes in the salad?

6. There is any / some oil on the fish.

7. How many / much pasta did you buy?


8. How many / much glasses of milk did you drink?

c Match the sentence halves to make logical sentences.

1. They want coffee with a. some slices of ham.

2. I’d like a sandwich with cheese and b. bread is there?

3. She wants a drink. Is there any c. salad, please.

4. We want to make a sandwich. How much d. milk and sugar.

Class Notes
5. He’d like a plate of e. fruit juice?

5. c 4. b 3. e 2. a c 1. d

8. many 7. much 6. some 5. any 4. any 3. glass 2. eggs b 1. juice

4. beer 5. sandwich, salad

3. meat, rice 2. tea, coffee 1. eggs, bread a Answers will vary. Suggested answers:

70 /

/ 71

72 /
“Planning is bringing the future into the present
so that you can do something about it now.”
— Alan Lakein

General Language Objectives:

 Talk about the future.
Starting Point
 Make suggestions.  Do you plan things ahead of time or
at the last minute?

 Is it good to have a back-up plan?

/ 73
1 What Do You Remember?
a With a partner, describe the weather in each of the images.

1 2

3 4

b Predict what you or other people will do in these conditions. Let

your partner guess the number.

Example: I will have a picnic. (Picture 3)

2 Strengthen What You Know

a Read the Key Language box. Circle the correct bold words in
the descriptions.
going out

Key Language: Talking about the future

We use ‘will’ when:

 we already planned / predict the future.

He does his homework. I think his English will improve.

Say It Right  we decide now / before now.

I’m busy, I won’t answer this phone call.
 I am going to swim in
the sea.  we make offers, requests, promises.
 I will to swim in the sea. Will you help me, please?

We use ‘going to’ when:

 we already planned / predict the future.

They’re going to study English in Britain next summer.

 we decide now / before now.

I’m going to phone Helen after dinner tonight.

 we can now see what is certain to happen.

She doesn’t have a jacket. She is going to get cold.

74 /
b Decide if the sentences describe plans or predictions. Circle the
correct options.

1. She will understand if you explain it. plan / prediction

Say It Right
2. They are going to meet us for the movie. plan / prediction
Tongue twister
3. We won’t be ready for the meeting later. plan / prediction “We’ll see the wheel
when we wheel the
4. You’re not going to see her because she isn’t here. plan / prediction
wheel to the whale.”
c Read the information in the box. Make statements describing plans
or predictions about Jenny’s party.

- Jocelyn loves parties and always

accepts invitations.

- Danny and Ben plan to help

Jenny prepare the food.

- Patricia says she can bring a cake.

- Nicolás doesn’t like parties. jenny

1. Jocelyn will go to the party. (prediction)

2. Danny and Ben

going out
3. Patricia Key Language

4. Nicolás Making suggestions

 Let’s go…
d Read the Key Language box. Circle the correct options to complete
 Shall I go… ?
the suggestions.
 Why don’t we go… ?
1. Let’s swim / swimming if it is a sunny day.

 What about going… ?
2. What about take / taking a walk on the beach on a cloudy day?

3. Shall we stay / staying at an expensive hotel?

4. Why don’t you go / going to the market?

bingo mingle

 Get ready to play a special type of bingo. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 75
3 Now You Try
a Look at the images. With a partner, choose 2-3 images. Make
predictions about this place using the images.

Word Wise

 I reckon…
 I figure… I think…
 I guess...

It will be nice and warm. The hotel won’t be cheap.

b Select one of your places from Exercise A, or another place. Use

going out

the mind map to brainstorm with a partner about a future vacation

to this place.

We’re going It will be sunny.

to visit Hawaii. We’ll do a lot

Plans Predictions of swimming.


Shall I book the hotel?

i can use this language…

76 /
4 English In The World

making PLANS
When do you make plans? Think about:

 a meeting or work function for your company

 a goodbye party for a friend

 a call with someone in another country

Choose your event and think about the details

below. Then describe it to partner. Make
suggestions together about what to do to make
the event successful.

Your event 
 Number of people:

 Date and time:

 Place:

Details 
 Who will attend?

going out
as you listen to your partner
Write down the key points.

 Why are you planning it?

 What is going to happen?

Suggestions 
 Shall I… ? Why don’t we… ? Are you looking forward to
your event? How can we
make it a success?

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Talk about the future.

 Make suggestions.

/ 77
Extra Practice
a Circle the correct option. Use the clues in parentheses.
1. Bye. I will / am going to be back. (prediction)

2. The boss are going to / is going to arrive at 6 p.m. (plan)

3. I will / am going to be late tomorrow. (plan)

4. She won’t / isn’t going to eat that. I think she is on a diet. (prediction)

b Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs
in parentheses. Think about when the decision was made.

1. It’s really hot in the room. I (open) a window.

2. I planned a party for Jane. We (bake) a cake.

3. She can’t go out with you tomorrow because she

(work) late.

4. I don’t know what to say. I (tell) you later.

c Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs

in parentheses.

Lenny: Hi Alicia, 1 (you / be) at the meeting

tomorrow morning?

Alicia: No, I’m not.

going out

Lenny: What 2 (you / do)?

Alicia: I have another appointment. 3 (you / tell)

me what you discuss?

Lenny: Sure. Shall I 4 (take) notes for you?


Alicia: No, that 5 (not be) necessary.

You can just tell me.

Lenny: Okay. What about 6 (meet)

after lunch?

Class Notes

6. meeting 5. won’t be 4. take 3. Will you tell 2. are you going to do c 1. are you going to be
4. will tell 3. is going to work b 1. will open 2. are going to bake

4. won’t 3. am going to 2. Is going to a 1. will


78 /

/ 79

80 /
and better
“Today is better than yesterday, but tomorrow will be
better than today.”
— E.C. Bay

General Language Objectives:

 Describe and compare things.
Starting Point
 Ask for things.  Does the size of something like a car
or house determine its value?

 Can smaller things be better than

bigger things?

/ 81
1 What Do You Remember?
a Look at the images. What adjectives describe the things you can see?

b Use the adjectives to compare some things in the images.

1. The fruit is healthier than the bread.

Say It Right
Tongue twister
“Betty Botter buys butter
but the butter is bitter.
So Betty Botter buys
2 Strengthen What You Know
better butter to make the
a Complete the comparisons in the Key Language box.
bitter butter better.”

Key Language: Comparing things

bigger and better

 Short adjectives

I am tall. My brother is than me.

A car is big. Planes are than cars.

 Long adjectives

(+) My house is expensive. His house is expensive


(-) Speaking English is difficult


speaking Chinese.
 Long adjectives with a –y

The book was funny. The movie was than the book.
 Some irregular adjectives

Chinese food is good, but sushi is .

Eating sushi is fun. Making sushi is than eating it.

 Comparisons of equality and inequality

Men are intelligent women.

Peru is big Brazil.

82 /
b Circle the correct form of the adjective.
Shopping for a new phone online is more convenient /
more convenienter than going to different stores. Getting
information online is faster / more fast than waiting to ask someone.
Sometimes it is also more cheaper / cheaper to buy from a website.
The products online are as good as / as better as in stores. But
delivery isn’t fast as / isn’t as fast as buying the phone in store.

c Look at the image. Compare the people using the adjectives in the box.

Say It Right

 más caro = more

 más grande = more
harry lance kate

old tall young friendly experienced

1. Lance is older than Harry and Kate.


bigger and better



d Look at the Key Language box. Then read the statements in the Key Language
travel agent’s office. Ask for something different using the
adjectives in parentheses. Asking for something
 Have you got anything… ?
1. That option is boring. (exciting)
 Do you have anything… ?
Have you got anything more exciting?

 I need something…
2. We don’t want a long tour. (short)

3. I don’t like to do boring things. (fun)

4. Traveling by train is too slow. (fast)

swat the opposites!

 Remember opposites? Play a game of fly swatter! Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 83
3 Now You Try

1 2

a The rental houses above are on the same beach. What similarities
and differences can you see? Use the chart below to brainstorm
some ideas.

Word Wise Location Features Size Other

than ≠ then
 than = comparing  1 is as close to   
He’s taller than me. the ocean as 2.
 then = sequences
   
and time
We ate lunch. Then
we went to the beach.
b Choose one of the rental houses in Exercise A. List some reasons
why you want to stay in that house for a weekend.
bigger and better

c Write a short email to the owner of the rental house. Ask if you
can stay in the house for a weekend. Use phrases of inquiry from
the Key Language box.

New Message –  x

To: [email protected]
Key Language
Subject: Weekend house rental
Making inquiries

 I’m writing in regards to…

 I’d like to…
 Do you have…
 Please let me know.

Send  

i can use this language…

84 /
4 English In The World


Do you want to change some things in your life?
Think about these ideas:

 changing jobs  changing your lifestyle

 changing suppliers for your company

 changing your house/apartment/car

Think about the topics below and prepare to tell

your partner.

What do you plan to change? 

 I need…

List the qualities you want and don’t want. 

I want I don’t want
 

bigger and better

 

Compare what you have with the new things you want. 
 I have a fast but I want something faster. 

 

Tell your partner!

Extension: Who can help you make the changes? Think of as you listen to your partner

some requests or inquiries you can make to get the things you Write down the key points.
want. Roleplay your situation and your partner’s situation.

 Have you got… ?

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Describe and compare


 Ask for things.

/ 85
Extra Practice
a Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

easy long fantastic safe expensive relaxing

1. The food isn’t terrible, it is .

2. At first I believed learning English was difficult, but now I think it is


3. Working is stressful, but going to the beach is .

4. She wears short dresses in summer and dresses

in winter.

5. Playing with a cat is , but playing with a puma

is dangerous.

6. A plastic ring is cheap, but diamond rings are .

b Circle the correct options.

1. A PC is heavyer / heavier than a laptop.

2. Price is not always importanter / more important than quality.

3. The Himalayas are higher / more high than the Andes.

4. A piece of paper is thiner / thinner than a CD.

bigger and better

5. A tablet is moderner / more modern than a notebook.

6. What is better / more better than a holiday?

c Reorder the words to complete the sentences.

1. as / English / is / useful / as / Spanish
English .

2. important / is / Listening / as / as / speaking

Listening .

3. fast / aren’t / as / Letters / emails / as

Letters .
Class Notes 4. traveling by car / as / is / Traveling by plane / as / comfortable
http://eclass.me/1TXTDYj Traveling by plane .

emails. 4. Traveling by plane is as comfortable as traveling by car.

3. Letters aren’t as fast as 1. English is as useful as Spanish. 2. Listening is as important as speaking. c

6. better 5. more modern 4. thinner 3. higher 2. more important b 1. heavier

6. expensive 5. safe 4. long 3. relaxing 2. easy a 1. fantastic


86 /

/ 87

88 /
that’s my
“Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.”
— Author unknown

General Language Objectives:

 Talk about family, relationships, and age.
Starting Point
 Talk about possession.  Do you have a big family?

 Describe the most interesting person

in your family.

/ 89
1 What Do You Remember?
a Look at the image. Which of Suzy’s family members can you see?



Say It Right b Complete the timeline of age ranges.

He is 30 (years old).

He has 30 years.



0 2 12 yo
20 45 70 years

c Use words from Exercises A and B to describe Suzy’s family.


that’s my mom!




Key Language d Use the phrases in the Key Language Box to complete the sentences.
The first letter is a clue.
Getting together
meet 1. Jake and Lana g m at a church last year.

2. My mother and father m in 1965 at a party.
go out (together) / date
 3. Eve and her husband g d last year.
fall in love It was sad.
 4. His grandparents g e after dating for
get engaged
six months.

get married 5. Martin and Blanche w o from 1990
 until 1995.
(get divorced)
6. I f in love with my partner soon after we met.

90 /
2 Strengthen What You Know
a Complete the Key Language box. Read it aloud.

Key Language: Indicating possession

I’m Johnny. This is book. It’s .

You are Chilean. This is passport. It’s .

Laura has a bag. This is bag. It’s . Say It Right

Leon also has a bag. This is bag. It’s . he’s ≠ his

 He’s (he is) a doctor.
We both have a bedroom. It’s room. It’s .
 His doctor is friendly.
They have a house. It’s house. It’s .

The car belongs to Jacky. It’s Jacky car.

b Match the sentence halves.

1. I like playing a. to their school.

2. She wants to eat b. in your notebook?

3. They are going c. her cake later.

4. Do you write d. our diets. Culture

5. We watch e. with my cat. Small talk: Acceptable

or not?
c Circle the correct words in the description. Who am I?  family
 sports
My / Mine family is very well-known. I have an older brother. He / His
 the weather
got married in 2011 and now lives with his / her wife and our / their

that’s my mom!
 food
children. My grandmother is very important in our country. She met
my / her grandfather in 1934. He’s / His country of birth is Denmark.  hobbies
It’s different from our / ours.  politics
 entertainment
People love talking about my family. They think of us as they / their
own family. Our / Ours family is always in the news, but my / mine
mother raised us to be normal. Her / She was very kind. I miss her.

Who am I? How is my family different from your / yours?

opposites tennis

 Get out your vocabulary ‘racket’ and play some word tennis! Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 91
3 Now You Try
a Map out your family. Fill in names, ages, and other information.


parents uncles aunts

Word Wise
siblings cousins

 2 brothers =

 2 sisters =
nephews and nieces
 2 siblings =

b Do a survey about families. Think of questions to ask about names,

ages, and other information. Then ask and answer.

family important
i asked… name age
member information
my vocabulary
Questions got married
Student X mother Trudy in her fifties
in 1975
Tell me about…
that’s my mom!

Where… c Draw a timeline of an interesting family member. Tell a partner.

 The Life of My

i can use this language…

92 /
4 English In The World


When do you need to make small talk? When might
you talk about families? For example:

 at a business lunch

 on a first date

 on a plane next to a stranger

Think about the topics below. Roleplay your

situation and make small talk about families.

Situation 

My family facts 
 Parents, Garth and Rose, met in 1975

Questions to ask 

that’s my mom!
 How old... ?  When did... ?  Why didn’t... ?  What did... ?

Roleplay your situation with a partner. Exchange as you listen to your partner
as much information as possible. Who can Write down the key points.
continue the conversation the longest?

Extension: Discuss things you have in common.

 Our…  His…

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Talk about family,

relationships, and age.

 Talk about possession.

/ 93
Extra Practice
a Unscramble the letters to make family vocabulary.
1. (c i r g e d h I r n n a d)

2. (c i u s o n)

3. (c l n u e)

4. (p n e w h e)

5. (e i e n c)

6. (r r n s g p d n a t a e)

b Number the events in the typical order that they happen.

a. get married b. fall in love c. get engaged

d. meet e. go out together

c Complete the table.

subject possessive adjective possessive pronoun

I 1 mine

you your yours

he 2 his

she her 3

we our 4

they 5 theirs
that’s my mom!

d Complete the answers with the correct form of the words

in parentheses.

1. “Who has my book ?” “Jenny has (you) book.”

2. “What is your brother’s name?” “ (he) name is Peter.”

3. “Whose car is this?” “It’s (we) car.”

Class Notes

http://eclass.me/1TXTGmX 4. “Is that your house?” “No, it’s (she).”

4. hers 3. our 2. His d 1. your

5. their 4. ours 3. hers 2. his c 1. my

e. 2 d. 1 c. 4 b. 3 b a. 5

6. grandparents 5. niece 4. nephew 3. uncle 2. cousin a 1. grandchildren


94 /

/ 95

96 /
“There are no foreign lands. It is only the traveler
who is foreign.”
— Robert Louis Stevenson

General Language Objectives:

 Discuss plans and activities.
Starting Point
 Talk about daily schedules.  Do you have to travel for your work?

 Do you think it is fun to travel for

work? Why / Why not?

/ 97
1 What Do You Remember?
a Listen to the dialogue. What is Gerald describing?
1. A bad travel experience 2. A new airport 3. Travel preparations

b Label the images 1-6 in the order you heard them in the dialogue.

a b

Culture c d

Traditional transport
 Longtail boat – Thailand
 Dog sleds – Alaska
 Rickshaw – India
 Traghetto (ferry boat) e f
– Venice
 Jeepney (modified jeep)
– Philippines

c Match the phrases with the images from above. Write a-f.

park in the garage drive to the airport

wait in the business lounge pack my suitcase

go to the check-in counter go through security

2 Strengthen What You Know

business travel

a Look at the example sentences on the left of the Key Language box
(1-2). Match them with the descriptions on the right (a-b).

Key Language: Present simple and continuous

1. Ahmat lives in India. a. happening now,
temporary situations
We don’t work on Saturdays.

I like chocolate.
2. Martina is traveling in b. habits, facts,
Peru now. senses, mental states

I am not working this week.

98 /
b Underline the verbs in the sentences. Do the sentences describe
habits or temporary actions? Tick () the correct column.

temporary Culture
1. He calls suppliers every Wednesday. Top countries spending
the most money on
2. She is speaking to her boss right now. business travel
1. United States
3. We are sending the reports to the client.
2. China
4. Alicia often gives presentations. 3. Japan
4. Germany
c Look at the future tenses and sentences on the left of the Key
5. United Kingdom
Language box (1-3). Match them with the descriptions on the
right (a-c).

Key Language: Will

1. I think the conference will a. making requests

be boring. or offers

2. Will you carry the suitcase? b. making predictions

3. I’m hungry. I will buy c. deciding in the moment

a sandwich.
Going to / Present continuous

1. The sky is dark. It’s going to rain. a. plan / decided before (+)

2. I’m not going to visit Tokyo b. We see now what is certain

next week. to happen.

3. We are meeting at the airport c. plan / decided before (-)

at 9 p.m.

business travel
d Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in parentheses.
1. I can’t do this. you (help) me?

2. The bosses (meet) in two weeks’ time.

3. She (not fly) to London tomorrow.

Her ticket is for next week.

4. In my opinion, the sale (be) a success.


 Test your vocabulary. Follow your teacher’s instructions.

/ 99
3 Now You Try
a Identify what activities these people do in their workday. Brainstorm
my vocabulary
other activities and add them to the My Vocabulary box.

1 2 3

4 5 6

b What about you? Think about reality and your dream life. Map
your activities and plans below. Tell a partner about them.

Word Wise
ek This
Idioms with ‘dream’ we


 a dream come true

– a dream that is Reality

now reality
io n

 a pipe dream ns

– an unrealistic dream, Pre

a fantasy
 beyond my wildest
business travel

dreams – a reality that is

ek This
better than a dream we


io n



c Discuss with a partner. What can you do to make your dream

a reality?

i can use this language…

100 /
4 English In The World


When do you need to give instructions to other
people? Think about situations like:

 a product launch  a trip

 an annual meeting  a social event

With a partner, choose an event and think about the

topics below. Then roleplay giving instructions.

Your event 

Program Useful instructions 

 8:30 a.m. - Start, conference room  Please confirm attendance.

  When you arrive, you will…

  There is going to be…

  You won’t need…

 

 

as you listen to your partner

Roleplay asking When will the We are going
Write down the key points.

business travel
for and giving event start? to start at 8:30.

Extension: Ask your partner for feedback (1-7) on your

instructions. Ask about a) quality of information b) good
planning, and c) clear and simple instructions.

with some mostly

now i can Tick  the box help independently
independently my questions

 Discuss plans and


 Talk about daily schedules.

/ 101
Extra Practice
a Circle the correct form of the verb.

1. Quiet please! I am take / am taking a test.

2. Every Sunday he go / goes to see his grandparents.

3. They often write / writes to each other.

4. We isn’t playing / aren’t playing tennis at the moment.

b Circle the correct option: present simple or

present continuous.

1. He leaves / is leaving the house right now.

2. She usually walks / is walking to school.

3. But look! Today she go / is going by bike.

4. Do / Are they always eat / eating lunch at 1 p.m.?

5. I don’t do / am not doing anything at the moment.

6. Is / Does he watch / watching the news regularly?

c Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs

in parentheses.

1. I love that film. It (probably / win) an Oscar.

2. What (you / wear) to the

party tonight?

3. I haven’t decided yet. I think I (find) something.

4. This is my last day here. I (travel)

home tomorrow.

5. My horoscope predicts that I (meet) an old

business travel

friend this week.

6. Look at these big black clouds! It (rain).

7. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be)

dry and sunny.
Class Notes

traveling 5. will meet 6. is going to rain 7. will be

4. am going to travel/am 3. will find 1. will probably win 2. are you going to wear/are you wearing c

6. Does … watch 5. am not doing 4. Do … eat 3. is going 2. walks b 1. is leaving

4. aren’t playing 3. write 2. goes a 1. am taking


102 /

/ 103

104 /

living english:
telephone skills
/ 105
Starting Point
 How often do you speak on the phone with people you
don’t know?

 Is it easier or more difficult to communicate by phone

than by email?

Telephone Speaking Skills: ()

Greet others over the phone and say goodbye.

Identify yourself: This is Ben…

Give reasons for the call.

Ask for information: I’d like to know…

Make comparisons: It’s cheaper than…

Clarify and confirm information.

1 In Context

In this unit you will practice and use the phrases you need when
making a telephone call. First you will listen to Ben phoning
Exclusive Interiors, an interiors store.

a Look at the two adverts. Listen to the call Ben makes to Exclusive
Interiors. Why is he interested in lamps? Which of these lamps
does he want to buy?

04 05

living english: telephone skills

special offer!
from Exclusive Interiors
swirly base lamp (04) slender red lamp (05)
COST: $79.50 COST: $187.00
HEIGHT: 49 cm HEIGHT: 189 cm
WEIGHT: 2.3 kg WEIGHT: 6.4 kg
ENERGY USE: Low ENERGY USE: Medium page 15

106 /
b Listen again. Are the sentences True or False? Read the dialogue
below to check.

1. Ben wants to speak with Lorraine. T / F

2. Ling knows Ben. T / F

3. Many of the lamps that Ben wants are in stock. T / F

ben lorraine

Lorraine: Exclusive Interiors, Lorraine speaking, how may I help you?

Ben: Hello. Can I speak with Ling please?

Lorraine: Who can I say is calling?

Ben: This is Ben Louw.

Lorraine: Please hold while I transfer you. (hold music playing)

Ling: Ling speaking.

Ben: Hi Ling, Ben Louw here. I was in the store last week and we
spoke about some lamps for my new restaurant.

Ling: Oh, hi Ben. Yes, I remember. How can I help you?

Ben: I saw a different lamp on your website that I like. I’d like to know

living english: telephone skills

if the Swirly Base Lamp is in stock.

Ling: How many do you need?

Ben: Hmmm, I need 20.

Ling: If you need 20, I’ll need to call the supplier in Italy to ask. We
only have four here. I’ll call you back to let you know.

Ben: That would be great. Thanks Ling! Talk to you later.

c Compare the two lamps. Why do you think Ben wants the Swirly
Base Lamp? Which do you prefer?

/ 107
2 Step by Step

You will learn the phrases you need to make a phone call to a
store or an office, then listen as Ling calls the suppliers in Italy.

a Check () the phrases for making phone calls that you heard in
Ben’s conversation. Listen again if you need to.

Who can I say is calling?

Lorraine speaking, how may I help you?

Can I speak with…

Can you speak slower, please?

What can I do for you?

Thank you for calling Exclusive Interiors.

b Categorize the phrases in Exercise A into the table. Can you think
of some other phrases that mean the same thing?

Greetings / Goodbyes

Identifying yourself

Stating a reason

Asking for clarification

living english: telephone skills

108 /
c Ling calls Giovanni, the supplier in Italy. Listen to the dialogue.
Write the missing words.


Ling: Hi Giovanni.
from Exclusive Interiors in Toronto.

Giovanni: . Great to hear

from you. What do you need?

Ling: I have a customer that needs 20 Swirly Base Lamps.

that you have them in stock?

Giovanni: Let me check in the system. (pause)

living english: telephone skills

Ling, you’re in luck. We do.

Ling: Great! them for me?

I will send the confirmation order as soon as I have it.

Giovanni: No problem. I’ll wait for that email.

d Read the dialogue with a partner. Then swap roles.

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3 Speaking Out

You are working on an important project for your company and

your boss needs more information. You need to call a colleague
in another country for this information.

a Prepare.
Think about the following details and write key words:

 The person you need to talk to and the reason:

 The exact information you want:

 Other details, like the action to take:

b Act.
With a partner, roleplay making the call. The switch roles. Use Ben
and Ling’s dialogue as a model.
It’s important to identify
c Take notes.
yourself and be clear
about why you are calling. Take some notes about the information you receive about your
item, and the information you give about your partner’s item.
living english: telephone skills

My item My partner’s item

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4 Take Action

It is a good idea to write a confirmation email after a call to a

supplier or a colleague. This helps to confirm that both people
understood the discussion.

a Look at your notes and write an email to confirm with your colleague
Useful Phrases
what you discussed on the phone.
Confirming information
New Message –  x
 I am writing to confirm…
To:  I would like to confirm
what we discussed
last Friday.
 I would just like to
confirm the main points
we discussed.

Send  

b Now “send” your email. Wait for a response. Follow your

teacher’s instructions.

New Message –  x


living english: telephone skills

Send  

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Extra Practice: A Second Look

After Ling confirmed with the supplier in Italy, she sent a

confirmation email to Ben.

a Read the email and underline the mistakes. Then correct

the mistakes.

New Message –  x

To: Ben Smith

Subject: New Lamps

Hi Ben

I’m just confirm our discussion about the lamps. You ask me
how much swirly base lamps we has in stock. I checked with our
supplier and they telled me that at the moment we have twenty.

You still want to them? How many you want? Tell me



Send  

Class Notes
living english: telephone skills


Do you still want them? How many would you like? Can you please let me know as soon as possible?

have in stock. I checked with our supplier and they told me that at the moment they have twenty.
I’m just confirming our discussion about the lamps. You asked me how many swirly base lamps we

Hi Ben

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GUIONES DE AUDIO Recuerda que puedes escuchar los archivos de
audio después de la clase, escaneando el código
QR con tu celular.

unit 11 / Part 1, Exercise A http://eclass.me/1SCFlf7

Dan: Gerald, you travel a lot for work, right? Is it stressful?

Gerald: No, because I have a perfect system. First, I pack only clothes
and documents that I’ll need. I never take unnecessary items.
Then I drive to the airport and park in the long stay parking
garage. Once inside the airport, I don’t go to the check-in
counter, because I always print my boarding pass at the office.

Dan: You’re very organized. And do you feel stressed at the airport?

Gerald: No! I go directly to the security check. There I take off my shoes,
put my electronic devices in trays and show them my boarding pass.
Security only takes 15 minutes. I never carry fruit or liquids because
customs officers always stop people with those things. Finally, I go
to the business lounge and wait for my flight. I love traveling!

Dan: Okay! I’m going to try all that for my Beijing trip.

unit 12 / Part 1, Exercise A and B http://eclass.me/21CxVPd

Lorraine: Exclusive Interiors, Lorraine speaking, how may I help you?

Ben: Hello. Can I speak with Ling please?

Lorraine: Who can I say is calling?

Ben: This is Ben Louw.

Lorraine: Please hold while I transfer you.

Ling: Ling speaking.

Ben: Hi Ling, Ben Louw here. I was in the store last week and we spoke
about some lamps for my new restaurant.

Ling: Oh, hi Ben. Yes, I remember. How can I help you?

Ben: I saw a different lamp on your website that I like. I’d like to know if
the Swirly Base lamp is in stock.

Ling: How many do you need?

Ben: Hmmm, I need 20.

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Ling: If you need 20, I’ll need to call the supplier in Italy to ask. We only
have four here. I’ll call you back to let you know.

Ben: That would be great. Thanks Ling! Talk to you later.

unit 12 / Part 2, Exercise C http://eclass.me/1lfTVih

Ling: Hi Giovanni. Ling here from Exclusive Interiors in Toronto.

Giovanni: Hey there Ling. Great to hear from you. What do you need?

Ling: I have a customer that needs 20 Swirly Base Lamps. Can you
confirm that you have them in stock?

Giovanni: Let me check on my system. Ling, you’re in luck. We do.

Ling: Great! Can you reserve them for me? I will send the confirmation
order as soon as I have it.

Giovanni: No problem. I’ll wait for that email.

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introductions describing people
presentaciones describir personas

 Hi, my name’s…  He’s tall and handsome.

Hola, me llamo... Él es alto y buenmozo.

 I’m from…  She’s young and friendly.

Soy de... Ella es joven y amigable.

 Can I introduce ?  They are always late.

¿Puedo presentarte a ? Ellos siempre llegan atrasados.

 He’s my partner.
Él es mi compañero. making plans
hacer planes

goodbyes  Do you want to meet later?

despedidas ¿Quieres reunirte después?

 Catch you later.  When can you meet?

Nos vemos después. ¿Cuándo nos podemos reunir?

 See you soon.  Where do you want to meet?

Nos vemos luego. ¿Dónde te quieres reunir?

 It was great meeting you.  What time can you be there?

Fue un placer conocerte. ¿A qué hora puedes estar ahí?

asking questions asking for directions

hacer preguntas pedir direcciones

 Are you okay?  Where is the (pharmacy)?

¿Estás bien? ¿Dónde está la (farmacia)?

 Can I help you?  Please show me where…

¿Te puedo ayudar? Muéstrame dónde , por favor.

 Do you need something?  How do I get to ?

¿Necesitas algo? ¿Cómo llego a ?

 Is it far?
asking personal questions ¿Está lejos?
hacer preguntas personales

 Where are you from?

¿De dónde eres?

 What do you do?

¿Qué haces?

 How old are you?

¿Cuántos años tienes?

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giving directions expressing like or dislike
dar direcciones expresar agrado o desagrado

 It’s opposite or across from…  I really like this.

Está al frente a... Realmente me gusta esto.

 Turn left at the corner.  She doesn’t like that at all.

Dobla a la izquierda en la esquina. A ella no le gusta eso en lo absoluto.

 The building on the right.  We like this restaurant.

El edificio a la derecha. Nos gusta este restaurant.

 The store next to…

La tienda al lado de... past time expressions
expresiones temporales de pasado

asking for clarification  Last week

pedir aclaración La semana pasada

 Can you repeat that please?  The day before

¿Puedes repetir eso por favor? El día anterior

 Can you say that more slowly?  The other night

¿Puedes decir eso más lento? La otra noche

 Sorry, I don’t follow you.  Five days ago

Perdón, no te entiendo. Hace cinco días

asking for information writing an email

pedir información escribir un email

 Can you tell me if… ?  Dear Ms. or Mr. ,

¿Me puedes decir si... ? Estimado(a) Sr. o Sra. ,

 Do you know… ?  I’m writing in regards to…

¿Sabes si... ? Escribo con respecto a...

 I’m lost, where is… ?  I look forward to hearing from you.

Estoy perdido, ¿dónde está... ? Espero noticias suyas.

 Yours sincerely,
in a restaurant Atentamente,
en un restaurant

 Can I have the menu please?

¿Me puede pasar la carta por favor?

 I want to order the .

Quiero pedir el .

 Please bring me more .

Tráigame más por favor.

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