Guia para Armar Brand Story
Guia para Armar Brand Story
Guia para Armar Brand Story
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¿Cómo crear un
brand story?
Paso 1: Conoce tu propia historia
● Escribe el mensaje de tu marca. Tener claro el mensaje es fundamental para contar la hisotria.
● Cuando tengas claro quién es tu marca y qué es lo que trata de hacer, puedes comenzar a examinar las
posibles rutas que tomará tu historia.
Paso 2: conceptualmente sencillo
● Esto quiere decir que si no existe un conflicto, no hay drama o viaje emocional, entonces no
hay herramientas suficientes para que la gente pueda identificarse y tu historia pasará
● Las personas suelen relacionarse con el viaje emocional de experimentar la adversidad, luchar
contra ella y superarla.
Paso 4: status quo y resolución
● Una historia convincente tiene otros dos elementos fundamentales: el status quo y la resolución.
● El status quo es la forma en la que están las cosas o la naturaleza inicial de la situación.
● El conflicto interrumpe esa situación y pone algo en juego, obligando al protagonista (la marca) a buscar
activamente una solución al problema.
● La resolución describe cómo el protagonista resuelve el problema, dando a la audiencia una recompensa
● En resumen, la estructura de un brand story debería verse: status quo, conflicto y resolución.
Ejemplo 1
Media is a creative agency that produces original, narrative-driven podcasts for B2B brands. Their mission is to create
refreshing, entertaining shows for clients that can actually retain people’s attention, not just acquire it. Here’s a rundown of
their brand story, which is also fleshed out in one of the founder’s blog posts:
Status Quo: As makers and marketers, we want our audience’s attention, and so for years, we focused our efforts on
acquiring it.
Conflict: But today, thanks to multiple screens, ubiquitous and instantly accessible content, and endless choice in nearly
every competitive niche, the buyer now has total control. They only choose experiences they genuinely enjoy. It is no longer
enough for us to simply acquire our audience's attention.
Resolution: We need to hold it. That is our new mandate as makers and marketers. We need to shift our focus from
impressions and traffic to subscribers and community. Everything we are trying to achieve becomes possible and gets easier
when our audience spends minutes or even hours with us, not seconds. Don't just acquire attention. Hold it.
Fuente Hubspot
Ejemplo 2
● Grado Labs
Grado Labs is a third-generation, family-owned headphone and cartridge company. They don’t believe in advertising, have operated
in the same building for over a century, and even make their headphones by hand. So why do they choose to operate like this when
huge brands like Beats by Dre, Sony, and Bose have celebrity endorsers and mass-produce their headphones? Check out our
interpretation of their brand story to find out.
Status Quo: Music is an essential part of the human experience. Without it, life just isn’t as colorful and exciting. And we believe
quality headphones amplify the pleasant, emotional experience of listening to music.
Conflict: In a market where every headphone brand has an enormous advertising budget, state-of-the-art facilities, and high-tech
machines that can churn out as much product as they want, all of which we don’t have, why do we choose to not conform?
Resolution: Sound comes first. We’re craft-driven creators, meaning we prioritize producing the best product over generating the
most hype. And by creating a better pair of headphones at the expense of publicity and growth, we can serve our customers better
and foster a fervent passion for our product.
Fuente Hubspot
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