Ejemplos de Afirmaciones y Preguntas de Conocimiento
Ejemplos de Afirmaciones y Preguntas de Conocimiento
Ejemplos de Afirmaciones y Preguntas de Conocimiento
*Gonzalez del Riego Collomp, Luis Felipe (2015): Materiales de Teoría del Conocimiento SAPERE AUDE (P.53)
Knowledge claim Possible knowledge issue
Wikipedia says that Bangkok is in Thailand. How can I reason to know whether information
from an internet source is accurate and reliable?
My mother says that she can show me how to When should I believe folk knowledge that has
cook cassava so it is not poisonous. not been scientifically tested?
A force of attraction exists between any two Why should we believe a general scientific law
material objects. when we have not tested every instance?
Modern art is more meaningful than Renaissance What are the criteria we can use to distinguish
representative art. more meaningful art from less meaningful?
My eyes tell me that this stick bends when it goes How can we know when our senses are giving us
into the water. accurate information about the world?
There can be no knowledge without What impact do our emotional states have on our
emotion…until we have felt the force of the gathering of knowledge, and on the knowledge
knowledge, it is not ours. we gather?
Shakespeare tells us that Richard III was cruel, In what ways does literature tell the t ruth: about
ruthless man. historical events, or about the way human beings
People in country x jail homosexuals: people in Does the fact that different societies have
country Y allow them to marry. opposing moral views mean that there is no
absolute moral truth?
Being educated means learning to see through In what ways do common beliefs in a society he lp
the clichés of my society. and hinder us in finding the truth?
My homeopath says the contents of this bottle How reliable are scientific methods when used to
will cure me, but my doctor says they will do test apparently incompatible claims about how
nothing at all. the world works?
The choice of the phrase “all men are created To what extend does the choice of words to
equal” instead of “all humans…” set back express ideas subconsciously alter our
women´s rights 200 years. understanding of them?
I saw a video last night that proves that global What emotional techniques do documentary
warming is a swindle. makers use to shape our judgements about
experts´ claims to knowledge?
*MELVIN, Antonia y SPROD, Tim (2010): Theory of Knowledge: Ed. The International Baccalaureate. (P. 13)