Efebofilia PDF
Efebofilia PDF
Efebofilia PDF
Especialidad Psiquiat
DSM-V 309.2
Aviso médico
Un adulto besando a un
adolescente, pintura
griega en una vasija.
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efebofilia-definicion Definición
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6. Rahman, T. (1988). «Ephebophilia: the
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8. Bernard, F. (1998). Selected
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international bibliography. Rotterdam:
9. Servatius, V. (1960, March 15).
Ephebophilie en wetenschap
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10. Janssen, Diederik F. (2015).
« 'Chronophilia': Entries of Erotic Age
Preference into Descriptive
Psychopathology» . Medical History
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11. Foley, Sharon R.; Arthur, Ken; D. Kelly,
Brendan (2006). «Psychiatric sequelae
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European Psychiatry 21 (3): 211-3.
PMID 16137863 .
doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2005.05.007 .
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Datos: Q595012
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