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Balvave = 44 Gecieion« ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. ‘*avasievaivecom Model schedule illustration Pressure grade code Sealing formation code Design feature code Connecting type code Driving manner code Valve type code Special requirement code © Special requirement code: K—Antisuiphur type D—Low temperature type EX—Pole extending ype M—Ground burying type © Vaive type code: Ball valve © Diiving manner code: 3—Worm whee! and screw trensmission 6—Air driving 7—Hydrodynamie driving S-Air-hydro operated S-£lectviedriving 98»—Explosion electric driving © Connecting type code: tThe interior who joining 2—The other whor| joining 4—The flange joining € To welding joining 7Toinserting joining —_-&The caliper joining © Design feature code:t—Direct toating type 4—Floating iypethvee directinksofModelL_5Foatingtype thee citect inks of ModelT T-Ditect regular type 8—Reguiar ype Model Tihree direct links 9Regular type Model three drectlinks, €@ Sealing formation cade: YHard alloy -F-Strengthen the polyletrafluorosthylene (PTFE) N-Aylon PPL—Counterpoint polypheny! €@ Prascure grade code: The 10 times of the nominal pressure MPa, pound grado practical number © Body materialcode: CAINCB I-WC6, ZG1CrSMo V-WCS, ZG20CrMoY P—CF8, 7G1Cr16NISTi ROOFS, ZG1Gr18Ni12MozTi SHOES L—OFSM FOB NoLcs Note: this code is omitted withthe carbon steel body of PN=2.5Mpa and the pressure class >Class150, Performance specification "Testing pressure al constant temperature (Mpa) icable Pressure acolo Applicable medium Theshell [High-pressue] Low temperature resting seal | pressureseal 150 204 216 os 200 787 5.02 08 pong | 400 402 748 os -29~ 121Cor Naturalgas,tquetied grade ‘upon the user ‘923, coal gas.ol water (Class) 600 15.3, 11.23 08 requirement steam.¢ 900 230 1685 oo 150 | 220 206 08 Page/080About the structure and working principle Floating ball valve 1. Indication of vaive's open and close positions Ball, stem and handle are one assembly unit. The stem head is @ lat—square structure and the valve is easy to be seen either in i with he the opened or closed position from the place the handle is in, When the handle orthe flat-square of the stem head is pa pipeline, the valve is in the fully opened position; while in the fully closed one when vertical to the pipeline. 2. Locker To prevent maloperation of the valve, a hanging lock can be used to lock it when in the fully opened or closed position, whichis very important especially for the valve mounted ouside or not allawed to he opened or clased by the technolagical flow. alt Bow sem Ssoring Boss Boss al Fig. Fig. 2 Figs 4. Stem ly-rasisting structure ‘The stem may be pushed out by the pressure in the middle cavity of the body when the medium goes through the valve. To provent this, afly-rasisting structure Is made on the lower part ofthe s bearing are burnt out in a fre or damaged by other causes, the medium's pressure inside of the body willhave both stem flange and upper sealing face of body tightly contacted so as to prevent a lot of medium trom leaking from the damaged packing place. 4, Electrostatic~proaf device and fire-fighting structure Both electrostatic-proof device (Fig. 2) and fire-fighting structure (Fig. 8) are designed. Once the seat ring is burnt out incase im (Fig. 1) In this way, even ifthe packing andar thrust of fire, the ball would be directly contacted with the metal face of the body so as to prevent a lat of medium from leaking from the burnt place of the seat ring, YOO ‘Thoteismo pressurostate Stale hour oflow prossuro Stato hour of high pressure Fig Fig 5 5. Unique sealing structure of seat ring ‘The dual-line seal (Fig. 4) and the seit-combustible pressure dischargeable seat ring (Fig. 5) designed by way of combining under ahigh or low the years ball valve manutacturing experience and the foreign advanced know-how can ensure the full prossureand a vacuum state. Page/081of ods Fig 6.Fullor reduced diameter The valve flow aperture is identical tothe inner diameter ofthe pipeline (which can be reduced one ifso required by users) for the sake of cleaning (Fig. 6). Fixed ball valve Inthe valve body Stepup.xconnecttne bowdown salve iechargotnovave Fig? Figs 41. Block-up and excretion When the valve isin the closed state (Fig, 7). the seat ring on the upstream and downstream sides cuts off the fluid and the accumulated matters inthe middle cavity of the body can be excratad. The excreting device (Fig. 8) feat =the following functions: Can checkif the seat ring leaks or gets damaged beforshand) 2 Reduce pollution to the valve due to the medium replacement: 3 The packing onthe stem portion canbe replaced when the valveis inthe fully opened or clased etate under the working pressure. Relat valve rr Figs Fig.10 2. Automatic pressure discharge When an abnormal pressure rise oceurs with the medium stayed in the middle cavity of the valve due torsing temperature, the seat ring will come off from the ball and automatically discharge pressure (Fig. 9) or the safely valve mounted on the body ensures the system safety, Page/082 CPR3, Complete seal ‘The unique sealing mode of the ball valve makes the fluid completely cut of 4, Fire-fighting structure the teflon seat ring is made softened and burnt in ease ofa fire or an abnormal temperature rise, the valve can be stil reliably operated to prevent the fire from expanding and the seat ring's support can be contacted with the ball (Fig. 11)to act as an Instantaneous seat, conforming with APIGOT. fa, oe Fig. Fig. 5, Eloctrostatic—proof structure During valve operation, the friction between the ball and the PTFE seat ring will produce electrestatie charges and they will be ‘accumulated onto the ball To prevent electrostatic spark from being produced, an electrostatio~proof device (Fig. 12) is mounted fn the valve, which can guide the charges out through the electric path formed by both ball and body via the spring, Fig.13 Fig.t8 6. Emergent rescue of seal ‘hon the sealing parts of both seat ring (Fig. 13) and stam (Fig. 14) get damaged and thus leaks are caused, an instantaneous ling action can be made available by injecting sealing grease through the grease injecting valve. Fig.15 Fig.16 Page/0837. struct of seating Two kinds: single-seal (Fig. 18) and dual-seal (Fig. 16). In general, hose of an automatic prassure discharge function are single-seal while the dval-seal means the additional safety pressure discharge to the body. Fig.17 For ne seat ring of ne single—seal structure, t depends on, alter being inlaid into the support ring, the spring's pre-tigntening force and the piston effect io have both seat ring and ball pressed tightly so as to form sealing. When an abnormal pressure rise occurs inside of the mide cavity of the body due to some reason, the seat ring will automatically discharge the prassura under the action of pressure differential to prevent any danger from happening, then alter discharging the pressure itis reset automatically Fig. 9). For he dual-seal structure formed with the supports of both dual-seal structured seat ring and O-ring, both seat ring and ball remade contacted under the spring's pre-tightening force and sealed under the pressure uifferantial an the upstream(downstream) side of the pipeline and the middle cavity of he body. Regardless of on which side the megium’s presaure is higher, both spring's pre-tightening force and piston effect make the seal rings on beth upstream and downstream sides always tightly contacted with the ball to completely cut off the fluid and prevent leak even If any one of them gets damaged. However there is no automatic pressure
_ Floating Fully Welded Ball Valve ee a eo ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. \wailiawadduaal Ser F—1 _- Main size of outside Model: (K)Q3(6. 7. 8. 9)4(6)1F(Y. Nx PPL) cuss Nominal Jetangal aha] operas Worm gest worm] Air-operating andFluiddrving| Electric crving in | t {ts | mime] 8 | Bs faodel p ] pr |e | rs | Modes} H | Hs | He | Moder ve] ves | tes | 75 Jeo] - | - | - | 200) 195] 203] 196] acos] - | - J - | - x |1905] 190.5 | 60 | 160) - | - | - | eas} 140] 283] 186] acon} - | - | - | - 1 | ate} ate | 95 | 20] - | - | - | 24s} 180] 200] 18: | acoo] - | - | - | - tu | 178 | 178 | 100} 280) - | - | - | 265] 170] s50] 121] acs] - | - | - | - tye | ear | ear | 08 foo) - | - | - | 265] 170] a5] reais} - | ~~] - sons | 2 | ase} age | 195] 400} - | - | - | 368} 205 | s80] 257 | acta | 500 | 250 | 190 ] 120-1 an | 330 | 250 | 165] 650| - | - | - | 995] 265] 590 | 257 | acts | 520) 370 | 190 Ja120-1 3 | 358 | 356 | 190] ¢s0| 292] 400] @ | 470) 815 | 523] 257 | acts | 545 396 | 190 |ar20-1 4 | 432 492 | 235 | 1050] 398] 600] 8 | 600 395 | s78 | 976 | awr7 | 560 410 | 190 |ar20~1 s | 550] sso | - | - | 400} 800] c | es0| 425 | 978] 978] awi7] - | - | - | - 8 | 660 60 | - | - | 430] 200] © | e80| 485] 520] 500 |awoo] - | - ) - |) - Page/097Fixed Ball Valve ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Main parameter of the products 4 Secielon« www.asia-valve.com ae (asi, (Wasa, (WOE, Kara, (KGB, (Kast (O61. (K)O36". (K)OEI. (K}O76H. (KOBE, (K}O961 Pressuregraserange cis 150-1600 Drift diameter range wo Vandvawa giving | —C=22150-200 ia3400- 900 Giass1600 ze 2 = iow goa worn Ciass 60-900 iasss00 000 Giassi600 Driving manner and a 40" = 40" eae Soopers Class160~ 400 ‘Class600 900 Classt600 and Fad arving poe a za16 cucueawna Clase 50000 Ciass900 Ciassi600 e=40" oe eot8 Nato Our company can provid product at custom osequest Open the moment Pound grado(Class) in 750 300 700 00 2 3 a 7 190 2s 35 120 240 380 3 w 18 350 460 4 12s 280 540 770 5 350 300 740 7050 6 200 950 7260 1880 3 700 7580 7ai0 3280 10 1100 2000 3250 5260 2 1750 3200 Er) 7200 “4 2600 5000 7500 9860 i 3900 7500 70000 14500 18 #200 11600 12400 19600 2 7500 14400 78500 28000 24 10500 13600 23500 42500 2 74500 28000 40500 8000 se 21000 29600 53000 62000 36 28000 70000 57000 75000 40 35000 45000 71000 105000 Page/098ah Seclelon 5 Cast Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve ee ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Technical specification Design reference APL ASME Design standard PID ASME B16:34 ‘ structural | Flanged ends aaa APi6D ASME 816.10 ‘Weldedconnection| Flanged ends ASME B16.5. B16.47 . Buit-welding ends 'ASME 816.25, b Test & inspection PIED API 598 Notes: The sizes of valve connecting lange and butt-welding terminas can be ‘seaigned aecoraing customer's tequremart. Major parts material form x ateral No. ceessoryname — 1_|_Theendeovering 2216-8 2 | Nae 199-87 [Bottom cover 2216-WCB =| Gasket FIFE 1210-2006 5_| Serow ‘104-24 | Purtnavavesten™ RTEAO 7_[ O-Ring NBR a | Gaenat FIFE. 61210-3046 3 [ Body ‘AP16-WOB | Sering neon! x-750 72 | seat ET 13 | Seainarng PIPE 4 [-O'Ring NR 15 | Grease injection valve Package 76a VicesHGr | eoy, ISIC TOAS 39 | Gasker PFE +908 20 -ORing NBR 21 | Packngease A106 22 | Seraw mea 2 | Psckngs AzI6~410 24 | Packing PTFE: Carbon fibre: Soft graphite 25 | Packing giana AZ16-CB 25 | vane Carbon ste 2_| Connactionset ISIC 1045, The maieril of this part about the ati-suiphur ype valve is GBLTCrIENIOANIP) ASTM(ATE2-S046N1.?) “The materia ol thie part about the anti-sulphur type valve ie GRC1Cr1 BN) ASTM(A275~-329) Major pans ofthe-vaive series and materials of sealing surface citer accoraling to ‘actual warting canton andcustomer'® spacial equlrament Page/099Cast Stee! Trunnion Type Ball Valve 48 Secielon. ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. weni-astawvalvecom Main size of outside Model; (K)Q3(6, 7, 8, 9)4(6)7F(Y, N. PPL) proseure| aera |F="2>| lnciding} operated | 2" gear worm] Air-operating and Fluid driving Electric driving i [© |e [Mm | 8 [8 foal P [P| P| Pe [Mooa| A [Hi | Ho] Mode 2 | ive[ ave [1o7[as0] - | - | - | evo] vs] a9 [ter] acos| - | - | - | 2i_|[isos] 21 [v25]ao0] - | - | - [00] 2a0[valzsr[acia| -[-|-|_ - s | 20s | 28s [152[ a0] - | - | [seo] 258] ves [as7) aca] - | - || — 4 | 2] 205 |iveloso| - | - | - [#00] 522 [207 |2erfawial - [-|-| - s | 356 | 61 [s00froso] - | - | - |s55| ses] 2e7[2er|awis| - | - | - | — | 994] 57 [230/080] — | — | = [ees | 287 | 57a | 70 | awt7 | 684 | 397 | 200 [suc-onsroed a | as7 {sa | - [ — [400] 600] & | 0s] 595] 370 [578] awn7 | 600 | 382 | 200 fsuc-os.rve] io [593 550 | - | - [495 [600] © [ea] 620] s7a | 376 | awa7 | 682 | 295 | 200 [suc-oestec v2 | 610 435 | - | - [580] ao0] o | a7s| 726 530 [530 | wzo | 761 | 480 | 260 fswc-as.rae] ‘sob 14 86 | 762 | - | - | 625] 800] C | 1130] 883 | 530] 530 | Aw20 | 771 | 520 | 280 |sMc-oa+H2BC| 16 | 72 a6 | - | - [670] ao0] 0 [ras0| 154] 660 | 660 | awze | a51 | 580 | 260 [swc-cn.rsc] 38 _[ 804 ov | | = [e058 [200] © [1550|1224) e80 | 660 | awzs | 923 | 670 | sos [swo-oo.rsec 20 | ev [ as [ - | - [aa0[ oo] [560] 1294) e80 [exo | awzs | oa | 770 | 508 | scones 24__[ vos7| 1743 | — [= [foo] a0o | ba | 1146 05 | 155| 1456] 61-255] 1123] a60 | sos [suc-ounec 2 | i245[ 1988 [ — | - [1100] ao0| ba [160] 930 [1455] 1455[c1-a85] 27a] 985 | 400 | sc 1oHe8 32 | s72| 1520 | — | — [1160[ 00] 08 [1400] r100|1605] 1005|c2-a00) 1328] 1056] 400 | suc~evnnac 26 | isza[ i727 [ — | - [1200] 800] be [1540] 1180) 1685]1685|c2-000] 1696] 1130) 460 | so~2sHe=c a0__ [a2] 1920 | = | = [1520] 200] 66 [1630] r280|1960| 1950[¢-600) 1925] 1220] a60 | euc—ssneac Noo: The faceto face dimension and connecting lange ofa ciameter reduced valveare per the non-reducing norms: the sizes of bath valve height Page/1004 Secielon» www.asia-valve.com Cast Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Main size of outside Modal: (K)Q3(6, 7, 8, 9)4(6)7F(Y, N, PPL) resnue| Pao Sloe or aeerwen]ai-speratraedFud rng] Beco sng aie [ eat| 241 [res [400] - | - | - [220] 2s0 [vas fasr facie] - [-|- | - 2 | asa 200 [ise [400] - | - | | 200] 205] 207 [2erfamia] - | -|—- | — + [ 20 [306 [ize [oso] — | — | — [+ss [208 [oer [aer [amie] —[—[—[ © | aos | «08 [seo [resol — | — | — [20s] seo [are [are | | se | er | 200 [ove canena 6 [soz] se | - | - [100] 600] & [505] 690] 376 [576 | awi7| 600 | a8 | 200 [owe-onneac 0 | see [ sso | - | = [+es[e00| = [706 700| soo | 500 | awe0 652 [485 | 200 [eon soo [12 | 648] 95 | — | ~ [560] e00] © [945] 720] 50 | 50] aweo] 701 | 40 | 200 fvc-ow nc 1a [ ree [762 [— [— [eae] soo] [005 [aes [ee0 [ooo | azn | 7 [20 | 280 sve cosas we | -a20 | 36 | - | - [ero] 200] © [r2e0| 075 [680 |6e0| awes ea: [580 200 fve-omnesc 18 era ve | - | = [298] 200] 0 [1480| 1060] 560 | 600 | awes | e2: [670 | a5 fve-oonesc aa | tiaa] 1148 | — | ~ [oso] 00] oe [ree] seo ra85|ra5efor-2e 129] 280 [ 305 | ave-osmo 28 | te4e| 1248 | — | ~ [1100 200] 0c [1400200 |1665| 16650246 tte) 945 | 200 |ave-onnano ca_| 1824[ 1824 | — | — [180] 800] oc [17so|1180[1665[1665|c2 aor 125] 08s #00 [esa 36 _[rraz| 1727 | — | — [1280] so0| 00 [1s4o|1120|1960[1260f05-eo rae 1130) +60 [eevee 20 eoaal 2088 | — | — [220] 600] oo |1600|1290|1990|1260)c0-eod 125] 240) 480 | swe-aens Note: Thafacetotace dimension and connecting lange of camater reduced valve ave per the non-reducing norms: the szas ofboth valve height Page/101Cast Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve as Sedelon.« ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. wane asta valve com Mo A Main size of outside Model: (K)Q3(6, 7, 8, 9)4(6)7F(Y, N. PPL) eau ret Pace ce worm gearworn|Aic-operaling and Fliddving| Electric ving = fo pe [pels | & pele [epee [wee ) [| [wor 2 | 292| 202 [ro] eso] - | - | - |270] 210] 150] 257] ais] - | -|- | - zu | sso] sao [vsfoso) -|-|-|-1-1-}-1-1-1-1-1. a | ase see [200] eso] - | - | - [seo] eos] eer] aer [anna] - | - | - | _- a_| #2| «2 | - | = [ess] coo] © [cao] eo] 207] 207 |awra] - | - | - |= @ | 589 559 | - | - [200] e00] o [790] s20| eve] a7e | ant | e00| see | 200 [ame-oenac @ | e20| 00 | - | - [27s] e00] © | eno] se] 600] sa0| awa [ese | 200 | 200 fawo-onraad 10 | zer| rar | - | - [48] 000] 0 |r01s| 770] #20 500] aw2o] 61] s20| 200 fonc-oosraac 12 | 06| a8 | - | — [sis] 000] 0 [+120] 210] e80] 00] awze]| 771| 604 | 200 fowc-oowraed soos | 14 | 88 ea8 | - | - [550] 000 | 00 [1225] 1005] 45] 1445(0r-aee| 061 | 692 | 200 |swo-on90 ve] oer | oor | = [= [ers] 00] 0m [rare] s155] 1445] afore] oar | o70 | 205 ano-onnaao | rove] 002 | - | — | 750] 00] 08] - | - | - | - | - [ea] 770| 208 [swc-meac 20_| 1194] +198 | — | — | #10] 200 00 |ra0o| 10] 100 e05|c2-a0o| 1129) eso | os | suc-snwac 2a_| raor] r207 | = | = [tose] 000 | 00 |r6rs| 19s] 16s] re65|o2—100] 1219] 248 | 400 | suo-anwac ze | 1849] 1540 | — | = | 1100] 000 | on [1700] a0] 90) r060|o3-e0o| 1828] 1086] 400 | suo-anra se_| 77a] irre | - | — [reso] aco] on | - | - | - | - | —_ |ras0) 1195] 600 | swo-srac 36 | z00a] 2083 | - | = |vove|eo0] on] = | = [= [= | — _[ress|s170[ coo | suc-ssrnan 40 | 2307] 2307 | - | - [reo] 600] [ - | - | - | - | —_ |1060| 1286) 600 [suc-svrac ‘Nola The faca1e face dimension and connecting flange of @ diameter reduced valve a andactuator are reduced by one norm size per the non-reducing norms; the sizas ofboth valva height Page/1024 Secielon» www.asia-valve.com Cast Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Main size of outside Model: (K)Q3(6, 7, 8, 9)4(6)7F(Y, N PPL) reac em [Pace Sit) er wom gsarworn|Al-opeaingardFliivng] coring mL be [@ [ee peel De [em [wean a pw [om | eae 2 | see | ace [220 [eso] - | - | - [seo] 20s] 2er]eer]ami7] - | -]- | - zu | ao| ae [2ofeo]-[-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 2 | eet] ver [2e0feso] - | - | - |va0|seo|are]are[ami7] -[-]- | - «| #7| 47 | — | — [200] 00] & [24s] 205500] 500] awzo | coo | ane | 200 [ovc-nesniec| 6 | ero] ovo | - | - [265] 800] © |ro15| 70] 0 | 590] aweo] 761 | 520 | 280 fsuc-conieoe @ | vr| 7 | - | - | 25] 00] © [rv20| eis] o00 | 600 | awe | 77 [50 200 [ovc-eormc| 10 | a6] ass | — | — [505] 200] 0 [1205 rons] 1445| 1245] awzs | a1 | 6s | 280 |suc-osnaoo soos [a2 | 005 | 6s | — | — [sre] s00] © |seva| sree] sa |r2as]or-as| oer | ro | aos [sucesso 14 [1020] 1020 | — | — [ere | 200] pa [140012101086 1005|c1—sss]o4a | 770] aos [auc-roisee 16 _| s700] 1100 | - | - |76s[ 200] be [1616 19961005] 1605|co-0o| 129] eso | 20s |auc-soneso te r2r9f 1219 | - | — [070] e00] oe | 17601410 1060|1900,c2-o] 210] 4s | <00 |suc-aoneeo 20 | v32i] 321 | — | — | e08| 200 | 00 [1700] +470] r000]s0eoloz—aoo] 19201050] 00 | auc—ssnre0 24 | x549] 1549 | — | — | 60] 200] on |1700|1410| 000] r06oos-eno] 14581185] 600 [sucmtnnre0 26 | s7e0| 1700 | — | — [rer] e00] on] - | - | - | — | |te04|1100) 600 |sucmssrrec ve | e060] 1780 1200] tooo] 0» | - | - | = | - [| - [r0%e|r260|eo0 Note Thafaceto ace dimension and connecting lange of dlamoter reduced valve are per the non—reduc Page/103, ing norm, the sizas of bath valvehelghtCast Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve as Sedelon.« ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. wane asta valve com A Main size of outside Model: (K)09(6, 7. 8, 8)4(6)7F(Ys Ne PPL) roan) rit rare Si) tart, |uorngearworn|ar-oerng andar] Goce cing io [fe [ww [8 | & food er] P| m [wool w | me me | woo zn | a10| «10 [20s [eso] eas] 00] « |700|s20] sre] sre]awi7] -|-|-| - s_ | 470| 470 [280] 650| 260] 600] & [eas] 20s] s20| 530] awr7 | es8 | 280 | 200 [omc-on rac a | ss | = | — [00] c00] © frois| 770] 6s0| 500] az | 705 | s20 | 200 [ouc-onrnec | 705] 70s | - | — |s65| 000 | © [rio] 515] 0] 80 | az | 775 | 508 | 20 fomc-oowc “00h a 32] 32 | - | = | 475] 800) D | 1125) 1005/1445} 1445 Aw2e | 835 | 635 | 280 |smc-o0+HsBC) 10 | 901] oot | - | — [580] 800] © |1s75|1185]1445]raas{or-aee ea | 670 | 305 |suc-one8c v2} 1130] 1190 | — | — | 700] 600 a [1400] 1270] 1009] rees[or-aee] exe | 770 [505 | auc-onac| 76} 1364] 1360 | — | — | 28] 000] 0c |1760]1470]1 200] recoloz-4aq 1220] oxs | 400 |swo-s.reo0 Pago/10428 Geclelon). — Fersed Steet Trunnion Type Ball Valve Wnwasiaralvecom ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Technical specification Design ference >I ASME Design standara apie | ASMEEt6s4 Flanged ends Sruturl apieo | asmesie.10 Weledconneston Flanged ends ASMEBTE.E, 81647 Burt_welding ends ASME B18.25 Test& inspection A180 701808 seagead asec tocantone coca ren Major parts material form iio PeSESERACTO om ASTM Swing Tncnel 780 es Tits “O-Ring 1am So8 105-87 Gestel FYFE Grothe utravave stem” A270-410 ask FIFE Gap Baton cover ADs Voreboarand Ais Cooke OTFEA Graphite "oR 1am ear AIO5eCr Sip bani FE Sin Aar6-410 Gears Pace ast PrrEsa08 Packing case ro ressanaconer Ai08 ey ABT 85 Comasion se AIC 148 re ran The materialof tis part about he anti-sulphur type vaivels GBIICrIBNIN.P) ASTM|A182-3040NiP) ‘Tha material ofthis part about the at\-sulphur type valves GECICrI ANID) Major parts of the valve series and matotiaiso sealing surface ifr accoraing to actual working condition and euslomar's special requirement Page/105Forged Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve as Sedelon ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. wonicastavalvecom Main size of outside Model: (K)Q3(6, 7, 8, 9)4(6)7F(Y, N. PPL) reas] Ae, [Pars] tant, |wornseurworAt-opurana and Fula] Bcc evng oo |e [om [me | 8 | om foil © [mr | me | ms [wooo] [me | me [Mower 2 | ave] evo | 120] 200] - | - | - Jer] 174] o |r] acco] - | -|- | - en [r90s] eet [ves [aoo] — | - | - [een ]eee | sea] es7[acra] - [| -) | 208 200 [105] 00] - | - | - [200] 20] we] sr|acis| - | -|-|__- a | zea [20s [200] 00] — [- [= | aso] sea] er [zer [amr - | [|= 5 | ase] a1 [220] 750] - | - | - [968] 295] 207] 207[awna] - | - | - | __- @ [so | 457 [ees |rs0] — | - | = [ero | 457] ora] ar] awe [800] 242 | 200 [no-one | ar] sa | - | - [eo] 600] @ [770] 00] eve] 270 | awr7| 710] 292 200 ano-osrvac 10 [ssa | 56 = [= | 20s] 6008 [ses [ers] ara] ave] awi7 | 748 [527 [200 lowc-onsrned tz} ero] eas | - | - [+18] 000] © | 200] exe] 20] 500] awzo] ess | s70| 200 fowc-so9naed eae 14 686 | 762 | - | - | 450/800] ¢ | 935] 391 | 530] 530 | Awz2o | 860 | 608 | 280 |sMC-oa+t28C) we | 762 98 | - | — [205] 800] 0 [1120] e16 | e80] 10] aw2s | oc | 708 | 200 suc-oosrae0 ie) 864 [ eva | = | = | 5] 000] © [788] e56 | 80 | 600] awzn i000] 748 [505 |owc=aneraed 20_| a¢| 1 | — | - [585| 800] 0 1200] aoe | eso | e80 | awze | 008 | 700 0s [suc-o.nvac Ba | sear] r448 | [= | 668 [000 | ba |r as] 076 [1465145661 -26e| 1148] wos | 05 | suo-o.rnoo 2e_| seas] raae | — | — [725] 800] a [oreo] aco 455 455[01-385|1208]a60 | 400 | suc-.reac ae | sare] sea | = [= | 225 [600 | 0a | a0 00] 06) r065|o2-100| 1945] 000 400 | so-enwan 2e_| 1824] 1727 | - | - [000] 600] oa |reio|1s0| 16 6502-400] 1670] 1100] aco | suo-a.neac 20 | s7eif v220 | = [= | 088| 200 | 06 [1670] eso] 960] s960|o3-6oo| 1208] 210] 460 | so-srwac Noe-The face to face dimension and connecting flange of a elameter reduced valve are per the non-reducing norms; the sizes ofboth valve height ang actuator are reduced oy one norm 828, Pago/106as Seclelon 5 Forged Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve wate asta walve.cor ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Main size of outside Model: (K)QS(6, 7. 8, 9)4(6)7F(¥s Nu PPL) ror i rare Sat.) Hert, Jer ea wor)a-ooeratngandridaring] cacic ding mL pe |] [6 [e pool ele [em [me apm |e | owe Zia | 2a] 2a [i800] — | — | — [200] 200] a |aerfacral |] |= 3 | axa] 288 | 195] 400] - | - | - | 200] seo] 2sr|esr[awis] - 1-1 - | - a fees [soe [ees | ze0] = [= [= [20] aes |[2e7 [eer [awa] = | Doe @ | 20s aos [ess] 00] — | — | — | oss] | are [sre | awr7 | se0 | sas | 200 fne-ounaad| To [sea ssa | = | = | ass] ooo] w [775 500) 520 [520] awzo] ras] 60 | 200 [ancmonmed v2 | sae] 63s | — | — [415] 800] © [515] 570] 520 500 | awz0| ass | 57 | 200 [suc-conaed soaks 14 762| 762 | - | - | 450] 800} C | 915} 610] 680 | 660 | Aw28 | 860 | 610 | 280 |sMC-os+ti25C] ve | ze] exe | - | - [515] 800] © [1015] 710] 620 | 80 | awzn| aso] 710 | 200 [sue-conaec| ie [eva] ei | =) = [ses] 00] © [1180] 750 [ceo | a0 [ora] 000] 760 | a8 [scone 20 | 991] 861 | — | ~ [585 | 900] Da [1190] 790 1a85]1455]01-ane| 65 | 790] 205 | succor Za [ves] 748 | =| = | es [200 | oe [seo] ero | ass|ase|o2-sed| 145] 670 [sos | suomooraac 26 | r346) 1346 | - | ~ | 725 [800] 0c |1410} a60 | 105] 1685fo2-4o0] 1235] 260 | 200 | sco newc 2_| 1524] 1524 | — | — [006 |600| 0c |1s20]1070] 1695 1656]02-4e) 14s] 070] a60 | swo-2n680 {0 | 208s] 2060 | — | = [1088] a00| 0p [1260280] so] 1980]o3-e00| 19251240 we0 | suc-ssranc Page/107Forged Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve as Sedelon.« ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. wane asta valve com Main size of outside Model; (K)Q3(6, 7, 8, 9)4(6)7F(Y, N, PPL) eau art Pace ce worm gearworn|Aic-operaling and Fluiddving| Electric ving mf be [pels | & pele [epee [wee | a [| [wor 2 | 292| 202 [ro] eso] - | - | - |270] 210] 150] 257] ais} - | -|- | - zn | sso] sao [rsfoso] -|-|-|-1-1-}-1-1-1-1-1. a | ase see [ro] oso] - | - | - [seo] es] eer] aer fama] - | - | - | _- a_| #2] «2 | - | = [es] 00] © | cao] eo] 207] 207 [awra] - | - | - |= @ | 589 560 | - | - [210600] © [700] s20| eve] o7e | ant | 520 | 310] 200 [ame-oanac @ | e20[ 20 | - | - | 205] 000] © | exo] ss] soo] sa0| awzo | sas | 20s [ 200 fawo-oonraad 10 | ze7| rar | - | - [41s] 000] 0 |r0is| 770] s20| 500] awao] ess | «15 | 2eo fowc-oosraac 12} 06 | eae | - | — [27s] 000] 0 [+120] 210] e80] eso] awzs] ess | «75 | 200 louc-oowraed soars [14 | 00 008 | - | - [505] 000 | 01 [12251005] 5] 1445(0r-aee 0 | 505 | 280 |swo-on90 16] oer | or | = [= | ses] 00m [19751155] 4a5]aas[or-ae] 705 | 505 [205 ano-onnaao 18 | rove] 002 | - | - [ao] soo] oa] - | - | - | - | - [eto] e40| 20s [swc-tmeac 20 | 1194] v108 | — | — | 75 200] 00 |1a00| 10] 00 re05|c2-a00) 050 [ers | os | suc-snwac 2a_| reor| 1207 | = | = [760] 000 | 00 |r6i5| 19s] 108] r265|c2—100] 1040] 768 | 400 | suo-aneac ze | 1849] 1520 | = | = | #20] 000] on [1700] 410) 960) ro60|o3-ooo| 1258] een | 20 | uo-anra se_| 17a] are] - | - [ors] aco] on] - | - | - | - | —_ |ra7s) 150] e00 |swo-sirac a6 | 200a] 208 | - | = [00[eo0] on] - | = [= | = | - |r2%0] 200 [coo [suc-armon 40 | 2x07] 2307 | - | - [rars|e00] om» [ - | - | - | - | —_ |1818|1216| 600 [euc-arac ‘Note:The facto face dimension and connacting flange of ameter reduced valve are pr the non-reducing norms; tha sizes of ath valveheight Page/108ah Sedelon 5 Forged Steel Trunnion Type Ball Valve ee a eo ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Main size of outside Model; (K)Q3(6, 7, 8, 9)4(6)7F(Y, N, PPL) reac aM [Puce St, er, |womgsarworn|Al-opeaingardFuddivig] Eco arivng mL pe [pe [ee feel Le [em [con a pe |e | eae 2 | see] ace [sso [aso] - | - | - [seo|20s|zer]eer]ami7] - | -]- | - zu | ao| a0 [wsfeo]-|-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 —- 3 | set] ser [220] reo] - | - | - [reo] seo] sre] are]ami7] -|-]- | - «| ar] a7 | — | — [er] 0] © [ens 20s] s20] s20| azo] a20 [270 | 200 favc-oe-mrec «| e1o| evo | - | - [285] 200] © |rois} 770] seo] seo] anzo [ees | 200 fsuc-conrnc @ | var| v7 | - | - [ess] 00] © |rr20|e15]/e80] 0] ance | ers | «05 | 200 fovc-conaec 10 | 208] 226 | - | - [520] 00] © [12051005] 1445| 1245] awze|a20 | s20| 200 |auo-ovnaso avin [1] 288] 985 | — | = [eo] 200] 0 [rara|inee|raas| aaefor-see] ovo [e00 [305 | avc-o.neeo 14 | 1020] 1020 | - | — [205 | 00] 0 {140012101005 r005]c1-
~ina] ia | 519 [nae=af ise | are | Page/116 ENT Curisas Seclelon > ASME Steel Pipe Flanges wate asia valves com ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Class300 RF = i a a oo eacoren | SR nes |omm | in | mm | in | mm | in | omm | in | mm | in | mm | in [Mmeieps) fing J ou | | Ca oS | TE | | Ta |T SS | | Sa es | |S SS a Se | TS 20 | 775 | s050 | 86 | 270 | sea | 250 | 24-35 [oa-asa) e4 | 250 | mas | 11 | 205 | 220 2a [ars | s60 | ats | 320 | 092 | aras | 24-1 foa-re2] 70 | 275 [sexs] 112 | 200 | 255 26 | o72 | 9025 | e7as | saso | 749 | 2050 | 28-45 [as-176| 79 | a2 [waaxs] 15% | 200 | 285 26 [1035 | 4075 | a4 | 700 | co | siso | 24-45 25-175] 06 | asa [waexa] 150 | 275 | 300 30 | 102 | 430 | 097 | 025 | 57 | 3075 | 28-40 [2s-1a8| e2 | sea [wasxa] 19% | 200 | a20 s_| it40 | 45.25 | 10501] aso | or | 600 [ 28-51 [2s-200] 99 | sas [wasxs] 17 | si | 340 34_| 1207 | 4750 | 1105 | «aso | 265 | s600 | s2-51 |s2-2.00] 102 | 400 [wasxa] 17m | a5 | 345 36 | 1270 | s000 | 11684] 4800 | 1022 | 4025 | 52-54 |sa-2t2] 105 | 412 [sexs] 2 | 300 | 360 36_[ 1168 | 4600 | 10022 | asco | 1020 | 4050 | s2-a1 |so-162] 108 | 425 [waoxs| 11 | a0 | — 40 | 1238 | aa75 | 1156 | asso | 1096 | 4275 | s2-45 |s2-175| 114 | aso [waexs] 15 | 300 | - 42_| 1280 | so7s | 1207 | a7so | i137 | 447s | 52-45 [52-175] 119 | 409 [waaxs| 15 | 300 | — 4¢_[_ 1353 | sas | 1264 | aa7s [ 1194 [4700 | s2-46 [52-188] 124 | aaa [wasxa] 13a | ass | — a6 [ tare | 55.75 | 1321 | seco | 1245 | 4900 | 28-51 [25-200] 129 | 5.06 [waexs| 176 | 70 | — as | sasr | 57.75 | 1372 | saco | 102 | stas | s2-st |s2-200] 135 | 525 [nasxs] 17% | seo | — s0_| 1550 | 6025 | taza | seas | 1359 | 5350 | s2-s5 |s2-212) 140 | sso [wsexa| 2 | 400 | — se 1501 | 62.25 | 140 | sa25 | aro | 5550 | s2-55 [s2-212| 145 | seo [wsexa] 2 | a0 | - sa_| 1957 | e525 | 1519 | t0o | wer | 5775 | 28-60 [ona] 152 | eco [wsexs| aia | a5 | — s6_| 1708 | 67.25 | 1600 | 6300 | 1518 | 5075 | 28-60 25-230] 154 | 6.05 [wsexa] 21a | a0 | - s6_| 1750 | e025 | t651 | e500 | 1575 | 6200 | s2-60 |s2-2s8) 150 | 625 [wsexs| 2a | 450 | — eo | taro | 7125 | 1702 | e7co | 1626 | seco | 32-60 |so-2sa] tea | aaa [sexs] 2a | aco | - Page/117ASME Steel Pipe Flanges = J. Gear ia/ar) ZHEJIANG SEDELON VALVE CO.,LTD. Wwww.asia-valve.com Class300 RF aaa o x a TL © Bot diameter | aR Sas nes [mm [io [oom [im [mm] im | mm | im | mm | im | mm | om [MOE ve | 95 | sis | oor | 202] os | ioe [ate 4082) 1 | ose | wre | i [ 7 | 75 aa [10 [ame [a5 [a2 | | ie | ei [ears] te | om | wis | se | a | 9 1 | 15 [40a [ seo [aso [ si | 20 [ato [aors) 1 | 06a | wie | se | a | a te | 195 [525 [ a84 [ses | o | 260 [ato [sors] 21 | ost | mis | se | 06 | 95 we [ 155 | o12 | vias | 450 | 73 | 200 | 4-22 [soas| a | ove | mao | ow | 10 | 110 2 | 165 [eso | tr | 50 | oe | see [e190 [e075] 26 | 100 | me | se | 10 | 110 zie | io | 750 [woz] ses | wos | ar | 22 [aos] 2 | 112 | mao | a | 120 | 120 3 | a0 | eas [ies | eee | ia | so | eee [eos] 2 | ia | wo] aa | ms | vs 4 [2 | 1075 | aso | eso | sr | 510 | 226 [e100] se | 150 | wea | mm | tas | tas & | a0 | v0 | mer [tos | 18 | rai | acolo) © | im | wer] 1 | vo | 108 6 [ass [sao [aes [rs [ave [aso | 220fioina] ew | ia | wer | 1 | 10 | 170 8 | 20 | 1850 | wo2 | 1375 | 270 | toe | rae [r2-125] 8 | ero | mao | tvs | 190 | 190 io [so [ 200 | asia] tro [sas [vars | v6-05 [tera] oa | 250 | mas | 14 [ 215 | as 12 | se0 [ 220 | 489 | 1925] set | 150 | 20-95 20-196] 7 | 262 | waa | 10a | 220 | 220 14 [eos [2375 | sar | 2075 | 413 | 16.25 | 20-99 [20-150] 70 | 275 [maexs] 19 | 205 | 205 16 [ess [ 270 | e032 | 2375 | 470 | tao | 20-42 [20-162] 77 | 300 [maaxa| 112 | 255 | 255 ie | ras [20.25 | o54 | 2575 | 533 | 210 | 20-45 (20-175) 93 | 325 [maaxs] 15% | a7 | 275 20 | ats | s20 | 7239 | 2aso| sea | 230 | 24-45 [oa175| 60 | 350 |wazxs| 15% | 205 | 290 24 | a0 | sro | a2 | 350 | 692 | 272s | 24st [2a-2c0| toe | 400 |wasxs] 17 | sa [395 26 i016 | 4000 | e144 | s60 | 749 | 2050 | 28-51 [26-200] tos | 425 [waexs| 17% | 350 | 60 26 [1073 | 4225 | e652 | 360 | 00 | siso | 26-55 |2e-212| 111 | 436 [wsexa] 2 | soo | 380 30 | 1190 | 440 | 10224] 4025 | 57 | sa7s | 26-85 [20-212] 114 | 450 [weaxs| 2 | 70 | 905 se_[ 1198 [ 4700 | tores 4250 | 14 | 3600 | 28-60 [25-298] 117 | 462 [wsexs] ava | sao | 400 34_[ 1245 | 4900 | 11503] 4450 | 965 | 3000 | 26-60 [26-298] 121 | 475 [Msexal 2va | son | 410 6 [ iste | si7s | roa | 4700 | 022 | 4025 | 28-47 [25-262] 124 | 4e8 [Meaxs] 2ve | aio | 430 36_[ 1270 | sooo | 162 | 4575 | s05¢ | 4150 | 28-60 [25-250] 152 | 600 [wsexs| ava | aso | — 40 ser | sa00 | ris | azrs [ init | ass | a2-0 |s2-295| 159 | 625 [wsexs] ave [ aos | - 42_| sos | 5525 | 2as | soso | ites | 4800 | 28-67 |26-262| tes | 662 [means] ave | soo | — a¢_[ ase | 57.25 | 13395] s2so | 1226 | 4025 | s2-67 |s0-262| 173 | 661 [weaxs] 212 | eo | - a6 1511 | saso | 301 | 5475 | 1276 | sozs | s2-67 |s2-262| 179 | 7.06 [weaxs| 212 | sao | - ae 1594 | 6275 | 60s] s7s0 | 1534 | 5250 | a2-75 [52-288] tao | 74a [rows] 2aie | 555 | — 50_| 1670 | e575 | 1524 | 6000 | i364 | 5450 | 26-60 [6-312] ter | 775 [wrexs| 3 | sao | - se ser | 6775 | 1575 | 200 | 1435 | 5650 | 22-80 |s 20s | 200 [wvexs| 3 | sos | — arr | 7000 | 1632 | 6425 | tase | sas | 52-60 [2-312] 210 | 825 [wrexs| 3 | ot | — as4 | 7300 | 1695 | 6675 | 1543 | 6075 | 32-06 [32-338] 217 | ase [Meexs| ave | ass | 1905 | 7500 | 1746 | 6375 | 1600 | 63.00 | 52-86 [52-355] 222 | 375 [meaxs| sia | eas | — slela|z goa | 7050 | raze [ 7175 | ves7 | 225 | 2a-ca|za-aea| 2x3 | 9.10 [maoxa] ave | cao | - Page/118 ENT CurisAPPENDE Seat Temperature Ratings eee ee eee ee severenauae en | ose | ee ‘Neat mata re capable of wihstancing lower empties wihout damage, Howeve, he elassiomer bacomes ha ca torques ncresse ome fow mais may futher esr the pulsed temperature sandr significantly recuce ses Paso nte ar vavo pressure ing willbe dered wath High Tap. Vion soa! at emporatses oar han 278°. Page/119
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Dinámica de Rotación
Aún no hay calificaciones
Esfuerzo A Compresión
9 páginas
Esfuerzo A Compresión
Aún no hay calificaciones
Packer (Empacaduras)
15 páginas
Packer (Empacaduras)
Aún no hay calificaciones
7x4 75x4 26-32 Envelope
2 páginas
7x4 75x4 26-32 Envelope
Aún no hay calificaciones
Extrusión RAM
6 páginas
Extrusión RAM
Aún no hay calificaciones
12 páginas
Aún no hay calificaciones
Cómo Hacer La Rosca Acme
5 páginas
Cómo Hacer La Rosca Acme
Aún no hay calificaciones
Motor de Dos Tiempos
7 páginas
Motor de Dos Tiempos
Aún no hay calificaciones
Tabla de Aceros AISI - SAE
11 páginas
Tabla de Aceros AISI - SAE
100% (1)