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El Arte Pop

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Emerge en los años 50 en Inglaterra y en los años 60 en Estados Unidos, se trata de un arte no
académico pero simple, comercial y accesible. No solo en el ámbito de la pintura sino a nivel de la
literatura, música, teatro, películas y demás medios de expresión. El arte Pop era llamado “Arte
para todos”.
Los creadores del arte pop americano eran más pragmáticos y se inspiraron en la publicidad; en
Inglaterra sin embargo predominó la representación de los símbolos de la producción y del
consumo de masas. En general ambos buscaron dar forma a un arte que fuera tan vital y diverso
como la vida contemporánea después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
La metodología del Arte Pop es tomar imagines reconocibles del mundo cotidiano, recrearlas y
reproducirlas de forma escandalosa, de modo que, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Mao Tse Tung,
Superman o Batman, dibujos animados y comics resultaban tan “culturales” y dignos de atención
para la época.
Los artistas pop ironizaban y reían del entorno hostil y opreso en los que se encontraban. Era un
movimiento cargado de humor y guiños cómplices hacia el espectador, quizá era un modo
diferente de hacer crítica; ya que no pretendía ser un arte intelectual.
Los objetos de consumo masivo, como las comidas y bebidas eran tomados como temática común
y consideradas obras de arte, un tributo de admiración a los avances tecnológicos e industriales
que no tenía nada que ver con los temas políticos.

All American Men of War, una popular serie publicada por DC Comics entre 1956 y 1966.
Emerging in the 1950s in England and in the 1960s in the United States, it is a non-
academic but simple, commercial and accessible art. Not only in the field of painting but
also in literature, music, theatre, films and other means of expression. Pop art was called
"Art for Everyone".
The creators of American pop art were more pragmatic and inspired by advertising; in
England, however, the predominant element was the representation of the production and
consumption of the masses. In general, both tried to make an art that was as vital and
diverse as contemporary life after World War II.
The methodology of Pop Art is to take recognizable images of the everyday world, recreate
them and reproduce them in a scandalous way, so that, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Mao
Tse Tung, Superman or Batman, cartoons and comics were so "cultural" and worthy of
attention for those years.
Pop artists ironically laughed at the hostile and oppressive environment. It was a movement
full of humor and complicit winks towards the viewer, perhaps it was a different way of doing
criticism; because they didn't want to be an intellectual art.
Objects of mass consumption, such as food and drink, were taken as common themes and
considered works of art, like a tribute of admiration to technological and industrial advances
which didn’t have anything to do with political topic.

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